A Picnic of Wolves - RPLOG

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It is cool and clear out in the forest east of Fairhaven. The directions were very specific and easy to follow and the path was as pleasant and feral free as anyone could have hoped for. Little signs along the trail lead eventually to a little log cabin that was probably old and decrepit long before P-Day. A human woman wearing a light robe is waiting out front and a number of others, human and mutant alike mill around chatting together. Almost everyone is wearing plain, light robes and it seems that the woman at the table is collecting belongings and storing them in a very secure looking safe.

"Welcome, friends!" she says with a happy smile, "Please, come sign the roster and check in your weapons and gear. You won't need them for today's observances."

Jill lands on the ground near the women and settles hir wings against hir back and looks around at all of the people here so far. Shi nods and heads over to the women at the apparent sign in desk and shi pats hir utility belt, the only thing shi is waring and says "Do I need to give you my utility belt?" I shrug and say "It just contains some food, items and some things to help me past the time so I don't see any reason to turn it in but if you insist I'll hand it over."

A weird skunk appears. At first, he looks like one of those skunk girls from Fairhaven, but shemale and four-breasted, but odd, cybernetic characteristics are sprinkled all over, from his latex skin to his electronic eyes to tron lines all over. He's wearing a standard zephyr armor and seems reluctant to part with it. He gives a greeting. "Hello, I'm Arona, and I heard there was a celebration here ? Do I have to take off my armor ? I feel naked without it."

Next in line, a Husky male taps his bare foot-paw as if to burn off nervous energy. The small pack carried over his shoulder sways and brushes against his back like a pendulum, bare upper torso offering appealing glimpses of the exaggerated masculine attributes common to his kind. Thankfully, the simple worn pair of military-style came pants do a fine job of censoring any other attributes from casual examination. Seeing it is finally his turn, the husky male steps forwards and fumbles to pick up the pen for a second with his paw-like hands. Finally grasping it, he scrawls out in crude simple letters "REX", focusing as if it the simple task for a slightly more serious feat. Stepping back from the the book, he shuffles over to drop off his limited personal possessions. Looking over towards the human woman, he gently rumbles out "Hey, I'm uh.... Rex." almost more to himself than for her benefit, "Do you have any spare robes I can ... borrow?"

Quietly, a red panda steps up after the husky, signing her name on the sheet equally silently. They come in their usual garb, complete with a rather large amount of firearms and equipment, accompanied by the strap system that holds it all up. Keeping with the program, persay, she unloads these armaments, and moves out of the way, looking solemn. It was a day of remembrance, no?

Edel lived out here. It was only natural that she'd take an interest in any going-ons that took place within the forest. The tanuki woman came unarmed and dressed in her black and gold silk robe, as regal as ever. She signs her name on the sheet and links her sleeves together, humming. "So... What is the agenda for today?"

The human at the table smiles kindly. "We don't want anyone to feel uncomfortable," she says, "But we want everyone to know that this is a PEACEFUL gathering, so we wish to gather up any arms and armor. We will, of course provide robes for anyone who would like them. They are warm and quite comfortable in this weather. We will keep any and all of your belongings quite safe until you return for them." The woman then turns to address Edel. "In just a few minutes there will be a short address from one of the members of our little group, then there will be an activity, probably not very long, and then there will be food," she explains as she carefully bags and marks each person's possessions, trading them a signed chit for their belongings. "Don't lose that," she says, "You will need it to get your things back."

Jill sighs as the women takes hir utility belt and then gives a small subtle chuckle when the women mentions wanting no arms or armor to be brought here. if others notice hir small chuckle they might figure Jill does not need a weapon to be armed. Shi then shrugs and looks back to the women and says "I trust the food won't be laced with anything right?" I wave my hand and say "I don't expect it to be at all it is just the last event I went to which was advertissed with fliers and phamlets was held by the Tanuki and the food and drink there made folks into Tanuki. So please pardon my asking I just want to make sure."

Arona takes off his armor, releasing his oversized assets, that he promptly covers in one of the provided robes. He looks embarassed. He exchanges his armor and weapon for the chit. "I hope this won't be like the last time I went somewhere. I still remember the vines."

Rex stands around, looking at the crowd of mostly unfamiliar faces with the slightest trepidation as he clenches his signed chit in his paw. A gigantic... cat... thing? A synthetic skunk? A quiet Red Panda, and... another one of those dastardly Tanuki! The husky remembers the tainted feast and its transformative influence all too well as he glances at the Tanuki with suspicion, shuffling off to the side. Thankfully, Rex doesn't have to wait long for a robe to be provided, donning it swiftly.

"Armor, too? Darnit." Phosphorus glances around, detaching the armor plates from her clothing before attempting to hide behind a tree and actually disrobe fully, considering the clothing itself was made for ballistics. She grabbed a robe up beforehand, so the whole embarassment of it is probably nixed, although it still felt rather strange. The entire assembly is dropped off at the desk, and she pockets the token in the robe, making sure not to lose it. All of that stuff cost a ton to make, and a ton to find. "Right, then."

Edel eaches up for a moment to adjust her glasses. "Well, it's a little strange, I must say. But I have no need for weapons out here! THough I probably won't partake of food, I must say. It should be nice to hear, all the same!"

The woman at the table was right, the robes really are quite nice. Not too warm and certainly not restricting at all, though probably not so protective as those who checked their armor would be used to. "I can assure you that there will be nothing added to the food unless you have brought something yourselves," she promises, waving to the group as she turns to the last few stragglers. A little ways from the old cabin, a tall man with dark hair is waving to get everyone's attention. "If everyone would gather over here," he calls out, "We will begin!"

Jill picks up hir token and puts it into hir tentacle hair for safe keeping. Shi then shrugs and follows the women over to the area and looks around again at all the people there before leaning against a tree to listen to what ever is going to happen. As shi is walking over shi mutters something about just waiting for after the event to eat or drink something.

Arona wander over to the tall man, glancing around at the other mutants. He seems to mutter something, seems to be a list ? He adds things to that list with each new and unusual mutant he sees.

Rex joins the small crowd of attendants shuffling over towards the speaker, sticking to the back as they walk. Something about the husky's nature would appear to be ill at ease.

Phosphorus merges into the flow, going with everyone towards the speaker. She draws the string a bit tighter on the robe before tying it off, figuring that was probably good enough, for the time being. She looks back at the others in the crowd, then forwards again, mainly as a way of gauging how many people was there in all.

Edel keeps a pleasant smile on her face as she makes her way over to gather with the others. "Why so tense?" she asks of Rex, ears perking. "Do you expect something bad to happen?"

The crowd gathers around the dark haired man. "Thank you all for coming," he calls out, beckoning people closer, since he does not have any way of amplifying his voice, "We did not expect a big turn out, but I am sure that everyone is in a similar place in their thoughts today." Sounds like he's the one who was chosen to give the speech. "This is the day that everything changed," he begins, "The line between man and beast was blurred and lost and everything we thought we knew turned out to be a lot more fragile than we could have possibly realized. Many of us lost families, homes, and even our way of life." There is a murmur through the crowd as those who can remember P-Day whisper to their neighbors. There really is a pretty sizeable gathering here. A scattering of humans amidst all sorts of mutants, though the mutants all seem to be the sane, in-control kind. "We have had to remake ourselves!" continues the speaker, "To find a new way of life! So while we mourn all that we lost, we are also here to celebrate what we have made of ourselves!"

Jill nods along with what the man is saying as shi very much agrees with what shi has heard so far but this is still an odd location for something like this... In fact it is a pretty bad place for any sort of festival BUT it is a great place for an operation that cannot have witnesses... As shi thinks this shi looks around much more carefully and begins looking around for threats and stops leaning on the tree as leaning while better than sitting for redeniss is still not ideal...

Arona solemnly nods. This is consistent with what he experienced since waking up, far from home, a stranger in a strange body in a strange land.

Rex whispers to Edel, doing his best to stay relatively quiet within the crowd, "We're a bunch of mutts trying to memorialize a catastrophe. How do you even commemorate something you can't remember? It's like putting up a bed sheet over a hole in the wall and calling it fixed." he rumbles, clenching his paw in what appears to be growing anger.

Phosphorus raises an eyebrow at the speech. Sure, remembering what was lost, in terms of family, friends, and, y'know, basically everything else that matters in this world as a whole was a reasonable concept, but simply accepting what was basically a disease? Naw. Adaptation was a gritty necessity, not something to be charished. In her opinion, at least. Physically, she took a page from her school days, and pretended to act agreeing and interested.

"I remember it," Edel says, brow furrowed. "Quite clearly! But this is an odd occasion, certainly. I am here more out of curiosty," she confesses quietly. "To see just what is going on. It should be interesting. Don't expend all your energy being grumpy, now, though. Save it for later?" she suggests with a flick of her tail.

The speaker does not really seem to mind or even notice the chatter among the people in the deep forest clearing. "And we could not do all of this on our own. We support one another in these hard times, whether we be members of new families, or of companies or other groups," he says, though his eyes keep wandering somewhere behind the crowd, "We have called upon science and religion to help us understand what has happened to us and the veil between worlds has been made thin and gods walk once more among us!" The tone of his speech seems to have taken a sudden and strange turn.

Jill gives a small chuckle and looks around with a small smile on hir face. Shi seems to be waiting for something to happen with a bit of anticapation and a bit of annoyance. Sort of like a teacher watching a scene unfold in the class room. Slightly ammussed but waiting to make sure shi knows what's going on before shi acts. Shi does flex a bit and stretch out hir tentacles some maybe getting ready to fight or something else.

Arona raises an eyebrow. He was starting to doubt his original assumption, that this is all a dream (though the weird guy in that silly zoot suit didn't help make this more real to him), but now, Gods ? He *has* to be dreaming. What's next ? Alien wizards ?

Rex kicks the dirt in mild annoyance, but acquiesces to the Tanuki for the sake of not starting a larger argument... not yet anyway. "Gods, Tanukis, nanite transformations... where is this all going?", he wonders to himself. Was coming here a mistake? An idle part thinks back to what the man said about commemoration, and seems to linger on it.

"Gods. None of this again, dammit..." Phosphorus mutters, an ear twitching and quirking reflexively at the change in the mood.She looks around over at the various other people muttering in the crowd, including all the way back beyond the crowd,where the primary speaker is actually looking. "I really hope one of those don't actually show up, dammit."

The speaker smiles. And it is not a pleasant smile. Another robed figure has run out of the forest and is waving his hand as some kind of signal. "We have become Survivors!" he calls out, a frightening, growling quality to his voice, "And we have become strong!"

The crowd starts to murmur uneasily as clouds start to roll over the clearing, dimming the sunlight and a chill wind blows through the trees heralding. . . yes. . . snow!

"In conclusion," the speaker says as his ears grow to points and gray and black fur sprout from his flesh, "HAIL FENRIR WOLF! Let the hunt begin!"

He and several other robed attendees around the dimming forest clearing join in a spine tingling howl as their forms melt and shift into monstrous wolves!

Jill joins right in with the howling and grins hugely as shi cracks hir nukles and gets ready to move. At this point shi is definitly up for some hunting but if the lot of them decide to hunt the smucks who came here then... Well there will be issues. First of all there is no fun or challange in fighting unarmed people at all. Second gods are Fenrir's legtimite pray. And finally while setting traps and all is great hunting the folks here falls into the catagory of /very/ dishonorable. Luring people here with false promises and then disarming them? Where is the sport in that. If they want to hunt someone let them have a weapon or it will just be boring as shit.

Arona boggles, then gets a twinkle in his eyes. Now it's Norse mythology ! Truly, a great dream he's having. He should go check that norse temple that is on his map when it's over, probably after getting mauled viciously.

Rex lets out a deep rumbling sigh, ears and eyes alert and muzzle beginning to snarl. The husky tosses off his robe, clearly deciding it's no longer needed as the wolves emerge in a cacophony of chilling howls. As a feral, Rex had no need for weapons or armor. The husky's muscles began to coil and ready for action, whether it was to be fight... or flight. As a tip top kind of top dog, Rex wasn't all too partial to the latter.

"Well, well," Edel says, grinning a little as she kneels down. Earth nanomagic applied to the earth to fashion for herself a dagger of stone. With luck, she wouldn't need to use it. "I'm all for hunting. But I do not believe I'll be partaking today," she declares, standing back up once her work is done.

The wolves circle the clearing as a frigid winds starts to blow. It almost seems like there is the sound of a distant howl on that wind. The pack does not seem to be attacking immediately. Instead, they are gathering together, slinking around and around the clearing.

"Are you hunter or hunted?" growls the leader, now a huge, shaggy black wolf, "Hunters will join the pack. The Hunted. . . will do what the hunted always do."

While the speech was going on, it looks like the wolves were busy making preparations. Around the clearing in all directions, boxes are set, each marked with the number of the chit in the possession of the attendees. It looks like they have a choice to make. Join in the hunt, try to get their weapons and fight, or run like hell.

Jill takes a look around and chuckles as shi sees the whole set up. It really does look like a great hunt but the issue is the pray... Murder is still a not so small deal. Shi then looks over the leader and grins showing off hir sharp teeth and shi goes over to him and says "I'll admit this is quite a nice set up you have here. The only issue is dealing with the normal folks when they hear about what we did out here." Shi shakes hir head and says with a grin "Oh no I am trying to talk you out of this as that would be a waste of a perfectly good opertunity." Shi grins even wider and says "So lets compramise. You versus me. You win. You do what you want. I win and your pack goes home. sound good to you?"

What to do, what to do... On one hand, Arona isn't quite built for predation. He's more an adventurer than a warrior. On the other hand, running along big, badass wolf people ? How awesome it sounds ? It is then that he notices that the weird be-tentacled wolf woman-person that came with him ALSO is a Fenris wolf, but disagrees with the pack surrounding them, and resolves to take the high road and help her however he can.

Rex eyes the situation uncertainly. Hunt or flee? And now the one gargantuan mutant was trying to bargain with them? Tch. Joining the hunt felt like an uncertain and rather ominous prospect - just how do you signify you'd want to join such a thing anyway? Meanwhile fleeing from it presented a clear and unpleasant certainty: Being chased by a horde of vicious looking wolves. While he preferred not being mauled, Rex was confident that wouldn't be a problem if it came to it; After all, he didn't have to be the fastest. The others just had to be slower...

The panda darts straight for her weapons, sliding her hand into her pocket and clutching the chit in her fist and aiming to use a bit of fire magic to ignite the foliage in front of any wolves that may choose to pursue her. Even if she did choose to flee, there was no way in the seven hells Phosphorus was going to leave without her gear. Also, if the wolves seem to be collecting in one spot, that seems like the perfect time to actually put her regular clothing back on, because there's also absolutely no way she was going to be running through the forest with a robe, of all things. A ROBE. Bah.

Edel glances at the others of the crowd and shrugs. "Would that I had my sword on me. Alas, I do not," she muses to herself, though she makes no effort to move. Not attack anything, not to join, nor to run! She just waits and watches.

The entire pack looks at Jill for only a moment, then they erupt into gales of howling laughter. "You smell like a wolf," growls the leader, "But you speak like a mouse! Run away little mouse! RUN!" At that last word, the pack erupts into another bone chilling howl that is echoed by more voices out in the woods. That is enough to send most of the gathered humans and mutants scattering. Some scramble for their gear and some abandon their boxed possessions in favor of just getting the hell out of dodge! One or two lucky mutants simply take to the air, leaving others to scramble into the woods, alone and in small groups. The wolves scatter after them!

It looks like Phosphorus is in the clear for the moment. She got the drop on the mass exodus from the clearing, and though she has marked herself as prey, most of the wolves seem to have opted for other targets at the moment. The others, those who have not run are encircled by three great wolves, each of them rather larger than those who left to chase. "You would be hunters?" growls the leader.

Jill chuckles at the wolves and says with a shrug "So be it. Just for that you're eating dirt." before shi even finshed talking shi lashes out with hir tentacles. Except instead of being fleshy the tip of these tentacles arre vicious spikes that are coming both straight at the Alpha but also from both sides and in the midst of the storm of tentacles shi lashes out with hir four clawed hands.

Arona has no idea what to do. He tries to sneak off toward his stuff while the bad wolves are concentrating on the big lady, if only because he feels safer with his laser gun in his hands.

Rex flashes his teeth, a stark predatory husky glare shooting out from the normally "domesticated" looking canine. By all accounts the usually oh-so-agreeable looking mutation begins to look downright... fierce. His posture is aggressive, muscles coiled and ready for action, his "swimmer's body" showing just what it is capable of as pockets of nanite laden flesh show definition. Teeth, eyes, and ears, all harkening back to his breed's ancestral roots in this heightened state of danger, reminding you of just how little at times separates huskies from their wolfish cousins. Triangular ears twitch with alertness as blue eyes center on the nearest wolf with his instinct driven glare. "If you want to have a go, then lets go. You won't find a scaredy bitch running off with his tail between his legs- I'm the one that does the chasing." he says with a growl.

After Phosphorus actually gets to the box, the first thing she does is tear the lid open and pull out a carbine, swiveling around to gun down any that may be running after her. This is to buy time, so she can actually, you know, grab and put the rest of the stuff on, and perhaps switch to something with just a little bit more stopping power. She starts to glance over to the hut, then back at the other wolves, figuring that'd be a good of a place to hole up as any, trying to lug the box over there.

"I am indeed a hunter. Though of a different kind of prey," Edel says, whiskers twitching. "I am afraid we have little in common, I think. But I've no reason to be at odds with you, either, yet," she says, before turning and setting off at a walking pace. "Perhaps we shall encounter one another again?" Assuming they do not try to make an encounter of it as it is.