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Next up, McPirate, scanning over her, a subtle mix of mostly Skunk and Latex Fox, with just a pinch of Husky in there as well.
Next up, McPirate, scanning over her, a subtle mix of mostly Skunk and Latex Fox, with just a pinch of Husky in there as well.
Each person looks odd shades of purple and pink as they come off the pad, but as the whining of the machine gets louder and it actually starts rocking, Lynix is quick to turn it off!! "Ok! Don't want the machine blowing up again! Thank you all, so much, I'll be returning this to the Skunks after a while." Shi rubs hir belly with a slight sigh, "Nichole.. I told you it was yours..."
Each person looks odd shades of purple and pink as they come off the pad, but as the whining of the machine gets louder and it actually starts rocking, Lynix is quick to turn it off!! "Ok! Don't want the machine blowing up again! Thank you all, so much, I'll be returning this to the Skunks after a while." Shi rubs hir belly with a slight sigh, "Nichole.. I told you it was yours..."<br> <br>Buzamu chuckles.  "Well, that definitely could have gone better.  Could have gone worse too." She states, standing next to Edel as the machine starts freaking out.  "So, how's the munchkin's Edel?" She asked, looking down at her friend.<br> <br>Minue Smiles and softly sighs.  she then lightly rubbs her feathers stomach before slowly moving over to the wall and watching teh machine as it starts to rock.  she then slowly slips out of teh building and looks up at teh sky.  She did know the father of her child.<br> <br>Edel looks up at Glein for a moment, tilting her head. "They're alright. Helping me set up the new place. Decided on a spot, I think. And I think it went rather well! How's yours?"<br> <br>Rikati blinks at the results and soon steps out of the line, shaking her head, "Not so shocking actually, but thank you miss." She smiles and soon nods her head to Edel, giving her thanks even if it was a silent thank you as she walks of with a smile on her face. "I wonder how Cair will feel."<br> <br>McPirate looked like they'd be angry, if not for how sick they were. Groaning heavily, McPirate went to take a seat and promptly passed out, exhausted from his day before this and the previous events.<br> <br>Dio bites hir lip while waiting for hir turn to get scanned. Shi knew the truth deep down inside, but this is what shi needed to finally pierce through that denial. The lioness steps onto the pad and gets scanned, gets hir results, and cradles hir head within hir hand with a distressed expression. "I... I see..." shi murmurs, rubbing hir forehead. "Thank you for the scan. I believe I have some things I need to mull over. Have a good day." Shi no longer could deny that growing life within hir stomach. A mother-to-be! What a life.<br> <br>Cookies finds herself sorely disappointed that there is, in fact, no food for getting in the line. Oh well. She moves to Dio's side and snuggles into it as she follows her home- or wherever the lioness may take her, Cookies doesn't really mind! "Nyanyanya," she mewls nonsensically up at Dio, tail whipping about behind her playfully.

Revision as of 05:48, 22 December 2013





Just outside the New Dawn generator shed, a few ultrasound machines as well as other toys, including a strange platform that looks like it was hastilly put together, lay about with wires and cords running to the shed itself. Outside, the Fox Taur Nichole as well as a rubbery lynx herm look over the machines, poor lynx looking like shi had got a shock more then once. "Sorry boss, it just ain't set up to be able to run on our power grid." Shi says. Nichole shakes her head.

While it was quite obvious Dio was pregnant, the first-time mother-to-be was in the denial stage of things. However, the loss of heat and the strange feelings in hir stomach made it difficult to deny. Perhaps hir subconscious wanted to get it over with and just get a picture of the life within hir, but either way Dio heads towards the shed looking as business-like and professional as always, suit-coat smoothed and skirt straight. But not only this, but there's a bit of cargo on hir back! A cute little cat girl, of all things. "Greetings," she bows, entering the generator shed. "I've heard rumor that your equipment is malfunctioning. I have someone here that might be able to assist," shi claims, pointing to Cookies upon hir back. "She's quite good at fixing things, and seems to enjoy it as well."

Booms echoed in the air as a massive human lumbered their way towards the shed. Their pregnancy was not too obvious unless one looked at them from the side, but they didn't seem to care, a face-spltting grin on their face. Their simple white tee and blue jeans gave them a much more casual and practical aura than others, though the lack of shoes did seem a bit odd. Reaching the shed, they looked around at the gathered group before opening their mouth to speak. "Howdy, name's McPirate. I heard y'all been having some problems out here. Figured I'd come and see if I could lend a hand. Look like y'all need it." They said, eyes looking about at the gathered equipment and people.

Siyu is curious as to what might be going on, he lives in the Prommy enclave after all, so there's no reason to not come. The feminine looking male ear persk, the short rodent will walk up, "Need any help?" he'll inquire to the variosu people running the machines, "I mean I'm not that good at technical stuff, but I'm a scavanger I might have some odd parts"

Risa slithers around from behind the shed, looking slightly lost. Her movements are slightly sluggish from the colder temperatures, but she still manages a bit of grace. She blinks in surprise as she sees all the equipment before she recovers and lowers her upper body in a serpentine version of a curtsey to those nearby. She smiles politely to Cookies as she makes eye contact and she murmurs a soft hello before turning her curious gaze back to the equipment.

Minue Giggles softly and slowly hops down off a perch she found and waves to those gathered around. she then slowly tilts her head as her eyes light up at the sight of all teh pre pday tech. her beak opening slightly as the young avain drools. "Minue is also good at fixing stuff that is from before p day"

Rikati spent more time with Zephyr than she did near new dawn, however the rumors set her feet moving and so the rubber snow leopard taur padded forward, bouncing on her feet, making the rubber crease and squeak softly with the ringing of her bells. It does not take long for her to take in the sights, nodding to Dio since she ahd seen the lion before but then her eyes go to the Tech and she shrugs, "I would offer my skills, but I am not that good at repairing medical devices. I am better with things that explode." She smiles after the fact, trying not to make that sound as odd as it did to her.

Buzamu walks in, cover giving her a grim countance at first glance. She had a pack slung over her shoulder, holding it by the strap. It was the kind of pack you'd normally see soldiers carrying while marching long distances, and this one had obviously been sized for her slightly larger frame. Her uniform didn't stand out amongst the more drab colours currently gracing the New Dawn compound, but the fact that this marine uniform was well taken care of and in some ways, actually clean, stood out from the more, scavanged military-wear normally found.

Buzamu smirked, recognizing at least three of those currently here. Two of which she didn't know personally, at least far as she knew, and one she did. "Hey Cookie! Been a while." She calls, the name patch on her uniform reading Herrick. Walking up to the gathering around the machines, she listened to what was going on, and shrugged. "I break things more than I fix them, but that's generally cause my training. I heard ya'll was investigating the whole nanite-aided pregnancy, and figured, what the hell. Anything I can learn is improvement over what I know now."

The catgirl upon Dio's back in question is none other than Cookies! She's clad in her usual combo of a black turtleneck and brown sweater pants, and as the lioness bows the cat offers a wave and a big dumb smile. "I'm great at fixer-upping meow! What do'ya need me to fixer-up?!" If she weren't on Dio's back she'd be bouncing about, though she's still squirming nonstop anyway. She herself looks to be putting on weight, not quite obviously pregnant but signs of pudge still hinting at it.

With all the various agents about Nichole feels a bit like some of them would be able to help her and her assistant with this. "Thank you everyone, now, I'll let Lynix here explain our issues." She says, "And go with grace and control." She says, heading back to her hut, always more paperwork to do. The rubbery lynx herm growls a bit at the name shi's been given. "Ok, here is the problem, our crapped out generators can't hook up properly to these machines. They use power cells like what the big bad Z uses for their converted choppers. Problem is, they will only let us have enough to keep our own bird in the air, and we don't want to risk using those cells on these machines and loosing our bird. So, either we need to come up with another way to power them, or more of those blasted batteries for vehicles that Z has." Shi says, "Any ideas?"

Buzamu puts her pack against her leg, and smiles. "I know a friend who might be able to help. She is basically a walking battery of her own."

Siyu tilts his head a little bit, "What about the solar panels we've been salvaging, I know we're tyring to set up our own indpendant power grid but some of them are still useful, or would be useful, how much power do you need to run the machines?"

McPirate nods. "Solar panels seem like a good choice, lord knows there's plenty of sun." He says, shielding his eyes with his arm.

Minue Sighs and then slowly opens her arms allowing air to rush along her wings. she then slowly tilts her head and smiles an an idea pops into her little feathered body. she then slowly settles down as she listens to the others before speaking her own idea in her soft quite cooing voice"What about wind turbines that keep recharging a engry cell"

Lynix looks to Bazamu, "Well, we've heard of those with the ability to generate power out of like, no where, if we had one of them that might solve this problem right there, but, ain't got anyone like that in town." Shi says, next Siyu, "Well, a lot, lets put it that way. Know how much it takes to keep our chopper in the air? About that much, continuous." Shi continues with McPirate and Minue, "Wonderful ideas, if they were done, but franckly, we are still getting parts for them, so for this right now, all out of luck."

Minue tilts her head at teh whole person giving off power. she then slowly tilts her head and looks down at her stomach as she thinks for a minute again

Siyu shrugs a little bit, "Then how about human power. Or Mutant power rather, any dynamos that can produce power? Or is the issue batteries to store that power?"

Buzamu nods. "I can get ahold of her right now to help. It'll be a short term fix, but it should be enough for the immedate needs of the task at hand."

Rikati tilts her head, listening to the situation. Her eyes come to the machine but she would not be the one to sell out her own employers at this point. Her large shoulders soon shrug, "It sounds like you are a bit out of luck when it comes to power. You won't find the batteries you need and taking them would only put you into war. Though, I can only give off heat and flames." She smiles,though keeps her ears up, tilting her head to the side for the moment, "I am fairly sure anything else that I can do..would destroy the machines before they would actually take the power from it. Such as that from my spirit guide."

"Unless you got a treadmill I could run on to produce power, don't think I can be much help in the power production section." McPirate groans out, a dissapointed look on his face.

Dio reaches behind hir shoulder and gives Cookies a good scratching behind the ears while listening to the situation. "I see... Quite a lot of power indeed. I suppose there are a few ways to go about it. I'm not sure how much power a mako battery would generate, but I have a few of those stashed away for various purposes. Perhaps you'll find them useful in some fashion or form? I can only give you a few, so it'd probably be enough only to get some research done today." The lioness pauses and points towards Cookies once more. "And she can make sure the connection is compatible. However, there could be other solutions."

Looking around to everyone again, Lynix nods, "Well, could try to hook it up to some bikes and seeing if that works if we have volunteers, and, well, mako battiers might do it too. But, yeah, if you have a friend who can come out here and power it that way, that would work." Shi says, "Thanks all so far."

Risa slumps slightly and bites her lower lip in embarrassment at the mention of bikes and treadmills. Between her very limited technical understanding and her lack of legs, she's clearly feeling quite useless.

Buzamu gives a quick nods, and pulls out a multi-frequency radio, and punched in a code. "Hey Edel, you there? Think you could come on out to the New Dawn Compound, near their powerplant? They got a bit of an issue with power supply and could use a bit of help." She says, listening for hte response.

Rikati looks back to her tauric body and nods, "I would be rather useless for the bikes...Not many are made for taurs..I mean maybe..maybe you could find a tandem bike and I could try though it would be awkward and very squeaky." She at least lets that tease out, yet suddenly feels rather useless for now. "I guess I was built for more things that required..well less electricity I guess."

McPirate perks up. "Wait, you seriously could use bikes?" He says before slumping down. "Not in my size though of course. I get it." He says, looking dissapointed once again.

Minue Blinks and gently tilts her head. she then settles back down on her plump rear. her eyes closeing as she goes into deep thought thinking about ways to help and how to run them. her head full of idea's."well treadmills would work for taurs and you dont need just bikes what about hamsterballs?"

Risa giggles happily as she tries to imagine herself in a hamsterball. The image seems to cheer her up and she rests her hands on her hips as she tries to think, slowly coiling her tail.

Lynix waits a bit more, "Ok, your friend showing up, or? What? And.. umm.. miss lion? You and your cat going to pass the batteries and see if they work?" shi asks. "Lets get this powered up, I'd like to know more about the little one in me too, and if those broadcasts from that cursed tower are doing any harm."

After getting the call, it didn't take too long for Edel to arrive on the scene. She was already in the area as it is, scoping out real estate! When she arrives, she leans against the door frame, panting. "Came as quick as I could. Need some electricity? I never get to use this to actually help others." Taking a moment to regain her composure, she straightens up and smoothes out her outfit. "Okay. I have my builder nanites and everything! Let's do this! ... What is it that I am doing, exactly?"

"Ah, is miss Edel a nanomage that deals in electricity? Wonderful, that'll save us a lot of trouble in our little problem here," Dio comments, bending down and allowing Cookies to settler herself upon the floor. "Yes, quite. I have a few mako batteries here I keep on me. You see, while others use energy for shifting their form around, I require something a bit more to shift me over." The lioness digs into hir suit and pulls out some of the mentioned mako batteries, holding them out in front of hir for Lynix to grab. "Ah, lady Edel! Good to see you. Came just in time."

Cookies nuzzles up against Dio's hand and purrrs heavily, nodding rather airheadedly. "Yupyup I can do lotsa things make'em work yaaay~!" She gives Dio a big squeezy hug and grins. "What is it we're fixin' exaaactly thouuugh? Helps to know what you're fixin' when you're fixin' it and stuff!" Once placed upon the floor the catgirl whines out her protest and peers up at Dio, looking between hir and Lynix. She's staying mostly quiet for now.

Buzamu nods. "Folks here ain't got enough power to run their compound AND this hardware. Can't risk taking the cell from their bird, so they're trying to work out alternate sources. I figured you could help, at least in teh short term." She says. "Oh, to those whom don't know me, Buzamu Herrick." she states, with a quick wave.

Lynix smiles and nods about Edel, "Ok, just stand over here, and make sure to touch the connectors. Then, just use that nanomagic to power things up. Well' see if it all will run proper when you get hooked up. Stick around everyone, we might need more help, and we should be able to get most, if not everyone scanned." Shi says, rubbing hir own belly a moment.

"Wait, that's what y'all are doing out here? I just came to help out. Is there any danger to all this?" McPirate says, a worried expression on his face.

Rikati nods and pats herself, knowing that she is not really showing. "I am curious about all of this anyways, though I am not that far along." She smiles softly and then tilts her head, looking at Edel as smiling with a look of wonder on her face.

Edel rubs her hands together and steps right up to the generator. "This should be a breeze. I've done bigger things before!" She grins and reaches out to 'hook' herself up to the machine, closing her eyes to focus as she does. Sure enough, the machine kicks into gear and starts working. Not for very long, though, as a few moments later it fades and the machine comes to a halt, billowing smoke. "Or... Maybe not. Not my fault. I didn't do it."

Seeing that perhaps getting rid of hir precious mako batteries might not be required, Dio stuffs the mako batteries away within hir suit pocket for the time being. "Very well. Hopefully this shall be enough to get us going," shi comments, patting down hir suit and watching Edel soon get to work. "I suppose there wasn't much to fix I'm afraid." The lioness puts hir hand upon Cookies' head in a loving fashion, knowing she might be a little disappointed.

"Or maybe not! My lady, perhaps this is your shining moment," Dio exclaims, now pushing Cookies' back closer to the now broken machine.

"Got a bit of performance anxiety there little buddy? Don't worry, it happens to all of us in time." McPirate says before breaking down giggling.

Siyu huhs a little bit "How exactly do you generate that much electricity on your own? he inquires.

Lynix was looking excited! "No, nothing harmful, the Skunks have used this thing a few times, no harm caused." Shi says, practically bouncing with excitement... til it all starts smoking.. "SHIT! The skunks will kill me! Quick! Anyone know how to fix this!" Shi hallers as shi darts into the shed proper to pull out hir tool box, "Come on.. please stop smoking.." shi says opening up the back panal on the device.

Rikati steps back quickly, eying the smoke rising from the machine, wincing, "Well, I am still not an engineer. I could look at it, but again most of my work on objects are fashion explosives and the like and the last thing that we need is for me to make it worse." She winces again, and soon nods, "But I can help if anyone needs it..Like the excited cat girl."

Minue Sighs and slowly the young avian stands up she then looks around and slowly moves closer"May Minue help this one is good with all things techy "

Siyu puffs a little bit, "you blew it out..." he twitches his big ears and lets out a deep siiiigh, "Total brown ot they need replacment parts!"

Edel holds up her hands. "Don't look at me. I didn't blow it out. Energy from me is very stable! The machine was broken to begin with. What it is, I don't know, but it's broken." She shoves her hands in her pockets and nods. "Hello, everyone, by the way."

Buzamu chuckles, and settles down against a nearby wall. "I'm staying out of this one. I ain't a engineer by trade, and I ain't messed with teh kinds of devices the Library Skunkettes may have cooked up."

McPirate nods his head. "I agree, all y'all know what you're doing and I don't. If ya need something lifted, call me. Anything else, I'll stay back." He grumbles, clearly frustrated by his usefulness in the current situation.

"Do not worry," Dio reassures. "I doubt this was your fault, Lady Edel. In the age where nanites love to eat at whatever machines they can find, it was only a matter of time until something like this happened." The lioness backs away from the smoking machine to get some non-smoke contaminated air and watches the more techincal folks get to diagnosing the problem. "Perhaps you're in good hands. Keep your wits about you. If salvage or builder nanites are needed, I have plenty to spare."

Siyu thinks a little bit, "Well we can at least open the panel and see what's burnt..." he'll dig around in his back for a screw drive...

Cookies gives the machine a proper look-over, ears all atwitch. She even sniffs at it a few times as though it were helping her determine the issue before turning and nodding towards Edel. "Something's gone and overloaded! Um... What that something is is questionable, but um... I think I can do a fix..." With that, she... knocks against the machine twice, sending a surge of nanites through it, just as eager as she to get the equipment back in working order but far better equipped to do so! She gives it a look over, and after a couple seconds, it very briefly sputters to life! With minimal smoke, even! Hooray!! She dances and claps as though to music only she can hear, giggling and bouncing happily. "I did it, yaaay~! Now, um... Now you should zap it again so it can actually do its stuff!" She points and waves between Edel and the machine impatiently, eager to see it working again.

With the machine fixed up again, and starting to run again, Lynix relaxes once more. "Ok, lets.. give it power again, a bit more slowly this time, and see if it works. It can only hold one at a time, so lets make a line, I'm first, don't care what the rest of you say!" Shi says, more then a little eager. "Ok, Edel, let it rip if you think you can again, unless someone else wants to try something."

Minue Blinks and keeps thinking of ways to help

Edel claps her hands together and approaches the machine. "Okay!" She places her hands on the machine again, smiling. "Oh. Ah. Whoever it was that asked about how it's done, it's done through science and what is sort of experimental technology. Nanomachines, friend." She doesn't remember who asked, or if they were answered, really. "My mind is not quite in the socialization world right now, apologies." But she does manage to get the machine to start up again! This time there's no smoke, flames, or premature death.

Rikati lowers her head after she watches Cookies do her magic, quite literally. Her head soon tilts and then she was smiling. Sure, she could not help but since the lynx said to make a line then she did so moving over with a smile, "Well then, we can do just that and make a line. Though, miss lynx, I don't think that anyone would complain to you being first. After all, it seems like you had a hell of a time setting this up."

McPirate nods his head.

Buzamu shrugs. "I ain't carrying, and if I am, I have a kid in need of a SERIOUS damned beating." She states, willing to let others go ahead of her all things considered.

Dio watches carefully as people start pitching in, putting a careful eye upon Cookies as she works her 'magic'. As the machine comes to life, so too does a smile cross hir face. "Well done!" Shi exclaims, clapping hir hands together and coming closer to Cookies. "A wonderful job." The lioness pats Cookies on the shoulder and then timidly gets in line. "Well, I suppose there's no reason not to get scanned," shi says, rubbing the back of hir head. It was time to get a dose of reality it seems.

McPirate nods his head. He gets in line behind the others. "You did most of the work, you get first dibs. Perfect logic right there little lady." He says calmly, a grin on his face.

Minue Smiles and slowly moves to stand at the end of teh line

Cookies suddenly notices- hey, hey! Those people are lining up for something! Assuming it is likely free stuff or food, she happily pounces into line behind Minue. Silly Cookies.

Siyu is not a pregnant female so he just stands near the machine, just watching...

Edel leans back against, the wall, hands once again returning to her pockets. "I'll just watch, I think. Not sure what I'd need to be in line for, anyway." With a smile and a leisurely sway of her tail, she sets her eyes on the others. SHe's not even sure what'll happen.

First, Linyx, hir child is perfectly healthy, a mix of fox taur and harbringer lynx to no surprise. No latex in it however, thankfully. In addition to a normal ultrasound, it works over another scan, making hir looke green and pink for a short time. However, shi steps off the pad looking just fine, except for hir eyes looking diluted, "Yep.. feel just fine, and, I guess that is why my little one will be like, huh.." shi says.

Next is Dio, stepping up hir child has mixes of Fox Taur, Overdrive Fox, and Lion beast! Much more fox then lion, and definately going to be born a taur. It is quite active in there, full of energy.

Up next is Rikati, their child is a mess of different forms, but will be a taur as well! A bit more quite then Dio's child through the scanning process, however the machine starts making some odd grinding sounds...?

Next up, McPirate, scanning over her, a subtle mix of mostly Skunk and Latex Fox, with just a pinch of Husky in there as well.

Each person looks odd shades of purple and pink as they come off the pad, but as the whining of the machine gets louder and it actually starts rocking, Lynix is quick to turn it off!! "Ok! Don't want the machine blowing up again! Thank you all, so much, I'll be returning this to the Skunks after a while." Shi rubs hir belly with a slight sigh, "Nichole.. I told you it was yours..."

Buzamu chuckles. "Well, that definitely could have gone better. Could have gone worse too." She states, standing next to Edel as the machine starts freaking out. "So, how's the munchkin's Edel?" She asked, looking down at her friend.

Minue Smiles and softly sighs. she then lightly rubbs her feathers stomach before slowly moving over to the wall and watching teh machine as it starts to rock. she then slowly slips out of teh building and looks up at teh sky. She did know the father of her child.

Edel looks up at Glein for a moment, tilting her head. "They're alright. Helping me set up the new place. Decided on a spot, I think. And I think it went rather well! How's yours?"

Rikati blinks at the results and soon steps out of the line, shaking her head, "Not so shocking actually, but thank you miss." She smiles and soon nods her head to Edel, giving her thanks even if it was a silent thank you as she walks of with a smile on her face. "I wonder how Cair will feel."

McPirate looked like they'd be angry, if not for how sick they were. Groaning heavily, McPirate went to take a seat and promptly passed out, exhausted from his day before this and the previous events.

Dio bites hir lip while waiting for hir turn to get scanned. Shi knew the truth deep down inside, but this is what shi needed to finally pierce through that denial. The lioness steps onto the pad and gets scanned, gets hir results, and cradles hir head within hir hand with a distressed expression. "I... I see..." shi murmurs, rubbing hir forehead. "Thank you for the scan. I believe I have some things I need to mull over. Have a good day." Shi no longer could deny that growing life within hir stomach. A mother-to-be! What a life.

Cookies finds herself sorely disappointed that there is, in fact, no food for getting in the line. Oh well. She moves to Dio's side and snuggles into it as she follows her home- or wherever the lioness may take her, Cookies doesn't really mind! "Nyanyanya," she mewls nonsensically up at Dio, tail whipping about behind her playfully.