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Over those sounds could be heard looud gutteral snarls and lower hissing and some sort of plaintive whining.  Something was going down nearby and it was happening in a hurry.<br> <br>Glein jerks her head up and grunts.  Grabbing her helmet and putting it on, she looked to the pair with her.  "Ready up." Glein states, grabbing ahold of the grip on her rifle, and flicking the safety to SEMI.  "Be warned, civies might still bei nteh area, hard to give a warning to evac when there's no means to announce it broad." Glein says, making sure the butt of hte rifle's stock was firmly braced to her shoulder.  "Let's move.<br> <br>Edel's ears perk at the sound, a hand reaching down to brush open her coat and hike up the right hem of her skirt just enough for her to pull the handgun free from her armour-clad thigh. "You could just yell it. Either way, I'll be behind you." She grips the firearm with both hands and glances around before moving into position behind Glein.<br> <br>A full set of vines dropp below the edge of Savi's robe and coil for a faction of a moment before lifing her up with an agility seldom seen, or used by the tiny critter. With an odd elongated gait and, enough clearance to carry the chainsword along without scraping it on the ground, Saviante falls silently in line, hanging back a few feet to give her a wider view of the sideroads ahead of the group.<br> <br>Frakkle startles with a flinch at the sudden shattering sound.  Can see the flicker of bulbs around the corner, and then, with a buzzing, the power and lights go blank in the room shi was hiding out in.  Takes a few moments to catch hir breath, before Frakkle reaches down and pulls out flashlight and turns it on, before pulling the backpack on again and preparing to move.  The illuminescence is dimmed down by placing hir hand over the top end of the flashlight, then shi moves to the door and cracks it open.  Peering out, shi tried to get a better vantage of what was happening outside, as well as seek an opportunity to move.  "What happened to you..." the question is posed to no one in particular, more a quiet reflective question about the condition of this particular band of ferals.  If that's what they were.<br> <br>Diashi dashed for cover as the myriad of sounds echoed through the vacant-looking streets. He remained there for a time, but, when no movement came, he stood and continued his trek. He kept his 'cloak' wrapped tightly about him as he increased his pace, not wanting to be caught alone by whoever or whatever was makign that racket...<br> <br>A snarling roar eachoes out and there is zapping sound and an echoing shreik of pure agony before the street lights that were still functioning under local generators start blinking out and those that don't fade are struck by projectiles forcefully.   
Over those sounds could be heard looud gutteral snarls and lower hissing and some sort of plaintive whining.  Something was going down nearby and it was happening in a hurry.<br> <br>Glein jerks her head up and grunts.  Grabbing her helmet and putting it on, she looked to the pair with her.  "Ready up." Glein states, grabbing ahold of the grip on her rifle, and flicking the safety to SEMI.  "Be warned, civies might still bei nteh area, hard to give a warning to evac when there's no means to announce it broad." Glein says, making sure the butt of hte rifle's stock was firmly braced to her shoulder.  "Let's move.<br> <br>Edel's ears perk at the sound, a hand reaching down to brush open her coat and hike up the right hem of her skirt just enough for her to pull the handgun free from her armour-clad thigh. "You could just yell it. Either way, I'll be behind you." She grips the firearm with both hands and glances around before moving into position behind Glein.<br> <br>A full set of vines dropp below the edge of Savi's robe and coil for a faction of a moment before lifing her up with an agility seldom seen, or used by the tiny critter. With an odd elongated gait and, enough clearance to carry the chainsword along without scraping it on the ground, Saviante falls silently in line, hanging back a few feet to give her a wider view of the sideroads ahead of the group.<br> <br>Frakkle startles with a flinch at the sudden shattering sound.  Can see the flicker of bulbs around the corner, and then, with a buzzing, the power and lights go blank in the room shi was hiding out in.  Takes a few moments to catch hir breath, before Frakkle reaches down and pulls out flashlight and turns it on, before pulling the backpack on again and preparing to move.  The illuminescence is dimmed down by placing hir hand over the top end of the flashlight, then shi moves to the door and cracks it open.  Peering out, shi tried to get a better vantage of what was happening outside, as well as seek an opportunity to move.  "What happened to you..." the question is posed to no one in particular, more a quiet reflective question about the condition of this particular band of ferals.  If that's what they were.<br> <br>Diashi dashed for cover as the myriad of sounds echoed through the vacant-looking streets. He remained there for a time, but, when no movement came, he stood and continued his trek. He kept his 'cloak' wrapped tightly about him as he increased his pace, not wanting to be caught alone by whoever or whatever was makign that racket...<br> <br>A snarling roar eachoes out and there is zapping sound and an echoing shreik of pure agony before the street lights that were still functioning under local generators start blinking out and those that don't fade are struck by projectiles forcefully.   
Coming onto the scene a small army of little green, goblin-like men in tattered rags can be seen throwing bottle at the ground whilst larger orcish brute snarl orders.  Further back a few smoking bodies still clutching bolt cutters in death grips show that someone thought cutting the power was a good idea on like wires.<br> <br>Glein growls.  "Cover!" Glein hissed, slammed into cover herself, and making sure to turn off the taclight mounted on her rifle.  "Keep eyes and count on enemy...  One, orc type, leading unknown number of goblin types.  Showing some intelligence." Glein mutters quietly, eyeballing teh entire scene, her vision slightly better in teh night than during teh day, though seeing only in black and white sucked.  "Keep quiet, too many for us to engage safely."<br> <br>Edel raises her brow and lowers her voice. "This isn't quite what I expected. I must say, I do prefer Fairhaven infected. How hostile do you think they are?" She stares at what she thinks is some kind of outburst from Glein. "Eh." She casually ambles off behind cover, herself.<br> <br>Seeing the group ahead Saviante, and the words of the dragon,, veers sharply to the side and seems to dim, for lack of a better term, as she blends in to the ambient background. Manner, posture, even arangement of limbs and vines setting themselves into an inocculous position. Seemingly non-living almost in eerie stillness. Having practiced this effect all her plant life, Savi has become fairly adempt at simply not being noticed.
Coming onto the scene a small army of little green, goblin-like men in tattered rags can be seen throwing bottle at the ground whilst larger orcish brute snarl orders.  Further back a few smoking bodies still clutching bolt cutters in death grips show that someone thought cutting the power was a good idea on like wires.<br> <br>Glein growls.  "Cover!" Glein hissed, slammed into cover herself, and making sure to turn off the taclight mounted on her rifle.  "Keep eyes and count on enemy...  One, orc type, leading unknown number of goblin types.  Showing some intelligence." Glein mutters quietly, eyeballing teh entire scene, her vision slightly better in teh night than during teh day, though seeing only in black and white sucked.  "Keep quiet, too many for us to engage safely."<br> <br>Edel raises her brow and lowers her voice. "This isn't quite what I expected. I must say, I do prefer Fairhaven infected. How hostile do you think they are?" She stares at what she thinks is some kind of outburst from Glein. "Eh." She casually ambles off behind cover, herself.<br> <br>Seeing the group ahead Saviante, and the words of the dragon,, veers sharply to the side and seems to dim, for lack of a better term, as she blends in to the ambient background. Manner, posture, even arangement of limbs and vines setting themselves into an inocculous position. Seemingly non-living almost in eerie stillness. Having practiced this effect all her plant life, Savi has become fairly adempt at simply not being noticed.<br> <br>Frakkle now caught glimpses of the roving band of greenskins, who look to be on the very last threads of their humanity.  Hir heart lurches and a heavy sigh escapes...  Desire to help them or not, stepping out into their line of sight would not be a wise move.  The flashlight power button is depressed, clicking it off again completely, and shi continues the vigilant watch from the building.<br> <br>Diashi slowed as he saw a flashlight ahead get switched off. He carefully picked his way through the wrecked cars until he found himself behind one about fifty feet from where he thought the flashlight's owner was. "Friendly, approaching from due east," he called out in a hushed voice. Though he wanted to 'trust' the person/people ahead, he still had the good sense to duck behind the car's engine block...just incase.<br> <br>There was a moment in which the Orc in charge becomes suspicious and he snarls for silence.  Soft hisses of supplication respond from the goblins and they hunch down, just as Diashi announces his pressence.  The sound is heard and another snarl is given, and the goblins drop thee remaining bottle and rush out of sight.  The Orc simply moving a few steps back under the awning of a house, then once under cover another snarl is given and the green skins wait, though if one listens, scarbbling can be heard on the rooftops on either side of the group...one of which is right above poor Frakkle.  If shi pays attention to the sound she'll realise it is the sound of digging, she'd heard digging before and something was digging down from the roof to get to her position.<br> <br>Glein curses.  "Friendly, low crawl to my position, wrecked SUV, Ford, and ID." She hisses, motioning to Edel to stay low, and keep eyes open.  With simple hand signs, she tells Edel to get high, try and give her a view above.  "Comm Line 2." Glein tells Edel, tapping her own earpiece.  They needed intel, and Glein had a worrysome fear.  They had a Textbook Orc, and a bunch of textbook Goblins running around, and they were moving like a platoon, or even company with a single leader.  Which wasn't good.  And until they dealt with this group, Glein couldn't risk signalling command about it.<br> <br>Edel reaches under her hood and taps a button on her goggles before giving Glein a nod. She darts off and, with a display of acrobatics that is probably a bit unnatural, gets herself onto a fire escape, which she begins trying to climb as quietly as possible. Having padded paws was definitely an improvement over boots, when it came to something like that.<br> <br>Frakkle does indeed hear that digging from above.  The capability of these creatures to burrow into materials is impressive.  Also notices the movement of someone else in the street, and creatures moving towards them.  Eyes widen in concern, but what could shi do for them?  Not much.  Decides to take hir chances against the.. hopefully singular.. creature digging down to hir position, rather than run out, or call out.  Not yet, anyway.  Takes up a position near-ish to where it might jump down into the room and pulls hir solid wooden cudgel in one hand, while still holding the flashlight in the other.  A 'less lethal' weapon than most blades, or guns.  The hope is to get a sucker blow on the green skin while it orients itself in the room.  Shi swallows hard, heart racing, and watches the ceiling with trepidation.<br> <br>Seeing Edel make her move, Savi ripples slightly, testing the wind before timing a slight sway forward a bit, then back to her original position. Allowing the breeze to be her movement guide, Saviante allows the motion to become that of the wind. Natural appearance being the intent allowing the appearance of a natural overgrown plant to cement her position. The faintness of motion belaying the feirce energy packed into her tightly coiled form.<br> <br>Diashi did as he was instructed, low crawling under (and sometimes around) the wreckage scattered about. He moved carefully and deliberately, caring less about speed and more about getting there safely. "I am here," he spoke softly once he had made his way under the SUV, "Though I don't know what exactly you want from me for ID..."<br> <br>"Name, affiliation." Glein hisses at Diashi.  Looking up as Edel began her climb, Glein nods quickly.  "Corporal Glein Herrick." Glein says, craning her neck up and over the the wreckage she was behind, and not seing any of the iconic greenskins immediately.  "Savi, what do you see up there?  I'm blind down here." She whispered into her headset mic, trying to spot the plant woman.<br> <br>The main force remained in hiding, apparently waiting for something.  You'd almost think they had been waiting for something.  But could they have known the military was coming?  That seemed unlikely, the mission was ordered too short notice for intel leaks so what could they be waiting for? 
The roof above frackle caves in and a small black creature drops into the room.  Her study of infections will tell her it is a nightstalker and it's gaze is directed to the window.  A crowbar is dropped from above proving there are two more, one of which has bolt cutters, the other a pry bar.<br> <br>Frakkle watches the nightstalker drop down before hir, and tenses.  Only a half breath of hesitation, before shi takes that step from her hidden vantage and snaps hir arm forward in a swing, letting the weight of the cudgel carry the knot towards the hopefully unsuspecting head of the creature.  This would either go very well, or very poorly..<br> <br>The the sound is squishy as it's skull give under the impact and it slumps forward and slides until it bumps against the wall in a twisted heap.  None the wiser, the other two move on, apparently breaching the two neighboring appartments.<br> <br>"noooo......." Savi's voice whisper soft as alwats seems perfectly suited to this level of secrecy "ooooone". Her soft voice timed with the breeze. "Shaaaaal i...Draaaaaaw preeeeeey...." the soft sound continues as savi moves ever so slightly, placing a thumb on the power trigger of her chainsword.<br> <br>Edel pulls herself onto the roof of the building opposite Frakkle. "There are three entering my building. Be cautious." She glances around the roof to make sure that she is alone up there for the time being before peering over the edge and onto the ground below.<br> <br>"Diashi, Promethean/Independent," he replies as he pulls himself into a crouch from under the SUV and wraps his cloak back around his body. "What's the situation? I heard some scrapes and shrieks, but couldn't gets eyes on anything before the lights got cut."<br> <br>Frakkle cringes at the meaty thud of the creature that fell to the ground.  After glancing up to notice the two creatures moving on, Frakkle kneels down to check the pulse of the clobbered one.  In just that touch, hir oversensitive system would likely start integrating in whatever infection existed in the fallen feral... which shi also would try to discern whatever she could from.  Additionally, an attempt to take a clean nanite sample of this particular strain would be made...  The sound of other voices, calmer than the shrieks of civilians, is not overlooked, and shi would definitely be trying to discover the source of them after her brief checkup here was concluded.<br> <br>Glein nods at Diashi or the signal from Savi, it was hard to tell.  "We got a bunch of greenskins on the ground, some on the roofs.  It hard to tell if the Orc I eyeballed is in charge, but it's definitely a organized group of some kind." She tells him, her gaze not leaving the empty street.  "Savi, attract what you can.  Reduce their numbers without leaving yourself either vulnerable, or made." Glein says, not sure where Savi was.

Revision as of 14:57, 25 June 2013





Zephyr had put out a report on this string of incidents, then placed a call with the most active mobile force in the area USHC.

The area reported was generally under patrol, but increasing reports of green skinned creatures attacking people and vehicles for supplies had narrowed the search to this region of about four city blocks. Lt. Ripley of the USHC reported today as the day to make a move to end this problem and the word was passed to Zephyr should they have any agents in the area involved.

five minutes to Zero hour, rally point was marked on all comm-maps with a pulsing red dot.

This was the first assault operation Glein ahd particpated in since joining USHC. She was geared up in her combatantive gear, and was waiting at the rally point, looking over hte map provided by higher command. It marked out the proposed route they'd take and hit the objective. Her helmet currently rested on the hood of the busted down, as she tracked hte map with a talon. "Alright, this is apparently, according to higher ups, the route that is least traveled by the hostiles, so it'll give us a cleanest route into the hostile region. Sadly, we've no hard data on the numbers of them, so it's gonna be touch and go this whole time." Glein says, looking over at the two other USHC members here.

Edel shuffles forward, stifling a yawn. "Yeah, well, we'll deal with them when we get there, yeah?" At a first glance, the short husky didn't look to be in armour, but a look at the neckline of her dress shows that she is, indeed, wearing her exoskeleton under the ensemble. "At least they don't have assault rifles like the last time I answered a call like this." She pulls her goggles down and her hood up.

The tiny flower is dressed as always, her robes hiding double layers of armor, one in the robes themselves one under. The only difference from normal is a long chains sword she carries along like a teddy bear gripped by one half-stuffed leg. With rapt attention Savi listens to Glein and Edel closely wondering briefly what the enemy WILL have, the order description of green skin has put the plant on edge, for reasons she isn't entirely sure of.

Frakkle was not with the trio. Presently, shi was ducked into a vacant one story building that happened to be in that four block area. The promethean was dressed in hir oversized padded clothing as usual, and peered out of a window cautiously. Something had

Frakkle...been happening around here which had hir running scared, and running off alone to find out what, shi decided, would be suicidal. To occupy time, shi checked over the supplies in hir backpack again.

Diashi touched down a good distance from the location the transmission had designated. Normally any work that involved him teaming up with someone else got rejected, but this time his interest had been piqued. He try to come up with and explanation for the 'why' as he footed it along the streets toward the rendezvous site.

An echoing shreik rips through the night, the sound of metal scraping on pavement audible nearby. Then silence reigns for a minute or so, then more scraping sounds as if things were being dragged about. Moments pass and then the sounds of breaking glass and popping light bulbs.

Over those sounds could be heard looud gutteral snarls and lower hissing and some sort of plaintive whining. Something was going down nearby and it was happening in a hurry.

Glein jerks her head up and grunts. Grabbing her helmet and putting it on, she looked to the pair with her. "Ready up." Glein states, grabbing ahold of the grip on her rifle, and flicking the safety to SEMI. "Be warned, civies might still bei nteh area, hard to give a warning to evac when there's no means to announce it broad." Glein says, making sure the butt of hte rifle's stock was firmly braced to her shoulder. "Let's move.

Edel's ears perk at the sound, a hand reaching down to brush open her coat and hike up the right hem of her skirt just enough for her to pull the handgun free from her armour-clad thigh. "You could just yell it. Either way, I'll be behind you." She grips the firearm with both hands and glances around before moving into position behind Glein.

A full set of vines dropp below the edge of Savi's robe and coil for a faction of a moment before lifing her up with an agility seldom seen, or used by the tiny critter. With an odd elongated gait and, enough clearance to carry the chainsword along without scraping it on the ground, Saviante falls silently in line, hanging back a few feet to give her a wider view of the sideroads ahead of the group.

Frakkle startles with a flinch at the sudden shattering sound. Can see the flicker of bulbs around the corner, and then, with a buzzing, the power and lights go blank in the room shi was hiding out in. Takes a few moments to catch hir breath, before Frakkle reaches down and pulls out flashlight and turns it on, before pulling the backpack on again and preparing to move. The illuminescence is dimmed down by placing hir hand over the top end of the flashlight, then shi moves to the door and cracks it open. Peering out, shi tried to get a better vantage of what was happening outside, as well as seek an opportunity to move. "What happened to you..." the question is posed to no one in particular, more a quiet reflective question about the condition of this particular band of ferals. If that's what they were.

Diashi dashed for cover as the myriad of sounds echoed through the vacant-looking streets. He remained there for a time, but, when no movement came, he stood and continued his trek. He kept his 'cloak' wrapped tightly about him as he increased his pace, not wanting to be caught alone by whoever or whatever was makign that racket...

A snarling roar eachoes out and there is zapping sound and an echoing shreik of pure agony before the street lights that were still functioning under local generators start blinking out and those that don't fade are struck by projectiles forcefully.

Coming onto the scene a small army of little green, goblin-like men in tattered rags can be seen throwing bottle at the ground whilst larger orcish brute snarl orders. Further back a few smoking bodies still clutching bolt cutters in death grips show that someone thought cutting the power was a good idea on like wires.

Glein growls. "Cover!" Glein hissed, slammed into cover herself, and making sure to turn off the taclight mounted on her rifle. "Keep eyes and count on enemy... One, orc type, leading unknown number of goblin types. Showing some intelligence." Glein mutters quietly, eyeballing teh entire scene, her vision slightly better in teh night than during teh day, though seeing only in black and white sucked. "Keep quiet, too many for us to engage safely."

Edel raises her brow and lowers her voice. "This isn't quite what I expected. I must say, I do prefer Fairhaven infected. How hostile do you think they are?" She stares at what she thinks is some kind of outburst from Glein. "Eh." She casually ambles off behind cover, herself.

Seeing the group ahead Saviante, and the words of the dragon,, veers sharply to the side and seems to dim, for lack of a better term, as she blends in to the ambient background. Manner, posture, even arangement of limbs and vines setting themselves into an inocculous position. Seemingly non-living almost in eerie stillness. Having practiced this effect all her plant life, Savi has become fairly adempt at simply not being noticed.

Frakkle now caught glimpses of the roving band of greenskins, who look to be on the very last threads of their humanity. Hir heart lurches and a heavy sigh escapes... Desire to help them or not, stepping out into their line of sight would not be a wise move. The flashlight power button is depressed, clicking it off again completely, and shi continues the vigilant watch from the building.

Diashi slowed as he saw a flashlight ahead get switched off. He carefully picked his way through the wrecked cars until he found himself behind one about fifty feet from where he thought the flashlight's owner was. "Friendly, approaching from due east," he called out in a hushed voice. Though he wanted to 'trust' the person/people ahead, he still had the good sense to duck behind the car's engine block...just incase.

There was a moment in which the Orc in charge becomes suspicious and he snarls for silence. Soft hisses of supplication respond from the goblins and they hunch down, just as Diashi announces his pressence. The sound is heard and another snarl is given, and the goblins drop thee remaining bottle and rush out of sight. The Orc simply moving a few steps back under the awning of a house, then once under cover another snarl is given and the green skins wait, though if one listens, scarbbling can be heard on the rooftops on either side of the group...one of which is right above poor Frakkle. If shi pays attention to the sound she'll realise it is the sound of digging, she'd heard digging before and something was digging down from the roof to get to her position.

Glein curses. "Friendly, low crawl to my position, wrecked SUV, Ford, and ID." She hisses, motioning to Edel to stay low, and keep eyes open. With simple hand signs, she tells Edel to get high, try and give her a view above. "Comm Line 2." Glein tells Edel, tapping her own earpiece. They needed intel, and Glein had a worrysome fear. They had a Textbook Orc, and a bunch of textbook Goblins running around, and they were moving like a platoon, or even company with a single leader. Which wasn't good. And until they dealt with this group, Glein couldn't risk signalling command about it.

Edel reaches under her hood and taps a button on her goggles before giving Glein a nod. She darts off and, with a display of acrobatics that is probably a bit unnatural, gets herself onto a fire escape, which she begins trying to climb as quietly as possible. Having padded paws was definitely an improvement over boots, when it came to something like that.

Frakkle does indeed hear that digging from above. The capability of these creatures to burrow into materials is impressive. Also notices the movement of someone else in the street, and creatures moving towards them. Eyes widen in concern, but what could shi do for them? Not much. Decides to take hir chances against the.. hopefully singular.. creature digging down to hir position, rather than run out, or call out. Not yet, anyway. Takes up a position near-ish to where it might jump down into the room and pulls hir solid wooden cudgel in one hand, while still holding the flashlight in the other. A 'less lethal' weapon than most blades, or guns. The hope is to get a sucker blow on the green skin while it orients itself in the room. Shi swallows hard, heart racing, and watches the ceiling with trepidation.

Seeing Edel make her move, Savi ripples slightly, testing the wind before timing a slight sway forward a bit, then back to her original position. Allowing the breeze to be her movement guide, Saviante allows the motion to become that of the wind. Natural appearance being the intent allowing the appearance of a natural overgrown plant to cement her position. The faintness of motion belaying the feirce energy packed into her tightly coiled form.

Diashi did as he was instructed, low crawling under (and sometimes around) the wreckage scattered about. He moved carefully and deliberately, caring less about speed and more about getting there safely. "I am here," he spoke softly once he had made his way under the SUV, "Though I don't know what exactly you want from me for ID..."

"Name, affiliation." Glein hisses at Diashi. Looking up as Edel began her climb, Glein nods quickly. "Corporal Glein Herrick." Glein says, craning her neck up and over the the wreckage she was behind, and not seing any of the iconic greenskins immediately. "Savi, what do you see up there? I'm blind down here." She whispered into her headset mic, trying to spot the plant woman.

The main force remained in hiding, apparently waiting for something. You'd almost think they had been waiting for something. But could they have known the military was coming? That seemed unlikely, the mission was ordered too short notice for intel leaks so what could they be waiting for?

The roof above frackle caves in and a small black creature drops into the room. Her study of infections will tell her it is a nightstalker and it's gaze is directed to the window. A crowbar is dropped from above proving there are two more, one of which has bolt cutters, the other a pry bar.

Frakkle watches the nightstalker drop down before hir, and tenses. Only a half breath of hesitation, before shi takes that step from her hidden vantage and snaps hir arm forward in a swing, letting the weight of the cudgel carry the knot towards the hopefully unsuspecting head of the creature. This would either go very well, or very poorly..

The the sound is squishy as it's skull give under the impact and it slumps forward and slides until it bumps against the wall in a twisted heap. None the wiser, the other two move on, apparently breaching the two neighboring appartments.

"noooo......." Savi's voice whisper soft as alwats seems perfectly suited to this level of secrecy "ooooone". Her soft voice timed with the breeze. "Shaaaaal i...Draaaaaaw preeeeeey...." the soft sound continues as savi moves ever so slightly, placing a thumb on the power trigger of her chainsword.

Edel pulls herself onto the roof of the building opposite Frakkle. "There are three entering my building. Be cautious." She glances around the roof to make sure that she is alone up there for the time being before peering over the edge and onto the ground below.

"Diashi, Promethean/Independent," he replies as he pulls himself into a crouch from under the SUV and wraps his cloak back around his body. "What's the situation? I heard some scrapes and shrieks, but couldn't gets eyes on anything before the lights got cut."

Frakkle cringes at the meaty thud of the creature that fell to the ground. After glancing up to notice the two creatures moving on, Frakkle kneels down to check the pulse of the clobbered one. In just that touch, hir oversensitive system would likely start integrating in whatever infection existed in the fallen feral... which shi also would try to discern whatever she could from. Additionally, an attempt to take a clean nanite sample of this particular strain would be made... The sound of other voices, calmer than the shrieks of civilians, is not overlooked, and shi would definitely be trying to discover the source of them after her brief checkup here was concluded.

Glein nods at Diashi or the signal from Savi, it was hard to tell. "We got a bunch of greenskins on the ground, some on the roofs. It hard to tell if the Orc I eyeballed is in charge, but it's definitely a organized group of some kind." She tells him, her gaze not leaving the empty street. "Savi, attract what you can. Reduce their numbers without leaving yourself either vulnerable, or made." Glein says, not sure where Savi was.