The Pitch - RPLOG

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Popping up a heavy steel window on a large, mobile fortress of used-to-be-winnebago, you see a masked man wiping his brown with a red and white handkerchief. Now that mask, as it happens, is rather furry and attached to his face--so you could perhaps excuse him for wearing it. It's a warm day, sun reflecting off the metal canopy of the vehicle. It looks like it's been modified to be larger than normal. Also... you're pretty sure that might be a flux capacitor spinning about on the hood. Probably some nanotech engine powering this contraption. Probably. He starts to dusting off the "counterspace" as it were.

OF course a Coyote has to answer the call of getting rare and new trinkets! With all her freecreds in her account handy and no spending limit, she pads over to who she suspects is the merchant! She's bound to be the most underdressed person at the whole event, wearing a raggedy long skirt, handsewn out of scraps, and a blooded formerly-white, but now very dirty and dingy blouse. Flat-chested, short and thin, with scruffy fur, the coyote woman isn't much of a looker. Or maybe she is, with her unkempt and modest looks, so contrary to what most others appear as.

Having heard of a travelling salesman and finding it interesting in these dark times, Alkain wanders onto the lot where he heard that he was set up. He hmms? and blinks at the vehicle before he tilts his head curiously at it, "Nice car..." he smiles as he looks over the man and tilts his head, "You are the merchant right?" he's wearing some grey pants and that's about it

Softly glowing eyes regard the strange vehicle from the shadows, the twin lights flickering momentarily. Darkness pulls free of the surrounding shadow cast in shallow slices by ruinous buildings. Catlike, in more ways than one, Saide scurries across the road on all fours, large ears twisting curiously as she takes in all the noises eminating from within the vehicle. She leaves foot and handprints as she moves, though the marks are cleaner, rather than dirtier. Taking up a post at what she feels is a safe distance, she sits cross-legged and stares up at the man cleaning off the mobile home's 'display case.' Her tail flicks back and forth behind her, pecking at the ground to sweep up loose particles of dust.

The merchant looks over the "counter-top", which is similar to the sort you'd have seen on one of those taco trucks. Smiling broadly, he waves a hand--a bit of a padded paw. Mostly human, he seems to have a mix of ferret in there someplace. "Well hey-howdy! Now ya'll just caught me openin' up shop, I do hope yun'sll be kind enough to... Well here, let me get m'sign up, here." Ducking back behind the counter, he drags out a big sheet of plastic--about half the width of the window itself. Lifting one leg up over the counter at a time, he climbs over, dropping down in-between Alkain and Saide. "Here now, might you be so kind as to hold is here for me a moment?" Profering over the hunk of plastic behind him, holding it atop is back. "And could you tell me, have I made it as far as New Me-hi-co?"

Smokie watches the merchant, smiling to herself! That sure as hell is an accent she hasn't heard in forever, and with her sweetest southern drawl, the coyote woman so modestly dressed lets herself close to the group, and leans into him. "New Mexico, you say? Well, dear, you have only a bit of a ways to go! I do hope you haven't clean overshot it, though!"

There doesn't actually appear to be a display-case! Maybe he's not set it up yet?

Alkain blinks at the merchant and chuckles as he helps with the sign, "Um, New Mexico?" he shrugs and nods to the 'yote, "Yeah, it's not all that far... A state away really..." he has a more northern accent

Saide butts her head up under the sign, doing her best to prop it up atop head head - not that it does much good. The narrow sheet passes through her, leaving her staring blankly at the corner of the plastic wall. After establishing her relative unusefulness as a sign-holder, the inky feline scrambles around behind it to hang from the opening and look into the winnebago's interior. "What're ya sellin'? What're you buyin'? Can I buy that? The red one!" She points into the darkness at something within.

"OH! Well good! So wheresabouts is this? Arzona?" letting out a relieved sigh as Alkain takes the sign off his hands, "Thank'y kindly! Now, " turning and smiling as he wipes his brown, pocketing the little red and white rag down his collar. He stands about 5'6", dressed in a plaid coat and rugged jeans, a paid of snake-skin boots, and wearing a wide-brimmed brown cap. "I s'pose, so long as I'm here, ya'l might want a look at the merchandise, hmm?" Grinning broadly, "I'm sure I can satisfy all *sorts* of tastes, if ya'ns got things worth tradin'. Mosey on back with me, and I'll let ya take a look at the stock." As he waves you over, calling back, "Oh, an', ye can leave the sign there by the truck. Just prop it up by the window, ain't gonna hurt nuthin'."

"Name's Freddy! Friends just call me Fred, ye kin' call me what suits yuns so long as it's Freddy!" Making his way around to the back of the truck, towards a big heavy pair of padlocked steel doors.

Smokie shakes her head, laughing a little as she follows him. "No, darlin', you're around in California, actually! Though it sure feels like Arizona with this heat!" She follows him to the back of the truck, though stands wide from him. "Nice to meet you, Mister Fred. My name is Smokie."

Alkain hmms? as he is left with the sign and props it up as asked, "No problem." he nods at that and chuckles, "It's why I'm here." as he finishes propping it up, "And yes, California." he smiles and shrugs as he follows Freddy, "You can call me Alkain." he chuckles

The feline drops off the counter, following the 'crowd' as they make their way to the back. "Saide!" She scrambles about on all fours again, dashing around to sit at the far side of the back of the truck in her feline stance, acting as though she's been there the entire time.

Freddy digs around through his pockets for a key from a big ring. They all look relatively similar. He finds one, feeling them along the edges, and slips it into the lock on the door. Looking back, surprised, "California! Welllll now I never thought I'd get *that* lost! Hah! Idn't dis where ya'll got one of dem helicopters? Ain't seen one o' them in *years*, but you hear things, now..." Clicking the lock, as it slides down and open, the big steel door swinging out slowly. He reaches up, tugging at something just inside, pulling down a set of metal stairs leading their way up into the truck. Stepping his way up along inside, he calls down, "c'mon up, now. Have ya a look abouts at what I got, see what pleases ya! I'll just get the lights for yuns"

Freddy calls back, "I kin' take all *sorts* of things for trade, long as it's somethin' I can use or somethin' I can trade m'self o'course!"

Smokie of course, polite and there close, moves in at her invitation. Her tail wagging as she loves to see curious wares! "Yes, there are only a couple of those helicopters here, but it's been a very long time! Most of the agents here, well, they were born into this world like this..." She tilts her head at what he says, though. "Oh, a barter? Well, if only I had known, I would have brought some more stuff! I happen to be living in a whole warehouse of general store wares."

Alkain chuckles at Freddy and shrugs, "Yeah... Only a couple really." he hmms? at that and ponders, "I... Don't really have much in the way of things to trade... Mostly my equipment." he hmms some more as he heads into the truck and takes a look around