Salvaging the University - RPLOG

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The Bozeman area, home to many reptiles, once a home to knowledge and learning. It was a short trip to get here, however staying could prove troublesome. Approching the delapidated university, many such reptiles, mostly of old, run here or there. They don't seem keen on permitting others into their homes, and their homes do not look the most inviting to begin with. Falling chucks of the university are the number one hazard, followed by having the floor suddenly cave in under you. Caution was more then slightly warned by Nichole, Robert, and Penelope for those who are Prommie, Z, And RSX respectively.

Siyu walks with the group, the short rodent dressed in desert camo, and with his large bag. The survivalist rodent just keeps his poncho low and his ears flat, the Promethean just coming to help. Prehaps gain some knoledge. He scouts in the front really, looking back as he spies the old university. "We're here guys..." he nods his head, "Place looks about ready to fall down, do we have any information on where the lady is keeping the books?"

Buzamu idly wonders if she should have put on her utilities, if only atop the bodysuit, but as it was, she was glad she thought to bring her rifle and it's ammo, along with her knife and pistol. So other than not having her grenades and body armor were worrysome, the goal of this task wasn't blast their way in. It was just to talk to this professor and earn their trust to get ahold of these books. "Not a clue. Wasn't exactly given in the brief I got on route. Not sure about others."

Liana:stays a short distance ahead of the group, perhaps ten feet. She doesn't seem comfy with idle talk, but does excell at keeping watch and looking for trouble, and her regeneration lets her recover from nearly anything an initial ambush may cause. Her tail swishes softly in time with her steps as she walks, her arm-scythes extended as she keeps point. "It seems to be clear so far...just don't do something stupid like shoot a gun or yell and we should be fine."

McPirate takes up the rear of the group, towering over the rest of the party at over twenty feet tall. With massive, booming steps he lumbers forward. Spotting the university, he grows concerned that his very presence might cause the building to collapse. "Think that place can hold someone like me?" He asks in his deep, rumbling voice. "Looks like it'll fall over if Siyu sneezed, let alone if I walked in."

On the little trip over, Edel remained fairly silent, as per usual. Her focus mostly on making a fashionable straw hat, which is now upon her head. Slinking up behind the group she glances at the path ahead, and then at Pirate. "I dunno," she says abruptly. "I think I'll hang back, though, just in case. If the floor gives way I don't really want to follow."

Hearing the tale of possible sources of wonderful preserved knowledge, a herm lioness makes hir way for the library in hir typical professional garb. However, Dio was quite aware of the dangerous nature of the area, so extra caution was taken in the form of some good armor beneath hir clothes and a nanite buffer to at least help reduce the pain should some dangerous things topple upon hir. "I can't imagine that having someone more than fifteen feet tall would be great in a collapsing building," Dio replies, not far from stepping hir way inside. "Perhaps we can gather some information from the various people here. Or perhaps if this is truly a professor, they could simply be in their office."

The combined clammering of the agents around, and with McPirate being far heavier the then buildings are used to, a second of the east wing of the Departmant of Human Sciences can be heard falling over. The structures obviously won't take the weight of something so large. However, large or not, and with numbers on the agents side, it seems the verious Rapt-taurs and others are taking an interest in the forengin creatures in their territory.

Siyu remains standing on top of a rock as he looks out over the cumbling campus, "Well we could be very noisy and try to find her, but likely somthiing very bad will find us if we're not very quiet. Search teams prehaps? But only those light of foot. Otherwise yes we'll bring buildings down. Prehaps the library is a good place to start?" he hops down and searchs a bit..finding what he was looking for! A large campus map. Fadded but still legible, "here! Should we start there?" he inquires. He winces as he hears the building fall, "Well so much for being quiet..."

Buzamu grimances at the building collpasing. "Either size down, or let's keep moving. I dunno how, feral these folks are, and I'd very much like to not find out without making some progress to the target." She says, making sure the magazine in the well had a blue strip of tape on it. Her non-lethal rounds. Better than blowing them away at least for now.

"Blah blah blah, how bout this little man? How bout we don't split up into little groups, and stick together? Jeez man, when is splitting up with monsters all about ever a good idea?" McPirate protests, even though he knows he can't enter the university.

Edel wiggles her fingers at Dio in a little wave. "Hello again, mister lion. And yes, if you seek light footed scouts, I'm your lady! Discretion and sneakery are what I am best at, yes indeed. And I'd prefer to get away from any stomping around that people do."

Liana sighs as she looks over the others, wincing a little at the lack of stealth McPirate contributes. "The map is a good start, but it won't take account for collapsed buildings, rubble, and critter nests. And...Spliiting up sounds great. Loud people stay here, the quiet ones, go in farther..." She grins as she says this, joking...mostly.

Buzamu nods. "Besides, keeping giant out here keeps these critters from getting, too curious about us." She says, jerking a thumb at McPirate.

With a map in hand, and caution abound about care and light feet, there is still no real movement forward. Curiousity about these strange creatures seems to be growing in the locals, a Tricerataur carefully venturing a bit close, followed by a Stegosaurian. The others look to those two to find any reaction from the agents around.

"Hate you all." McPirate grumbles, taking a seat on a small building as he begins his guard duty. He grimaces as he hears roars out in the distance. He hated raptor.

Siyu at least knows the general location, "Do we think the library might be a good place? I don't know where she might b e keeping the books." the short rodent earflattens at Mcpirate and he'll just sink into his desert camoed poncho. Liting the hood up and going quiet.

Buzamu shakes her head. "Let's just get moving huh? Staying here is making us BFTs, and I don't like having this many bullseyes on my back." She says, moving to the front of the 'stack' as it were. "Which way oh map holder?" She states, rather though it was phrased as a question, her rifle at the ready to help them work their way through.

Liana turns and carefully watches the ferals as they get bolder, motioning towards them. "If they do anything aggressive, deal with them hard and fast, or the others will think we lack means to defend ourselves and swarm us." She takes a few steps forewards, waiting to see if the rest of the group besides Buzamu is ready to continue on, at least until they reach a more unstable area.

"A map?" Dio questions, giving a tap to the armor beneath hir clothing and straightening out hir suit-coat. "How lucky we are indeed. The library would be a good place to start, and failing that, perhaps we can find hir office." The lioness looks towards the curious creatures, but tries to pay them no mind in order to not stir up any uneeded agression.

With more then enough time to judge the agents abound it seems that a few of the ferals have decided it is worth a shot to see if they can take the agents for their own! The group quite surrounded by them, five pounce out at the would be scavangers!

"Shit! I count five!" Yells out McPirate, leaping to his feet and preparing his forearm guns.

Liana hisses and crouches as the ferals attack, immediately heading after the flyer, her own insectile wings helping her leap after it.

"Figures, CONTACT!" She barks out, raising her rifle and engaging the first one to approach the group, firing her rifle, glad for having loaded the rubber rounds before hand.

Siyu feels the presence of so many creatures coming towards him and he tosses off his poncho and drops his bag, preparing for combat going to the small of his back and pulling out a wicked serrated knife

Edel scowls a little, securing her hat as she concentrates her nanowizardry, picking up a lot of the rubble already in the area to send them at just about every individual she doesn't like.

The dinos continue their assult, it seems a few are working to protect the others, however, it is clear they are at a disadvantage. Still, ferals aren't the most wise creatures around, so with claws, horns, and teeth flying around the battlefield, they continue their assult.

Liana causes her arm-blades to ignite with one of her many mutations, then wades into the largest group to wildly lash about with the blazing scythes, taking a good number of hits in return for it.

Buzamu grumbles, noting how close the hostiles had managed to get, and rather than try for another burst, proceeded to slam the stock of her rifle against the nearest one's head, before lowering the rifle, and grabbing ahold of the magazine, and pulling the trigger on the Masterkey shotgun mounted to the bottom of her rifle.

Liana gives her party a quick glance to make sure none of them are heavily injured, before returning her focus to the fight, sending a surge of electricity through those unlucky enough to be near her.

With the support taken down, the remaining three renew their fighting, trying to trade blow for blow with the agents for their fallen comrades. More claws, more hate burning from the ferals, however, the display seems to be having an effect on those just watching though, as those not already in the fight back away.

McPirate opens fire on the nearest enemy, spraying the air with bullets. He watches as it runs off under the heavy fire. "Yeah, that's right! Piss off you little shits!" He yells, love for the fight in his voice.

Edel slips her 'bow' back and out of the way, instead reaching for one of her swords, her silent guardians never straying too far from her side, so as to be able to ward off attacks made upon their caller. She steps forward, swift movements carrying her out of the way of a blow, while even swifter movements return one of her own.

Dio begins cracking hir fists and rolls back hir shoulders for a good stretch while a few shards of sharp prisms pierce into a foe, stopping its advance and attack. After leaning far far back with hir right hand, almost as if shi were throwing a pitch, the lioness slams a powerful wild haymaker into the side of a raptor's head with a solid crack, putting it down for the count. It might take more than ten seconds for that raptor to come back up. Still quite in range, Dio attempts to grab a poor foe and choke some strength out of them for hir own use.

Siyu gets a couple of thick heavy stabs in, the serrated dagger just cuasing a few gouts of blood. The short rodent runs back as the last one falls and he's covered in some blood and splatter. He pants and shakes his head, giving a gulp and finding a tear of cloth to clean off his knife from the gore, " much for friendlies."

With the more curious ones handled, most of the others back away, though continue to watch from shadows, or behind corners. A direct assult didn't seem to deture the adverturous agents, but maybe, another chance will show itself to those who are more cunning, stealthy, or patient.

Edel steps up to one of the downed ferals and... Just sort of wipes her blade clean on it before sliding it back into the scabbard, before adjusting her hat and pushing up her glasses. As an afterthought, and as a sign of good will, she deposits some little trinket by one of the defeated ferals and a small cup of long-cold tea. "Right then. No more waiting around. I'm going in." Not very far, though. She lingers on the other side of the entrance, waiting for the others.

Liana almost savagly attacks and chases off the ferals that have caught her attention, slashing at them repeatedly and hissing as she chases them a short ways, making sure to drive home the point to never attack travellers again. She re-folds her armblades and huffs softly once the area is reasonably secure, walking back to rejoin the group. "Hopefully that will keep the others at bay. If not, use more explosions, fire, and noise. But let's get a move on for now, hrm?" She turns and starts to head in with Edel...but can't help but lift a brow at the offerings. "Tea...? Really?"

McPirate grins madly as he takes his forearm guns back into his arm. "That all you lousy shits got?" He taunts to the retreating ferals. He turns toward the group and begins to shrink is size a little bit. "Yeah, I am not staying out here. I'll try to be careful inside, but it's gonna be dangerous." He says, worry replacing his previous bravado.

Buzamu grunts, once the ferals run off, loads another rubber slug into the tube of her Masterkey. Looking over the area around them, her gaze is focused on the Physical Sciences building. "Light source, faint, flickering. Intact building, halfway across to the west. Floor four, far side of it. Possibly our friend." She says, pointing out the specfic building. As she doesn't know the campus, nor has she seen the map, she doesn't know what it's called, but simply calls out what she can describe of it.

Siyu nods, "So where did you want to start looking? The Library is up north, behind registration...or, does anyone have a better idea where the books would be stored?"

After the adrenaline fueled by combat began to wear down, Dio shook hir fist to get off a bit of the pain from such a big punch. But hell, it sure was satisfying. "Quite. However, those were only the weak ones. It's possible they could send the more stronger ones at us next time around when we get into the building's heart," shi comments, once more straightening out hir clothing in a fashion conscious manner. "We should probably get this done as soon as possible before such happens. Heading to this interesting building might be a good start. Ferals wouldn't know much about keeping a light source going, but a more sane individual would."

While the discussion continues, the only indication that the group is still being watched is the sounds of clawed feet, or heavy hooves moving about, no easily seen sights, but, it would seem that everyone is still being observed.

Edel glances over her shoulder towards Pirate. "Do not taunt them, please." She gives a nod to Liana. "Tea, yes. I did not have much, but I'm hoping that when they awake, they'll realize maybe we're not the bad guys. And any onlookers will see that we are trying to be friendly. I have no clue if it'll help, but it's worth a shot."

McPirate starts to get worried hearing the sounds. "Lets just get inside now, before any more of them show up." He grumbles out.