Cackler Raid - RPLOG

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The day is grey and drizzly in Fairhaven's warehouse district. Perfect weather for clandestine operations. Unless you are the one who has to perform said ops.

At the coordinates listed from the job posting is the wreckage of an old building. It looks like it used to be some kind of landscaping outlet and the sign reading "SWEET LEAVES AND LAWN" is still legible in the wreckage. The urban renewal projects can only go so fast, after all.

Incongruously, an undamaged bus stop shelter stands in front of the ruined building and a well dressed tanuki sits waiting with a black umbrella folded neatly and leaning against his knee.
Narwen ambles up on all fours, looking both extremely unstealthy and unlikely to be a covert operative: the perfect spy! The skunk beast's tail is raised up over his back, shielding him from rain somewhat. Other than that, he doesn't seem dressed for the weather, just in his usual eye-watering shorts. As he catches the eye of the tanuki, he wiggles white eyebrows and raises a paw to the side of his muzzle. "Hello. Um, good afternoon. Is this the place for the... thing?" he asks, in a whisper that can probably be heard across the street.
Isabelle walks up to the meeting place, causing the group to quake. The 80+ foot giantess stops at the agreed upon meeting place and kneels down so she can get a better look at the group gathered to face this latest threat. "Greetings and well met everyone!" While not the perfect spy, she makes up for it with good intentions and high spirits.
As a tanuki shrine priest, Edel couldn't very well go and ignore someone tarnishing their image. It wasn't the first time she'd heard about it, but now she actually had an angle of approach to DO something about it. Drawing nearer, she tips up the brim of her large water-resistant hat and gives a flick of her bushy tail. "Narwen! You still exist! I haven't seen you in an age and a half."
Well then, evidently there was work to be done. It pertained to the extraplanar so OFCOURSE Magnus would be right here looking to cause mayhem for the ones trying to further upset the delicate balance of their world. The last thing this feline needed was a very pissed off patron out for blood due to the activities of some ragtag band of ne-er do wells. They had enough to deal with already what with recent developments. Magnus would be arriving here by the coziest way of travel within the city's limits that he had available. *THUMP* his legs impact the ground some twenty or so feet away from the well-dressed tanuki he'd spotted. While it was hard to guess where their meeting point was exactly, context clues suggested that this was as good a place as any to check out.

He'd adjust the cuffs of the brown leather duster covering his torso, then tuck in the telltale green and brown scarf looped around his neck beneath it just so its ends don't flop around. Checking the pockets of his black slacks, he reaffirms he'd brought what he needs, a momentary glance cast across his dark brown leather boots in passing. The feline rolls his shoulders on approaching, a small group having gathered here already. He'd feel for the presence of his armaments, a few of the more exotic blades hidden beneath his attire, two identical blades holstered crossing over one another upon his back, and a peculiar retractable implement swinging gently off his right hip. Upon approaching the others, would crack his knuckles and clear his throat, that predatory feline gaze wandering among the others.

"Gentlemen, ladies, good to see you all here today." His eyes wander over Edel, a soft smile tugging at his lips. "I had a good feeling you'd be here. Surprised someone else isn't though." Then again, Yejian had mentioned these sorts of affairs were more her mother's forte. "It is good to see you Edel, I look forward to working with you." Gaze wandering over the others... he'd greet them all with a silent nod and a soft wink directed at the equine among them, before finally landing upon the umbrella-holding tanuki. "Looks like Fenris did follow up on the intel I provided. So, who's teeth are we breaking over this?"
Fenris looks around the newly gathered crew and frowns a little, particularly at Isabelle's incredible size. "I am sorry, Miss," he says, "But I don't suppose you can shrink down on your own?"

"Though you are all punctual! Right on time," the tanuki says, smiling affably. Those who have met him will recognize Fenris, though rather better dressed than usual. "I will be brief, I promise," he says, beckoning the agents closer. "Some of you may have heard of a recent rash of petty crimes supposedly committed by tanuki. Smash and grabs, small time robberies, vandalism and even one rather ostentatious daylight robbery at a particularly good pastry shop." He shakes his head. "Witnesses claim that the perpetrators- well, this will sum things up."

He produces a small projector and queues up what appears to be security footage from a small convenience store. A pair of mutants, both with the bandit masked appearance of tanuki charge through the door and start pushing over displays and making threatening overtures. One pulls a knife while the other wields a club. Certainly not lethal weapons these days, but it still hurts to get cut or hit.

After the attendant empties the till, the pair run off, hooting and hollering! There is no sound, but there are some rather obvious gestures made.

Fenris turns of the projector off and stows it away. "The attendant said that the pair said that they were taking the money for "Lord Tanuki" and that the clerk could "Suck his big tanuki balls."" He explains, obviously upset, "Though it is obvious these two were not tanuki at all!" He looks to Edel for confirmation.
Narwen glances up as the giant approaches -- seriously, that's a _big_ giant -- and plants himself against the side of the building in case of accidents. She gets a cautious wave of a forepaw, and once she's acknowledged him he rejoins the little group. Edel gets a decidedly more enthusiastic greeting, swept into an undignified foreleg hug-and-squeeze. "Edel! Likewise, great to see you. Yeah, been a bit busy, but -- well, anyway, I exist now. How're you doing? Or, uh, should we be using codenames? I think mine was 'Not Narwen'." After waving to Magnus too, he settles down to watch the presentation -- although half-focused on the projector as much as the show. "Well, I mean, they took cash and not cakes! That settles it right there. So were there any other, y'know, clues? I'm guessing there wasn't a calling card, else we wouldn't be here, but, y'know, finger prints? Magical DNA? Conveniently dropped belongings? Uh, not quite clear on what detectives look for these days."
Isabelle ponders for a bit before responding to Fenris, "While typically Kaiju's don't usually shrink, I can think like a real sneak and I've been practicing! I dare say I'm the sneakiest of my kind. I can also use my wings to fly so I can provide a view from the sky." Isabelle looks at the illustrations and ask, "Has anyone asks around to see if the voices sound familiar or if they look like one of the locals? Chances are that petty crooks operate locally."
Edel flashes Magnus a smile in kind. "When it comes to tanuki and shady dealings both, Yejian has a lot to learn. This is definitely more my thing. Plus, she's busy today running a paired task elsewhere in the city with Molly." She turns her attention to Fenris then, "It's been a while since I've seen you, too, but I've never seen those two there," she says in regards to the projected display as she gives Narwen a pat on the shoulder.

"Throwing the name around like that, crass behaviour. Not becoming of tanuki at all. In the off chance they ARE, they're being extremely poor representatives." Her arm lazily rests over her sword's hilt while her tail curls around her paws. "Either way, it's something we can deal with. Is there a pattern in there targets?"
The feline simply leans agaisnt the nearest surface and dips his head, eyes closed once the presentation is over. "Typical. Surprised the K9 unit aren't ramming their batons all up those poseurs asses right now. Tanuki or otherwise, a criminal mind is a criminal kind. Ain't nobody exempt from the cuffs just because they claim to represent some otherworldly force. I'm glad you called us here, Fenris. We'll be hitting two birds with one stone. Can't really say all that much about these thugs though. I've got eyes and ears across the city, ESPECIALLY with the hyenas ever since I got in good with one of the tamer gangs around Fairhaven. Those mutts though..." he would indicate the patch upon which they'd seen an insignia upon the criminals seen in the footage. "They've been a pain in my group's tailhole for well over a year now."

"Call themselves the Cacklers, been around for a long time, have roots and connections in a lot of choice places. They'll be well supplied and well trained if and when we do encounter them. Question is..." he reaches up to rub his chin with one hand, eyes closing in deep contemplation "...what do they have to gain off of petty crimes while impersonating Tanuki. Trying to cause an upset that they can capitalize on? Looking to settle a score with the ringtailed raccoon-dogs for one reason or another? Maybe just doing it for the kicks, I wouldn't put it past them to do so. They need to be getting their transformatives from somewhere too. Someone is making bank off of providing them their disguises." He'd then open his arms and shrug deeply. "Typical arrogant hyena behavior though, didn't doff their threads on a framejob. That's just sloppy."
Fenris looks sidelong at the giantess and produces a brilliantly green leaf from the air. "Well, for an important mission like this, I am authorized a little bit of magic."

He flicks the leaf toward Isabelle and there is a flicker of emerald light and the giantess now seems small enough to fit in an ordinary building. It is a strange effect, because she is not any smaller, but space seems to be behaving differently around her for now. "That should help," Fenris says..
The burly tanuki rises from his bench and opens his umbrella, leading the group through the collection of old warehouses. He stops and makes his way to the corner of the ruined building and gestures to an old warehouse in much better repair, covered in graffiti, possibly some kind of gang symbols.

"My sources have traced our would-be-tanuki roughnecks here, to the old Doctor Chuckles Joke and Novelties Warehouse," he explains, "I would normally ask my fellow tanuki to solve this problem, but a third party will be better for PR." He grins at Magnus and opens his coat to reveal his FHPD badge. "Turns out, I represent multiple interested parties."

"Magnus is right," he continues, "We suspect that the leader of the Cacklers, Cackling Billy is the mastermind behind all of this."
Narwen gets to his paws, adjusts his pack absently, and pads along after Fenris. "All rightie, then. Interesting point about someone supplying them. Maybe they've got a tanuki captive?" he wonders as they walk. His claws clack against the broken sidewalk, slowing as they approach the corner. "Joke and novelties warehouse? That sounds like a little box of nightmares. Do we want to try and sneak in? Get an advanced peak? Go in in disguise?" He tilts his head. "If they're disguised as tanuki, would more fake-tanuki coming in from a job work?"
Isabelle looks around with wonder, "This is so strange, it's like I have two different perspectives: one is normal and the other is other people's normal! The Tanukis really do have powerful magic! So you know the location and the people responsible? I guess the Tanukis really don't want their name involved in any of this. Wait, doesn't this mean I'm extra sneaky now or do I still have my usual level of sneakiness?"
Following after Fenris, Edel scratches idly at her cheek. "Yes, it's always good to get others involved. If we solve it all in house it might seem like a cover-up job," muses the 'nuki girl. "I wonder if the kitsune put them up to it. I certainly hope they don't have a captive, or I'm going to be a lot less forgiving."
"Cackling Billy. Strange, that's a man's name. Hyenas generally have matriarchs. Even the one I hang with respects their matriarch more-so than anyone else. Hell, even I do. For a guy to be in that position, he must be some kind of tyrant, or blessed with the shiniest silver tongue." Magnus leans away from the wall and casts Fenris a soft smile. "This is going to be fun. I've been looking for a reason to shove my boot up some Cackler asses. My group's gonna be very pleased, and I'll be able to send a message. Though not looking like this." The feline excuses himself with a soft nod, then puts his hands together, producing some illusory smoke to conceal the way transformations worked for him. Let's just say that folks of Magnus' affliction tend to change form in an unpleasant-looking way, as probably witnessed by the soft sloshing-crackling-crunching sounds that emerge from the puff of obstructive white smoke. The moment it clears, he'd be rubbing at his face and adjusting his jaw a bit with one hand, his pelt distinctly spotted, body shape largely unchanged save for the absence of his long, serpentine tail, as well as the necessary facial reconfiguration from a feline snoot to the chiseled hyenid muzzle. "Never gonna get used to that." The fellow adjusts his attire just a bit, righting the slight wrongs his change had forced upon them with a few pats here and there. He rolls his shoulders, then follows after the other tanuki. What Edel says however makes his ears burn. "No... no no no no. Edel for the love of all that's holy I hope you're wrong. That'd open the floodgates for all kinds of nonsense we really don't want happening." The look on Magnus' face was telling. That flickering fear just behind those expressive irises. "As if we didn't have enough otherworldly friction already..."
Euoia decides to stop hiding and release the difficult control of brute forcing light nanomagic to keep her invisible. "I.. I might be of some scouting help." Sie flutters forward to the group. "Sorry for spying, but you looked like something big was going down. And, well, I might have a little too much free time on my hands." Euoia looked around at everyone. "I'm Euoia. Doer of odd jobs, maintenance work, and other stuff." Sie looks around at everyone. "I thought there was some kind of prank getting ready to go down, but this seems more serious. Sorry for following you out here. But it seems you might need someone tiny and mobile." Sie gives a bow but continues hovering.
"I said it before," Fenris says, "Those are not tanuki! At best they are fat raccoons with a testicle problem" He raises a hand to forestall both Edel and Magnus. "Fortunately, no one seems to be missing," he says, "I can guarantee that if they had taken a tanuki there would have been no opportunity for all of you to help clear this up."

He waves his umbrella toward the warehouse. He smiles at the newly visible Euoia. "No pranks today, I fear," the burly tanuki shrugs, and waves the group on "I trust you all to find out what is happening and to see that it is taken care of."
"Could be a 'Billie', like that actress-- oh geez" Narwen winces at the gruesome sounds and pointedly looks away while Magnus does his thing. Fortunately, Euoia provides a handy and sparkly distraction. "Hi there. Narwen. I mean, Not Narwen," he says, gesturing to himself with a forepaw. "Taking a peek-around sounds like a good plan to me, if you're okay with it? The hyena thing's a good idea, but I wouldn't bank on it up close -- I'm guessing they know who's in their own gang." He squints a moment. "What're we looking for? It's not enough just to rough them up. Maybe there's some of the loot still in there. Anything 'specially distinctive or identifiable stolen?" he asks Fenris.
Isabelle looks towards Euoia and grins, "That's a neat trick. I bet you could be all sorts of extra sneaky. You could get in and get, looks for clues and maybe even get some video evidences, and then leave without anyone being the wiser." Looks around the area for something, "I guess we find a transport and then make our way to this Cacklers hideout?"
"Don't worry about it, Magnus," Edel says with a wave of her hand. "Even if it were them, it's not that serious. I haven't seen any actual animosity between kitsune and tanuki in a long time. Usually it's good natured rivalry- By our standards anyway. I've done quite a bit of... Work... In the past to help bridge the gap and keep it that way." She adjusts her hat and looks over the warehouse. "Still, we're more than capable of getting this resolved for good."
Ever the paranoid, Magnus would simply breathe a soft sigh at Edel's comments. "Yeah, we also didn't think having this much magic jammed into our world wouldn't come without consequence, yet here we are. I'll believe you, you are the expert at this after all, but..." He'd lick his lips and cast his gaze downwards. "It leaves a bad taste in my mouth, is all." As for the enigmatic one that chose to reveal herself, she earns only a wandering glance and a soft nod from the yeen among them, though he doesn't feel like he's got anything to add. Narwen's comment however does spark some interest. "No. I'm not looking to blend in. I want them to remember my face and my scent when I shove my foot up their asses for what they've been doing. I want them to know it was my group's doing that helped put a wrench in their operations. I want them to think twice before stirring shit with us next time, because they've been causing a lot of problems." His fists tighten, knuckles popping softly "Can't say I'm a fan of their actions." Oh dear, seems there's a grudge boiling somewhere in there."
Euoia ponders for a bit. "Okay so we are gonna bust inn there and mess up their crap. Um, I can get some eyes on from whatever holes are in the roof and then relay that back with telepathy. Going in blind is a bad idea. Also... fireworks distraction? I know how to do pyrotechnic nanomagic, too!" Sie thinks it would be best to get a plan before just busting in there all willy-nilly.
Fenris snorts quietly. "Kitsune would have at least been convincing," he says, "And probably shown more finesse than gas station robbery and painting penises on things." He shakes his head at Narwen's question. "Even the Cacklers are typically more organized than this. I suspect a low chapter with a leader who stumbled on something useful." The only thing that makes this stand out is the appearance of the criminals and the fact that they are trying to frame tanuki."

The outside of the warehouse is plastered in graffiti, though the faded and chipped paint of the old novelties warehouse peek through here and there. For the most part, it seems unguarded.
"I vote Euoia goes and takes a quick peek first. No fireworks, no distractions -- that'll just tip 'em off that we're coming. I'd just like to know we're not walking into fifty of 'em, or a machine gun or something. Or a warehouse full of clown mannikins." Narwen shivers. "If you want a fight then I guess you're going to get a fight," he adds to Magnus, "but let's at least make sure that the leader doesn't run out the back when you bust in the front. That's not so much my bag, but I guess I can make 'em wish they'd never been born with noses."
A little recon shows there IS a guard! A rather unsavory looking hyena is huddled by a man access door, tucked carefully into the alcove, hunched over a cigarette.
Isabelle shrugs and asks, "Maybe we can just ask them to surrender? Like that guy over there that's all by himself in that alcove next to the door." says Isabelle as she points to the hyena who has a cigarette. "I usually find that if I ask politely, people are usually willing to do the right thing after a good bit of talking. I guess they take one look at me and find the inspiration to do good in the world." Isabelle produces a cheesy smile as she strikes a heroic super hero pose.
"Are you sure it's not because they think you'll squish them?" Edel asks, a bemused smirk on her naturally masked face. "However we decide to try and get by them, we should do it without giving him a chance to alert his friends. If you want to try and talk it out, feel free. Otherwise I will be standing by for violent maneuvers or whatever else. I wonder if we could get in from above. Buildings like this usually have some kind of window or spot for ventilation."
"By all means..." Magnus handwaves towards the guard, though he adheres more closely to the rest of his team, never straying more than a few feet's distance away from them. "A certain someone I know would have me try to resolve this as nonviolently as possible. She's been naught but a positive influence on my life ever since I met her. If that's what the group wants, then I'll not stand in your way, though it's far from my forte so it'd be best that someone else does the talking, or sneaking for that matter." Without the heavy armor once hugging his body, the lad would have a much easier time sneaking, though it'd been so long since he'd put that skill into practice, that trying something like that would be, well... less than ideal. He'd cast a glance towards Isabelle, one hand reaching out to pat her shoulder. "Nice to know it's not us you're looking to step on." His own glance then makes a wandering survey of the area. "I can climb the outside walls if it comes to chasing down ole' Billy, or Billie, whatever his-her-their-whatever name is. Pretty good with moving quickly these days too. Consider the outside covered if it comes to that. All else however, well..." Into his pockets those hyena hands go, contented to let his team handle this specific interaction.
Euoia looks around quick while everyone is talking. "I'm gonna take a quick looksie quick. Be right back." Sie flies up to get a good look at the 'enemy base' of a warehouse that looks like the only thing it keeps out is direct eye contact. Sie quietly continues to observe and slowly work hir way closer while trying to remain downwind.
Fenris has been rather quiet through all of this. Ultimately, that is because he seems to have vanished. He'll probably show up later.

So far the guard seems oblivious to the party's presence, just trying to enjoy his fag out of the elements.

Euoia's exploration reveals that the building is fairly sound. There are a couple of windows on the upper level propped open to admit some cool air, along with a pair of vents on the roof.
And the rusty fire escape that Edel surmised would be present on the back of the building. It looks like it would be pretty easy to reach.
Narwen looks at the building, ears tuned to Edel as she mentions her roof idea. A moment later, he blinks and then nods to himself as the wee fairy sends over a breezily cheerful telepathic message. He glances at the others, over to Isabelle, and then: it is on. He moves on silent paws, as quiet as a two-ton animal wearing saddlebags stuffed with equipment. He keeps his tail low, scent only wafting towards the half of Fairhaven that's downwind. His rainbow shorts blend in with the grey street and sky. Are the others following? It doesn't matter. He's focused on his objective: a side alley, where he hopes a rickety, non-quadruped-accessible fire escape might await him.
Isabelle saunters up to the guard, hips swaying in an exaggerated fashion which causes her four, garage-sized breasts to have more of a bounce. "Hey there Mr. Guard. Aren't you a little cutie! I was wondering if we could have a chat away from this place and you and I get to know each other", Isabelle coos as one of her claws ideally plays with one of her nipples while she extends another of her four arms towards the guard, gesturing for him to climb into her palm. Isabelle moans seductively while giving the guard bedroom eyes as her tongue plays around the edges of her giantess mouth, keeping them moist for smooching.
Edel grips the edge of her hat to keep it on her head as she springs into motion. For such a rotund tanuki, she's pretty light on her feet and darts after Narwen. She, too, had a mind to try the roof access. "Honestly Magnus, I have little expectation that we'll be able to solve this peacefully with a crew like this, but maybe I'll be surprised."
"Suppose that works." Magnus nods, though given where his team was going, he opts to attempt something a little different. Whether or not he raises the alarm, he'd either be the one backing his team up when they get discovered, or be the distraction for them to use to wade their way deeper in. With the solitary guard distracted, the fella bounds right up through the mezzenine platform, his boots impacting the old metal surface with a *clank*. Magnus tries to remember how his feet were supposed to function when doing his best Solid Snake impression. Sadly he had no cardboard box to hide under, however a softly spoken bit of otherworldly devilry has his clothes and body gently fade into the background. He remains still, pressed up against the wall on the second floor. With each ten seconds that pass, his camo becomes more convincing, making him harder and harder to notice where he was hiding. Now then onto the matter at hand. Hopefully he'd not been seen or the noise he'd caused hadn't alerted anyone, not yet at least... he'd peer around and plan his next move~
Euoia watches everyone on the move, and decides to get closer hirself. Sie flies right up to one of the windows, turns off telepathy, and turns onn BioDetection. Euoia tries to get a good image of the lifesigns in her head before turning off biodetection and pulsing everyone with quick details about what sie has seen thus far.
"Listen toots," the hyena starts to say, looking up, before he double-takes. His brain is trying to reconcile his eyes telling him he is talking to someone roughly the same height as himself and his hindbrain informong him that an eight story giant is in front of him. So he does not resist when Isabelle scoops him up and into her strange, spatial warp. "Hammamamama?" he babbles.

This particular distraction allows the others to leap, run, and waddle their way past with no opposition. The fire escape is right where it should be, and though it is not made for enormous, quadrupedal skunks, with Edel's help, both Skunk beast and tanuki make it up to join Magnus by the external fire door.

Peering in windows and doors, the party is able to see inside.

Inside the warehouse is a cluttered hideaway. Among stacks of crates and odd paraphernalia a bit of a "Man Cave" has been set up with a few couches and makeshift chairs around some low tables. There is even a big screen TV! Though it is currently turned off. The centerpiece of the whole setup is an ostentatious, over decorated throne.

Scattered around this lounge area are a motley collection of mutants, mostly hyenas, all cackling and bragging about their latest heists.

"An I told 'em that if they had any complaints, they could address them to my big fat balls" the rabble all laugh raucously at the punchline of a ragged looking hyena's story. "This tanookie bit is gold! We can do whatever we want and just blame it on them stupid raccoons! Ain't that right, Lord Tanookie?"

There is a ragged cheer from the group as they all turn and look at the rough looking hyena sitting on his throne.
Narwen peers in. "OH H-- I mean, oh hey, we got 'em!" he almost-whispers to the others with him. "Witnessed, bang to rights. That might be enough by itself. But it feels like a teachable moment. Scare 'em off from impersonating Tanuki. Edel, you got any ideas? Feels like it needs poetic justice. Big ol' Wizard Of Oz booming Tanuki chastising them? Some kind of curse?"
Isabelle gently strokes the guard as she talks to him, "Listen sweetie, we don't have a safe moment to talk but I promise that as soon as I'm done here we will have that conversation. In the meantime, I need to stash you away somewhere safe." Isabelle pulls away the spandex of her super suit to reveal many tons of creamy breast flesh. The giantess releases the guard into cleavage and allows the spandex to snap back into place. If one where to squint closely, one could almost make out some movement as there is a slight lump on one of her four tits. Isabelle realizes that while she has been practicing sneaking, she is not the best at it. She watches from a distance while she waits for a signal or some of communication from the others.
Edel narrows her eyes. Those were certainly fighting words they were speaking in there. "Enough evidence for me. I might be a priest but I'm not exactly equipped to visit curses and fanfare. I was never that indirect, and I'd just as soon show them what happens when they impugn someone's honour. Erh. I didn't really want to be the shot caller for this, for that reason." She looks between the two with her and purses her lips. "Lots of stuff in there. We could always take the quiet approach and take back what they took- And then some. Redistribute it properly. If you want to take the... Peaceful route anyway. Alternative, we see about picking them off and subduing them one at a time. Thoughts, you two?"
Well then, seems everyone had found their own way towards their final destination. Magnus turns towards Edel for guidance, his ears immediately drooping and his features darkening when she up and says she doesn't want to call the shots. He was kinda hoping she would given how much this concerned Tanuki. Doesn't look like anyone else was about to initiate either... "Alright." Magnus reaches for the blade at his hip, the strange device unfolding into a whole mixed machination of technical quackery and medieval slicing goodness. With a few light clicks he disables the added mechanisms and clips them in closer towards the handle, exposing and leaving functional solely the blade for faster strikes. "There are two ways to make a hyena gang change their ways. Give them what they want, or make them regret their actions. Looks like the former is off the table. We're doing the latter." Magnus huffs, then up and walks up to the door, boot swinging to *CRASH* send it clean off its hinges. "Knock knock. You boys are in a lot of trouble." he snarls, weapon slung over one shoulder.
Euoia plays the confession from king dimwit once before keeping it saved in hir NICE. A quick message through telepathy to announce that sie has recorded and stored the confession, in case we want to drag them out of there for some level courtly justice. Euoia pulls out a small, but rugged looking gun sie found somewhere. Then the action starts! Sie aims the gun sie found at the 'king' and popped off some shots.
Say what you will about hyena street gangs, but as soon as the door crashes in, most of them leap into action, diving from crates and couches to scramble for weapons!

Euoia is spot on the mark with her shot and would have nailed the hyena on the throne if he had not reflexively hauled a ragged looking wolf mutant in front of him to the hit.

"Get them!" he yelps, diving behind his gaudy throne. Four hyena thugs start storming up the stairs to the mezzanine, and three more take aim with various pistols.
"Well, a curse from Tanuki, like--" Narwen begins, then all heck breaks loose and shots start pinging off around them. Something whuffs off his hide and he ducks back behind the wall. "Like: FOOLISH MORTAL! HOW DARE YOU IMPERSONATE ME?!" He nips a little widget out of his pack, grips it in his teeth, and waves it towards the gang leader. His eyes flash at the same moment the thing goes 'ping!' and: nothing happens. At first. Then the hyena's balls begin to swell. And swell. And swell.
Isabelle hears guns shots and yelling inside the building. Worried about the group getting into trouble, Isabelle marches towards the building and tries to get a better view of what is going on. The ground shakes as she walks towards the building. To the untrained observer, it would seem that a small earthquake started from out of nowhere and then suddenly stopped. Isabelle peers through the glass ceiling to look at the scene below.
Edel gives Magnus a sympathetic smile when she notes the expression. "Sorry, I've always been a lone-operator type, you know? Not much of a leader." Of course, that was in part because she didn't want to commit people to her own path, but seeing as Magnus seemed to be of the same mind... Well that didn't matter much, did it? "I prefer this course of action anyway, I just didn't want to say it." She tilts her hat lower and rests a hand upon her sword, moving in with a swagger ill befitting her four feet of height. "Quite so. The real tanuki aren't pleased with your actions, and now it is time for consequences."
It had been a little while, but Edel ever so quickly gets back into the feel of it. This was the kind of environment she thrived in. She ducks low and springs forward in a flash to set upon those coming up the stairs, her hand is quick and blade quicker, drawn and swung in a broad arc.
*BANG BANG* Bullets are sent flying directly at Magnus and his team. The hyena doesn't dodge, he doesn't even brace himself. Ever have one of those anime moments? Maybe it's a burst of luck or a burst of heroics, well... two bursts of heroics given the state of things in a place most out of character, the hyena tenses and grips the handle of his blade. Time goes still through his perceptions, two rapid swings sending one bullet off its trajectory, the other impacting it head-on and sending it flying at half-speed right back into the hand that'd fired it. Such immense concentration sends a jolt of discomfort through Magnus' spine, he'd likely burned away a burst of focus that won't be returning momentarily. Even so, he'd twirl his blade in one hand and return it over his left shoulder, stepping into the room and gesticulating the iconic 'bring it' hand gesture. "You wanna try that again." T'was a bluff... he'd not be pulling that feat again anytime soon, but hopefully it was enough to convince at least some of them to scatter.
Euoia looked at the scene unfolding. A quick check of that gun sie found revealed it still ready for action. Taking some discipline from all that practice at the range, sie decided to aim more for the king's knees. Possibly taking those out would make the 'big bad' more in a position to plead for his life.
Amid the chaos in the room, Magnus's brilliant parry of a speeding bullet into the hand of a pistol wielding hyena is certainly a highlight. Edel sends the lead roughian tumbling back into his fellows and their momentum is halted, leaving the upstairs group room to breathe. The near immortality granted by the nanites means that no one here is really in fear for their lives. But that was quite a showing and a hell of an entrance!

And the booming declaration of Tanuki vengeance from above followed by sudden testicular swelling in the lead hyena doesn't hurt the intimidation factor either. He opens his mouth to shout his men into attacking again, even as he struggles down from the dais where his prop throne sits, but he is interrupted by a shot from Euoia clipping his shoulder and spinning him to the ground! For a strange instant, silence reigns!
Narwen looks down, contemplates another divine intervention, and decides not to push his luck. What's a skunk to do? Well, there's always plan B. "So long for now, pants," he mutters, then undoes the velcro -- getting them _off_ is easy -- and points the Bad End towards where the bad guys are hesitating. He is not a precision weapon, but he is an offensive one. Noxious spray blasts down.
Isabelle breaks out of her daydreaming long enough to realize that she only imagined that there was a glass roof that she could see through instead of the solid roof that is before her. "Silly girl, you got to get your head into the game, there is trouble afoot." Isabelle reaches down with her lower sets of arms and begins to claw away a sizable portion of the roof so she could see the action below.
Rubble tumbles down, smashing into a few crates and crushing the big screen television, though miraculously missing any living beings. The giantess seems to have shrugged off the tanuki enchantment that would have allowed her to enter the building and opted for violence.
Isabelle takes a deep breath as she prepares her speech. "Ummm.... hello everyone. What terrible weather we are having today.... so I guess I'm sorry I removed your roof. Anyway, I was wondering if you wouldn't mind taking a breather and stop fighting for just a bit. Regardless of how this all started, I believe we can come to a peaceful resolution... well, more peaceful that what I just did for which I offer my most sincere apologies. If you don't like the terms we offer for your surrender, you can always go back to hurting one another?"
Edel backs up and makes way for Narwen to do his thing, but levels her sword at the advancing group. "Lord Tanuki- And my companions apparently, are a lot more lenient and benevolent than I am. Surrender yourselves, and your ill-gotten gains. Otherwise I've got no problem teaching you the errors of your ways all through the evening."
"Let me make something perfectly clear for you gentlemen, you are all very lucky today." Magnus notes with that telltale cocky attitude that hyenas were known to understand once all gunfire ceases. "You managed to pick fights with too many groups at the same damn time. I don't much care what other gangs you bark and growl at. If any of my boys catch you causing trouble in their grounds, so help me we'll handle things the way hyenas are known for." He'd make a very audible chomp with his fangs just to drive the point home. "I don't much know about how forgiving Tanuki is, and quite honestly this little encounter is about making sure your smelly, flea-ridden hides stop causing trouble for the raccoon dogs. Had I a team of my spotted friends with me..." his glance snaps to their leader, the tip of his blade pressing right against the sensitive spot between those overgrown nuts keeping him immobile. "'d be missing these instead. Not too late to change that ofcourse. Unless I hear it from you, right now, clear as crystal, that you and your pack of smelly mutts are gonna cut this shit out." The sharpened edge presses more firmly into the sensitive flesh, drawing out a little blood as it sinks into the nerve-packed surface. "Same's about the shit you've been pulling in the southwestern territories. None of you are setting foot in Johari's territory. Let's hear it, because I'm feeling a cramp coming on..." the blade pushes harder by the second~
Euoia puts hir gun away. It seems now is the time for the more visible members of the group to talk the gang goons into submission after a display of violence. Euoia ponders if the nanomagic sie knows would help, but decides to stay out of it for now.
The gangster stare in horror up at Isabelle, until Narwen's particular argument strikes. There is screaming and flailing, and one hyena in particular standing next to the crushed TV and with a wounded hand begins to weep openly.

The large, scruffy hyena with the now bean bag chair sized testes that have torn through his trousers growls. "Just who do you think you're dealing with?" he snaps, struggling to his feet and trying to drag himself away from Magnus, "This is Cackler turf! Ragna will tear you apart when she hears about this! And I don't know anything about no Tanookies."

The other gang members watch on in pummeled, stinking anticipation.
Narwen listens with an ear cocked, but decides to leave the talking to the others -- no sense confusing things further by making the hyenas negotiate with five people at once. "Don't look, don't look! Gimme a sec," he rumbles, shuffling behind whatever concealment the place offers. "Or a minute. Or two. Maybe five."
Isabelle looks at the leader as he speaks. "Who is Ragna again? I'm rather new on the case but we have reason to believe that your group may have impersonated Tanukies while committing petty crimes. We would like to ask you a few questions and show you what information we have on the subject at hand." Isabelle gestures towards her other team members.
Edel earflicks and looks over towards the leader. Hopping the rail, she stalks over to Magnus' side. "You very much do, don't lie." She slides her sword back into its scabbard and narrows her eyes. "I don't deal with the whole gang stuff these days, so if you want to be a fool and mess with them that's your business and their punishment that you'll face. Do not drag the tanuki reputation in the dirt, or I'll make sure no one sees you again."
"Ohhh..." Magnus starts to salivate out the side of his mouth. "I promised someone I'd be a better lad, I did. But you are making it very difficult." he says with an all-but demented wide-eyed cheshire grin piercing right through his head. "I am trying so hard to be reasonable, to give you every chance to cut your shit out and move on... but you keep asking for it. Still..." the hyena lets off a shaky, almost manic cackle, looking a mite disappointed from hearing someone higher up the chain of command mentioned. "Sounds like you don't have the sway, you're just one of those disposable secretary dogs for your matriarch, aren't you? Your nutsack isn't even worth cutting off. I may as well find a wild mutant to neuter, same value..." He'd slowly remove the tip of his weapon, then draw in a few deep breaths and wipe away the saliva on his muzzle. He turns to Edel and huffs. "He's useless. Throw him in a cell with the K9. Even if we make him disappear, his matriarch will find another humpty dumpty to take his place with the wave of a hand. It's her we're after. Not him. Do with him as you please. I have what I need already."
Euoia quickly searches for the audio clip sie recorded when they first arrived and looks for a radio to broadcast it to. If none are available, sie will find something like hir laptop or mp3 player to broadcast it back to big balls in full hi-fi. If a speaker system remains functional in the warehouse, sie'll just broadcast it through that instead. Euoia plays back as much of the conversation sie can from when sie was spying on them. Sie plays it on loop so that the boss's words echo in their ears.
The immobilized hyena giggles in relief as Magnus's weapon is withdrawn, though the relief is short lived as he is accosted by Edel and confronted with Euoia's recording. "What?" he snarls, "You see any of your fatties around here? Nobody is mistaking a hyena for one of you Japanese raccoons!"
"Okay, okay, all clear. What'd I miss?" Narwen pokes his head back out. "Welp, we should probably collect up the stolen goods and return them to their rightful-- oh." He glances at the smashed flatscreen. "Boy, that nanite degradation acts fast. He makes an interesting point, though. How did they change, hm?" From the vantage point, he sweeps an eye over the lair, looking for vials, gadgets, mad scientific equipment, and any of the sort of things that might turn hyenas into tanuki, or for that matter belong in his lab.
Isabelle shrugs and motions towards the leader, "I suppose all talks and hostilities have been concluded. Everyone has the right to remain silent as anything they say can be used against them in a court of law. You do have the right to an attorney. In the event you can't afford an attorney, one will be provided to you. Assuming you understand your rights we many now proceed." Isabelle grabs the leader in the palm and proceeds to toss him down her cleavage. "I'm sorry I don't have proper storage so I will understand if the rest of you will want to wait for a proper escort, but any who would want a ride with me is welcome to hop on." Isabelle lowers one of her palms towards the ground and waits for anyone willing to endure the same fate.