Agressive infection reaching a village - RPLOG

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Mikes helicopter lands in the middle of the main street of a small village in the middle of nowhere but close to the Zephyr underground lab complex. It is the last reported position of the infected run away scientist. After the door opens the agents sitting in it get out of it.

A large golden scaled dragon lands awaiting hir fellow agents at the edge of the village, clad from head to toe in heavy combat armor, hir long, muscular thick tapering tail sways proudly behind hir as the dragon looks over the village. At hir side is a large silver weapons case, a crossed hir back is a large medical field kit. The dragon waits for hir fellow agents to depart.

Daemian exits the chopper first, dressed in a RCMP uniform with blue fur handcuffs in her handcuff pouch, equipped with a homemade looking crossbow, and a rather big shield, as she moves to the side so everyone else can get out, "mmnnn, i suppose we should look for tracks" as she scans the ground for signs of here the creature might have gone

Epsilon, the giant female Steel Hercules went on ground as she was in the helicopter. How it was still there while she was inside was unknown and would be the same as a miracle. She wear a RSX armor that cover her chest and the back of her legs, showing the symbol on her back, and leave her breasts nude to whoever to see. She also wear a protective glove, dark as her skin, covering her mutated hand, ready to strike if needed. Then she greet whose where already here. "Hey there, guys, ready for anything?".

Loveblade slides out of the copter seat with her reinforced and shielded pack still between her legs, double-checking the fittings for her armor and making sure that her tools are stowed in their easy-to-reach holsters and holders, swords at her sides with the catches loose, knife at the ready and both Glock and Energy weapon blackened but in very good repair. Looking around, Love starts to sniff the air and look at the ground, spending a minute getting acquainted with the surrounding atmosphere before saying anything, alert, listening and watchful.

Still working, Love gets her armor secured and prepped as well.

While Daemian cluelessly pokes the ground around an upside down garden gnome, fighting sounds can suddenly be heard from one of the nearby buildings.

While behind the group Mike starts up his helicopter, flying it back to Fairhaven

The solar dragon waves Loveblade and the rest of the agents over, a claw hand opens hir weapons case reviling several modified tranquilizer dart pistols. A pair of sun hued eyes looks over the group be for turning to speak. "Well, it does seem that I come a crossed you all before, It is sad that our team only consist of four people. Hmm Loveblade you are going to need to be inoculated against this strain, without you could turned into a feral Psychopath, and maybe come a threat to the rest of your team. ." Seguro hands Loveblade a hypo loaded with the Inoculation, hir other hand points to the weapons case. " I have dart pistol for those who wish to take them. They should let us subdue the infected with out harm, given their success in the last field test."

Daemian looks around one of the yards before she looks to Seguro, "hmmm, i think i could use em in my crossACH" as she trips on a rock she did not see and smashes her head into the ass of the garden gnome

Epsilon look at the dart pistol. "Yeah, i could use one myself, it would make an easier time to catching the runaway feral." Then she noticed Daemian's blunder. "What an ass, putting it on such a beautiful creature, as Epsilon chuckle lightly before heading to daemian, checking her head. "Are you alright Daemian? And...". She look more closely to the gnome. "Wasn't the gnome i send packing at high velocity...?".

The garden gnome shatters to pieces, having been hit by Daemian's head after having survived Epsilon's flight lessons.

Loveblade opens up her pack with two hands while exposing her thigh and quickly jamming the pressurized dart into her thigh, then removing it, only afterward putting the vial away for a look-see. She removes a pouch from her side and opens it, taking out a small stack of silvered vacuum-pouches separated into three segments, opening one herself and eating it quickly before putting the two away, and leaving a small pile there so everyone can take one "They're Tough Food, and a Days rations each. I brough enough that we wouldn't have to eat local any time soon, but just remember that I only have so many." she moves over and looks to the Cottage "There was a scream from over there, and we need to get there; FAST!" she growls out of a savage snarl, her eyes starting to glow Electric Blue, surrounding the Shimmering Gold of her slit pupils, Data Nanomagic dialing up to link to any party members she can, and more, organizing field data while she strides and then breaks into a quick sprint, launching herself into the air on wings, never stopping her progress by talking.

with a loud crash two figures come out of a window of a nearby house. One of them is a fortaur herm waering a labcoat, hir eyes glowing red, the other one being mostly a gel gal herm, pinned below the taur, a few scratches and claw marks on hir skin.

Daemian ooc agred

Seguro keeps an eye on the village, the quite is unsettling. "Well is there any question before we head out?" Seguro watches as love blade launching hir self into the air, the solar dragon ducks a cloud of dust is raised by the shadow dragon's down draft." Be careful of getting to far ahead of the rest of the group love, this may be a trap. We should try to at least recover the foxtaur, keep your eyes open others in the village may have been infected." Without another word the dragon moves toward the foxtaur to ready hir self for a shot.

Daemian looks over to se the pinned gel underneath the infected, immediately recognising her daughter viridyell, "wait a THATS MY DAUGTHER YOU FUCKING BITCH!" as she grabs one of the dart vials and breaks it over the tip of her posined crossbow, and with a vengefull rage she aims right at the infected's head, and fires

Epsilon also notice the foxtaur, having pinned down Viridyell under him. "Viridyell?! C... Need to stay calm...". She take a long breath and relax her body. "Let's not hastily react. Who know how he would react and what would happen to her if we were to do anything funny... I could just ram into him but viridyell would be probably endangered in the process...". As she slowly tries to approach the foxtaur, leaving a clear sight of line for daemian.

Loveblade banks and turns on her comm, directly linking to the group on the company channel, scanner in place as she revs up another power, this time Techno Nanomagic, her devices and those of everyone in range working that much better for it, and reports "Aerial One, city is still, I repeat, city is quiet. I see no movement. Continuing Patrol; Will engage target of oppportunity." Love loads her dart gun while bubbling shadow pours from between her lips, white, glistening fangs spread in preparation as she arms hersefl fully and makes a diving run, shooting for the victime to innoculate if possible, almost hoping for a miss that may glance Patient Zero.

the foxtaur looks at the agents attacking hir, the distraction making it easy for Viridyell to land a direct hit to hir face. Spotting the new arrivals, the feral researcher lets go of hir opponent and starts to run towards the city center, dodging some darts and arrows as shi flees.

Seguro moves toward the gel gal, with a hypo in hand, keeping one eye on hir soundings, with a practice motion shi administers an inoculation to gel gal. "Are you alright? You be ok, I will need to give this to you to prevent you from going feral."

Daemian runs beside her daughter to check on her, "oh my god are you alright? God seguro. please tell me she is going to be alright!" as she panics on the fate of her daughter, praying nothing fucks up with the inoculation

Viridyell breath is heavy, hir face expretion is of someone in aner and rage but after reciving innaculation from Segure her face softens and her breath stabilise after a minute or two is is calmer. Sie look around to see who is with hir "I'm better now thank you, this foxtour almoust got me and I felt so angry, I almoust lost it" Sie notice Daemians " oh Mom you are here to, you came to save me! Thanks everyone." sie try to sit.

Seeing that the foxtaur fled and left Viridyell was there. Epsilon rushed at her to see how she was doing while Seguro and Daemian were already around. "Seguro... Is she okay?", as she grab her breasts and show them to Viridyell. "If you need, just tell me." Then she turn her head to Daemian. "You should calm down a bit, Daemian. Rushing things arent' going to help us.".

Loveblade continues to track the movements as the Foxtaur runs toward the city, letting out a startled curse, she opens up her comm channel and broadcasts right across the range "There is an infectee on the loose with a highly virulent and incapacitating strain. Results of infection incudling Homocidal Rage, uncontrollable mating pressure and being reduced to a Feral state. BE on the lookout for eratic behaviours and stay in contact with others as you can. Leave the town, I repeat, leave the town at your first opportunity. Get out while you can." Love banks for the city and switches back to the company channel. "How long will it be before you can move safely. She's not stopping and she's headed into a populated area now. We have to MOVE." banking while she prepares a couple of nasty surprises, Love grins seductively, savagely, looking with grim joy at the possibilities in the future and growing out her feelings of happiness. Landing nearby, Love activates her Automatic Triage Kit, and takes out her binoculars, looking closely at the city, while her comm repeats the simple message she recorded.

The sound of Mike's chopper filled the air as it makes it approach, lowering itself on an open area close enough from the team. Jumping out carefully from it, the german shepherd captain checks his surrounding and gearone last time before heading toward the other people here. He makes his presence known with a wave and a greeting bark, a smile onto his muzzle as he recognizes some of the face. "Captain James Cobalt reporting for duty. I've heard you people could use some help with ferals. I've been given a quick briefing on the situation and followed what happened on the com. I hope I can be of assistance."

The streets go silent again, the feral scientist having run off, when suddenly all working radios in the area start blaring out Loveblade's warning. A few faces show in the surrounding houses and spotting the agents and Mike's heli head out and quickly make their way to the heli, hoping for a quick way of evacuation.

Seguro holds the gel gal's wrist, the dragon's Biomonitoring Nanomagic keeping hir appraised of the hir informed of the responsiveness to the inoculation. " Good news is you will be fine, bad news is that you are stuck in the middle of a combat situation." The dragon opens hir weapons case and hands the gel gal a dart gun. "I trust you know how use this, if you hit one of the infected they will revert to normal" The dragon spies the arrival of the German Shepherd James, reaching into pack tosses James a dart gun and a hypo. "Make sure to inject yourself as soon as possible to avoid succumbing to this strain." Seguro upon spotting the moving to the heli, hir voice quickly speaks out over the com. "Do not let them board the chopper, they may be infected."

Daemian gets up after checking that her daughter is ok, before she smiles to them both, "oh thank god... vi, we will discuss what the hell you were doing out here another time... anyway, im going to take a look in this house" as she takes a look inside for any clue or anything to help with the search

Viridyell look at Epsilon gigantic breast and giggles, "oh thank you" sie takes her nipple in her mouth and nurse from Epsilon, nanites in her milk quickly heals her wounds. After some time of nursing Vi stands up ready to move, sie accept durt gun from Seguro "thanks".

"Don't worry... Daemian, she will be fine for the time being.". She then ready her own dart gun as she notice Jammes. "Oh, here goes K9, nice timing since we could use you dog nose i believe." She tap Viridyell shoulder softly before trying to see where the foxtaur would've went. "This village may be rather small, who know what we could find here. Stay sharp everyone.".

Loveblade keeps close eyes on the city, gauging how soon the approaching figures will get there and taking out her Unshielded Prototype along with a metal sword, one of her four hands still free to let her keep the city in sight. Without looking back over her shoulder, Love flexes her great wings, shifting her weight and placing herself at the reasy, muscles in her legs tense and relax as she prepares to launch. "Hmmm, leave Mike a shot and a gun; let's get ready to go, I know where she went to ground, but that information gets less valuable every second. Do we know the city layout?" Love checks her equipment and finding her HD camera, puts it back and ready "I'm going to do a fly-over of the city and take some aerial photos for maps. Anyone wants to come," she looks over anyone 6foot or less and nods "Hang on to my leg, and use the supplied hand holds and harnesses at my waist. I can take two comfortably if you're around six to nine foot, but I'm taking off, now. Children and families live here," she digs the wickedly sharp claws of her beautifully shaped legs into the ground, muscles pulling to the surface with definition and power "C'mon!" she joyfully exclaims, prepared to go!

Jammes gives a nod in direction of Seguro while grabbing the dart gun in mid-air, checking the device for a few seconds before hanging it into his tool belt. "Got it. It's good to see you again, by the way." Scratching his head at Epsilon's comment, the hound looks a bit confused. "My nose? I guess so, although I haven't used it in a while, I'd need to single out the scent of the fox first though." Hearing the shadow dragon's offer makes him hesitate for a second, looking around for other people who can join her, ultimately nodding in direction of Loveblade. "Looks like I'm the only one who can join you. Let's go then." He approaches the dragon lady, securing himself with the harness. "I have good eyes, but do you have extra binoculars so I can help out with the scouting?"

Mike hatily pulls the heli back into the air as he sees the figures aproaching, getting himself and his machine out of their reach. He once more steers it back towards Fairhaven, not wanting to get involved here too much.

The people on the street just stand there stunned, looking after the heli, then turn towards the agents. One of them, a male husky, aparently father of a family, as he has a female husky and two pups clinging to his side, speaks up "Hey you! What should we do now, now that our best way to leave here is gone? We don't want to end up completely feral!"

Seguro opens hir bulky med pack, pulling out several hypos, quickly shi works to inoculate the crowd, treating the women and children first. "I have a large supply to the counter agent with me; you will be allowed to leave once you have been treated." Seguro calls to hir fellow agents" Keep a eye out for anything odd."

Daemian looks over to all the families, "ill stay here and protect evryone here while you go look for th former scientist, Vi, want to stay with me?"

Viridyell looks on two groups and on hir Mother and nots " yes I will stay with you Mom"

"We need to throughly search the city for anything that could help us pinpoint where he could've have gone since with love's help, we still may not be able to find him.", as Epsilon toward the village searching around.

Loveblade looks to Jammes to make sure that the harness is secured for flight and hands over her binoculars "I'm built to see at a distance, the Binoculars have some targeting enhancements that my naked eyes do not though. Take them, and use them well.

Jammes lets out a sympathetic sigh at the civilian's comment, barking out in his direction in return. "Just stay somewhere safe and locked up, we're going to fix the situation before you know it. We are skilled agent." The dog nods in approval at Seguro's action and the gel gals's decisions, giving a comforting smile in direction of the civilians while giving them a salute. "The police is on the job too, we're here to Protect and Serve!"

Grabbing the binoculars with a thanks, the german shepherd readies himself for flight, looking into the device to try and get a general idea of the village, making mental notes of interest points and, of course, being on the look-out for any foxtaur running around or any strange acting civilian.

Love says this as she jumps into the air, the sudden jolt slapping the binoculars on their carry-catch into Jammes' chest and her wings boom with power when they slap the air, sending her high in a single stroke, her camera out and linked to her comm, overhead photos slowly taken at intervals over every 20 feet, so that the pictures can be slid together to form a good map with great detail. When she's done, Love slides down on a thermal, dropping Jammes off at a side entrance with some equipment, a rebreather and a large stock of daily rations, taking off to supervise the townspeoples evacuation, promising to return as soon as she's sure they're not being harried. With a clap of thunder, her wing strike the air once more, and she's gone.

Once left back on the ground with the additional gear and rations, Jammes gathered everything in his pockets and tool belt. Now having a better idea of the town's mapping, he contacted the other via his com. "Alright, I've got maps, pictures and rations here. I'm on the other entrance of the village, I could either join you back with the civilian or meet you somewhere in town. I sent what I had as data via the com unit. I'm waiting for your opinion on the matter before moving." Staying on the lookout for anything moving around him, he waits for an answer.

Looking trough the data there's a pic clearly showing a foxtaur running into a small house in the middle of the village.

Seguro radios for a transport to pick up the civilians, just as soon as the last one receives its inoculation, Seguro turns to speak to the rest of hir fellow agents. "Hmm that is the last them it seems, we should get after that foxtaur before he gets too far way. We don't need this mess spreading" Seguro readies hirself fallowing behind hir fellow agents.

"Center of the village? Okay then, thanks you Love.". Her gun in hand, she quickly goes toward the pinpointed house and look around, searching for traps and whatnot. "He may be feral, but i'm pretty sure he may have layed traps... Look for anything suspicious!". As she touch the walls of the building.

Jammes contacts his teammates again after Epsilon's answer. "Alright, I'm heading in direction of the area where the mutant appears onto the picture. I'll be waiting at the end of the street so I don't get spotted by him and make him run away. I'll be on the lookout for you guys. If you get in troubles, find a way to make noises, I'll run toward you. And if you hear a whistle... well, come and helpme out, will ya?" Checking his equipment one last time, he started walking in direction of the house the taur was sighted, keeping his eyes and ears at the ready for any noise.

Dolan meeting a few hundred meters from the hideout, the three Agents going directly after the feral scientist reunite. They make their way to the neighbouring house, staying out of side behind it. From their point, they can see two foxtaurs on the hideout's veranda, one watching the street, the other sound asleep, while rhytmical squeaking noises can be heard from inside the house, like an old spring mattress being used for definitely not sleeping like one of the guards.

Seguro sets the bulky med pack, and ammo cases down on the ground, the dragons form begins to finish from sight as shi activates hir camo power, the dragon's large frame peaks in though the open window of the hut.

Seguro turns to the rest of hir group speaking in barely a whisper. "Well we found some foxtaur's there two of them going at it on the bed in there. Are you sure we got the right hut Jammes?"

Epsilon talk to Jammes beforehand, "Eheh... don't worry about that.". Letting Jammes covering their back, Epsilon goes toward what look like a door and slowly push it with her frontal horn. Her gun in her left hand, ready to shoot, and the other on her back, ready to strike with her halberd. She whisper to herself, "Two foxtaurs? Shouldn't be hard...".

Jammes holds his breath as Seguro approaches the place while partially invisible, the dog crssing his fingers and hoping that the trick will work just fine. Left along with Epsilon, he tries to think how to proceed next. No way the two of them could sneak in unnoticed, unless they managed to cause a distraction... somehow. At the dragon's words, he checks on the map and picture again before indicating Seg that yes, it was the right spot. Epsilon's move took him by surprise however, the canine following up silently behind her. Looks like they were going in the rough way. He readied the dart gun and emptied hismind, preparing to attack.

The awake foxtaur on the veranda strolls over to hir sleeping comrade while sniffing the air, hir shaft growing out of hir sheath, clearly smelling something from within. Shi simply mounts the sleeping foxtaur, waking hir by doing so and elicting a yipping cry from hir.

Seguro takes aim at mounting though the open window, hidden by hir cloak, the dragon watches the scene unfold looking for the right moment to strike.

Seguro waits for the rest of hir team to move to the front before shi shrikes catching the taurs between a cross fire.

Epsilon take a sneak peak inside the building, before heading inside, ready for anything that may be going on while she count on the other agents to remain out of sight for the time being.

Jammes lets out a silent grunt and shakes his head as the impatient insects goes for it. "Would have been easier to wait until they're knotted and tired..." the dog grumbles to himself before following. Eventually, they're both inside the foxtaur riddled house, dart gun at the ready. He gives an interogative look at Epsilon, before whispering. "Upstairs or veranda?"

Hearing a small whisper, Epsilon whisper "Verenda". As she carefully get her halberd in her right hand, she carefully cut the ropes attached to bells, before looking around more and goes toward the verenda, her horn ready to strike.

Jammes nods and follows after her, carefully looking where he steps, the inoculation devices held in front of him. Strangely enough, he was uncomfortable with guns of any type, despite being a cop. Still, that was better than hurting the infected civilian. Staying behind the talk hercules, he was ready to assault the two taurs in the veranda. Another almost silent whisper, he adds. "I take the bottom one, take the top."