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<p>&quot;I figure of all the things that change in this world, the biggest constant I have had over the years is my family. What could be more important than that, I figure? Friends and family both. I run a tea house and cafe, hence my choice of thing to show- And share. If anyone wants any, feel free!&quot; She pauses here for a moment, before continuing. &quot;I am not sure what I have to say on the matter, really. Just that it is what keeps me going through the passing of time.&quot;</p></div><div title="Vila"><p>Ever the entrepeneur, that one. But Vila isn&#39;t really in the mood for tea right now. A somewhat somber cast falls over her features as she reaches for one pouch on her leather holster and pulls out something so small it can barely be seen save for the glint in the firelight. &quot;Uh, I have this ring. It belonged to my mother, or, well, my mother&#39;s wife. Before all this happened.&quot; She turns her fingers so that the little piece of jewelry can be seen by everyone. &quot;It, uh... it doesn&#39;t really fit me or my sister, so she was going to give it to Elize to give to someone she fell in love with. But, uh... Elize isn&#39;t the settling down type. So now I carry it, and maybe one day so will my daughter, and her daughter, and...&quot; A blush tints the tiger shark&#39;s cheeks just a hint of pink. &quot;I&#39;m sorry. It&#39;s not much of a story. But I thought it was nice. I never knew Mom&#39;s wife, but... I dunno, this reminds me that despite everything, she and all the other people that were lost are still with us in a way.&quot;</p></div><div title="Jingle"><p>Looking towards the displays the other two have given thus far, Jingle lets her jaw slacken a bit, &quot;Oh wow... all familial stuffs and such! But, um... I don&#39; have family t&#39;remember or such, but, I do have these!&quot; She fishes into her parcel satchel and pulls out an absolutely ruined pair of shoes. The soles are worn near to paper thinness and gashes and holes pock and rend their surface. The leather&#39;s stitching has come undone from so much use, and she holds them up proudly, &quot;I brang these! These were my shoes... and they have seen many stories. Many, many stories. Like, here...&quot; She points towards one of the deeper marks along the left shoe, &quot;Is form when I was being chased by a pack of mutant hyena. I wasn&#39;t quite as fast, then an&#39; they nearly caught me! You can see the pucker here where a claw grazed my shoe.&quot; Jingle&#39;s fingertip traces over the surface, &quot;an&#39;, I&#39;ve many stories to share, oh yes!&quot; She shifts her posture form foot to foot eagerly, as if ready to share them all right now.</p></div><div title="Phosphorus"><p>&quot;I figured I&#39;d bring something that - well, how do I put it...?&quot; Phosphorus says, adjusting her plate carrier so that she can sit down comfortably without it digging too much into her legs. She sets down on the ground, legs out somewhat, making herself as comfortable as possible with the kilos upon kilos of gear she has weighing her down. She reaches into her carrier&#39;s webbing, pulling out an ornament. A christmas ornament, to be precise - it looks handmade, held together with scrap, tape, and a bit of a prayer. &quot;This - it was my, uh, ma- squadmate&#39;s. She had put it together, one of the very last christmases we had properly together as a team. It was put together with whatever she had found while I wasn&#39;t looking, from houses, apartments, abandoned vehicles. Rather thoughtful, really. It was christmas eve, and we pitched camp for the night - lit a fire to stave off the cold desert night. She&#39;d given it to me, oh, a minute or two after midnight. It&#39;s... uh, one of the last mementos I have of her. From my team, as a whole, that is. She was the last.&quot; The panda holds the item up to the light. It&#39;s a crudly shaped star, jagged edges filed down somewhat, copper wiring and gold electrodes adorning it, a braided copper weave attached to it so it could hang, if there was a tree. She stares at it for a few seconds, letting out a sigh and cradling it back up in her hand.</p></div><div title="Zar"><p>As Edel speaks of home and family, the tigers all seem to collectively huddle a little bit closer together- besides those who seem to leaaan in towards Edel&#39;s food, but restrain themselves while stories are told- and doubly so when Vila tells her story. &quot;We understand,&quot; comes the Lady&#39;s voice once more. &quot;Thank you for bringing a gift of food, Edel. Family, home, tradition- all things we can associate most closely with here. And, much as I would prefer it not to be the case, loss as well.&quot; She pauses, then adds, &quot;Perhaps not quite the same loss, but loss nonetheless.&quot; A few tigers oooh and aaah as Jingle shows off her boots, one waving his hand about wildly and squeaking out, &quot;What&#39;s a &#39;mutant hyena&#39;? Why&#39;d it attack your shoes? ... Why aren&#39;t you wearing them?&quot; One of the huntresses pats him on the head and hushes him, chuckling quietly as she does.</p>
<p>&quot;I figure of all the things that change in this world, the biggest constant I have had over the years is my family. What could be more important than that, I figure? Friends and family both. I run a tea house and cafe, hence my choice of thing to show- And share. If anyone wants any, feel free!&quot; She pauses here for a moment, before continuing. &quot;I am not sure what I have to say on the matter, really. Just that it is what keeps me going through the passing of time.&quot;</p></div><div title="Vila"><p>Ever the entrepeneur, that one. But Vila isn&#39;t really in the mood for tea right now. A somewhat somber cast falls over her features as she reaches for one pouch on her leather holster and pulls out something so small it can barely be seen save for the glint in the firelight. &quot;Uh, I have this ring. It belonged to my mother, or, well, my mother&#39;s wife. Before all this happened.&quot; She turns her fingers so that the little piece of jewelry can be seen by everyone. &quot;It, uh... it doesn&#39;t really fit me or my sister, so she was going to give it to Elize to give to someone she fell in love with. But, uh... Elize isn&#39;t the settling down type. So now I carry it, and maybe one day so will my daughter, and her daughter, and...&quot; A blush tints the tiger shark&#39;s cheeks just a hint of pink. &quot;I&#39;m sorry. It&#39;s not much of a story. But I thought it was nice. I never knew Mom&#39;s wife, but... I dunno, this reminds me that despite everything, she and all the other people that were lost are still with us in a way.&quot;</p></div><div title="Jingle"><p>Looking towards the displays the other two have given thus far, Jingle lets her jaw slacken a bit, &quot;Oh wow... all familial stuffs and such! But, um... I don&#39; have family t&#39;remember or such, but, I do have these!&quot; She fishes into her parcel satchel and pulls out an absolutely ruined pair of shoes. The soles are worn near to paper thinness and gashes and holes pock and rend their surface. The leather&#39;s stitching has come undone from so much use, and she holds them up proudly, &quot;I brang these! These were my shoes... and they have seen many stories. Many, many stories. Like, here...&quot; She points towards one of the deeper marks along the left shoe, &quot;Is form when I was being chased by a pack of mutant hyena. I wasn&#39;t quite as fast, then an&#39; they nearly caught me! You can see the pucker here where a claw grazed my shoe.&quot; Jingle&#39;s fingertip traces over the surface, &quot;an&#39;, I&#39;ve many stories to share, oh yes!&quot; She shifts her posture form foot to foot eagerly, as if ready to share them all right now.</p></div><div title="Phosphorus"><p>&quot;I figured I&#39;d bring something that - well, how do I put it...?&quot; Phosphorus says, adjusting her plate carrier so that she can sit down comfortably without it digging too much into her legs. She sets down on the ground, legs out somewhat, making herself as comfortable as possible with the kilos upon kilos of gear she has weighing her down. She reaches into her carrier&#39;s webbing, pulling out an ornament. A christmas ornament, to be precise - it looks handmade, held together with scrap, tape, and a bit of a prayer. &quot;This - it was my, uh, ma- squadmate&#39;s. She had put it together, one of the very last christmases we had properly together as a team. It was put together with whatever she had found while I wasn&#39;t looking, from houses, apartments, abandoned vehicles. Rather thoughtful, really. It was christmas eve, and we pitched camp for the night - lit a fire to stave off the cold desert night. She&#39;d given it to me, oh, a minute or two after midnight. It&#39;s... uh, one of the last mementos I have of her. From my team, as a whole, that is. She was the last.&quot; The panda holds the item up to the light. It&#39;s a crudly shaped star, jagged edges filed down somewhat, copper wiring and gold electrodes adorning it, a braided copper weave attached to it so it could hang, if there was a tree. She stares at it for a few seconds, letting out a sigh and cradling it back up in her hand.</p></div><div title="Zar"><p>As Edel speaks of home and family, the tigers all seem to collectively huddle a little bit closer together- besides those who seem to leaaan in towards Edel&#39;s food, but restrain themselves while stories are told- and doubly so when Vila tells her story. &quot;We understand,&quot; comes the Lady&#39;s voice once more. &quot;Thank you for bringing a gift of food, Edel. Family, home, tradition- all things we can associate most closely with here. And, much as I would prefer it not to be the case, loss as well.&quot; She pauses, then adds, &quot;Perhaps not quite the same loss, but loss nonetheless.&quot; A few tigers oooh and aaah as Jingle shows off her boots, one waving his hand about wildly and squeaking out, &quot;What&#39;s a &#39;mutant hyena&#39;? Why&#39;d it attack your shoes? ... Why aren&#39;t you wearing them?&quot; One of the huntresses pats him on the head and hushes him, chuckling quietly as she does.</p>
<p>Phosphorus&#39; story elicits a similar reaction from the crowd, and the Lady lets out a soft, nostalgic sigh at the mention of Christmas, as though fondly recalling some distant memory. Almost none of the other tigers do the same, interestingly enough, and none of the males. &quot;It&#39;s been what feels like a lifetime since I last left this island. I found great safety here, and tried to provide it to others. There are many I have failed to do so for over the years,&quot; she admits in a quieter tone, though &#39;quiet&#39; for someone that gigantic is still decently loud. &quot;Ultimately, all you can do is- well, what you CAN do. Keep the flame of their memory alive.&quot; She gestures to some kind of wooden totem that seems to be engraved with the likenesses of various tigers on each side, and at each face is rest a single item. The tigers&#39; means of memorial for those they lose to the jungle. &quot;Your stories are all most appreciated, and if you have more to share or add, we are eager to listen.&quot; She glances down at Edel and smiles. &quot;If you&#39;d like to distribute your food, as well, it would be most welcome! New meals are very precious to us.&quot; Many of the tigers shuffle and shift in anticipation of trying out strange new food, already moving to line up near Edel.</p></div><div title="Edel"><p>Edel spreads her arms and beckons tigers near and far. &quot;Family is important,&quot; she agrees. &quot;The families we have now, and the families we have lost. That is why I cling so tightly to who I have. I built a family, and we watch out for each other. That is invaluable to me. I do not have much of the life before, so I have made a new one as best as I can.&quot; She starts setting out treats with a smile, letting others take their pick. &quot;And sharing that is important to me, so that is what I do!&quot;</p></div><div title="Vila"><p>Vila just sits there by herself, legs crossed on the ground in front of her, as she watches all these carefree tiger people feasting on Edel&#39;s spread of food and drink. It takes a while for her thoughts to catch back up to her, and she nods in agreement with the other woman&#39;s statement. &quot;I know for a fact I wouldn&#39;t be the woman I am today without all the wonderful people in my life. I guess the reason I came here was to find... more? More people to care about, that is.&quot; Her hand reaches up and two fingers loop into her collar, tugging at it awkwardly and causing the tags on it to jingle. &quot;Sorry. That was a bit cheesy.&quot;</p></div><div title="Jingle"><p>After the Big Lady&#39;s words and tigers and others mill to line up for food tastery and eatery and such, Jingle looks to those who&#39;d asked questions, doing her best to recall what was asked, &quot;Well, a mutant hyena is like... mmn a spotted tiger, no stripes, with a looonger muzzle and shorter claws and, and... well, they can bite really, really hard! I was making a deliver over near the chemical plant in Fairhaven... Oh! I delivery packages that people send out, by the way! And, well, they, the hyenas and other feral-types in that area, are pretty aggressive. I don&#39;t fight, so, when they came after me, I was running really fast. Not as fast as I run now, and that&#39;s why their claw hit my shoe, as I was leeeeeaningaway while running.&quot; Her voice is ecstatic as she relays her tale, and she settles in, lifting a foot to wriggle her toes, &quot;These shoes are too damaged to wear, so, I&#39;ve been barefoot for a little bit! Makes for suuuch sore feet, though.&quot;</p></div>
<p>Phosphorus&#39; story elicits a similar reaction from the crowd, and the Lady lets out a soft, nostalgic sigh at the mention of Christmas, as though fondly recalling some distant memory. Almost none of the other tigers do the same, interestingly enough, and none of the males. &quot;It&#39;s been what feels like a lifetime since I last left this island. I found great safety here, and tried to provide it to others. There are many I have failed to do so for over the years,&quot; she admits in a quieter tone, though &#39;quiet&#39; for someone that gigantic is still decently loud. &quot;Ultimately, all you can do is- well, what you CAN do. Keep the flame of their memory alive.&quot; She gestures to some kind of wooden totem that seems to be engraved with the likenesses of various tigers on each side, and at each face is rest a single item. The tigers&#39; means of memorial for those they lose to the jungle. &quot;Your stories are all most appreciated, and if you have more to share or add, we are eager to listen.&quot; She glances down at Edel and smiles. &quot;If you&#39;d like to distribute your food, as well, it would be most welcome! New meals are very precious to us.&quot; Many of the tigers shuffle and shift in anticipation of trying out strange new food, already moving to line up near Edel.</p></div><div title="Edel"><p>Edel spreads her arms and beckons tigers near and far. &quot;Family is important,&quot; she agrees. &quot;The families we have now, and the families we have lost. That is why I cling so tightly to who I have. I built a family, and we watch out for each other. That is invaluable to me. I do not have much of the life before, so I have made a new one as best as I can.&quot; She starts setting out treats with a smile, letting others take their pick. &quot;And sharing that is important to me, so that is what I do!&quot;</p></div><div title="Vila"><p>Vila just sits there by herself, legs crossed on the ground in front of her, as she watches all these carefree tiger people feasting on Edel&#39;s spread of food and drink. It takes a while for her thoughts to catch back up to her, and she nods in agreement with the other woman&#39;s statement. &quot;I know for a fact I wouldn&#39;t be the woman I am today without all the wonderful people in my life. I guess the reason I came here was to find... more? More people to care about, that is.&quot; Her hand reaches up and two fingers loop into her collar, tugging at it awkwardly and causing the tags on it to jingle. &quot;Sorry. That was a bit cheesy.&quot;</p></div><div title="Jingle"><p>After the Big Lady&#39;s words and tigers and others mill to line up for food tastery and eatery and such, Jingle looks to those who&#39;d asked questions, doing her best to recall what was asked, &quot;Well, a mutant hyena is like... mmn a spotted tiger, no stripes, with a looonger muzzle and shorter claws and, and... well, they can bite really, really hard! I was making a deliver over near the chemical plant in Fairhaven... Oh! I delivery packages that people send out, by the way! And, well, they, the hyenas and other feral-types in that area, are pretty aggressive. I don&#39;t fight, so, when they came after me, I was running really fast. Not as fast as I run now, and that&#39;s why their claw hit my shoe, as I was leeeeeaningaway while running.&quot; Her voice is ecstatic as she relays her tale, and she settles in, lifting a foot to wriggle her toes, &quot;These shoes are too damaged to wear, so, I&#39;ve been barefoot for a little bit! Makes for suuuch sore feet, though.&quot;</p></div><div title="Phosphorus"><p>&quot;It goes without saying. My team - well, they were my family.&quot; Phosphorus says, tucking the memento back into a pouch and breathing deeply. &quot;It gives me a bit of strength, I think, to always keep them in the back of my mind. A little more will, a little more control. A little bit more to resist - well, resist losing their memory to to _fucking pit_ that this world made of them,&quot; she says, frowning as she finishes. The panda takes her helmet off, ponytail spilling out of the bunched up position. &quot;I have plenty of other stories to tell from my time out in the desert, at least. Just ask of any specific period - I&#39;ll try to recount it as best as I can.&quot;</p></div><div title="Zar"><p>Various tigers collect the offered meals, either to eat themselves or bring to their friends and family nearby. The ones who can actually speak English thank Edel, and the ones who can&#39;t simply nod their appreciation as they go. The Lady nods slowly while she listens to each agent, and her matronly smile returns to her face. &quot;I wouldn&#39;t worry too much about being &#39;cheesy&#39;, Vila. Things can be rather saccharine around here, at times! Not that I&#39;m complaining,&quot; she says, smirking a bit. &quot;There&#39;s no shortage of people to care about here, for better or for worse. Our community is a lot more like a family, itself. It&#39;s a good life, but not always an easy one.&quot;</p>
<p>Another male tiger squeaks out, &quot;What other shoe stories do you have, no-name?&quot; to Jingle, obviously rather enamored with the shark&#39;s tales... and the shark in general, really, judging by the reverence plain as day on his effeminate face. He&#39;s not the only one, either, a gaggle of tigerboys crowding behind him! Edel might notice she&#39;s getting a similar treatment in the shy glances and giggles of the ones who come to snag some eats, and one even takes advantage of the opportunity to break from the crowd and sit next to Vila as though to offer his presence as comfort, purrring quietly while he shines big ol&#39; kitten eyes up at her. &quot;I-I think you&#39;re really cool, family-shark-lady,&quot; he squeaks out a bit shyly. Truly the most fiendish tactic of the local tigerboys- taking terrible advantage of their meek appearance! The boys are a BIT more cautious around Phos, though, not quite approaching yet. Still, one waves at her frantically and asks, &quot;What&#39;ve you done like, recent-like, miss Phos-fer-fers- err, Phosphorus?&quot; Her name&#39;s a bit of a tongue twister for him.</p></div><div title="Edel"><p>&quot;Enjoy, enjoy,&quot; Edel enthuses, freely giving the food to all who come for it. And she is happy to return smiles and waves, too, to the other tigers. &quot;I have many stories, though I am not sure which ones would interest any of you! I like to see your family though. It&#39;s always nice to see other groups and communities coming together like this,&quot;</p></div><div title="Vila"><p>Vila can&#39;t help but feel all warm and fuzzy inside at the admiration from the feminine tiger boy, and she expresses it with a shy smile. &quot;Oh, well. Thank you. This seems like a very nice place you all have here. Reminds me of New Dawn in the best ways possible. Just a whole group of close-knit people, living off the land and supporting each other.&quot; Her eyes turn up from the friendly feline back to the Big Lady. &quot;If I could stay longer, I would, but sadly, I have people back home to take care of, too.&quot;</p></div><div title="Jingle"><p>All smiles from Jingles, and the shark girl says, &quot;So, there I was, wandering the decrepit remains of an amusement park. I could hear the thrum of the wild ferals&#39; dubstep harranging through the area as I made my way towards the erstructured main hall. There&#39;re survivors there who hold raves and dances and stuff... when the rev of an engined maw rattled nearby, screaming to life!&quot; Jingle really gets into the story-telling her hands helping describe the tale as much as her words, even forming a gnashing maw with her interlocking digits as she relates, &quot;The chrome beastie came after me, but, I&#39;d grown so fast in my running, ti couldn&#39;t keep up!&quot; She points to a hole near the arch of the right sole, &quot;but, a bit of rebar punctured the shoe right here while I was running. The shoe took the brunt of it, so, I only had a sore arch for a couple days.&quot; She definitely seems to enjoy having an active and pretty audience! Her sharky tail swishes its girth behind her with how ecstatic she is.</p></div><div title="Phosphorus"><p>The panda glances at the tigers nearby, making a half-hearted effort to straighten her hair from the notoriously frustrating helmet frizz. &quot;Recently? Well... how recent are you asking about? In the past... few months, I&#39;ve transitioned from working largely at RSX to helping out the K9s, so I&#39;ve been getting less blood on my hands and more people in cuffs. Though, before, when I was patrolling, and the cities were more wild... - lots more work. A lot more... cathartic? Eh.&quot;</p></div><div title="Zar"><p>Between mouthfuls of food, a tiger mewls out to Edel, &quot;Momhfh- uhh- oh, uh! What&#39;s it like living in a house made of tea?&quot; Another tiger playfully elbows him and mewls, &quot;It&#39;s a house where you go to drink tea, silly! Miss Edel, do you have any stories about the tea house?&quot; The elbowing is returned, and they playfully bat at and wrestle with eachother for a moment. Then a huntress picks them both up by the scruff and sets them apart, giving each a very stern look, which they quickly shy away from. They make up pretty quick after that.</p>
<p>The Big Lady grins at Vila. &quot;We&#39;ve found that we have a great deal of common ground with the Prometheans in our recent alliance. They teach us how to fish, rather than just hand us the fish, as the old world adage goes. It&#39;s everything I hoped for out of such an arrangement.&quot; She nods before continuing, &quot;Anyone who&#39;s willing to contribute is welcome to stay, but it is certainly understandable that your people must come first. I would not have it any other way. Do you have any other memories of your home or people you&#39;d like to share?&quot;</p>
<p>For Jingle&#39;s part, her audience is well and truly captive, brought along a rollercoaster of emotions that are guided by the shark&#39;s storytelling. By the time she&#39;s done, the wide-eyed tigerboys are practically flailing their hands in the air for attention, each one mewling questions that overlap the others, things like &quot;What&#39;s a dubstep?!&quot; or &quot;Do you have stories about &#39;raves&#39;?&quot; and &quot;How fast can you run?&quot; to mention the few that can be picked out amidst the cacophany of mewling tigers.</p>
<p>At Phos&#39; mention of the K9s, a few of the boys all but dance in place, one squeaking out, &quot;Tell us about the K9s! They come by sometimes, I wanna know more about them!&quot; Seems like they&#39;ve accumulated a bit of a fanclub amongst the villagers.</p></div>

Revision as of 08:31, 13 May 2018





By whatever means available to them, a gaggle of agents has made their way to Kaiju Island to answer the call of the local tiger grove's desire for more stories to entertain, inspire and inform them! This time, the volunteers have been instructed to bring something precious to them and tell a story that involves it in some way. They're guided through the overgrown jungle in relative safety away from the kaiju and around the traps laid out for said kaiju, past a gate built into a towering palisade, and into the heart of the village where the firepit lies and the Big Lady sits.

She's a truly giant tigress with a rather motherly look about her, painted in intricately swirling patterns of an odd, royal blue dye or paint that extends from her waist to her neck. A broad smile greets the agents as they're ushered in and onto the surprisingly cozy bundles of rags that act as seating around it. Innumerable tigers are gathered around, eager to listen. Something immediately apparent is that the males are rather diminutive and... well, girly, compared to the much taller and often stronger-looking females. "Welcome, everyone," comes the Lady's tremendous voice. "I am always so pleased with these opportunities to learn of the outside and outsiders. I am what my lovely tigers refer to as the Big Lady. Please, introduce yourselves."

Edel wasn't even usually a tiger. Or a cat at all. A dog? Usually. A tanuki? always, to some degree. A fox? Occasionally! But today was different. Dressed a bit more casually than the regal robes she often wore, but no less refined in how she was carrying herself, she had been at a loss as to what to bring. At least, at first. Eventually an idea struck her, and it was, presumably, whatever was in the basket she was carrying. "I am Edel Lin. Happy to meet you!"

Vila hasn't even tried in the slightest to blend in. Dressed in black mesh with a knife on one hip and a gun holster on the other, the plump striped shark looks like she had expected a bit more trouble on the way here than she had actually encountered. Thankfully, there are at least a couple people here she recognizes, if not their faces exactly. Still, despite their presence, she still seems rather on edge. "Oh, uh, I'm Vila. Just Vila. No second name." Her head craned up to look at the massive feline, she flashes a nervous toothy grin. "Thank you for the, uh, invitation, by the way." Her voice is shaky and nasally, more like an anxious teenager than a vicious predator.

Bugs, bugs, bugs, bugs! Ohhh, but the bugs are hyuuuuge around here! Jingle's legs blur as she breaks from teh jungle with heaving bosom and a glisten of humidity and perspiration mingling together. Sure, there was safe passage, but, ye gods, those bugs were hyuuuuge! She blinks, pausing when she spies... a village? The shark's head tilts a little, curious as her gaze explores, and her feet carry her along, moving with the gaggle-sum group. Her eyes widen on the Big Lady's greeting, and she bobs her head, "I... I have no name! But, I have come to tell stories!" The motion of her head makes her earring bangles jingle-jangle jangle. With a curtsey, she adds, "Pleased t'meet you!"

It'd be quite a feat to try to get a fluffy, furry, armed panda to fit in anywhere outside of an absurdist nature documentary, so, here Phos is, ringed tail, armored vest, whiskered muzzle, rifle and all. She has previously shown up in this clearing, dressed in more formal, diplomatic clothing, true - but she has little incentive to do that if she's not representing anyone outside of her own self. Her muzzle tweaks into a polite smile as she steps into the town center, offering a wave, a nod, a greeting, saving the proper formalities for the big lady herself. "Phosphorus - Phos, here. We've met before, I believe."

At Jingle's mention of having no name, all the tigers seem to start whispering among themselves, and the Big Lady nods in interested approval. "How very curious," she muses aloud, then sweeps her hand out in a broad gesture towards each agent. "Edel Lin, Vila-just-Vila, and no-name, we welcome you. Phosphorous, your visits here are always a pleasure." The Lady then gestures to a small group of tigerboys who seem to be holding big bowls of fruit and fish and even some meat in their arms, the latter cooked thoroughly. Seems like they only bother gutting the fish. A couple carry sloshing jugs. "If you are hungry or thirsty, simply call over one of these sweet little gentlemen. If you would, though, I would like to see what you've brought, and hear why."

Edel looks over at the others that had come, then back forward. Well, no reason she couldn't go first, she figured. Especially given what she brought. "Right! Well. I have food to share, too!" She takes a seat and sets the basket in front of her, before tugging the covering off. "I thought about what was important to me. My home and family are the most important thing, these days, but I cannot really bring those, so... I brought part of it with me." She sets out drinks in glass jars, still-warm food stuffs in a variety of recipes, some sweet and savoury, others salty. Enough of a spread to accomodate most.

"I figure of all the things that change in this world, the biggest constant I have had over the years is my family. What could be more important than that, I figure? Friends and family both. I run a tea house and cafe, hence my choice of thing to show- And share. If anyone wants any, feel free!" She pauses here for a moment, before continuing. "I am not sure what I have to say on the matter, really. Just that it is what keeps me going through the passing of time."

Ever the entrepeneur, that one. But Vila isn't really in the mood for tea right now. A somewhat somber cast falls over her features as she reaches for one pouch on her leather holster and pulls out something so small it can barely be seen save for the glint in the firelight. "Uh, I have this ring. It belonged to my mother, or, well, my mother's wife. Before all this happened." She turns her fingers so that the little piece of jewelry can be seen by everyone. "It, uh... it doesn't really fit me or my sister, so she was going to give it to Elize to give to someone she fell in love with. But, uh... Elize isn't the settling down type. So now I carry it, and maybe one day so will my daughter, and her daughter, and..." A blush tints the tiger shark's cheeks just a hint of pink. "I'm sorry. It's not much of a story. But I thought it was nice. I never knew Mom's wife, but... I dunno, this reminds me that despite everything, she and all the other people that were lost are still with us in a way."

Looking towards the displays the other two have given thus far, Jingle lets her jaw slacken a bit, "Oh wow... all familial stuffs and such! But, um... I don' have family t'remember or such, but, I do have these!" She fishes into her parcel satchel and pulls out an absolutely ruined pair of shoes. The soles are worn near to paper thinness and gashes and holes pock and rend their surface. The leather's stitching has come undone from so much use, and she holds them up proudly, "I brang these! These were my shoes... and they have seen many stories. Many, many stories. Like, here..." She points towards one of the deeper marks along the left shoe, "Is form when I was being chased by a pack of mutant hyena. I wasn't quite as fast, then an' they nearly caught me! You can see the pucker here where a claw grazed my shoe." Jingle's fingertip traces over the surface, "an', I've many stories to share, oh yes!" She shifts her posture form foot to foot eagerly, as if ready to share them all right now.

"I figured I'd bring something that - well, how do I put it...?" Phosphorus says, adjusting her plate carrier so that she can sit down comfortably without it digging too much into her legs. She sets down on the ground, legs out somewhat, making herself as comfortable as possible with the kilos upon kilos of gear she has weighing her down. She reaches into her carrier's webbing, pulling out an ornament. A christmas ornament, to be precise - it looks handmade, held together with scrap, tape, and a bit of a prayer. "This - it was my, uh, ma- squadmate's. She had put it together, one of the very last christmases we had properly together as a team. It was put together with whatever she had found while I wasn't looking, from houses, apartments, abandoned vehicles. Rather thoughtful, really. It was christmas eve, and we pitched camp for the night - lit a fire to stave off the cold desert night. She'd given it to me, oh, a minute or two after midnight. It's... uh, one of the last mementos I have of her. From my team, as a whole, that is. She was the last." The panda holds the item up to the light. It's a crudly shaped star, jagged edges filed down somewhat, copper wiring and gold electrodes adorning it, a braided copper weave attached to it so it could hang, if there was a tree. She stares at it for a few seconds, letting out a sigh and cradling it back up in her hand.

As Edel speaks of home and family, the tigers all seem to collectively huddle a little bit closer together- besides those who seem to leaaan in towards Edel's food, but restrain themselves while stories are told- and doubly so when Vila tells her story. "We understand," comes the Lady's voice once more. "Thank you for bringing a gift of food, Edel. Family, home, tradition- all things we can associate most closely with here. And, much as I would prefer it not to be the case, loss as well." She pauses, then adds, "Perhaps not quite the same loss, but loss nonetheless." A few tigers oooh and aaah as Jingle shows off her boots, one waving his hand about wildly and squeaking out, "What's a 'mutant hyena'? Why'd it attack your shoes? ... Why aren't you wearing them?" One of the huntresses pats him on the head and hushes him, chuckling quietly as she does.

Phosphorus' story elicits a similar reaction from the crowd, and the Lady lets out a soft, nostalgic sigh at the mention of Christmas, as though fondly recalling some distant memory. Almost none of the other tigers do the same, interestingly enough, and none of the males. "It's been what feels like a lifetime since I last left this island. I found great safety here, and tried to provide it to others. There are many I have failed to do so for over the years," she admits in a quieter tone, though 'quiet' for someone that gigantic is still decently loud. "Ultimately, all you can do is- well, what you CAN do. Keep the flame of their memory alive." She gestures to some kind of wooden totem that seems to be engraved with the likenesses of various tigers on each side, and at each face is rest a single item. The tigers' means of memorial for those they lose to the jungle. "Your stories are all most appreciated, and if you have more to share or add, we are eager to listen." She glances down at Edel and smiles. "If you'd like to distribute your food, as well, it would be most welcome! New meals are very precious to us." Many of the tigers shuffle and shift in anticipation of trying out strange new food, already moving to line up near Edel.

Edel spreads her arms and beckons tigers near and far. "Family is important," she agrees. "The families we have now, and the families we have lost. That is why I cling so tightly to who I have. I built a family, and we watch out for each other. That is invaluable to me. I do not have much of the life before, so I have made a new one as best as I can." She starts setting out treats with a smile, letting others take their pick. "And sharing that is important to me, so that is what I do!"

Vila just sits there by herself, legs crossed on the ground in front of her, as she watches all these carefree tiger people feasting on Edel's spread of food and drink. It takes a while for her thoughts to catch back up to her, and she nods in agreement with the other woman's statement. "I know for a fact I wouldn't be the woman I am today without all the wonderful people in my life. I guess the reason I came here was to find... more? More people to care about, that is." Her hand reaches up and two fingers loop into her collar, tugging at it awkwardly and causing the tags on it to jingle. "Sorry. That was a bit cheesy."

After the Big Lady's words and tigers and others mill to line up for food tastery and eatery and such, Jingle looks to those who'd asked questions, doing her best to recall what was asked, "Well, a mutant hyena is like... mmn a spotted tiger, no stripes, with a looonger muzzle and shorter claws and, and... well, they can bite really, really hard! I was making a deliver over near the chemical plant in Fairhaven... Oh! I delivery packages that people send out, by the way! And, well, they, the hyenas and other feral-types in that area, are pretty aggressive. I don't fight, so, when they came after me, I was running really fast. Not as fast as I run now, and that's why their claw hit my shoe, as I was leeeeeaningaway while running." Her voice is ecstatic as she relays her tale, and she settles in, lifting a foot to wriggle her toes, "These shoes are too damaged to wear, so, I've been barefoot for a little bit! Makes for suuuch sore feet, though."

"It goes without saying. My team - well, they were my family." Phosphorus says, tucking the memento back into a pouch and breathing deeply. "It gives me a bit of strength, I think, to always keep them in the back of my mind. A little more will, a little more control. A little bit more to resist - well, resist losing their memory to to _fucking pit_ that this world made of them," she says, frowning as she finishes. The panda takes her helmet off, ponytail spilling out of the bunched up position. "I have plenty of other stories to tell from my time out in the desert, at least. Just ask of any specific period - I'll try to recount it as best as I can."

Various tigers collect the offered meals, either to eat themselves or bring to their friends and family nearby. The ones who can actually speak English thank Edel, and the ones who can't simply nod their appreciation as they go. The Lady nods slowly while she listens to each agent, and her matronly smile returns to her face. "I wouldn't worry too much about being 'cheesy', Vila. Things can be rather saccharine around here, at times! Not that I'm complaining," she says, smirking a bit. "There's no shortage of people to care about here, for better or for worse. Our community is a lot more like a family, itself. It's a good life, but not always an easy one."

Another male tiger squeaks out, "What other shoe stories do you have, no-name?" to Jingle, obviously rather enamored with the shark's tales... and the shark in general, really, judging by the reverence plain as day on his effeminate face. He's not the only one, either, a gaggle of tigerboys crowding behind him! Edel might notice she's getting a similar treatment in the shy glances and giggles of the ones who come to snag some eats, and one even takes advantage of the opportunity to break from the crowd and sit next to Vila as though to offer his presence as comfort, purrring quietly while he shines big ol' kitten eyes up at her. "I-I think you're really cool, family-shark-lady," he squeaks out a bit shyly. Truly the most fiendish tactic of the local tigerboys- taking terrible advantage of their meek appearance! The boys are a BIT more cautious around Phos, though, not quite approaching yet. Still, one waves at her frantically and asks, "What've you done like, recent-like, miss Phos-fer-fers- err, Phosphorus?" Her name's a bit of a tongue twister for him.

"Enjoy, enjoy," Edel enthuses, freely giving the food to all who come for it. And she is happy to return smiles and waves, too, to the other tigers. "I have many stories, though I am not sure which ones would interest any of you! I like to see your family though. It's always nice to see other groups and communities coming together like this,"

Vila can't help but feel all warm and fuzzy inside at the admiration from the feminine tiger boy, and she expresses it with a shy smile. "Oh, well. Thank you. This seems like a very nice place you all have here. Reminds me of New Dawn in the best ways possible. Just a whole group of close-knit people, living off the land and supporting each other." Her eyes turn up from the friendly feline back to the Big Lady. "If I could stay longer, I would, but sadly, I have people back home to take care of, too."

All smiles from Jingles, and the shark girl says, "So, there I was, wandering the decrepit remains of an amusement park. I could hear the thrum of the wild ferals' dubstep harranging through the area as I made my way towards the erstructured main hall. There're survivors there who hold raves and dances and stuff... when the rev of an engined maw rattled nearby, screaming to life!" Jingle really gets into the story-telling her hands helping describe the tale as much as her words, even forming a gnashing maw with her interlocking digits as she relates, "The chrome beastie came after me, but, I'd grown so fast in my running, ti couldn't keep up!" She points to a hole near the arch of the right sole, "but, a bit of rebar punctured the shoe right here while I was running. The shoe took the brunt of it, so, I only had a sore arch for a couple days." She definitely seems to enjoy having an active and pretty audience! Her sharky tail swishes its girth behind her with how ecstatic she is.

The panda glances at the tigers nearby, making a half-hearted effort to straighten her hair from the notoriously frustrating helmet frizz. "Recently? Well... how recent are you asking about? In the past... few months, I've transitioned from working largely at RSX to helping out the K9s, so I've been getting less blood on my hands and more people in cuffs. Though, before, when I was patrolling, and the cities were more wild... - lots more work. A lot more... cathartic? Eh."

Between mouthfuls of food, a tiger mewls out to Edel, "Momhfh- uhh- oh, uh! What's it like living in a house made of tea?" Another tiger playfully elbows him and mewls, "It's a house where you go to drink tea, silly! Miss Edel, do you have any stories about the tea house?" The elbowing is returned, and they playfully bat at and wrestle with eachother for a moment. Then a huntress picks them both up by the scruff and sets them apart, giving each a very stern look, which they quickly shy away from. They make up pretty quick after that.

The Big Lady grins at Vila. "We've found that we have a great deal of common ground with the Prometheans in our recent alliance. They teach us how to fish, rather than just hand us the fish, as the old world adage goes. It's everything I hoped for out of such an arrangement." She nods before continuing, "Anyone who's willing to contribute is welcome to stay, but it is certainly understandable that your people must come first. I would not have it any other way. Do you have any other memories of your home or people you'd like to share?"

For Jingle's part, her audience is well and truly captive, brought along a rollercoaster of emotions that are guided by the shark's storytelling. By the time she's done, the wide-eyed tigerboys are practically flailing their hands in the air for attention, each one mewling questions that overlap the others, things like "What's a dubstep?!" or "Do you have stories about 'raves'?" and "How fast can you run?" to mention the few that can be picked out amidst the cacophany of mewling tigers.

At Phos' mention of the K9s, a few of the boys all but dance in place, one squeaking out, "Tell us about the K9s! They come by sometimes, I wanna know more about them!" Seems like they've accumulated a bit of a fanclub amongst the villagers.