Fairhaven Blaze - RPLOG

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Sunday September 22, 2019=Log=

Flickering embers dance through the air as the telltale glow of a massive blaze illuminates part of the city, here in its epicentre it is nigh impossible to tell night from day however! Originating at the base of a five-story residential appartment, flames are rapidly spreading upwards, licking along the eastern wall of the residential structure! On that side the fire had already spread to the roof, while much of the western side remains un-charred... for now.

The local fire department are already on-scene, however unprepared for a blaze of this magnitude! The most these brave mutants can do is slow down the spread of the life-gobbling inferno, and with the city's infrastructure anything but hospitable in its current state to permit them easy access to water, it was a miracle they were capable to even do so much!

The sounds of terrified screams is audible from within the structure, couples, entire families perhaps trapped within the crumbling building as smoke billows out the open windows! They didn't have much time left... Among those in the rescue effort was a small-ish fennec fox, his part in this being something he did well. Screaming at the panicked locals with a loud and commanding tone, trying to keep the terrified masses from scattering, hoping to organize them and recruit as many of them into the firefighting effort as possible.

Cinder is heading to Dicks and Durgs to oversee some of the construction when sie sees the blaze, Sie has nothing on hir to help but sie starts running over anyway! Sie sees, or rather hears Magnus and runs over to him, "Anything I can do to help?"

Zophah is aproaching the blaze, as is all fearless heroes do. She had grabbed the only two fire extinguishers she had already built and flew off with phoenix wings, her shadow dragon daughter Dios flying behind her and messaging Arris to meeet her there. When she arrived, She notices Magnus alredy trying to take care of the inferno. "How many in the building do you think there are, which way is the fire spreading, and about how much time do we have before the structure collapses?" She yells over the cataphony, drawing out her totemic bear to hopefully help with any heavy loads.

Arris rushes in shortly after Zophah does, lugging around a ten-pound fire extinguisher just behind her, careful not to let the mildly heavy tank of pressurized gas bump the pavement too hard and potentially explode right into her hands. "Sweet Mary mother of Joseph, the blaze is as bad as you said." Her gaze sweeps left and right as the heat bears down on her from all sides, eyes eventually focusing on Magnus before rushing over to him. "Oi, Mag! You got a plan for this fire?!"

Quinnthas hears the commotion and comes jogging around the corner , his eyes widen at the scene. "woah, haven't seen a fire this bad in awhile!" after noticing the shouting fox and people gathering around him he decides to go up and see waht he can do to help. "hello, quinnthas, RSX human resources, there anything I can do to help?" he says calmly as he watches teh chaos around him.

The fennec turns to face the fox and gator. "Jeeze, of all the people to show up! Glad you two are among them." He then spots Cinder and another lad he'd not yet met, his eyes going wide as he speaks, "What are..." but is promptly interrupted as the loud crackling and crashing from the structure announces that it had started to collapse from the thermal shock, the topmost floor having caved in somewhere along the roof. "We don't have time! I don't know how many are in there! What little I could do is help the fire department over there!" his finger snaps towards a group of four five brave souls, two pairs of two each firmly grasping a nozzle gushing water in an attempt to douse the flames, their efforts only enough that they merely slow its spreading. "Why are you asking me?! I don't know what to do! Go talk to the chief!" his hand then points towards a small and visibly stressed rat girl in a firefighter's uniform and distinctly brighter helm on her head, leaned over a piece of rubble she was using as an improvised desk. "Quit gabbing and get going!" Magnus then turns back around and runs off after the scattering crowd to try and organize things as best he can.

Cinder nods and runs over to the fire chief, offering hir help

"There are people in there!?" Arris promptly disregards Magnus' instructions to go talk up the chief, instead running towards the closest building to her that was still aflame, levelling her extinguisher's nozzle at it... then double-checks the intuitive picture diagrams on the side to make sure she was using it correctly. After a hasty check, she pulls the handle on the pressurized chemical container and looses its contents in the direction of the fire.

Zophah sees the stress Magnus is having and surveys the situation herself. Scouting nanomagic gave her an edge in finding the closest people in need of rescue, and she directs her daughter and her totem to help evacuate anyone in the western side of the building. "Anyone capable of flight and resistance to heat, go to the higher floors and lead them out to the fire escapes! If you find anyone unconsious from smoke, get the aid of any other rescuees to drag them out! Those with fire extinguishers focus on stopping it from spreading to the west to give everyone a chance of getting out! If anyone is injured, focus on getting them mobile first, paramedics and nanites will do the rest! NOW MOVE!" She then takes flight and pulls out a fire extingisher, diving into an open window of the upper floors.

Quinnthas as he surveys the situation his ears and glowing tentacles twitch, with a frown he gets ready to run in when Zophah starts sending people to the rescue. "I think there are 10 people on the first couple of floors. since you have rescues in hand guess I'll focus on something else." he heads over to the rat girl at the makeshift desk. "anything you need help with here?"