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<div></div><br> <br>The small group of agents stand gathered at the pier. The brisk sea wind coupled with the light drizzle of rain makes for quite miserable weather for an outing. Still, agents do have bills to pay and so, they find themself gazing towards the old lighthouse to the east. The afternoon light is just fading but the building itself looks abandoned. No light can be seen at the top. Someone has gone through the trouble of covering up a few of the broken windows at the top however, covering them with simple tarp. There&#39;s still quite a few windows remaining though.<br> <br>A large Solar dragon lands nearby with a flap of Seguro&#39;s large gleaming wings, the golden scaled dragon is clad from head to toe in heavy combat armor, In hir arms is a modified laser rifle. The dragon surveys the area as shi awaits the rest of hir team.<br> <br>Minesthra emerge from the mist as she heard the landing of what she suppose is one of her teammate. &quot;Hello there, are you the first to arrive? I&#39;m the new girl.&quot; she purr as she approach the solar dragon, holding her chainsword in her hand.<br> <br>Epsilon meets up at the meeting point near a lighthouse. Being a female Steel Hercules, she&#39;s tall for a human and bolster quite the bits. She&#39;s wearing a bra and an RSX armor that let pass her cleavage. A halbard can be found on her back, ready to be drawn if needed and a glove on her left hand. Althought it was somewhat raining, Epsilon goes there peacefully, awaiting for orders and to meet up the group.<br> <br>Fenris trots up the others on the pier, a small, contented smile on his round face as the rain drizzles and drips from his wide, bamboo hat. &quot;Good day for it!&quot; he says cheerily, popping peanuts into his mouth from a little paper bag, &quot;Think they have food? It would be a nice day for an indoor party!&quot; Definitely a Tanuki, through and through.<br> <br>The only sounds the agents hear are the slow, steady heartbeat of the ocean beating against the stone pier. There&#39;s a distinct smell of decay in the air. Then again, there always is in places like this. Rotting seaweed and kelp does tend to have a distinctive scent so it&#39;s hard to tell. A small path leads towards the lighthouse.<br> <br>The dragon looks over the harbinger lynx, before giving hissing hir reply. &quot;Greetings, my name is seguro, yours might be?&quot; The dragon &#39;s gaize returns to the light house, wanting to try a new peace of gear, from hir pack, Seguro pulls a pair of thermal imaging binoculars to scout the light house for activity.<br> <br>There&#39;s no sign of movement from the surrounding area from what the dragon can see. There is some sort of warmth up in the top of the light tower, probably a lamp giving off residual heat from having being recently lit. The walls of the lighthouse are too thick to see through though.<br> <br>Minesthra give a military salute to the dragon, &quot;Private Minesthra miss, reporting for duty!&quot;, her ears twitch as she heard the other member of the team arrive at the rendezvous point. She greet them each with the same salute before check her gear, looking at her med pack in case.<br> <br>As the group is complete, she looks at every other members of it and sighs at Fenris&#39; comment. Then she says, &quot;Hello everyone.&quot;, and noticing Minesthra, she says, &quot;I don&#39;t think we&#39;ve met... Minesthra, uh? My name is Epsilon, nice to meet you.&quot;, then she looks around to see if anything is going on, aside from the smell.<br> <br>&quot;Well!&quot; Fenris says, tucking his peanuts away with a smile, &quot;No time like the present!&quot; The chubby tanuki sets off at a steady trot toward the lighthouse, his considerable paunch slowing him not at all. As he jogs along, the coon dog eyes the lighthouse, checking for watchmen or possibly even snipers. He hoped the residents would be friendly, but no need to take unnecessary risks.<br> <br>While seemingly careless in his actions, the Tanuki does have quite honed senses. Still, the pale, rotting hand suddenly shooting out from the underbrush to the sides of the path nearly catches him off guard! It tries to catch his foot but a quick skip from Fenris means it catches little but air. A low moan can be heard from the other side as another creature emerges, lying hidden beneath the sand and kelp. Zombies! Why did it have to be zombies?<br> <br>Seguro activates lion within cloaking hir fellow allies with a layer of ablative nanites to protect them from  harm, quickly channeling a power she lets off a mutant power tears of life quicker then what would be normal.<br> <br>Minesthra is startled by the nanite as she was looking at the top of the lighthouse, she is then warned of the immediate danger she start to start the engine of her chainsword. &quot;Why is it zombies, hate them...&quot; she mutters to herself.<br> <br>Noticing Seguro&#39;s actions, Epsilon imitates hir as she activate her own Lion Within, then hearing an incoming attack, her body starts to work as she grabs some webs from her hidden spinneret, and pose them on her shoulders. Then she readies her halberd, ready to strike and says, &quot;Stay sharp, guys!&quot;.<br> <br>Fenris skips aside as the horrible hand reaches for him, contented smile still firmly fixed on his face. &quot;That&#39;s an ugly welcome!&quot; he laughs, drawing his sword, Tanuki Trouble from its sheath on his back and slashing at the menacing corpse approaching him.<br> <br>The zombies stagger forwards in unpredictable, twitchy movements. The one Fenris strikes at doesn&#39;t even flinch as his blade swooshes past. It hits nothing but air, however. Both grasp at the Tanuki, their thin arms holding surprising strength. Their dirty fingers with their sharp claws rake across his arms but the protective layer of nanites is more then enough to keep their attack at bay. For now, atleast.<br> <br>Seguro pot<br> <br>Seguro raises hir rifle toward one of the zombie that has a clear line of sight, taking aim shi fires at the rotting corpse . Seguro calls to Fenris. &quot;You all right?&quot;<br> <br>Minesthra look at Fenris arm hit by the claws, as she see no wound she ready herself for more possible enemies. As they can crawl out of the ground, she look carefully at the ground near the path in case.<br> <br>As Fenris is attacked, Epsilon lunges at the zombies to keep them at bay. And she says, &quot;Are you okay, Fenris?!&quot;, as she tries to keep them at bay, throwing some of her webs in their face in the process.<br> <br>Fenris slips away from the grasping undead, grateful for whoever tossed around the nanite shield. &quot;I&#39;m fine!&quot; he calls before darting in to slash at the monstrous corpses again. &quot;Gross zombies! GROOOOOOOSS!&quot; is his battlecry of the day.<br> <br>Seguro scores a direct hit to one of the zombies. It staggers backwards, the laser shot from his rifle leaving a charred wound in it&#39;s torso. Yet, it still keeps advancing towards Fenris. Well, it would atleast if it wasn&#39;t for Epsilon striking it square in the chest, causing it to fall backwards, tripped by the myriad of webs shooting out from her. It doesn&#39;t look like it&#39;s getting back up again. Meanwhile, the other keeps trying to claw at Fenris who nimbly avoids, countering with a great slash across it&#39;s arm. It&#39;s still on it&#39;s feet though.
Meanwhile, Minesthra thinks she spots movement up in the tower. A brief glimpse of a face appearing in one of the windows.<br> <br>Seguro takes to the air, the dragon lifts off with a flap of hir great gleaming wings and a leap of hir powerful legs, at nearly 50 feet from the ground the dragon scouts around the light house and down the beach , keeping a wary eye for more zombies. Calling over the com Seguro reports hir findings to hir team.

Revision as of 20:33, 24 September 2014





The small group of agents stand gathered at the pier. The brisk sea wind coupled with the light drizzle of rain makes for quite miserable weather for an outing. Still, agents do have bills to pay and so, they find themself gazing towards the old lighthouse to the east. The afternoon light is just fading but the building itself looks abandoned. No light can be seen at the top. Someone has gone through the trouble of covering up a few of the broken windows at the top however, covering them with simple tarp. There's still quite a few windows remaining though.

A large Solar dragon lands nearby with a flap of Seguro's large gleaming wings, the golden scaled dragon is clad from head to toe in heavy combat armor, In hir arms is a modified laser rifle. The dragon surveys the area as shi awaits the rest of hir team.

Minesthra emerge from the mist as she heard the landing of what she suppose is one of her teammate. "Hello there, are you the first to arrive? I'm the new girl." she purr as she approach the solar dragon, holding her chainsword in her hand.

Epsilon meets up at the meeting point near a lighthouse. Being a female Steel Hercules, she's tall for a human and bolster quite the bits. She's wearing a bra and an RSX armor that let pass her cleavage. A halbard can be found on her back, ready to be drawn if needed and a glove on her left hand. Althought it was somewhat raining, Epsilon goes there peacefully, awaiting for orders and to meet up the group.

Fenris trots up the others on the pier, a small, contented smile on his round face as the rain drizzles and drips from his wide, bamboo hat. "Good day for it!" he says cheerily, popping peanuts into his mouth from a little paper bag, "Think they have food? It would be a nice day for an indoor party!" Definitely a Tanuki, through and through.

The only sounds the agents hear are the slow, steady heartbeat of the ocean beating against the stone pier. There's a distinct smell of decay in the air. Then again, there always is in places like this. Rotting seaweed and kelp does tend to have a distinctive scent so it's hard to tell. A small path leads towards the lighthouse.

The dragon looks over the harbinger lynx, before giving hissing hir reply. "Greetings, my name is seguro, yours might be?" The dragon 's gaize returns to the light house, wanting to try a new peace of gear, from hir pack, Seguro pulls a pair of thermal imaging binoculars to scout the light house for activity.

There's no sign of movement from the surrounding area from what the dragon can see. There is some sort of warmth up in the top of the light tower, probably a lamp giving off residual heat from having being recently lit. The walls of the lighthouse are too thick to see through though.

Minesthra give a military salute to the dragon, "Private Minesthra miss, reporting for duty!", her ears twitch as she heard the other member of the team arrive at the rendezvous point. She greet them each with the same salute before check her gear, looking at her med pack in case.

As the group is complete, she looks at every other members of it and sighs at Fenris' comment. Then she says, "Hello everyone.", and noticing Minesthra, she says, "I don't think we've met... Minesthra, uh? My name is Epsilon, nice to meet you.", then she looks around to see if anything is going on, aside from the smell.

"Well!" Fenris says, tucking his peanuts away with a smile, "No time like the present!" The chubby tanuki sets off at a steady trot toward the lighthouse, his considerable paunch slowing him not at all. As he jogs along, the coon dog eyes the lighthouse, checking for watchmen or possibly even snipers. He hoped the residents would be friendly, but no need to take unnecessary risks.

While seemingly careless in his actions, the Tanuki does have quite honed senses. Still, the pale, rotting hand suddenly shooting out from the underbrush to the sides of the path nearly catches him off guard! It tries to catch his foot but a quick skip from Fenris means it catches little but air. A low moan can be heard from the other side as another creature emerges, lying hidden beneath the sand and kelp. Zombies! Why did it have to be zombies?

Seguro activates lion within cloaking hir fellow allies with a layer of ablative nanites to protect them from harm, quickly channeling a power she lets off a mutant power tears of life quicker then what would be normal.

Minesthra is startled by the nanite as she was looking at the top of the lighthouse, she is then warned of the immediate danger she start to start the engine of her chainsword. "Why is it zombies, hate them..." she mutters to herself.

Noticing Seguro's actions, Epsilon imitates hir as she activate her own Lion Within, then hearing an incoming attack, her body starts to work as she grabs some webs from her hidden spinneret, and pose them on her shoulders. Then she readies her halberd, ready to strike and says, "Stay sharp, guys!".

Fenris skips aside as the horrible hand reaches for him, contented smile still firmly fixed on his face. "That's an ugly welcome!" he laughs, drawing his sword, Tanuki Trouble from its sheath on his back and slashing at the menacing corpse approaching him.

The zombies stagger forwards in unpredictable, twitchy movements. The one Fenris strikes at doesn't even flinch as his blade swooshes past. It hits nothing but air, however. Both grasp at the Tanuki, their thin arms holding surprising strength. Their dirty fingers with their sharp claws rake across his arms but the protective layer of nanites is more then enough to keep their attack at bay. For now, atleast.

Seguro pot

Seguro raises hir rifle toward one of the zombie that has a clear line of sight, taking aim shi fires at the rotting corpse . Seguro calls to Fenris. "You all right?"

Minesthra look at Fenris arm hit by the claws, as she see no wound she ready herself for more possible enemies. As they can crawl out of the ground, she look carefully at the ground near the path in case.

As Fenris is attacked, Epsilon lunges at the zombies to keep them at bay. And she says, "Are you okay, Fenris?!", as she tries to keep them at bay, throwing some of her webs in their face in the process.

Fenris slips away from the grasping undead, grateful for whoever tossed around the nanite shield. "I'm fine!" he calls before darting in to slash at the monstrous corpses again. "Gross zombies! GROOOOOOOSS!" is his battlecry of the day.

Seguro scores a direct hit to one of the zombies. It staggers backwards, the laser shot from his rifle leaving a charred wound in it's torso. Yet, it still keeps advancing towards Fenris. Well, it would atleast if it wasn't for Epsilon striking it square in the chest, causing it to fall backwards, tripped by the myriad of webs shooting out from her. It doesn't look like it's getting back up again. Meanwhile, the other keeps trying to claw at Fenris who nimbly avoids, countering with a great slash across it's arm. It's still on it's feet though.

Meanwhile, Minesthra thinks she spots movement up in the tower. A brief glimpse of a face appearing in one of the windows.

Seguro takes to the air, the dragon lifts off with a flap of hir great gleaming wings and a leap of hir powerful legs, at nearly 50 feet from the ground the dragon scouts around the light house and down the beach , keeping a wary eye for more zombies. Calling over the com Seguro reports hir findings to hir team.