Otherworldly Dangers - RPLOG

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T'is a cold and harrowing night in the distant woodlands. The moon shines full and the ferals have taken refuge, all that remains is what few enduring beasts of the shadows lurk around seeking easy prey. To those whom had answered the mysterious summons, the coordinates listed would take them far into the blackened woodlands abyss. Those feint of heart or unwilling to brave the bitter cold would have no doubt turned away, yet those resolved to learn more of a looming threat to the new world they'd built for themselves may yet remain. Strangely enough, the provided location was very specific, so much so it had a margin of error smaller than the gap between a crystal avian's overgrown chestmounds!

To those with the technical and navigation acuity, soon enough the faint flickering of a campfire amidst the woodlands would present itself. There, several logs would encircle a stone fireplace, intended to be used as two to three-person benches. Upon them a sole feline rested, dressed in a long brown overcoat, his head capped by a warm woolen headcover, and his neck guarded by a cozy scarf colored brown and green. He'd be poking at the firepit with what seemed to be a branch he'd picked up from somewhere, and idly passing his time, waiting for whomever it was would arrive. Aside from that, the scene was peaceful, tranquil even. Eerily calm with naught but the sounds of the winter winds and crackle of the fireplace breaking the otherwise deafening silence.
Fenris chugs gamely along through the woodlands. Literally. The tanuki has assumed an odd form today. He is still obviously a tanuki, but he seems to be constructed of brass with ornate samurai armor grafted to it. The sound of metal sliding on metal accompanies his movement, along with the occasional chuff of steam from the intimidating dragon grille over his brass snout.

He clomps to a stop at the campfire and waves, opening the front of his helmet to reveal a pleasant little smile on a round, coon-masked face. "Heard there was adventure to be had!" he says in a warm tenor, steam rising from his lips.
Yejian was no stranger to woodland navigation. She lived here, after all, and the knightly rabbit wasn't about to have spooks befouling the place. Trotting through the trees, rather quietly for her heavy armour, the spear toting woman draws near the campfire and leans over to place a smooch atop the feline's head. "So it would seem."
Circling high overhead the campfire is a shadow in the night sky, blocking out the stars for a brief moment as it moves. It seems to be hunting for something, passing by once, twice, and then seems to home on the gathering location. It makes as close of a flyby as the tree tops allows, with large wings flapping to take back off into the sky. Moments later it approaches again, having found a large enough opening to come in, the large creature gliding in fast!

A roughly eight foot tall large male shadow dragon lands near the spot with a muffled thud, his wings flapping a little for balance. Looking him over, he is covered in black as night scales, but carrying an equipment bag, and has a collar on his neck, with an ID badge. With a deep sigh, he looks around where he landed to check for threats, and then walks over to the campfire.
Currently shifted into a Storm Dragon with a fan of tails, Willy's journey through the forest has been one done cautiously. While his home was in a Lodge at the forests edge, the maps listing was not something to be trifled with. Reaching the location, he smiles and lets his gaurd down a bit, and smiles "I was told to come here to be of assistance to a mission" he says to the cat, before spotting Fenris giving a wave, and nodding to the others.

As long as it wasn't actually underground, there were no issues at all finding it. The distant light through the trees the only beaming beacon to be seen, aside from herself as she chose to be. Strolling through the forest with a stubborn appearance of being headstrong. Or proud? Glowing, fur and dress lit, casting a pink glow all about her. Eying the others. But she did not sit, tails behind her curling and waving about, some even supporting her slightly upon the ground. 40 tails trailing afterimages behind her, as she made no attempt to truly hide herself. Ascii arrived late, having been unsure, and as such only leaving at the last moment.

The glow faded from her, all except for the green markings on her neck, the pink glow of her eyes, and that of the streamers attached t othe end of each and every tail. There was nothing orderly to how her tails had settled though, wild in their actions, fighting against each other as much as seeming to stare in random directions. Steadying her balance moment to moment despite everything. Dress worn tight over her, like armor, garnished with dives at either shoulder, tied into a sling at her right side, and connected into a double holster for short barreled items, and what appears to be a music player..? Arms crossed as she tilts her head, fennec like ears perked, arm raised holding her hand up in greeting amidst unfamiliar faces.