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He scratches his nose and looks over at Magnus. &quot;Maybe don&#39;t get the precinct in here,&quot; he says, maybe a little sheepishly, &quot;Especially if you don&#39;t want people, you know, spreading things. I have some masks here, though,&quot; he offers, pointing back at the supply crate, &quot;If you think they will help.&quot; He actually snorts at Poppy&#39;s commentary. &quot;Oh wow. Can you imagine what a Rhino virus would be like? Rocksteady everywhere.&quot;</div><br> <br><div title="Martakan">Martakan looks around the area at the nearby patients as the voia and Magnus try to repair the server&#39;s logs. He notices people twitching in a similar fasion as he saw his friends do not three hous ago and says &quot;No, no this can&#39;t be contained not, it spread too wide already Magnus, calling to precinct will can only make matters worse now. We need wither those logs or find teh source of this contagion, a patient 0 as they say&quot; turning to Miranai &quot;do we have intel on the spread of this disease or where it started? I can carry two of you and we can cover a lot of ground with my wings&quot;. Then gasps as his left hind leg is being bitten by an unruly wolf-like patient who is quickly restrained by Fenris. The leg is slightly bitten but the damage is done already.</div><br> <br><div title="Miranai">Jacob sighs and smiles a bit when Euoia and Magnus confirm that there was a bug in his system, and it is repaired now. &quot;Ok, thank you, it will be a bit before I can get more readings. In the meantime, please tend to the minor needs of the patients.&quot; He says, loading up the samples again, and getting the machine running them over once more. The nurse smiles a bit, looking to Fenris, &quot;Thank you, that is a big help. We normally don&#39;t need more than one nurse at a time on staff, but I&#39;m getting ran off my paws here.&quot; She says. After the machine is up and running again, Jacob looks to Magnus, &quot;I, do you really think this is going to be that serious? I mean,&quot; then a glance to Martakan, &quot;so far I&#39;ve only heard of cases here in New Dawn, it doesn&#39;t seem that spread out as of yet.&quot; He says, rubbing on his muzzle for a moment, &quot;I&#39;ll take what you have said under consideration, but I&#39;d like a little more evidence of this being such an issue before I do anything that might cause panic myself.&quot; He says.
He scratches his nose and looks over at Magnus. &quot;Maybe don&#39;t get the precinct in here,&quot; he says, maybe a little sheepishly, &quot;Especially if you don&#39;t want people, you know, spreading things. I have some masks here, though,&quot; he offers, pointing back at the supply crate, &quot;If you think they will help.&quot; He actually snorts at Poppy&#39;s commentary. &quot;Oh wow. Can you imagine what a Rhino virus would be like? Rocksteady everywhere.&quot;</div><br> <br><div title="Martakan">Martakan looks around the area at the nearby patients as the voia and Magnus try to repair the server&#39;s logs. He notices people twitching in a similar fasion as he saw his friends do not three hous ago and says &quot;No, no this can&#39;t be contained not, it spread too wide already Magnus, calling to precinct will can only make matters worse now. We need wither those logs or find teh source of this contagion, a patient 0 as they say&quot; turning to Miranai &quot;do we have intel on the spread of this disease or where it started? I can carry two of you and we can cover a lot of ground with my wings&quot;. Then gasps as his left hind leg is being bitten by an unruly wolf-like patient who is quickly restrained by Fenris. The leg is slightly bitten but the damage is done already.</div><br> <br><div title="Miranai">Jacob sighs and smiles a bit when Euoia and Magnus confirm that there was a bug in his system, and it is repaired now. &quot;Ok, thank you, it will be a bit before I can get more readings. In the meantime, please tend to the minor needs of the patients.&quot; He says, loading up the samples again, and getting the machine running them over once more. The nurse smiles a bit, looking to Fenris, &quot;Thank you, that is a big help. We normally don&#39;t need more than one nurse at a time on staff, but I&#39;m getting ran off my paws here.&quot; She says. After the machine is up and running again, Jacob looks to Magnus, &quot;I, do you really think this is going to be that serious? I mean,&quot; then a glance to Martakan, &quot;so far I&#39;ve only heard of cases here in New Dawn, it doesn&#39;t seem that spread out as of yet.&quot; He says, rubbing on his muzzle for a moment, &quot;I&#39;ll take what you have said under consideration, but I&#39;d like a little more evidence of this being such an issue before I do anything that might cause panic myself.&quot; He says.
It wasn&#39;t more than three minutes before a COMM unit made up like an old phone with a screen attached starts to ring. &quot;Hello, this is Dr. Jacob Heysen speaking.&quot; He pauses for a moment, before yelling, &quot;YOU HAVE WHAT!? HOW MANY!? WHERE? AND THERE&#39;S MORE!? NO, no, no, divert some of them to RSX and the downtown hospital for now.&quot; After putting the reciver back down, he grips the desk it is on, before looking back to Magnus, Fenris, Poppy, and the rest. His eyes are wide, his mouth gapping, &quot;That might have been the evidence...&quot; He takes a few shaky breaths before adjusting his smock again, &quot;We have a functioning truck that we converted into an ambulance out back.&quot; He says, reaching into his desk he pulls out some keys, tossing them to Fenris, &quot;Take it, drive to 7th and Green, turn on the lights and go fucking fast. There&#39;s been a... a... an accident.&quot; He says before he looks back to the server&#39;s screen, still shakingly gripping the table with both hands, &quot;Please, all of you, do what you can.&quot;</div><br> <br><div title="Euoia">Euoia packed up hir laptop and nodded to the doctor. Sie slung hir gear and climbs into the back of the vehicle and straps in. &quot;Well, lets do this..&quot;</div>
It wasn&#39;t more than three minutes before a COMM unit made up like an old phone with a screen attached starts to ring. &quot;Hello, this is Dr. Jacob Heysen speaking.&quot; He pauses for a moment, before yelling, &quot;YOU HAVE WHAT!? HOW MANY!? WHERE? AND THERE&#39;S MORE!? NO, no, no, divert some of them to RSX and the downtown hospital for now.&quot; After putting the reciver back down, he grips the desk it is on, before looking back to Magnus, Fenris, Poppy, and the rest. His eyes are wide, his mouth gapping, &quot;That might have been the evidence...&quot; He takes a few shaky breaths before adjusting his smock again, &quot;We have a functioning truck that we converted into an ambulance out back.&quot; He says, reaching into his desk he pulls out some keys, tossing them to Fenris, &quot;Take it, drive to 7th and Green, turn on the lights and go fucking fast. There&#39;s been a... a... an accident.&quot; He says before he looks back to the server&#39;s screen, still shakingly gripping the table with both hands, &quot;Please, all of you, do what you can.&quot;</div><br> <br><div title="Euoia">Euoia packed up hir laptop and nodded to the doctor. Sie slung hir gear and climbs into the back of the vehicle and straps in. &quot;Well, lets do this..&quot;</div><br> <br><div title="Magnus">The feline looks over towards Martakan. &quot;The wilds? Do you mean the East Forest?&quot; He then crosses his arms and puffs out some air, hearing Fenris out, Magnus nods and rubs his forehead. &quot;I guess so. They probably have their hands full already anyway.&quot; He rubs at his forehead for a little while longer, then casts a look over towards the sickly. He thinks for a moment, then gives Poppy a light nudge, having intended to do something, but... then it appears shit had hit the fan. Wait, they were the ones taking the ambulance? Weren&#39;t there nurses, paramedics, professionals for this in New Dawn? There was no time to discuss this.
&quot;I can drive.&quot; The feline simply states. He&#39;d lead plenty of missions outside the bubble, in which he was their driver, both arrival and departure. &quot;Whoever&#39;s coming, get on. I&#39;m waiting 5 minutes at most before we get out of here. Whoever can fly, roll, run, whatever fast enough to keep up, do so.&quot; The old truck in question was a sizable beast, easily large enough to fit several patients, though with all the different shapes and sizes that folks came in these days, one could easily say it can fit a city&#39;s worth of hamster-sized patients too. They lived in a weird weird world. Unlocking the door and sitting at the driver&#39;s seat, the feline turns the keys in the ignition and revs up the engine. Mirrors, seat, steering wheel, he makes himself at home, and looks for the siren trigger. The truck DID have a siren, or did it? Where is it? Oh well. Once everyone was on, he raises the parking break, presses down the clutch and shifts into first, then second, then third as they make their way rapidly towards the point of distress. &quot;Good time for a game plan folks! What are we dealing with, anyone find out before we left?&quot;</div><br> <br><div title="Poppy">Poppy would be slowly nodding, moving back towards the back of the room, looking back over some of the supplies there. A bottles of water and some... jello? Jello Substitute? Hang on, jello was already partially substitute, so what was this? Well... The gelatine and water, she&#39;d retrieve and be setting about offering to some of the patients who looked like they might be able to handle some food. A few small smiles would be offered, idle brushes given to the scalps of those whom seemed unable to manage that much. A little bit of comfort at a time like this may make all the difference.
That was, at least, until the doctor got the call. Her gaze turned towards them, eyes widening as he spoke! Oh dear, seemed... well... Seemed Magnus was right about a few things! Really wish he hadn&#39;t been though. She&#39;d take a deep breath there, looking back over the group as they began to assemble and head out. Her eyes though, fell upon the Doctor themselves. A brief sad smile would play itself across her maw as she reached over, patting the clydesdale&#39;s shoulder. &quot;Breath mister. It will do no good to those here if you panic, nor those out there. Breath and relax. We will go. Help how you can. We&#39;ll do the same. You&#39;ll know what to do.&quot; It was a strange, hopeful smile playing across her muzzle now. Nodding for a few moments, she&#39;d shake her head, swiftly hopping back and running towards the truck. There were others to save. Hopping in, she&#39;d secure herself in the back, trying to rattle off her thoughts. &quot;Ah, okay! So an accident! Probably some injured... or heck. Might be that weird sickness. We&#39;ve got some... shoot, what have we got in this truck?&quot;</div><br> <br><div title="Fenris">&quot;Roll out!&quot; Fenris calls, reaching for the keys, only to have them snagged from his grasp, &quot;Oh! Come on! You always drive!&quot; The tanuki turns tail and dashes out to the truck, slinging himself into the passenger seat. &quot;I never get to drive,&quot; he complains.
Despite his flippant attitude, he moves like a professional, swinging into the truck and strapping in. The burly tanuki checks his gear, and more importantly, takes stock of the jury-rigged ambulance. &quot;No idea,&quot; he answers Magnus&#39;s question, &quot;But I am sure we will find out!&quot; The tanuki, as a professional button pusher and lever puller knows exactly where to find lights and sirens and flicks both on. &quot;Let&#39;s go!&quot;</div><br> <br><div title="Miranai">Jacob nods a bit to Poppy, giving a slight smile, &quot;Thank you. Here soon the tests should come back properly this time, and I can start trying to find out exactly what we are dealing with.&quot;
In the converted truck, Magnus behind the wheel and Fenris riding shoot gun playing with buttons and levers soon finds the switch for the lights and siren. People move quickly to get out of the truck&#39;s way, even the ferals seeming to understand what it meant when those lights were shining and those sounds being made. It doesn&#39;t take long to get near the site of the accident, and it is easy to see what had happened. Someone with an electric car had ran directly into one of the power grid&#39;s poles, taking it down... right on top of a wagon carrying a family of fennecs. While that alone was bad, the ferals running around apparently startled and fightened by the arcing electric wires were only making things worse! Some had been taken away by the inital personal on scene, but there was still chaos and many laying on the ground, some bleeding.</div><br> <br><div title="Euoia">Euoia piles out of the ambulance to notice the obvious wreck of a pole that corner is gonna be. Sie flies up to try disconnecting the transformer and rerouting the power as best sie can. Sie doesn&#39;t have a pole truck, and is missing some of the grounding gear sie would need, but flies straight to the pole to try shutting down or bypass what sie can. &quot;I hope this helps...&quot;</div>

Revision as of 23:55, 3 March 2020





As the beds start to fill up, not that the hut had THAT many of them, Jacob, the head medic for New Dawn, a Clydesdale that tended to go around in the nude except for his smock, made a request for additional personal to help handle the mounting cases. So far, no one had presented with more than some light vomiting, fever, sneezing and coughing, but this was growing concerning for him. "This is too strange, far too strange." He mumbles to a nurse administering an an IV of all things to a pink Female Husky, who doesn't seem to be capable of doing more than groaning, whimpering, and gently rocking from side to side on occasion. Looking at the screen of the Medical Nanomagic Server in the hut, the lead medic shakes his head a moment before looking over the room which was meant to house 8 patients, but had cots set up and now had 11...

Martakan nods and waits

Euoia slowly makes hir way inside. "Anyone call for a repair tech?" Sie gets out of the way and is waiting for someone to step forward and explain what they know and how sie could help. "Is there a place you need me to go?" Sie looks around, wondering where sie could help out.

What is this bullshit being tossed around this time? Sickness? Seriously? Magnus was no doctor, but for the life of him he had never seen anyone with any kind of illness before. The nanomachines were like a ravenous beast when it came to healthcare, they destroyed any foreign bug in an instant, and now there was something more potent than that running around? He didn't like this, he didn't like this one bit. The feline dragon makes his way to New Dawn with heavy footfalls, clad in a dense jacket kept unbuttoned, his crimson shirt visible beneath, and a pair of slacks protecting both his modesty as well as his legs. Once inside, his eyes scan over his surroundings, making sure to give the sick a wide berth, what's more he immediately checks to see if masks are needed. Thankfully the doctors appear to have decided none such are required. Spotting a familiar and quite dazzling girl nearby, Magnus breathes a soft sigh of relief, specifically that there were others taking this quite seriously. He reaches to tap the Clydesdale on the shoulder, then hooks a thumb towards the entrance. "So anyone can just walk in here? Ain't you worried this thing is gonna spread?" Magnus shakes his head. "Any idea what we're dealing with here?"

It had been a bit of a strange request that had come through Poppy's comlink. The Medical team at New Dawn encountering something strange and unexpected, requesting additional people to assist! The collie herself might not have had much medical training, but she did know one thing. The New Dawn Medical team had given her a few innoculations, so best to try to help if she could! It was that rather simple and clean mindset that led her to wandering into the Medical hut. Her usual yellow jumpsuit wrapped around her, the collie herself seemign to be in a pretty solid mood. A slight smile played across her maw as she looked about, gazing back over the gathered... well... Ill. A smattering of beds, a various menagerie of mutants, quietly groaning and shaking... A nurse tending to those aroundAnd a fellow who seemed to be in some control of their wits! Probably the head person here! Before she could open her mouth though, a pair of others would enter, the collie swiftly moving to the side of them. Still, she shook her head before coughing, asking over. "Heya Mister," she'd murmer back to the Clydesdale. "I heard that you were in need of, well, people! What can I help you with? What do we have? And... What's going on? Sorry, just don't know!"

Fenris arrives, carrying a crate full of medical supplies. Mostly just generic fever reducers and saline solution along with sanitary wipes and some antibacterial masks. The burly tanuki does not generally spend much time in New Dawn, but he is technically a member of the community, and likes to help out where he can. "Got your meds, doc," he says, waving to Jacob. Turns out we have a pretty good supply." The big guy wanders over to where the doctor is working, casting a curious eye on the medical nano-server. Fenris is wearing his simple, saffron robes today, heavy wooden prayer beads around his neck and wrists. "Hey Magnus," he says cheerfully, before looking to the doctor for further instructions.

Martakan flies in tired after a long flight, he moves his body through the entrance, smelling the various mutations and the state of the infection. While he's not versed in the art of medicine, his body and warm soothing flame help mend many wounds as well as psychological wounds. Many were cured after riding on him. He proceeds to enter deeper into the room as he notices a group of otehr people seemingly more aware of the local situation than others and asks them "Hey guys" he adresses the Vixen nurse "do you have an idea why did this happen, the spread appears to have changed mutiating nanites and caused some of my friends to turn wild and I had to fly here to get help. Is there anything I can be of help here?

For the moment Jacob doesn't take his eyes of the screen, looking over it trying to see if anything has changed since the last time he looked over it. He shakes his head, and, without looking specifically at anyone continues, "Thank you all for coming, and honestly? I have no clue what is going on here. At least not yet. We have had nano malfunction cause minor issues in people before. Cold and flu like symptoms, bouts were people's stomaches wouldn't be functioning in a way compatable with their nanites and that would have to be adjusted, even very few, very rare people who's natural immune system would conflict with the nanites and they have to be given treatments to bring their biology and, what is to them, their new technology. Nothing like this though, nothing this wide spread or dangerous." He stops a moment and looks specifically at Euoia, "If you wouldn't mind, look over the server. I know how to use it, and how to read the diagnostics it gives me, but like hell if I know how to fix it if it's broken in some way." He says before looking next to Magnus, then around to Poppy, Fenris, Martakan. "I'm hoping that the machine is just acting buggy, but the best I can tell is that they are suffering from gastrointeritus and some form rhinovirus causing upper respritory broncidus." After he's done he adjusts his smock, but the Vixen Nurse nurse, smiles after getting the needle in the husky's arm, "What the doctor means is stomach flu, as well as the common cold." Shi says before checking on a Bird of Paradise who seems to be in better shape, sitting up, but sneezing up a storm! "That's what I said Jessica, anyway, our largest concern is dehydration. The nanites tend to take care of that on their own, but, something about this is causing that to malfunction as well. As you can see, for some patients, we have had to revert to some old timey methods." Jacob jestures to the husky with an IV. "I haven't seen anything like this in, Kitsune help me, it feels like decades." He gives a nod to Fenris though, "Thank you for the stock, please set it in the back with the rest of the boxes."

Euoia nods to Jacob, then pulls out hir laptop to connect it to server. Sie pulls out a few connection cables and begins to run diagnostics on the server's functions and error logs. Hir screen flashes an error message. "Hmmm... error reporting has an error... Hey, Mags. Can you back me up on this, I'll need you to press a few buttons while I'm running. You know how to clear the screen and get it to start a new log, right? I'll need you to do that and then check what the next few errors might be..." Euoia flittered hir fairy wings as sie started typing long and hard on hir laptop to try and clear out the error messages and help with mags restarting the error report protocol.

"It's done." He shrugs and taps the monitor, then turns his attention towards Poppy and company. He mutters something under his breath about so many people being here. "Hey guys." he gives a light wave, then turns towards the doctor with the fanciest words. "Look, doc. You can't be doing this, man. You got people coming in and out of here with people showing flu-like symptomes, what if this thing's contagious? What if we're dealing with some sorta super bug?" he raises his finger and points towards the exit "I got a family out there, doc. I got children to look after, and so help me I ain't about to let them run around town knowing things around here aren't packed up tight." "You gotta declare a quarantine. ESPECIALLY before we can be sure without a shadow of a doubt that this thing can be taken care of! Look, I can call in the boys from the precinct, they'll set up a secure area and set up a comm line to you folks. Nobody comes in or out without your go-ahead. Plus, if the media catches wind of this, especially a certain okami reporter I been seein' lately, they'll sensationalize the ever loving fuck out of this. Ain't nobody wanna hear there's a bug on the loose. Zephyr are gonna throw a fit if it impacts profits."

Looking back at the doctor, Poppy couldn't help but feel... a bit out of sorts. This wasn't exactly her specialty, heck, it was hardly even something she could handle in the edge of her skill! The medical technician who had helped administer innoculatiosn had... well... she'd addmitidly not been paying too much attention to them, but even if she had? This felt... a bit beyond what a regular checkup could help her grasp! She rubbed her neck for a few moments, looking back between the Nurse and Doctor lad as some of the companions started to fiddle with the server. "O-kay.... So what can we help you with then? I dunno much about gastrodies or rhinos, but the cold and such, I know about those! Dunno what I can do for it... but I can at least try! Just... Ah, what Do you need done?" A hesitant sort of smile played across her maw. Granted, the collies ears would start to fold back, listening to the fuzzy dragon lad talk. Setting up quarantine? Worry about it being contagious? Maybe... This really was out of her depth. "Uh... I'm not certain on that there. DO we have... well, Do you know where they were?" A glance back to the Doctor. "I mean, the, you know, people? Where they were. Did they pick it up somewhere or...?"

Fenris nods to the doctor and carries his crate of supplies back with the others. He takes a quick stock of what is back here and frowns. The burly tanuki collects a few water bottles and distributes them to patients who seem like they can take care of themselves, then wanders over to where the nurse is working. "I'm no doctor," he says quietly to her, "But I make an okay nurse when bossed around properly. Looks like you are short on saline packs." Not surprising really, since most of the time the only intravenous fluids people take these days are. . . well. . . not saline. He scratches his nose and looks over at Magnus. "Maybe don't get the precinct in here," he says, maybe a little sheepishly, "Especially if you don't want people, you know, spreading things. I have some masks here, though," he offers, pointing back at the supply crate, "If you think they will help." He actually snorts at Poppy's commentary. "Oh wow. Can you imagine what a Rhino virus would be like? Rocksteady everywhere."

Martakan looks around the area at the nearby patients as the voia and Magnus try to repair the server's logs. He notices people twitching in a similar fasion as he saw his friends do not three hous ago and says "No, no this can't be contained not, it spread too wide already Magnus, calling to precinct will can only make matters worse now. We need wither those logs or find teh source of this contagion, a patient 0 as they say" turning to Miranai "do we have intel on the spread of this disease or where it started? I can carry two of you and we can cover a lot of ground with my wings". Then gasps as his left hind leg is being bitten by an unruly wolf-like patient who is quickly restrained by Fenris. The leg is slightly bitten but the damage is done already.

Jacob sighs and smiles a bit when Euoia and Magnus confirm that there was a bug in his system, and it is repaired now. "Ok, thank you, it will be a bit before I can get more readings. In the meantime, please tend to the minor needs of the patients." He says, loading up the samples again, and getting the machine running them over once more. The nurse smiles a bit, looking to Fenris, "Thank you, that is a big help. We normally don't need more than one nurse at a time on staff, but I'm getting ran off my paws here." She says. After the machine is up and running again, Jacob looks to Magnus, "I, do you really think this is going to be that serious? I mean," then a glance to Martakan, "so far I've only heard of cases here in New Dawn, it doesn't seem that spread out as of yet." He says, rubbing on his muzzle for a moment, "I'll take what you have said under consideration, but I'd like a little more evidence of this being such an issue before I do anything that might cause panic myself." He says. It wasn't more than three minutes before a COMM unit made up like an old phone with a screen attached starts to ring. "Hello, this is Dr. Jacob Heysen speaking." He pauses for a moment, before yelling, "YOU HAVE WHAT!? HOW MANY!? WHERE? AND THERE'S MORE!? NO, no, no, divert some of them to RSX and the downtown hospital for now." After putting the reciver back down, he grips the desk it is on, before looking back to Magnus, Fenris, Poppy, and the rest. His eyes are wide, his mouth gapping, "That might have been the evidence..." He takes a few shaky breaths before adjusting his smock again, "We have a functioning truck that we converted into an ambulance out back." He says, reaching into his desk he pulls out some keys, tossing them to Fenris, "Take it, drive to 7th and Green, turn on the lights and go fucking fast. There's been a... a... an accident." He says before he looks back to the server's screen, still shakingly gripping the table with both hands, "Please, all of you, do what you can."

Euoia packed up hir laptop and nodded to the doctor. Sie slung hir gear and climbs into the back of the vehicle and straps in. "Well, lets do this.."

The feline looks over towards Martakan. "The wilds? Do you mean the East Forest?" He then crosses his arms and puffs out some air, hearing Fenris out, Magnus nods and rubs his forehead. "I guess so. They probably have their hands full already anyway." He rubs at his forehead for a little while longer, then casts a look over towards the sickly. He thinks for a moment, then gives Poppy a light nudge, having intended to do something, but... then it appears shit had hit the fan. Wait, they were the ones taking the ambulance? Weren't there nurses, paramedics, professionals for this in New Dawn? There was no time to discuss this. "I can drive." The feline simply states. He'd lead plenty of missions outside the bubble, in which he was their driver, both arrival and departure. "Whoever's coming, get on. I'm waiting 5 minutes at most before we get out of here. Whoever can fly, roll, run, whatever fast enough to keep up, do so." The old truck in question was a sizable beast, easily large enough to fit several patients, though with all the different shapes and sizes that folks came in these days, one could easily say it can fit a city's worth of hamster-sized patients too. They lived in a weird weird world. Unlocking the door and sitting at the driver's seat, the feline turns the keys in the ignition and revs up the engine. Mirrors, seat, steering wheel, he makes himself at home, and looks for the siren trigger. The truck DID have a siren, or did it? Where is it? Oh well. Once everyone was on, he raises the parking break, presses down the clutch and shifts into first, then second, then third as they make their way rapidly towards the point of distress. "Good time for a game plan folks! What are we dealing with, anyone find out before we left?"

Poppy would be slowly nodding, moving back towards the back of the room, looking back over some of the supplies there. A bottles of water and some... jello? Jello Substitute? Hang on, jello was already partially substitute, so what was this? Well... The gelatine and water, she'd retrieve and be setting about offering to some of the patients who looked like they might be able to handle some food. A few small smiles would be offered, idle brushes given to the scalps of those whom seemed unable to manage that much. A little bit of comfort at a time like this may make all the difference. That was, at least, until the doctor got the call. Her gaze turned towards them, eyes widening as he spoke! Oh dear, seemed... well... Seemed Magnus was right about a few things! Really wish he hadn't been though. She'd take a deep breath there, looking back over the group as they began to assemble and head out. Her eyes though, fell upon the Doctor themselves. A brief sad smile would play itself across her maw as she reached over, patting the clydesdale's shoulder. "Breath mister. It will do no good to those here if you panic, nor those out there. Breath and relax. We will go. Help how you can. We'll do the same. You'll know what to do." It was a strange, hopeful smile playing across her muzzle now. Nodding for a few moments, she'd shake her head, swiftly hopping back and running towards the truck. There were others to save. Hopping in, she'd secure herself in the back, trying to rattle off her thoughts. "Ah, okay! So an accident! Probably some injured... or heck. Might be that weird sickness. We've got some... shoot, what have we got in this truck?"

"Roll out!" Fenris calls, reaching for the keys, only to have them snagged from his grasp, "Oh! Come on! You always drive!" The tanuki turns tail and dashes out to the truck, slinging himself into the passenger seat. "I never get to drive," he complains. Despite his flippant attitude, he moves like a professional, swinging into the truck and strapping in. The burly tanuki checks his gear, and more importantly, takes stock of the jury-rigged ambulance. "No idea," he answers Magnus's question, "But I am sure we will find out!" The tanuki, as a professional button pusher and lever puller knows exactly where to find lights and sirens and flicks both on. "Let's go!"

Jacob nods a bit to Poppy, giving a slight smile, "Thank you. Here soon the tests should come back properly this time, and I can start trying to find out exactly what we are dealing with." In the converted truck, Magnus behind the wheel and Fenris riding shoot gun playing with buttons and levers soon finds the switch for the lights and siren. People move quickly to get out of the truck's way, even the ferals seeming to understand what it meant when those lights were shining and those sounds being made. It doesn't take long to get near the site of the accident, and it is easy to see what had happened. Someone with an electric car had ran directly into one of the power grid's poles, taking it down... right on top of a wagon carrying a family of fennecs. While that alone was bad, the ferals running around apparently startled and fightened by the arcing electric wires were only making things worse! Some had been taken away by the inital personal on scene, but there was still chaos and many laying on the ground, some bleeding.

Euoia piles out of the ambulance to notice the obvious wreck of a pole that corner is gonna be. Sie flies up to try disconnecting the transformer and rerouting the power as best sie can. Sie doesn't have a pole truck, and is missing some of the grounding gear sie would need, but flies straight to the pole to try shutting down or bypass what sie can. "I hope this helps..."