Fall from Heaven - RPLOG

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Everyone who answered the call to join the excursion is briskly ushered into the meeting area and encouraged to pay attention to a man in a simple black suit with shades. Were it not for the tufted leonine tail that swishes behind him, he'd easily be mistakeable for human. "Everyone please be quiet for the debriefing." he states, his tone flat and emotionless. In the middle of the meeting table, there is a smooth, glossy table of varnished 'wood' upon which a film projector sits. It's aimed at a projection screen toward the back - looks like you're in for a slideshow, if you keep your eyes front. "Save all questions for the end of the show." he encourages all of you, as two more men in equally nondescript suits close - but do not lock - the doors behind you all.

Anbessa pads into the room with his red and black striped paws in his pockets, stretching his arms casually as he looks to the man in the suit. He nods, quietly just taking a spot near a wall as he stares around the room casually, his silvery eyes glancing to each person that comes into the room after him. He looks casual honestly, if you diden't count the large Claymore sword resting on his back.

Onris takes the closest seat sipping off hir thermos as shi wonders what shi got herself into.

A lithe Nekomata takes her seat at the meeting table, curious what this mission will be like. She's been in danger before, but with all the armor she's wearing, none of the scars are visible. Her white coloration may seem out of the ordinary, though she's more focused on the projector. Solixis quickly reviews the summons she answered before returning her attention to the leonine-tailed man.

Malikai makes his way in, behind the first small group of incoming agents, shifting his rather large frame through the doorway, and ducking down. A quick glance of the room is given, a short "Hrrgh..." rumbling out of his throat while he locates a comfortable seat to flop into, lounging back and raking his claws across the underside of his neck. The other hand casually shifts the laser pistol out of his pocket, idly examining the weapon with one eye, while the other remains fixated on the projection screen. He didn't seem to be paying all that much attention to anyone else entering the area, not even so much as a glance to the ones he'd followed in.

Taking a seat next to the nekomata, Redd grins at seeing several familiar figures in the room, before turning towards the the speaker. Always nice to see old friends again.

Redd's entrance is closely followed by the soft padding of four paws, the clicking of claws on the floor. Unassuming, a Coyote makes its way into the room behind him, throwing a slight glance side to side at the other figures in the room. Perhaps she's Redd's pet, or something?

The man who previously smoke gives a brief nod, and the lights in the room dim almost as if in response. He reaches out to turn on the projector, and a single grainy image appears. Those who are familiar with the area might know it as far northern Fairhaven, though they wouldn't be at all familiar with what looks like an entire city block's worth of wreckage beyond its borders. "At 0700 hours - that's 7:00 AM to the uninitiated - this spontaneously appeared close to Fairhaven." the man states, his tailtip twitching in ill-suppressed agitation. "Your task, should you choose to accept it, is threefold: first, you are to ascertain if there is any threat to Zephyr or the citizens of Fairhaven. Second, you are to determine how this wreckage got to its current position, especially how it did so without alerting anyone. And finally, you are to recover any salvage and return it to Zephyr for proper disposal and/or utilization." Upon finishing his mini-speech, he nods once more and the lights come up, though the projector remains on (albeit with a much less visible picture thanks to the lights). "Any questions?"

Anbessa smiles to the familiar faces that enter the room, waving to them before he turns his attention back the the presentation. With his tail idly flicking from side to side, he stares at the pictures with slightly suprised, yet curious intent, listening to the explaination with a quiet flick of his ears... After the presentation though, he does speak up a little. "Well, I got no questions, but I am in. Maybe something worth of getting in there... Plus, I am curious what caused it." He says, smiling a little bit as he quietly thinks to himself... Probably thinking about what he may find!

Onris glances to each of those that follow hir, a slight nod offered out of politeness. At the sight of Redd shi relaxes visibly, still convinced he is a diety among mortals. She watches the brief brief briefly shrugging. "When we start?"

Solixis frowns as she looks over the wreckage, surprised at its size and sudden appearance. "Any sounds reported from that area prior to its appearance? This doesn't look like natural decay by any means. Curious about who did it. You can count me in, by the way."

Malikai rocks his head from side to side, eyeing the image with a certain amount of interest all his own, not just because of what might be found, but the entire story surrounding it. "Hrgh... so we're the hired guns, is that it? No special equipment being provided to... collect all that crap?" His voice came out in a low grumble, both hands shifting to the small laser pistol, flicking the safety switch on it on and off, then holding it up - pointed away from others - to give the sights a quick looking through, apparently inspecting the weapon itself for flaws or the like. "... Junk guns..." he muttered, under his breath. "... Need something with more kick..."

"Have you got any images of the area prior to this morning? Like, was it suburbs, fields, wooded, what?" Redd taps idly on the table as he speaks. "I mean, something must have been there other than debris, and what sort of material is it? Brick? Metal? Plastic?"

The coyote doesn't say anything. She just watches the screen, and takes a turn to look at each person as they speak. Certainly puzzling. It very well did look like the cogs in her head were turning, as she put her forepaws up on the table to support herself, and cocks her head at the screen.

Questions are answered, one by one. "The moment you get outside." the man informs Onris, while Solixis gets a slightly more detailed answer: "Nothing was recorded in the area. No witnesses have come forward. It wasn't there, and now it is." Sounds like it's a bit of a mystery. Malikai gets a cold, impassive look. "You *are* the special equipment." states the dark-haired host in a passionless, steady meter. His motions are even and conservative, his expression inscrutable; even a neophyte would be able to tell that this man is a professional. Redd's answer comes, "Fields. Flatland. It's outside city limits. As for what's there, that's what we want *you* to find out. Preferably before something feral - or worse - gets into something dangerous." His answers given, he looks among each agent and asks once again, "Questions?"

Anbessa continues to just stand there, watching each of the other agents as they speak out their questions... Though he does see Malikai tinker with that peashooter of a laser pointer they call a gun at Zephyr, making the Talakai raise an eyebrow as he listens in. He then wags his tail, smiling as he gets an idea for later before looking back to the others, already ready to get to work as he waits for any further questions to be voiced.

Onris shakes hir head to the lion, as shi more closely surveys each of the others. She starts a mental tally of her perceptions of each figuring hir life we

Onris shakes hir head to the lion, as shi more closely surveys each of the others. She starts a mental tally of her perceptions of each figuring hir life will be in there hands soon enough.