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(Miru) It was a cool late morning in Fairhaven, with a bit of wing blowing from the south. While the edge of the eastern side of Fairhaven is usually more desolate than the rest of the city, today was a different day. In fact, as people walked towards the new re-opened Silver Fang Radio Station, they will notice that the streets here were a bit more active with various mutants, citizens of Fairhaven going towards the announced party, perhaps some of them did not care for all this thing about being 'informed' but a lot of people were not against the idea of free food and drink. There was also some 'fancy' types with security, clearly faction reps very interested in keeping tabs on the annoyingly independent news agency.

The front of the large half-refurbished half-juryrigged building was decorated with a few balloons and posters, leading to the large metal entrance. The bulwark of heavy metal was thankfully open right now, allowing entry to any mutants, at least those who are of average size, mutants over two metres long will have to duck to fit into the entrance. Standing right next to the entrance was a rugged bald human, clad in a black security suit, humanity aside it was perhaps more shocking to note that the man looked almost like in his 50s a rarity compared to most people these days who like in their 20s or 30s. The man simply gave each entrant a nod, seemingly unconcerned as long as no one starts any trouble.

Inside, the lounge was much busier than usual with various citizens already inside and socializing with each other. Most of the furniture was moved to one side, giving more room around the centre for people standing. Of note was little glass plinth right in front of the central pillar. The plinth contained a barely-damaged Los Angelos times with its front-page on display, dated 28th of February 2008 the day it all fell-apart. The check-point leading to the studios were currently manned with the door shut, clearly no one was allowed to enter the studios where all the rare, and very expensive, equipment was being held. The small cafe area to the side of the room seemed to be where the finger foods and drinks were prepared.

Around the room were four rats, each barely reaching four feet in height, that were clad in black shirts and trousers, while holding serving trays, their get-up clashing heavily with their more punk-ish hairstyles and piercings. The rats seemed to be serving mostly drinks and canapes for now.
(Brio) Brio was always the early riser, and as such he made sure to help with the effort to make the grand opening to run as best as he could! The aromas of different coffees being brewed wafted throughout the lounge as well as the smells of sandwiches being toasted for those that wished for their meal to be served hot instead of cold. The caracal had on his waiter's attire, though different in color scheme from the rats and appearing much more flamboyant with its emerald-green waistcoat and silver accents, but he was always one to appear as stylish as possible. His fluffy tail wagged behind him as he worked behind the counter, greeting everyone with that bright, cheery smile of his and a glint of appreciation in his feline-eyes for having them spend time out of their day to stop by, have a drink, and relax! He'd occasionally be seen making rounds throughout the small coffee shop to personally greet all of the guests to make sure they were enjoying their time and to see if he could get them anything else before returning to his post with a bow and polite smile. He took his job very seriously, but he was chipper and flicked his ears whenever he saw someone new come in from behind the wooden counter he prepared the food and drinks from.
(Nyazuli) Nyazuli was gently riding the wind back to her home after a patrol when she noticed slightly increased activity around the radio station, curious, she decided to glide down toward the entrance and wait in line for her turn to enter.

Being paying attention to the guard and his equipment rather than what was in front of here, she bonked her head against the door frame before recoiling slightly while holding her snout. She smiled at the guard again before ducking and entering the radio station as if nothing happened.

She scanned around to get a better understanding of what this event was about before noticing the sign at the center of the room. She exclaimed, "oh, it's a grand inauguration then!" visibly hyped at the prospect of free drinks and passionate rebuilders telling their stories
(Junes) walking towards the building Junes sees the older man and gives a small nod and enters, seeing the large room they settle for a spot near the cafe with less people and decide to take a seat and relax while enjoying the ambient music
(Lofty) A small canine with a long, chubby sort of body rushes forward through the gathering mutants. A corgi rushes, as it turns out, in a motion that could be called a furious, absurd waddling. Looking for all the world like a normal, pre-apocalypse canine, Lofty surges through the doors tail a-wagging. His nose twitches furiously and his ears swivel this way and that as he hones in on a plethora of fascinating sights, sounds, and smells.
(Kiyumi) A kitsune walks into the building with an attitude as if she owns the place, flashing a smile at the old-looking man as she enters, gracefully walking towards a couch in the western part of the lobby, choosing one with relatively little behind it as to see as much as possible.

She sits herself down, a smile on her face as she glances around the room like a predatory bird trying to find a small mouse - in this case, her interest is in the one responsible for this event. Failing to find them, she leans back and settles for observing the room as she pulls a small kiseru pipe out of her kimono.
(Nena) It had been a while, certainly, but Nena remembered when this place first opened. She remembered when it went under new management. And now, it is time to make a new memory of... Whatever this is, exactly. Falling from the sky, the bat girl lets herself down gently on the pavement and takes a moment to correct her clothing and brush her hair back before approaching the building. "Well, well! This is exciting." Tucking her wings about her, she strides off wherever her nose leads her- In this case, it is towards the rich scent of brewing coffee. Arriving at the counter, she speaks again and this time not to herself, but to Brio. "It smells rather delightful in here. Thanks to you, I am sure."
(Miru) As Nyazuli came in. The guard just smirked at her action, not saying anything in response. As she exclaimed, she could suddenly a hear from a bit below. "Another idiot just here for the food then?" Came the joking remark with an amused tone. It was one of the rats, holding her tray up to Nyazuli. "Canapes, with condolences from the chef...or was it regards? No idea." The rat, sporting a loud pink fringe said to herself mostly.

As more and more people kept streaming into the lobby, the speakers pumping old fashioned music began lowering in volume, pity since Sh-Boom was just starting to play. The moment the speakers went silent they went loud again, but this time with a very melodic accent, clearly not American for those who were born before P-day. "Good morning Fairhaven! I would like to thank you all for coming today to the grand opening of Silver Fang Radio Station. This could not have been done without help from the local citizens as well as your generous donations to the maintenance of the Independent News Union. We hope with the opening of this radio station, we can more easily keep you informed about the various happenings in our city! So, don't forget to add the station's frequency to your communit. For now, please do enjoy the services we are providing today. We will be informing about our new programming and other details about the new methods we will be using to provide you with news in the coming weeks. Remember, a well-informed public is the best way to stop the actions of the tyrannous and greedy." With the little speech done, a quiet polite applause traveled across the lounge, before the various party-goers went back to socializing in earnest.

Finally, the door leading to the studios opened, with an okami boi stepping outside, one assumes that they are the organizer given that they dressed like this was a 50s journalism costume party, and likely that they gave the speech given that they just came out of the studio. The okami would stop and talk briefly to the hyena gal manning the security checkpoint, but one can notice that there was already a few parties gravitating towards the newswuff, clearly various 'big wigs' who were chomping at the bit to introduce their own offers of patronage.
(Brio) Brio was busily charcuterie boards for the guests as he carefully prepared a variety of cured meats, cheeses, berries, and vegetables for them to snack and crunch on. He laid out each board to make them as visibly appetizing as possible as he sat aside some cups of different sauces and dips such as honey, a cream-cheese spread created with garlic and parmesan, and some butter mixed with cinnamon and brown sugar just give an idea of the wide spectrum of tastes each board was designed to fill. When one of the rats that served the guests Brio would hand them these rectangular, wooden boards layered with the food as he directed them to lay them about at the tables for the guests to freely pick from. When that was done he gave pleasant, "Welcome!" to the newcomers as he wiped the sweat off of his brow with his apron and turning to face the corgi. "Doggy?" He chimed to try to get its attention, unsure if the corgi was a mutant or just someone's dog...but his attention was cut short by the woman that approached the counter as he offered her a warm smile. "Aye, thank you for believing so! My name is Brio, how may I serve you today?" He inquired courteous as his ears flicked at the sounds of the speech being broadcasted and turned to catch a glimpse of the okami boy before turning his attention back toward the bat, but kept an ear out for the okami boi.
(Nyazuli) Nyazuli looked around trying to find from where the voice offering her snacks was coming from, before looking straight down and seeing the full plate of delicious gourmandises, declaring "Don't mind if I do then!". While the dragoness was quickly doing the math trying to figure out how many she could snatch right there without looking akward, her attention was diverted by the peculiar chimera that entered without a word after her. She quietly watched as he? she? it? sat around the coffee serving place.

She immediately forgot about the rat's miniature canapes, focusing her effort onto the bigger price at the edge of her field of view. Quickly excusing herself without even taking a single one, she settled one sitting away from the chimera.

She declared to the person kindly manning the operation "One Quadruple Longo with four sugars please, also are those paninis? it's been ages since I had one! Is the service included in the reception or are we to purchase the things? Regardless, I'm definitely taking one as well!" She smiled warmly, visibly very happy with the selection offered.

While she waited for her order, she took the opportunity to address the peculiar mutant, looking at them with a slightly worried look "Is everything alright? that's a lot of different strains at once on a single person, did you get attacked by ferals on the way there? I don't recall them boldly roaming this part of the city, but if I can help in anyway don't hesitate to ask"
(Junes) seeing the dragoness walk over they sit upright a bit and after hearing the question responds "huh? oh no im alright i just tend to drink these special drinks occasionally although" flashing their multiple tails "these are a bit more persistent, oh im junes by the way nice to meet you!" they say offering a handshake
(Lofty) Lofty has only a moment to register Brio's call before the speech begins. His lolling tongue slips back into his muzzle and his ears stand erect and attentive for the duration, radaring slightly as if seeking the source. When the clapping starts, he gives a few affirming barks - perhaps a tad louder than is polite - to the mysterious speaker. Once the excitement starts dying down, his head is quick to swivel back in Brio's direction. He pads over and shamelessly trots about to the server side, staring up at Brio with an expectantly wagging tail.
(Kiyumi) Kiyumi listens thoughtfully to the speech as she lights her kiseru pipe with a tap on its end. She tries to analyze the speech for any potential hidden meanings or hints, finding not much of interest in the speech besides what almost sounds like a declaration of war at the end. As the door opens, she manages to catch a glimpe of the newswuff between the various parties vying for attention (and influence). "Smaller..." she mutters, having expected someone slightly more impressive looking considering all the dangers around potentially insulting the big corps. It only causes her smile to widen as she observes the proceedings with increased interest. If it's not raw strength, something else must have allowed them to get this far.

She regretfully reflects on her recent focus on increasing capital as she takes a long draw from her pipe, it seems she missed something rather interesting.
(Nena) "I'm glad I picked up that radio what feels like ages ago, now," The bat comments off handedly, while leaning against the bar. "Good to meet you, Brio. I'm Nena. I could use something sweet. Light roast with sugar and caramel, maybe? No cream, though, unless it's powdered." One of her large ears flicks back towards the host's direction, while the other tilts elsewhere. There were a lot of people here today. A lot of words to go with them, and, accordingly, a lot of information to be gathered. "So," she asks of the cat behind the bar. "Do you work here normally, or are you only providing catering?"
(Miru) The speakers began pumping music out again as people started congregating into little social groups where introductions, pleasantries, and power-dealing were exchanged with gusto.

The okami boi finally left the hyena lady, and began interacting with various groups, usually exchanging quick pleasantries before moving on until they finally meet up with a penguin mutant clad in a smart business suit, where the okami stops.
(Brio) Brio nodded jubilantly toward the dragoness, "One quadruple longo with four sugars coming right up!" He repeated the order to give his customer that reassurance that he did not mess up the order as he begun to prepare the espresso machine to brew the desired drink. He made sure to increase the amount of water used as well as adjusting the pull time. "Paninis? I can make some for you if you so desire! How would you like it?" He asked with a cheery smile as his profound feline fangs were made apparent and a tinge of pink flushed those creamy, adorable cheeks of his. He must be quite happy! His attention then diverted to the corgi who had invited itself to behind the counter as he flicked his gaze back toward the dragoness. "Excuse me, but did you happen to bring a little dog with you?" He asked politely as to not seem chastising or judgmental, but he was curious on how a dog managed to sneak past Teo. But while the dragoness thought of her order, he poured her drink in a glass mug and prepared it on a small plate before serving it to her. "Enjoy!" He spoke jovially as he turned toward Nena and offered her a hand. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Nena. And you wish for something sweet? I can definitely brew you a cup with that flavor profile, one moment." He begun to start up the coffee machine as he ground the coffee beans dedicated to creating a light roast as he kept the caramel flavored powdered creamer handy. He let it brew as he spoke, "Today's my first day working here, so I hope to keep my job!" He chuckled and let the aroma of the coffee fill the air. "Been hoping to have a real place to practice my culinary and brewing skills and passions, so I wound up here. What about you Nena? Work anywhere or are you just a wanderer?" He questioned before pouring her coffee into a glass mug and poured some of the powdered creamer to give it that caramel taste before lightly stirring it and serving it to her.
(Nyazuli) Worries were quickly erased from Nyazuli's face after hearing that Junes' appearance was more of a choice than a circumstance, quickly glancing at the serving area to gauge how food and coffee were progressing. She answered, "I'm happy with anything really, any cheese you have with some meatyness to go with and I'll be in heavens! Figuratively that is of course, I just came back from the interplanar study and definitely need a small break from that", before turning back toward the chimera again and declaring, "Nyazuli, and likewise!" happily shaking the mutant's hand. She continued, "So what's the story between you and this mutant juice? enjoying changing body once in a while or just trying to keep things fresh? As far as I know, it gets pretty wild with random nanites sometimes, you got to have some mishaps stories to tell!"
(Lofty) Lofty's happy lolling mouth turns clamped as Brio ignores him. He gives an indignant yip, hopping his front feet up for attention and glancing between the waiter and the too-tall table.
(Junes) shaking back Junes responds "oh its called chimera serum and well i cant remember why it works but its more for well getting used to change honestly and yeah definitely had some issues with height a few times" after a break in chatter junes hears the announcement and hears a bit about the new comm chanel and decides to put that into their unit "oh before i forget these tails were the oddest though i got them randomly and after some time they popped up again but their nice so thats a plus and i found out why later"
(Nena) "Thank you, Brio. I work a couple of jobs, yes. Well... More like half a job and a hobby," Nena replies with a faint grin. "I work as a maid for a lady I've not seen in quite a long time now, so I mostly just watch after the house until she returns. Aside from that, I sell drawings and art out of my studio by the river." She accepts the drink with a nod of thanks, giving it a cursory sniff. "I can't wait to try it- Once I won't burn my tongue on it."
(Brio) "So you want something with the works then? I can do that in a jiffy!" He announced to the dragoness as grabbed a loaf of ciabatta and cut it to a serving size befit of her size to have her filled for the rest of the afternoon. He fired up the toasting press as he began to dress the soon to be panini with ricotta and mozzarella cheese before layering slices of turkey, bacon and salami onto it. He placed some slices of tomatoes and some avocado to keep the sandwich moistened during the toasting process as to avoid making it overly dry.

During his cooking, he looked down at the corgi with a strained smile before sighing, "Fine, can't say now to a good dog now can I," he mumbled to himself before giving the corgi ONE slice of salami as he reached for the olive oil and brushed the outer-sides of the of the panini before sliding into the toasting press and letting it toast till it had a crispy crunch and a gooey inside from the melted cheeses.

While that cooked he listened to Nena and her jobs, "Aye, I've been working as a server for my brother's restaurant long before P-Day happened. I even volunteered as a lounge singer for his restaurant to provide entertainment." He said with a slight giggle as he reminisced on by-gone days, but that didn't stop his brimming excitement! "And you should show me some of those paintings of yours, I may look into purchasing some as I need some furniture for my room! Can't have blank walls now can I?" He said jokingly before lifting the toasting press and placing the sandwich onto a plate before serving it to the dragoness. "Do enjoy the Brio Panini!" He said with a cheeky grin before turning back toward Nena. "Aye, do be careful as it is piping hot. Thankfully there's some tunes and good folk to pass the time while you let it chill."
(Nyazuli) Nyazuli was salivating at the smell emanating from the toasting press before returning her attention to her drink and to Junes. "So what was it you mentioned about the tails? That sounds like an interesting tale! What makes them so special?"
(Miru) As the party continued. The Penguin next to the okami boi, suddenly raised a flipper to silence the newswuff before turning around and moving towards the cafe area, with red-hateful eyes. The okami boi was quickly distracted by someone else, while the penguin entered the serving side. "Dog, out now." Came the voice, curt, serious, and dripping malice, and without even waiting for a response, the corgi-at-large was quickly picked up by the smartly-dressed penguin lady, who gave Brio a side-glance. "ONLY employees in serving area." Luckily for Brio that was it as the penguin moved out of the serving side and set down the dog.

"Hey, waiting for someone?" Said a voice to Kiyumi, trying to get her attention. It was another one of those rats, this one had a tray of various colourful drinks in flutes, every one of them with a small piece of fruit dipped inside. "You know, since you are not eating food, that either means you are one of them idiots trying to get some alone time with the boss, or a really big fan of radio." The rat boy said with a wink as he offered up his tray.
(Nena) With an incline of her head, Nena replies, "I would love to. I didn't bring any with me, of course, but I'd be happy to welcome you to my home sometime and we can see if we can't find something you like. I mostly do scenery art. I am still learning how to draw people well. Much more difficult than scenery, I think..." Shifting her grip on the drink, Nena takes a step back flicks an ear in other directions again. "Though it seems like you're going to end up being the center of attention here at this rate, so I will not further distract you from your work at the moment. Thank you again."

Turning then, the bat tosses a smile over her shoulder and slips off to mingle. A path that leads her in Kiyumi's direction. "Hello there, miss. You seem rather out of place here. And out of time, at that. Like something out of a history book," she says, putting on a pleasant smile. "And hello to you, too," she says to the rat. A comrade in punkery, at least for the moment.
(Junes) Junes starts to explain the tale "so these tails popped up constantly and later i asked a tanuki about it and he explained i might be possesed or something? So i went to the shrine offered some things to learn more and be on the safe side and later on obtained this" showing an empty palm on the table they close it and upon opening it again there was a small cool marble that had colors reminiscent of the ocean "plus a few other tricks but sadly i dont have much info about the kitsune still" in the middle of the explanation you could see their eyes track a penguin carrying a dog but they continued anyways in pure confusion
(Lofty) The singular slice of salami is inhaled into Lofty's maw the instant it reaches him, his mouth snapping a few times for good measure before swallowing. Before he can make another move, The Penguin is upon him. He freezes at the malice-laden voice and - with a yip and much wiggling as the ground is pulled out from under him - he's back outside the serving area. He gives a small canine whine as he looks back towards the panini counter, before turning to waddle towards one of the tray-bearing floor-staff instead.
(Brio) Brio had served Nyazuli her panini and waited for her to take the food. "Thank you for stopping by! I'm Brio Astaire and I hope to see you again!" Brio spoke to Nyazuli with a polite bow before washing his hands and drying them off on his cloud-designed apron.

"That'd be lovely Nena, we can always exchange comm-unit contacts later." He remarked as his ears flicked and his tail swished behind him. "And I do imagine painting people would be much different from scenery, aye." He watched as the penguin stormed his work area and captured the corgi as he gave them an awkward chuckle while rubbing the back of his fluffy-hair coated head. "Sorry about that!" He apologies before turning back toward Nena and giving her a nod. "Please do shout if you need something, I'll be here." He said reassuringly as he watched her leave. As there were no pressing orders present, he'd begin cleaning the dirtied trays, plates, and mugs.
(Kiyumi) Kiyumi looks at the rat as if coming out of a daze, having been rather focused on observing the whos-talking-to-whos. She chuckles softly at the rat boy as she waves her hand infront of her, rejecting the food. "Thank you but not quite peckish. Let's say I am a fan of independent news and quite interested in idiots, would that make sense? Mm?"

She looks at the bat, then looking down at her own Kimono. "Really? I had this freshly made..."

She ponders for a moment before smiling at Nena. "Still, not quite as colorful as you admittedly. But where are my manners. My name is Kiyumi, Miss...?" she offers a hand as she introduces herself.
(Miru) As the corgi began moving towards the nearest serving rat, the penguin looked back at Brio, subjecting him to that intense glowing glare. "Excuses, stop socializing, and focus." Came the curt chastisement, before she waddled away. The corgi would not remain on the floor for long as the rat he arrived in front of, leaner and smaller than his siblings with a purple messy mullet, quickly picked him up in one hand with an empty tray in the other. "Out of food, doggie." He said before reaching the counter and setting the corgi on top of it. "Customer. Also, condolences for the 'Alice peptalk'." The rat said with a snicker as he set his tray down and picked up one of the cold-cuts boards before departing.

With Nena arriving next to Kiyumi, the rat boy there just shrugged. "Hey, more for me after all of you lot are out of the door." The rodent responded before he departed to serve some other group of people.