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Lightstroke spots a quiet spot behind the shrine. It looks like as likely a spot as any.  
Lightstroke spots a quiet spot behind the shrine. It looks like as likely a spot as any.  
On the stage, the crew of tanuki have finished their setup. A shorter raccoon-dog steps in front of the neatly arranged group and shouts something in archaic Japanese. The respond with a ragged war shout and all slap their round tummies, producing a resounding THUD of drums! Then they launch into a blood pumping peformance of taiko drumming on their tanuki bellies!</div><br> <br><div title="Nena">&quot;Hmmm. I don&#39;t think I can do marriage, I&#39;m afraid. You&#39;re not my type,&quot; Nena says with a wink in return, &quot;But I&#39;ll return later, as you say. Maybe I&#39;ll try my hand at a game.&quot; She lifts her drink and takes her leave, scoping out the scene for games she could score prizes at. That&#39;s part of the fun of festivals, right?</div><br> <br><div title="Sensuen">Sensuen nods to the fisherman, or at least fishmonger before she eyes the dart throwing contest. They&#39;re quite a bit different than her kylie, but Sensuen is still quite trained in marksmanship, so she only has to focus on not clearing out the prizes, Sen does think she could use a straw hat though as she makes her way up to the booth, asking. &quot;So, what are the terms of the dart throwing game?&quot; </div><br> <br><div title="Kar-dragon">    Kar allows the doctor to examine his arm, before his chaperone pulls him back. He looks at him with a raised eyebrow. &quot;I&#39;m not infectious, if that&#39;s what you are worried about. I took the necessary vaccinations to become an agent, and worked on making the strain in my arm to dot spread unless in life threatening situations.&quot; He says as he makes a tentacle from his shoulder, which takes hold of the takoyaki tray as he takes a pair of boots and socks from his bag. He starts putting them on as he focus back on the doctor. &quot;Actually, it&#39;s more accurate to say that the leaf can interact with the nanite adept implant. It allows me to change the size of my assets, like one of the software updates offered by Zephyr, but freely instead of using the layout of other forms.&quot; He says as a second tentacle emerges from his elbow, picking a takoiaky and taking it to his mouth to eat. &quot;Also, the tanuki form is not nanite based, but interacts with them. Anyway, I can show the code I developed for the strain in my arm.&quot; He gets up and brings the tray back to his hand, before reabsorbing the tentacles. &quot;It&#39;s just a bit messy, as the base was made in a rush.&quot;</div><br> <br><div title="Theresa">Theresa rubs her chin a little, smirking a little as she looks him over, eyes drifting up and down. &quot;What do I win if I&#39;m correct? I&#39;d love a plushie tanuki.&quot; The foxy woman giggles. &quot;Hmmm...I bet you&#39;re either all fluff and a lot lighter than you look, or...&quot; She giggles. &quot;You&#39;re pure muscle and a lot heavier. How about...142 kg?&quot; The kitsune&#39;s tails sway behind her, betraying her amusement. &quot;Or, what is that in pounds? 313?&quot; She seems to try to calculate in her head, looking upwards as she does so. it&#39;s good that she is done calculating too, as the tanuki belly-drumming has her giggling quite a bit.</div><br> <br><div title="Lightstroke">Lightstroke Proceeds to the quiet, out of the way spot he noticed from before in order to relieve himself.  Upon landing, he proceeds to masturbate furiously and scan the area for anything to help him finish the task at hand.</div>
On the stage, the crew of tanuki have finished their setup. A shorter raccoon-dog steps in front of the neatly arranged group and shouts something in archaic Japanese. The respond with a ragged war shout and all slap their round tummies, producing a resounding THUD of drums! Then they launch into a blood pumping peformance of taiko drumming on their tanuki bellies!</div><br> <br><div title="Nena">&quot;Hmmm. I don&#39;t think I can do marriage, I&#39;m afraid. You&#39;re not my type,&quot; Nena says with a wink in return, &quot;But I&#39;ll return later, as you say. Maybe I&#39;ll try my hand at a game.&quot; She lifts her drink and takes her leave, scoping out the scene for games she could score prizes at. That&#39;s part of the fun of festivals, right?</div><br> <br><div title="Sensuen">Sensuen nods to the fisherman, or at least fishmonger before she eyes the dart throwing contest. They&#39;re quite a bit different than her kylie, but Sensuen is still quite trained in marksmanship, so she only has to focus on not clearing out the prizes, Sen does think she could use a straw hat though as she makes her way up to the booth, asking. &quot;So, what are the terms of the dart throwing game?&quot; </div><br> <br><div title="Kar-dragon">    Kar allows the doctor to examine his arm, before his chaperone pulls him back. He looks at him with a raised eyebrow. &quot;I&#39;m not infectious, if that&#39;s what you are worried about. I took the necessary vaccinations to become an agent, and worked on making the strain in my arm to dot spread unless in life threatening situations.&quot; He says as he makes a tentacle from his shoulder, which takes hold of the takoyaki tray as he takes a pair of boots and socks from his bag. He starts putting them on as he focus back on the doctor. &quot;Actually, it&#39;s more accurate to say that the leaf can interact with the nanite adept implant. It allows me to change the size of my assets, like one of the software updates offered by Zephyr, but freely instead of using the layout of other forms.&quot; He says as a second tentacle emerges from his elbow, picking a takoiaky and taking it to his mouth to eat. &quot;Also, the tanuki form is not nanite based, but interacts with them. Anyway, I can show the code I developed for the strain in my arm.&quot; He gets up and brings the tray back to his hand, before reabsorbing the tentacles. &quot;It&#39;s just a bit messy, as the base was made in a rush.&quot;</div><br> <br><div title="Theresa">Theresa rubs her chin a little, smirking a little as she looks him over, eyes drifting up and down. &quot;What do I win if I&#39;m correct? I&#39;d love a plushie tanuki.&quot; The foxy woman giggles. &quot;Hmmm...I bet you&#39;re either all fluff and a lot lighter than you look, or...&quot; She giggles. &quot;You&#39;re pure muscle and a lot heavier. How about...142 kg?&quot; The kitsune&#39;s tails sway behind her, betraying her amusement. &quot;Or, what is that in pounds? 313?&quot; She seems to try to calculate in her head, looking upwards as she does so. it&#39;s good that she is done calculating too, as the tanuki belly-drumming has her giggling quite a bit.</div><br> <br><div title="Lightstroke">Lightstroke Proceeds to the quiet, out of the way spot he noticed from before in order to relieve himself.  Upon landing, he proceeds to masturbate furiously and scan the area for anything to help him finish the task at hand.</div><br> <br><div title="Fenris">The female tanuki running the dart game smiles and bows as Nena and Sensuen come her way. &quot;The game is simple, honored guests,&quot; she says, waving at a wall of many colorful balloons. &quot;You may throw five darts,&quot; she explains, &quot;Some of the balloons contain prize tickets, some do not. If you pop a balloon with a ticket, you may take a prize.&quot; She points out the other wall, covered in paper masks, key chains, some small, plush tanuki, and little bags of sweets.
There are other games as well, of course. There is the dunking booth, a long tent with a sign proclaiming &quot;FIND THE FOX!&quot; and another large tent that claims to be a photo booth experience.
The tanuki on the scale laughs, his belly shaking with mirth. &quot;Not bad!&quot; he says, &quot;Not bad! You are pretty close!&quot; He lifts the cover off the scale display, revealing that it says 310 pounds! &quot;For a guess that good, I think we could find you a plushie!&quot; The tanuki winks, and the scale readout suddenly starts to roll down, passing 300...250...200...... all the way down until the tanuki apparently weighs less than five pounds on the digital readout! As soon as Theresa looks away from the readout, she finds a large tanuki plushie in place of the living tanuki she just guessed the weight of!
Elias does his best to fend off his escort. &quot;Give it a rest, Carson,&quot; he says, &quot;These guys have never offered us any harm. I kinda like them! The tanuki they had playing Santa this year was a really nice guy. Even sent me a personal invite here!&quot; He waves to Kar and starts toward the center stage to watch the drum performance. The security detail follows closely after, elbowing aside other festival goers.
Lightstroke has lucked out! This little back courtyard is pretty isolated. There are a bunch of props and costumes lying around. But no one to judge him for- Suddenly, a door opens a pair of rather large tanuki walk into the courtyard! They are talking to each other in Japanese, and have not noticed the human in flagrante.</div><br> <br><div title="Nena">&quot;I&#39;ve always been better at the batting cages, but I can throw down with darts,&quot; Nena affirms, though she takes a moment to finish her food, first. She doesn&#39;t want to leave it unattended. &quot;So, count me in. Nothing to lose, right?&quot; She dusts her hands off, and reaches out to take her darts...</div><br> <br><div title="Sensuen">Sensuen nods to Nena and says, &quot;You&#39;re on.&quot; before taking the darts in hand, some of the balloons having prize tickets would influence her choice of targets, but from inside the booth where the balloons are placed, Sensuen can&#39;t really seem tell which they are. The sea angel thinks for ways other than wind to tell the balloons apart, a slight sag could pick out one weighted down, though with paper being ever so light, that sag would be ever so slight and some might be falsely filled, Sen&#39;s gone to fairs and carnivals before, she knows something of how this setup works. </div><br> <br><div title="Kar-dragon">    Kar nods and follows the doctor. &quot;We tanuki are very welcoming, as you can see from the festival.&quot; He says as he eats his takoyaki. &quot;Sure, there were some cases of one being a trickster to humans, but they were likely being annoying to the poor raccoon.&quot; He says, before offering a takoyaki to him. &quot;Want some? They are very tasty.&quot;</div><br> <br><div title="Theresa">Theresa can&#39;t help but laugh as the tanuki&#39;s weight drops. &quot;I guess that is one way to reset the game!&quot; The vixen blinks a little at first as she spots the plushie, but soon folds her arms and tilts her head. &quot;This better not just be you in object form...&quot; She seems to consider it a little, but then shrugs, looking around to see if people were watching before taking the large plushie, hugging it to her chest. &quot;I&#39;m gonna hug him and love him and call him George. Anyway, thanks!&quot; She calls the last part out, hoping the attendant would hear it before she carries the plushie out, looking for something else to try.</div><br> <br><div title="Lightstroke">Lightstroke Lightstroke curse his luck.  He abandons pleasuring himself and focuses his will to shift into the form of a fairy.  He then attempts to flit to the nearest place of shadows and wait their in stealth until the two figures go away.</div><br> <br><div title="Fenris">The tanuki at the dart booth smiles and nods, stepping aside to let Nena and Sensuen throw.
Sensuen&#39;s aim is true and all five of her darts find their marks, popping the little balloons. There seems to be little rhyme or reason to prize placement, but three little tickets flutter to the ground. Nena is also on point for her marksmanship, but her targeting strategy is a bit less effective, though she too manages to acquire a pair of prize tickets.
The attendant applauds happily and collects the tickets before providing each of the throwers a sturdy, paper fox mask, a bag of traditional sweets, and Sensuen a lovely, flower printed scarf!
Elias claps along with the drum performance, seeming to be thoroughly enjoying himself, though his entourage seems increasingly suspicious as tanuki waiters and attendants move in to offer food and drink. &quot;Elias!&quot; the executive named Carlson says with a warning tone, &quot;Remember what we talked about with food and drink.&quot; Spoilsport.
Theresa can certainly have no trouble finding something to entertain her. So many options still await!
The nearest hiding spot in Lightstroke&#39;s vicinity seems to be a small costume rack. Unfortunately, that is exactly what the two burly tanuki are there for! They take the rack and roll it out through the shrine, which seems to be the hub of security and planned activities. There is even a series of tvs showing parts of the events happening around the festival. A surprising number of these cameras seem to be pointed at the Zephyr team by the stage where the tanuki drummers have just finished their performance.</div><br> <br><div title="Nena">Nena doesn&#39;t have a great strategy, she just throws. Planning was never her strength. &quot;Ah, amusing,&quot; she remarks, largely to herself as she regards the fox mask, before placing it askance atop her head. &quot;Thank you. Though I&#39;m sad to lose out on a pretty scarf like that, I&#39;m sure the treats will take my mind off it,&quot; she says with a soft snicker.</div><br> <br><div title="Sensuen">Sensuen looks to Nena and says, &quot;Here then.&quot; folding up her scarf to give to Nena as it would probably suit her clothing choices better. Sensuen does take the treats and the mask though, maybe she can use the mask&#39;s construction in some projects.</div><br> <br><div title="Kar-dragon">    Kar rolls his eyes. &quot;Oh, please. If it was to mutate someone, it would have mutated me back to a tanuki.&quot; He says, before accepting a cup of sake and drinking it. &quot;Anyway, enjoying the festival, Doctor?&quot;</div><br> <br><div title="Theresa">The photo booth experience seems to draw Theresa&#39;s attention, though she stops to pick up another drink first, sipping it while hugging the plushie she won with her other arm. The vixen then makes her way to her desired entertainment, wondering what the photo booth was all about, seeing if she could find a sign or attendant.</div><br> <br><div title="Lightstroke">Lightstroke silently curses to himself as the rack starts moving.  With little choice in the matter, Lightstroke attempts to move to the closest pocket undetected to better hide himself.  Once there, he plans to survey the area by peaking out the pocket for a chance to finally escape his situation.</div>

Revision as of 00:03, 12 January 2020





The little Shinto shrine has never looked so lively! The whole area is done up in full Japanese festival style! The empty field around the shrine has become a miniature city of tents and booths selling food, souvenirs, and entertainment of all kinds!

Most of the booths are manned by tanuki dressed in traditional kimono and hanoi robes, with the occasional fox making an appearance. There are even a crew of very male tanuki in festival fundoshi roaming around and distributing free sake and treats to anyone interested.

Streamers and lanterns are everywhere and a gentle snowfall has made the whole place look absolutely magical. There is a conspicuously raised platform in the middle of the orderly market festival containing a large sumo ring. Perhaps it will be part of the entertainment later.

Alcohol was reason enough to draw Nena over for a visit. Nostalgia was another reason. She had to judge the authenticity of it, after all. Mostly the drink, though. "Snow, out here? I didn't know it snowed out here. Learn something new every day," she muses to herself, as she ambles around to scope the offerings, while nursing a drink. "Let's see what we've got for food, though... Can't drink on an empty stomach."

Sensuen walks in dressed in her jeans, black messenger bag and hooded skirted tunic that looks an awful lot like a denim kimono that only goes down to Sen's knees. Sensuen has the hood down, as usual, but it still comes in quite handy sometimes. Still Sensuen is ready to enjoy the games and festivities at the unusually populated shrine as others have already found their way here.

The sound of taiko drums sound rhythmically, before a whirlwind forms. In the center, a white tanuki with red details appear, doing a kabuki pose with a matching yell. He then look around, before clearing his throat and straightening his clothes. "Sorry, couldn't resist." He says as he fiddles with his color chooser, returning to his usual red and golden. He then moves to the closest food booth to get something.

Theresa had already started on the sake it seems, her cheeks burning a little under her silver fur. She had moonlighted as an attendant at the sushi bar and onsen before, but today she was here for fun, not work. Still, the kitsune dressed the part, in something that resembled a short kimono. The vixen applauds and whistles as the white tanuki appears, appreciating the show it seems.

Tanuki in colorful, festival garb welcome all comers, waving colorful fans and pointing out various games and attractions. They cheer Kar and his dramatic entrance.

Snow notwithstanding, the weather is really quite warm and pleasant in this protected area. A pair of oversized mascots, a pig and a rat in samurai clothes wander about interacting with visitors and occasionally having little mock fights with each other.

All four of our current heroes find themselves at the same food booth, where a tanuki with a fisherman's wrap tied tound his head is artfully producing trays of fragrant octopus dumplings! "Fresh tacoyaki!" he hawks his wares, "Perfect for a festival! Get your fresh octopus dumplings here!"

The greeters give an especially enthusiastic welcome to a small contingency arriving from Zephyr. A small security detail seems to be accompanying a pair of VIPs. "This is unusual for you, Elias," the man in the fancier suit says to a much more casual young man beside him, "I thought you would rather stay in the lab."

Nena leans forward to appraise the food stall and its wares. "Yes, I'll take some. I'm curious to see how it turned out. I'm from part of Japan famed for its food, you know. I want to see how it measures up. Though I'm pretty easy to please, and I haven't had lunch yet." She shifts her drink to the off hand, and readies to claim her meal. "Is there a reason for the festival, that you can tell me?"

Sensuen is a bit torn on the octopus dumplings, on the one hand, octopi are quite smart animals, on the other hand, curiosity and a susupicious lack of an octopus governed Atlantis mean that they too have their limits. Sensuen walks up to the stall and asks to try one, though her own clothes only seem to highlight how useful kimonos, or clothes made in such a style, seem to be around the world even after p-day.

Kar looks over the takoyaki, humming as he chooses. "I'll take a tray. Always wanted to try takoyaki." He says, to the tanuki. As he receives the tray, he notices the Zephyr group. He approaches them and nods a greeting. "Doctor Elias? My name is Kar. I have quite some interest in your work."

Theresa goes for a spot of food too, smiling gratefully at the tanuki as she gets her dumplings. While she starts on those, she watches the Zephyr entourage arrive. The kitsune didn't seem to care much about lap work though, instead starting to snoop around, seeing if she could find some fun games or something to watch.

Lightstroke observes the festival at a height of 20 feet. He takes notices of the customs of the area that are somewhat strange to him.

The tanuki at the booth grins at Nena. "You're from the old country!" he says serving up a beautiful little tray of perfect tako-yaki. "I haven't been to Nippon for nearly six hundred years, but my recipe is even older than that!" He makes a tray for each agent/mutant/whatever at his stall. "We are celebrating the new year! You celebrate it on the first of January, and the lunar new year is on the twenty fifth, so we decided to split the difference. One of the local tanuki thought that we could use a little community outreach in this city."

The Zephyr security detail watches Kar closely as he moves up to the group. "Really?" Doctor Elias Thomas looks at the tanuki, "You are interested in thoeretical nanotech applications?" His older, executive escort steps up closer, "Do you know this... creature, Elias?" he asks.

There are all sorts of games and entertainments. There is a dart throwing game, some kind of dunking booth that looks fun, a tent advertising a weight guessing game, and the promise of that raised stage in the middle. Right now a crew of tanuki in blue jackets seem to arranging themselves on the stage. Maybe there will be some kind of performance!

"Hm, well I doubt I'll have anything to complain about, then," replies the tigress with a smile as she takes her tray and makes way. "An odd gap time for a celebration, but I won't complain about free food and drink." After a moment of samplina, Nena gives an approving nod. "Pretty good, pretty good. Can I convince you to share this recipe, maybe? I know some people who would probably like it."

Sensuen tries the dumpling and guesses she can't complain. Despite her name, Sen wasn't born in Japan but rather Fresno, quite a ways south east of Fairhaven. Sensuen looks to Nena and says, "I guess I can't really complain, though I didn't know what to expect, what with never having tried octopus before." Sensuen then thinks about the trade and asks, "Would you be interested in a jerky recipie even though it requires the precision of a modern oven? At least, that's all I've ever used to try to dry meat in, I should probably branch out more with it."

Kar frowns at the attitude of the woman, before shifting into a human, flipping a switch on his arm, making the second head disappear. He the snaps his organic fingers, before a silver leaf floats to his hand for him to pick. "Careful with your comments, ma'am." He says as he reduces his assets to something acceptable for a male using his tanuki powers. "You never know when you are talking to a pre P-Day human." He points his leaf to her, before letting the wind carry it away. He then turn to the doctor. "In a way, yes. You see, despite of the look of my arm, it isn't just a prosthetic. It's nanite made."

Theresa tries to decide which game to try as she munches away, enjoying her food. She didn't have much of a throwing arm, so perhaps the weight guessing game would be best. The vixen moves up to the game, trying to get a look at what she would have to assess the weight of. Still, she glances back at the ring, curious about what was starting up.

Lightstroke's mind is distracted by the heat he is undergoing. He scans for highground that he can hide behind to "relieve" himself. He doesn't pay too much attention to his flight path while he does so but flies at a leisure pace.

"The recipe is an old family secret," the tanuki says solemnly, "But if you agree to marry me, pretty lady, I suppose I could share it," he winks at Nena and laughs, serving up more octopus balls, "Why don't you go sample more of what we have to offer? Come back later and I will see what I can do for you." He smiles at Sensuen. "I could probably be convinced," he says, "Like I was telling the lovely lady in stripes, you go enjoy the festival and stop back later. I'll see what I can do for you."

Elias watches with great interest as Kar changes forms. "Was that all nanite work?" he asks, leaning in to look at the mechanical arm, "How is the leaf involved? Do tanuki interact with the ambient nanites without a NICE?" His executive chaperone steps up with a frown. "I am sure that is very impressive," he says, gently pulling Elias back, "But I will thank you for keeping your distance from Doctor Thomas. We don't want a stray infection afflicting him."

The guess the weight game is a small tent where a short, round tanuki is lounging on a large scale with its display hidden. "Step right up!" he proclaims, "Guess my weight and win a prize!" He grins at Theresa. "How about you, Miss?" he asks, "Care to try your luck?"

Lightstroke spots a quiet spot behind the shrine. It looks like as likely a spot as any.

On the stage, the crew of tanuki have finished their setup. A shorter raccoon-dog steps in front of the neatly arranged group and shouts something in archaic Japanese. The respond with a ragged war shout and all slap their round tummies, producing a resounding THUD of drums! Then they launch into a blood pumping peformance of taiko drumming on their tanuki bellies!

"Hmmm. I don't think I can do marriage, I'm afraid. You're not my type," Nena says with a wink in return, "But I'll return later, as you say. Maybe I'll try my hand at a game." She lifts her drink and takes her leave, scoping out the scene for games she could score prizes at. That's part of the fun of festivals, right?

Sensuen nods to the fisherman, or at least fishmonger before she eyes the dart throwing contest. They're quite a bit different than her kylie, but Sensuen is still quite trained in marksmanship, so she only has to focus on not clearing out the prizes, Sen does think she could use a straw hat though as she makes her way up to the booth, asking. "So, what are the terms of the dart throwing game?"

Kar allows the doctor to examine his arm, before his chaperone pulls him back. He looks at him with a raised eyebrow. "I'm not infectious, if that's what you are worried about. I took the necessary vaccinations to become an agent, and worked on making the strain in my arm to dot spread unless in life threatening situations." He says as he makes a tentacle from his shoulder, which takes hold of the takoyaki tray as he takes a pair of boots and socks from his bag. He starts putting them on as he focus back on the doctor. "Actually, it's more accurate to say that the leaf can interact with the nanite adept implant. It allows me to change the size of my assets, like one of the software updates offered by Zephyr, but freely instead of using the layout of other forms." He says as a second tentacle emerges from his elbow, picking a takoiaky and taking it to his mouth to eat. "Also, the tanuki form is not nanite based, but interacts with them. Anyway, I can show the code I developed for the strain in my arm." He gets up and brings the tray back to his hand, before reabsorbing the tentacles. "It's just a bit messy, as the base was made in a rush."

Theresa rubs her chin a little, smirking a little as she looks him over, eyes drifting up and down. "What do I win if I'm correct? I'd love a plushie tanuki." The foxy woman giggles. "Hmmm...I bet you're either all fluff and a lot lighter than you look, or..." She giggles. "You're pure muscle and a lot heavier. How about...142 kg?" The kitsune's tails sway behind her, betraying her amusement. "Or, what is that in pounds? 313?" She seems to try to calculate in her head, looking upwards as she does so. it's good that she is done calculating too, as the tanuki belly-drumming has her giggling quite a bit.

Lightstroke Proceeds to the quiet, out of the way spot he noticed from before in order to relieve himself. Upon landing, he proceeds to masturbate furiously and scan the area for anything to help him finish the task at hand.

The female tanuki running the dart game smiles and bows as Nena and Sensuen come her way. "The game is simple, honored guests," she says, waving at a wall of many colorful balloons. "You may throw five darts," she explains, "Some of the balloons contain prize tickets, some do not. If you pop a balloon with a ticket, you may take a prize." She points out the other wall, covered in paper masks, key chains, some small, plush tanuki, and little bags of sweets.

There are other games as well, of course. There is the dunking booth, a long tent with a sign proclaiming "FIND THE FOX!" and another large tent that claims to be a photo booth experience.

The tanuki on the scale laughs, his belly shaking with mirth. "Not bad!" he says, "Not bad! You are pretty close!" He lifts the cover off the scale display, revealing that it says 310 pounds! "For a guess that good, I think we could find you a plushie!" The tanuki winks, and the scale readout suddenly starts to roll down, passing 300...250...200...... all the way down until the tanuki apparently weighs less than five pounds on the digital readout! As soon as Theresa looks away from the readout, she finds a large tanuki plushie in place of the living tanuki she just guessed the weight of!

Elias does his best to fend off his escort. "Give it a rest, Carson," he says, "These guys have never offered us any harm. I kinda like them! The tanuki they had playing Santa this year was a really nice guy. Even sent me a personal invite here!" He waves to Kar and starts toward the center stage to watch the drum performance. The security detail follows closely after, elbowing aside other festival goers.

Lightstroke has lucked out! This little back courtyard is pretty isolated. There are a bunch of props and costumes lying around. But no one to judge him for- Suddenly, a door opens a pair of rather large tanuki walk into the courtyard! They are talking to each other in Japanese, and have not noticed the human in flagrante.

"I've always been better at the batting cages, but I can throw down with darts," Nena affirms, though she takes a moment to finish her food, first. She doesn't want to leave it unattended. "So, count me in. Nothing to lose, right?" She dusts her hands off, and reaches out to take her darts...

Sensuen nods to Nena and says, "You're on." before taking the darts in hand, some of the balloons having prize tickets would influence her choice of targets, but from inside the booth where the balloons are placed, Sensuen can't really seem tell which they are. The sea angel thinks for ways other than wind to tell the balloons apart, a slight sag could pick out one weighted down, though with paper being ever so light, that sag would be ever so slight and some might be falsely filled, Sen's gone to fairs and carnivals before, she knows something of how this setup works.

Kar nods and follows the doctor. "We tanuki are very welcoming, as you can see from the festival." He says as he eats his takoyaki. "Sure, there were some cases of one being a trickster to humans, but they were likely being annoying to the poor raccoon." He says, before offering a takoyaki to him. "Want some? They are very tasty."

Theresa can't help but laugh as the tanuki's weight drops. "I guess that is one way to reset the game!" The vixen blinks a little at first as she spots the plushie, but soon folds her arms and tilts her head. "This better not just be you in object form..." She seems to consider it a little, but then shrugs, looking around to see if people were watching before taking the large plushie, hugging it to her chest. "I'm gonna hug him and love him and call him George. Anyway, thanks!" She calls the last part out, hoping the attendant would hear it before she carries the plushie out, looking for something else to try.

Lightstroke Lightstroke curse his luck. He abandons pleasuring himself and focuses his will to shift into the form of a fairy. He then attempts to flit to the nearest place of shadows and wait their in stealth until the two figures go away.

The tanuki at the dart booth smiles and nods, stepping aside to let Nena and Sensuen throw.

Sensuen's aim is true and all five of her darts find their marks, popping the little balloons. There seems to be little rhyme or reason to prize placement, but three little tickets flutter to the ground. Nena is also on point for her marksmanship, but her targeting strategy is a bit less effective, though she too manages to acquire a pair of prize tickets.

The attendant applauds happily and collects the tickets before providing each of the throwers a sturdy, paper fox mask, a bag of traditional sweets, and Sensuen a lovely, flower printed scarf!

Elias claps along with the drum performance, seeming to be thoroughly enjoying himself, though his entourage seems increasingly suspicious as tanuki waiters and attendants move in to offer food and drink. "Elias!" the executive named Carlson says with a warning tone, "Remember what we talked about with food and drink." Spoilsport.

Theresa can certainly have no trouble finding something to entertain her. So many options still await!

The nearest hiding spot in Lightstroke's vicinity seems to be a small costume rack. Unfortunately, that is exactly what the two burly tanuki are there for! They take the rack and roll it out through the shrine, which seems to be the hub of security and planned activities. There is even a series of tvs showing parts of the events happening around the festival. A surprising number of these cameras seem to be pointed at the Zephyr team by the stage where the tanuki drummers have just finished their performance.

Nena doesn't have a great strategy, she just throws. Planning was never her strength. "Ah, amusing," she remarks, largely to herself as she regards the fox mask, before placing it askance atop her head. "Thank you. Though I'm sad to lose out on a pretty scarf like that, I'm sure the treats will take my mind off it," she says with a soft snicker.

Sensuen looks to Nena and says, "Here then." folding up her scarf to give to Nena as it would probably suit her clothing choices better. Sensuen does take the treats and the mask though, maybe she can use the mask's construction in some projects.

Kar rolls his eyes. "Oh, please. If it was to mutate someone, it would have mutated me back to a tanuki." He says, before accepting a cup of sake and drinking it. "Anyway, enjoying the festival, Doctor?"

The photo booth experience seems to draw Theresa's attention, though she stops to pick up another drink first, sipping it while hugging the plushie she won with her other arm. The vixen then makes her way to her desired entertainment, wondering what the photo booth was all about, seeing if she could find a sign or attendant.

Lightstroke silently curses to himself as the rack starts moving. With little choice in the matter, Lightstroke attempts to move to the closest pocket undetected to better hide himself. Once there, he plans to survey the area by peaking out the pocket for a chance to finally escape his situation.