The Moons' Haunted - RPLOG

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(Booker) The area was quiet. The mask of grayscale colors aside from a lone figure standing near the edge of a crater, clad in a metallic suit. As each person arrived one by one he spoke, glancing across the crater toward a white structure, to the eagle eyed of them they would see the run down structure was in obvious disrepair. He held a piece of paper in his hands, faded from the sun. The scenery around them was bleak and detail-less various rocks and rough patches of stones littering the landscape.
(Waconet) Waconet arrived at the location indicated in the job post. He wasn't sure of what to make of it, but as he came up to the crater he sees a local wearing a space suit. "Are you the local moon-man in the job posting? Something about the moon here being haunted?"
(Deshwitat) A short stacked humanoid waddles into through the entry gate of facility. As shi squeeze hirself through the entry way. Shi looks around at all who has gathered here. Shi gives a wave towards Junes and Waconet. "Seems like we all got the call for the needed help here." as shi stays towards the edge of the group. Trying to make sure other people don't slip in hir fluids. Shi gives a nod at the unfamiliar faces, "It's good to see other agents willing to help out."
(Moose) A strange sight hops in long, exaggerated strides across the blasted moonscape. Amid the grey dust, a big, furry tanuki mascot in a green t-shirt and backward ball cap makes its ponderous way to the edge of the crater. As the big, huggable character comes to a stop, he reaches up and pulls of his large-eyed, smiling head to reveal a rather smaller, but still smiling, round tanuki face. The inside of the mascot head sparks and glitters with complex nanotech.

"Heard there was adventure to be had!" the tanuki says cheerily, "Call me Fenris!"
(Junes) the faint sound of rustling is the main indication of the chimeras approach before shouting ahead "hey! moon stuff right?" waving to those familiar faces, closer its easier to see the purple markings on the arms of the hoodie and kitsune tails trailing behind "definitely a unique place for some poltergeists huh? anyways its been a while fen! i hope you're feeling alright after all your supernatural shenanigans oh and nice suit, always good seeing you too desh and waco!"
(Naib) Naib Walking slowly and humming a song from his mother, Naib focused on looking at the moon's surface and marveling at it. He slowly walked in with a mixture of fear and shyness, then leaned against the wall and picked up the drawing board. He continued to describe what he saw on the moon, and then slowly said, "Which one is good...should I introduce myself formally...Wow...everyone here is very unique..." And slowly lowered his head and continued painting
(Anielka) Anielka rises into the air from behind some nearby furniture. She lets out wailing "OOoooOOOooo" as her chains rattle and the translucent sheet covering her body flairs. The thick white "ectoplasm" that emits from her splatters the ground. She lets out a giggle before drifing back to the ground and cheerfuly calling "Hiii, everyone."
(Booker) The man turned to the party before him. "F-finally! Y'all are here!" He frantically pointed with a finger at the structure, the paper crumpled in his hand. "That there place is fuckin HAUNTED! Capital H, Aunted!" He approached them, his hands playing forward as the paper fell slowly to the ground. "Theres ghosts over there!" His eyes looking crazed as they flicked between all of people. Upon looking over the group. "They've been wanderin around out here when its dark!" His visor fogging up as he panted into his own helmet. He looked back over to the rather unassuming building. "Now that 'yall are here im high-tailing it outta here! This's above my moon-rock salary!"
(Waconet) Waconet watches silently as the brief comes to a rather quick close as their contact, as they say it, high tails it out of the old moon base. Looking to the gathered agents, "So, anyone else think that this will either be a breeze, or the most nerve wracking job possible?" Pausing for a moment, he continues, "How do we want to tackle this? Barge in and take whatever is in there by surprise, or try and scope out the place for a bit?"
(Deshwitat) Deshwitat lifts hir skirt in a small curtsy towards the group, "Well to the people who don't know me. I'm Deshwitat just call me Desh." as fluid from hir assets creates a puddle beneth hir. Desh raises an eyebrow at the abrupt info and departure of thier contact, "Ok that's not very helpful. I'm thinking we should do some recon. I'm not for going in without any knowledge. I'll fly a bit ahead and see what's there." as shi crouches and leaps up hir wings unfurling hir wings with a couple of flaps shi is airborne. Hir wings splatting the ground with fluids.
(Moose) Fenris leans down and picks up the crumpled piece of paper and carefully unfolding it with his oversized mitts.

"Well," He says with a smile, plopping his mascot head atop his suit again, "This could be fun!"he says, "I'be never been to a haunted moon base before!" He gibes an exaggerated shrug to Waconet. "Usually I just walk up and knock," he admits.
(Junes) Junes saw the ghastly goo woman and smirked "hey! nice to meet you" looking to the other newcomer and giving a wave before hearing the commotion of the...astronaut? before looking to waconet "i dont think it'll be too bad" watching desh fly off and realizing "oh right! they call me junes by the way and im with fen on this, its an experience! just try to stick together and we should be alright" before starting to make their way to the building while looking up at the flying humanoid
(Naib) Naib He picked up his side backpack, took out a few boxes of delicious apple pies, and said to everyone, "I brought food. If you are hungry... you can come with me to eat, woof... and my name is Naib. To everyone present, Very unfamiliar but..." Then he glanced at everyone and slowly walked to Waconet, lowered his head, as if he wanted to say something.
(Anielka) Anielka cums "Bye!" as she waves toward the fleeing man. She turns to the rest of the group "I'm Ani, and I can probably find some common ground if there are ghosts there. I think I like, died yesterday?" she says as she hovers over to the rest of the group, white fluid constantly spilling from her mouth as she speaks. Nodding at Naib she says "Glad someone brought snacks, ghosts still need to eat apparently."
(Booker) As the various individuals approached the structure, they saw more and more details. The base looking like a series off rooms connected together as opposed to a 'block' of rooms. The entry door was bathed in red light, a small sign illuminating the words "Lock D wn" the screen scratched and worn. A large handle in the middle of the door with bright red text that reads "emer cy r se." most of the words worn down and illegible. various normally hidden away pipes and wires lay bare on the exterior of the 'shells'. The structure seemed vacant. A walk around the structure would reveal this to be the only entrance to it, unless you make a new one.

The landscape surrounding the structure seemed rather boring, being a collection of gray rocks, just like the rest of the moon.
(Booker) adjactent to the door, covered in a healthy layer of moon-dust is a small dimly lit panel and keypad, the buttons on it worn beyond recognition. It blended in well to the white, chipped paint on the structure.
(Waconet) Waconet looked at the keypad to the base and guessed it was for an air lock in order to access the base without the internal atmosphere from getting out. Of course that was only a guess, tapping the keypad to see what kind of response he could get. Not getting the desired response of the door opening, he breaks open his pack and pulls out several electronic components and starts assembling an interface to the keypad in order to decode the unlock functions.
(Deshwitat) Deshwitat fly's up about 500 ft and glides in the direction of structure in the distance. Scaning for movement or anything out of the ordanary. Shi lets gravity lower hir descent as shi glides lower before flapping to hover at a diagonal from the building. 50 from the front and 100 ft up in the air. Shi sends a quick text message with hir communicator with the layout of building the building. Shi sees that Waconet is working on opening the air-lock and shout's to him, "I'll keep a look out here. If you need help give me a holler" as keeps scaning for anything out of the ordinary.
(Moose) "Ooh! Perfect!" Fenris exclaims through the speakers on his mascot space suit, "Nothing says good neighbor like an apple pie!" The suited up tanuki gently takes one of Naib's boxed pies in his big mitts and totters off toward the door. "Good idea, wolf boy!" He hops and leaps across the remaining distance, frowning at the door for a moment. "Aha!" he says, posing dramatically, since no one can see his face right now, "Emergency release!" The tanuki reaches up to give the handle a solid turn and pull.
(Junes) Junes nodded to waco and gave a small chuckle at fenris' pose but looked to ani "by the way you may want to be careful cause even ghosts can die so dont get too excited" giving a look to desh flying before realizing something and turning back around "im pretty good at sneaking around and being friendly with ferals, fighting, chatting and making quick traps although suck with computers but how about you two, its good to get an idea of weapons too so we dont accidentally blast a hole in each other and know what we're all capable of!" they explained with a small smirk "and having a quick plan in case things go south is good too if we get separated or something... oh and I have a little experience in medical stuff"
(Naib) Naib Watching Waconet walking past him, Naib did not feel unhappy because he knew that Waconet was doing something meaningful to everyone, and slowly followed everyone to see how serious everyone was. Naib felt excited and he would try his best to help everyone. Itnude great that everyone also likes his apple pie! Woof! Then he slowly said, "I have a drawing board where I record things that I find interesting because I was taught by my father to watch everything carefully since I was a child! This time it is a haunted place. Although I am really scared, I will Record some things! Woah!"
(Anielka) Anielka glides over to the wall next to the door and presses her large cananine ear against the metal, listening closesly for anything on the other side.
(Booker) As Fenris twists the handle a subtle hiss this the only thing to eminate from the door for a scant few seconds. A few a moment of what sounds like air escaping rapidly, The implodes into the hallway, Those that were close namely Junes Fenris and Anielka being pulled into the hallway via suction as air rapidly rushes to fill the void inside the facility. Deshwitat hearing merely a loud 'pop' as the door vanishes into the structure, the landscape around remaining aside from the dust shaken up.

Those too far from the door, specifically Naib felt a harsh gale toward the doorway.

The inside of the structure revealed, for some a little faster, lay a metallic pathway now having been air-dusted and re-dusted in one fell swoop. The visibility is a bit poor as the vaccuum within, now burst, caused a haze of dust. The hallway before those venturing in lay barren aside from some dust, noticably the grating over vents now appeared to be missing. A booming voice ringing out in the entire facility, to those outside the voice was muffled, and to those far away, you could tell someone was talking, but not what they said. "Who dares stumble into my domain, leave at once for I have no purpose in entertaining any guests!" The moderately loud voice echoing lightly through the hallway. about 20 ft inside was a door to the right.
(Waconet) Waconet was focused on getting his brute force gadget connected to the keypad to unlock the door. As he was about to start the process, he looked to see that everyone else who was here was no longer here, and the door itself was, unexpectedly, also not here. Leaning to his side and looking down the hallway, "Um, good job opening the door, I was about to let you all know to hold onto something." He slithers inside to render what aid was needed when he heard the broadcast echoing, "Haunted indeed." he mutters to himself as he looks for any computers or control panels that he can access.
(Deshwitat) The sudden suction of air through the hatch was enough to send Desh tumbling through the air. Shi flaps hir wings violently to try and steady hirself but unseccessfully. Seeing the ground rushing up towards hir as shi spins end over end. Shi shouts "MOTHERTHING FUCKING SON OF BITCH!!" before shi tucks into a ball hir tentacles wrapping themselves around hir. Desh hits the ground with whomp, dust spraying up with the impact. Rolling a couple of times before tentacles spray out spiderlike digging furrows in the moon dust before stopping only a couple of feets from the hatch. Taking a knee as Desh attempt to getting hir bearings. Shi mutters to hirself, "Someone going to have to pay for that."
(Moose) Moose is yanked off his feet by the sudden implosion as the pressure in and out of the moon base equalize. The mascot suited tanuki tumbles in the reduced lunar gravity, turning a couple of acrobatic flips before landing lightly on his feet, holding his undamaged pie aloft.

"Sure, sure," he calls out amiably, in reaponse to the ominous voice, "But we brought pie!" He unhooks his helmet and puts the oversized mascot head under his arm. "And it's apple!" he affirms, "No moon pies here!" He wanders amiably down the hall toward the open door, waving at the others to follow him, as if this were the most normal thing.
(Junes) Junes was startled being pulled in so fiercely but seeing nothing was jumping out yet decided to ride the implosion and simply relaxed to drift down while their tails adjusted to keep them from landing headfirst, seeing fenris pull of those moves while keeping the dessert intact was astounding and so took the opportunity to use magic and conjured a small sign and held it up reading ( 9.5 ), the appendages making contact before pushing the chimera for a boost upright "alright so is that voice the ghost or-" getting cut off hearing the rather sudden approach deshwitat decided on and rolling into the scene "hey! oh is everyone alright?"
(Naib) Naib He felt the wind blowing on his face and said, "Wow!" Then some of the apple pies in his side backpack flew out, but strangely, some of the apple pies were sucked in by the door. Nabu was startled and grunted. "Is this true? What ghost also likes to eat apple pie? Woof?" Then he picked up the drawing board and recorded what just happened. He walked slowly to the door, hesitating whether to go in or not and took out some medical supplies from his side backpack.
(Anielka) Anielka cums "I think I hear s-" before the door bursts and she's sucked inside. She lands in a heap with a wet slap as several cylindrical objects are flung from her person. "Oww" she moans as she floats herself upright. She checks herself over and notices her now perfectly smooth groin. She looks around and picks up off the floor a large red dog cock and sticks it back onto her crotch, before scrabling to find the rest of her scattered bits. She ignores the voice for now and calls out to the group "Anyone see my cunt, anywhere?"
(Booker) as the dust settles all of you see a long hallway, a door at the end lightly dented out. The door about 20ft infront of the frontrunners remains unscathed, though not fully closed. As the echo of the voice finally fades, the more perceptive would hear that its sound appeared to eminate from the vent. The hallway is unlit, aside from the entryway. Ahead of you stands a greylooking figure, their face masked in shadow, though distinctly dolphin shaped, with the tail to match. Naib and Fenris see this. However Waconet,Deshwitat, Junes and Anielka all immediately realize due to the lighting, the proportions and movement of the figure, that it is merely an illusion.

The figure raises a hand up at them. "Leave at once" The voice rings out again, proving to those with the inclination that the voice was infact coming from the vents. The figure taking purposeful steps toward them, its hand still extended. To Naib and Fenris, the voice echo's just a touch longer.
(Waconet) Waconet ignores the ghostly Moon Dolphin and looks into the vent that the noise is coming from, noticing that any sort of cover is on the vent he shrinks his form down in order to fit within, and slithers through the vent in search for the source of the voice.
(Deshwitat) Deshwitat tentacle's behind hir rub each other in reassurance. "Oh, I'm going to bruise tomorrow." Shi looks around see that hatch open and everyone inside. Shi sighs, "Stupid doors." and grimaces in pain, hir tentacles mashing hir tits, cocks and balls into a more compact size. Pre-cum and milk spraying all over the hatchway and ground. The viscous fluid barely providing enough slippage to squeeze hirself through the entry. "OK people watch your step as you leave I don't want anyone slipping and hitting their head because of the goop I leave behind." Desh grunts in relief, hir tentacles uncoiling themselves from around hir bits. "OK people who opened the door without letting other people know!?"

Desh tilts hir head at the apperation that shows up in front of them. "Huh and what are you suppose to be? before shashaying through the illusion. Shi presses hirself against the wall next to the door and a tentacle snakes forward pushing it the rest of the way open. Shi cautiously leans over and peeks an eye around the doorway.
(Fenris) Fenris smiles, ever amiable, and he holds out the pie. "Might as well keep the pie," he says, still addressing the dolphin figure, "You sure don't sound like a moon dolphin," he says, "They never tell ANYONE to go away. Though, I have never met a dolphin GHOST, so maybe my experiences don't count here." He continues to walk toward the figure, pie outstretched. He frowns in disappointment as Deshwitat wanders through the illusory dolphin... then perks up. "Does this mean you really ARE a ghost?"
(Junes) Junes sees ani splatter a bit in surprise and gave a thumbs up until hearing and seeing the apparition and shrugged "cool mask but no idea what your deal is so start explaining" watching the others going into the vent while junes took a quick look around and found part of the cum slut and held it closed in their hand "hey i found your part! and ill keep an eye on everyone and slide in last!"
(Naib) Naib He hurriedly checked the people present who were willing to check him, carefully wiped their wounds, and said with a smile, "You are all fine... I did a simple treatment... I hope it can make you feel less painful..." and put it away Healing supplies reached the ground and ate a small portion of apple pie and looked around the current place. Suddenly Naib saw a ghost eating one of the apple pies he had brought. Naib felt happy and slowly approached the ghost.
(Anielka) Anielka winks up at Jules. "Why don't you hold onto that for, uh, safekeeping" she says, before turning to the apparition. She heads over and looks it up and down before putting her hands on her hips and saying "You're not fooling anyone with a fake like that!" and pushing her way passed.
(Booker) As if by magic, or nanites. All the figures (Naib's pie eating ghost included) blink out of existence. Those in the hallway merely see Deshwitat peeking into the doorway, a trail of fluid leading hir way. and further past hir is the same door you saw previously, albiet without a dolphin infront of it.

Deshwitat sees clearly down the entire passage. The next room is a common area, then a hallway, then a table and chairs, and all the way at the end is a large window with a desk and chair at it, various sheets of paper everywhere. Shi sees no movement. Everyone can hear Waconet's serpentile body clanging around in the vents.
(Waconet) Waconet tries to focus on where the sound is coming from, but as it turns out, vents are very much just a systematic echo chamber causing all sorts of bouncing of the sound waves. He does he best to slither his way closer to the source of the voice doing his best to block one direction of a vent then the other to see which way is a stronger source. Occasionally popping his head out of the vent only to retract when no source is found.
(Deshwitat) Deshwitat rapidly sends out a text message of a couple of rooms clear of visable people. Noting that Waconet tail disappearing into the vent. Then signals people to stack up behind hir. So they could clear the room tactically. Shi hopes the other members of the party know what they are doing and thier roles. As shi starts glowing and tongues of flame start eminating from hir body the flame heating the walls. Yet to hir party members nothing more than a warm breeze. when shi activates Moon Glow and Daunting Flames.
(Fenris) Fenris sighs, lowering the pie and walking after Deshwitat. "Man," he sighs, "I was hoping for a ghost." He considers as he walks around the area, peering at the papers scattered around. "You think that maybe there could really be moon ghosts?" he asks, setting aside the boxed up apple pie and sorting through the scattered papers.
(Junes) Junes lifted up some papers here and there before sniffing out the other part in a corner and answered out "found the others but i guess i can hold onto them for now?" grabbing onto the disembodied genitals and stashing them away into their tails and quickly turning to see deshwitat glowing with a slight squint "that or someone is using holograms to screw around, and hey if you two are sticking here mind if i catch up with waconet?"
(Booker) The first room the Deshwitat sees in the line of rooms also has about 4 and a half vintage spacesuits.
(Naib) Naib Approach ghosts with curious eyes. The ghost looked like a tall male ghost and said, "Do you like the pie I made? I learned this from my mother! Woof!" Suddenly, the ghost hugged Nabu and whispered in his ear : "Oh~ So this is the apple pie you made~ Little dog, I think I can do something good for you~" He lifted Nabu up, kissed Nabu's cheek, and said, "If I don't So dying...I thought I would learn to make delicious apple pie with you...puppy..." Suddenly the ghost disappeared, leaving Nabu alone to grieve for the ghost. He whispered: "Mr. Ghost, I will remember you." Then he picked up the drawing board and recorded everything that happened in front of him, and then Naib followed closely behind everyone with a sad face.
(Anielka) Anielka's big' ol dog ears perk up as she jumps to alarm and rushes into next room, looking to support support her allies in what seems like a fight. "Sounds like trouble, I'm going to help out!" She readies her six fists in a fighting stance, and glides ahead in what looks like a graceful (if sticky) dance. She moves over to support Desh.
(Booker) The room grows warmer as Deshwitat emits flames, as well as glows. The rooms that lay before the group still remaining mostly unexplored until you pass through the doorways to proceed further.

The room all of you are currently in appears to be a livingroom of sorts, various chairs and tables lay coated in dust. To the left and right of the room are closed doors, and an open doorway across from you. The whole place is eerily quiet, and a perceptive individual would see that this place looks like it was abandoned in a hurry. cups and plates still on the table. A small table with a net and two paddles rests in the corner, a few pots with dark brown and most likely dead plants are scattered about the room, and a few shoes lay scattered about, below the table and chairs.

If you listen closely you can still here Waconet dinging around in the vents, it gets a bit louder from your right you head a metallic clang, followed by two more up ahead.
(Booker) The noise sounds exactly like Waconet's serpentine ass knocking vent covers to the floor.
(Waconet) Waconet continues his slithering through the vents, poking his head out and discovering what appears to be an old hydroponics bay, several rows of plants and boxes of what he assumes to be seeds or other supplies for the bay to function. Not seeing anyone here, he pulls back and starts to explore the other direction, poking his head out in the common room he sees the group and whispers just loud enough so that they can hear him, "Ceiling snek is watching you," He then makes a weak attempt at *spooky noises* before slipping back into the vents to continue searching.
(Deshwitat) Deshwitat not hearing or seeing any reaction from anything. The flames poof away as quickly as they appear unless the flames lit anything flamible on fire. The glow is still prevalent illuminating the area. Desh holds up a fist in a stop motion and says, "Stop Anielka I overreacted thinking there was something or somebody here." as shi wanders over to Junes. Shi peers over Junes shoulder to see what Junes has discovered. Shi looks up breifly when Waconet peeks out through the vent. A tentacle slaps hir forhead in a salute and instantly regrets the desicion as slimely pre-cum slobbers down the side of hir face. Shi mutters, "Damit I got to remember that those are not actually hands." Shi scrubs the globs of goob away with the back of hir hand.
(Fenris) Fenris leaves behind his pie on the abandoned table and saunters ahead through the open doorway, looking up toward the vents with curiosity, his mascot head still held under his arm.

He starts a little as the serpent's head pops from an open vent, then laughs at himself, then heads to the left side door, where he has not heard nooses yet and looks for a way to open the door, snorting at Deshwitat's personal monologue.