The Last Horror Factory - RPLOG

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Saturday January 26, 2019=Log=

It's the edge of the Fairhaven bubble, and the nanite signal can be felt weakening as the group aproaches the outer rim. There is no greeting agent this time, just a gathering place for agents who accepted the call sent out on comms. Once confirmed, the mission details give previous knowledge on the ferals, and includes the route to the feral's nest from the gathering point. It's just up to the agents to be ready first. It's warmer and sunny for a late January day, hopefully the weather stays that way.

Arris shuddered lightly as she left the bubble, giving her pockets a brief pat-down as she approached the gathering point. The gator had been out on one of these ventures in the past, and decided it would be best to help, based on her prior experience. She double-checks hir pockets - knowing how freaky these creatures could get, she had gotten some specially-crafted ammunition for this exact purpose. Now all that was left was to wait for the others to arrive at the meetup point, and she re-examines the route once more on hir comm.

"Skipper's in the wardroom drinking gin!" Magnus would sing a merry tune, his stride wide and his face graced with that ever-present smile of his. "Hi-ho, chicken on a raft!" his wee footpaws would impact the ground in time with the rhythm, "I don't mind knocking but I ain't going in!" his attire was fairly modest, just a jacket and some pantaloons, the former a smooth leathery brown while the latter were well, denim! "Hi-ho, chicken on a raft!" 'Jimmy's' laughing like a drain!" he'd keep on singing as he approaches the meeting spot "Hi-ho, chicken on a raft!" Once he spots arris, he'd quickly blurt out the rest of the lyrics~ "Been looking at m' 'comic cuts' again. Hey -oh, chicken on a raft!" hefore moving in to give the gator a quick hug! "Hey there good lookin' whatcha got cookin?"

Gliding low as he approaches the large winged Hellhound makes his landing at a jog as the nanites slowly thin out to the point his wings refuse to work properly. Drawing them around himself as if a cloak the 'hound, toting a rather large shogun and no doubt several other weapons concealed in his coat, the infernal canine comes to a stop at the meeting spot... third to arrive. Shrinking down from the grand size he usually sports to one more appropriate for staying alive without the Nanite Soup he clears his throat and smiles. "Nice to see some familiar faces on the job." he says, repositioning his shotgun to be balanced on his shoulder with just one hand on the stock he continues, "So... the job called for six people. Are we a bit early, or are we undermanned?"

Time passes as the three stand waiting for more agents, but none arrive. Eventually the comms beep with updates on what to expect, the path to get to the mission location, and a short message to stay on the lookout for anything valuable to bring back if anything is found.

*beep beep beep* "Ack... this blazin thing again?" Magnus huffs as he looks at his comm unit. "Wait... just us three then? Alright! Let's make this a good one then!" the fox... actually smiles about that? Well, then again given his last blunder outside the bubble's reach, he'd reminded himself how poorly he functioned in large groups. A soft rub to his bicep would serve as a chilling touch of bitter recollection, not something he'd be forgetting anytime soon to be sure. "ALRIGHT!" he'd sound off. "WE HAVE A JOB TO DO! Let's make this quick, keep it simple and try not to get horrifically massacred by whatever it is we might encounter out there!" The fox would yip sharply, give Arris a quick hip-bump, a nod to Ebreus, then head off towards their assigned destination with a wide and jovial stride. Adventure!

Arris gets bumped a little by Magnus hugging her, but laughs it off. "Ah, not much is really goin' on with me... if that's what you're asking, that is." She bumps him away with her hip, spotting Ebreus after she does so.

Shortly after, hir comm would beep with the new information recieved. "Be on the lookout for anything valuable, huh..? Well, I suppose looking at things is one of my expertises." Adjusting the position of the rifle slung over her back, she gives the two others a nod. "Alright, let's go." The nod sent Magnus' way is interrupted by the hip-bump, and she just gives him a chuckle.

"Say, Ebreus..." As the group walks, Arris drifts closer to him. "I don't think I've seen you on the last mission, so I can give you a bit more briefing if you need it."

With the waiting and then finally the message acting as their briefing Ebreus shakes his head, "Right so undermanned it is." he says. Taking the shotgun from his shoulder he stretches as he's bumped by the smaller man. Flashing a wider grin to him a moment before turning his attention to Arris, "Yeah, I hadn't had time to read the report of the previous mission so the bullet points would be helpful... I assume this can't be worse than the CoT but I've been wrong before.... and of course they'd want us to grab anything valuable we're bein' sent out by Zephyr." And with that the hound does a few simple stretches and follows after the Fennec.

The trip to the nest is uneventful, but is quite a walk away from Fairhaven. A couple hours the route leads to the desolate town where the nest was known to be. Over a decade of neglect has caused this small town to become just as empty as the wasteland, the chilly air hanging still and foreboding. Even the slightest sound carries through the empty buildings like a lost echo, as if anything greater than a whisper would draw in terrible danger.

Magnus meanwhile had pulled out a flute to play a tune on, the very same he'd been singing on his arrival. It was his way to pass the time and keep his steps even, his stride energetic and his advance tireless. He kept his ears perked though his eyes seemed to wander more often towards the clouds than anything else. It was a warm and sunny day, the kind of weather that Magnus would thrive in, energizing and soothing all the same. Once they'd reached the town however...

"Aw, man... I didn't know we were headed to Gloomsville, USA. Heck, I didn't know it was a place to begin with!" He'd spot something in the shadows, though makes little sense of it. "We got uhhh... snakes? They might be the locals. Poor sods, living in a dump like this..." Magnus would raise his shoulders, then continue playing his song as they advance.