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Glancing up, the Bulldog nods &quot;Moths, and Embers&#39; all getting in cock-ups nearby. They&#39;ve spilled out to grip and grab.&quot; he yaps, gruff with a surprising high-pitched voice &quot;Never knew what was comin&#39;, swarmin out of the sewers, they came up to high-ho and down on us, but not really. Thinks they had their own fights, and we got in the ways a bit.&quot; he growls, sounding like a helium balloon at the bottom of a bucket. &quot;T&#39;was herrable!&quot; tail sticking straight back and hackles raised, he licks his chops and takes a breath. &quot;Nevarr saw &#39;em cummin, we fought back and just got to be targets urselves. Lost three friends, changed and taken down after, I got beaten, and knocked down frum behind, nevarr knew wut hit me.&quot; his teeth gleam as he bares them in memory &quot;Wuld like another crack, but have orders. You&#39;ll be given more as time, but yur names first, yah?&quot;<br> <br>Eri softly answered, &quot;Eri.&quot; Her words filling the room like it were an empty silent hall waiting to ring out with the slightest pin&#39;s drop. Her voice was as elegent and gentle, soft, soothing, yet so perfect to be fit a matriarch or a queen with it&#39;s volume. A voice perhaps befitting a singer of an angelic chorus it was so impossing, yet soft and sweet on the ear. However the feline said nothing more as she passes a rather odd gaze over to Rev.<br> <br>Semtexagon would have been lisentning to the brief and the explanation of the attack from the bulldog.. scratching her neck a little as she ponders* &quot;I&#39;ve met Embers and Moth-girls before, but they seem mostly peaceful from my side...&quot; *she sighs, and rubs her head* &quot;Oh, name&#39;s Semtexagon by the way, but people tend to call me &#39;Sem&#39;, so i guess ill stick with that.&quot; *she smiles, and tips her combat helmet.*<br> <br>&quot;Lila,&quot; she says in her thick southern drawl, placing the fingers on one of her hands to her collar bone. &quot;Not much in a fight, but I make for a pretty decent field medic.&quot; Her ears twitch and she nods her head to the side. &quot;So long as no one minds getting a little milk on themselves. All those bandages and needles seem so complicated and unneccessary when these puppies...&quot; She grabs each row of her breasts with a corresponding hand, hefting them up and down as droplets of her rich milk drips out from her bovine teats. Her eyelids flutter a bit and she gets lost in the sensation, her fingers beginning to explore over her chest before she catches herself and pulls her hands away. She clears her throat awkwardly as the flesh on the inside of her ears turn bright red and they flutter from the rushing blood. &quot;Ah, anyway, they do the job just as well, if not better.&quot; She chuckles awkwardly and dips her head, looking back down at her chest not so covertly.<br> <br>The nephilim does his best not to laugh as he listens to the bulldog speak. Suddenly standing having decided he didn&#39;t like his seat. The nephilim spreads his wings, and with a couple of downward strokes alights, and comes to rest gently on Eris shoulder. Where he corses his arms over his chest, and one leg over the other. While seeming dissinterested in what is going on, and more interested, and looking over the others that had come to help. The man now sitting on Eri&#39;s shoulder  ansers the question. &quot;Oh right ummmmm I am Rev yeah definetly rev.&quot;<br> <br>Felictus placed an enamled hand on their mouth and yawned before looking back at the three mutants describing the event. The pale human raised a hand to signal a question, &quot;If I may ask, why exactly are the moths and embers fighting against each other? A sudden increase in agression between the two groups does not sound logical.&quot; Felictus said in their melodic tone, wielding their usual chirpy and teasing tone.<br> <br>The Skunk-girl almost drops her tray, righting it with a flustered dance, and quickly placing it to the side as she goes to stand to the rear of the room, blushing and looking to her feet with that twitching tail dancing in the air. &quot;&#39;Scuse me,&quot; she mumbles and walks out the door to the back, dashing out into the rain without another word, Bernard looking on with sympathy &quot;Dinnae mind Dot, she&#39;s only just sterted to relearn manners, and is wise &#39;nuff to know it&#39;s time to break.&quot; he nods and looks back, &quot;&#39;Sa pleasure ta meet ya,&quot; he barks, and his tail wags softly behind &quot;Yah, it&#39;s brass tacks, here&#39;s the rub; we need this stopped. Reason dinnae work last time, but care did. Embers and Moths fight like, wull, cats and dogs. Moths steal Ember eggs, Embers like Moths, for lots of things, being such a randy bunch.&quot;
Glancing up, the Bulldog nods &quot;Moths, and Embers&#39; all getting in cock-ups nearby. They&#39;ve spilled out to grip and grab.&quot; he yaps, gruff with a surprising high-pitched voice &quot;Never knew what was comin&#39;, swarmin out of the sewers, they came up to high-ho and down on us, but not really. Thinks they had their own fights, and we got in the ways a bit.&quot; he growls, sounding like a helium balloon at the bottom of a bucket. &quot;T&#39;was herrable!&quot; tail sticking straight back and hackles raised, he licks his chops and takes a breath. &quot;Nevarr saw &#39;em cummin, we fought back and just got to be targets urselves. Lost three friends, changed and taken down after, I got beaten, and knocked down frum behind, nevarr knew wut hit me.&quot; his teeth gleam as he bares them in memory &quot;Wuld like another crack, but have orders. You&#39;ll be given more as time, but yur names first, yah?&quot;<br> <br>Eri softly answered, &quot;Eri.&quot; Her words filling the room like it were an empty silent hall waiting to ring out with the slightest pin&#39;s drop. Her voice was as elegent and gentle, soft, soothing, yet so perfect to be fit a matriarch or a queen with it&#39;s volume. A voice perhaps befitting a singer of an angelic chorus it was so impossing, yet soft and sweet on the ear. However the feline said nothing more as she passes a rather odd gaze over to Rev.<br> <br>Semtexagon would have been lisentning to the brief and the explanation of the attack from the bulldog.. scratching her neck a little as she ponders* &quot;I&#39;ve met Embers and Moth-girls before, but they seem mostly peaceful from my side...&quot; *she sighs, and rubs her head* &quot;Oh, name&#39;s Semtexagon by the way, but people tend to call me &#39;Sem&#39;, so i guess ill stick with that.&quot; *she smiles, and tips her combat helmet.*<br> <br>&quot;Lila,&quot; she says in her thick southern drawl, placing the fingers on one of her hands to her collar bone. &quot;Not much in a fight, but I make for a pretty decent field medic.&quot; Her ears twitch and she nods her head to the side. &quot;So long as no one minds getting a little milk on themselves. All those bandages and needles seem so complicated and unneccessary when these puppies...&quot; She grabs each row of her breasts with a corresponding hand, hefting them up and down as droplets of her rich milk drips out from her bovine teats. Her eyelids flutter a bit and she gets lost in the sensation, her fingers beginning to explore over her chest before she catches herself and pulls her hands away. She clears her throat awkwardly as the flesh on the inside of her ears turn bright red and they flutter from the rushing blood. &quot;Ah, anyway, they do the job just as well, if not better.&quot; She chuckles awkwardly and dips her head, looking back down at her chest not so covertly.<br> <br>The nephilim does his best not to laugh as he listens to the bulldog speak. Suddenly standing having decided he didn&#39;t like his seat. The nephilim spreads his wings, and with a couple of downward strokes alights, and comes to rest gently on Eris shoulder. Where he corses his arms over his chest, and one leg over the other. While seeming dissinterested in what is going on, and more interested, and looking over the others that had come to help. The man now sitting on Eri&#39;s shoulder  ansers the question. &quot;Oh right ummmmm I am Rev yeah definetly rev.&quot;<br> <br>Felictus placed an enamled hand on their mouth and yawned before looking back at the three mutants describing the event. The pale human raised a hand to signal a question, &quot;If I may ask, why exactly are the moths and embers fighting against each other? A sudden increase in agression between the two groups does not sound logical.&quot; Felictus said in their melodic tone, wielding their usual chirpy and teasing tone.<br> <br>The Skunk-girl almost drops her tray, righting it with a flustered dance, and quickly placing it to the side as she goes to stand to the rear of the room, blushing and looking to her feet with that twitching tail dancing in the air. &quot;&#39;Scuse me,&quot; she mumbles and walks out the door to the back, dashing out into the rain without another word, Bernard looking on with sympathy &quot;Dinnae mind Dot, she&#39;s only just sterted to relearn manners, and is wise &#39;nuff to know it&#39;s time to break.&quot; he nods and looks back, &quot;&#39;Sa pleasure ta meet ya,&quot; he barks, and his tail wags softly behind &quot;Yah, it&#39;s brass tacks, here&#39;s the rub; we need this stopped. Reason dinnae work last time, but care did. Embers and Moths fight like, wull, cats and dogs. Moths steal Ember eggs, Embers like Moths, for lots of things, being such a randy bunch.&quot;
Pausing to sip his drink, the Bulldog looks back at Alina with a questioning glance, to which she nods. &quot;You suld know we&#39;d a lost the people, and wunt peace, careful peace. Suld you find ours, bring &#39;em back, but if nae, we&#39;ll find &#39;em. Fix the fights, find out whats and why&#39;s, and remember, these two peoples are almost&quot; he pauses to swallow, having difficulty speaking &quot;Ferals. The Embers, they haz a Queen, a Matriarch short, jusht dinnae sexpect her to be reasonable, but selfish...&quot; he pauses and steps back the Lamia stepping forward, &quot;I can&#39;t stress enough the problemssss this is causing.&quot; she hisses, her eyes large and bright, tail tip thumping softly behind &quot;But fix this, and we have rewards for you, along with our gratitude in the future.&quot; she pauses to let that sink in, &quot;I know few here have other loyalties, but beyond that, we would be grateful for your assissstance.&quot; Letting the pointer go to rattle on the desk, she looks up with a vicious smile. &quot;Any questions?&quot;<br> <br>Eri wraps her arms around Rev&#39;s legs as they hang over her boobs. The massive margay giving the most curious look to the fairy like creature before her eyes silver and shining turn back to the bulldog. Not that she had anything to say. But rather the massive feline sits down on her rear as she silently lounges about, drip drying as it were.<br> <br>Semtexagon would sit upright as she tightens her heavy armor again, tilting her head to make a few joints pop* &quot;i do have one...&quot; *she says, looking over at the reptile* &quot;What place would be the best to start asking for peace?&quot; *she looks over the reptile somewhat, tough remaining a serious look on her face as she waits for an answer.<br> <br>Lila looks up at Rev sitting on her friend&#39;s shoulder and find sherself a bit jealous. She shrugs and crosses her arms over her breasts as she turns back to the Lamia. She purses her lips and shakes her head. &quot;No questions from me dear,&quot; she plainly says.<br> <br>Rev scratches his chin thoughtfully as he listens to bulldog. Before looking down at the margay as she wraps her arms around his legs. He then leans over to kiss her on the cheek as she takes a seat on her tauric rump. Then looks over in Lila&#39;s direction just in time to catch her looking his way. The nephilim smiles, and waves to her before looking back to the speakers. &quot;nope no questions&quot;<br> <br>Felictus listened with interest to the explanation of the bulldog. Satisfied with the Promie&#39;s answer, the vampire stood up out of their chair and stretched their arms before dropping them back to their sides, &quot;No questions at all, just tell us where you want us to start, and we can head there....also a list of what are you willing to give for peace can be nice too, I don&#39;t think that they will accept leaving you alone without somekind of compensation if that Queen is as selfish as you say she is.&quot; Felicuts said with a wider smirk, making their needle-pointed fangs more visible for a moment, before leaning on the chair, waiting for the group to start moving.
Pausing to sip his drink, the Bulldog looks back at Alina with a questioning glance, to which she nods. &quot;You suld know we&#39;d a lost the people, and wunt peace, careful peace. Suld you find ours, bring &#39;em back, but if nae, we&#39;ll find &#39;em. Fix the fights, find out whats and why&#39;s, and remember, these two peoples are almost&quot; he pauses to swallow, having difficulty speaking &quot;Ferals. The Embers, they haz a Queen, a Matriarch short, jusht dinnae sexpect her to be reasonable, but selfish...&quot; he pauses and steps back the Lamia stepping forward, &quot;I can&#39;t stress enough the problemssss this is causing.&quot; she hisses, her eyes large and bright, tail tip thumping softly behind &quot;But fix this, and we have rewards for you, along with our gratitude in the future.&quot; she pauses to let that sink in, &quot;I know few here have other loyalties, but beyond that, we would be grateful for your assissstance.&quot; Letting the pointer go to rattle on the desk, she looks up with a vicious smile. &quot;Any questions?&quot;<br> <br>Eri wraps her arms around Rev&#39;s legs as they hang over her boobs. The massive margay giving the most curious look to the fairy like creature before her eyes silver and shining turn back to the bulldog. Not that she had anything to say. But rather the massive feline sits down on her rear as she silently lounges about, drip drying as it were.<br> <br>Semtexagon would sit upright as she tightens her heavy armor again, tilting her head to make a few joints pop* &quot;i do have one...&quot; *she says, looking over at the reptile* &quot;What place would be the best to start asking for peace?&quot; *she looks over the reptile somewhat, tough remaining a serious look on her face as she waits for an answer.<br> <br>Lila looks up at Rev sitting on her friend&#39;s shoulder and find sherself a bit jealous. She shrugs and crosses her arms over her breasts as she turns back to the Lamia. She purses her lips and shakes her head. &quot;No questions from me dear,&quot; she plainly says.<br> <br>Rev scratches his chin thoughtfully as he listens to bulldog. Before looking down at the margay as she wraps her arms around his legs. He then leans over to kiss her on the cheek as she takes a seat on her tauric rump. Then looks over in Lila&#39;s direction just in time to catch her looking his way. The nephilim smiles, and waves to her before looking back to the speakers. &quot;nope no questions&quot;<br> <br>Felictus listened with interest to the explanation of the bulldog. Satisfied with the Promie&#39;s answer, the vampire stood up out of their chair and stretched their arms before dropping them back to their sides, &quot;No questions at all, just tell us where you want us to start, and we can head there....also a list of what are you willing to give for peace can be nice too, I don&#39;t think that they will accept leaving you alone without somekind of compensation if that Queen is as selfish as you say she is.&quot; Felicuts said with a wider smirk, making their needle-pointed fangs more visible for a moment, before leaning on the chair, waiting for the group to start moving.<br> <br>Shaking her head with a musical tinkle, the Lamia leans back along the rim of her chalkboard &quot;We&#39;re not going to offer them a thing. This isn&#39;t a Tithe that we&#39;re going to give to them, we&#39;re paying you to make this stop, to bring peace back without causing undue damage if at all possible. There&#39;sss sssomething bothering them, these groupss don&#39;t often leave their ssewer homess.&quot; she pauses long enough to pull a small bundle out of her side pouche and hold it up &quot;I have one of these for each of you, with a map and radio frequency to call uss on. Mosst of the time you&#39;ll be on your own. Bernard will hand them out and show you to the main entrance, the sssewers are close,&quot; she flicks her long black tongue out, half the length of her body and then pulls it back in after tasting the air. &quot;You&#39;ll leave right away; Bernard, take them, please?&quot; she says, turning to the board with her pointer in hand and picking out one red dot in the cluster &quot;Here. Great luck, and when you have a report, contact uss. Payment will come after a weeksss calm. We expect results.&quot; she says, opening a back door, her shapely rump swaying with the slow movements of her hips. Glancing back over her shoulder, she smiles with genuine warmth &quot;Until we meet again.&quot;<br> <br>Handing out a packet to each of you, Bernard goes to the door and grabs his rain-coat from the side, a big yellow slicker &quot;Awright, so, let&#39;s go!&quot;<br> <br>Leading you out into the rain, Bernard goes slowly while keeping to underhangs as much as possible, shotgun in hand &quot;Ish not far now.&quot; He growls, his funny high pitched voice echoing in the downpour, &quot;Just over by Seventh Street. Here we are,&quot; he says, kicking at an open grate with claw marks around it and piles of debris &quot;They don&#39;t ush this often. I&#39;ll waits for yoush, in hiding&quot; he says, glancing around, &quot;But, hurry down.&quot;<br> <br>Eri slows down to hang back behind everyone else, with Rev on her shoulders. The massive margaytaur merely quietly going along, unarmed as she were, not to mention entirely nude.<br> <br>Semtexagon would wander beside Eri, her armor rustling a little with each step, and it was clear that she were having quite a payload on her, the rain plinking over her combat helmet as she sighs, looking up slightly, tough looking up towards the bulldog* &quot;Bernard! how many were there when your caravan got attacked?&quot;<br> <br>Lila snorts and shakes her body at the falling rain, soaking her coat of fur and making her give off a rather odoriferous scent. She looks at her map and furrows her brow, turning it left and right as she tried to decipher it. She looks around and casually folds it up before stowing it in her saddlebag. She crosses her arms over her chest again and begins to radiate a heat, warming herself and those in the immediate area a little to make them more comfortable with the falling rain. She covers her nostrils and rushes down into the sewers, eager to get out of the rain but grumbles as she sees the shadow dragon blocking the way down. &quot;COuldn&#39;t you have asked before going down? I don&#39;t want to be stuck in the rain smelling like a wet sweater anymore than I have to.&quot;<br> <br>revs wings lightly dlap begin him, and eri. Before once again neatly settling against his back. choosing to stay on Eri&#39;s shoulder instead of attempting to do any flying due to the rain. Instead he just snuggles up against the Margays head. As he glances about their surroundings<br> <br>The walls of the sewer access have been dug out into hand and foot-holds, pock-marked by claws and much use. Old fur remains along the sides, and strange white powder, damp from the storm.<br> <br>Felictus takes a minute or two to look at the map properly before storing it in their pockets and moving behind the group, hands resting behind their head as they move into the rain again. The vampire seemed quite content with the rain dropping on them, still wearing a joyful smile as their clothes got damp from it. Reaching the location, Felictus took a sniff of the air and glancing around before shaking their head and diverting their attention to the grate, &quot;Well we have some claw marks here...and something feels strange..&quot; the pale humanoid says as chirpy as ever, &quot;So, shall we dive in?&quot;<br> <br>Glancing about cautiously, the Bull-dog waves you down with his shotgun, glancing warily around &quot;I dinnae know. Maybe hurry?&quot; he says stepping to the corner of a nearby building and glancing back to whisper, &quot;Jusht be careful of water in this storm,&quot; before turning about and disappearing into the nearby building.
Landing at the bottom of the sewer, the floor is surprisingly dry, the sound of rushing water coming from somewhere nearby. The stench is overwhelming, years of neglect, clogs, collapses and degradation with sticky slime dripping down the walls. Tunnels go off in a few directions, but which way to go? Wait, what&#39;s that sound?<br> <br>Eri remained outside in the light, her four arms still clutching herself and Rev&#39;s legs as if cold before lifting her arms to him and wrapping her furred paws around his waist and chest to lift him off of her and set him down. The massive margay clearly to big to fit down a manhole and opting to wander off remarking. &quot;I&#39;ll be right back...&quot; Before long she did return, though as a much smaller, soft bodied creature, a salamander! Now with slippery glistening skin and sticky underbelly. The wildly colored patterns of her body skin shining brightly in the sunlight, even if most of her was black. Her smooth abs, breasts and tight contures now very very clear without all her fur in such a way she appeared to be like this all-mighty bodybuilding woman made for the hunt of a jungle. Yet the black or rather dark dark purple skinned salamander remained soft gentle and king with a small smile on her face as she wrapped her arms around Rev hugging him closely.<br> <br>Felictus dropped down in the sewers, still having the gut feeling that someone is watching. The vampire&#39;s sensitive nose was hit hard by the stench, making them wince for only a moment before going back to their cofident and chirpy smirk, &quot;A nice place to live in, no?&quot; they remarked sarcastically, before looking around, &quot;Ummm, what was that sound?&quot;<br> <br>Lila, after stepping down on the ground in the sewer way, gives her body a vigorous shake, not unlike what one would expect a dog to do, to remove the water from her thick coat. She sneers at the pervasive smell, filling her nostrils even with them covered, dropping away her hand. &quot;Hathor save us, this smell is foul, and that&#39;s saying something coming from a cow,&quot; she remarks. She looks back over her body and grimaces. &quot;At least it&#39;s hiding the smell of my heat. Don&#39;t want any of those breeders coming around and mounting me with their thick, tapered...&quot; She blinks and clenches her jaw. Sheepishly rubbing at the back of her head she looks around. &quot;I hope no one heard that.&quot; She lifts her head along with her ears at Felictus&#39; words, listening closely. &quot;What /is/ that?&quot;<br> <br>Rev looks up at tbe margay,as she sets him down. Then waits for her to return. Chuckling softly upon seeing her in a much smaller form. He returns the salamanders hug when she returns before looking back to the sewer with his arm firmly wrapped around her waist. And walks along with her into the sewer. However the nephilim unlike the others chooses to hold his breath, and not bresth in the foul sewer scent that the others pointed out.

Revision as of 02:39, 11 December 2014





The rain was falling cold and hard outside, dripping through the roof in one corner to tip into a pail, the sound of water falling all around made the room seem like a warm oasis in the cold sea storm. Fanning around the room were a small group of New Dawn residents, there to meet anyone who could come to meet them on such short notice, simply talking amongst themselves with an occasional glance to the people coming through the door. A gruff Bulldog gestured animatedly with a skunk-girl, both seeming to argue some point while a small Lamia watched the door and pulled slowly a small pipe, the exotic contents wrapping the room in a cloud of sweet smelling smoke. Thumping her tail on the wood floor, she looked to her two companions as the room started to fill. "It seems we should get started." she hissed, eyes calm and cool. Turning to your group as it enteres, she smiles tightly with a small shake of her head, sending the bells hung at the end of her dreds to ringing "Welcome, please take a seat anywhere you can find room, we'll begin shortly. Hot drinks and snacks were provided, so take a moment to settle in, and then we can get your names."

A rather large golden furred tauric feline woman wandered into the New Dawn camp with her arms holding one another beneath her rather large handfuls of breasts hanging overtop dressed in little more then a black bikini bra to cover just her nipples, her long bushy tail waving to and fro behind herself swinging away the water she had collected. The taur looking as if though she were a gallant warrior stepping into a troop tent, like she had just stepped out of a painting. She was like a lioness or panthertaur woman of great amounts of fluffy golden fur and no less then 18 feet tall. She was exotic, and powerfully build, amazonian in a way, with four thick arms, on her wonderfully curvy upper body not to mention her four rather large breasts to go with leading down to a six pack of abs hidden beneath her fur. Her tauric body was equally imposing and majestic, statuesk of a powerful feline lioness with thick rich, and well groomed golden silky fur suited for rain and a jungle which collected water like sparkling twinkling gemstones throughout her fur that perhaps made her seem alittle more plump in a way. However she merely opted to remain out of the way yet in plain sight, not that a creature her size could easily go unseen.

Semtexagon would nod to the welcomming, before looking around the room... scratching her head a little as she finds a seat nearby, getting a bit comfortable as she loosens her heavy armor, opening it up slightly to let out a breath of relief as she sighs... soon she finds out her boomerang she named 'Chakram'. fiddling a bit with it as she waits.

A tauric bovine walks into the new dawn camp, following Eri, her small stature a stark contrast to the towering margay. Lila's body was left largely naked, save for the meager scraps of leather on her body and the saddle on her back, leaving her four large breasts, and cunts all exposed and leaking their own respective fluids. Though her stomachs, both on her upper and lower half, were rounded with the sight of a very clear, and later term pregnancy, the heavy scent of heat wafted off of her, her gait a little awkward from the ache of heat. There was an expression of concern and uncertainty on her muzzle as she walked, but she remained as focused as she could.

Rev enters just slightly behind Eri having spent the night with the Margay taur. However unlike last night one of his more.....let's say confident personalities is in control. So instead of a large equine rev has tsken on the appearance of a nephilim. His skin like polished gold, while his eyes take on a silver glow. his face with it's high cheek bones, and sharl jaw. Has a somewhat noble, and handsome appearance however the left side of his face is marred by several scars. His gaze sweeps about the room as his wings fold close to his back. The armed angelic human glances about, and finds himself a place to sit.

A figure of slightly below average height followed the group. The pale human was clad in their usual crimson, bare-shouldered, and long-sleeved blouse coupled with their grey capris trousers. Felictus entered the room, wet and dripping from the ran but otherwise unaffected by the bad weather if their smirk was any hint of that. They scanned the room with their vermillion eyes before taking a seat, and declining the offered refershments.

Glancing about the room with her tail twitching quickly, the Skunk-girl goes to serve the snacks, walking about with a sealed caraffe in one hand, her blouse open to reveal pert breasts and well groomed fur, the plate she offers filled with tid-bits and a stack of cups on one corner to pour into. Her friend having gone to the Lamia, his overalls clean and seeming brand new, a belt with a control panel at his waist blinks just as he leans in to whisper something to the Lamia, who nods slowly and rises "My name is Alina, my companions are here to answer questions as they may arise. It's a pleasure to see you answered our call." moving slowly backward with a sinuous lococomotion, she reaches the chalkboard and slides one panel to the left, revealing a well diagrammed map of the city, with red dots in different locations, the majority surrounding the area around New Dawn and slightly South West "There has been a major issue regarding trade, caravans have been disrupted and deliveries of supplies to our nearby outposts are being taken, or destroyed." she grips the stick in her palm tightly with that, her scales squeaking with the strength of her grip "And we know what's happening, but not why. Bernard here was with one of the groups when it was attacked." she points to the cluster of red dots close-by "Here." she nods to the Bulldog, "Would you brief the group on your encounter?" she asks, moving slightly off to the side to watch, a twitch at the corner of one eye.

Glancing up, the Bulldog nods "Moths, and Embers' all getting in cock-ups nearby. They've spilled out to grip and grab." he yaps, gruff with a surprising high-pitched voice "Never knew what was comin', swarmin out of the sewers, they came up to high-ho and down on us, but not really. Thinks they had their own fights, and we got in the ways a bit." he growls, sounding like a helium balloon at the bottom of a bucket. "T'was herrable!" tail sticking straight back and hackles raised, he licks his chops and takes a breath. "Nevarr saw 'em cummin, we fought back and just got to be targets urselves. Lost three friends, changed and taken down after, I got beaten, and knocked down frum behind, nevarr knew wut hit me." his teeth gleam as he bares them in memory "Wuld like another crack, but have orders. You'll be given more as time, but yur names first, yah?"

Eri softly answered, "Eri." Her words filling the room like it were an empty silent hall waiting to ring out with the slightest pin's drop. Her voice was as elegent and gentle, soft, soothing, yet so perfect to be fit a matriarch or a queen with it's volume. A voice perhaps befitting a singer of an angelic chorus it was so impossing, yet soft and sweet on the ear. However the feline said nothing more as she passes a rather odd gaze over to Rev.

Semtexagon would have been lisentning to the brief and the explanation of the attack from the bulldog.. scratching her neck a little as she ponders* "I've met Embers and Moth-girls before, but they seem mostly peaceful from my side..." *she sighs, and rubs her head* "Oh, name's Semtexagon by the way, but people tend to call me 'Sem', so i guess ill stick with that." *she smiles, and tips her combat helmet.*

"Lila," she says in her thick southern drawl, placing the fingers on one of her hands to her collar bone. "Not much in a fight, but I make for a pretty decent field medic." Her ears twitch and she nods her head to the side. "So long as no one minds getting a little milk on themselves. All those bandages and needles seem so complicated and unneccessary when these puppies..." She grabs each row of her breasts with a corresponding hand, hefting them up and down as droplets of her rich milk drips out from her bovine teats. Her eyelids flutter a bit and she gets lost in the sensation, her fingers beginning to explore over her chest before she catches herself and pulls her hands away. She clears her throat awkwardly as the flesh on the inside of her ears turn bright red and they flutter from the rushing blood. "Ah, anyway, they do the job just as well, if not better." She chuckles awkwardly and dips her head, looking back down at her chest not so covertly.

The nephilim does his best not to laugh as he listens to the bulldog speak. Suddenly standing having decided he didn't like his seat. The nephilim spreads his wings, and with a couple of downward strokes alights, and comes to rest gently on Eris shoulder. Where he corses his arms over his chest, and one leg over the other. While seeming dissinterested in what is going on, and more interested, and looking over the others that had come to help. The man now sitting on Eri's shoulder ansers the question. "Oh right ummmmm I am Rev yeah definetly rev."

Felictus placed an enamled hand on their mouth and yawned before looking back at the three mutants describing the event. The pale human raised a hand to signal a question, "If I may ask, why exactly are the moths and embers fighting against each other? A sudden increase in agression between the two groups does not sound logical." Felictus said in their melodic tone, wielding their usual chirpy and teasing tone.

The Skunk-girl almost drops her tray, righting it with a flustered dance, and quickly placing it to the side as she goes to stand to the rear of the room, blushing and looking to her feet with that twitching tail dancing in the air. "'Scuse me," she mumbles and walks out the door to the back, dashing out into the rain without another word, Bernard looking on with sympathy "Dinnae mind Dot, she's only just sterted to relearn manners, and is wise 'nuff to know it's time to break." he nods and looks back, "'Sa pleasure ta meet ya," he barks, and his tail wags softly behind "Yah, it's brass tacks, here's the rub; we need this stopped. Reason dinnae work last time, but care did. Embers and Moths fight like, wull, cats and dogs. Moths steal Ember eggs, Embers like Moths, for lots of things, being such a randy bunch."

Pausing to sip his drink, the Bulldog looks back at Alina with a questioning glance, to which she nods. "You suld know we'd a lost the people, and wunt peace, careful peace. Suld you find ours, bring 'em back, but if nae, we'll find 'em. Fix the fights, find out whats and why's, and remember, these two peoples are almost" he pauses to swallow, having difficulty speaking "Ferals. The Embers, they haz a Queen, a Matriarch short, jusht dinnae sexpect her to be reasonable, but selfish..." he pauses and steps back the Lamia stepping forward, "I can't stress enough the problemssss this is causing." she hisses, her eyes large and bright, tail tip thumping softly behind "But fix this, and we have rewards for you, along with our gratitude in the future." she pauses to let that sink in, "I know few here have other loyalties, but beyond that, we would be grateful for your assissstance." Letting the pointer go to rattle on the desk, she looks up with a vicious smile. "Any questions?"

Eri wraps her arms around Rev's legs as they hang over her boobs. The massive margay giving the most curious look to the fairy like creature before her eyes silver and shining turn back to the bulldog. Not that she had anything to say. But rather the massive feline sits down on her rear as she silently lounges about, drip drying as it were.

Semtexagon would sit upright as she tightens her heavy armor again, tilting her head to make a few joints pop* "i do have one..." *she says, looking over at the reptile* "What place would be the best to start asking for peace?" *she looks over the reptile somewhat, tough remaining a serious look on her face as she waits for an answer.

Lila looks up at Rev sitting on her friend's shoulder and find sherself a bit jealous. She shrugs and crosses her arms over her breasts as she turns back to the Lamia. She purses her lips and shakes her head. "No questions from me dear," she plainly says.

Rev scratches his chin thoughtfully as he listens to bulldog. Before looking down at the margay as she wraps her arms around his legs. He then leans over to kiss her on the cheek as she takes a seat on her tauric rump. Then looks over in Lila's direction just in time to catch her looking his way. The nephilim smiles, and waves to her before looking back to the speakers. "nope no questions"

Felictus listened with interest to the explanation of the bulldog. Satisfied with the Promie's answer, the vampire stood up out of their chair and stretched their arms before dropping them back to their sides, "No questions at all, just tell us where you want us to start, and we can head there....also a list of what are you willing to give for peace can be nice too, I don't think that they will accept leaving you alone without somekind of compensation if that Queen is as selfish as you say she is." Felicuts said with a wider smirk, making their needle-pointed fangs more visible for a moment, before leaning on the chair, waiting for the group to start moving.

Shaking her head with a musical tinkle, the Lamia leans back along the rim of her chalkboard "We're not going to offer them a thing. This isn't a Tithe that we're going to give to them, we're paying you to make this stop, to bring peace back without causing undue damage if at all possible. There'sss sssomething bothering them, these groupss don't often leave their ssewer homess." she pauses long enough to pull a small bundle out of her side pouche and hold it up "I have one of these for each of you, with a map and radio frequency to call uss on. Mosst of the time you'll be on your own. Bernard will hand them out and show you to the main entrance, the sssewers are close," she flicks her long black tongue out, half the length of her body and then pulls it back in after tasting the air. "You'll leave right away; Bernard, take them, please?" she says, turning to the board with her pointer in hand and picking out one red dot in the cluster "Here. Great luck, and when you have a report, contact uss. Payment will come after a weeksss calm. We expect results." she says, opening a back door, her shapely rump swaying with the slow movements of her hips. Glancing back over her shoulder, she smiles with genuine warmth "Until we meet again."

Handing out a packet to each of you, Bernard goes to the door and grabs his rain-coat from the side, a big yellow slicker "Awright, so, let's go!"

Leading you out into the rain, Bernard goes slowly while keeping to underhangs as much as possible, shotgun in hand "Ish not far now." He growls, his funny high pitched voice echoing in the downpour, "Just over by Seventh Street. Here we are," he says, kicking at an open grate with claw marks around it and piles of debris "They don't ush this often. I'll waits for yoush, in hiding" he says, glancing around, "But, hurry down."

Eri slows down to hang back behind everyone else, with Rev on her shoulders. The massive margaytaur merely quietly going along, unarmed as she were, not to mention entirely nude.

Semtexagon would wander beside Eri, her armor rustling a little with each step, and it was clear that she were having quite a payload on her, the rain plinking over her combat helmet as she sighs, looking up slightly, tough looking up towards the bulldog* "Bernard! how many were there when your caravan got attacked?"

Lila snorts and shakes her body at the falling rain, soaking her coat of fur and making her give off a rather odoriferous scent. She looks at her map and furrows her brow, turning it left and right as she tried to decipher it. She looks around and casually folds it up before stowing it in her saddlebag. She crosses her arms over her chest again and begins to radiate a heat, warming herself and those in the immediate area a little to make them more comfortable with the falling rain. She covers her nostrils and rushes down into the sewers, eager to get out of the rain but grumbles as she sees the shadow dragon blocking the way down. "COuldn't you have asked before going down? I don't want to be stuck in the rain smelling like a wet sweater anymore than I have to."

revs wings lightly dlap begin him, and eri. Before once again neatly settling against his back. choosing to stay on Eri's shoulder instead of attempting to do any flying due to the rain. Instead he just snuggles up against the Margays head. As he glances about their surroundings

The walls of the sewer access have been dug out into hand and foot-holds, pock-marked by claws and much use. Old fur remains along the sides, and strange white powder, damp from the storm.

Felictus takes a minute or two to look at the map properly before storing it in their pockets and moving behind the group, hands resting behind their head as they move into the rain again. The vampire seemed quite content with the rain dropping on them, still wearing a joyful smile as their clothes got damp from it. Reaching the location, Felictus took a sniff of the air and glancing around before shaking their head and diverting their attention to the grate, "Well we have some claw marks here...and something feels strange.." the pale humanoid says as chirpy as ever, "So, shall we dive in?"

Glancing about cautiously, the Bull-dog waves you down with his shotgun, glancing warily around "I dinnae know. Maybe hurry?" he says stepping to the corner of a nearby building and glancing back to whisper, "Jusht be careful of water in this storm," before turning about and disappearing into the nearby building.

Landing at the bottom of the sewer, the floor is surprisingly dry, the sound of rushing water coming from somewhere nearby. The stench is overwhelming, years of neglect, clogs, collapses and degradation with sticky slime dripping down the walls. Tunnels go off in a few directions, but which way to go? Wait, what's that sound?

Eri remained outside in the light, her four arms still clutching herself and Rev's legs as if cold before lifting her arms to him and wrapping her furred paws around his waist and chest to lift him off of her and set him down. The massive margay clearly to big to fit down a manhole and opting to wander off remarking. "I'll be right back..." Before long she did return, though as a much smaller, soft bodied creature, a salamander! Now with slippery glistening skin and sticky underbelly. The wildly colored patterns of her body skin shining brightly in the sunlight, even if most of her was black. Her smooth abs, breasts and tight contures now very very clear without all her fur in such a way she appeared to be like this all-mighty bodybuilding woman made for the hunt of a jungle. Yet the black or rather dark dark purple skinned salamander remained soft gentle and king with a small smile on her face as she wrapped her arms around Rev hugging him closely.

Felictus dropped down in the sewers, still having the gut feeling that someone is watching. The vampire's sensitive nose was hit hard by the stench, making them wince for only a moment before going back to their cofident and chirpy smirk, "A nice place to live in, no?" they remarked sarcastically, before looking around, "Ummm, what was that sound?"

Lila, after stepping down on the ground in the sewer way, gives her body a vigorous shake, not unlike what one would expect a dog to do, to remove the water from her thick coat. She sneers at the pervasive smell, filling her nostrils even with them covered, dropping away her hand. "Hathor save us, this smell is foul, and that's saying something coming from a cow," she remarks. She looks back over her body and grimaces. "At least it's hiding the smell of my heat. Don't want any of those breeders coming around and mounting me with their thick, tapered..." She blinks and clenches her jaw. Sheepishly rubbing at the back of her head she looks around. "I hope no one heard that." She lifts her head along with her ears at Felictus' words, listening closely. "What /is/ that?"

Rev looks up at tbe margay,as she sets him down. Then waits for her to return. Chuckling softly upon seeing her in a much smaller form. He returns the salamanders hug when she returns before looking back to the sewer with his arm firmly wrapped around her waist. And walks along with her into the sewer. However the nephilim unlike the others chooses to hold his breath, and not bresth in the foul sewer scent that the others pointed out.