Feral Mode

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Feral Mode
Description You are a feral. You think with your nanite fueled instincts. You don't need fancy equipment (nor can you equip very much at all). You don't build things, at all. You are self sufficient. You are much more powerful and in tune instinctually than a trained agent with his weapons, getting a 10% bonus to the damage and healing of your powers. You still need to hone your skills if you want to use them properly, and what hunter does not want to be at the top of the pile? Explore, conquer, win!
You can master more mutant powers, and you gain more upgrade free slots as a result, allowing you to be more flexible with your growth than other agents.
Friendly Warning: Feral mode cannot use equipment well.

The Way of the wildness

As a feral player, it is entirely up to you how advanced your feral side is and how much it affects your thoughts. There are many possibilities, from the bestial feral who can neither speak nor think clearly, to a feral who may have already relearned to use the communal language. It is really up to you, how you want to play your wild side.

Of course, this path comes with some limitations, but also with positive effects that have a little influence in other areas, but more about that below.

First and foremost, enjoy the wild side of you and experience Flexible Survival on your four paws!

Experience, Boss Vials and Salvage

As a feral mode character, it's a little easier for you to gain experience than for those who have chosen normal mode. However, this does not mean that you will be able to climb up the levels faster if you do not meet the other requirements that apply after you reach level 30. Exactly at this point you need Boss Vials to be able to climb further in the rank and with four paws it is not so easy to collect them. Just like with the Boss Vials or Vials in general, the feral mode characters unfortunately also have a small penalty when farming Salvage, but it's acceptable and over time you'll have accumulated enough of it as well.

+higher XP gain
-Vials & Boss vials farming
-Salvage farming


In feral mode you have of course one of the biggest limitations when it comes to equipping various things. Most of the time it's just a nice collar or a harness that gives you a personal touch! No, seriously, your loadout and the corresponding upkeep are greatly reduced compared to a normal mode character, but that doesn't mean you should ever underestimate a feral. Changing to a class which provides the Technical skill (Anarchist, Pack Rat, Street Samurai) removes the upkeep multiplication.

The base value of a feral character after creation is a mere 56 loadout and an upkeep of 15, so you really won't be able to equip many items. But when you reach level 60, you should notice that your loadout has remained the same and after successful training your upkeep has risen to 94.

Small tip if you want to carry a little more, then you should strongly consider taking 50 mako in hand and get the item Nano Space Enfolder. Furthermore I can only recommend that every item has the modification Miniaturized, because this lowers the loadout significantly.

-Loadout only 56
-Upkeep max 94

Feral in rage

Mutation Powers

Whenever you master a power, you will be given every upgrade, divided evenly among all upgrades. As an example, if a power has four upgrades, Damage +2, Charge -200, energy -4, and Cooldown -400. If you master this power, then you will be given (PowerUpgrade/Number of Upgrades)*2, in this case, you'd get Damage +1, Charge -100, Energy -2, and Cooldown -200. If a power has only two upgrades, then you will get the full amount of both as if you took them both one time.

Since you have some disadvantages, we finally come to something positive that gives a feral mode character some spice. A normal character can master 10 mutation powers in the normal case and a feral mode character is rewarded with two more and thus comes to 12 mutation powers that can be mastered. But that's not all, because of these 12 mutation powers we can make a total of 6 epic with the normal chunk of boss vials. From the 6 epic ones we now have the option to go even further and make 2 of them to our ultimate power. If you now add Mutant Powered, you could come to a total of 14 mutation powers that can be mastered, but you should also pay attention to the deficits of Mutant Powered, whether this agrees with you.

+two more mutation powers

Roles and Classes

The class system is freely available to us, though we don't really need to distribute points or anything like that here. We simply choose the class we want to play and can even choose a second class with the Dual Soul Pendant to gain a few more abilities. Now pick the appropriate role and poof, the basic framework is done.

Specific thoughts should be chosen from the Combat Guide where a lot of useful info can be found!

Bonus and Penalty

Damage, damage, damage! This is of course due to the wild and unbridled power of a feral character and so we benefit from a small but nice DamageBuff to support us.

Also it is only natural that we produce a little less Hate or Aggro, because we are not so conspicuous to like-minded mutants. Be it that they find a feral character more attractive or simply overlook you, because you yourself are in the simple life of a feral.

Does this mean that if you choose Feral Mode you can't play a tank class? No, because you actually produce enough aggro and honestly who doesn't love a feral tank that is beautifully fluffy or armored like a tank!

+reduced Hate/Aggro Edit notes