Oregonian (dedication)

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From Oregon with love.


Anyone wishing to become an Oregonian must visit Oregon and get infected by a Packmind there. Afterwards, they can dedicate for 50 Mako.
NOTE: This requires you to participate in a judged scene in Oregon, become infected, and escape Oregon afterwards before you can receive access to this dedication.


Oregonians have no specific form. Their Cloud Consciousness benefits themselves and their allies by acting as a Packmind Server, but it can make them all less susceptible to healing. Additionally, all Oregonians can summon a Finger of the Pack, which is a copy of the user, although a bit weaker.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Giving in to the hunger you feel is the same as letting your sanity drop to nothing, resulting in character death that would not be recoverable from.

Additional Equipment

Oregonians do not have anything special to use.

Thematic Information

An encounter with the pack-minds of Oregon have left your nanites less subdued than others. The packs are distributed AI, a state your mind now shares; a single body is as replaceable as cutting your hair. The main problem with your new state is the nanites' voracious hunger for biomass and minds. It is a constant struggle to keep the desire in check, to not break down those you fight (and those you fight alongside) into their basic components. Your control means your separate bodies are not as long-lasting as those in the wild, at least under the stresses of combat.