Automated Multiplayer Updates/2017 October

From Flexible Survival
Revision as of 00:01, 13 October 2017 by FlexBot (talk | contribs)
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[Update] Feature, Not A Glitch moistens, "A new nanomagic has been developed off of teh Strength Nanomagic tree! Danger Sense Nanomagic is now available to give you that split-second OMGPDLMD jerk reaction to avoid an instance of Oh No! Hero Points required to trigger, and details in the rpinfo!"

[Update] Feature, Not A Glitch moistens, "A new Token Recipe has been placed into the Token Redemption! The Pressurized Pain Dispenser - Variable Ammunition recipe can be purchased there (PPD-VA)"

[Update] Nuku patriotically growls, "If you have chugged sufficient vials, you will gain your level automagically if you don't have that disabled."

[Update] Nuku patriotically growls, "Badges added to battery recharges."

[Update] Feature, Not A Glitch demurely courts, "Spur Slash's PhysicalDamage DoT Changed to SlashDamage DoT."

[Update] Feature, Not A Glitch moistens, "Three new template forms have been added behind a secretive quest within the Radiation Fringe area. Kabuki, Geisha, and Cursed Samurai can be acquired through this secret quest."

[Update] Feature, Not A Glitch moistens, "This is all results from Goals!"

[Update] Nuku patriotically growls, "Newbie guide link added to front page of wiki."

[Update] Nuku patriotically growls, "You can now search (infection name) to hunt for mutants with the named infection. This works identically to monster bait. If you have monster bait and set it up properly, the effects can stack, increasing the odds of a not-wanted mutant being turned away to give you another chance of getting the right one. Note, this is by infection name, not mutant name."

[Update] Nuku patriotically growls, "Hunting costs 1 more patrol point. (as in searching for a specific strain)"

[Update] Nuku patriotically growls, "New merit, Practiced Hunter"

[Update] Nuku patriotically growls, "Single Child merit coded and available."

[Update] Nuku patriotically growls, "Giving a +reward #gift now gives 10 battery recharge chances."

[Update] Nuku patriotically growls, "Any time you get a mystery key from giving to +pools, you get a battery recharge chance."

[Update] Feature, Not A Glitch moistens, "Don't forget, it's the month of October! And, you know what that means? Halloween-themed Holiday forms! Don't forget to visit the Zephyr Cafeteria's Vial Extractor to acquire them with 'extract holiday'"

[Update] Feature, Not A Glitch zrrrz, "List Forms should now always display forms with each word capitalized, even if the initial entry was somehow not."

[Update] Feature, Not A Glitch hails, "Another monstrous critter has made its way to the chill winds of the Jutting Peaks. Behold, Hail Hydra!"

[Update] Nuku patriotically growls, "If you get an upgrade from a +reward, its rating can now be up to 5 * higher."

[Update] Nuku patriotically growls, "Random upgrades to feral moders slowed down."

[Update] Nuku patriotically growls, "Feral mode upgrades won't happen if you're at/over inventory capacity."

[Update] Highway Song says, "Fixed Mobile Shrubbery Defeat not properly accounting for submission due to malformed string parsing."

[Update] Feature, Not A Glitch hails, "Good news, everyone! The Rental code that handles, well, actual rent being pulled is now actually running on a chronological basis! Property owners, rejoice!"

[Update] Feature, Not A Glitch hails, "Minor issue in Hail Hydra's Ass description fixed. When Kemonomimi, the description of their flesh covering should now show."

[Update] Nuku patriotically growls, "A source running out should now announce to the room."

[Update] Nuku patriotically growls, "Fixed a big with the auto-nisd, no action is required."

[Update] Highway Song says, "Fixed Yama Inu head description appearing cut off due to malformed string parsing."

[Update] Highway Song says, "Fixed all of Alice's inventory being accidentally nuked. The Gun Bunny will no longer only give you thin air in exchange for your hard-earned salvage."

[Update] Nuku patriotically growls, "Cookie command created FOR NO REASON AT ALL!"

[Update] Nuku patriotically growls, "Trying to use a class item you already have should result in an error and not destroying it."

[Update] Nuku patriotically growls, "Bounty turnins should be better about picking the right item to turn in."

[Update] Feature, Not A Glitch seductively whispers, "Thanks to the finished MPool, Size Stabilizer Upgrade, those who own both a Fine Tuner and a Size Stabilizer will save their size statistics when they 'shift save=#'. To have it save the size, you must have the Size Stabilizer activated! (+use # where # is your Size Stabilizer in inventory)."

[Update] Feature, Not A Glitch seductively whispers, "Oh, and the badges were already given you."

[Update] Feature, Not A Glitch seductively whispers, "New command: tags. You can now list tags, tags <name/tag/infection>' and such to get details on what tags are on each."

[Update] Feature, Not A Glitch seductively whispers, "Small +help file added in for Survivalists, the not-factioned Faction."

[Update] Feature, Not A Glitch seductively whispers, "Correction: +help survivor, since Survivalist is a crafting faction and not the no-faction faction."

[Update] Feature, Not A Glitch seductively whispers, "Again, just a reminder: On 07/08/2017, ALL Size Stabilizers were refunded from folks. This was due to changes and averting mass requests for removal. However, we're getting mass requests about "Where's my Size Stabilizer?!" This is just a reminder to let you know what happened."

[Update] Feature, Not A Glitch seductively whispers, "Thanks to a player-submitted Infection Update, the VTOL Lady now supports Arm Divider, and there's mention in their arm description about their missile launchers."

[Update] Feature, Not A Glitch seductively whispers, "The tags command now is a bit more condensed when looking at a player's flags, and 'cock' has been replaced with 'groin', as well as other small cosmetic changes."

[Update] Highway Song says, "Tag cleanup: Due to tagging confusion, the Canine tag has been changed to Canid. The new tag encompasses dogs, foxes, jackals, wolves, and any other member of the Canidae family. Dog, Lupine, and Vulpine remain for specific subtypes."

[Update] Highway Song says, "Tag Cleanup 2: Standardized tag properties on forms to avoid failure to read due to directory wonkiness."

[Update] Feature, Not A Glitch seductively whispers, "Tag Update: Chub tag removed."

[Update] Highway Song says, "Tag Update: Winged tag removed, as the Winged flag already existed."

[Update] Feature, Not A Glitch seductively whispers, "When you first receive a page on your account, you will receive an additional message telling you how to respond with page. This is primarily for new players, but it will affect all existing players for the first character on your account that receives a page since this has been implemented."

[Update] Feature, Not A Glitch seductively whispers, "Command 'support' is in place. You can 'list support' to see what supports can be found on infections, and you can 'support <infection>' to see what supports are on an infection. There isn't capability for seeing all forms that have a particualr support, yet."

[Update] Feature, Not A Glitch seductively whispers, "Masculine and Feminine added into teh support tracking."

[Update] Feature, Not A Glitch seductively whispers, "New functionality for Tags and Flags. When searching for a specific tag or flag, forms you do not have mastered show up in red."

[Update] Feature, Not A Glitch seductively whispers, "A new bit of cuteness has waddled its way to the Ocean Surface. The Puffin can now be found showing off their pretty beaks there."

[Update] "Master" Of Science Fauna alluringly murr-purrs, "fixed a corner-case where the game would spawn infinity mobs if they were weak enough."

[Update] Highway Song says, "Now that the source of crashes has been fixed, we've restored the boss monsters at the end of every floor in Hotel Oblivion."

[Update] Highway Song says, "Correction: There might still be crashes, but that's one possible source gone."

[Update] Feature, Not A Glitch seductively whispers, "REJOICE! Support has been made for 'support <support>. You can now get a listing of what forms have a specific support. It, too, has highlighting to show you in red what you do not have yet mastered."

[Update] Feature, Not A Glitch seductively whispers, "Support updated to now have #help, let you know when you've entered an erroroneous parameter and more."

[Update] Feature, Not A Glitch seductively whispers, "Unmastered forms color changedd from red to gloom."

[Update] Feature, Not A Glitch rustles, "In the Monster Maker web interface, you can now see a display of how Scent will appear, within the kemonomimi description."

[Update] Highway Song says, "A brand new Fetch Quest has been added to the Husky Den."

[Update] Feature, Not A Glitch rustles, "Those who have Internal perks such as Internal Genitals, Internal Testicles, or Internal Penis will now show (Internal) after their size info in 'groin'."

[Update] Feature, Not A Glitch rustles, "When useing 'upgrade <power name>', it will display #/# slots used."

[Update] Feature, Not A Glitch rustles, "When useing 'upgrade <power name>', it will display #/# slots used."

[Update] Feature, Not A Glitch rustles, "Using 'upgrade <power>' will also display how many Free Slots have been used on it."

[Update] Avatar says, "Item (1507588364) placed onto the poll board by Song, called 'New Content Options. +poll/view New Content Options to look at and vote in this poll."

[Update] Highway Song says, "The Vorpal Rat's Defeat now has an oral scene to alternate between."

[Update] Avatar says, "Item (1507747726) placed onto the poll board by Glitch, called 'NPC Expansion. +poll/view NPC Expansion to look at and vote in this poll."

[Update] Feature, Not A Glitch rustles, "The Okami Boi defeat has been updated with a better, more fitting and descriptive interaction when the defeated/submitter doens't have a penis."

[Update] Feature, Not A Glitch rustles, "All Vanity perks that didn't have the proper Vanity property set have properly been propertied properly."

[Update] Feature, Not A Glitch rustles, "Erroneous 'skill' listing on the 'list' command removed, and wording of the Group Perk skill reworded to be accurate."

[Update] Feature, Not A Glitch rustles, "In the case of Hypos and Converters, remort is now taken into account when determining levels for being infected (victim for Nanite Hypo and user for Converter)."

[Update] Avatar says, "Poll 'New Content Options' has ended."