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Thursday November 21, 2019=Log=
Thursday November 21, 2019=Log=
<div></div><div title="Fenris"><p>It is a cool, clear day in the fields outside of Fairhaven. The perfect spot for a bit of a culinary adventure! A bright yellow food truck has set up shop away from the rubble and noise of the city in an old hay field. The smells of cooking meat waft through the air, mingling with the scent of old hay and highway dust. </p>
<p>A huge, burly, black minotaur is hard at work in the little kitchen of the food truck, whistling to himself as he flips burgers and preps his station for this little pop-up venture. Customers are bound to be on the way soon!</p></div><div title="Magnus"><p>&quot;Can you say irony?&quot; Magnus snickers once he walks right into the event, his nose twitching in response to the sweet aroma of barbecue. Mmmmm, delicious, sweet, savory goodness. He&#39;d flash Fenris a smirk and stick his tongue out at him. &quot;A bull tending to the grill? That&#39;s like a chicken making me an omelette. Nice to see ya Fen. At least with you I don&#39;t have to worry about the food being spiked with aphrodisiacs. Instead, I need to worry about laxatives.&quot; The fox puffs out some air and winks. &quot;So, grill master, I&#39;ll have one of everything if you&#39;d be so kind!&quot; he&#39;d rub his hands together as a soft *gurgle* parts that ever-hungry stomach of his.</p></div><div title="Arris"><p>Arris rolls up to the food truck, drawn to the area not by the advertisements, but by the scent of savory burgs being forged drifting on the late fall breeze. She&#39;s practically two inches away from just flat-out cartoon floating towards the truck, only stopping once she sees Magnus setting up his order. &quot;Make that two orders of one of everything!&quot; She chimes in, then adds: &quot;I&#39;d like to request having the everything without the everything, except the burger and fries.&quot;</p></div><div title="Xry"><p>Xry following his nose where ever it goes, to find burgers of ham, or perhaps Magnus&#39; toes. Sniffing the grass, or maybe mag&#39;s ass, who the hell knows for he&#39;s got a nose for both of those. Having attracted a feral of salt and pepper fur thick for the weather and shaggy for his upkeep of himself. The beast seemingly straight out of the city and smelling like he just got out of a ruined car he turned into a fucknest. The sleek and nimble wolf beast of two heads seemingly dying to find out just what that delightful smell is, as he unceremoniously marches between Magnus&#39; leg to sniff at Fenris!</p></div><div title="Leighton"><p>Leighton wanders up to the truck, traveling without escort today. She seems a little uncomfortable and keeps pulling at and adjusting her outfit. Having just today gone back to being regular sized has left her quite hungry, so when she spotted the fliers she figured its her lucky day. She raises her hand in greeting. &quot;Hello! Two of the burgers please...for now.&quot; She could always get more later, probably.</p></div><div title="Fenris"><p>The bull at the grill frowns at Magnus. &quot;How did you know it was me?&quot; he asks, is voice significantly lower than usual, then he shrugs and grins, showing off big, flat, pearly white teeth. &quot;Welcome to my food truck, though!&quot; he says, waving a hand to show off the yellow truck and its cartoon mascot, &quot;I&#39;ve been working on it for a while! I hope y&#39;all are hungry!&quot; The huge minotaur slips into a bit of a country accent, &quot;I&#39;ve been preppin&#39; for you all morning!&quot; </p>
<p>As he starts to build burgers and drops freeze dried potato bits into boiling oil, other curious city dwellers start to make their way into the yellow hay field to join the early birds. </p>
<p>It is not long until paper plates with gorgeous burgers with all the fixings along with a healthily unhealthy serving of french fries is distributed to each of the first comers.</p></div><div title="Magnus"><p>The fox taps his nose. &quot;You&#39;re the only one that I know smelling of corndogs... and something else that makes me think of friendship for some reason. Plus, I saw you flipping patties once already. It doesn&#39;t take a four digit IQ to put the clues together.&quot; Magnus winks again and goes on to say something else, just when he feels something between his legs. &quot;Ack!&quot; he&#39;d huff as he&#39;s nearly thrown off-balance, then casts the strange canine an odd look. He seemed familiar... somehow... &quot;Man, the smell of grilled meat is gonna attact all kindsa attention.&quot; Turning towards Arris, the fennec slaps her ass with his tail and smirks. &quot;Awww, and here I thought gators were voracious eaters. Even more-so that you&#39;re eating for two.&quot; he&#39;d tease her and chuckle. &quot;Hey good lookin, what&#39;s cookin&#39;?&quot; Ah, there it is. As Leighton arrives nods towards the human before reaching into his own pocket to pull out a deck of cards. &quot;You folks wanna see some tricks? Maybe magical, maybe not...&quot;</p></div><div title="Arris"><p>&quot;Mmmmnn, delicious. Been a bit too long since I&#39;ve had a good burg. ...or, any sort of burg, come to think.&quot; Arris rolls her eyes at Magnus&#39; comment. &quot;I&#39;m running on the logic that, y&#39;know, you are what you eat. And if the baby grows up on nothing but like... fast food, it&#39;ll come out looking like fast food, right?&quot; </p>
<p>After taking a few paces away from the fast food truck, she throws down her jacket and uses it as a blanket to sit on while she eats her food. Although, she does pause midway through a bite, raising her hand and pointing a finger towards Leighton. &quot;Hey, I want to say you&#39;re familliar, but I don&#39;t think I&#39;ve caught your name yet.&quot;</p></div><div title="Xry"><p>Xry for some reason feels the need to lick Magnus&#39; paws. Both if possible with each head! But otherwise wagging his tail and letting Magnus more or less straddle his back, the wolf simply wants nothing more then food and attention. Perhaps barking at the lack there of!</p></div><div title="Leighton"><p>Leighton swings her legs over the bench of one of the nearby picnic tables, putting the two paper plates with large juicy burgers on them down, before turning to Arris. &quot;I don&#39;t think so? I have only recently settled down in Fairhaven so I am getting to know many new faces...if we have met and I forgot, I am sorry.&quot; The hungry girl sneaks a large bite of one of the burgers before turning back to the gator she was just talking to.</p></div><div title="Fenris"><p>The burgers are incredible! Just the right spices, perfectly grilled with that touch of char that makes a real, grilled burger. The veggies are good too. Nice, crisp lettuce, tangy tomatoes, onions with just a bit of zip to them, these are burgers like the city has not seen in a decade! </p>
<p>It is not long before a long line of humans and mutants are queueing up at the little food truck. The minotaur at the grill can hardly keep up with orders, though he does his best, laughing and joking with each mutant as they come. Interestingly, he is wearing an apron that says &quot;GRILL THE COOK.&quot; There are a few late comers near the end of the line that look worried about supplies, and even more worried about a gang of hyena bikers who have just come growling up on the highway. . .</p></div>

Revision as of 21:39, 21 November 2019



Thursday November 21, 2019=Log=

It is a cool, clear day in the fields outside of Fairhaven. The perfect spot for a bit of a culinary adventure! A bright yellow food truck has set up shop away from the rubble and noise of the city in an old hay field. The smells of cooking meat waft through the air, mingling with the scent of old hay and highway dust.

A huge, burly, black minotaur is hard at work in the little kitchen of the food truck, whistling to himself as he flips burgers and preps his station for this little pop-up venture. Customers are bound to be on the way soon!

"Can you say irony?" Magnus snickers once he walks right into the event, his nose twitching in response to the sweet aroma of barbecue. Mmmmm, delicious, sweet, savory goodness. He'd flash Fenris a smirk and stick his tongue out at him. "A bull tending to the grill? That's like a chicken making me an omelette. Nice to see ya Fen. At least with you I don't have to worry about the food being spiked with aphrodisiacs. Instead, I need to worry about laxatives." The fox puffs out some air and winks. "So, grill master, I'll have one of everything if you'd be so kind!" he'd rub his hands together as a soft *gurgle* parts that ever-hungry stomach of his.

Arris rolls up to the food truck, drawn to the area not by the advertisements, but by the scent of savory burgs being forged drifting on the late fall breeze. She's practically two inches away from just flat-out cartoon floating towards the truck, only stopping once she sees Magnus setting up his order. "Make that two orders of one of everything!" She chimes in, then adds: "I'd like to request having the everything without the everything, except the burger and fries."

Xry following his nose where ever it goes, to find burgers of ham, or perhaps Magnus' toes. Sniffing the grass, or maybe mag's ass, who the hell knows for he's got a nose for both of those. Having attracted a feral of salt and pepper fur thick for the weather and shaggy for his upkeep of himself. The beast seemingly straight out of the city and smelling like he just got out of a ruined car he turned into a fucknest. The sleek and nimble wolf beast of two heads seemingly dying to find out just what that delightful smell is, as he unceremoniously marches between Magnus' leg to sniff at Fenris!

Leighton wanders up to the truck, traveling without escort today. She seems a little uncomfortable and keeps pulling at and adjusting her outfit. Having just today gone back to being regular sized has left her quite hungry, so when she spotted the fliers she figured its her lucky day. She raises her hand in greeting. "Hello! Two of the burgers please...for now." She could always get more later, probably.

The bull at the grill frowns at Magnus. "How did you know it was me?" he asks, is voice significantly lower than usual, then he shrugs and grins, showing off big, flat, pearly white teeth. "Welcome to my food truck, though!" he says, waving a hand to show off the yellow truck and its cartoon mascot, "I've been working on it for a while! I hope y'all are hungry!" The huge minotaur slips into a bit of a country accent, "I've been preppin' for you all morning!"

As he starts to build burgers and drops freeze dried potato bits into boiling oil, other curious city dwellers start to make their way into the yellow hay field to join the early birds.

It is not long until paper plates with gorgeous burgers with all the fixings along with a healthily unhealthy serving of french fries is distributed to each of the first comers.

The fox taps his nose. "You're the only one that I know smelling of corndogs... and something else that makes me think of friendship for some reason. Plus, I saw you flipping patties once already. It doesn't take a four digit IQ to put the clues together." Magnus winks again and goes on to say something else, just when he feels something between his legs. "Ack!" he'd huff as he's nearly thrown off-balance, then casts the strange canine an odd look. He seemed familiar... somehow... "Man, the smell of grilled meat is gonna attact all kindsa attention." Turning towards Arris, the fennec slaps her ass with his tail and smirks. "Awww, and here I thought gators were voracious eaters. Even more-so that you're eating for two." he'd tease her and chuckle. "Hey good lookin, what's cookin'?" Ah, there it is. As Leighton arrives nods towards the human before reaching into his own pocket to pull out a deck of cards. "You folks wanna see some tricks? Maybe magical, maybe not..."

"Mmmmnn, delicious. Been a bit too long since I've had a good burg. ...or, any sort of burg, come to think." Arris rolls her eyes at Magnus' comment. "I'm running on the logic that, y'know, you are what you eat. And if the baby grows up on nothing but like... fast food, it'll come out looking like fast food, right?"

After taking a few paces away from the fast food truck, she throws down her jacket and uses it as a blanket to sit on while she eats her food. Although, she does pause midway through a bite, raising her hand and pointing a finger towards Leighton. "Hey, I want to say you're familliar, but I don't think I've caught your name yet."

Xry for some reason feels the need to lick Magnus' paws. Both if possible with each head! But otherwise wagging his tail and letting Magnus more or less straddle his back, the wolf simply wants nothing more then food and attention. Perhaps barking at the lack there of!

Leighton swings her legs over the bench of one of the nearby picnic tables, putting the two paper plates with large juicy burgers on them down, before turning to Arris. "I don't think so? I have only recently settled down in Fairhaven so I am getting to know many new faces...if we have met and I forgot, I am sorry." The hungry girl sneaks a large bite of one of the burgers before turning back to the gator she was just talking to.

The burgers are incredible! Just the right spices, perfectly grilled with that touch of char that makes a real, grilled burger. The veggies are good too. Nice, crisp lettuce, tangy tomatoes, onions with just a bit of zip to them, these are burgers like the city has not seen in a decade!

It is not long before a long line of humans and mutants are queueing up at the little food truck. The minotaur at the grill can hardly keep up with orders, though he does his best, laughing and joking with each mutant as they come. Interestingly, he is wearing an apron that says "GRILL THE COOK." There are a few late comers near the end of the line that look worried about supplies, and even more worried about a gang of hyena bikers who have just come growling up on the highway. . .