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| Item [Accuracy                      ]  Type [             Combat Skill]|
|______________________[        Description       ]______________________|
| Your ability to land a blow effectively. Accuracy dramatically         |
| increases your accuracy, making every shot count. +5/10/15% to hit     |
| with all powers. When striking the first target of an attack(the       |
| primary target on AoEs), any amount that IS dodged is reduced by       |
| 5/10/15%, so a 50% dodge gets lowered to 40% with 2 accuracy. In       |
| addition to that, any HPbuffer on your enemy is pierced for 5/10/20%   |
| of the damage you would've dealt. This stacks with the identical       |
| effect from the Damage Combat Skill.                                   |
|______________________[        Other Stats       ]______________________|
|______________________[       Available In       ]______________________|
| Fusillade Commander [Mastermind,Flurry,Accuracy                       ]|
| Grenadier           [Controlled Burst,Accuracy,Readiness              ]|
| Gun Slinger         [Damage,Accuracy,Fast Loading                     ]|
| Insurgent           [Speed,Tactician,Accuracy                         ]|
| Judo Fighter        [Reactive,Accuracy,Avoidance                      ]|
| Marauder            [Enduring Malice,Controlled Burst,Accuracy        ]|
| Marksman            [Back Row,Accuracy,Damage                         ]|
| Militia             [Accuracy,Warded,Readiness                        ]|
| Monk                [Accuracy,Penetration,Reactive                    ]|
| Rogue               [Penetration,Accuracy,Fast Loading                ]|
| Samurai             [Accuracy,Front Row,Outnumbered                   ]|
| Sniper              [Accuracy,Tactician,Back Row                      ]|
| Spotter             [Accuracy,Support,Readiness                       ]|
| Spy                 [Accuracy,Avoidance,Back Row                      ]|
| Windup Operator     [Roll With It,Fast Loading,Accuracy               ]|
| Zealot              [Bewitched,Controlled Burst,Accuracy              ]|

To understand Accuracy, you have to understand the whole defense system. The game makes a potential total of three rolls, each a 1d100, with any number at or below the target being a 'hit'. The first roll is your Accuracy - enemy Defense as the target number - 35. This number includes your attack's base. The next is just your Accuracy - enemy Defense. The last your Accuracy - enemy Defense + 40. If the first hits, 100% damage is applied, if the second hits, 75% damage is applied, if the third hits, 50% damage is applied, and if the third misses, 25% damage is applied. Here is an example! Using a power with 75% and player having +15 accuracy, against a target with 25 defense, it would look like this 75 + 15 - 25 - 35, for a target number of 30. If the 1d100 comes up as a 30 or less, then this hit is a success!

There are caps of course. The hard caps are such that your target number can never go above 95 nor below 5. Next, the soft caps are at 50, 100, 150, 200, and so on. The first 50 give a 1 to 1 relation. After, 51 to 100, requires 2 points of accuracy or defense to add 1 effective point to either. Then 101 to 150 requires 4 points to add 1 effective point, and so on.