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     The vixen's eyes flick back and forth as she tries to find where the training area is mostly by sight, but the sound of a canine voice helps direct the vixen to the small gathering of people, She stands there for a moment, clearly trying to ascertain if there was where she should be or not.
     The vixen's eyes flick back and forth as she tries to find where the training area is mostly by sight, but the sound of a canine voice helps direct the vixen to the small gathering of people, She stands there for a moment, clearly trying to ascertain if there was where she should be or not.
     &quot;Sorry I&#39;m late.&quot;</div>
     &quot;Sorry I&#39;m late.&quot;</div><br> <br><div title="Otto">Otto takes a quick look around and notes a hydra of all things among the crowd. &quot;Hey bud.&quot; he says &quot;G&#39;day.&quot; and again &quot;How&#39;s it?&quot; once more &quot;Salutations!&quot; and again... &quot;Hello!&quot; aaaaaaand again... &quot;Greetings!&quot; ... &quot;Yo!&quot; ... &quot;What&#39;s up?&quot; ... &quot;I ran out of greetings, so... hi!&quot; greeting each of the heads, one after the other.
Once he picks up on Ebreus&#39; voice, he turns towards the other and nears him with a smile. The jackal nods to his friend and gives him a playful punch to the shoulder. &quot;Hey you handsome bastard. I see your new toys are primed and ready to do some damage.&quot; he sticks his tongue out at Ebreus, before nodding towards the doberma-wait a tick...
That long muzzle, those pointed ears, that feminine frame... was that? Nooooo, another jackal? He ribs Ebreus and gestures at the beauty in the distance, hiding out and simply observing. Glancing at his friend, he whispers &quot;Wish me luck, I&#39;m goin&#39; in.&quot; before wandering off towards the jackaless in the distance. Once he nears her, he opens his muzzle to introduce himself, but... a deep sigh and a look of bemusement once mister loudmouth dobie speaks up. God... damn it. &quot;Hi there.&quot; he greets briefly and glances towards the serious doberman...man. &quot;Let&#39;s have some fun, eh?&quot; Otto flashes a wink, before turning tail to join the others.
Once the instructor is finished speaking, he glances towards the late arrival and gives her a friendly pat on the back. &quot;I&#39;s alright, we were just starting. Welcome!&quot; he greets, then raises his hand to ask a question. &quot;That&#39;s a nice outfit ya got, sir. Where can I get duds like that?&quot;</div><br> <br><div title="Summers">With a roll of her eyes at Otto, who was definitely not the first guy to wink at her Summers turned her attention to the Doberman. With his query about questions, she lifted her armed and waved it around. She figured this was the way to get his attention.</div><br> <br><div title="Ebreus">Ebreus hums and looks over to where Otto indicates after he&#39;s ribbed and smiles as he sees what he&#39;s after. He then turns his attention to the Doberman as he asks if that&#39;s the whole group and starts to listen as their job is explained. His grin widens as their excersize is explained to them. His drones also seem to grow more energetic. After the first question he chimes in, &quot;Three questions: First do broken windows count against our score, second will any time we take for planning be included in our graded time, third is it okay if I use a lasor-rifle that might be able to punch through the armor of a preP-Day tank?&quot; as he gets to the last question he indicates the rifle he&#39;s cradling.
As the new arrival rushes up to the group he glances over to her and shifts the rifle to rest against his arm and chest so he may wave with his other hand before returning his attention to the Doberman as he awaits answers. &quot;Oh, and should we be treating the targets like they&#39;re alive, y&#39;know avoiding headshots?&quot; he adds with a smile.</div><br> <br><div title="Phosphorus">&quot;Broken windows will not be counted, to a certain degree. Laser rifle, no. You may cause structural damage that could bring the entire building down, killing all of you. I would recommend avoiding that. Also, in a real situation, headshots will be perfectly acceptable. So, go ham. There will also be &#39;friendly&#39; targets, who will be identified by a green marking on the head, resembling that of a helmet. Do remember, destruction -can- work in your facor... but don&#39;t bring the entire place down.&quot;
&quot;My uniform is a modified FBI SWAT Los Angeles uniform. I used to work with them. RSX remade it to be more appropriate for a representative of the company. Further questions?&quot; The doberman speaks in clipped tones, answering each question with calm, concise words, looking to each person in turn as he responds to them. Very professional.</div><br> <br><div title="Fiore">    Fiore flinchs when she&#39;s patted, but otherwise remains where she is. She extends the stock of her Uzi and turns her head to look at the others currently waiting for the test to begin. She flicks some of her tails, putting her helmet on and sealing it shut then.
&quot;No questions here.&quot;
The vixen takes a step back behind the others, falling into a focused silence that remains mostly aimed at the building they&#39;d have to storm. Her eyes then turn to each one of the other agents there, seeming to size them up for threats in the same manner as the building itself. Her ears twist as much as the helmet itself allows so she can listen for the &#39;go&#39; signal. She does take a moment swap her pistol for a different one out of her bag.</div><br> <br><div title="Anderson">Anderson is taken aback by the individual greetings to each of his heads by the jackal, but he greets back with a small wave and a shy smile. After this, he shakes his head, having no further questions. &quot;I&#39;ve... I-I used t-to do th-this sort o-of thing on o-occasion,&quot; he murmurs, a few of his heads looking back over to the weapons table. &quot;W-we should... erm... a-arm up, b-before s-starting.&quot;
The hydra begins slithering over to the tables to double-check his own equipment, leaving behind a crossbow and a rocket launcher to the care of the other RSX agents while he readies a shield and a pistol. After this, he joins the vixen near the door, taking point with the shield between the door and everyone behind him.
&quot;Ready...&quot; he mumbles.</div><br> <br><div title="Otto">&quot;So serious...&quot; Otto mumbles and glances off to the side. &quot;No questions. Let&#39;s get this show on the road!&quot; he clasps his paws and fiddles with something onhis belt for a moment, seemingly hiding something in his palms, nimble motions keeping it nice and hidden.
He liiightly leans to the left and squints a little, peering at the structure, his eyes seemingly analyzing every part they could snap onto. &quot;Well, I am a decent enough climber and sneak. I think I can take the roof access and work my way down. I&#39;d prefer to go solo or with someone who can creep around really well, though.&quot; the jackal rubs his hands together.
&quot;Okay! If anyone wants to join me, feel free to. I&#39;m going up there. Before I go though, hey...&quot; he glances around the lot. &quot;This is a training exercise. We make our mistakes here, rather than out in the field. Let&#39;s have a good one, and uh... try not to blow the building up? Try to aim for the head. Odds are we&#39;ll have to use the element of surprise, so... let&#39;s try to give them a spook. That&#39;s always fun!&quot; he casts Ebreus a knowing glance, before moving off towards the nearby table with armaments. &quot;Ah, yes...&quot; he picks up a loaded 9mm handgun, a few tazer cartridges and a few throwable knives. &quot;Ready!&quot; he tells the doberman.</div><br> <br><div title="Summers">Summers realised shortly that her hand-waving had been unnoticed. Sucks sometimes to be dark furred and then go stand in a shadowy corner. She stepped out of the corner and rubbed at some of the gold around her eyes before drawing her weapon from her side-holster and picked up some ammo for it from the tables.    &quot;Here&#39;s to hoping I don&#39;t miss a target.&quot;. She flicked an ear and moved to cluster closer to the others as they start planning to go in.</div>

Revision as of 01:45, 25 January 2018





It's a bit of a lousy day outside to be running drills. Between the light rain, heavy dose of clouds, and chilly weather, those without fur or adequate amounts of clothing would likely be in a bit of a mood. Most of the employees milling about seem to be wearing ponchos or light rainjackets to fight off the drizzle, and thus, seem relatively unaffected. The doberman in feront seems like the guy to talk to, judging from his general stance, serious demeanor, and, big fuck-off rifle. He gazes at the participants cooly as the filter into the area, a rubber-tire wall cordoning off the area generally recognized as the prep zone.

Anderson stands around near the tables of firearms. He's currently looking over some of the tables looking over some of the pistols and shotguns at the moment, cautious about where he points the guns when checking how they feel in his hands.

It's another wonderful day, a glorious noon to be free, a lovely time to be schlop around, but then there's work to be found! *schlop schlop schlop* In every puddle Otto passed by, with a kick in his step and a smile on his face, he cared not for the rain, and carried a song in his heart to go with the grin at his lips.

What had him in such a jovial mood? It's unclear... maybe he'd won something, or had a great time with some friends, met someone new and interesting, or had a breakthrough with his crafting... who cares? He'd donned some casual clothes, a belt and a bandoleer, a light crimson felt shirt and some pantaloons preserved his modesty while a pair of steel-toed shoes kept his feet dry.

The jackal whistles a tune and peeks at his comm unit, GOOD GRIEF! He was going to be late at this rate! One squat later, and he'd lept into the air, high enough to cling to one of the windows and scurry up the side of the nearest building, then take another high leap to go from roof to roof.

Multiple bounds later, the canine was left at the top of the building adjacent to his destignation. Peering down at the firing range, he breathes a sigh of relief as he looks at the time. Thank the stars, he'd arrived without being late. The agents there were already busy with their practice rounds, it seemed... but lookign down from so far up, it was hard to determine if anyone familiar was around.

Alley-oop! *THUD* he makes a landing in a clear spot just outside the training area. "Ooof... hard on the legs." the jackal nods and rubs at his knees. Jump good, but fall hard, such was the drawback, wasn't it?

Dusting himself off a bit, he peers around for the friend he'd brought along. Ebreus was usually always on time for things! He had to be around! Maybe he's using one of those crazy new forms of his? Who knows? Damnable rain, making Otto's sniffer wet and making it harder to sniff around for things... Oh well...

With a flick of her ear, Summers browsed over the munitions on the tables of the building. She made no claims to know anything about them. They were something she'd only recently started to toy with, guns and wotnot. That didn't mean she hadn't already gotten one. She just didn't really know much about it. She glanced around and wandered towards a shadowy corner to watch everyone. It'd been awhile since she'd done anything, and the call to arms RSX had posted seemed like a good chance to get back into the thick of it. She just hoped she didn't fuck up.

Ebreus strolls down the road toward the building RSX designated for livefire exercizes, cradling his Solar Rifle in his arms and holstered shotguns swaying with each step. Acompanying him on his aproach to the building is a cadre of combat drones, some small and light-weight scouts and others visibly build to take and return gunfire.

He looks over the RSX personel and the other Agents who've shown up for the live-fire training session. Hearing Otto land from his last leap he looks over to his landing spot and smiles. He jogs over to him, "Hey Otto. Glad to see you made it." he says, his drones following close behind him and entering an orbit around him when he stops but not obsessively stairing at anyone near him like they previously had.

Ebreus checks his drones to make sure they're not doing something stupid and then smiles as he returns his attention to his Jackal friend, "This is going to be fun... or at least seems like it'll be." he says enthusiastically.

"Is this all of you?" The doberman asks, in his slightly gruff voice. He seems to be unfazed by Otto's entry, instead waiting for the cluster of agents to settle down amongst themselves, and, well, prolperly pay attention. He nods to each of the people in turn, seemingly sizing them each up as subtly as he can. "I assume you've all read the briefing. If you haven't, well, that's already a point not in your favor. Despite this, I will go over the plan -- inside this building is a simulation of many different targets. Some mutant, some human, some armored, some not. The goal of this exercise will be to clear this building in as little time as possible. You will recieve no assistance besides that of the weapons we provide. It will be up to you four, as a team, to decide how to enter the building, how to circle through it, and how to minimize flanking routes. You will be graded on time, and how intact the building is at the end. Any questions before we begin?"

Anderson blinks, setting down the loaner boomstick back to the table and turning to face to the doberman respectfully. One of his heads stutter, "O-One question, sir. W-will... Will w-we need t-to watch o-out for h-hostages? F-for the t-training, I-I mean."

Fiore wasn't RSX, hell, she wasn't even properly independant as far as Zephyr was concerned. However, the vixen didn't have too much of a say in that whole business, being added to the company roster at birth since her mother was on payroll officially. Thusly, when RSX called for people, Fiore didn't answer as a rule, it tended to annoy the local office. However, lately, her quest for money and reasons to stay as far away from Zephyr's awful lobby have her wandering out here. Albeit rather late.
   The vixen's eyes flick back and forth as she tries to find where the training area is mostly by sight, but the sound of a canine voice helps direct the vixen to the small gathering of people, She stands there for a moment, clearly trying to ascertain if there was where she should be or not.
"Sorry I'm late."

Otto takes a quick look around and notes a hydra of all things among the crowd. "Hey bud." he says "G'day." and again "How's it?" once more "Salutations!" and again... "Hello!" aaaaaaand again... "Greetings!" ... "Yo!" ... "What's up?" ... "I ran out of greetings, so... hi!" greeting each of the heads, one after the other.

Once he picks up on Ebreus' voice, he turns towards the other and nears him with a smile. The jackal nods to his friend and gives him a playful punch to the shoulder. "Hey you handsome bastard. I see your new toys are primed and ready to do some damage." he sticks his tongue out at Ebreus, before nodding towards the doberma-wait a tick...

That long muzzle, those pointed ears, that feminine frame... was that? Nooooo, another jackal? He ribs Ebreus and gestures at the beauty in the distance, hiding out and simply observing. Glancing at his friend, he whispers "Wish me luck, I'm goin' in." before wandering off towards the jackaless in the distance. Once he nears her, he opens his muzzle to introduce himself, but... a deep sigh and a look of bemusement once mister loudmouth dobie speaks up. God... damn it. "Hi there." he greets briefly and glances towards the serious doberman...man. "Let's have some fun, eh?" Otto flashes a wink, before turning tail to join the others.

Once the instructor is finished speaking, he glances towards the late arrival and gives her a friendly pat on the back. "I's alright, we were just starting. Welcome!" he greets, then raises his hand to ask a question. "That's a nice outfit ya got, sir. Where can I get duds like that?"

With a roll of her eyes at Otto, who was definitely not the first guy to wink at her Summers turned her attention to the Doberman. With his query about questions, she lifted her armed and waved it around. She figured this was the way to get his attention.

Ebreus hums and looks over to where Otto indicates after he's ribbed and smiles as he sees what he's after. He then turns his attention to the Doberman as he asks if that's the whole group and starts to listen as their job is explained. His grin widens as their excersize is explained to them. His drones also seem to grow more energetic. After the first question he chimes in, "Three questions: First do broken windows count against our score, second will any time we take for planning be included in our graded time, third is it okay if I use a lasor-rifle that might be able to punch through the armor of a preP-Day tank?" as he gets to the last question he indicates the rifle he's cradling. As the new arrival rushes up to the group he glances over to her and shifts the rifle to rest against his arm and chest so he may wave with his other hand before returning his attention to the Doberman as he awaits answers. "Oh, and should we be treating the targets like they're alive, y'know avoiding headshots?" he adds with a smile.

"Broken windows will not be counted, to a certain degree. Laser rifle, no. You may cause structural damage that could bring the entire building down, killing all of you. I would recommend avoiding that. Also, in a real situation, headshots will be perfectly acceptable. So, go ham. There will also be 'friendly' targets, who will be identified by a green marking on the head, resembling that of a helmet. Do remember, destruction -can- work in your facor... but don't bring the entire place down." "My uniform is a modified FBI SWAT Los Angeles uniform. I used to work with them. RSX remade it to be more appropriate for a representative of the company. Further questions?" The doberman speaks in clipped tones, answering each question with calm, concise words, looking to each person in turn as he responds to them. Very professional.

Fiore flinchs when she's patted, but otherwise remains where she is. She extends the stock of her Uzi and turns her head to look at the others currently waiting for the test to begin. She flicks some of her tails, putting her helmet on and sealing it shut then.
"No questions here."
The vixen takes a step back behind the others, falling into a focused silence that remains mostly aimed at the building they'd have to storm. Her eyes then turn to each one of the other agents there, seeming to size them up for threats in the same manner as the building itself. Her ears twist as much as the helmet itself allows so she can listen for the 'go' signal. She does take a moment swap her pistol for a different one out of her bag.

Anderson is taken aback by the individual greetings to each of his heads by the jackal, but he greets back with a small wave and a shy smile. After this, he shakes his head, having no further questions. "I've... I-I used t-to do th-this sort o-of thing on o-occasion," he murmurs, a few of his heads looking back over to the weapons table. "W-we should... erm... a-arm up, b-before s-starting."

The hydra begins slithering over to the tables to double-check his own equipment, leaving behind a crossbow and a rocket launcher to the care of the other RSX agents while he readies a shield and a pistol. After this, he joins the vixen near the door, taking point with the shield between the door and everyone behind him.

"Ready..." he mumbles.

"So serious..." Otto mumbles and glances off to the side. "No questions. Let's get this show on the road!" he clasps his paws and fiddles with something onhis belt for a moment, seemingly hiding something in his palms, nimble motions keeping it nice and hidden.

He liiightly leans to the left and squints a little, peering at the structure, his eyes seemingly analyzing every part they could snap onto. "Well, I am a decent enough climber and sneak. I think I can take the roof access and work my way down. I'd prefer to go solo or with someone who can creep around really well, though." the jackal rubs his hands together.

"Okay! If anyone wants to join me, feel free to. I'm going up there. Before I go though, hey..." he glances around the lot. "This is a training exercise. We make our mistakes here, rather than out in the field. Let's have a good one, and uh... try not to blow the building up? Try to aim for the head. Odds are we'll have to use the element of surprise, so... let's try to give them a spook. That's always fun!" he casts Ebreus a knowing glance, before moving off towards the nearby table with armaments. "Ah, yes..." he picks up a loaded 9mm handgun, a few tazer cartridges and a few throwable knives. "Ready!" he tells the doberman.

Summers realised shortly that her hand-waving had been unnoticed. Sucks sometimes to be dark furred and then go stand in a shadowy corner. She stepped out of the corner and rubbed at some of the gold around her eyes before drawing her weapon from her side-holster and picked up some ammo for it from the tables. "Here's to hoping I don't miss a target.". She flicked an ear and moved to cluster closer to the others as they start planning to go in.