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<div></div><br> <br>Deane sits down  in one of the comfortable looking couches and puts his head in his hands. sighing in seeming defeat.<br> <br>Sensuen walks into the VIP room of the K/S complex and looks to the man sighing in defeat upon the far couch. Sen walks over to the man, puts a hand on his shoulder and simply asks. &quot;What&#39;s wrong?&quot;<br> <br>Deane says&quot;I&#39;ve been all over this god forsaken, or maybe god ridden  city trying to make heads or tails on who is my mommy and daddy.this was my latest stop and not much  luck here. I&#39;ve been to 10 different places so  far.&quot;<br> <br>Sensuen says, &quot;Hmm, I had hundreds of kids, nothing mechanical though. I have a skunk herm that looks kind of like you, but she doesn&#39;t glow.&quot;<br> <br>Deane says &quot;I was once human. pure blood at that. but my immune system is laughable at best. I freeking look at a feral. and I SWEAR I mutate to them. so this is not my real look. granted its what I am. I accept it. sure is fun to go out and change how I look all the time though.&quot;<br> <br>Sensuen says, &quot;And my girlfriend helped me find this form, I did some customizing but it&#39;s essentially what you find from the sea angels over at that Nein place. You can always buy a vial that turns you human and make that your native form though if you want.&quot;<br> <br>Deane says&quot; personally I love fluidity. never staying the same but adapting to circumstances. I&#39;m studying the art of how  to change one self by the power of the mind alone.&quot;<br> <br>Sensuen looks to Deane and says, &quot;Oh, I suppose that could come in handy. You can use powers that aren&#39;t in your form you know, if you work with them long enough to master them.&quot;<br> <br>looks at current body, and says&quot;true but it does come with  its own  challenges. I do  hope to get a feel for what form for what fight though. sure will be handy&quot;<br> <br>A yawn ermerges from the corner of the room, &quot;mmm, aaaaaaah,&quot; states the female voice. &quot;That was a great nappy time,&quot;she says. The young woman stands up from her corner from which she was napping. She wears a long black coat that us closed by what appears to be a few buttons. With her hood up, most of her features are hidden from view.<br> <br>Deane says&quot; hope it was a  good nap, you could have just sat in one of the comfy chairs they have, but who am I to say  what comfy. still hello and what might your name be?&quot; deane asks inquisitively <br> <br>The girl eyes you consciously, &quot;You can call me &#39;Seeker&#39; for now, &quot; she says obviously dodging the subject. She steps forward and puts her hands to her hips, and takes a good look at you. You can see her sky blue eyes through her hood, and know she has dark hair, but much is conciled by her coat. &quot;You seem to have found your self in the wrong place at the wrong time huh.&quot;<br> <br>Sensuen giggles at the words &#39;nappy time&#39; before she looks to the girl and says, &quot;Hi Seeker, I&#39;m Sensuen, or Sen for short.&quot; with a smile before she turns to Deane and says. &quot;I&#39;ve got powers from shadow dragons and sea angels. I sneeze fire, but I don&#39;t often sneeze.&quot;<br> <br>Deane looks at his body, and says&quot; I honestly have little clue what this mutation does personally. I change so much  its kinda head spining. granted I do have my favorite powers.  namely milk  myself and get healed.  and being very flexible.  learned that from some rodent looking mutation. fun.&quot;<br> <br>Deane says&quot;still hello seeker, I&#39;d say this place was just a bust in my investigation of where I came from, who my mommy and daddy was. whats your business here? seems honestly dead done and gone from  lack of people here.&quot;<br> <br>Seeker giggles, &quot;I was just using this place to sleep from the elements. I generally work as a scavenger, or a helping hand. I am kind of a woman for hire, but not in the sense most guys think.&quot; She looks around the room and sees the Sensuen, &quot;If you are going to sneeze, please be polite, and cover your mouth. Bad things can happen when you mix fire with this place.&quot; The yound woman walks over to couch Deane is sitting on an takes a seat, crossing her legs. &quot;Hope you dont mind I sit here.&quot; She looks you over curious, &quot;I have never seen mechanical mutations accure to flesh, its kinda fasinating.&quot;<br> <br>Sensuen nods and says, &quot;Yeah, I like being stretchy, really helps with having kids. And maybe your parents aren&#39;t in the bubble at all, mine are likely where I came in. If my mom has learned how to hunt and such, or my dad&#39;s army training has come through for both of them, they&#39;ll still be here. If not, well, I tried to find them.&quot; then looks to &#39;Seeker&#39; and says, &quot;Yeah, I figured. I don&#39;t sneeze that often really. And, I think prostitutes would go out of business with all the rape happy ferals running around on the streets.&quot;<br> <br>Deane says&quot;for me this mutation came about from nasty little mephits in the night club. fun times. granted have to try to keep this form  for as long as possible. unsure how much  longer. but near day break. whenever that is.  for me.  I just woke up in &lt;the area that has the technique to bring back  ferals naturally&gt;&quot;<br> <br>Seeker pouts, &quot;I am the furthest thing from a call girl. I am just a knowldge seeker looking into the works of the new world. I was blessed to be almost completly immune to the nanites, well, more like I can manipulate them to my benifit. With the government pretty much destoyed, I can roam free without having to worry about taxes and stupid residence laws.&quot;<br> <br>Sensuen nods and says, &quot;I kinda liked making things before p-day, but after p-day it became less straightforward. For income, I scavenge supplies and sell vials of nanites that I don&#39;t really need.&quot;<br> <br>Deane says&quot;I&#39;m still managing to  survive and even make creds just by exploring and doing odd  jobs here and there. also  all the creds I get for bashing around some ferals so they are less bothersome.  still I do feel bad for them. their lives and minds taken.&quot; you  see he has a few tears in  his eyes. and then he says&quot; still I do  hope they are changed as so many of the other ferals have been&quot;<br> <br>&quot;It is, what it is. You are alive, you just need to put one foot in front of the other,&quot; she states bluntly. &quot;I have done a few feral bashing jobs, but I try to leave it non leathal, she sighs, &quot;I have had to put a few out for quite a while though... I almost regret some of the force I used,&quot; she says holding out her hand and looking into it. Nanites are both good and bad. it just depends how you use your gift.&quot;<br> <br>Sensuen looks to Seeker and gives a nod before she says, &quot;Yeah, but it&#39;s hard to kill them outright, explosives do tend to do the job but, remember when police officers got old military tech and people freaked out? Well, grenade launchers are quite useful for sub-lethal purposes. I&#39;ve got a kid who has one, it&#39;s not really on her most of the time though. I should sew her a sling for it some time.&quot;<br> <br>Deane says&quot;true, I do hope to never NEED  to take a life. but it is what it is. still it saddens me to  think how far this place once was.  and what it is now.  I do hope I have parents though outside the bubble.&quot; looks a little bit more cheery though.&quot; I can  say though the day I woke up was the day I became mommy/daddy to  a child though&quot;
<div></div><br> <br>Deane sits down  in one of the comfortable looking couches and puts his head in his hands. sighing in seeming defeat.<br> <br>Sensuen walks into the VIP room of the K/S complex and looks to the man sighing in defeat upon the far couch. Sen walks over to the man, puts a hand on his shoulder and simply asks. &quot;What&#39;s wrong?&quot;<br> <br>Deane says&quot;I&#39;ve been all over this god forsaken, or maybe god ridden  city trying to make heads or tails on who is my mommy and daddy.this was my latest stop and not much  luck here. I&#39;ve been to 10 different places so  far.&quot;<br> <br>Sensuen says, &quot;Hmm, I had hundreds of kids, nothing mechanical though. I have a skunk herm that looks kind of like you, but she doesn&#39;t glow.&quot;<br> <br>Deane says &quot;I was once human. pure blood at that. but my immune system is laughable at best. I freeking look at a feral. and I SWEAR I mutate to them. so this is not my real look. granted its what I am. I accept it. sure is fun to go out and change how I look all the time though.&quot;<br> <br>Sensuen says, &quot;And my girlfriend helped me find this form, I did some customizing but it&#39;s essentially what you find from the sea angels over at that Nein place. You can always buy a vial that turns you human and make that your native form though if you want.&quot;<br> <br>Deane says&quot; personally I love fluidity. never staying the same but adapting to circumstances. I&#39;m studying the art of how  to change one self by the power of the mind alone.&quot;<br> <br>Sensuen looks to Deane and says, &quot;Oh, I suppose that could come in handy. You can use powers that aren&#39;t in your form you know, if you work with them long enough to master them.&quot;<br> <br>looks at current body, and says&quot;true but it does come with  its own  challenges. I do  hope to get a feel for what form for what fight though. sure will be handy&quot;<br> <br>A yawn ermerges from the corner of the room, &quot;mmm, aaaaaaah,&quot; states the female voice. &quot;That was a great nappy time,&quot;she says. The young woman stands up from her corner from which she was napping. She wears a long black coat that us closed by what appears to be a few buttons. With her hood up, most of her features are hidden from view.<br> <br>Deane says&quot; hope it was a  good nap, you could have just sat in one of the comfy chairs they have, but who am I to say  what comfy. still hello and what might your name be?&quot; deane asks inquisitively <br> <br>The girl eyes you consciously, &quot;You can call me &#39;Seeker&#39; for now, &quot; she says obviously dodging the subject. She steps forward and puts her hands to her hips, and takes a good look at you. You can see her sky blue eyes through her hood, and know she has dark hair, but much is conciled by her coat. &quot;You seem to have found your self in the wrong place at the wrong time huh.&quot;<br> <br>Sensuen giggles at the words &#39;nappy time&#39; before she looks to the girl and says, &quot;Hi Seeker, I&#39;m Sensuen, or Sen for short.&quot; with a smile before she turns to Deane and says. &quot;I&#39;ve got powers from shadow dragons and sea angels. I sneeze fire, but I don&#39;t often sneeze.&quot;<br> <br>Deane looks at his body, and says&quot; I honestly have little clue what this mutation does personally. I change so much  its kinda head spining. granted I do have my favorite powers.  namely milk  myself and get healed.  and being very flexible.  learned that from some rodent looking mutation. fun.&quot;<br> <br>Deane says&quot;still hello seeker, I&#39;d say this place was just a bust in my investigation of where I came from, who my mommy and daddy was. whats your business here? seems honestly dead done and gone from  lack of people here.&quot;<br> <br>Seeker giggles, &quot;I was just using this place to sleep from the elements. I generally work as a scavenger, or a helping hand. I am kind of a woman for hire, but not in the sense most guys think.&quot; She looks around the room and sees the Sensuen, &quot;If you are going to sneeze, please be polite, and cover your mouth. Bad things can happen when you mix fire with this place.&quot; The yound woman walks over to couch Deane is sitting on an takes a seat, crossing her legs. &quot;Hope you dont mind I sit here.&quot; She looks you over curious, &quot;I have never seen mechanical mutations accure to flesh, its kinda fasinating.&quot;<br> <br>Sensuen nods and says, &quot;Yeah, I like being stretchy, really helps with having kids. And maybe your parents aren&#39;t in the bubble at all, mine are likely where I came in. If my mom has learned how to hunt and such, or my dad&#39;s army training has come through for both of them, they&#39;ll still be here. If not, well, I tried to find them.&quot; then looks to &#39;Seeker&#39; and says, &quot;Yeah, I figured. I don&#39;t sneeze that often really. And, I think prostitutes would go out of business with all the rape happy ferals running around on the streets.&quot;<br> <br>Deane says&quot;for me this mutation came about from nasty little mephits in the night club. fun times. granted have to try to keep this form  for as long as possible. unsure how much  longer. but near day break. whenever that is.  for me.  I just woke up in &lt;the area that has the technique to bring back  ferals naturally&gt;&quot;<br> <br>Seeker pouts, &quot;I am the furthest thing from a call girl. I am just a knowldge seeker looking into the works of the new world. I was blessed to be almost completly immune to the nanites, well, more like I can manipulate them to my benifit. With the government pretty much destoyed, I can roam free without having to worry about taxes and stupid residence laws.&quot;<br> <br>Sensuen nods and says, &quot;I kinda liked making things before p-day, but after p-day it became less straightforward. For income, I scavenge supplies and sell vials of nanites that I don&#39;t really need.&quot;<br> <br>Deane says&quot;I&#39;m still managing to  survive and even make creds just by exploring and doing odd  jobs here and there. also  all the creds I get for bashing around some ferals so they are less bothersome.  still I do feel bad for them. their lives and minds taken.&quot; you  see he has a few tears in  his eyes. and then he says&quot; still I do  hope they are changed as so many of the other ferals have been&quot;<br> <br>&quot;It is, what it is. You are alive, you just need to put one foot in front of the other,&quot; she states bluntly. &quot;I have done a few feral bashing jobs, but I try to leave it non leathal, she sighs, &quot;I have had to put a few out for quite a while though... I almost regret some of the force I used,&quot; she says holding out her hand and looking into it. Nanites are both good and bad. it just depends how you use your gift.&quot;<br> <br>Sensuen looks to Seeker and gives a nod before she says, &quot;Yeah, but it&#39;s hard to kill them outright, explosives do tend to do the job but, remember when police officers got old military tech and people freaked out? Well, grenade launchers are quite useful for sub-lethal purposes. I&#39;ve got a kid who has one, it&#39;s not really on her most of the time though. I should sew her a sling for it some time.&quot;<br> <br>Deane says&quot;true, I do hope to never NEED  to take a life. but it is what it is. still it saddens me to  think how far this place once was.  and what it is now.  I do hope I have parents though outside the bubble.&quot; looks a little bit more cheery though.&quot; I can  say though the day I woke up was the day I became mommy/daddy to  a child though&quot;<br> <br>The young woman looks at Deane, &quot;You could always go to RSX or Zephyr and ask them to check their DNA database. They may have what you are looking for, though, it may cost you.&quot; She leans back and closed her eyes and yawns, &quot;I could help you look for your parrents, but I am not good with that type of information.&quot; She moves her hands over her head to streatch, her coats buttons get close to popping, but fail to do so.<br> <br>Sensuen looks to Deane and says, &quot;Sorry, I don&#39;t know how to help with that. It is hard to find parents though, I do hope you find yours.&quot; before she looks down to Deane&#39;s lower body and asks, &quot;Are you pregnant by any chance?&quot; before giving a headtilt up to him. Sen then looks to Seeker and says. &quot;I don&#39;t know if they still have one, but hmm, paternity testers only work on kids so that&#39;s kind of a dead end, I think.&quot;<br> <br>Deane says&quot; guess its not really needed, could just make the best of it and carve whatever life  I can.&quot; looks over at sensuen and says&quot; yup I&#39;m preggers. and the worst thing was, I was a guy when  I left the promethean medic. so  its damn interesting. still I love it.  children, I&#39;ve always wanted kids.&quot; deane says this with a ear to  ear grin<br> <br>Seeke sheepishly says, &quot;I had one child, it was a result of being forced against my will however. I learned how vicious ferals were the hardway.&quot; She looks to Deane, &quot;How has it been for you?&quot;<br> <br>Sensuen looks down to her own balls, that are quite a bit bigger than they usually are, before looking back to Deane and saying. &quot;I&#39;ve got kids on the way as well, I have plenty, even quite a few chocolate cow girls if you want one.&quot; Sen then looks to Seeker and says. &quot;Sorry to hear that. I hope you still take care of them, I don&#39;t know about taking them to meet their father when they ask. Maybe you can tame the dad, take him in? I&#39;ve heard of people who can do that, tame ferals.&quot;<br> <br>Deane says&quot; nah&quot; and you can see the look on his face, he might turn cannibal  around all that chocolate. or just lick  them  senseless no matter of gender.&quot;much  appreciated but hoenstly me and chocolate need to stay FAR away from each other.&quot; looks over at seeker. do you remember much  about how the child looked? and where it might have happened? doubt I can help but who knows.&quot;<br> <br>She smiles at you, &quot;It is fine. The nanites accelerated its growth and it was feral. I let it go to the wild where I beleied it belonged. For some strange reasons. I did not feel any emotional attachment to it, even as its mother. I appreciate the offer though.&quot;<br> <br>Sensuen looks to Seeker and says, &quot;Well, it was your kid, maybe still is. At least they&#39;ll have one parent that&#39;s there for them. One of my kids, also made of chocolate, fell in love with a shark herm, but I&#39;m not well informed on the topic of ferals, other than the fact that they were people once.&quot; then turns to Deane and says, &quot;I don&#39;t think Maria likes being licked, or touched much for that matter except by her girlfriend. I won&#39;t call her here anyway so you&#39;ll be safe from each other. I can&#39;t help wondering what they&#39;re out doing though. One time, they made half of a cake and thought it was a good idea to bring the cake too when I called them over.&quot;<br> <br>Deane says&quot;yup if some feral comes up to you one day and says mommy. who knows. might be your child.\&#39;<br> <br>Deane &quot; looks over at sen and says with  just a little bit of hunger in his eyes&quot; ok thanks a ton sensuen, that sure is the best course of action, though cake. what cake, chocolate cake?&quot; you can  just SEE  his thought waves goes crazy for a moment.<br> <br>Sensuen gives a nod and says, &quot;It was made of frosting, but it was a chocolate and vanilla cake. They blended the chocolate an vanilla together, I can call Danni in here and she can tell you all about it.&quot; and gets her comm unit out, ready to call Danni, knowing she&#39;ll come whether she&#39;s in the middle of sex with Maria or anything else with the chocolatey lady.<br> <br>Seeker sighs and stands up, &quot;I will cross that bridge when it comes. For now, I will just keep moving forward.&quot; She walks towards the door with head held high and looks back smiling. &quot;May our paths cross again you two, &quot; she pulls out something of the inside of her coat and tosses it to deane, &quot;a chocolate brownie, a parting gift,&quot; she states before taking her leave.<br> <br>Deane says&quot; nah it is getting late for me here.though would love a cake. chocolate and vanilla&quot; you can just see deane has totally lost it and is now looking like a dog thats drooling over dinner, and catches with cat like reflexes the brownie. sniffs a bit and then  just wolfs down the brownie. and says&quot; oh man that really hit the spot, but it seems time to  get home. thanks for talking to  me though sensuen.&quot;

Revision as of 03:57, 3 February 2016





Deane sits down in one of the comfortable looking couches and puts his head in his hands. sighing in seeming defeat.

Sensuen walks into the VIP room of the K/S complex and looks to the man sighing in defeat upon the far couch. Sen walks over to the man, puts a hand on his shoulder and simply asks. "What's wrong?"

Deane says"I've been all over this god forsaken, or maybe god ridden city trying to make heads or tails on who is my mommy and daddy.this was my latest stop and not much luck here. I've been to 10 different places so far."

Sensuen says, "Hmm, I had hundreds of kids, nothing mechanical though. I have a skunk herm that looks kind of like you, but she doesn't glow."

Deane says "I was once human. pure blood at that. but my immune system is laughable at best. I freeking look at a feral. and I SWEAR I mutate to them. so this is not my real look. granted its what I am. I accept it. sure is fun to go out and change how I look all the time though."

Sensuen says, "And my girlfriend helped me find this form, I did some customizing but it's essentially what you find from the sea angels over at that Nein place. You can always buy a vial that turns you human and make that your native form though if you want."

Deane says" personally I love fluidity. never staying the same but adapting to circumstances. I'm studying the art of how to change one self by the power of the mind alone."

Sensuen looks to Deane and says, "Oh, I suppose that could come in handy. You can use powers that aren't in your form you know, if you work with them long enough to master them."

looks at current body, and says"true but it does come with its own challenges. I do hope to get a feel for what form for what fight though. sure will be handy"

A yawn ermerges from the corner of the room, "mmm, aaaaaaah," states the female voice. "That was a great nappy time,"she says. The young woman stands up from her corner from which she was napping. She wears a long black coat that us closed by what appears to be a few buttons. With her hood up, most of her features are hidden from view.

Deane says" hope it was a good nap, you could have just sat in one of the comfy chairs they have, but who am I to say what comfy. still hello and what might your name be?" deane asks inquisitively

The girl eyes you consciously, "You can call me 'Seeker' for now, " she says obviously dodging the subject. She steps forward and puts her hands to her hips, and takes a good look at you. You can see her sky blue eyes through her hood, and know she has dark hair, but much is conciled by her coat. "You seem to have found your self in the wrong place at the wrong time huh."

Sensuen giggles at the words 'nappy time' before she looks to the girl and says, "Hi Seeker, I'm Sensuen, or Sen for short." with a smile before she turns to Deane and says. "I've got powers from shadow dragons and sea angels. I sneeze fire, but I don't often sneeze."

Deane looks at his body, and says" I honestly have little clue what this mutation does personally. I change so much its kinda head spining. granted I do have my favorite powers. namely milk myself and get healed. and being very flexible. learned that from some rodent looking mutation. fun."

Deane says"still hello seeker, I'd say this place was just a bust in my investigation of where I came from, who my mommy and daddy was. whats your business here? seems honestly dead done and gone from lack of people here."

Seeker giggles, "I was just using this place to sleep from the elements. I generally work as a scavenger, or a helping hand. I am kind of a woman for hire, but not in the sense most guys think." She looks around the room and sees the Sensuen, "If you are going to sneeze, please be polite, and cover your mouth. Bad things can happen when you mix fire with this place." The yound woman walks over to couch Deane is sitting on an takes a seat, crossing her legs. "Hope you dont mind I sit here." She looks you over curious, "I have never seen mechanical mutations accure to flesh, its kinda fasinating."

Sensuen nods and says, "Yeah, I like being stretchy, really helps with having kids. And maybe your parents aren't in the bubble at all, mine are likely where I came in. If my mom has learned how to hunt and such, or my dad's army training has come through for both of them, they'll still be here. If not, well, I tried to find them." then looks to 'Seeker' and says, "Yeah, I figured. I don't sneeze that often really. And, I think prostitutes would go out of business with all the rape happy ferals running around on the streets."

Deane says"for me this mutation came about from nasty little mephits in the night club. fun times. granted have to try to keep this form for as long as possible. unsure how much longer. but near day break. whenever that is. for me. I just woke up in <the area that has the technique to bring back ferals naturally>"

Seeker pouts, "I am the furthest thing from a call girl. I am just a knowldge seeker looking into the works of the new world. I was blessed to be almost completly immune to the nanites, well, more like I can manipulate them to my benifit. With the government pretty much destoyed, I can roam free without having to worry about taxes and stupid residence laws."

Sensuen nods and says, "I kinda liked making things before p-day, but after p-day it became less straightforward. For income, I scavenge supplies and sell vials of nanites that I don't really need."

Deane says"I'm still managing to survive and even make creds just by exploring and doing odd jobs here and there. also all the creds I get for bashing around some ferals so they are less bothersome. still I do feel bad for them. their lives and minds taken." you see he has a few tears in his eyes. and then he says" still I do hope they are changed as so many of the other ferals have been"

"It is, what it is. You are alive, you just need to put one foot in front of the other," she states bluntly. "I have done a few feral bashing jobs, but I try to leave it non leathal, she sighs, "I have had to put a few out for quite a while though... I almost regret some of the force I used," she says holding out her hand and looking into it. Nanites are both good and bad. it just depends how you use your gift."

Sensuen looks to Seeker and gives a nod before she says, "Yeah, but it's hard to kill them outright, explosives do tend to do the job but, remember when police officers got old military tech and people freaked out? Well, grenade launchers are quite useful for sub-lethal purposes. I've got a kid who has one, it's not really on her most of the time though. I should sew her a sling for it some time."

Deane says"true, I do hope to never NEED to take a life. but it is what it is. still it saddens me to think how far this place once was. and what it is now. I do hope I have parents though outside the bubble." looks a little bit more cheery though." I can say though the day I woke up was the day I became mommy/daddy to a child though"

The young woman looks at Deane, "You could always go to RSX or Zephyr and ask them to check their DNA database. They may have what you are looking for, though, it may cost you." She leans back and closed her eyes and yawns, "I could help you look for your parrents, but I am not good with that type of information." She moves her hands over her head to streatch, her coats buttons get close to popping, but fail to do so.

Sensuen looks to Deane and says, "Sorry, I don't know how to help with that. It is hard to find parents though, I do hope you find yours." before she looks down to Deane's lower body and asks, "Are you pregnant by any chance?" before giving a headtilt up to him. Sen then looks to Seeker and says. "I don't know if they still have one, but hmm, paternity testers only work on kids so that's kind of a dead end, I think."

Deane says" guess its not really needed, could just make the best of it and carve whatever life I can." looks over at sensuen and says" yup I'm preggers. and the worst thing was, I was a guy when I left the promethean medic. so its damn interesting. still I love it. children, I've always wanted kids." deane says this with a ear to ear grin

Seeke sheepishly says, "I had one child, it was a result of being forced against my will however. I learned how vicious ferals were the hardway." She looks to Deane, "How has it been for you?"

Sensuen looks down to her own balls, that are quite a bit bigger than they usually are, before looking back to Deane and saying. "I've got kids on the way as well, I have plenty, even quite a few chocolate cow girls if you want one." Sen then looks to Seeker and says. "Sorry to hear that. I hope you still take care of them, I don't know about taking them to meet their father when they ask. Maybe you can tame the dad, take him in? I've heard of people who can do that, tame ferals."

Deane says" nah" and you can see the look on his face, he might turn cannibal around all that chocolate. or just lick them senseless no matter of gender."much appreciated but hoenstly me and chocolate need to stay FAR away from each other." looks over at seeker. do you remember much about how the child looked? and where it might have happened? doubt I can help but who knows."

She smiles at you, "It is fine. The nanites accelerated its growth and it was feral. I let it go to the wild where I beleied it belonged. For some strange reasons. I did not feel any emotional attachment to it, even as its mother. I appreciate the offer though."

Sensuen looks to Seeker and says, "Well, it was your kid, maybe still is. At least they'll have one parent that's there for them. One of my kids, also made of chocolate, fell in love with a shark herm, but I'm not well informed on the topic of ferals, other than the fact that they were people once." then turns to Deane and says, "I don't think Maria likes being licked, or touched much for that matter except by her girlfriend. I won't call her here anyway so you'll be safe from each other. I can't help wondering what they're out doing though. One time, they made half of a cake and thought it was a good idea to bring the cake too when I called them over."

Deane says"yup if some feral comes up to you one day and says mommy. who knows. might be your child.\'

Deane " looks over at sen and says with just a little bit of hunger in his eyes" ok thanks a ton sensuen, that sure is the best course of action, though cake. what cake, chocolate cake?" you can just SEE his thought waves goes crazy for a moment.

Sensuen gives a nod and says, "It was made of frosting, but it was a chocolate and vanilla cake. They blended the chocolate an vanilla together, I can call Danni in here and she can tell you all about it." and gets her comm unit out, ready to call Danni, knowing she'll come whether she's in the middle of sex with Maria or anything else with the chocolatey lady.

Seeker sighs and stands up, "I will cross that bridge when it comes. For now, I will just keep moving forward." She walks towards the door with head held high and looks back smiling. "May our paths cross again you two, " she pulls out something of the inside of her coat and tosses it to deane, "a chocolate brownie, a parting gift," she states before taking her leave.

Deane says" nah it is getting late for me here.though would love a cake. chocolate and vanilla" you can just see deane has totally lost it and is now looking like a dog thats drooling over dinner, and catches with cat like reflexes the brownie. sniffs a bit and then just wolfs down the brownie. and says" oh man that really hit the spot, but it seems time to get home. thanks for talking to me though sensuen."