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<div></div><br> <br>You get a short briefing while already on board Mike&#39;s helicopter. It seems a team that should deliver some highly dangerous nanites to Woodfield was attacked on it&#39;s way there by ferals while passing a village. Your mission is to get said nanites back, if possible the agents, too.  
<div></div><br> <br>You get a short briefing while already on board Mike&#39;s helicopter. It seems a team that should deliver some highly dangerous nanites to Woodfield was attacked on it&#39;s way there by ferals while passing a village. Your mission is to get said nanites back, if possible the agents, too.  
The helicopter sets you down on a small farm. The building looks abandoned. There are clawmarks on the door and windows, but they all look quite old. The only newer looking marks are on the barn. There is a vegetable garden in front of the main house. It is now quite unkept and overgrown, though here and there a garden gnome pokes out from the plants.<br> <br>Fally climes out of the helicopter and looks around shuddering when he sees the clawmarks on the house. He continues with his search just glancing at the objects around then spots some gnomes but does not take them any mind. He spots the newer marks on the barn and shudders again. He looks for anything else that might be of interest and spots the garden.<br> <br>Core steps out of the whirly and stands off to one side, making way for everyone else, evidently wanting to hang near the back. She&#39;s a blond-haired and somewhat broad-shouldered woman, wearing cargo shorts, work boosts, and a pristine, perfectly-fitting brown work jacket. From one of the many pockets of the jacket, she withdraws a screwdriver and inspects it idly, raising an eyebrow at the claw marks on the barn.<br> <br>Seguro steps out of the chopper, a large golden scaled dragon, clad in heavy combat armor surveys the area, while shi meets up with hir fellow agents, the dragon powerful tail sways with a slow moment.<br> <br>A huge chunk of plastic gets out of the helicopter, strething its body as it&#39;s not quite used to what it is. Being covered on her chest and the back of her legs, but not her voluptuous breast, by her RSX armor, whose symbol is shown on her back. She also wears a colorful bra, fitting nicely her forms, her trusty halberd on her back, and her glove on her right hand. Once there, Epsilon starts to look around for clues, and checks the claws on the house, as she removes her glove, to compare her right hand&#39;s claws and the traces.<br> <br>Upon closer inspection, the old claw marks look like some kind of dog or big cat had once made them. The newer marks on the barn however are quite bigger. Additionally they all are on the open door, so were on it&#39;s inside when the door was closed and would perfectly fit, if the two sides of it were closed again.<br> <br>Fally spots the open barn door and the claw marks being on the inside and says, &quot;Oh, dear. What are we up against.&quot; he spots Epsilon as she gets out and says to her, &quot;Hmm, your here too Dear, awsome.&quot; he takes a few steps to her side and hugs her.<br> <br>Core sticks the screwdriver back in the same pocket she retrieved it from. She still eyes the barn door, but shrugs, and knocks on the door to the abandoned-looking house with a sharp rap of knuckles. &quot;Might as well get this option out of the way.&quot; She checks the handle, then steps away from the door, just in case.<br> <br>Seguro examines the claw marks using hir experience in Xeno science, hoping to find out what type of mutant has been prowling around the ground of the farm. The dragon speaks to hir fellow agents. &quot;Seems they were made by a very large wolf, that is about all I can tell from the markings.&quot; Spying the Gnome the dragon picks the small ornament up and places it in hir pack. <br> <br>Epsilon then checks the barn herself, and notices the bigger traces. Comparing to what she experienced, she tries to know the events that pccured here, merely hugging Fally back, feeling that she&#39;s rather uneasy about this.<br> <br>Looking inside the barn, there is some sort of crate. It&#39;s been forced open, some shards of glas and red paper shreds lie next to it. On a wall close to the crate a human looking man is sitting, hardly conscious. The only signs of him being infected are husky like ears and a tail. He&#39;s got a nasty looking wound on his chest, dark grey fur around it and slowly spreading further.<br> <br>Fally follows Epsilon a bit scaird of what might be going on. He keeps looking around keeping everything in his mind. &quot;Dear, do you mind staying close to me, Please.&quot; He glances around the poly dragon&#39;s side to take a galce inside the barn.<br> <br>Core shrugs and gives up on the house. She makes a brief jog over to the barn. Seeing that the others haven&#39;t been squashed during their investigations, she pokes her head through the doorway, then scootches around Epsilon to enter, frowning at the sight of the injured man. &quot;Seg, I think this guy needs your attention. Hmm...&quot; She crouches and examines the red paper, being very, very careful of the glass.<br> <br>Seguro glances in either direction, wanting to make sure the coast is clear before giving a nod to core. &quot;Hmm you found a survivor? Sure I will be right over.&quot; The dragon slips inside the barn, making a detour around the glass seguro makes hir way over to the man. Pulling out hir liquid bandage the dragon teats the man&#39;s wound. The dragon taps the human&#39;s cheek as shi ask. &quot;You all right there can you answer me?&quot;<br> <br>&quot;For the love of...&quot;. Espilon was going to rush toward whenshe notices Seguro doing his job and relax her body. Then she softly says, &quot;Stay with me Fally...&quot;, before looking at the crates. As she recognize the glass and paper, her eyes widen in surprise and says, &quot;That can&#39;t be good!&quot;.<br> <br>As Seguro treats the human, he slowly regains full consciousness. Upon seeing the dragon his eyes widen and he tries pushing Seguro away from himself saying &quot;Get away from me, i might attack you.&quot;  
The helicopter sets you down on a small farm. The building looks abandoned. There are clawmarks on the door and windows, but they all look quite old. The only newer looking marks are on the barn. There is a vegetable garden in front of the main house. It is now quite unkept and overgrown, though here and there a garden gnome pokes out from the plants.<br> <br>Fally climes out of the helicopter and looks around shuddering when he sees the clawmarks on the house. He continues with his search just glancing at the objects around then spots some gnomes but does not take them any mind. He spots the newer marks on the barn and shudders again. He looks for anything else that might be of interest and spots the garden.<br> <br>Core steps out of the whirly and stands off to one side, making way for everyone else, evidently wanting to hang near the back. She&#39;s a blond-haired and somewhat broad-shouldered woman, wearing cargo shorts, work boosts, and a pristine, perfectly-fitting brown work jacket. From one of the many pockets of the jacket, she withdraws a screwdriver and inspects it idly, raising an eyebrow at the claw marks on the barn.<br> <br>Seguro steps out of the chopper, a large golden scaled dragon, clad in heavy combat armor surveys the area, while shi meets up with hir fellow agents, the dragon powerful tail sways with a slow moment.<br> <br>A huge chunk of plastic gets out of the helicopter, strething its body as it&#39;s not quite used to what it is. Being covered on her chest and the back of her legs, but not her voluptuous breast, by her RSX armor, whose symbol is shown on her back. She also wears a colorful bra, fitting nicely her forms, her trusty halberd on her back, and her glove on her right hand. Once there, Epsilon starts to look around for clues, and checks the claws on the house, as she removes her glove, to compare her right hand&#39;s claws and the traces.<br> <br>Upon closer inspection, the old claw marks look like some kind of dog or big cat had once made them. The newer marks on the barn however are quite bigger. Additionally they all are on the open door, so were on it&#39;s inside when the door was closed and would perfectly fit, if the two sides of it were closed again.<br> <br>Fally spots the open barn door and the claw marks being on the inside and says, &quot;Oh, dear. What are we up against.&quot; he spots Epsilon as she gets out and says to her, &quot;Hmm, your here too Dear, awsome.&quot; he takes a few steps to her side and hugs her.<br> <br>Core sticks the screwdriver back in the same pocket she retrieved it from. She still eyes the barn door, but shrugs, and knocks on the door to the abandoned-looking house with a sharp rap of knuckles. &quot;Might as well get this option out of the way.&quot; She checks the handle, then steps away from the door, just in case.<br> <br>Seguro examines the claw marks using hir experience in Xeno science, hoping to find out what type of mutant has been prowling around the ground of the farm. The dragon speaks to hir fellow agents. &quot;Seems they were made by a very large wolf, that is about all I can tell from the markings.&quot; Spying the Gnome the dragon picks the small ornament up and places it in hir pack. <br> <br>Epsilon then checks the barn herself, and notices the bigger traces. Comparing to what she experienced, she tries to know the events that pccured here, merely hugging Fally back, feeling that she&#39;s rather uneasy about this.<br> <br>Looking inside the barn, there is some sort of crate. It&#39;s been forced open, some shards of glas and red paper shreds lie next to it. On a wall close to the crate a human looking man is sitting, hardly conscious. The only signs of him being infected are husky like ears and a tail. He&#39;s got a nasty looking wound on his chest, dark grey fur around it and slowly spreading further.<br> <br>Fally follows Epsilon a bit scaird of what might be going on. He keeps looking around keeping everything in his mind. &quot;Dear, do you mind staying close to me, Please.&quot; He glances around the poly dragon&#39;s side to take a galce inside the barn.<br> <br>Core shrugs and gives up on the house. She makes a brief jog over to the barn. Seeing that the others haven&#39;t been squashed during their investigations, she pokes her head through the doorway, then scootches around Epsilon to enter, frowning at the sight of the injured man. &quot;Seg, I think this guy needs your attention. Hmm...&quot; She crouches and examines the red paper, being very, very careful of the glass.<br> <br>Seguro glances in either direction, wanting to make sure the coast is clear before giving a nod to core. &quot;Hmm you found a survivor? Sure I will be right over.&quot; The dragon slips inside the barn, making a detour around the glass seguro makes hir way over to the man. Pulling out hir liquid bandage the dragon teats the man&#39;s wound. The dragon taps the human&#39;s cheek as shi ask. &quot;You all right there can you answer me?&quot;<br> <br>&quot;For the love of...&quot;. Espilon was going to rush toward whenshe notices Seguro doing his job and relax her body. Then she softly says, &quot;Stay with me Fally...&quot;, before looking at the crates. As she recognize the glass and paper, her eyes widen in surprise and says, &quot;That can&#39;t be good!&quot;.<br> <br>As Seguro treats the human, he slowly regains full consciousness. Upon seeing the dragon his eyes widen and he tries pushing Seguro away from himself saying &quot;Get away from me, i might attack you.&quot;  
Meanwhile Core looks at the paper shreds, reckognizing them from a former Job. It&#39;s the same warning sign as was on the vials in the Zephyr underground lab, where a quite agressive nanite strain first was encountered by most of the agents on today&#39;s mission.<br> <br>Fally wachs the two go in and says to Epsilon, &quot;Dear, maby we should go in ourseves?&quot; He eyes the human and would have something, but desides against it. He does take a step inside and takes a full examinatin of the room and its contens.<br> <br>Core grimaces. &quot;He&#39;s right, Seg. I think these vials might be the same strain as before. They sure look the same. You know, red eyes, extreme homicidal ugliness, that kind of thing, remember that?&quot; Sighing sadly, she withdraws something from another pocket of her jacket: a leash. &quot;Ah, Abel, forgive me. Doubt this will actually keep him restrained, but it might slow him down. Anybody especially good with knots wanna tie him up?&quot;<br> <br>Seguro upon hearing core speak as human flails arms against the dragon&#39;s combat armor, Seguro utters one word. &quot;Shit.&quot; Grabbing hir stun baton the dragon gives the attacking mutant a quick zap, the dragon sighs as the mutant slack stunned. The dragon calls out to epsilon. &quot;Hmm Ep, do you still have your Inculcation gun handy mines in my gear box still.&quot;<br> <br>Epsilon hears the husky talking, provoking a reaction in her mind. She immediatly rushes by Seguro standing, quickly grabbing her innoculation gun and shoot him with a dart at blank point. &quot;Maybe...&quot;. Then she grabs the unconcious mutant in her arms qnd forces her nipple inside the husky&#39;s mouth, leaking chocolate milk in the process.<br> <br>The human slowly regains his consciousness as the milk runs down his throat. When he notices his position, he tries to get away from Epsilon, screaming at the top of his lungs to be let go as he doesn&#39;t want to hurt anyone when turning feral.
Meanwhile Core looks at the paper shreds, reckognizing them from a former Job. It&#39;s the same warning sign as was on the vials in the Zephyr underground lab, where a quite agressive nanite strain first was encountered by most of the agents on today&#39;s mission.<br> <br>Fally wachs the two go in and says to Epsilon, &quot;Dear, maby we should go in ourseves?&quot; He eyes the human and would have something, but desides against it. He does take a step inside and takes a full examinatin of the room and its contens.<br> <br>Core grimaces. &quot;He&#39;s right, Seg. I think these vials might be the same strain as before. They sure look the same. You know, red eyes, extreme homicidal ugliness, that kind of thing, remember that?&quot; Sighing sadly, she withdraws something from another pocket of her jacket: a leash. &quot;Ah, Abel, forgive me. Doubt this will actually keep him restrained, but it might slow him down. Anybody especially good with knots wanna tie him up?&quot;<br> <br>Seguro upon hearing core speak as human flails arms against the dragon&#39;s combat armor, Seguro utters one word. &quot;Shit.&quot; Grabbing hir stun baton the dragon gives the attacking mutant a quick zap, the dragon sighs as the mutant slack stunned. The dragon calls out to epsilon. &quot;Hmm Ep, do you still have your Inculcation gun handy mines in my gear box still.&quot;<br> <br>Epsilon hears the husky talking, provoking a reaction in her mind. She immediatly rushes by Seguro standing, quickly grabbing her innoculation gun and shoot him with a dart at blank point. &quot;Maybe...&quot;. Then she grabs the unconcious mutant in her arms qnd forces her nipple inside the husky&#39;s mouth, leaking chocolate milk in the process.<br> <br>The human slowly regains his consciousness as the milk runs down his throat. When he notices his position, he tries to get away from Epsilon, screaming at the top of his lungs to be let go as he doesn&#39;t want to hurt anyone when turning feral.<br> <br>Fally waches as the two work with the human. He notes his responce and says, &quot;Hay if what I herd is corect then don&#39;t fight to get away as you don&#39;t need to.&quot; he walks up to the man and adds, &quot;Realy don&#39;t fight, we are not going to hirt you, we are here to help.&quot;<br> <br>The human calms down in Epsilons grasp and stops struggling &quot;You&#39;re here to help?&quot; he asks, quite confused.<br> <br>Core bleahs and sticks the leash back in her pocket. &quot;Wanted to keep it for my own use anyhow. Okay, so, what happened here.&quot; She inspects the crate, trying to determine how it was forced open - hand, tool, claw? &quot;Ah for goodness sakes keep it down with the screaming. We&#39;ve got things under control. We do have things under control, right?... okay, looks like we brought inoculation, yes, good.&quot;<br> <br>Seguro rummages in hir gear box looking for hir dart gun and left over hypo from the last mission, cursing under hir breath at hir lack of preparation.  Seguro finds the items shi needs; a golden scaled hand administers an Inoculation hypo to a storm dragon&#39;s rump. Heading over the dragon looks to examine the paper by the broken vial, while keeping hir eye on the door. Seguro shakes hir head at core. &quot;My supplies are very limited this time around, If the outbreak of this nanite stain become large scale then, we won&#39;t be able to stop it. I got a few hypo&#39;s left and two dart guns between me and Ep.&quot;<br> <br>Now that the man is calmed down, Epsilon shows her mutated hand to the husky. &quot;This is what happened when i got infected by it. Thankfully, we manage to find a cure, and we innoculated it in your body. So just don&#39;t do anything stupid and you will be okay.&quot;. Then she quietly whispers to Fally, &quot;Great job...&quot;. Then, she focus back on the man, &quot;Who are you, what are you doing here, and where does the crate come from?&quot;.<br> <br>Now that the man is calmed down, Epsilon shows her mutated hand to the husky. &quot;This is what happened when i got infected by it. Thankfully, we manage to find a cure, and we innoculated it in your body. So just don&#39;t do anything stupid and you will be okay.&quot;. Then she quietly whispers to Fally, &quot;Great job...&quot;. Then, she focus back on the man, &quot;Who are you, what are you doing here, and where does the crate come from?&quot;.<br> <br>&quot;Inocculation? Against what? I only know that me and a Zephyr agent should bring this crate from Fairhaven to Woodfield, when we were attacked by some ferals when we took a rest in here. We could fend them off, but the crate broke and some vial fell out and shattered. Soon after, we had locked the door from inside for the night, the Zephyr wolf wend berserk, attacked first me and then broke free from the barn.&quot; the human says, the dark grey fur on his chest already getting thinner.<br> <br>Fally blushes at Epsilon&#39;s words and he truns away selfconsently, listing to the mans story. &quot;So the wolf only attacked you?&quot; he truns back around waiting for an answer.<br> <br>Core claps her hands. &quot;Ah, the courier with no clue about what they&#39;re couriering. How adorable.&quot; She stands, walks to the barn door, and scans the ground and area outside for footprints, or scraps of Zephyr uniform, or anything at all that would indicate the berserker&#39;s path.<br> <br>Seguro watches the hair groin on the man chest, the dragon taps the deactivated stub baton in hir hand. Speaking to the slowly changing human &quot;Where did you pick up the create, Who was your mission contact, And why RSX, this was a Zypher problem beforehand.  I get the feeling you&#39;re not telling us something, I will make you a deal I will stop your transformation into a dog, and turn you human again if you tell us&quot;<br> <br>Epsilon states, &quot;RSX is aware of the situation, as i personally told them of the situation.&quot;. She focus back on the man. &quot;As for you... you&#39;re coming with us... We have some questionning to do.&quot;. The he calls the RSX, and Sally. &quot;Agent Epsilon, we got a situation here, i&#39;d like that a team would be sent where we are for an investigation. Also bring on a containement crate, there has been a leak of potentially dangerous products.&quot;<br> <br>The man just stares at Seguro frightened as he stammers &quot;I-i&#39;ve just b-been told to get this c-crate at the Z-Zephyr HQ and I&#39;d-d meet an agent t-there to help me g-get it to Woodf-field ...&quot;<br> <br>Fally looks around watching what was going on and says to the man, &quot;You know, you never answerd my question.&quot; he walks up to Epsilon and says, &quot;Oh, I didn&#39;t know this side of you dear.&quot; he looks back to the man still waiting on an ancwer.<br> <br>Outside, Core sighs, her search turning up fruitless. &quot;Okay, maybe by some miracle our rampaging wolf passed through the garden over here.&quot; She approaches the garden and inspects the plants, looking to see if they&#39;ve been disturbed by the passage of any large critters. &quot;Where is Batman and his awesome detective gizmos when you need him?&quot;<br> <br>Seguro The dragon fallows along with core heading outside, Seguro asks to core, the golden dragon tapping a talon at hir own helmet. &quot;Hmm do you have any of your drones with you, we could use them to scout around barns perimeter, and perhaps act as early warning should the feral mutants return.&quot; <br> <br>Epsilon talks more in her comm, comfirming her position and her request as she then put her comm back. Then says to everyone, &quot;Okay, the RSX should be here in around 30 minutes, by the time they bring the container.&quot;. Then, still holding the husky in her arms, she joins the others outside, saying to Fally in the process, &quot;Well... that&#39;s how i react when i have to.&quot;<br> <br>As the agents gather outside the barn once more, a howl can be heard from a nearby forest.<br> <br>Fally says to Epsilon, &quot;Hehe, well I like you all the same.&quot; out side the barn he heres the howl and says, &quot;Am I the only one that hird that?&quot;<br> <br>Core shrugs. &quot;To be honest, my drones just shoot bullets and get up in people&#39;s faces. And I&#39;m a lot more worried about the feral that got away.&quot; She tilts her head at the howl. &quot;Speak of the devil. That&#39;s gotta be him. It better be him.&quot; She concentrates, and her shape begins to twist and rearrange. &quot;Might as well try to make myself useful.&quot;<br> <br>Seguro rises an ear upon hearing the howl, checking hir rifle and hir dart gun are at hir side. The dragon looks to Core before speaking. &quot;Did not the agent say that they had to fend off a pack of wolf by hiding in the barn? Perhaps there is more than one? There is always more than one.&quot;  The dragon ready a few mutant powers that maybe useful lions within, soon strong buffering effects begin to appear around core.<br> <br>Hearing the howl, Epsilon imitates Core as she switch toward a more familiar form. As the transformation is done, she stand near Fally, protectively, while she change the position of the husky, keeping him in her grasp while she readies her halberd with her available hand.<br> <br>The RSX helicopter arrives soon after the howl. The agents secure the crate and it&#39;s content, also the agent transporting it first has to come with them so he can answer some questions in the HQ. The other agents make their way to the forest. When arriving at the first line of trees it gets quite clear where the wolf was heading, as brances broken from the trees line the now feral Zephyr agent&#39;s path.

Revision as of 09:18, 17 September 2014





You get a short briefing while already on board Mike's helicopter. It seems a team that should deliver some highly dangerous nanites to Woodfield was attacked on it's way there by ferals while passing a village. Your mission is to get said nanites back, if possible the agents, too.

The helicopter sets you down on a small farm. The building looks abandoned. There are clawmarks on the door and windows, but they all look quite old. The only newer looking marks are on the barn. There is a vegetable garden in front of the main house. It is now quite unkept and overgrown, though here and there a garden gnome pokes out from the plants.

Fally climes out of the helicopter and looks around shuddering when he sees the clawmarks on the house. He continues with his search just glancing at the objects around then spots some gnomes but does not take them any mind. He spots the newer marks on the barn and shudders again. He looks for anything else that might be of interest and spots the garden.

Core steps out of the whirly and stands off to one side, making way for everyone else, evidently wanting to hang near the back. She's a blond-haired and somewhat broad-shouldered woman, wearing cargo shorts, work boosts, and a pristine, perfectly-fitting brown work jacket. From one of the many pockets of the jacket, she withdraws a screwdriver and inspects it idly, raising an eyebrow at the claw marks on the barn.

Seguro steps out of the chopper, a large golden scaled dragon, clad in heavy combat armor surveys the area, while shi meets up with hir fellow agents, the dragon powerful tail sways with a slow moment.

A huge chunk of plastic gets out of the helicopter, strething its body as it's not quite used to what it is. Being covered on her chest and the back of her legs, but not her voluptuous breast, by her RSX armor, whose symbol is shown on her back. She also wears a colorful bra, fitting nicely her forms, her trusty halberd on her back, and her glove on her right hand. Once there, Epsilon starts to look around for clues, and checks the claws on the house, as she removes her glove, to compare her right hand's claws and the traces.

Upon closer inspection, the old claw marks look like some kind of dog or big cat had once made them. The newer marks on the barn however are quite bigger. Additionally they all are on the open door, so were on it's inside when the door was closed and would perfectly fit, if the two sides of it were closed again.

Fally spots the open barn door and the claw marks being on the inside and says, "Oh, dear. What are we up against." he spots Epsilon as she gets out and says to her, "Hmm, your here too Dear, awsome." he takes a few steps to her side and hugs her.

Core sticks the screwdriver back in the same pocket she retrieved it from. She still eyes the barn door, but shrugs, and knocks on the door to the abandoned-looking house with a sharp rap of knuckles. "Might as well get this option out of the way." She checks the handle, then steps away from the door, just in case.

Seguro examines the claw marks using hir experience in Xeno science, hoping to find out what type of mutant has been prowling around the ground of the farm. The dragon speaks to hir fellow agents. "Seems they were made by a very large wolf, that is about all I can tell from the markings." Spying the Gnome the dragon picks the small ornament up and places it in hir pack.

Epsilon then checks the barn herself, and notices the bigger traces. Comparing to what she experienced, she tries to know the events that pccured here, merely hugging Fally back, feeling that she's rather uneasy about this.

Looking inside the barn, there is some sort of crate. It's been forced open, some shards of glas and red paper shreds lie next to it. On a wall close to the crate a human looking man is sitting, hardly conscious. The only signs of him being infected are husky like ears and a tail. He's got a nasty looking wound on his chest, dark grey fur around it and slowly spreading further.

Fally follows Epsilon a bit scaird of what might be going on. He keeps looking around keeping everything in his mind. "Dear, do you mind staying close to me, Please." He glances around the poly dragon's side to take a galce inside the barn.

Core shrugs and gives up on the house. She makes a brief jog over to the barn. Seeing that the others haven't been squashed during their investigations, she pokes her head through the doorway, then scootches around Epsilon to enter, frowning at the sight of the injured man. "Seg, I think this guy needs your attention. Hmm..." She crouches and examines the red paper, being very, very careful of the glass.

Seguro glances in either direction, wanting to make sure the coast is clear before giving a nod to core. "Hmm you found a survivor? Sure I will be right over." The dragon slips inside the barn, making a detour around the glass seguro makes hir way over to the man. Pulling out hir liquid bandage the dragon teats the man's wound. The dragon taps the human's cheek as shi ask. "You all right there can you answer me?"

"For the love of...". Espilon was going to rush toward whenshe notices Seguro doing his job and relax her body. Then she softly says, "Stay with me Fally...", before looking at the crates. As she recognize the glass and paper, her eyes widen in surprise and says, "That can't be good!".

As Seguro treats the human, he slowly regains full consciousness. Upon seeing the dragon his eyes widen and he tries pushing Seguro away from himself saying "Get away from me, i might attack you." Meanwhile Core looks at the paper shreds, reckognizing them from a former Job. It's the same warning sign as was on the vials in the Zephyr underground lab, where a quite agressive nanite strain first was encountered by most of the agents on today's mission.

Fally wachs the two go in and says to Epsilon, "Dear, maby we should go in ourseves?" He eyes the human and would have something, but desides against it. He does take a step inside and takes a full examinatin of the room and its contens.

Core grimaces. "He's right, Seg. I think these vials might be the same strain as before. They sure look the same. You know, red eyes, extreme homicidal ugliness, that kind of thing, remember that?" Sighing sadly, she withdraws something from another pocket of her jacket: a leash. "Ah, Abel, forgive me. Doubt this will actually keep him restrained, but it might slow him down. Anybody especially good with knots wanna tie him up?"

Seguro upon hearing core speak as human flails arms against the dragon's combat armor, Seguro utters one word. "Shit." Grabbing hir stun baton the dragon gives the attacking mutant a quick zap, the dragon sighs as the mutant slack stunned. The dragon calls out to epsilon. "Hmm Ep, do you still have your Inculcation gun handy mines in my gear box still."

Epsilon hears the husky talking, provoking a reaction in her mind. She immediatly rushes by Seguro standing, quickly grabbing her innoculation gun and shoot him with a dart at blank point. "Maybe...". Then she grabs the unconcious mutant in her arms qnd forces her nipple inside the husky's mouth, leaking chocolate milk in the process.

The human slowly regains his consciousness as the milk runs down his throat. When he notices his position, he tries to get away from Epsilon, screaming at the top of his lungs to be let go as he doesn't want to hurt anyone when turning feral.

Fally waches as the two work with the human. He notes his responce and says, "Hay if what I herd is corect then don't fight to get away as you don't need to." he walks up to the man and adds, "Realy don't fight, we are not going to hirt you, we are here to help."

The human calms down in Epsilons grasp and stops struggling "You're here to help?" he asks, quite confused.

Core bleahs and sticks the leash back in her pocket. "Wanted to keep it for my own use anyhow. Okay, so, what happened here." She inspects the crate, trying to determine how it was forced open - hand, tool, claw? "Ah for goodness sakes keep it down with the screaming. We've got things under control. We do have things under control, right?... okay, looks like we brought inoculation, yes, good."

Seguro rummages in hir gear box looking for hir dart gun and left over hypo from the last mission, cursing under hir breath at hir lack of preparation. Seguro finds the items shi needs; a golden scaled hand administers an Inoculation hypo to a storm dragon's rump. Heading over the dragon looks to examine the paper by the broken vial, while keeping hir eye on the door. Seguro shakes hir head at core. "My supplies are very limited this time around, If the outbreak of this nanite stain become large scale then, we won't be able to stop it. I got a few hypo's left and two dart guns between me and Ep."

Now that the man is calmed down, Epsilon shows her mutated hand to the husky. "This is what happened when i got infected by it. Thankfully, we manage to find a cure, and we innoculated it in your body. So just don't do anything stupid and you will be okay.". Then she quietly whispers to Fally, "Great job...". Then, she focus back on the man, "Who are you, what are you doing here, and where does the crate come from?".

Now that the man is calmed down, Epsilon shows her mutated hand to the husky. "This is what happened when i got infected by it. Thankfully, we manage to find a cure, and we innoculated it in your body. So just don't do anything stupid and you will be okay.". Then she quietly whispers to Fally, "Great job...". Then, she focus back on the man, "Who are you, what are you doing here, and where does the crate come from?".

"Inocculation? Against what? I only know that me and a Zephyr agent should bring this crate from Fairhaven to Woodfield, when we were attacked by some ferals when we took a rest in here. We could fend them off, but the crate broke and some vial fell out and shattered. Soon after, we had locked the door from inside for the night, the Zephyr wolf wend berserk, attacked first me and then broke free from the barn." the human says, the dark grey fur on his chest already getting thinner.

Fally blushes at Epsilon's words and he truns away selfconsently, listing to the mans story. "So the wolf only attacked you?" he truns back around waiting for an answer.

Core claps her hands. "Ah, the courier with no clue about what they're couriering. How adorable." She stands, walks to the barn door, and scans the ground and area outside for footprints, or scraps of Zephyr uniform, or anything at all that would indicate the berserker's path.

Seguro watches the hair groin on the man chest, the dragon taps the deactivated stub baton in hir hand. Speaking to the slowly changing human "Where did you pick up the create, Who was your mission contact, And why RSX, this was a Zypher problem beforehand. I get the feeling you're not telling us something, I will make you a deal I will stop your transformation into a dog, and turn you human again if you tell us"

Epsilon states, "RSX is aware of the situation, as i personally told them of the situation.". She focus back on the man. "As for you... you're coming with us... We have some questionning to do.". The he calls the RSX, and Sally. "Agent Epsilon, we got a situation here, i'd like that a team would be sent where we are for an investigation. Also bring on a containement crate, there has been a leak of potentially dangerous products."

The man just stares at Seguro frightened as he stammers "I-i've just b-been told to get this c-crate at the Z-Zephyr HQ and I'd-d meet an agent t-there to help me g-get it to Woodf-field ..."

Fally looks around watching what was going on and says to the man, "You know, you never answerd my question." he walks up to Epsilon and says, "Oh, I didn't know this side of you dear." he looks back to the man still waiting on an ancwer.

Outside, Core sighs, her search turning up fruitless. "Okay, maybe by some miracle our rampaging wolf passed through the garden over here." She approaches the garden and inspects the plants, looking to see if they've been disturbed by the passage of any large critters. "Where is Batman and his awesome detective gizmos when you need him?"

Seguro The dragon fallows along with core heading outside, Seguro asks to core, the golden dragon tapping a talon at hir own helmet. "Hmm do you have any of your drones with you, we could use them to scout around barns perimeter, and perhaps act as early warning should the feral mutants return."

Epsilon talks more in her comm, comfirming her position and her request as she then put her comm back. Then says to everyone, "Okay, the RSX should be here in around 30 minutes, by the time they bring the container.". Then, still holding the husky in her arms, she joins the others outside, saying to Fally in the process, "Well... that's how i react when i have to."

As the agents gather outside the barn once more, a howl can be heard from a nearby forest.

Fally says to Epsilon, "Hehe, well I like you all the same." out side the barn he heres the howl and says, "Am I the only one that hird that?"

Core shrugs. "To be honest, my drones just shoot bullets and get up in people's faces. And I'm a lot more worried about the feral that got away." She tilts her head at the howl. "Speak of the devil. That's gotta be him. It better be him." She concentrates, and her shape begins to twist and rearrange. "Might as well try to make myself useful."

Seguro rises an ear upon hearing the howl, checking hir rifle and hir dart gun are at hir side. The dragon looks to Core before speaking. "Did not the agent say that they had to fend off a pack of wolf by hiding in the barn? Perhaps there is more than one? There is always more than one." The dragon ready a few mutant powers that maybe useful lions within, soon strong buffering effects begin to appear around core.

Hearing the howl, Epsilon imitates Core as she switch toward a more familiar form. As the transformation is done, she stand near Fally, protectively, while she change the position of the husky, keeping him in her grasp while she readies her halberd with her available hand.

The RSX helicopter arrives soon after the howl. The agents secure the crate and it's content, also the agent transporting it first has to come with them so he can answer some questions in the HQ. The other agents make their way to the forest. When arriving at the first line of trees it gets quite clear where the wolf was heading, as brances broken from the trees line the now feral Zephyr agent's path.