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<div></div><br> <br>You finally arrived at the library from New Dawn. You were selected by the researchers there to find any information you can find on alternative power sources, be it nuclear, solar, wind power, or hydrolic power. Many of the books were destroyed upon p-day when ferals ran rampant from the beginning. Shredded peices of books and journals scattered everywhere. The smell of urine and mating in the air.<br> <br>Harbringer cocks her fragmentation gun, looking around and taking in a deep breath, noting at the heavy smells "Whew, that's a smell i can all too sadly relate too." she murrs out, standing ready. The vixen lifts her firearm and begins scanning the area, making sure the place is secure.<br> <br>Kendrakkin walks in behind Harbringer her Halberd held in a tight nervous grip her ears pricked listening intensly for any movments her black cloak draggin lightly on the ground behind her, "dang. my tails closed and i can still taste the air... discusting." she shakes her head lightly<br> <br>Kattie draws her laser pistol and takes a cautious step as she surveys the area, her senses tingling as she waits for something to jump out, "Yep, all too relatable...though compared to some libraries, not that different from before...just...messier."<br> <br>a purplish puddle moves around the perimiter of the room observing its surroundings before taking form in a secluded corner of the room. A Goo Girl take form of a young lady in the corner with a veluptuous body and cold blue eyes that seem empty of emotion. No material items can be seen on this person. The Goo Girl yawns, and peers at the other beings in the room, keeping a close eye on their movments, but not moving or speaking.<br> <br>One of the bookshelves rattles, some old, shredded book covers falling from the shelves. A creeking from the wood floorboards indicates movement nearby. Or perhaps the floor was settling with your entry into the seemingly abandoned building.<br> <br>Harbringer yelps, jumping back and cocking her frag weapon. "Keep quiet..." she whispers, suddenly crouching low and holstering it to pull up her crossbow "Not a sound, from anyone..." she explains "Or we're feral meat."<br> <br>Kendrakkin lowers her ears and lightly steps a bit further from the group just enough to be able to weild her Pole-arm without lopping of a friendly's arm or something. she looks to Harbringer with a light nod before slipping her hood on for added protection the cloth of her cloak reflecting light gently in a uncharacteristic way<br> <br>Kattie turns her head to the sound and halting her movement, her eyes locked on the rattling bookcases. Quietly nodding to the vixen as she takes moves to take aim on the first signs of hostility, hoping that they can get a few shots on any ferals before things get out of hand.<br> <br>"For a 'civil' person, that was pretty offencive hun," The goo girl speaks as she is clearly offended by the shadow vixens words. She moves over to the bookshelf and starts to pick up the books anaylsingthe books that she can as she  as she pushes them aside. "How about some help?" she asks.<br> <br>The air becomes still around you, the scurrying of feet having quietened. You feel eyes on you from all directions. Even the passage you came from seems to feel uneasy as if something was close, and growing closer.<br> <br>Harbringer lowers her crossbow to talk to Youshou "Miss, please wait until there's not a feral wanting to devour or rape you before pulling up those books..." she whispers, ears twitching like mad, rotating to the sounds of the locations of scuffling "Ready up, i think they're on us!"<br> <br>Kendrakkin stands up taller legs spread in a steady stance her halberds head closer to the ground ready to strike at a moments notice. she seems to have her eyes closed her ears are pricked and the tip of her tail shows from underneath the robe its opened lightly tasting and smelling the air around her<br> <br>Kattie cocks a brow as she listens to the goo girl and chuckles, "I suppose so.", she replies before slowly walking towards the liquid woman<br> <br>Kattie cocks a brow as she listens to the goo girl and chuckles, "I suppose so.", she replies before slowly walking towards the liquid woman her pace stopping again as the things suddenly become tense, as she finds herself wishing for her other senses. "Huh, well that isn't good. Guess, it's time to have some fun"<br> <br>"Well, Im not concerned at all, you see, im not the one waving a gun about, with fear in their eyes in a hostile stance. THAT is what will get you into trouble in these parts," Youshou explains. While se is talking she continues to pick up the books and place them on the shelves.<br> <br>A door slams from the back corner of the library, a scream for help being heard as it sounds like someone stumbles into a bookshelf, which falls over against something with a loud crash " He.... Help me... Please.. Somebody! Anybody!" birds flutter from some of the bookshelves and out the skylight above.<br> <br>Harbringer raises her crossbow "Go time. That person needs help, we all can hear that...." she murrs, padding off to go check and see who needs help. The vixen motins for the others to come as she yips "Do not worry, sir or maddam....both...neither, We are here to help!"<br> <br>Kendrakkin shakes her head lightly before following at an even pace finding the bookshelves and what not a bit to close together for her long weapon so she sheaths it and pulls the sleaves of her cloak back a bit showing of jagged lightly translucent obsidian gauntlets tipped with sharp black claws and small spikes on the knuckles, she calls after the reckless vixen just loud enough for her to hear, "you dont think it could be a trap or something? you know feral tend to talk to you know..."<br> <br>Kattie gives a sarcastic nod, "And that's why we have guns...because you can't go ten feet without something happening. Let's hope it's a simple problem.", she says with a sigh before dashing off after to help whomever it is, though truly hoping the problem is as simple as nearly being crushed and not a bunch of a lustful ferals. "I doubt it's a trap, though if it is...ehh, I've been through worse.", she says catching up to the others.<br> <br>Youshou looks up, but not really concerned nor caring about the request for help, yet curious. "Suppose I have nothing better to do, best hope these people don't do anything stupid." she mutters to herself. The makes her way towards them, following behind the group about 10 feet, observing.<br> <br>Around the corner there is what appears to be a hermaphrodite wolf in lab clothes. Hir groin completely exposed from the shreds of hir clothing, as well as hir coat in complete desiray, exposing hir. Hir fur soaked. Shi smelled of urine and sex. Shi could be seen pushing a large bookcase in front of the door she seemed to have came from, turning to you " S.. Someones here?... F.. Finaly.. Some help! Please.. Help me get this bookcase in front of the door! They are right behind me!"<br> <br>Harbringer pads slowly over to the hermaphrodite wolf, lowering her weapon before holstering it. The vixen lowers herself gently and offers to help the lupine with her work. "Come on, it will work better if more help." she yips reassuringly before looking to the others "Someone cover us while we get this thing moving!" she chirps "Either get to pushing or defending.."<br> <br>Kendrakkin nods softly and shrugs pulls her halberd back out sticking the spear like tip into the ground leaving it standing straigh upside down before standing at the ready, "ill gaurd you move it. at this point they would be on us in a matter of seconds and guns are going to be pretty useless that close to much friendly fire." she turns her attention back to watching just about everywhere<br> <br>Kattie continuse running up behind the others as the wolf asks for aid. Pausing for moment, she takes stock of the situation and holsters her pistol...then chuckles as she decides to take advantage of the gladiator body the nanites have gifted her at the moment and pushes against the bookcase with all her might, muscles rippling as she hopes to end this soon. "I think I've got this"<br> <br>Youshou sighs as she enters the room, "Move please," as she move over to the shelf and with an outstretched hand she extenders her arm to cover the side of the book case for leverage and forces it over with one push. "Seems like you angered some natives did you?"<br> <br>The wolf steps back from the bookcase as it is moved, falling to hir knees and panting havily " I... I came.. Researching... What I could from... The fragments of the books here. When I got ambushed and draged into the basement... They.. Smelled I was in heat... I couldn't stop them... I knew I should not have come here alone..." hir ears flatten atop hir head as shi shakes it " They used me.... Both ways.. I could hardly move.. I barely got out of there!..."<br> <br>Harbringer leans down and decides to comfort the herm to the best of your abilities "Well, be glad you're fine now. None of us will hurt you, despite what we may say..." she murrs calmly, placing a paw gently on hir shoulder "Now, once this is all over, we can all have a brew on me.." she exclaims, slowly standing and offering a paw to the depressed wolf.<br> <br>Kendrakkin scratchs her head and looks at Harbringer with a shake of her head, "guess you were right. wasnt a trap good job. hurry and get her travel capable so we can get out of here. a bookshelf wont really hold off a group of ferals for very long.."she leans her halberd against it like a kickstand leaving her tail wrapped tightly around it so she has no chance of loseing it if a sedden retreat is needed, "so anyone going to question her on what shes found out? or is interogation for a later time?"<br> <br>Kattie frowns upon hearing the sad tale, though knowing that most of them had likely had a similar moment. Smiling lightly at the vixen as she comforts the herm wolf, she nods quietly and retrieves her medkit before kneeling down next to hir. "Let's get you patched up...and maybe, you can let us in on what you were researching. We were coming to do some ourselves, but didn't get all that far."<br> <br>Youshou ignores the commotion between the other people in the room and keeps and eye on the door and the bookcase being blocked.<br> <br>The wolf, as they are being bandaged, breaths heavily as shi tries to catch hir breath and shakes hir head softly " I... I lost it... My journal... It had everything in it... Book scraps.. My notes.. Everything... I lost it down there... I cant go back... I tried to keep it on me... But I tripped... I'm not even sure where I lost it.. I had to get out of there." shi curls hir tail between hir legs as shi sobs softly<br> <br>Harbringer sighs, stroking the wolf gently "It's okay, let the people saving you worry about your work." she whispers before looking back to the group "I suggest we pick partners and spread out, one to search and the other to stand guard for the other." She explains, pointing to the scattered papers "I'll see if i can't comfort our poor wolfie more." The vixen looks back and wraps an arm around the wolf cautiously "You're safe now. Anything you need, just give a ding."<br> <br>Kendrakkin frowns and shakes her head a bit eyeing the guns two of the group members are toting around, "bad idea. to many corners around here and to much risk of ambush i dont want any friendly fire. i think we should stick together even if its slower its safer.."<br> <br>Kattie nods to the vixen before turning her gaze to the wolf, "We'll get it taken care of you. Just rest, you're safe now.", she says in a soft, soothing tone before standing up. "I am somewhat inclined to agree, even if we don't use guns...friendly fire tends to happen no matter what...probably safer to go together...or at least mostly together. Might be a good idea to leave someone to keep this place locked down the best they can."<br> <br>"I'll stay here and keep an eye on her, be careful and try not to kill anyone or anything."<br> <br>Youshou gurgles, "I'll stay here and keep an eye on her, be careful and try not to kill anyone or anything."<br> <br>The wolf shakes hir head slowly " Please... Don't let them get me again... I can't take it anymore... It was too much... Too many.." shi whimpers softly, ears flat on hir head " E.. Especially..." shi cant seem to bring hirself to finish.<br> <br>Harbringer decides to sit next to the wolf, cocking her frag launcher and causing it to hum eerily "You guys go find the journal notes. I'll stay, cover the door and keep miss wolfie here company." she yips in an authorative tone. Gently, she strokes the wolf's ears "Don't worry. I'm here for you. Those guys will collect the notes and i'll make sure you're safe....I'v had protection contracts before." she assures the wolf, giving a foxy smile "Now, how can i make this better?" she asks, leaning in with an ear for an answer.<br> <br>Kendrakkin sighs shaking her head her tail unwrapping from the makeshift kickstand before she points at it, "ill go but make sure you dont lose this thing. i dont have a replacment for it" she addresses Kattie for the first time since entering the library, "guess that means your with me. stay behind me and shoot over my shoulder if you have to, if we are ambushed just worry about yourself i can hold my own against ferals" she gestures for her to follow before slowly walking of pointing at her weapon, "remember dont lose that."<br> <br>Kattie blinks a few times at the authorative bark from the vixen and looks over at Kendra, "Don't worry, I've always been a good shot, so let's hope for the best...and expect the worse...that usually works for me.". Cracking her knuckles, she takes a deep breath and looks to her partner, making sure she is ready before the step into what may be a very bad situation.<br> <br>The two leave through to where the wolf had apparently came from, leaving Harb and the wolf on their own. The passage is dark, and devoid of light. The sound of water dripping can be heard echoing in the distance. A strong musky smell drifting past the two, thick in the air. Meanwhile the wolf rested against a bookshelf, looking at Harb softly, ears twitching on hir head as the group split up their different ways " They.. Don't even know whats down there..."<br> <br>Harbringer sighs, patting the wolf "Can you explain what you mean?" she asks in a gentle voice "W-what's down there?" she continues, looking into the wolf's eyes and trying to decipher some sort of hint "What did you run into?""<br> <br>Kendrakkin leads down the hall. being part feline helping immensly with navigating the dark halls, she holds her 9 foot tail up lightly behind her bumping it on Katties hand, "if you cant see grab on. and just listen the best you can" she whispers quietly "er.. just dont squeeze id like to still be able to smell..." so far very little seems to be disturbing the silence other then the constant drip dripping of water<br> <br>Kattie stays behind Kendra and lightly grips her tail while silently cursing the dark. Continuing and ensuring to step lightly as to not draw the attention of the ferals the herm was talking about earlier. Meanwhile she listens and tries to use her eyes the best she can to spot the missing journal or pages, truly hoping to find them before something worse.<br> <br>The pair wanders deep into the corridor, a set of stairs leading down before them as they go deeper into the library. The smell is thicker coming from below, as well as the sound of shuffling feet. Or paws? Something was down there, and it was not small, by the sound of it.<br> <br>The wolf looks up at Harb and shakes hir head slightly as shi looks around hirself slightly. " Not time.. Not yet... Just not time.." hir ears fall over hir head as shi holds hir knees to hir head " There's just not time.."<br> <br>Harbringer strokes the wolf's head, watching her nervousness "Don't worry, you're safe..you can tell me anything." she whispers before suddenly feeling confused "N-no time?" The vixen suddenly sat beside the wofl, scratching her chin at what that meant.<br> <br>Kendrakkin sniffs lightly her ears twitching at the sound of movement. she puts her arm to the side stopping her partner whispering very quietly, "i hear something walking.. i find it would be safer to regroup and push on now that we have found something that might be dangerous." she looks about and ponders for a moment, "you choice get out teamate for added help. or use the dark and strong scent cover to sneak by. of course theres always barge in and do our best attempt to beat them up..."<br> <br>Kattie gulps as she grips Kendras' tail a bit tighter, her mind wandering to what horrors could lie in wait. While it may not be seen, she frowns at the options and begins thinking quietly, "Well, while more backup is never a bad idea...I'm not entirely sure she will be able to leave the wolf...we may want to press on and maybe just make a hasty retreat if it becomes apparent that we're not going to have much success.". Somehow she says this, despite the obvious shaking that has to be running through her and into the tail<br> <br>The sound of shuffling suddenly stops. All went quiet. It's difficult to tell just what was down there, and how large the area may be. There could be one, or there could be more. Even the dripping seemed to have paused a moment. Dust stirred up slightly from obvious traffic.<br> <br>The wolf looks up at Harbringer and nods slowly " Yes... No time..." shi looks back towards the main entrance, ears flat on hir head as shi sniffed the air " Come... Come closer?... I'm.. Frightened.."<br> <br>Harbringer nods slowly, wiggling closer, shoulder pressing against the wolfs "There you go. Nice and comfortable..." she murrs softly, looking over the creature "You're safe with me. Don't worry your pretty little head." Slowly, she picks up her crossbow in her right hand, using her left to comfort her target.<br> <br>Kendrakkin pats the scared girls shoulder doing her best comforting look which is lost to the dark, "just relax and stay ready to flee." she starts to walk forward towards where the sounds were her tail pulling her Kattie along with her from behind she reaches back to unsheath her waepon before cursing herself silently for leaving it behind<br> <br>Kattie doesn't breath as everything goes silent, seeming to wait as if it's all going to come crashing down. Then, as Kendra speaks, she takes a breath and calms herself again, nodding softly as she keeps pace with her partner. "Ohh, yeah, I'll be ready.", she says softly, still pondering upon what is below.<br> <br>The room below is utterly silent. Even the air seemed to have stopped flowing. What could be waiting down those stairs? Was there anything at all? Or was it the dark playing tricks on them? A rat runs past Kattie's foot, squeaking as it passes, likely in search of food.<br> <br>The wolf nuzzles Harbringer softly when shi turns towards her " Th.. Thank you.. For staying behind... I don't know.. What would have happened.. Had none of you arrived when you did.."<br> <br>Harbringer looks at the wolf and strokes her muzzle, smiling "Aww, you're such a cutie!" she yips happily. She giggles "Think nothing of it...I'm not doing this for charity anywho. Got some good money coming in and well, If you're going to do a job, do it right." Suddenly, a train of thought fills her mind....something didn't fit right.<br> <br>Kendrakkin sighs softly watching the rat run bye as they continue to travel, "i still dont feel right leaving somebody behind. its just stupid." she shakes her head again not even sure where they are. glad she can follow her own scent trail back out if needed."you okay back there?"<br> <br>Kattie seems to have regained her nerves for a moment, till the rat nearly brushes her, fortunately she does manage to stiffle the scream of shock...almost thankful to hear the squeeks of a normal little rat. "Heh, I remember when a rat was a big deal", she stammers softly, her nerves settling again as she lightens her grip on poor Kendra's tail for the first time a few moments."I know, it concerns me to...If you want to go back we can, though we haven't found anything.", then it hits her, "At least...I hope there was something to find and we aren't being tricked."<br> <br>The sound of wind blowing over paper in the distance is heard, echoing lightly as it sounded to be in a small opening close to the ground at their feet, nearby. More small rats squeaking in the area, some sounding to be brushing against something. Were these rats also seeking food, or were they running from something?<br> <br>The wolf smells Harb's neck softly, enhaling deeply of her scent as shi sighs " You.. Smell nice.. Much nicer than the others.. Where did you.. Come from, anyway?" shi tilted hir head<br> <br>Harbringer slips to the side a bit, feeling uncomfortable at being smelled "Well, i came from the graveyard to be honest." she murrs "Started out a neat little home in an open grave, found a building and began to use it." she continues. "And that smell on me is either soil, sweat or blood. Those three are always on me."<br> <br>Kendrakkin follows the sudden breeze finding the hatch thing about to open it she stops and ponders for a moment before spitting in her hand and rubbing it on the ground all around the hole till her scent is obvious around it, with this she turns and address's her partner, "alright. im tired of this we were sent to find some clues this... hatch is the best weve found now ive marked it and can find it easily lets regroup." she walks back following her nose and the scent of her and her partner her tail now wrapped firmly around the girls hand to show she isnt making an offer<br> <br>Kattie raises a brow at the squeeks of all the rats, wondering where they were going and why, then it hits her as she pauses briefly, "Uhh, yeah, little bit creepy. Was going to suggest that the rats were trying to give us a hint to get out...So, lets get out.", doesn't resist Kendra as she starts heading back with a bit more speed in her step.<br> <br>As the two rise back up, theres a sudden movement, as arms reach out and wrap around the two. Furred bodies gripping against them, low growls escaping what sounded like wolven throats, as two wolven predators pounce upon them, quadruped torso's pushing them back downwards " Ah, more prey." one speaks. The other replying " Yes indeed! They will make fine pups, brother!"<br> <br>The wolf's ears perk slightly as shi leans into Harb's shoulder suddenly, hir ears revealing small stubs of horns between them, as shi suddenly bites deep into Harb's shoulder " Now.. It's time.." shi growls softly, paw coming up to Harb's muzzle<br> <br>Harbringer tries to yell out, but suddenly finds it hard to speak, maw frozen wide open. The vixen panics as she notices....That wolf was a talakai and she's just been injected with venom, paralyzing her, but making her even more aroused.<br> <br>Kendrakkin yelps loudly her arms trapped at her side. she hadent sensed them over the smells. she struggles violently before swinging her look extremely strong tail up beneath the wolf smashing it hard against its groin repeatedly and with all her might pulling away from it.<br> <br>Kattie screams as she is taken down and instantly tries to struggle agains the wolven predator. Unable to use her arms, she resorts to trying to smash the back of her head into it's face ontop of annoyingly hitting with whatever else she can, figuring that'll hopefully hurt enough to make it let her go.<br> <br>The size between difference between the wolfen predator and Kattie, while it was standing on it's hinde legs against her back, was much too high to effectively hit their muzzle. The most her head could catch was but its chest, as the creature pulled her tighter against their form. The one gripping upon Kendra yelped out softly as they were attacked by the tail, growling out as it leaned in and gripped at her scruff with a huff, as it lowered back to all fours once again, arms trembling from the strike " S.. Seems.. I got.. A fiesty.. One.." the wolven predator whined shakely.<br> <br>The talakai murred as shi held briefly to Harb's shoulder a moment more. Then turned hir head from it to her muzzle, licking along the open maw " Mmm, you really do smell nice... But my mate has plans for you. Those who are down there? A small wolven predator pack. And your about to meet the alpha of that pack." A wolven predator begins making his way from the shadows, growling low and softly  as he approaches " Meet my mate.. He doesn't talk much." the talakai grins to the paralyzed female<br> <br>Harbringer begins shaking wildly, emitting a gurgled noise in an attempt to resist. Her crossbow seems to be frozen to her right hand still, gripping the handle. Thoughts fill her mind, telling her to wait it out until the poison ends to strike, but her body seems to be openning up towards the idea of what is to come, slit dripping lube from the effects of the bite.<br> <br>Kendrakkin struggles more before inhaling deeply she holds it in for a few moment before her tail whips up ing the wolfs face the tip opening as a bulge of toxic air rushes from her lunges to her stomach and out of her tail right into its face. the air obviously heavy with steamy toxicity<br> <br>Kattie doesn't feel disheartened at her failure to harm the best with her head and looks over at her partner. Deciding it's all or nothing, she tries to reach down to her holster to grab and angle her pistol, hoping that the shot hits the attack and doesn't hit her in the leg .<br> <br>The wolf upon Kendra begins coughing harshly, grabbing at its chest, releasing the girl as it backs away, choking on the gas as it has trouble breathing, a painful yelp escaping its throat as the bullet strikes one of its limbs as well, stumbling to the ground. The one upon Kattie growls and throws her down, rushing after Kendra in a frenzy " My brother! How dare you!"<br> <br>The talakai murrs as shi moves Harbringer's body forward, exposing her to hir mate as it begins sniffing at her from behind, licking the dripping fluids as they slip from her passage, hot breath pouring over her " Seems he is quite eager to meet you, as well." shi murrs, leaning in to kiss the vixen's muzzle, stroking her head softly<br> <br>Harbringer mmmphs, tingling happening as she begins to feel her body coming back into consciousness. The fox opens her eyes wider, finally being able to move her eyelids. "MMMPH!" comes out of her weakly, trying to squirm stiffly.<br> <br>Kendrakkin sprints towards the door full tilt turning lightly and agiley as she gets to the exit assuming a Muay-Thai pose she shouts with a growl, "either run or start shooting!" with that she lunges at the oncoming Wolf giving it a powerful punch with her spiked gantlets hoping to at least stun it<br> <br>Kattie spins around as she picks herself up off the floor, drawing her laser pistol almost in the same movement as she take aim at the predator that just released her and starts firing into the creature, not wanting to stop till it's dead<br> <br>The wolfen predator runs into the blow with a yelp, clutching at its belly as it falls into a laying position, a shot striking its flank and it cries out, collapsing in pain, stunned and trembling<br> <br>The talakai, meanwhile, murrs as shi grazes hir sharp teeth along Harb's neck and sholder, nipping softly as shi kneads the vixen's breasts in hir paw. The Alpha Wolfen Predator beginning to climb onto the vixen's back, grappling her arms behind her back firmly as he began to pull himself against her " Oh my, doesn't he seem so eager to take you. You'll make a nice litter for my mate. Such a beautiful coat of fur." shi murrs and coos softly, nipping at the vixen's ear, tongue trailing over the edges<br> <br>Harbringer gives in, breaking at not being able to escape. The vixen drops her crossbow, bouncing on the ground as she's pinned down. Instead of doing anything, she simply....plays dead, closing her eyes and going limp.<br> <br>Kendrakkin shakes her paw which is aching from impact with the solid bodied wolf she waves her hand gesturing for Kattie to hurry, "come on before they recover we need to go check on harb there could be more!" she waits a few moments to make sure the girl is following her before running off towards the way they came<br> <br>Kattie looks at Kendra, "Right, let's move.", she states as she moves around the injured wolfen, "Maybe this'll teach you not to try and make puppiers with every woman you find...asses.", she mumbles while keeping her gun trained on them before turning and running after her partner. <br> <br>The large wolfen predator, growls as he leans in, gripping at the scruff of Harbringer's neck, as it began to thrust himself into her, hot breath upon her scruff as he takes her. The talakai coos as shi withdraws from the vixen, nuzzling and licking her nose " Awe, don't pass out yet! We're not even done!" shi stands in front of the vixen, hir own shaft had come unsheathed. Dripping pre in front of the vixens muzzle as shi massages the sides to coax her muzzle open. " Open wide, dear. My turn to have some, too!" shi giggled madly at the vixen. Meanwhile, the path to the door seemed longer than anticipated. How far had the two gone? Will they make it in time? Find out next time on..... This rp's continuation.
<div></div><br> <br>You finally arrived at the library from New Dawn. You were selected by the researchers there to find any information you can find on alternative power sources, be it nuclear, solar, wind power, or hydrolic power. Many of the books were destroyed upon p-day when ferals ran rampant from the beginning. Shredded peices of books and journals scattered everywhere. The smell of urine and mating in the air.<br> <br>Harbringer cocks her fragmentation gun, looking around and taking in a deep breath, noting at the heavy smells "Whew, that's a smell i can all too sadly relate too." she murrs out, standing ready. The vixen lifts her firearm and begins scanning the area, making sure the place is secure.<br> <br>Kendrakkin walks in behind Harbringer her Halberd held in a tight nervous grip her ears pricked listening intensly for any movments her black cloak draggin lightly on the ground behind her, "dang. my tails closed and i can still taste the air... discusting." she shakes her head lightly<br> <br>Kattie draws her laser pistol and takes a cautious step as she surveys the area, her senses tingling as she waits for something to jump out, "Yep, all too relatable...though compared to some libraries, not that different from before...just...messier."<br> <br>a purplish puddle moves around the perimiter of the room observing its surroundings before taking form in a secluded corner of the room. A Goo Girl take form of a young lady in the corner with a veluptuous body and cold blue eyes that seem empty of emotion. No material items can be seen on this person. The Goo Girl yawns, and peers at the other beings in the room, keeping a close eye on their movments, but not moving or speaking.<br> <br>One of the bookshelves rattles, some old, shredded book covers falling from the shelves. A creeking from the wood floorboards indicates movement nearby. Or perhaps the floor was settling with your entry into the seemingly abandoned building.<br> <br>Harbringer yelps, jumping back and cocking her frag weapon. "Keep quiet..." she whispers, suddenly crouching low and holstering it to pull up her crossbow "Not a sound, from anyone..." she explains "Or we're feral meat."<br> <br>Kendrakkin lowers her ears and lightly steps a bit further from the group just enough to be able to weild her Pole-arm without lopping of a friendly's arm or something. she looks to Harbringer with a light nod before slipping her hood on for added protection the cloth of her cloak reflecting light gently in a uncharacteristic way<br> <br>Kattie turns her head to the sound and halting her movement, her eyes locked on the rattling bookcases. Quietly nodding to the vixen as she takes moves to take aim on the first signs of hostility, hoping that they can get a few shots on any ferals before things get out of hand.<br> <br>"For a 'civil' person, that was pretty offencive hun," The goo girl speaks as she is clearly offended by the shadow vixens words. She moves over to the bookshelf and starts to pick up the books anaylsingthe books that she can as she  as she pushes them aside. "How about some help?" she asks.<br> <br>The air becomes still around you, the scurrying of feet having quietened. You feel eyes on you from all directions. Even the passage you came from seems to feel uneasy as if something was close, and growing closer.<br> <br>Harbringer lowers her crossbow to talk to Youshou "Miss, please wait until there's not a feral wanting to devour or rape you before pulling up those books..." she whispers, ears twitching like mad, rotating to the sounds of the locations of scuffling "Ready up, i think they're on us!"<br> <br>Kendrakkin stands up taller legs spread in a steady stance her halberds head closer to the ground ready to strike at a moments notice. she seems to have her eyes closed her ears are pricked and the tip of her tail shows from underneath the robe its opened lightly tasting and smelling the air around her<br> <br>Kattie cocks a brow as she listens to the goo girl and chuckles, "I suppose so.", she replies before slowly walking towards the liquid woman<br> <br>Kattie cocks a brow as she listens to the goo girl and chuckles, "I suppose so.", she replies before slowly walking towards the liquid woman her pace stopping again as the things suddenly become tense, as she finds herself wishing for her other senses. "Huh, well that isn't good. Guess, it's time to have some fun"<br> <br>"Well, Im not concerned at all, you see, im not the one waving a gun about, with fear in their eyes in a hostile stance. THAT is what will get you into trouble in these parts," Youshou explains. While se is talking she continues to pick up the books and place them on the shelves.<br> <br>A door slams from the back corner of the library, a scream for help being heard as it sounds like someone stumbles into a bookshelf, which falls over against something with a loud crash " He.... Help me... Please.. Somebody! Anybody!" birds flutter from some of the bookshelves and out the skylight above.<br> <br>Harbringer raises her crossbow "Go time. That person needs help, we all can hear that...." she murrs, padding off to go check and see who needs help. The vixen motins for the others to come as she yips "Do not worry, sir or maddam....both...neither, We are here to help!"<br> <br>Kendrakkin shakes her head lightly before following at an even pace finding the bookshelves and what not a bit to close together for her long weapon so she sheaths it and pulls the sleaves of her cloak back a bit showing of jagged lightly translucent obsidian gauntlets tipped with sharp black claws and small spikes on the knuckles, she calls after the reckless vixen just loud enough for her to hear, "you dont think it could be a trap or something? you know feral tend to talk to you know..."<br> <br>Kattie gives a sarcastic nod, "And that's why we have guns...because you can't go ten feet without something happening. Let's hope it's a simple problem.", she says with a sigh before dashing off after to help whomever it is, though truly hoping the problem is as simple as nearly being crushed and not a bunch of a lustful ferals. "I doubt it's a trap, though if it is...ehh, I've been through worse.", she says catching up to the others.<br> <br>Youshou looks up, but not really concerned nor caring about the request for help, yet curious. "Suppose I have nothing better to do, best hope these people don't do anything stupid." she mutters to herself. The makes her way towards them, following behind the group about 10 feet, observing.<br> <br>Around the corner there is what appears to be a hermaphrodite wolf in lab clothes. Hir groin completely exposed from the shreds of hir clothing, as well as hir coat in complete desiray, exposing hir. Hir fur soaked. Shi smelled of urine and sex. Shi could be seen pushing a large bookcase in front of the door she seemed to have came from, turning to you " S.. Someones here?... F.. Finaly.. Some help! Please.. Help me get this bookcase in front of the door! They are right behind me!"<br> <br>Harbringer pads slowly over to the hermaphrodite wolf, lowering her weapon before holstering it. The vixen lowers herself gently and offers to help the lupine with her work. "Come on, it will work better if more help." she yips reassuringly before looking to the others "Someone cover us while we get this thing moving!" she chirps "Either get to pushing or defending.."<br> <br>Kendrakkin nods softly and shrugs pulls her halberd back out sticking the spear like tip into the ground leaving it standing straigh upside down before standing at the ready, "ill gaurd you move it. at this point they would be on us in a matter of seconds and guns are going to be pretty useless that close to much friendly fire." she turns her attention back to watching just about everywhere<br> <br>Kattie continuse running up behind the others as the wolf asks for aid. Pausing for moment, she takes stock of the situation and holsters her pistol...then chuckles as she decides to take advantage of the gladiator body the nanites have gifted her at the moment and pushes against the bookcase with all her might, muscles rippling as she hopes to end this soon. "I think I've got this"<br> <br>Youshou sighs as she enters the room, "Move please," as she move over to the shelf and with an outstretched hand she extenders her arm to cover the side of the book case for leverage and forces it over with one push. "Seems like you angered some natives did you?"<br> <br>The wolf steps back from the bookcase as it is moved, falling to hir knees and panting havily " I... I came.. Researching... What I could from... The fragments of the books here. When I got ambushed and draged into the basement... They.. Smelled I was in heat... I couldn't stop them... I knew I should not have come here alone..." hir ears flatten atop hir head as shi shakes it " They used me.... Both ways.. I could hardly move.. I barely got out of there!..."<br> <br>Harbringer leans down and decides to comfort the herm to the best of your abilities "Well, be glad you're fine now. None of us will hurt you, despite what we may say..." she murrs calmly, placing a paw gently on hir shoulder "Now, once this is all over, we can all have a brew on me.." she exclaims, slowly standing and offering a paw to the depressed wolf.<br> <br>Kendrakkin scratchs her head and looks at Harbringer with a shake of her head, "guess you were right. wasnt a trap good job. hurry and get her travel capable so we can get out of here. a bookshelf wont really hold off a group of ferals for very long.."she leans her halberd against it like a kickstand leaving her tail wrapped tightly around it so she has no chance of loseing it if a sedden retreat is needed, "so anyone going to question her on what shes found out? or is interogation for a later time?"<br> <br>Kattie frowns upon hearing the sad tale, though knowing that most of them had likely had a similar moment. Smiling lightly at the vixen as she comforts the herm wolf, she nods quietly and retrieves her medkit before kneeling down next to hir. "Let's get you patched up...and maybe, you can let us in on what you were researching. We were coming to do some ourselves, but didn't get all that far."<br> <br>Youshou ignores the commotion between the other people in the room and keeps and eye on the door and the bookcase being blocked.<br> <br>The wolf, as they are being bandaged, breaths heavily as shi tries to catch hir breath and shakes hir head softly " I... I lost it... My journal... It had everything in it... Book scraps.. My notes.. Everything... I lost it down there... I cant go back... I tried to keep it on me... But I tripped... I'm not even sure where I lost it.. I had to get out of there." shi curls hir tail between hir legs as shi sobs softly<br> <br>Harbringer sighs, stroking the wolf gently "It's okay, let the people saving you worry about your work." she whispers before looking back to the group "I suggest we pick partners and spread out, one to search and the other to stand guard for the other." She explains, pointing to the scattered papers "I'll see if i can't comfort our poor wolfie more." The vixen looks back and wraps an arm around the wolf cautiously "You're safe now. Anything you need, just give a ding."<br> <br>Kendrakkin frowns and shakes her head a bit eyeing the guns two of the group members are toting around, "bad idea. to many corners around here and to much risk of ambush i dont want any friendly fire. i think we should stick together even if its slower its safer.."<br> <br>Kattie nods to the vixen before turning her gaze to the wolf, "We'll get it taken care of you. Just rest, you're safe now.", she says in a soft, soothing tone before standing up. "I am somewhat inclined to agree, even if we don't use guns...friendly fire tends to happen no matter what...probably safer to go together...or at least mostly together. Might be a good idea to leave someone to keep this place locked down the best they can."<br> <br>"I'll stay here and keep an eye on her, be careful and try not to kill anyone or anything."<br> <br>Youshou gurgles, "I'll stay here and keep an eye on her, be careful and try not to kill anyone or anything."<br> <br>The wolf shakes hir head slowly " Please... Don't let them get me again... I can't take it anymore... It was too much... Too many.." shi whimpers softly, ears flat on hir head " E.. Especially..." shi cant seem to bring hirself to finish.<br> <br>Harbringer decides to sit next to the wolf, cocking her frag launcher and causing it to hum eerily "You guys go find the journal notes. I'll stay, cover the door and keep miss wolfie here company." she yips in an authorative tone. Gently, she strokes the wolf's ears "Don't worry. I'm here for you. Those guys will collect the notes and i'll make sure you're safe....I'v had protection contracts before." she assures the wolf, giving a foxy smile "Now, how can i make this better?" she asks, leaning in with an ear for an answer.<br> <br>Kendrakkin sighs shaking her head her tail unwrapping from the makeshift kickstand before she points at it, "ill go but make sure you dont lose this thing. i dont have a replacment for it" she addresses Kattie for the first time since entering the library, "guess that means your with me. stay behind me and shoot over my shoulder if you have to, if we are ambushed just worry about yourself i can hold my own against ferals" she gestures for her to follow before slowly walking of pointing at her weapon, "remember dont lose that."<br> <br>Kattie blinks a few times at the authorative bark from the vixen and looks over at Kendra, "Don't worry, I've always been a good shot, so let's hope for the best...and expect the worse...that usually works for me.". Cracking her knuckles, she takes a deep breath and looks to her partner, making sure she is ready before the step into what may be a very bad situation.<br> <br>The two leave through to where the wolf had apparently came from, leaving Harb and the wolf on their own. The passage is dark, and devoid of light. The sound of water dripping can be heard echoing in the distance. A strong musky smell drifting past the two, thick in the air. Meanwhile the wolf rested against a bookshelf, looking at Harb softly, ears twitching on hir head as the group split up their different ways " They.. Don't even know whats down there..."<br> <br>Harbringer sighs, patting the wolf "Can you explain what you mean?" she asks in a gentle voice "W-what's down there?" she continues, looking into the wolf's eyes and trying to decipher some sort of hint "What did you run into?""<br> <br>Kendrakkin leads down the hall. being part feline helping immensly with navigating the dark halls, she holds her 9 foot tail up lightly behind her bumping it on Katties hand, "if you cant see grab on. and just listen the best you can" she whispers quietly "er.. just dont squeeze id like to still be able to smell..." so far very little seems to be disturbing the silence other then the constant drip dripping of water<br> <br>Kattie stays behind Kendra and lightly grips her tail while silently cursing the dark. Continuing and ensuring to step lightly as to not draw the attention of the ferals the herm was talking about earlier. Meanwhile she listens and tries to use her eyes the best she can to spot the missing journal or pages, truly hoping to find them before something worse.<br> <br>The pair wanders deep into the corridor, a set of stairs leading down before them as they go deeper into the library. The smell is thicker coming from below, as well as the sound of shuffling feet. Or paws? Something was down there, and it was not small, by the sound of it.<br> <br>The wolf looks up at Harb and shakes hir head slightly as shi looks around hirself slightly. " Not time.. Not yet... Just not time.." hir ears fall over hir head as shi holds hir knees to hir head " There's just not time.."<br> <br>Harbringer strokes the wolf's head, watching her nervousness "Don't worry, you're safe..you can tell me anything." she whispers before suddenly feeling confused "N-no time?" The vixen suddenly sat beside the wofl, scratching her chin at what that meant.<br> <br>Kendrakkin sniffs lightly her ears twitching at the sound of movement. she puts her arm to the side stopping her partner whispering very quietly, "i hear something walking.. i find it would be safer to regroup and push on now that we have found something that might be dangerous." she looks about and ponders for a moment, "you choice get out teamate for added help. or use the dark and strong scent cover to sneak by. of course theres always barge in and do our best attempt to beat them up..."<br> <br>Kattie gulps as she grips Kendras' tail a bit tighter, her mind wandering to what horrors could lie in wait. While it may not be seen, she frowns at the options and begins thinking quietly, "Well, while more backup is never a bad idea...I'm not entirely sure she will be able to leave the wolf...we may want to press on and maybe just make a hasty retreat if it becomes apparent that we're not going to have much success.". Somehow she says this, despite the obvious shaking that has to be running through her and into the tail<br> <br>The sound of shuffling suddenly stops. All went quiet. It's difficult to tell just what was down there, and how large the area may be. There could be one, or there could be more. Even the dripping seemed to have paused a moment. Dust stirred up slightly from obvious traffic.<br> <br>The wolf looks up at Harbringer and nods slowly " Yes... No time..." shi looks back towards the main entrance, ears flat on hir head as shi sniffed the air " Come... Come closer?... I'm.. Frightened.."<br> <br>Harbringer nods slowly, wiggling closer, shoulder pressing against the wolfs "There you go. Nice and comfortable..." she murrs softly, looking over the creature "You're safe with me. Don't worry your pretty little head." Slowly, she picks up her crossbow in her right hand, using her left to comfort her target.<br> <br>Kendrakkin pats the scared girls shoulder doing her best comforting look which is lost to the dark, "just relax and stay ready to flee." she starts to walk forward towards where the sounds were her tail pulling her Kattie along with her from behind she reaches back to unsheath her waepon before cursing herself silently for leaving it behind<br> <br>Kattie doesn't breath as everything goes silent, seeming to wait as if it's all going to come crashing down. Then, as Kendra speaks, she takes a breath and calms herself again, nodding softly as she keeps pace with her partner. "Ohh, yeah, I'll be ready.", she says softly, still pondering upon what is below.<br> <br>The room below is utterly silent. Even the air seemed to have stopped flowing. What could be waiting down those stairs? Was there anything at all? Or was it the dark playing tricks on them? A rat runs past Kattie's foot, squeaking as it passes, likely in search of food.<br> <br>The wolf nuzzles Harbringer softly when shi turns towards her " Th.. Thank you.. For staying behind... I don't know.. What would have happened.. Had none of you arrived when you did.."<br> <br>Harbringer looks at the wolf and strokes her muzzle, smiling "Aww, you're such a cutie!" she yips happily. She giggles "Think nothing of it...I'm not doing this for charity anywho. Got some good money coming in and well, If you're going to do a job, do it right." Suddenly, a train of thought fills her mind....something didn't fit right.<br> <br>Kendrakkin sighs softly watching the rat run bye as they continue to travel, "i still dont feel right leaving somebody behind. its just stupid." she shakes her head again not even sure where they are. glad she can follow her own scent trail back out if needed."you okay back there?"<br> <br>Kattie seems to have regained her nerves for a moment, till the rat nearly brushes her, fortunately she does manage to stiffle the scream of shock...almost thankful to hear the squeeks of a normal little rat. "Heh, I remember when a rat was a big deal", she stammers softly, her nerves settling again as she lightens her grip on poor Kendra's tail for the first time a few moments."I know, it concerns me to...If you want to go back we can, though we haven't found anything.", then it hits her, "At least...I hope there was something to find and we aren't being tricked."<br> <br>The sound of wind blowing over paper in the distance is heard, echoing lightly as it sounded to be in a small opening close to the ground at their feet, nearby. More small rats squeaking in the area, some sounding to be brushing against something. Were these rats also seeking food, or were they running from something?<br> <br>The wolf smells Harb's neck softly, enhaling deeply of her scent as shi sighs " You.. Smell nice.. Much nicer than the others.. Where did you.. Come from, anyway?" shi tilted hir head<br> <br>Harbringer slips to the side a bit, feeling uncomfortable at being smelled "Well, i came from the graveyard to be honest." she murrs "Started out a neat little home in an open grave, found a building and began to use it." she continues. "And that smell on me is either soil, sweat or blood. Those three are always on me."<br> <br>Kendrakkin follows the sudden breeze finding the hatch thing about to open it she stops and ponders for a moment before spitting in her hand and rubbing it on the ground all around the hole till her scent is obvious around it, with this she turns and address's her partner, "alright. im tired of this we were sent to find some clues this... hatch is the best weve found now ive marked it and can find it easily lets regroup." she walks back following her nose and the scent of her and her partner her tail now wrapped firmly around the girls hand to show she isnt making an offer<br> <br>Kattie raises a brow at the squeeks of all the rats, wondering where they were going and why, then it hits her as she pauses briefly, "Uhh, yeah, little bit creepy. Was going to suggest that the rats were trying to give us a hint to get out...So, lets get out.", doesn't resist Kendra as she starts heading back with a bit more speed in her step.<br> <br>As the two rise back up, theres a sudden movement, as arms reach out and wrap around the two. Furred bodies gripping against them, low growls escaping what sounded like wolven throats, as two wolven predators pounce upon them, quadruped torso's pushing them back downwards " Ah, more prey." one speaks. The other replying " Yes indeed! They will make fine pups, brother!"<br> <br>The wolf's ears perk slightly as shi leans into Harb's shoulder suddenly, hir ears revealing small stubs of horns between them, as shi suddenly bites deep into Harb's shoulder " Now.. It's time.." shi growls softly, paw coming up to Harb's muzzle<br> <br>Harbringer tries to yell out, but suddenly finds it hard to speak, maw frozen wide open. The vixen panics as she notices....That wolf was a talakai and she's just been injected with venom, paralyzing her, but making her even more aroused.<br> <br>Kendrakkin yelps loudly her arms trapped at her side. she hadent sensed them over the smells. she struggles violently before swinging her look extremely strong tail up beneath the wolf smashing it hard against its groin repeatedly and with all her might pulling away from it.<br> <br>Kattie screams as she is taken down and instantly tries to struggle agains the wolven predator. Unable to use her arms, she resorts to trying to smash the back of her head into it's face ontop of annoyingly hitting with whatever else she can, figuring that'll hopefully hurt enough to make it let her go.<br> <br>The size between difference between the wolfen predator and Kattie, while it was standing on it's hinde legs against her back, was much too high to effectively hit their muzzle. The most her head could catch was but its chest, as the creature pulled her tighter against their form. The one gripping upon Kendra yelped out softly as they were attacked by the tail, growling out as it leaned in and gripped at her scruff with a huff, as it lowered back to all fours once again, arms trembling from the strike " S.. Seems.. I got.. A fiesty.. One.." the wolven predator whined shakely.<br> <br>The talakai murred as shi held briefly to Harb's shoulder a moment more. Then turned hir head from it to her muzzle, licking along the open maw " Mmm, you really do smell nice... But my mate has plans for you. Those who are down there? A small wolven predator pack. And your about to meet the alpha of that pack." A wolven predator begins making his way from the shadows, growling low and softly  as he approaches " Meet my mate.. He doesn't talk much." the talakai grins to the paralyzed female<br> <br>Harbringer begins shaking wildly, emitting a gurgled noise in an attempt to resist. Her crossbow seems to be frozen to her right hand still, gripping the handle. Thoughts fill her mind, telling her to wait it out until the poison ends to strike, but her body seems to be openning up towards the idea of what is to come, slit dripping lube from the effects of the bite.<br> <br>Kendrakkin struggles more before inhaling deeply she holds it in for a few moment before her tail whips up ing the wolfs face the tip opening as a bulge of toxic air rushes from her lunges to her stomach and out of her tail right into its face. the air obviously heavy with steamy toxicity<br> <br>Kattie doesn't feel disheartened at her failure to harm the best with her head and looks over at her partner. Deciding it's all or nothing, she tries to reach down to her holster to grab and angle her pistol, hoping that the shot hits the attack and doesn't hit her in the leg .<br> <br>The wolf upon Kendra begins coughing harshly, grabbing at its chest, releasing the girl as it backs away, choking on the gas as it has trouble breathing, a painful yelp escaping its throat as the bullet strikes one of its limbs as well, stumbling to the ground. The one upon Kattie growls and throws her down, rushing after Kendra in a frenzy " My brother! How dare you!"<br> <br>The talakai murrs as shi moves Harbringer's body forward, exposing her to hir mate as it begins sniffing at her from behind, licking the dripping fluids as they slip from her passage, hot breath pouring over her " Seems he is quite eager to meet you, as well." shi murrs, leaning in to kiss the vixen's muzzle, stroking her head softly<br> <br>Harbringer mmmphs, tingling happening as she begins to feel her body coming back into consciousness. The fox opens her eyes wider, finally being able to move her eyelids. "MMMPH!" comes out of her weakly, trying to squirm stiffly.<br> <br>Kendrakkin sprints towards the door full tilt turning lightly and agiley as she gets to the exit assuming a Muay-Thai pose she shouts with a growl, "either run or start shooting!" with that she lunges at the oncoming Wolf giving it a powerful punch with her spiked gantlets hoping to at least stun it<br> <br>Kattie spins around as she picks herself up off the floor, drawing her laser pistol almost in the same movement as she take aim at the predator that just released her and starts firing into the creature, not wanting to stop till it's dead<br> <br>The wolfen predator runs into the blow with a yelp, clutching at its belly as it falls into a laying position, a shot striking its flank and it cries out, collapsing in pain, stunned and trembling<br> <br>The talakai, meanwhile, murrs as shi grazes hir sharp teeth along Harb's neck and sholder, nipping softly as shi kneads the vixen's breasts in hir paw. The Alpha Wolfen Predator beginning to climb onto the vixen's back, grappling her arms behind her back firmly as he began to pull himself against her " Oh my, doesn't he seem so eager to take you. You'll make a nice litter for my mate. Such a beautiful coat of fur." shi murrs and coos softly, nipping at the vixen's ear, tongue trailing over the edges<br> <br>Harbringer gives in, breaking at not being able to escape. The vixen drops her crossbow, bouncing on the ground as she's pinned down. Instead of doing anything, she simply....plays dead, closing her eyes and going limp.<br> <br>Kendrakkin shakes her paw which is aching from impact with the solid bodied wolf she waves her hand gesturing for Kattie to hurry, "come on before they recover we need to go check on harb there could be more!" she waits a few moments to make sure the girl is following her before running off towards the way they came<br> <br>Kattie looks at Kendra, "Right, let's move.", she states as she moves around the injured wolfen, "Maybe this'll teach you not to try and make puppiers with every woman you find...asses.", she mumbles while keeping her gun trained on them before turning and running after her partner. <br> <br>The large wolfen predator, growls as he leans in, gripping at the scruff of Harbringer's neck, as it began to thrust himself into her, hot breath upon her scruff as he takes her. The talakai coos as shi withdraws from the vixen, nuzzling and licking her nose " Awe, don't pass out yet! We're not even done!" shi stands in front of the vixen, hir own shaft had come unsheathed. Dripping pre in front of the vixens muzzle as shi massages the sides to coax her muzzle open. " Open wide, dear. My turn to have some, too!" shi giggled madly at the vixen. Meanwhile, the path to the door seemed longer than anticipated. How far had the two gone? Will they make it in time? Find out next time on..... This rp's continuation.[[Category:RPLogs]]

Latest revision as of 08:22, 1 July 2013





You finally arrived at the library from New Dawn. You were selected by the researchers there to find any information you can find on alternative power sources, be it nuclear, solar, wind power, or hydrolic power. Many of the books were destroyed upon p-day when ferals ran rampant from the beginning. Shredded peices of books and journals scattered everywhere. The smell of urine and mating in the air.

Harbringer cocks her fragmentation gun, looking around and taking in a deep breath, noting at the heavy smells "Whew, that's a smell i can all too sadly relate too." she murrs out, standing ready. The vixen lifts her firearm and begins scanning the area, making sure the place is secure.

Kendrakkin walks in behind Harbringer her Halberd held in a tight nervous grip her ears pricked listening intensly for any movments her black cloak draggin lightly on the ground behind her, "dang. my tails closed and i can still taste the air... discusting." she shakes her head lightly

Kattie draws her laser pistol and takes a cautious step as she surveys the area, her senses tingling as she waits for something to jump out, "Yep, all too relatable...though compared to some libraries, not that different from before...just...messier."

a purplish puddle moves around the perimiter of the room observing its surroundings before taking form in a secluded corner of the room. A Goo Girl take form of a young lady in the corner with a veluptuous body and cold blue eyes that seem empty of emotion. No material items can be seen on this person. The Goo Girl yawns, and peers at the other beings in the room, keeping a close eye on their movments, but not moving or speaking.

One of the bookshelves rattles, some old, shredded book covers falling from the shelves. A creeking from the wood floorboards indicates movement nearby. Or perhaps the floor was settling with your entry into the seemingly abandoned building.

Harbringer yelps, jumping back and cocking her frag weapon. "Keep quiet..." she whispers, suddenly crouching low and holstering it to pull up her crossbow "Not a sound, from anyone..." she explains "Or we're feral meat."

Kendrakkin lowers her ears and lightly steps a bit further from the group just enough to be able to weild her Pole-arm without lopping of a friendly's arm or something. she looks to Harbringer with a light nod before slipping her hood on for added protection the cloth of her cloak reflecting light gently in a uncharacteristic way

Kattie turns her head to the sound and halting her movement, her eyes locked on the rattling bookcases. Quietly nodding to the vixen as she takes moves to take aim on the first signs of hostility, hoping that they can get a few shots on any ferals before things get out of hand.

"For a 'civil' person, that was pretty offencive hun," The goo girl speaks as she is clearly offended by the shadow vixens words. She moves over to the bookshelf and starts to pick up the books anaylsingthe books that she can as she as she pushes them aside. "How about some help?" she asks.

The air becomes still around you, the scurrying of feet having quietened. You feel eyes on you from all directions. Even the passage you came from seems to feel uneasy as if something was close, and growing closer.

Harbringer lowers her crossbow to talk to Youshou "Miss, please wait until there's not a feral wanting to devour or rape you before pulling up those books..." she whispers, ears twitching like mad, rotating to the sounds of the locations of scuffling "Ready up, i think they're on us!"

Kendrakkin stands up taller legs spread in a steady stance her halberds head closer to the ground ready to strike at a moments notice. she seems to have her eyes closed her ears are pricked and the tip of her tail shows from underneath the robe its opened lightly tasting and smelling the air around her

Kattie cocks a brow as she listens to the goo girl and chuckles, "I suppose so.", she replies before slowly walking towards the liquid woman

Kattie cocks a brow as she listens to the goo girl and chuckles, "I suppose so.", she replies before slowly walking towards the liquid woman her pace stopping again as the things suddenly become tense, as she finds herself wishing for her other senses. "Huh, well that isn't good. Guess, it's time to have some fun"

"Well, Im not concerned at all, you see, im not the one waving a gun about, with fear in their eyes in a hostile stance. THAT is what will get you into trouble in these parts," Youshou explains. While se is talking she continues to pick up the books and place them on the shelves.

A door slams from the back corner of the library, a scream for help being heard as it sounds like someone stumbles into a bookshelf, which falls over against something with a loud crash " He.... Help me... Please.. Somebody! Anybody!" birds flutter from some of the bookshelves and out the skylight above.

Harbringer raises her crossbow "Go time. That person needs help, we all can hear that...." she murrs, padding off to go check and see who needs help. The vixen motins for the others to come as she yips "Do not worry, sir or maddam....both...neither, We are here to help!"

Kendrakkin shakes her head lightly before following at an even pace finding the bookshelves and what not a bit to close together for her long weapon so she sheaths it and pulls the sleaves of her cloak back a bit showing of jagged lightly translucent obsidian gauntlets tipped with sharp black claws and small spikes on the knuckles, she calls after the reckless vixen just loud enough for her to hear, "you dont think it could be a trap or something? you know feral tend to talk to you know..."

Kattie gives a sarcastic nod, "And that's why we have guns...because you can't go ten feet without something happening. Let's hope it's a simple problem.", she says with a sigh before dashing off after to help whomever it is, though truly hoping the problem is as simple as nearly being crushed and not a bunch of a lustful ferals. "I doubt it's a trap, though if it is...ehh, I've been through worse.", she says catching up to the others.

Youshou looks up, but not really concerned nor caring about the request for help, yet curious. "Suppose I have nothing better to do, best hope these people don't do anything stupid." she mutters to herself. The makes her way towards them, following behind the group about 10 feet, observing.

Around the corner there is what appears to be a hermaphrodite wolf in lab clothes. Hir groin completely exposed from the shreds of hir clothing, as well as hir coat in complete desiray, exposing hir. Hir fur soaked. Shi smelled of urine and sex. Shi could be seen pushing a large bookcase in front of the door she seemed to have came from, turning to you " S.. Someones here?... F.. Finaly.. Some help! Please.. Help me get this bookcase in front of the door! They are right behind me!"

Harbringer pads slowly over to the hermaphrodite wolf, lowering her weapon before holstering it. The vixen lowers herself gently and offers to help the lupine with her work. "Come on, it will work better if more help." she yips reassuringly before looking to the others "Someone cover us while we get this thing moving!" she chirps "Either get to pushing or defending.."

Kendrakkin nods softly and shrugs pulls her halberd back out sticking the spear like tip into the ground leaving it standing straigh upside down before standing at the ready, "ill gaurd you move it. at this point they would be on us in a matter of seconds and guns are going to be pretty useless that close to much friendly fire." she turns her attention back to watching just about everywhere

Kattie continuse running up behind the others as the wolf asks for aid. Pausing for moment, she takes stock of the situation and holsters her pistol...then chuckles as she decides to take advantage of the gladiator body the nanites have gifted her at the moment and pushes against the bookcase with all her might, muscles rippling as she hopes to end this soon. "I think I've got this"

Youshou sighs as she enters the room, "Move please," as she move over to the shelf and with an outstretched hand she extenders her arm to cover the side of the book case for leverage and forces it over with one push. "Seems like you angered some natives did you?"

The wolf steps back from the bookcase as it is moved, falling to hir knees and panting havily " I... I came.. Researching... What I could from... The fragments of the books here. When I got ambushed and draged into the basement... They.. Smelled I was in heat... I couldn't stop them... I knew I should not have come here alone..." hir ears flatten atop hir head as shi shakes it " They used me.... Both ways.. I could hardly move.. I barely got out of there!..."

Harbringer leans down and decides to comfort the herm to the best of your abilities "Well, be glad you're fine now. None of us will hurt you, despite what we may say..." she murrs calmly, placing a paw gently on hir shoulder "Now, once this is all over, we can all have a brew on me.." she exclaims, slowly standing and offering a paw to the depressed wolf.

Kendrakkin scratchs her head and looks at Harbringer with a shake of her head, "guess you were right. wasnt a trap good job. hurry and get her travel capable so we can get out of here. a bookshelf wont really hold off a group of ferals for very long.."she leans her halberd against it like a kickstand leaving her tail wrapped tightly around it so she has no chance of loseing it if a sedden retreat is needed, "so anyone going to question her on what shes found out? or is interogation for a later time?"

Kattie frowns upon hearing the sad tale, though knowing that most of them had likely had a similar moment. Smiling lightly at the vixen as she comforts the herm wolf, she nods quietly and retrieves her medkit before kneeling down next to hir. "Let's get you patched up...and maybe, you can let us in on what you were researching. We were coming to do some ourselves, but didn't get all that far."

Youshou ignores the commotion between the other people in the room and keeps and eye on the door and the bookcase being blocked.

The wolf, as they are being bandaged, breaths heavily as shi tries to catch hir breath and shakes hir head softly " I... I lost it... My journal... It had everything in it... Book scraps.. My notes.. Everything... I lost it down there... I cant go back... I tried to keep it on me... But I tripped... I'm not even sure where I lost it.. I had to get out of there." shi curls hir tail between hir legs as shi sobs softly

Harbringer sighs, stroking the wolf gently "It's okay, let the people saving you worry about your work." she whispers before looking back to the group "I suggest we pick partners and spread out, one to search and the other to stand guard for the other." She explains, pointing to the scattered papers "I'll see if i can't comfort our poor wolfie more." The vixen looks back and wraps an arm around the wolf cautiously "You're safe now. Anything you need, just give a ding."

Kendrakkin frowns and shakes her head a bit eyeing the guns two of the group members are toting around, "bad idea. to many corners around here and to much risk of ambush i dont want any friendly fire. i think we should stick together even if its slower its safer.."

Kattie nods to the vixen before turning her gaze to the wolf, "We'll get it taken care of you. Just rest, you're safe now.", she says in a soft, soothing tone before standing up. "I am somewhat inclined to agree, even if we don't use guns...friendly fire tends to happen no matter what...probably safer to go together...or at least mostly together. Might be a good idea to leave someone to keep this place locked down the best they can."

"I'll stay here and keep an eye on her, be careful and try not to kill anyone or anything."

Youshou gurgles, "I'll stay here and keep an eye on her, be careful and try not to kill anyone or anything."

The wolf shakes hir head slowly " Please... Don't let them get me again... I can't take it anymore... It was too much... Too many.." shi whimpers softly, ears flat on hir head " E.. Especially..." shi cant seem to bring hirself to finish.

Harbringer decides to sit next to the wolf, cocking her frag launcher and causing it to hum eerily "You guys go find the journal notes. I'll stay, cover the door and keep miss wolfie here company." she yips in an authorative tone. Gently, she strokes the wolf's ears "Don't worry. I'm here for you. Those guys will collect the notes and i'll make sure you're safe....I'v had protection contracts before." she assures the wolf, giving a foxy smile "Now, how can i make this better?" she asks, leaning in with an ear for an answer.

Kendrakkin sighs shaking her head her tail unwrapping from the makeshift kickstand before she points at it, "ill go but make sure you dont lose this thing. i dont have a replacment for it" she addresses Kattie for the first time since entering the library, "guess that means your with me. stay behind me and shoot over my shoulder if you have to, if we are ambushed just worry about yourself i can hold my own against ferals" she gestures for her to follow before slowly walking of pointing at her weapon, "remember dont lose that."

Kattie blinks a few times at the authorative bark from the vixen and looks over at Kendra, "Don't worry, I've always been a good shot, so let's hope for the best...and expect the worse...that usually works for me.". Cracking her knuckles, she takes a deep breath and looks to her partner, making sure she is ready before the step into what may be a very bad situation.

The two leave through to where the wolf had apparently came from, leaving Harb and the wolf on their own. The passage is dark, and devoid of light. The sound of water dripping can be heard echoing in the distance. A strong musky smell drifting past the two, thick in the air. Meanwhile the wolf rested against a bookshelf, looking at Harb softly, ears twitching on hir head as the group split up their different ways " They.. Don't even know whats down there..."

Harbringer sighs, patting the wolf "Can you explain what you mean?" she asks in a gentle voice "W-what's down there?" she continues, looking into the wolf's eyes and trying to decipher some sort of hint "What did you run into?""

Kendrakkin leads down the hall. being part feline helping immensly with navigating the dark halls, she holds her 9 foot tail up lightly behind her bumping it on Katties hand, "if you cant see grab on. and just listen the best you can" she whispers quietly "er.. just dont squeeze id like to still be able to smell..." so far very little seems to be disturbing the silence other then the constant drip dripping of water

Kattie stays behind Kendra and lightly grips her tail while silently cursing the dark. Continuing and ensuring to step lightly as to not draw the attention of the ferals the herm was talking about earlier. Meanwhile she listens and tries to use her eyes the best she can to spot the missing journal or pages, truly hoping to find them before something worse.

The pair wanders deep into the corridor, a set of stairs leading down before them as they go deeper into the library. The smell is thicker coming from below, as well as the sound of shuffling feet. Or paws? Something was down there, and it was not small, by the sound of it.

The wolf looks up at Harb and shakes hir head slightly as shi looks around hirself slightly. " Not time.. Not yet... Just not time.." hir ears fall over hir head as shi holds hir knees to hir head " There's just not time.."

Harbringer strokes the wolf's head, watching her nervousness "Don't worry, you're safe..you can tell me anything." she whispers before suddenly feeling confused "N-no time?" The vixen suddenly sat beside the wofl, scratching her chin at what that meant.

Kendrakkin sniffs lightly her ears twitching at the sound of movement. she puts her arm to the side stopping her partner whispering very quietly, "i hear something walking.. i find it would be safer to regroup and push on now that we have found something that might be dangerous." she looks about and ponders for a moment, "you choice get out teamate for added help. or use the dark and strong scent cover to sneak by. of course theres always barge in and do our best attempt to beat them up..."

Kattie gulps as she grips Kendras' tail a bit tighter, her mind wandering to what horrors could lie in wait. While it may not be seen, she frowns at the options and begins thinking quietly, "Well, while more backup is never a bad idea...I'm not entirely sure she will be able to leave the wolf...we may want to press on and maybe just make a hasty retreat if it becomes apparent that we're not going to have much success.". Somehow she says this, despite the obvious shaking that has to be running through her and into the tail

The sound of shuffling suddenly stops. All went quiet. It's difficult to tell just what was down there, and how large the area may be. There could be one, or there could be more. Even the dripping seemed to have paused a moment. Dust stirred up slightly from obvious traffic.

The wolf looks up at Harbringer and nods slowly " Yes... No time..." shi looks back towards the main entrance, ears flat on hir head as shi sniffed the air " Come... Come closer?... I'm.. Frightened.."

Harbringer nods slowly, wiggling closer, shoulder pressing against the wolfs "There you go. Nice and comfortable..." she murrs softly, looking over the creature "You're safe with me. Don't worry your pretty little head." Slowly, she picks up her crossbow in her right hand, using her left to comfort her target.

Kendrakkin pats the scared girls shoulder doing her best comforting look which is lost to the dark, "just relax and stay ready to flee." she starts to walk forward towards where the sounds were her tail pulling her Kattie along with her from behind she reaches back to unsheath her waepon before cursing herself silently for leaving it behind

Kattie doesn't breath as everything goes silent, seeming to wait as if it's all going to come crashing down. Then, as Kendra speaks, she takes a breath and calms herself again, nodding softly as she keeps pace with her partner. "Ohh, yeah, I'll be ready.", she says softly, still pondering upon what is below.

The room below is utterly silent. Even the air seemed to have stopped flowing. What could be waiting down those stairs? Was there anything at all? Or was it the dark playing tricks on them? A rat runs past Kattie's foot, squeaking as it passes, likely in search of food.

The wolf nuzzles Harbringer softly when shi turns towards her " Th.. Thank you.. For staying behind... I don't know.. What would have happened.. Had none of you arrived when you did.."

Harbringer looks at the wolf and strokes her muzzle, smiling "Aww, you're such a cutie!" she yips happily. She giggles "Think nothing of it...I'm not doing this for charity anywho. Got some good money coming in and well, If you're going to do a job, do it right." Suddenly, a train of thought fills her mind....something didn't fit right.

Kendrakkin sighs softly watching the rat run bye as they continue to travel, "i still dont feel right leaving somebody behind. its just stupid." she shakes her head again not even sure where they are. glad she can follow her own scent trail back out if needed."you okay back there?"

Kattie seems to have regained her nerves for a moment, till the rat nearly brushes her, fortunately she does manage to stiffle the scream of shock...almost thankful to hear the squeeks of a normal little rat. "Heh, I remember when a rat was a big deal", she stammers softly, her nerves settling again as she lightens her grip on poor Kendra's tail for the first time a few moments."I know, it concerns me to...If you want to go back we can, though we haven't found anything.", then it hits her, "At least...I hope there was something to find and we aren't being tricked."

The sound of wind blowing over paper in the distance is heard, echoing lightly as it sounded to be in a small opening close to the ground at their feet, nearby. More small rats squeaking in the area, some sounding to be brushing against something. Were these rats also seeking food, or were they running from something?

The wolf smells Harb's neck softly, enhaling deeply of her scent as shi sighs " You.. Smell nice.. Much nicer than the others.. Where did you.. Come from, anyway?" shi tilted hir head

Harbringer slips to the side a bit, feeling uncomfortable at being smelled "Well, i came from the graveyard to be honest." she murrs "Started out a neat little home in an open grave, found a building and began to use it." she continues. "And that smell on me is either soil, sweat or blood. Those three are always on me."

Kendrakkin follows the sudden breeze finding the hatch thing about to open it she stops and ponders for a moment before spitting in her hand and rubbing it on the ground all around the hole till her scent is obvious around it, with this she turns and address's her partner, "alright. im tired of this we were sent to find some clues this... hatch is the best weve found now ive marked it and can find it easily lets regroup." she walks back following her nose and the scent of her and her partner her tail now wrapped firmly around the girls hand to show she isnt making an offer

Kattie raises a brow at the squeeks of all the rats, wondering where they were going and why, then it hits her as she pauses briefly, "Uhh, yeah, little bit creepy. Was going to suggest that the rats were trying to give us a hint to get out...So, lets get out.", doesn't resist Kendra as she starts heading back with a bit more speed in her step.

As the two rise back up, theres a sudden movement, as arms reach out and wrap around the two. Furred bodies gripping against them, low growls escaping what sounded like wolven throats, as two wolven predators pounce upon them, quadruped torso's pushing them back downwards " Ah, more prey." one speaks. The other replying " Yes indeed! They will make fine pups, brother!"

The wolf's ears perk slightly as shi leans into Harb's shoulder suddenly, hir ears revealing small stubs of horns between them, as shi suddenly bites deep into Harb's shoulder " Now.. It's time.." shi growls softly, paw coming up to Harb's muzzle

Harbringer tries to yell out, but suddenly finds it hard to speak, maw frozen wide open. The vixen panics as she notices....That wolf was a talakai and she's just been injected with venom, paralyzing her, but making her even more aroused.

Kendrakkin yelps loudly her arms trapped at her side. she hadent sensed them over the smells. she struggles violently before swinging her look extremely strong tail up beneath the wolf smashing it hard against its groin repeatedly and with all her might pulling away from it.

Kattie screams as she is taken down and instantly tries to struggle agains the wolven predator. Unable to use her arms, she resorts to trying to smash the back of her head into it's face ontop of annoyingly hitting with whatever else she can, figuring that'll hopefully hurt enough to make it let her go.

The size between difference between the wolfen predator and Kattie, while it was standing on it's hinde legs against her back, was much too high to effectively hit their muzzle. The most her head could catch was but its chest, as the creature pulled her tighter against their form. The one gripping upon Kendra yelped out softly as they were attacked by the tail, growling out as it leaned in and gripped at her scruff with a huff, as it lowered back to all fours once again, arms trembling from the strike " S.. Seems.. I got.. A fiesty.. One.." the wolven predator whined shakely.

The talakai murred as shi held briefly to Harb's shoulder a moment more. Then turned hir head from it to her muzzle, licking along the open maw " Mmm, you really do smell nice... But my mate has plans for you. Those who are down there? A small wolven predator pack. And your about to meet the alpha of that pack." A wolven predator begins making his way from the shadows, growling low and softly as he approaches " Meet my mate.. He doesn't talk much." the talakai grins to the paralyzed female

Harbringer begins shaking wildly, emitting a gurgled noise in an attempt to resist. Her crossbow seems to be frozen to her right hand still, gripping the handle. Thoughts fill her mind, telling her to wait it out until the poison ends to strike, but her body seems to be openning up towards the idea of what is to come, slit dripping lube from the effects of the bite.

Kendrakkin struggles more before inhaling deeply she holds it in for a few moment before her tail whips up ing the wolfs face the tip opening as a bulge of toxic air rushes from her lunges to her stomach and out of her tail right into its face. the air obviously heavy with steamy toxicity

Kattie doesn't feel disheartened at her failure to harm the best with her head and looks over at her partner. Deciding it's all or nothing, she tries to reach down to her holster to grab and angle her pistol, hoping that the shot hits the attack and doesn't hit her in the leg .

The wolf upon Kendra begins coughing harshly, grabbing at its chest, releasing the girl as it backs away, choking on the gas as it has trouble breathing, a painful yelp escaping its throat as the bullet strikes one of its limbs as well, stumbling to the ground. The one upon Kattie growls and throws her down, rushing after Kendra in a frenzy " My brother! How dare you!"

The talakai murrs as shi moves Harbringer's body forward, exposing her to hir mate as it begins sniffing at her from behind, licking the dripping fluids as they slip from her passage, hot breath pouring over her " Seems he is quite eager to meet you, as well." shi murrs, leaning in to kiss the vixen's muzzle, stroking her head softly

Harbringer mmmphs, tingling happening as she begins to feel her body coming back into consciousness. The fox opens her eyes wider, finally being able to move her eyelids. "MMMPH!" comes out of her weakly, trying to squirm stiffly.

Kendrakkin sprints towards the door full tilt turning lightly and agiley as she gets to the exit assuming a Muay-Thai pose she shouts with a growl, "either run or start shooting!" with that she lunges at the oncoming Wolf giving it a powerful punch with her spiked gantlets hoping to at least stun it

Kattie spins around as she picks herself up off the floor, drawing her laser pistol almost in the same movement as she take aim at the predator that just released her and starts firing into the creature, not wanting to stop till it's dead

The wolfen predator runs into the blow with a yelp, clutching at its belly as it falls into a laying position, a shot striking its flank and it cries out, collapsing in pain, stunned and trembling

The talakai, meanwhile, murrs as shi grazes hir sharp teeth along Harb's neck and sholder, nipping softly as shi kneads the vixen's breasts in hir paw. The Alpha Wolfen Predator beginning to climb onto the vixen's back, grappling her arms behind her back firmly as he began to pull himself against her " Oh my, doesn't he seem so eager to take you. You'll make a nice litter for my mate. Such a beautiful coat of fur." shi murrs and coos softly, nipping at the vixen's ear, tongue trailing over the edges

Harbringer gives in, breaking at not being able to escape. The vixen drops her crossbow, bouncing on the ground as she's pinned down. Instead of doing anything, she simply....plays dead, closing her eyes and going limp.

Kendrakkin shakes her paw which is aching from impact with the solid bodied wolf she waves her hand gesturing for Kattie to hurry, "come on before they recover we need to go check on harb there could be more!" she waits a few moments to make sure the girl is following her before running off towards the way they came

Kattie looks at Kendra, "Right, let's move.", she states as she moves around the injured wolfen, "Maybe this'll teach you not to try and make puppiers with every woman you find...asses.", she mumbles while keeping her gun trained on them before turning and running after her partner.

The large wolfen predator, growls as he leans in, gripping at the scruff of Harbringer's neck, as it began to thrust himself into her, hot breath upon her scruff as he takes her. The talakai coos as shi withdraws from the vixen, nuzzling and licking her nose " Awe, don't pass out yet! We're not even done!" shi stands in front of the vixen, hir own shaft had come unsheathed. Dripping pre in front of the vixens muzzle as shi massages the sides to coax her muzzle open. " Open wide, dear. My turn to have some, too!" shi giggled madly at the vixen. Meanwhile, the path to the door seemed longer than anticipated. How far had the two gone? Will they make it in time? Find out next time on..... This rp's continuation.