Orgy at Mother's Milk - RPLOG

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The saloon was quite rowdy that day, Lila, the owner of the saloon, sitting on a stool at the bar instead of behind it as she usually did. She checked the time on her comm and sent off a message. [We're waiting for you, whenever you think you're ready to come out and start serving up drinks,] she typed off to their new bartender. The customers that were there were getting a bit impatient, mutants of all shapes and sizes waiting for their drinks. "It'll be just a minute everyone, then we'll be ready to start servin' up drinks from our new ke-ah, bartender," she said in a thick southern drawl.

Miranai gives a nod about the message, gulping. WHy did she agree to this? Why was she hear exactly? This was... insanity, but... Lila had said it would be a good idea, and might drum up more business... and... she was her daughter, she should do anything to help, right? The taur sighs, calling over her nanite mobility suit. She gets herself strapped in so that she can move around at all and heads out toward the restaurant and bar area. "H... hello there Lila sweetie..." She says as she makes her way to the bar, but not behind it, infront! Her clothes keep her semi-covered, but once she's laying on her side, her underbelly exposed to everyone, the clothes desolve off of her. Eight breasts begging to be milked, four nuts sloshing with their own excessive production, ready to go. The smell though! It was horrible, or perhaps wonderful. It left a haze around Miranai, a haze that actually made it hard to see behind her it was so thick! It was produced entirely of her musk though, from the sweat off of her balls, sheathes, the part of her pussy juice that evaporated from her body heat... and mixed with Ixchel's blessings, it smelled like pure, distilled, and unfiltered SEX, like ABSOLUTE LUST. The room is quickly filling with the stentch of it! "Is... right here ok?" Says the maternially loaded and bloated vixen nursetaur as she starts sliding out of the mobility rig, the ticking becoming apparent! It was like a slightly faster and VERY loud grandfather clock, the sound of it competes well with the gurgling and sloshing from her various parts!

Arthur wasn't really supposed to be at the saloon. Not because he was "too young", despite looking like that, but because he was supposed to be working! Nothing that a slightly fabricated report couldn't fix for him, he only got caught once (that he knows, anyway). He needed to unwind, that's what he knew! To help him with that, he also made sure to wear a very special piece that he was... Gifted... A small necklace that didn't seem to catch too much attention, save for the dim LED flash. Inside, he noticed the large vixen nurse talking to a relatively smaller broodox. He wasn't sure he knew either, so he went to the counter, leaving his bag by the stool, eyeing the attendants. So much milk to be had! He raised his cute little hand, hoping to catch one's attention so he can be served.

Booker pushed the door open and glanced around the room quickly. He hadn't been in here before and was curious. He made his way to the bar figuring that would be the best place to start. He wondered what the reasoning behind the name was. He certainly had other stuff to do, but everyone has to take some time to relax. He scooted himself onto a stool and rested his hands on it. Anyone with eyes could tell he was new to this whole experience.

Lylie carefully pushes the door, trying to not break anything as someone of her frame could and avoiding the chandelier. She stared of seconds at the stage, dreaming already of what she could do up there. She then looks around, detailing each parts of the room until her eyes found a seat designed for her, which means in her case, being able to hold her massive butt without breaking at any moment. She never came but she was already enjoying the place.

Vetu flies into the designated meeting place, he was very intrigued by teh leaflet about possible lust inducers and rut inducing effects they were showing to share here. He was a very potent and enjoyed sex a lot but somehow he still craved more and loved to experience all osrts of different effects. Thus he arrived at this bar, took a chair near the barman and waited for others to arrive

Lila perks up and smiles as she sees Miranai walk in, then widens her eyes. She covers her nose with a hand and coughs slightly at the almost miasma like fog of lustful musk wafting around Miranai. "Goodness gracious mama! And people complain that the saloon has a musky odor. Ya can't turn down that scent around ya, can ya?" she asks, fanning the air with another hand. She reaches behind the counter, pulling out an odd looking tap, walking around Miranai to her breasts. She pulls out one of the plugs slowly, a sly smirk on her muzzle as she wiggles it around a little to torture the vixen before it pops free, the replacement plug quickly filling the hole before its sunk in. She grabs a glass from the bar top and brings it under the tap, filling the glass with fresh pina colada before turning to the crowd and exclaiming. "First drink from our new bartender! Who likes pina colada and getting caught in the rain?"

Miranai actually tries to slink down a bit, but with how HUGE and HEAVY and LOUD she was, that wasn't happening. "I... I can't, it... gets me in trouble a lot... ferals can't help fucking me... non-ferals can't stop themselves needing to fuck around me, I... I've been called... sex walking..." She says whimpering a bit. When she talks though, it doesn't sound like she's 'talking' more that she's moaning and yipping. It is still understandable, but even her voice OOZES sex at all times. Mira gives a yip, shivering, moaning out louder and louder as Lila pulls one of her plugs out and seals a different plug on, one that allowed Mira to 'leak' when the valve is turned. And by leak, Mira can't not GUSH waterfalls EVERYWHERE normally, so with the valve open that mug is filled in moments, leaving Miranai panting and moaning...

Arthur takes another look around and takes a deep breath in. Perhaps not the best idea, because suddenly something STRONG kicked in. How did he even miss it in the first place? He planted his face on the counter, shaking a bit as his cock jumped into erection almost immediately. "F-fuck!" He mutters to himself. Feeling nervous from the intense lust and need to breed, he quickly scans the saloon again. The ones that caught his attention were the giant succubus lady and the cow girl talking to the bigger vixen. Blinded by such a powerful craving, and with the broodox being closer, he approaches her, suddenly feeling very shy, too. He tugs her tail. "Um, uh, sorry, I just, I just REALLY want to fuck you!" Despite the fluffy fur covering his face, it's very visible how much the kitty boy is blushing! And so close to the source of that potent, rut inducing miasma, he's having a hard time not falling on the floor and rubbing one there.