Prove Commands
Prove Commands
Prove commands are wonderful things that allow you to display various hidden stats to yourself or other players in the room. To prove something, simply type +prove Thing and it shall be displayed to everyone in the room. To prove something only to yourself, type +prove/silent Thing.
There are many things you can learn and display with these commands, even being able to prove your gear or equipment! To do such, type +gear/prove # or +equip/prove #.
Why are +proves so good? Well to start you can use them in RP to prove unequivocally that you have, are, contain, etc some stat, skill or equipment. They can also be used in String Parsing to make your Description dynamic. For instance if you add [if stat pregnant of [player] > 0]I'm pregnant stuff here! [else] Aww empty womb [end if] then when you are pregnant your 'I'm pregnant stuff here!' will show and when you are not then the 'Aww empty womb' stuff will show. If you want either field to be empty, just put nothing there, for example [player] > 0]Waddles around in very ill-fitting clothes. [else][end if] will put the waddles around in ill-fitting clothes if you are pregnant, and nothing if you are not. You can put any of these +prove Thing in place of Pregnant, another example being [if stat mutation/head of [player] is Overdrive Fox]I have pink and white furred head!! [else][end if].
Prove Commands Table
Command | Details |
<Body part> | +prove <body part> will prove what mutation you have for a specific area of your body. |
<Mutant> | +prove <mutant> will display the total amount of kills for a specific creature |
<Perk> | +prove <perk> displays a specific perk you may have. |
<Recipe> | +prove <Recipe> displays if you have a certain recipe or mod. |
<SA Job> | +prove <SA Job> will display the total amount of job XP for a specific job found in placed like Eureka City. |
<Skill> | +prove <skill or power> will display the level of a mutant power, role, or skill. |
Birthed | Shows how many children you've successfully mothered. |
Breasts | Proves how many breasts you have. |
Breast size | Show how large your breasts are. |
Cocks | How many cocks you have. |
Cock Length | How long your cock is. |
Cumcount | Displays male horniness |
Cunt | How many cunts you have. |
Cunt Depth | How deep your cunt is. |
Daily Mission | Displays the last time you picked up a daily. After eighteen hours, you're able to pick up another daily. |
Filled | Shows if you are filled. |
Filled/<bodypart> | +prove filled/<bodypart> will display the filled stat for a specific area. |
Freecred | Displays the total amount of freecred you have. |
Heatcount | Displays female horniness |
High Reward | Shows how many high octane rewards have been applied to your character. |
HP | How much health you have. |
Impregnated | How many people you've impregnated. Seems to be a deprecated status. |
Judge | Proves you have a judge flag on your account. |
Level | Shows your level |
Reward Tokens | Shows how many reward tokens you have. |
Sired | Shows how many children you've successfully fathered. |
Supernatural | Shows your current dedication. Doesn't actually have to be supernatural. |
Web Mission Area | Shows where your web salvage mission is located. |
Web Mission Goal | Shows how much total progress is needed for the web mission to be considered complete. |
Web Mission Last | Shows if you're on cooldown for a web mission. If available, type search new mission and you'll get another web mission while still in the MUCK. |
Web Mission Progress | Shows your total progress for your current web mission. |
Wound | How many wounds you have. |