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Character Details

Given Name: Crystala Khanna
Age: 39
Nationality: India, Punjab State
Allegiance: Zephyr Inc.
Occupation: Mercenary
Dominant Form: Hybrid of a Raksasha and Kitsune
Favoured Weapon: Sword, specifically the Khanda.

Characteristics: The child of a lowborn caste, Crystala carries the weight of her family's shame on her shoulders. She shows a measured restraint in most actions besides bloodletting, but her fury in battle is something to be frightened of. Her mastery over the delicate art of swordplay is almost unnerving, considering the size and weight of the swords she uses, they move with such speed and fury that they are rarely seen in motion. She is as harsh and merciless of acts she deems evil.

Kitsune (or as known to her people, Krishna) tricked her, using gods of her faith into dedicating her life to what she thought was becoming a servant of Devi, instead becoming a newly tainted Raksasha\Kitsune hybrid. Crystala struggles with keeping her darker side in check, as the Kitsune aspect feeds on her anger.

She is now very rarely seen not in human form.

Default Appearance

Crystala appears generally as a human, of Indian decent, her hindi accent varies but is quite noticable, reinforced from the decade she spent in her twenties in her home country. She wears colorful flowing dresses, particularly shades of teal, aqua and indigo, but no jewelry besides the small stud in her left nostril. Her eyes are an opaque green, soft and carry a weight of sadness in them. She tends to trim her hair short, keeping it from getting in the way when she fights, but long enough that she doesn't look boyish.

She wears Mehendi artwork on her hands and feet, the mahogany ink showing intricate designs, although the plant the ink is traditionally made from is certainly not available since the infection. She reapplies the ink each week, varying the patterns each time. She wears a small sunburst medallion that she uses as a clasp to tie two parts of her dress together. Her pert athletic frame highlights a relatively modest bust, certainly small by post infection standards. She has feminine curves, but they've been hardened and sharpened by years the practice of her art.

She generally is barefoot, even while human, preferring the balance and connection to the earth provided by it, and her feet are callused, with the tattoo work hardly covering how much abuse they have taken.

She wears a hip holstered scabbard, and one over her back, each tied with emerald silk. The blade is Khanda hilted, with a traditional straight blade, but has been thinned out and is much lighter weight, and ends in a deadly thin point. Despite the modifications they are still hefty looking weapons, it's hard to believe anyone of her size can wield one of these, let alone two.

She also keeps a hip pouch on the opposite hip from her scabbard, and a flask, which she uses for rituals more than sustenance. The hip pouch contains oil cloths, a japa mala (hindu prayer beads), and other essentials.

Occasionally one might catch a glimpse of her tails, and be left scratching their head and wondering if they're imagining things.

In battle, she lets her true form show, the ferocity and blood lust in her bringing out her inner self. Her nine tails are on full display, some vulpine, others feline in patterning and shape. She has a full vulpine muzzle, sharp and angular and an extremely unsettling grin. Her fur is white, with a leopard pattern, and her ears are tufted and round, although deep black. She has some distinct silver fox markings, like the black colors on her foot paws and hands.

The form she hides has a dark cruel streak, frequently mutilating enemies enough to drench herself with blood, her pure white fur stained red. She laughs in the face of slaughter, and revels in it, only to repent later when she realizes what she's become.

Character Background

Recent History