New Start Promethean Intro 2 - RPLOG

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You all got a request to join Nicole into the taskmaster quarters of New Dawn. While such communication wasn't a secret, seems that only part of the Prometheans got invited. And by the look of it, everyone has clothes on them.. quite an unusual sight in these times. The room seems to be reserved, away from the usual chaos of the survivors busy with their daily missions.

Seria walks into the hut and looks around before sliping a hand into her kimono and turning off her music. The other hand is holding tightly to a recurve longbow even in such a safe place as this. She gives a small smile to Nicole and finds a seat near the back wall where she can watch other people enter the room. Her dress sways even in the lack of wind as she nevrously bounces a leg.

Angelily strides in, leaving her usually accompaniment waiting out near the gates of New Dawn. Also keeping with old military traditions, despite siding with the Prometheans, she salutes Nicole as a superior officer, "Lieutenant Angelily Rogina, reporting Ma'am." After she continues to stand, infront of but off to the side of Nicole. She glances about and takes note of Seria with a nod before returning her gaze to Nicole, waiting to hear why she was summoned.

Slaamundi walks in with a casual and leisurely demeanor, surveying the hut and the people there with a smile. "Hello everyone." he purrs in a friendly tone, walking into the center of the room and tilting his head toward Nicole expectantly. "I'm not going to be out of town for months again am I? I've got a family you know." he rumbles, grinning at the Taskmaster.

Nicole smiles as she sees everyone finally gathered here, smiling at Seria and trying her best to answer to the military salute of Angelily, "At ease". Then, as she hears Slaamundi's question, she chuckles a bit, "Then we could have some little issues... but hear me out first, it's a long story." Giving the sign to sit down on either the chairs or the carpets on the floor, the racoon girl takes a deep breath, before starting to talk. "First of all, thank you all for being here, my brothers and sisters. And I didn’t summoned you here for giving you the usual daily.. but to seek the aid for a more important project." Nicole starts to explain, smiling as her usual, "For who doesn’t know me, I'm Nicole, the taskmaster of New Dawn. And for today, I have a big task to offer.. for all those interested in improving the current situation. As you may know, we aren't too happy of the situation in Fairhaven. Zephyr is a big resource, but the lifestyle between its halls is decadent and not good for our youngsters, often lured by that easygoing life. To solve this issues, we started to seek a new place to move in, with less influence from the Zephyr... with great efforts and sacrifices, but with the resolve of many of our children. For the last months, they challenged the wastelands, seeking for new nanite bubbles and cities within them. And I won't deny that it was difficult, leaving their families for so long. But in the end, it payed up. We found a suitable site for a new start, the city of Clairmont. Any question so far?"

"Clairmont?" Seria asks before realising she said that out loud. Blushing a bit she clears her through then starts with an actual question. "Um, I mean what are we going to do in Clairmont? Is everyone going to get up and move to this city? I have a home here, away from Zeypher already... mostly." She grips her bow a bit tighter before crossing her legs and smothing out her dress. Though she still looks a bit nervious as she looks from Slaamundi to Angelily, and back.

Angelily with the permission to stand at ease then sit she takes up a chair and sits, hand-paws in her lap, "We see Ma'am, sounds like a good idea, to be away from Zephyr, but we have some questions of our own, besides just family. What is the distance to this new city? And what kind of terrain? Hostiles we would be expecting? I'd rather not lead my pack into anyplace site unseen, you understand Ma'am. " She thinks a moment, "But we have the same question as Seria, what about those we call family here that may not be able to go with us? And what would happen with our base here, New Dawn?" She's a bit nervious herself, but hides it well, looking over to Slaamundi and Seria after she's done.

Slaamundi's eyes narrow as his grin fades, his ears splaying outwards with dismay. "Yeah we might." He squares his jaw and snorts softly as he takes a seat in a chair, leaning back and crossing his thick arms over his chest. His ears stay flattened as she speaks and he twitches his tail, turning his eyes to the right impatiently when she talks about decadence. At her query he rumbles gruffly, "No I'm very familiar." He looks at the others as they express their concerns, frowning slightly. "I'd also like to mention the other survivors who have been scraping by outside the bubble who need a home. Clairmont's where we plan to bring them for rehabilitation, unless I'm mistaken. A place free from temptation..." The lion shrugs, rolling his eyes slightly with a sigh.

Nicole goes silent for a bit, like if answering to this would be a bit more intense than expected. Then, she rises her muzzle and answers, "This city is about eight hours from here with the helicopters. Not a small journey, especially since those vehicles are quite precious, so no fast ways to get back home, if you miss the right flight. It's a long travel to the east, in a the place that had survivors, until recent times. But as we got there, we didn't found any survivors. That place has its dangers, I suspect that the ferals in that area aren't friendly and neither stupid. We left a little, armed group to patrol the area, they should be fine for now. But beside that, we don't know what else is there, and it needs further investigation.". After a long pause Nicole resumes, looking at Seria and Angelily, "It would be a brief goodbye to your families, unless you plan to take them along.. should they fit the requirements. This is the reason because this task is absolutely a free choice, you are free to refuse and no one will ever think bad of you. Most prometheans are fine with the current situation, and only a small part is willing to start this new project. Also, nothing will happen to our village, since the majority of the Prometheans aren't too interested to move away. Finally, we won't be alone, the place is fit for sustaining itself, but we don't have all the technology to fix the factories and make them running. This is why we decided to look at Rsx. They have a lot of technical knowledge, but our intel is reporting a critical lack of resources to keep up their place in Woodfield. This is why we offered a part of the production for their support.. which came shortly after a intense bargain. This accord had another effect as well, it lured in Zephyr. I'm quite sure they would love to stop this project, preferring to keep everything in Fairhaven. But they are greedy as well... they offered they economic help to the mission, in exchange of some freedom with the local market. While this isn't the original plan, their help is definitely useful, especially after we settled the matter by stating that the moral conduct of the place will follow our rules. Rules for not being feral beasts, like no public sex and keeping up some clothes. One of the reasons because you were contacted is because you should have these requirements, and your support in this mission would be really important. And if you hoped in a place free from Zephyr and Rsx.. that's quite impossible. But for sure, we'll a lot more freedom there than any we could have here." Turning to Slaamundi, the raccoon girl adds, "It's not a rehabilitation place... that's a new hope to have a place with our rules, without the corruption of the old times."