Fishing Contest at the Beach - RPLOG

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A festively dressed cat waits by a few hastily made flags, depicting a cat in a tophat, flying in the refreshing air breeze. One can surmise this is the official from cat town here to supervise the fishing contest. He's remarcably fat, for a cat, dressed in a dazzling multicoloured suit. "Welcome, welcome! One and all! The fishing contest is about to begin! You are allowed to use any item to snag yourself the most unique of fish! Aside from explosives, that is! Come on, don't be shy!" he yells exitedly as the first few people start arriving.

Pent walks out onto the beach, glancing over the assembled fishers and cat banners "Well, this looks like the place..."

Fishing. If there was anything in the world that calmed that damned bitch in the back of her head, it was sitting by the water, with a pair of toys shoved up her twin pussies, and just fishing. Angelily, a blue husky, walks along the edge of the beach. She'd not come here to fish in a long time, mostly sticking to the river these days. But, where there was a contest, there was fun to be had! And she was about a week into her heat, her 'other half' pushing stronger and stronger against her fradgle mind. Coming with her is her usual company, five other huskies! She was in a more relaxed uniform, military PTs for the time, though she had on her reflective belt her rank, a CPT. Pole in hand, a pack filled with various things to help her, she walks up to the cat, "Hello, we assume this is where the fishing contest will be had?" She asks. Though 'clothed' it does little to hide her upper assets, and the crotch of her shorts has been completely removed!

Kaith arrives at the beach. Although shi knows nothing about fishing, shi has decided to give the contest hir best shot.

A large golden scaled dragon flies on hir way to cat town, Eager to have the chance to catalog these new fish rumored to be in cat towns pond. The dragon soon land in the clearing near the pound, the dragon is clothed in heavy combat armor, Shi away from the edge of the beach, look forward to having a chance to examining what the contestants may catch.

Prios flaps in not far behind Seguro. She's a quail, a small drab-colored bird with no adornments or clothing save a lanyard around her neck with a nametag. She doesn't really have much of anything that actually needs covering with clothing, though. Her nametag clearly and proudly reads 'hello my name is PRIOS'. She takes a flying leap past the enormous dragon and lands right next to the cat, looks up at the feline, and - "Hello! Hello, cat person! You're fuzzy and purry looking! Don't eat me, cat person! Those are nice flags! This is the fishing contest, isn't it? Oh. Oh, you just said that. Fishing contests sound like fun! I'll probably just watch though. I can't really use rods. Fishing rods, I mean. Unless I'm allowed to turn into a big whale and get fish that way! Probably would just scare the fish away though."

She pauses 0.5812 seconds to breathe.

"Oh, don't scare the fish, everybody! Be quiet and don't talk too much. Shhhhhhh!" She twirls in place happily, feathers whirling about, for no apparent reason at all save sheer excitement. "Oh, I'm Prios! Hi everybody! I'm Prios and I'm a bird! What's everybody's names? I'm a terrifying feral monster by the way."

The cat points nods at Pent. "If it's fishing you're after, you've come to the right place! Step right up!" he says, shooting the husky pack a grin. Even though he can't help but wrinkle his nose a bit at the sheer amount of canines. "Correct you are, pretty puppy!" he exclaims, waving them forwards to the beach front, pointing another finger at the large dragon stirring up sand as shi lands. "You too! C'mon, no need to be shy! I'm sure dragons are fantastic at catching fish with those big, sharp claws!" he pauses, getting a good look at the Quail. "As can you, my feathered friend! I'm sure birds like you are renowned fishers! Everyone gets points for tryin!"

He makes a sweeping gesture towards the sea and the gentle waves crashing against the shore. "Start anytime you please! Good luck! And remember, the winner gets a free month worth of drinks at our prodigious milk bar! All the milk and honey you can want! A dream come true, I'm sure!" he says cheerfully, twirling his whiskers with his free paw.

Pent nods and heads down to the shoreline, quicky checking her bags before finding a good spot to sit "Right then... Might need to resort to... Hm..."

Angelily shakes her head a bit at the quail and the dragon, wondering a moment if they wanted to scare all the fish away from the shore line. Unfortunately, that bitch in her head was fighting strong, making her wiggle, press and play on her breasts for a bit before she can calm enough to grab from her pack the twin headed vibrator toy, stuffing it in herself with a long moan and sigh. She pulls out her rod, one made for catching Dolphins, though she was going to use some unusual bait. Three Eyed Fish. The five huskies position themselves around her, should she be attacked while fishing! That set up, she simply casts out, enjoying the feeling of her cum messed cunts being vibrated into bliss. She does give a look back to the cat, "Call us puppy or pretty again, and we'll eat your entrails... or give you a few cocks and fuck you 'til they fall off, we're not sure which yet." She says as she waits for a bite.

The cat rolls his eyes while he's facing away from the husky before swinging back with a dazzling smile and an apologetic bow. "My mistake, pay me no heed! And good luck! I'm sure with such strange bait you'll have a grand old time catching something even stranger!"

Prios cranes her neck and looks around excitedly, considering something. "Oh! I know! I know I know!" She flaps her wings, bounces a few times, and stretches out some. Really stretches out: she changes form, feathers breaking down as she grows, and sprouts fur. Within moments she's a slightly winded-looking otter. She sighs in what appears to be some relief, and twitches her rudderlike tail as she crouches and leaps into the water. She titters with excitement and energy, but at the moment she no longer seems compelled to babble ditzily at and about everyone and everything.

Kaith,who dosn't have a fishing rod, decides that the only way to get fish would be to jump in. "see you in a bit cat!' shi yells as shi jumps into the water.

Seguro sniffs the tom cat, the dragon's large head moving close to the cats. "Hmm what kinds of fish have been found in the previous contest, and are you not going to join us?" The dragon sits on the shore line a little distance from the shore, as shi watching Prios play in the water.

The otter finds the water remarkably clear, with quite a few small fishies swimming about. As well as, of course, the dangling bait of a three-eyed fish.

Kaith, however, does manage to muddle up the water somewhat, sand whirling around hir feet as shi wades in, peering down into the water to spot for movement.

The tomcat turns with a smile to the dragon. "Why, that wouldn't be very fair, now would it? Surely you know that none rival the cats in catching fish! Besides, how would anyone be able to compete?" he retorts with a ceshire grin.

Pent stares at the water for a bit, contemplating how best to go about fishing up something good "Yeah, might have to go for a bit of change..."