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Out in the ocean, the surface begins to bubble and churn as something truly immense moves beneath the waves. Mouths agape, the people on shore thing they can even see a ginormous eye briefly show itself before sinking back into the depths.<br> <br>Pent was just about mid-swing when the ocean began going all wibbly and thus likely collapses onto her back in the water<br> <br>Kaith is startled by the sudden apearance of the creature and attempts to move away from it.<br> <br>Prios lunges up onto the beach without a word and races across the sand as fast as she can. She's looking to take cover behind one of the bungalows. She isn't assuming that this creature is hostile, but right now she's assuming the worst just for safety's sake. Assuming she reaches the bungalow, she grunts between pants: "Well - it doesn't - like fishing..."<br> <br>Well, this was something. Angelily gets up as her fishing line snaps, pulling the vibrator free from her as she looks out over the sea. With a few barks she forms up the squad she's brought with her. "You broke our fishing line!" She literally barks out, a long howl as she orders everyone to be ready for a fight!<br> <br>Kaith continues to swim away worried that the creature will try to eat hir.<br> <br>Seguro pulls hirself back onto the shore, upon seeing ripped out of hir hand, its od shi hirself weighs in at nearly 77000 pounds. Taking flight shi leaping into the air with a great thrust of hir wings, high above the ocean's surface Seguro attempts to gage the creatures size, and to get a better survey of the situation. <br> <br>If it's a fight the husky wants, it's a fight she'll get! Breaking the surface at incredible speed are numerous tentacles, surging towards the percieved threats on the beach. The colourful tomcat is the first catch as he makes an easy prey, standing there staring at disbelief. With a loud yowl, one of the tentacles wraps around his waist and hoists him up into the air. A quintet seems to hone in on the husky pack, almost slithering across eachother across the sand, seeming almost to be able to smell the needy bitches waiting for them. Another surges towards Kaith, snaking through the shallow waters like a giant anaconda, intent to coil around hir legs. The otter, quick on her feet is definetly quick enough to avoid any tentacles emerging from the sea. The one that bursts through the sand infront of her.. well, that one catches her completely by surprise. The tentacle hunting for Kaith probably praises it's luck, if it could think, as shi makes for a much less agile target in the water. Assahke are generally not aquatic creatues, after all. Nor are squid normally much for hunting air-born things. This does not stop it from trying to pull the massive dragon down into the sea with another one of it's arms. Seguro might be big, but for a gigantic creature like this? Merely a tasty snack.<br> <br>Pent lying there prone in the water is simply too good to resist. Tilting her head up she can see one coming right at her, siniously stretching towards her legs.<br> <br>Pent goes a bit wide-eyed and tries to scramble back, though her sharkarms aren't really suited for crawling back to the shore<br> <br>Kaith,who has just noticed the tentacle, desperatly tries to swim out of the way.<br> <br>Tentacles. It had been a while since she'd been assulted by tentacles. Still, so long as she had her muzzle to keep giving orders she was fine. Allowing one of the many things to grip her, she smiles. Of course her meat shield let herself be picked up. Always the massicist that one. Angelily'd lost count of the times she'd cum herself while being shot! Tailsko, her healer, that one getting wrapped up may be troublesome, but her other meat shield, she is smiling as she is taken in. Only one more, and of course, it grabs the smaller of the two. Well, without her dervish this would be harder, but that left her berzerker... well. A few quick barks and that berzerker looks out at the thing in the see, and, completely without much care charges in, intent on ripping apart anything she can get her claws on... or smash anything she can get near her breasts! Angelily herself mearly smiled, waiting. Lily was practically drooling at what she expected next!<br> <br>Prios scrabbles and attempts to come to a halt, loudly spitting out an obscenity, but crashes into the giant tentacle instead. "Okay think fast think fast think think think." Though it will exhaust her, she decides to fight fire with fire, and transforms herself into the biggest, strongest thing she can be - which, coincidentally, is a tentacled beast. The otter sprouts a seeming forest of long muscled suckers. The tentacle beast Prios' become gets ready to try to wrestle free and away from the beach - but the change has weakened her stamina, unfortunately.<br> <br>Seguro sees the tentacle and attempts to bank out of the way , hoping to dodge the tentacles headed hir way.<br> <br>The, perhaps to no-one's surprise, slime-covered tentacles leap on the pack of huskies with gusto. Snatching them up left and right. One dangling by it's arm, another by it's hindleg. The one going for the berzerker seems a bit more hesitant however. Seems it doesn't feel like getting torn to bits and instead it decides to simply make a sweeping motion to knock the feral off her feet. Of course, snatching up the pack mother herself is a much easier task as she eagerly awaits the slimy embrace. Prios does give the tentacle a bit of a pause. But it's not long until it nears her with perhaps even more anticpiation then before! Fellow tentacles is something it KNOWS. Intimately. As the fellow be-tentacled feral will soon be aware. Pent's lower legs are quickly engulfed in slimy suckers as the tentacle coils around her legs, the tip wagging as it almost seems to sniff the air infront of it. Even the dragon isn't qutie quick enough to avoid a sucker or three to latch onto one of his legs, the strong appendage trying to tug the beast down against the lift Seguro produces with hir massive wings. Keith isn't spared either as one wraps around hir waist, hugging hir tightly.
Out in the ocean, the surface begins to bubble and churn as something truly immense moves beneath the waves. Mouths agape, the people on shore thing they can even see a ginormous eye briefly show itself before sinking back into the depths.<br> <br>Pent was just about mid-swing when the ocean began going all wibbly and thus likely collapses onto her back in the water<br> <br>Kaith is startled by the sudden apearance of the creature and attempts to move away from it.<br> <br>Prios lunges up onto the beach without a word and races across the sand as fast as she can. She's looking to take cover behind one of the bungalows. She isn't assuming that this creature is hostile, but right now she's assuming the worst just for safety's sake. Assuming she reaches the bungalow, she grunts between pants: "Well - it doesn't - like fishing..."<br> <br>Well, this was something. Angelily gets up as her fishing line snaps, pulling the vibrator free from her as she looks out over the sea. With a few barks she forms up the squad she's brought with her. "You broke our fishing line!" She literally barks out, a long howl as she orders everyone to be ready for a fight!<br> <br>Kaith continues to swim away worried that the creature will try to eat hir.<br> <br>Seguro pulls hirself back onto the shore, upon seeing ripped out of hir hand, its od shi hirself weighs in at nearly 77000 pounds. Taking flight shi leaping into the air with a great thrust of hir wings, high above the ocean's surface Seguro attempts to gage the creatures size, and to get a better survey of the situation. <br> <br>If it's a fight the husky wants, it's a fight she'll get! Breaking the surface at incredible speed are numerous tentacles, surging towards the percieved threats on the beach. The colourful tomcat is the first catch as he makes an easy prey, standing there staring at disbelief. With a loud yowl, one of the tentacles wraps around his waist and hoists him up into the air. A quintet seems to hone in on the husky pack, almost slithering across eachother across the sand, seeming almost to be able to smell the needy bitches waiting for them. Another surges towards Kaith, snaking through the shallow waters like a giant anaconda, intent to coil around hir legs. The otter, quick on her feet is definetly quick enough to avoid any tentacles emerging from the sea. The one that bursts through the sand infront of her.. well, that one catches her completely by surprise. The tentacle hunting for Kaith probably praises it's luck, if it could think, as shi makes for a much less agile target in the water. Assahke are generally not aquatic creatues, after all. Nor are squid normally much for hunting air-born things. This does not stop it from trying to pull the massive dragon down into the sea with another one of it's arms. Seguro might be big, but for a gigantic creature like this? Merely a tasty snack.<br> <br>Pent lying there prone in the water is simply too good to resist. Tilting her head up she can see one coming right at her, siniously stretching towards her legs.<br> <br>Pent goes a bit wide-eyed and tries to scramble back, though her sharkarms aren't really suited for crawling back to the shore<br> <br>Kaith,who has just noticed the tentacle, desperatly tries to swim out of the way.<br> <br>Tentacles. It had been a while since she'd been assulted by tentacles. Still, so long as she had her muzzle to keep giving orders she was fine. Allowing one of the many things to grip her, she smiles. Of course her meat shield let herself be picked up. Always the massicist that one. Angelily'd lost count of the times she'd cum herself while being shot! Tailsko, her healer, that one getting wrapped up may be troublesome, but her other meat shield, she is smiling as she is taken in. Only one more, and of course, it grabs the smaller of the two. Well, without her dervish this would be harder, but that left her berzerker... well. A few quick barks and that berzerker looks out at the thing in the see, and, completely without much care charges in, intent on ripping apart anything she can get her claws on... or smash anything she can get near her breasts! Angelily herself mearly smiled, waiting. Lily was practically drooling at what she expected next!<br> <br>Prios scrabbles and attempts to come to a halt, loudly spitting out an obscenity, but crashes into the giant tentacle instead. "Okay think fast think fast think think think." Though it will exhaust her, she decides to fight fire with fire, and transforms herself into the biggest, strongest thing she can be - which, coincidentally, is a tentacled beast. The otter sprouts a seeming forest of long muscled suckers. The tentacle beast Prios' become gets ready to try to wrestle free and away from the beach - but the change has weakened her stamina, unfortunately.<br> <br>Seguro sees the tentacle and attempts to bank out of the way , hoping to dodge the tentacles headed hir way.<br> <br>The, perhaps to no-one's surprise, slime-covered tentacles leap on the pack of huskies with gusto. Snatching them up left and right. One dangling by it's arm, another by it's hindleg. The one going for the berzerker seems a bit more hesitant however. Seems it doesn't feel like getting torn to bits and instead it decides to simply make a sweeping motion to knock the feral off her feet. Of course, snatching up the pack mother herself is a much easier task as she eagerly awaits the slimy embrace. Prios does give the tentacle a bit of a pause. But it's not long until it nears her with perhaps even more anticpiation then before! Fellow tentacles is something it KNOWS. Intimately. As the fellow be-tentacled feral will soon be aware. Pent's lower legs are quickly engulfed in slimy suckers as the tentacle coils around her legs, the tip wagging as it almost seems to sniff the air infront of it. Even the dragon isn't qutie quick enough to avoid a sucker or three to latch onto one of his legs, the strong appendage trying to tug the beast down against the lift Seguro produces with hir massive wings. Keith isn't spared either as one wraps around hir waist, hugging hir tightly.
Something most of you havn't seen occurs once it has you in it's tentacly grasp. The tips... split asunder. Branching off into many more finer tentacles. Much more dexterious then the large, unweildy things it uses otherwise. Perfect for stripping away any protective layers in it's way. Which it immediately proceeds to do. Or atleast paw over areas where such garments might be worn in the case the agent in question isn't wearing anything.<br> <br>Pent continues staring at the tentacles swarming over herself, vainly struggling against the grip as she's quickly declothed<br> <br>Angelily blinks a bit. Well, that was new. Her last daughter slapped away, she rolls her eyes a bit. Talking with the thing was likely out of the question, but, hey, why not? Even as her more delicate parts are touch, Lily loving the feelings, Angel tries to see if the thing speaks anything remotely like a romance language. "Hey, big, dark, and watery... ohhh... maybe you'd like to talk about... ahem... being something a bit more managable? We... we could do that foooor... ohhh.... you, even... bring you someplace where... you ... could... learn to put to good.. use these things.. of.. yours." She pants out, squirming from the feelings. The rest of her pack accept just as eagerly what was being done to them, seems this wasn't the first time they've experinced this as Angel did some talking. "You... ahh.. know, almost... reminds us of the... last time in the east.. forest.." She says, "o.. ooohhh or was it.. the park?" she asks, waiting to see if the massive thing would answer her back.<br> <br>Prios jams some of his own tentacles firmly into the sand as deep as possible to provide leverage. Prios wraps his other appendanges around the single giant squid tentacle he's wrangling with, and attempts to pull free, probably making the creature a lot more excited from all the contact. His strength is quite fearsome, though he's tired from the recent shift.<br> <br>The beast doesn't seem to respond the least bit to Angelily's words. It does however seem greatly intrigued by her decidedly delicious smelling orfices. It wastes little time before suspending her in the air and spreading her legs apart, if she hadn't already done so even. Though smaller, the tentacles definetly have quite a bit of girth as they slither up her thighs and plunge into every last hole they manage to find. Excited yips and howls can be heard over the water, suggesting similar fates awates the rest of the pack.<br> <br>Kaith dosn't know how ro ract to the tentacle wraped arround hir. After a brief moment shi decides to stay still to avoid making the creature angry.<br> <br>Angelily sighs a moment, feeling the searching appendages find her twin pussies and rump, as well as the rest of her pack soon to enjoy the same, she waits for Lily to have her fill, another climax to course through her, and whatever else may happen. She'd given birth to walking v's before, this wasn't going to be much! She rides out whatever it has in store for her, letting that bitch inside enjoy it all she can! She proves very sensative and accomadating over all, an easy gusher! A few barks amix her moans for comfort to her children as she waits.<br> <br>Prios makes a valiant stand against the flailing arm, and it's multitude of pulsing tips eager for some tentacle on tentacle loving. They grasp and prod at the tenticular titan but are unable to find any opening. The few that do are quickly pulled away by one of Prios' own appendages.<br> <br>Kaith's lack of resistant actually gives the beast a bit of a pause. It wasn't quite used to things not struggling madly against his loving advances. Still, why look a gift horse in the mouth? Or as the case in question might be, why not invade every orfice it can? Done and done! The asshake can feel hirself get so very filled by writhing tips.<br> <br>Seguro looks back in surprise as three succors attach them selfs to hir leg, looking the suckers, the dragons maw opens spewing fire, a searing  inferno, hoping to burn the small appendages succored flesh and make hir escape.<br> <br>Prios yanks the tips away and pushes them back, having them all pretty well under control. "Well... almost got... oh no." He realizes that his own tentacles are starting to split, their own finer parts exposing themselves. "Oh no come on." Damn it! Form instincts!<br> <br>Pent blushes and continues struggling against the squidcreature<br> <br>The arm coiling around Pent's leg slithers along, probing hir all over. Seems it actually doesn't find hir nether lips very appealing. The abrasive nature of it seems to not quite agree with it. The hole placed firmly between her cheeks though? Juuuuuuust right for two of them to call their home. And so they do, stretching Pent wide as they pulse and writhe in hir, massaging every bit of hir sensitive prostate as they do their dirty deed.<br> <br>The breath of fire does seem highly effective at deterring the tentacle trying to pull the dragon down. Shi could swear shi heard them hissing as they detatch. Looking for easier pray, they descend on Angelily. Making sure to muffle her incessant jabbering with a nice, juicy tentacle to add to the others pumping away. It feels like they're growing even thicker! Perhaps.. as if something were traveling along them.<br> <br>Prios gives the larger squid tentacle a /bit/ too much of a fond hug and long caress as he keeps the invading rapey-bits away, but is pretty much able to stay focused on the task of not being completely overpowered. His own tentacles do split open, however. The idea of a little turnabout is becoming intruiging, though maybe not feasible.<br> <br>Now that was more like it! Lily was in heaven! Something nice and thick. And with her muzzle filled she simply breathes through her nose more, waiting, squirming, feeling the edge approch quickly! The rest of her pack was still safe, so she was just fine to let this continue, for now. Her eyes go a bit more blue as she awaits that horny bitch inside her to be satiated. Her only concern was for that pup that got just slapped, trying to look over to her to see if she was fine.<br> <br>Prios' advisary is a bit.. unsure of what to make of all these other tentacles. Even going so far to start grappling with itself in confusion! By now, the two are quite firmly engangled in eachother, neither gaining any ground on the other. Yet..<br> <br>The tentacles do what tentacles do. To the unlucky, or perhaps lucky depending on your definition, few it had actually managed to invade. Eventlaully, the slithering and probing builds up to a climax. As a single being, every single tip explodes, filling everyone afflicted with spurts of goopy semen. The tentacles pulse, growing wider as they deposit their just reward. Keith, Pent and Angelily's as well as the rest of her pack's belly's almost buldge out from the sheer volume of it, and copious amounts leaks out of their thoroughly ravashed orfices. Prios is lucky enough not to get any actually ON him, but nonetheless, he's covered from head to toe in fragrant ivory fluids. Still! They do not relent as they keep on punishing the invaders.<br> <br>Seguro smiles, as shi watch the tentacles flee from her attack.  Wondering what she could do against a large creature, an idea comes to hir, flapping hir great gleaming wings, hir massive golden form moves closer to the creatures body. the great creature rendered stationary, pulling an item from hir pack shi arms a Nanite Grenade shi wonder what infection shi left the bloody thing, tucking hir wings shi makes a bombing run.<br> <br>Angelily sighs contently, as does most of the rest of her pack. That heat was getting annoying, but now, now, she'd have quite enough of all this. She hoped no one else has any ideas, at least none that would tick her off more than she already was. Lily was a happy husky... Angel.. she was not. Letting go of Fiery hide, engulfing herself in flame, she attempts to break free of her delightful prison. All the while letting the fire of a Burninate course through her throat and out her muzzle! If it was at all successful, send the fiery explosive directly toward the beast as she tries to simply muscle her way through! Brown eyes burning with an anger over what had been... though delightfully, done to her and her daughters!
Something most of you havn't seen occurs once it has you in it's tentacly grasp. The tips... split asunder. Branching off into many more finer tentacles. Much more dexterious then the large, unweildy things it uses otherwise. Perfect for stripping away any protective layers in it's way. Which it immediately proceeds to do. Or atleast paw over areas where such garments might be worn in the case the agent in question isn't wearing anything.<br> <br>Pent continues staring at the tentacles swarming over herself, vainly struggling against the grip as she's quickly declothed<br> <br>Angelily blinks a bit. Well, that was new. Her last daughter slapped away, she rolls her eyes a bit. Talking with the thing was likely out of the question, but, hey, why not? Even as her more delicate parts are touch, Lily loving the feelings, Angel tries to see if the thing speaks anything remotely like a romance language. "Hey, big, dark, and watery... ohhh... maybe you'd like to talk about... ahem... being something a bit more managable? We... we could do that foooor... ohhh.... you, even... bring you someplace where... you ... could... learn to put to good.. use these things.. of.. yours." She pants out, squirming from the feelings. The rest of her pack accept just as eagerly what was being done to them, seems this wasn't the first time they've experinced this as Angel did some talking. "You... ahh.. know, almost... reminds us of the... last time in the east.. forest.." She says, "o.. ooohhh or was it.. the park?" she asks, waiting to see if the massive thing would answer her back.<br> <br>Prios jams some of his own tentacles firmly into the sand as deep as possible to provide leverage. Prios wraps his other appendanges around the single giant squid tentacle he's wrangling with, and attempts to pull free, probably making the creature a lot more excited from all the contact. His strength is quite fearsome, though he's tired from the recent shift.<br> <br>The beast doesn't seem to respond the least bit to Angelily's words. It does however seem greatly intrigued by her decidedly delicious smelling orfices. It wastes little time before suspending her in the air and spreading her legs apart, if she hadn't already done so even. Though smaller, the tentacles definetly have quite a bit of girth as they slither up her thighs and plunge into every last hole they manage to find. Excited yips and howls can be heard over the water, suggesting similar fates awates the rest of the pack.<br> <br>Kaith dosn't know how ro ract to the tentacle wraped arround hir. After a brief moment shi decides to stay still to avoid making the creature angry.<br> <br>Angelily sighs a moment, feeling the searching appendages find her twin pussies and rump, as well as the rest of her pack soon to enjoy the same, she waits for Lily to have her fill, another climax to course through her, and whatever else may happen. She'd given birth to walking v's before, this wasn't going to be much! She rides out whatever it has in store for her, letting that bitch inside enjoy it all she can! She proves very sensative and accomadating over all, an easy gusher! A few barks amix her moans for comfort to her children as she waits.<br> <br>Prios makes a valiant stand against the flailing arm, and it's multitude of pulsing tips eager for some tentacle on tentacle loving. They grasp and prod at the tenticular titan but are unable to find any opening. The few that do are quickly pulled away by one of Prios' own appendages.<br> <br>Kaith's lack of resistant actually gives the beast a bit of a pause. It wasn't quite used to things not struggling madly against his loving advances. Still, why look a gift horse in the mouth? Or as the case in question might be, why not invade every orfice it can? Done and done! The asshake can feel hirself get so very filled by writhing tips.<br> <br>Seguro looks back in surprise as three succors attach them selfs to hir leg, looking the suckers, the dragons maw opens spewing fire, a searing  inferno, hoping to burn the small appendages succored flesh and make hir escape.<br> <br>Prios yanks the tips away and pushes them back, having them all pretty well under control. "Well... almost got... oh no." He realizes that his own tentacles are starting to split, their own finer parts exposing themselves. "Oh no come on." Damn it! Form instincts!<br> <br>Pent blushes and continues struggling against the squidcreature<br> <br>The arm coiling around Pent's leg slithers along, probing hir all over. Seems it actually doesn't find hir nether lips very appealing. The abrasive nature of it seems to not quite agree with it. The hole placed firmly between her cheeks though? Juuuuuuust right for two of them to call their home. And so they do, stretching Pent wide as they pulse and writhe in hir, massaging every bit of hir sensitive prostate as they do their dirty deed.<br> <br>The breath of fire does seem highly effective at deterring the tentacle trying to pull the dragon down. Shi could swear shi heard them hissing as they detatch. Looking for easier pray, they descend on Angelily. Making sure to muffle her incessant jabbering with a nice, juicy tentacle to add to the others pumping away. It feels like they're growing even thicker! Perhaps.. as if something were traveling along them.<br> <br>Prios gives the larger squid tentacle a /bit/ too much of a fond hug and long caress as he keeps the invading rapey-bits away, but is pretty much able to stay focused on the task of not being completely overpowered. His own tentacles do split open, however. The idea of a little turnabout is becoming intruiging, though maybe not feasible.<br> <br>Now that was more like it! Lily was in heaven! Something nice and thick. And with her muzzle filled she simply breathes through her nose more, waiting, squirming, feeling the edge approch quickly! The rest of her pack was still safe, so she was just fine to let this continue, for now. Her eyes go a bit more blue as she awaits that horny bitch inside her to be satiated. Her only concern was for that pup that got just slapped, trying to look over to her to see if she was fine.<br> <br>Prios' advisary is a bit.. unsure of what to make of all these other tentacles. Even going so far to start grappling with itself in confusion! By now, the two are quite firmly engangled in eachother, neither gaining any ground on the other. Yet..<br> <br>The tentacles do what tentacles do. To the unlucky, or perhaps lucky depending on your definition, few it had actually managed to invade. Eventlaully, the slithering and probing builds up to a climax. As a single being, every single tip explodes, filling everyone afflicted with spurts of goopy semen. The tentacles pulse, growing wider as they deposit their just reward. Keith, Pent and Angelily's as well as the rest of her pack's belly's almost buldge out from the sheer volume of it, and copious amounts leaks out of their thoroughly ravashed orfices. Prios is lucky enough not to get any actually ON him, but nonetheless, he's covered from head to toe in fragrant ivory fluids. Still! They do not relent as they keep on punishing the invaders.<br> <br>Seguro smiles, as shi watch the tentacles flee from her attack.  Wondering what she could do against a large creature, an idea comes to hir, flapping hir great gleaming wings, hir massive golden form moves closer to the creatures body. the great creature rendered stationary, pulling an item from hir pack shi arms a Nanite Grenade shi wonder what infection shi left the bloody thing, tucking hir wings shi makes a bombing run.<br> <br>Angelily sighs contently, as does most of the rest of her pack. That heat was getting annoying, but now, now, she'd have quite enough of all this. She hoped no one else has any ideas, at least none that would tick her off more than she already was. Lily was a happy husky... Angel.. she was not. Letting go of Fiery hide, engulfing herself in flame, she attempts to break free of her delightful prison. All the while letting the fire of a Burninate course through her throat and out her muzzle! If it was at all successful, send the fiery explosive directly toward the beast as she tries to simply muscle her way through! Brown eyes burning with an anger over what had been... though delightfully, done to her and her daughters!<br> <br>Prios sighs wistfully at the spray of fluid. "Oh geez." He fully opens his tentacle tips and just kind of manages to get into a weird sort of game of clench-the-tentacle-fingers. "Okay. This is where you tell me your astrological sign. Aquarius? Pisces? - a little help here!"<br> <br>Pent squirms and groans as her guts are filled, her lowers dripping but unfulfilled<br> <br>Kaith sighs, shi was not expecting such pleasure from the tentacles. shi continues to enjoy the tentacles not seeming to care that shi might get pregnant.<br> <br>The grenade hits it's mark. Square where a large eye peer's up at it's winged avenger. With a splash, it sinks beneath the waves. The entire beach almost goes quiet for a few heartbeats as... nothing happens. All that fancy tech and no one thought to waterproof the damned things?! The silence is violently broken by Angelily's own version of a grenade however. With a roar the flames flare up all around her, brilliantly lighting the obscene scene occuring around the beach. Hissing the tentacles retreat from her. Almost whining they all simultaniously let go of their victims. In Angelily's case, dropping her with a wet thump onto the beach. Although it does take it a few moments to actually get clear of Prios embrace.
Rearing up, this time in anger, the tips collapse on themselves. Forming wickedly sharp tips this time around. Seems this time it's REALLY angry. Just as they are about to lunge forwards, a high-pitched and earsplittingly loud whistle can be heard from across the water. Emminating well west of the beach, it stops the beast in it's tracks. Tentatively, almost bashfully, the giant kraken retreats into the water.<br> <br>Prios slumps over onto the sand of the beach and looks out over the water. "Oh. Uh huh. Well. That happened." He starts trundling his way over to the water, to wash himself off, not bothering to change form again just yet. "Anybody catch sight of the judge cat?"<br> <br>Kaith, having been droped back into the water, decides to stay in the water to wash off.<br> <br>Pent collapses again into the water, cringing and worn<br> <br>Angelily sighs a bit, rubbing her filled belly. Lily was happy, Angel pissed. She'd need to get Miranai to make her a new pole. Either way a howl and she collects up her pack, looking about. She didn't exactly catch anything, so, after getting down and shaking her fur dry, she holds her belly, wondering if this wa going to get her pregnant... she sighs a bit, heading off back home, "Can't even go fishing without fucking anymore. What is the world coming to?" She ask, looking at her pack, everyone's tail wagging... even her own.<br> <br>Seguro  frowns that was not able to have much of an effect on the creature, the violation of the people of the beach. The dragon comes in for a landing, setting hir self-down next to the small quail. "Are you alright  little bird? I did what a could, but it was sadly to no avail."  The large dragon grumbles the thing was the would have been a fun specimen to play around with ."<br> <br>The waves eventually wash up a thoroughly soaked and miserable tomcat. Getting up on his feet, he walks, a bit funny for some reason, up to the fish tank. By some miracle of the gods the tank with the catfish is still intact! Atleast something was gained from all this. Who knew fishing could be such a chore? "T-thank you all f-for a-attending this f-fine event. I er.. uhm.. free drinks f-for everyone at t-the milk bar! F-for a f-ew days. Ooookay? R-righ! L-let's get the hell out of h-here!" he stammers as he makes sure the contestants are all safe and relatively unharmed before he slinks off with his prize.
What a day at the beach it had been. No lasting harm done really. Perhaps a few libidos squenched. Mayhap a few new fetishes sparked? Time will tell. Eventually, the last of the agents make their way, tired and wet, off the beach to get some well-earned rest.

Revision as of 05:54, 11 August 2014





A festively dressed cat waits by a few hastily made flags, depicting a cat in a tophat, flying in the refreshing air breeze. One can surmise this is the official from cat town here to supervise the fishing contest. He's remarcably fat, for a cat, dressed in a dazzling multicoloured suit. "Welcome, welcome! One and all! The fishing contest is about to begin! You are allowed to use any item to snag yourself the most unique of fish! Aside from explosives, that is! Come on, don't be shy!" he yells exitedly as the first few people start arriving.

Pent walks out onto the beach, glancing over the assembled fishers and cat banners "Well, this looks like the place..."

Fishing. If there was anything in the world that calmed that damned bitch in the back of her head, it was sitting by the water, with a pair of toys shoved up her twin pussies, and just fishing. Angelily, a blue husky, walks along the edge of the beach. She'd not come here to fish in a long time, mostly sticking to the river these days. But, where there was a contest, there was fun to be had! And she was about a week into her heat, her 'other half' pushing stronger and stronger against her fradgle mind. Coming with her is her usual company, five other huskies! She was in a more relaxed uniform, military PTs for the time, though she had on her reflective belt her rank, a CPT. Pole in hand, a pack filled with various things to help her, she walks up to the cat, "Hello, we assume this is where the fishing contest will be had?" She asks. Though 'clothed' it does little to hide her upper assets, and the crotch of her shorts has been completely removed!

Kaith arrives at the beach. Although shi knows nothing about fishing, shi has decided to give the contest hir best shot.

A large golden scaled dragon flies on hir way to cat town, Eager to have the chance to catalog these new fish rumored to be in cat towns pond. The dragon soon land in the clearing near the pound, the dragon is clothed in heavy combat armor, Shi away from the edge of the beach, look forward to having a chance to examining what the contestants may catch.

Prios flaps in not far behind Seguro. She's a quail, a small drab-colored bird with no adornments or clothing save a lanyard around her neck with a nametag. She doesn't really have much of anything that actually needs covering with clothing, though. Her nametag clearly and proudly reads 'hello my name is PRIOS'. She takes a flying leap past the enormous dragon and lands right next to the cat, looks up at the feline, and - "Hello! Hello, cat person! You're fuzzy and purry looking! Don't eat me, cat person! Those are nice flags! This is the fishing contest, isn't it? Oh. Oh, you just said that. Fishing contests sound like fun! I'll probably just watch though. I can't really use rods. Fishing rods, I mean. Unless I'm allowed to turn into a big whale and get fish that way! Probably would just scare the fish away though."

She pauses 0.5812 seconds to breathe.

"Oh, don't scare the fish, everybody! Be quiet and don't talk too much. Shhhhhhh!" She twirls in place happily, feathers whirling about, for no apparent reason at all save sheer excitement. "Oh, I'm Prios! Hi everybody! I'm Prios and I'm a bird! What's everybody's names? I'm a terrifying feral monster by the way."

The cat points nods at Pent. "If it's fishing you're after, you've come to the right place! Step right up!" he says, shooting the husky pack a grin. Even though he can't help but wrinkle his nose a bit at the sheer amount of canines. "Correct you are, pretty puppy!" he exclaims, waving them forwards to the beach front, pointing another finger at the large dragon stirring up sand as shi lands. "You too! C'mon, no need to be shy! I'm sure dragons are fantastic at catching fish with those big, sharp claws!" he pauses, getting a good look at the Quail. "As can you, my feathered friend! I'm sure birds like you are renowned fishers! Everyone gets points for tryin!"

He makes a sweeping gesture towards the sea and the gentle waves crashing against the shore. "Start anytime you please! Good luck! And remember, the winner gets a free month worth of drinks at our prodigious milk bar! All the milk and honey you can want! A dream come true, I'm sure!" he says cheerfully, twirling his whiskers with his free paw.

Pent nods and heads down to the shoreline, quicky checking her bags before finding a good spot to sit "Right then... Might need to resort to... Hm..."

Angelily shakes her head a bit at the quail and the dragon, wondering a moment if they wanted to scare all the fish away from the shore line. Unfortunately, that bitch in her head was fighting strong, making her wiggle, press and play on her breasts for a bit before she can calm enough to grab from her pack the twin headed vibrator toy, stuffing it in herself with a long moan and sigh. She pulls out her rod, one made for catching Dolphins, though she was going to use some unusual bait. Three Eyed Fish. The five huskies position themselves around her, should she be attacked while fishing! That set up, she simply casts out, enjoying the feeling of her cum messed cunts being vibrated into bliss. She does give a look back to the cat, "Call us puppy or pretty again, and we'll eat your entrails... or give you a few cocks and fuck you 'til they fall off, we're not sure which yet." She says as she waits for a bite.

The cat rolls his eyes while he's facing away from the husky before swinging back with a dazzling smile and an apologetic bow. "My mistake, pay me no heed! And good luck! I'm sure with such strange bait you'll have a grand old time catching something even stranger!"

Prios cranes her neck and looks around excitedly, considering something. "Oh! I know! I know I know!" She flaps her wings, bounces a few times, and stretches out some. Really stretches out: she changes form, feathers breaking down as she grows, and sprouts fur. Within moments she's a slightly winded-looking otter. She sighs in what appears to be some relief, and twitches her rudderlike tail as she crouches and leaps into the water. She titters with excitement and energy, but at the moment she no longer seems compelled to babble ditzily at and about everyone and everything.

Kaith,who dosn't have a fishing rod, decides that the only way to get fish would be to jump in. "see you in a bit cat!' shi yells as shi jumps into the water.

Seguro sniffs the tom cat, the dragon's large head moving close to the cats. "Hmm what kinds of fish have been found in the previous contest, and are you not going to join us?" The dragon sits on the shore line a little distance from the shore, as shi watching Prios play in the water.

The otter finds the water remarkably clear, with quite a few small fishies swimming about. As well as, of course, the dangling bait of a three-eyed fish.

Kaith, however, does manage to muddle up the water somewhat, sand whirling around hir feet as shi wades in, peering down into the water to spot for movement.

The tomcat turns with a smile to the dragon. "Why, that wouldn't be very fair, now would it? Surely you know that none rival the cats in catching fish! Besides, how would anyone be able to compete?" he retorts with a ceshire grin.

Pent stares at the water for a bit, contemplating how best to go about fishing up something good "Yeah, might have to go for a bit of change..."

Angelily looks over to the cat as she bobs her pole, "Pardon, but huskies are the best of fishers." She says, awaiting a bite, or anything pulling on her line. She was beginning to wonder if she should switch to a more normal bait. Or maybe use something even more interesting. She decides to switch bait. Pulling back her line she pulls from her pack.... a mako shark... and hooks it on. She pulls back and casts out once more! She gives a content sigh as one hand reaches down to rub on her womanhood, smiling as she leaks out all over the sand.

Prios waits patiently at the bottom of the water for as long as she dares, then tries to grab one of the slower, more foolish-seeming fishes, maybe just as a warmup, or maybe just because she's an otter.

The cat doesn't even have time to reply, for the moment the bait lands in the water, Angelily's bobber disapears under the water. Clearly something found the bait delicious! Prios was just about to snag a small, slow shrimp when she spots something a bit bigger coming right at her! Or rather, at the shrimp! Darting forwards, she tries to catch it!

Angelily pulls back on the line the moment that bobber was down, hoping to land the hook in! After she gives a few tugs and starts reeling in hopes to bring it in, "Got something! Not sure what, it likes shark though." She says! Pulling back again, she reels the line a bit more.

After swiming into slightly deeper waters, Kaith decides to start trying to grab fish with hir claws.

Prios pumps her tail furiously and promptly streaks her body forward, quickly now -

Pent carefully stands up and, spotting how excited the other fishers are getting decides to wade in, arms shifting into something a little more appropriate for hunting fish...

Seguro Sighs, looking at the water, pulls open her pack pulling out several lengths of very long lengths rope, tie tying knots in the length together, hoping to make a net hoping to make a net.

The tomcat eagerly watches what Angelily manages to pull up. To both of their surprises, the catch isn't actually on the hook. Instead, it has 8 little tentacles firmly wrapped around it's price. Seems she caught an octopuss! A remarcably gray and scaly one, at that. How strange. Still, it probably wouldn't play very nice with the fish in the pond. Before it's even ashore, it detatches it's suction cups and slithers away into the dark ocean. Drat!

Prios however, has better luck. Her streamlined body has no trouble keeping up with her pray. A large, hungry bass! Triumphantly, she emerges from the water with her catch twitching in her paws. The cat applauds her. "A fine catch! Although perhaps, not all that rare."

Pents flippers are perfectly suited to slap against the water, stunning any fish caught unaware by their sharp gaze. And one fell blow manages to yield not one, but three colourful little fish. Much to small, sadly, to be taken out of their habitat just now.

Meanwhile, the murky water does little to hide the strange white object Kaith spots on the seabed. A quick plunge into the water and shi is rewarded with a pale, fat catfish! "Ooooh! A CATfish! The BEST of fishes!" the tomcat exclaims at the find, hurrying over with a large bowl filled with water to deposit the critter in.

"The contest isn't over yet, however! I'm sure there's even more to be found out there!" the tomcat says happily as he peers at the tank holding the fish. And Seguro's bet is sure to pay off. The large net is big enough not to catch anything TOO small, and not quite so big to snatch anything far too big. Time will tell!

Angelily growls loudly as she looks out at the thing that quickly detatches itself and goes back into the water. She ponders a moment... switching this time to trout. She had almost an unnumberable amount of things that she could use for bait! "A.. squid..." She says, thinking about that for a little while. What did she know about squids? That one looked funny to her either way. As a fish is caught, and then another, and another, she seems to get a bit more upset. Her eyes go red just a moment, before she decides that would be a bad idea. New bait, she casts again.

The husky's perseverance pays off! In just a few minutes she manages to pull up a pretty sizable mako shark! They really don't play well with other fish though.. and this one has some pretty strange markings on the side. Suction marks, the size of dinnerplates. Still... it's a mako shark. Surely worth keeping!

Pent grunts slightly at the substandard haul then shrugs, checking the water for signs of something larger to swing at

Prios summons up every ounce of her willpower as she grabs her prize, resisting the urge to eat it outright. She clasps it in her arms and works her rudder-tail, powering herself up out of the water as fast as she can. She inspects the fish she's caught. "Hmm... oh well!" She drops the bass off somewhere (or back in the water if there's no way to keep it) and dives back in for more fishies, streaking out into the water (in multiple senses of the word).

After puting the catfish in the bowl Kaith excitedly runs back into the water throwing caution to the wind. After all bieng cautious would just slow hir down in her attempt prove that shi is the best at fishing.

Angelily looks at the mako shark almost in disgust! She already had thousands of those, a thousand? Some number near that. She puts it into her pack, and tosses out the line again. Though something was ticking in the back of her mind. She wasn't sure what, but the more she thought about it, the more something didn't seem right. "Angel... what's wrong?" She says, "I'm not sure Lily, I'm trying to think, be quiet and enjoy the vibrators." She says, who was she talking to?

An unusually big wave rolls in just as Prios dives down. It almost threatens to knock Pent off his feet. Seguro and Kaith are big enough to stand firm as they pulls his net in. The sea quickly calms down to normal though. How odd.

Her mind calmed by a small cascade of vibrator-induced orgasms, however briefly, Angelily pauses to consider the strange marks. Squid and octopus don't usualy grow to such massive sizes here. Although there IS that strange island way to the west. Things certanly grow big enough THERE. But surely there weren't any land-squid there. Right?

Prios swims on, darting this way and that. But there seem to be precious few fish to find all of a sudden. Her thoughts are interrupted by a shadow falling across the seafloor. Maybe the clouds merely covered the setting sun. Yeah, that must be it. No? Eh.. maybe it'd be better to swim back to shore for now..

Seguro: attaches a few bit scavenge junk to the bottom of the net , hopefully it should keep the net up right as it is dragged though the water. The dragon cast the net deep into the water, pulling the drag net in, the dragon using hir massive frame to pull the net in.

Kaith swims out a bit and starts trying to grab any fish shi sees.

Prios doesn't swim all the way back up onto land - she is feeling pretty aquatic - but she does get close enough that she could dash onto terra firma on a moment's notice. She pokes her head up above the surface and chirrups. "Heeeey. Yeah, it's Prios! Usually a bird? Yeah, ah, there's a huge shadow out there in the deeper water and I don't think we're about to have a thunderstorm."

Pent glances at the otter dashing about "Hm... Might be something big... Let's see who can catch it first!"

Angelily howls out as she climaxes.... twice! She squirts all over the sands and moans as she finishes off. That is when it comes to her, a squid, and there was that island. She thinks about this... but, what could possibly go wrong? Surely there would be no giant squids! She continues fishing with the trout, whistling to herself, perhaps a squid would make a good enough catch, if it were dostle enough!

Suddenly all hell breaks lose at once. At one part of the beach, Seguro is yanked off his feet, almost pulled out of the water as something snatches the net out of his hands. Likewise, Angelily's rod goes almost goes flying out of her hand as something drags it down before the line snaps with a loud TWANG!

Out in the ocean, the surface begins to bubble and churn as something truly immense moves beneath the waves. Mouths agape, the people on shore thing they can even see a ginormous eye briefly show itself before sinking back into the depths.

Pent was just about mid-swing when the ocean began going all wibbly and thus likely collapses onto her back in the water

Kaith is startled by the sudden apearance of the creature and attempts to move away from it.

Prios lunges up onto the beach without a word and races across the sand as fast as she can. She's looking to take cover behind one of the bungalows. She isn't assuming that this creature is hostile, but right now she's assuming the worst just for safety's sake. Assuming she reaches the bungalow, she grunts between pants: "Well - it doesn't - like fishing..."

Well, this was something. Angelily gets up as her fishing line snaps, pulling the vibrator free from her as she looks out over the sea. With a few barks she forms up the squad she's brought with her. "You broke our fishing line!" She literally barks out, a long howl as she orders everyone to be ready for a fight!

Kaith continues to swim away worried that the creature will try to eat hir.

Seguro pulls hirself back onto the shore, upon seeing ripped out of hir hand, its od shi hirself weighs in at nearly 77000 pounds. Taking flight shi leaping into the air with a great thrust of hir wings, high above the ocean's surface Seguro attempts to gage the creatures size, and to get a better survey of the situation.

If it's a fight the husky wants, it's a fight she'll get! Breaking the surface at incredible speed are numerous tentacles, surging towards the percieved threats on the beach. The colourful tomcat is the first catch as he makes an easy prey, standing there staring at disbelief. With a loud yowl, one of the tentacles wraps around his waist and hoists him up into the air. A quintet seems to hone in on the husky pack, almost slithering across eachother across the sand, seeming almost to be able to smell the needy bitches waiting for them. Another surges towards Kaith, snaking through the shallow waters like a giant anaconda, intent to coil around hir legs. The otter, quick on her feet is definetly quick enough to avoid any tentacles emerging from the sea. The one that bursts through the sand infront of her.. well, that one catches her completely by surprise. The tentacle hunting for Kaith probably praises it's luck, if it could think, as shi makes for a much less agile target in the water. Assahke are generally not aquatic creatues, after all. Nor are squid normally much for hunting air-born things. This does not stop it from trying to pull the massive dragon down into the sea with another one of it's arms. Seguro might be big, but for a gigantic creature like this? Merely a tasty snack.

Pent lying there prone in the water is simply too good to resist. Tilting her head up she can see one coming right at her, siniously stretching towards her legs.

Pent goes a bit wide-eyed and tries to scramble back, though her sharkarms aren't really suited for crawling back to the shore

Kaith,who has just noticed the tentacle, desperatly tries to swim out of the way.

Tentacles. It had been a while since she'd been assulted by tentacles. Still, so long as she had her muzzle to keep giving orders she was fine. Allowing one of the many things to grip her, she smiles. Of course her meat shield let herself be picked up. Always the massicist that one. Angelily'd lost count of the times she'd cum herself while being shot! Tailsko, her healer, that one getting wrapped up may be troublesome, but her other meat shield, she is smiling as she is taken in. Only one more, and of course, it grabs the smaller of the two. Well, without her dervish this would be harder, but that left her berzerker... well. A few quick barks and that berzerker looks out at the thing in the see, and, completely without much care charges in, intent on ripping apart anything she can get her claws on... or smash anything she can get near her breasts! Angelily herself mearly smiled, waiting. Lily was practically drooling at what she expected next!

Prios scrabbles and attempts to come to a halt, loudly spitting out an obscenity, but crashes into the giant tentacle instead. "Okay think fast think fast think think think." Though it will exhaust her, she decides to fight fire with fire, and transforms herself into the biggest, strongest thing she can be - which, coincidentally, is a tentacled beast. The otter sprouts a seeming forest of long muscled suckers. The tentacle beast Prios' become gets ready to try to wrestle free and away from the beach - but the change has weakened her stamina, unfortunately.

Seguro sees the tentacle and attempts to bank out of the way , hoping to dodge the tentacles headed hir way.

The, perhaps to no-one's surprise, slime-covered tentacles leap on the pack of huskies with gusto. Snatching them up left and right. One dangling by it's arm, another by it's hindleg. The one going for the berzerker seems a bit more hesitant however. Seems it doesn't feel like getting torn to bits and instead it decides to simply make a sweeping motion to knock the feral off her feet. Of course, snatching up the pack mother herself is a much easier task as she eagerly awaits the slimy embrace. Prios does give the tentacle a bit of a pause. But it's not long until it nears her with perhaps even more anticpiation then before! Fellow tentacles is something it KNOWS. Intimately. As the fellow be-tentacled feral will soon be aware. Pent's lower legs are quickly engulfed in slimy suckers as the tentacle coils around her legs, the tip wagging as it almost seems to sniff the air infront of it. Even the dragon isn't qutie quick enough to avoid a sucker or three to latch onto one of his legs, the strong appendage trying to tug the beast down against the lift Seguro produces with hir massive wings. Keith isn't spared either as one wraps around hir waist, hugging hir tightly.

Something most of you havn't seen occurs once it has you in it's tentacly grasp. The tips... split asunder. Branching off into many more finer tentacles. Much more dexterious then the large, unweildy things it uses otherwise. Perfect for stripping away any protective layers in it's way. Which it immediately proceeds to do. Or atleast paw over areas where such garments might be worn in the case the agent in question isn't wearing anything.

Pent continues staring at the tentacles swarming over herself, vainly struggling against the grip as she's quickly declothed

Angelily blinks a bit. Well, that was new. Her last daughter slapped away, she rolls her eyes a bit. Talking with the thing was likely out of the question, but, hey, why not? Even as her more delicate parts are touch, Lily loving the feelings, Angel tries to see if the thing speaks anything remotely like a romance language. "Hey, big, dark, and watery... ohhh... maybe you'd like to talk about... ahem... being something a bit more managable? We... we could do that foooor... ohhh.... you, even... bring you someplace where... you ... could... learn to put to good.. use these things.. of.. yours." She pants out, squirming from the feelings. The rest of her pack accept just as eagerly what was being done to them, seems this wasn't the first time they've experinced this as Angel did some talking. "You... ahh.. know, almost... reminds us of the... last time in the east.. forest.." She says, "o.. ooohhh or was it.. the park?" she asks, waiting to see if the massive thing would answer her back.

Prios jams some of his own tentacles firmly into the sand as deep as possible to provide leverage. Prios wraps his other appendanges around the single giant squid tentacle he's wrangling with, and attempts to pull free, probably making the creature a lot more excited from all the contact. His strength is quite fearsome, though he's tired from the recent shift.

The beast doesn't seem to respond the least bit to Angelily's words. It does however seem greatly intrigued by her decidedly delicious smelling orfices. It wastes little time before suspending her in the air and spreading her legs apart, if she hadn't already done so even. Though smaller, the tentacles definetly have quite a bit of girth as they slither up her thighs and plunge into every last hole they manage to find. Excited yips and howls can be heard over the water, suggesting similar fates awates the rest of the pack.

Kaith dosn't know how ro ract to the tentacle wraped arround hir. After a brief moment shi decides to stay still to avoid making the creature angry.

Angelily sighs a moment, feeling the searching appendages find her twin pussies and rump, as well as the rest of her pack soon to enjoy the same, she waits for Lily to have her fill, another climax to course through her, and whatever else may happen. She'd given birth to walking v's before, this wasn't going to be much! She rides out whatever it has in store for her, letting that bitch inside enjoy it all she can! She proves very sensative and accomadating over all, an easy gusher! A few barks amix her moans for comfort to her children as she waits.

Prios makes a valiant stand against the flailing arm, and it's multitude of pulsing tips eager for some tentacle on tentacle loving. They grasp and prod at the tenticular titan but are unable to find any opening. The few that do are quickly pulled away by one of Prios' own appendages.

Kaith's lack of resistant actually gives the beast a bit of a pause. It wasn't quite used to things not struggling madly against his loving advances. Still, why look a gift horse in the mouth? Or as the case in question might be, why not invade every orfice it can? Done and done! The asshake can feel hirself get so very filled by writhing tips.

Seguro looks back in surprise as three succors attach them selfs to hir leg, looking the suckers, the dragons maw opens spewing fire, a searing inferno, hoping to burn the small appendages succored flesh and make hir escape.

Prios yanks the tips away and pushes them back, having them all pretty well under control. "Well... almost got... oh no." He realizes that his own tentacles are starting to split, their own finer parts exposing themselves. "Oh no come on." Damn it! Form instincts!

Pent blushes and continues struggling against the squidcreature

The arm coiling around Pent's leg slithers along, probing hir all over. Seems it actually doesn't find hir nether lips very appealing. The abrasive nature of it seems to not quite agree with it. The hole placed firmly between her cheeks though? Juuuuuuust right for two of them to call their home. And so they do, stretching Pent wide as they pulse and writhe in hir, massaging every bit of hir sensitive prostate as they do their dirty deed.

The breath of fire does seem highly effective at deterring the tentacle trying to pull the dragon down. Shi could swear shi heard them hissing as they detatch. Looking for easier pray, they descend on Angelily. Making sure to muffle her incessant jabbering with a nice, juicy tentacle to add to the others pumping away. It feels like they're growing even thicker! Perhaps.. as if something were traveling along them.

Prios gives the larger squid tentacle a /bit/ too much of a fond hug and long caress as he keeps the invading rapey-bits away, but is pretty much able to stay focused on the task of not being completely overpowered. His own tentacles do split open, however. The idea of a little turnabout is becoming intruiging, though maybe not feasible.

Now that was more like it! Lily was in heaven! Something nice and thick. And with her muzzle filled she simply breathes through her nose more, waiting, squirming, feeling the edge approch quickly! The rest of her pack was still safe, so she was just fine to let this continue, for now. Her eyes go a bit more blue as she awaits that horny bitch inside her to be satiated. Her only concern was for that pup that got just slapped, trying to look over to her to see if she was fine.

Prios' advisary is a bit.. unsure of what to make of all these other tentacles. Even going so far to start grappling with itself in confusion! By now, the two are quite firmly engangled in eachother, neither gaining any ground on the other. Yet..

The tentacles do what tentacles do. To the unlucky, or perhaps lucky depending on your definition, few it had actually managed to invade. Eventlaully, the slithering and probing builds up to a climax. As a single being, every single tip explodes, filling everyone afflicted with spurts of goopy semen. The tentacles pulse, growing wider as they deposit their just reward. Keith, Pent and Angelily's as well as the rest of her pack's belly's almost buldge out from the sheer volume of it, and copious amounts leaks out of their thoroughly ravashed orfices. Prios is lucky enough not to get any actually ON him, but nonetheless, he's covered from head to toe in fragrant ivory fluids. Still! They do not relent as they keep on punishing the invaders.

Seguro smiles, as shi watch the tentacles flee from her attack. Wondering what she could do against a large creature, an idea comes to hir, flapping hir great gleaming wings, hir massive golden form moves closer to the creatures body. the great creature rendered stationary, pulling an item from hir pack shi arms a Nanite Grenade shi wonder what infection shi left the bloody thing, tucking hir wings shi makes a bombing run.

Angelily sighs contently, as does most of the rest of her pack. That heat was getting annoying, but now, now, she'd have quite enough of all this. She hoped no one else has any ideas, at least none that would tick her off more than she already was. Lily was a happy husky... Angel.. she was not. Letting go of Fiery hide, engulfing herself in flame, she attempts to break free of her delightful prison. All the while letting the fire of a Burninate course through her throat and out her muzzle! If it was at all successful, send the fiery explosive directly toward the beast as she tries to simply muscle her way through! Brown eyes burning with an anger over what had been... though delightfully, done to her and her daughters!

Prios sighs wistfully at the spray of fluid. "Oh geez." He fully opens his tentacle tips and just kind of manages to get into a weird sort of game of clench-the-tentacle-fingers. "Okay. This is where you tell me your astrological sign. Aquarius? Pisces? - a little help here!"

Pent squirms and groans as her guts are filled, her lowers dripping but unfulfilled

Kaith sighs, shi was not expecting such pleasure from the tentacles. shi continues to enjoy the tentacles not seeming to care that shi might get pregnant.

The grenade hits it's mark. Square where a large eye peer's up at it's winged avenger. With a splash, it sinks beneath the waves. The entire beach almost goes quiet for a few heartbeats as... nothing happens. All that fancy tech and no one thought to waterproof the damned things?! The silence is violently broken by Angelily's own version of a grenade however. With a roar the flames flare up all around her, brilliantly lighting the obscene scene occuring around the beach. Hissing the tentacles retreat from her. Almost whining they all simultaniously let go of their victims. In Angelily's case, dropping her with a wet thump onto the beach. Although it does take it a few moments to actually get clear of Prios embrace.

Rearing up, this time in anger, the tips collapse on themselves. Forming wickedly sharp tips this time around. Seems this time it's REALLY angry. Just as they are about to lunge forwards, a high-pitched and earsplittingly loud whistle can be heard from across the water. Emminating well west of the beach, it stops the beast in it's tracks. Tentatively, almost bashfully, the giant kraken retreats into the water.

Prios slumps over onto the sand of the beach and looks out over the water. "Oh. Uh huh. Well. That happened." He starts trundling his way over to the water, to wash himself off, not bothering to change form again just yet. "Anybody catch sight of the judge cat?"

Kaith, having been droped back into the water, decides to stay in the water to wash off.

Pent collapses again into the water, cringing and worn

Angelily sighs a bit, rubbing her filled belly. Lily was happy, Angel pissed. She'd need to get Miranai to make her a new pole. Either way a howl and she collects up her pack, looking about. She didn't exactly catch anything, so, after getting down and shaking her fur dry, she holds her belly, wondering if this wa going to get her pregnant... she sighs a bit, heading off back home, "Can't even go fishing without fucking anymore. What is the world coming to?" She ask, looking at her pack, everyone's tail wagging... even her own.

Seguro frowns that was not able to have much of an effect on the creature, the violation of the people of the beach. The dragon comes in for a landing, setting hir self-down next to the small quail. "Are you alright little bird? I did what a could, but it was sadly to no avail." The large dragon grumbles the thing was the would have been a fun specimen to play around with ."

The waves eventually wash up a thoroughly soaked and miserable tomcat. Getting up on his feet, he walks, a bit funny for some reason, up to the fish tank. By some miracle of the gods the tank with the catfish is still intact! Atleast something was gained from all this. Who knew fishing could be such a chore? "T-thank you all f-for a-attending this f-fine event. I er.. uhm.. free drinks f-for everyone at t-the milk bar! F-for a f-ew days. Ooookay? R-righ! L-let's get the hell out of h-here!" he stammers as he makes sure the contestants are all safe and relatively unharmed before he slinks off with his prize.

What a day at the beach it had been. No lasting harm done really. Perhaps a few libidos squenched. Mayhap a few new fetishes sparked? Time will tell. Eventually, the last of the agents make their way, tired and wet, off the beach to get some well-earned rest.