Guest of Tanuki - RPLOG

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Stepping into the testicle-hut is like stepping into a hole. Fur rushes past and heat builds before the agents are dropped onto their feet gracelessly at the sandal clad feet of the female tanuki. Her two guards are behind her as if nothing had happened. The place is different, however. Dense forest presses from all around, and the calls of birds and other small animals call out in symphony. The air is fresh, the sun, bright, where it peeks through the canopy. "Welcome," she says, "To his realm."

Morten blinks, dusting herself off and looking around "Woah-... I love it here already!" she smiles, taking a deep inhale of the fresh air "Oh yes~ I like it here alot" she smiles, bowing to the Tanuki woman "Thank you and thank you to his grace that allows us to be in this most prestigious of places" she nods.

Fenris staggers back to his hooves and stares around him in wonder. He had seen many strange things since P-Day, but testicle travel really took the cake! "That was. . . stunning," he says, then does his best to compose himself, straightening his long, dark coat over his hindquarters.

Technetium emerges from the portal, stepping out calmly, looking around at the scene. She is quickly writing notes in page after page of the clipboard, each one filled with text. She looks at the Tanuki that had led the party there. "Thank you for bringing us to this place. I look foward towards meeting your leader." She says formally, finishing with a quick, polite smile.

"You," she says, looking to Morten, "Have only brushed against the side of his power. His entry to your realm was restricted, like a pin prick in silk. Here is where his power truly resides," she explains, "Though that is, like many things, only a half truth." She steps past the agents, moving along a trail she seems to know well, "Mind your manners, for he is lord of this realm. He is kind and jolly, but his patience has limits. If you wish his good favor, bow before him, then rub his belly." She glances over her shoulder, "He loves that."

Fenris follows after the tanuki woman, doing his best not to look like a dumbstruck tourist while still trying to take in the remarkable surroundings.

Morten smiles and nods before blinking "Huh... interesting, guess it makes sence most beings cant just wander into other realms with ease" she shrugs, moving along to follow the trail and the Tanuki "Anything we should -not- do in his presence then? " she asks as she idly looks around at the vast surroundings.

Technetium walks at a tightly controlled pace behind the Tanuki woman. Her clipboard is now out of paper and she is filling in the margins with as much information as possible. When glinted at, there is also nonsensical mathematics seemingly trying to figure out interdimensional travel. She remains silent, still listening to the Tanuki

Grace falls out of the portal a bit behind the others, and lands on her feet. She is a cat, after all. She looks around, stunned by the beauty of the place. Then she notices how far ahead of her the res are, and rushes to catch up. "Hey, what did I miss?"

"You missed nothing," speaks the female, "For we are just arriving." At this, the forest parts, revealing a sprawling city. Tanuki, everywhere. Some are working in the fields, others are driving carts. Tanuki guards flank the gate into the city proper. She guides the group towards the main road leading into the place, dirt packed as it is.

The architecture is very asian, with heavy hints of romance period Japan.

Morten blinks and widens her eyes, smiling brightly as her fangs twinkle in the light "Ok, I adore it here... " she states gleefully, resisting the urge to run down and explore, she sighs and keeps following the Tanuki woman but keeps turning and spinning on the spot, in utter awe as she looks everywere she can, taking in every detail.

Fenris feels rather out of place amongst all these tanuki in his big, stagtaur body, but does not wish to shift to another form, fearing that it might be an offense to his host. He clops along placidly behind the guide, looking at the archetecture with interest. "Where exactly are we?" he asks, not necessarily expecting an answer.

Technetium observes the multitude of Tanuki, politely smiling at any that come close to her. She is now writing on the clipboard itself, and she is considering writing on the her labcoat. She continues following the woman, asking her. "How long has your civilization been? Not to be rude, but I am simply admiring your massive city." She flashes a quick polite smile.

Grace finds all this formal talk a little excessive, but she figures failing to be at least a little polite would be a very bad idea. She falls into step with the rest of the group, ending up between Techie and Morten. "It's really pretty here," she purrs softly, unsure of what to say.

"Lord Tanuki's realm," she replies as if it were obvious, "But if you refer to the city, it is Tai-wei, where he resides at current." Approaching the gate, they are swung open without word. The guards kneel down as the group approaches with an air of formality. It seems the entourage is known. Those not of the guard peer more curiously. A little chubby tanuki child points openly at the non-tanuki.

"Look dad, look! They're funny!" The child's presumed father claps a hand over his chubby little snout and hauls him away, berating his lack of manners.

"Long?" asks she, "That is difficult to say. I am an envoy, not a historian, and his realm has existed long before I, or any other I know save he."

Morten smiles, still just enjoying looking at the city and landscape, she giggles and waves at the child before he is pulled away, making her ears lower before she quickly gets back on track with the Tanuki "This place is great, though I feel a little light-headed.. probably all the excitement" she smiles.

Fenris's freckled face flushes at the Tanuki child's comment, but he supposes he must look very strange to someone who has only seen tanuki. "Is it far to the palace?" he asks, a little self concious and wishing that he hadn't assumed such a large form today.

Technetium moves through the crowd silently, the hem of her coat beginning to have writing on it. She looks at the child for a second, then continues following their envoy. She feels only mildly conspicuious, being shorter then many of the Tanuki. Her oversized ears move erractically, latching on to random conversations then locking onto another one.

Grace giggles softly, and smiles at the chubby little raccoon. "You don't get many visitors from outside the realm, do you?"

"Please excuse him," speaks the child's father, who keeps a hand firmly in place on the child's face, "He is still young, pardon us." And woosh, off they run before more opportunity for shame comes up.

The diplomat steps up into a carriage that was waiting just beyond the gate, waiting for the others to board quietly. It seems walking through the city will not be required. Her guards hop up onto either side of the cart, riding on its outside.

Grace giggles softly, and smiles at the chubby little raccoon as the group moves through the crowd. She glances over at the fennec, and notices that she's started writing on her coat, of all things. "Run out of room?" she asks.

Morten smiles and moves up into the carriage, sitting down with a grin "The more time I spend here, the more Im enjoying myself, how much does it cost to rent a flat in this place?" she grins, leaning back into her seat with a happy sigh.