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<div></div><br> <br>Meniatz gives Anti a kiss, the taste of their recent brunch still fresh in hir mouth. "It looks like you two have gotten much more comfortable with Zero's new life."<br> <br>Melanie grumbles a little at the unwanted kiss, and when sie can manage to sie shows off a children's book for teaching reading and says "Mom's gonna teach me to read!" Lucy adds "We got the book from Natake. Very helpful, she is." Melanie immediately sits down on the couch and opens it to the first page, finding production information. "What." Sie mumbles before turning another page finding the titlepage.<br> <br>Antiman returns the kiss that Meni gives the taste of grape jelly still in hir mouth, "Thats very thoughtful of her," Sie says to Lucy. Sie walks over to Mel and sits next to hir to get a look at the title.<br> <br>Meniatz pets Melanie and offers hir a seat on hir lap. "That's great, Mel! Reading can spur on your imagination and take you to all manner of wonderous places. You can learn alot by reading, too--that's how Anti, your mother, and I got to be so smart." Shi smiles and puts hir arm around Mel's shoulder so shi can read with hir. <br> <br>Melanie says "Oh yeah? Then maybe I shouldn't read, I don't wanna get dumber." Sie grins, the little brat. Lucy gives hir a light bop to the head, nothing actually even painful, just an "Oh, you" sorta thing. Sie turns the page and starts looking at the pictures. "Okay...so what's this?" It was a see spot run book. Wow, surprising those managed to survive.<br> <br>Antiman nods enthusasticly, "Thats right. It can teach many things. It also helps you to think more criticaly." Sie chuckle purs at Little Mel's comment.<br> <br>Meniatz nips affectionately at Mel's ear. "This is a storybook, hon." Shi rubs hir cheek up against Mel's. "Would you like me to help you read it?" <br> <br>Mel jerks a little at the nip, being unexpected, and then looks back to the book. "Uh...yeah, 'cause I don't get what these things are." she points to the letters. Lucy comments "So we're starting from square one."<br> <br>Antiman gives a gentle open beak smile, "Those are letters, dear. Their used to describe the sounds we make speeking." Sie points to the letter 'S' in See, "That is the letter S it has the Sss sound like a snake."<br> <br>Meniatz smiles and guides Mel's hand. "And these two loopy ones are 'e's. When they are arranged like this they make an 'ee' sound, like in the word eel. When you put them in front of an 's,' they make the word 'see.' See?" Shi chuckles.<br> <br>Melanie says "Okay...kinda looks like one too I guess." Sie copies the noise for practice. When meniatz points out the e, Sie says "Well that doesn't look like an eel at all." then sie tries out the new word. "Well...Why's it got two of the e's? Why not just one?" Figuring the other two have things under control, Lucy walks away. "Anyone want anything? I'm heading to the kitchen." Melanie cries "Juice!" to which lucy says "Hon, that juice was kinda a one time thing. People don't really have the things to make juice easily anymore."<br> <br>Meniatz smiles and pats Melanie on the head. "Actually, I have some juice in the refrigerator. I have a plant-based form that sometimes grows these big, sweet fruit every now and then. Oh! Leave the seeds, though. I want to plant them later." Shi then responds to Mel, "Well, little one, if you only use one 'e,' it makes the 'eh' sound, like in 'pet.'" Shi pets the fox girl for emphasis.<br> <br>Meniatz strokes Mel's hair. "And I meant that the double 'e' sound sounds like the word 'eel.'<br> <br>Antiman flicks an ear and adds, "Their are also words that sound the same but mean diffrent things. Such as see S-E-E or sea S-E-A which is the ocean."<br> <br>Melanie mumbles "Oh...this is hard." to what Meniatz says. Meanwhile, Lucy is calling back "Okay~" and getting some juice together. "Anyone else want something?" When Anti gives hir bit of info, Mel makes a face and says "I dunno if I wanna read anymore." Lucy shouts "Oh shush you, you bugged me all day about it!"<br> <br>Meniatz purrs and holds Anti closer to hir. "The letter 'e' is a special kind of letter called a vowel. The letter 'a' is also a vowel. Vowels make a different sound depending on whether they are in front of another vowel or not." Shi calls over to Zero, "I made some cookies the other night. They're in the pantry, stored in a clear plastic container. Could you bring them out so we have something to munch on during story time?" Meniatz rubs hir chin against Melanie's shoulder and purrs, "We'll take it slow, sweetie. You'll love reading once you get the hang of it."<br> <br>Antiman calls out to Lucy, "I'll have some juce as well." Sie then smiles at what Mel says, "There are important things that are written on signs conserning saftey conditions. If you can't read them you would be unaware of the danger. Being unaware of a danger can get you killed."<br> <br>Meniatz nods in agreement with Anti. "There are times when reading can save your life." Shi pauses for a bit and, realizing that shi does not want to frighten the young fox, Meniatz then adds, "There's also lots of fun things you can read, too, once you learn how."<br> <br>Melanie tries to remember the things Meniatz is telling hir, and says "If you say so..." to the mention of loving it. Lucy comes out with a tray, four glasses of juice, and the tray of cookies, setting them down on a table near the couch. She also confirms Anti's mention of danger, to which Melanie begrudgingly accepts. Lucy warns Mel not to drink hir juice while holding the book, use two hands. Melanie says "Mom, I think I can hold two things at once." Lucy gives hir a skeptical look while eating a cookie.<br> <br>Antiman chuckle purs, "Its not that Mel. Its taking the proper care of books. Its harder to get any particular book these days. If you spill your drink you run the risk of ruining your book, and squandering the generosity that Natake showed by giving you that book."<br> <br>Meniatz grins, "Melanie's a big girl, Lucy. Shi can handle a cup and a book. Now, would you like to sit down with us?" Shi grabs a cookie and bites into it. "You should be careful with that book, though. I don't think they are being printed anymore...not for a long while, at least."<br> <br>Antiman accepts hir drink from Lucy and dips hir beak in to take a sip, "Mmm, citrus and apple like. You make a very tasty juce, love."<br> <br>Meniatz sips some of hir juice. "Thanks, love. The secret is that I am often...fertilized by some of the most beautiful and caring people I've ever known." Shi mewls happily to Anti and gives hir a kiss.<br> <br>Melanie looks to the book and says "Oh...okay, yeah that makes sense I guess." Despite Meniatz sticking up for hir, sie set the book aside a moment to take a drink of the juice. "Mmm~ Yeah!" sie agrees with Anti. Sie reaches to take a cookie, and Lucy warns "You can have three of those." "What? Why?" "Because I'm gonna make dinner later, and I want you to save room for it in your belly." Mel blows a raspberry lined with cookie crumbs. "And what if I don't want your dinner?" "You don't even know what it is." "What is it?" "Meatloaf." "don't want it." "You've never had it!" "Don't like the sound of it." Lucy fumes a bit.<br> <br>Antiman chuckle purs at Mel's refusal to eat meatloaf. Sie doesn't say anything about it though. Truth be told when its make right its great when its bad its horrible. Sie doesn't want to unwittingly lie about how good something is when sie doesn't really know how it will be.<br> <br>Meniatz licks hir lips and purrs. "I love meatloaf! It's like bread, but MADE OF MEAT!"<br> <br>Lucy kneels down and says "I'll have you know I make very good meatloaf. It's fantastic. Here's what'll happen. If you don't like it, you can have breastmilk and cookies instead. I figure the milk will give you nutrients. But you'd better not lie just to get cookies, 'cause I'll know, and then you won't get your free order tonight, got it?" Mel mumbles "fiiine." and gets back to the book.<br> <br>Meniatz nuzzles up against Anti and whispers to hir. "I bet you remember when you were like that. You were probably as cute then as you are beautiful now." Shi gives hir mate a kiss. "So, Mel when you string words together like this, they form a sentence." Shi traces along the page with hir finger as shi explains words and their spellings to the fox.<br> <br>Antiman rembers small pieces of hir childhood. Something about a home made smoke bomb and setting it off in the house accendently. Sie turns hir attention back to teaching Mel, "A sentence is a complete thought or statement."<br> <br>Melanie follows the words with hir eyes, understanding sinking in. "Okay. Like um..." sie points to one on the page. "This hole thing here" sie moves hir finger along the sentence "Is one? Like...is what I'm saying one?" Sie was picking things up pretty fast.<br> <br>Meniatz mewls with delight, "That's right! You're a quick learner, Mel. I'm really proud of you." Shi kisses Mell on the cheek and grins, "So, do you think you can read some of it?"<br> <br>Antiman nods and open beak smiles, "Very good!" Sie gives a one armed hug to Mel.<br> <br>Melanie smiles at the praise others give, then works out with hir mother what the other letters mean. Soon sie's got the first two simple sentences down. Lucy cries "Wooo!" and then applauds. Mel smiles wider.<br> <br>Meniatz strokes Melanies hair and sneaks hir an extra cookie. "That's very good, Mel. Pretty soon, you'll be able to read longer books, too."<br> <br>They all work together, and soon enough Melanie has worked hir way through the whole starter book. Celebrations were being had as Lucy left to work in the kitchen. While she was there, Melanie ate hir extra cookie.<br> <br>Antiman pulles out a well used seven inch tablet from one of hir pouches. Its been modified with what appears to be a high output solar cell and a homemade battery pack, "When you're ready for longer books. I have several books on this that you can read. I think you'll realy like "Harry Potter" and "The Guardians of Ga'Hoole""<br> <br>Meniatz goes to hir room and returns with two slightly worn, but well-loved books. "You can read these, too." Shi holds up copies of /Huckleberry Finn/ and /The Hobbit/. "They're two of my favorite books. I hope you'll enjoy them as much as I have."<br> <br>Melanie says "The first one sounds stupid. What's the second one?" Lucy calls out "Kid, you have no idea what you just called stupid. A few million rabid fangirls and boys are turning in their graves." Mel ignores her and looks at the two new books. "Okay, cool."<br> <br>Meniatz kisses Melanie, "/Harry Potter/ is a series of books about a boy who learns that he is a wizard and goes to a magical school of witchcraft and wizardry. It's actually very well-written."<br> <br>Antiman chirp laughs, "Its considerd a classic of the moderen era. I thought the books were wasted on children when I firset read them."<br> <br>Mel says "Oh...I guess that sounds neat. It's kinda big though." Lucy calls "They get bigger~" Eventually, Lucy calls that she just finished with the food, and to get ready. She starts working on seperating things up.<br> <br>Meniatz sets the table and sits down on a cushion next to hir mate. "It sure smells tasty, Zero."<br> <br>Antiman continues to open beak smile, "Though it must be said that some of the creatures described in those books were considered mythical then. Like fluffy." Sie walks over to the table and sits down, "It smells like what my grandma use to make." Sie folds hir ears down in thought, "I think."<br> <br>Zeroone sets things across the table, the meatloaf already sliced, and three sides to choose from. She stands there looking proud, and then starts dolling out portions. Once everyone had a plate, she sat down in front of her own and motioned for Melanie to try the loaf. She cuts, takes a bite, and says "Alright, fine, it's good." hir mother smiles and starts on her own.<br> <br>Meniatz shifts to hir cerberus form and takes a seat on an actual chair. "Fluffy was cute." <br> <br>Meniatz uses each of hir three heads to enjoy Lucy's delicious meal.<br> <br>Antiman preys to the Maternal Beast first before taking a slice out of hir piece of meatloaf and takes a bite, "You did very good Lucy." Sie then chirp laughs as Meni changes into hir cerbrerus form, "I don't think that the trick that they used in the book will work on you love."<br> <br>Zeroone and her daughter work on their respective meals, lucy pointing out things sie should try. Sie decides sie does not like the steamed carrots. Lucy insists sie at least eat half of what's on hir plate.<br> <br>Meniatz smiles, "If you do, I'll let you have some fresh honey as a treat." Shi transforms into a bee-girl and rubs two of hir hands on Mel's back. Meni had already finished hir meal in hir cerberus form, and was now grooming hir mate. "I love your cooking, Zero. You should make us dinner more often."<br> <br>Antiman finishes hir meal and stacks hir plate on top of Meni's. Sie chirp purs at Meni's grooming, "I always thought bees were cute looking insects. You love make them cuter." Sie preens Meni's bee fur.<br> <br>Meniatz buzzes and kisses Anti on the beak. "Thank you, love. I like it when my forms are pleasing to you."<br> <br>Zeroone smirks and says "Is that a request or an order? Please be an order." meanwhile, Mel is forcing the carrots down, gagging halfway through hir tast. Seemed it was a legitimate gag.<br> <br>Meniatz flutters over to Zero and gives hir a hug. "Of course it's an order. I'm like your queen bee, after all."<br> <br>Antiman flattens hir ears in consern at Mel's gagging, "You need to chew them better Mel. You'll risk choking otherwise."<br> <br>Zeroone grins and says "You certainly are, your highness." hugging hir back. Melanie swallows and says "It was the taste."<br> <br>Antiman open beak smiles, "I understand," Sie has a far off look then returns to the present, "I did the same thing with celery. There was no way you could dress it up and not get me to gag on it."<br> <br>Meniatz puts hir hands up to hir breasts. "Would you like something to wash that down with, Mel?" Shi gives Lucy a kiss on the lips and tickles hir with hir antennae. "I certainly am. You're such a good servant. You know your place, and your love and obedience is unfaltering.<br> <br>Melanie nods quickly, and moves off hir chair to Meniatz. Lucy grins after the kiss, chuckling once at the antenna. She shrugs at her daughter's actions and moves to pick up the plates, regretfully having to move away from Meni to do it.<br> <br>Antiman walks up next to Meni and gives hir a one armed hug and folds a wing around hir and nuzzels hir.<br> <br>Meniatz produces fresh honey for Melanie. Shi forms it into a sticky ball in hir hands, and offers to let Mel, Anti, and Lucy to each lick one clean if they so desire.<br> <br>Zeroone comes back to find Melanie already licking the ball. She didn't really feel like it, so she passed.<br> <br>A frantic knocking comes from the door, a muffled whine can be heard between each one. Without even waiting, a large female fairy lets herself in. "Meeeennniiiii..." she whines, running in and sniffling into her sleeve. She pauses for a moment when she notices it wasn't just Meni here, blushing faintly as she back away. "S-sorry to disturb you! ... I'll come back another time!"
<div></div><br> <br>Meniatz gives Anti a kiss, the taste of their recent brunch still fresh in hir mouth. "It looks like you two have gotten much more comfortable with Zero's new life."<br> <br>Melanie grumbles a little at the unwanted kiss, and when sie can manage to sie shows off a children's book for teaching reading and says "Mom's gonna teach me to read!" Lucy adds "We got the book from Natake. Very helpful, she is." Melanie immediately sits down on the couch and opens it to the first page, finding production information. "What." Sie mumbles before turning another page finding the titlepage.<br> <br>Antiman returns the kiss that Meni gives the taste of grape jelly still in hir mouth, "Thats very thoughtful of her," Sie says to Lucy. Sie walks over to Mel and sits next to hir to get a look at the title.<br> <br>Meniatz pets Melanie and offers hir a seat on hir lap. "That's great, Mel! Reading can spur on your imagination and take you to all manner of wonderous places. You can learn alot by reading, too--that's how Anti, your mother, and I got to be so smart." Shi smiles and puts hir arm around Mel's shoulder so shi can read with hir. <br> <br>Melanie says "Oh yeah? Then maybe I shouldn't read, I don't wanna get dumber." Sie grins, the little brat. Lucy gives hir a light bop to the head, nothing actually even painful, just an "Oh, you" sorta thing. Sie turns the page and starts looking at the pictures. "Okay...so what's this?" It was a see spot run book. Wow, surprising those managed to survive.<br> <br>Antiman nods enthusasticly, "Thats right. It can teach many things. It also helps you to think more criticaly." Sie chuckle purs at Little Mel's comment.<br> <br>Meniatz nips affectionately at Mel's ear. "This is a storybook, hon." Shi rubs hir cheek up against Mel's. "Would you like me to help you read it?" <br> <br>Mel jerks a little at the nip, being unexpected, and then looks back to the book. "Uh...yeah, 'cause I don't get what these things are." she points to the letters. Lucy comments "So we're starting from square one."<br> <br>Antiman gives a gentle open beak smile, "Those are letters, dear. Their used to describe the sounds we make speeking." Sie points to the letter 'S' in See, "That is the letter S it has the Sss sound like a snake."<br> <br>Meniatz smiles and guides Mel's hand. "And these two loopy ones are 'e's. When they are arranged like this they make an 'ee' sound, like in the word eel. When you put them in front of an 's,' they make the word 'see.' See?" Shi chuckles.<br> <br>Melanie says "Okay...kinda looks like one too I guess." Sie copies the noise for practice. When meniatz points out the e, Sie says "Well that doesn't look like an eel at all." then sie tries out the new word. "Well...Why's it got two of the e's? Why not just one?" Figuring the other two have things under control, Lucy walks away. "Anyone want anything? I'm heading to the kitchen." Melanie cries "Juice!" to which lucy says "Hon, that juice was kinda a one time thing. People don't really have the things to make juice easily anymore."<br> <br>Meniatz smiles and pats Melanie on the head. "Actually, I have some juice in the refrigerator. I have a plant-based form that sometimes grows these big, sweet fruit every now and then. Oh! Leave the seeds, though. I want to plant them later." Shi then responds to Mel, "Well, little one, if you only use one 'e,' it makes the 'eh' sound, like in 'pet.'" Shi pets the fox girl for emphasis.<br> <br>Meniatz strokes Mel's hair. "And I meant that the double 'e' sound sounds like the word 'eel.'<br> <br>Antiman flicks an ear and adds, "Their are also words that sound the same but mean diffrent things. Such as see S-E-E or sea S-E-A which is the ocean."<br> <br>Melanie mumbles "Oh...this is hard." to what Meniatz says. Meanwhile, Lucy is calling back "Okay~" and getting some juice together. "Anyone else want something?" When Anti gives hir bit of info, Mel makes a face and says "I dunno if I wanna read anymore." Lucy shouts "Oh shush you, you bugged me all day about it!"<br> <br>Meniatz purrs and holds Anti closer to hir. "The letter 'e' is a special kind of letter called a vowel. The letter 'a' is also a vowel. Vowels make a different sound depending on whether they are in front of another vowel or not." Shi calls over to Zero, "I made some cookies the other night. They're in the pantry, stored in a clear plastic container. Could you bring them out so we have something to munch on during story time?" Meniatz rubs hir chin against Melanie's shoulder and purrs, "We'll take it slow, sweetie. You'll love reading once you get the hang of it."<br> <br>Antiman calls out to Lucy, "I'll have some juce as well." Sie then smiles at what Mel says, "There are important things that are written on signs conserning saftey conditions. If you can't read them you would be unaware of the danger. Being unaware of a danger can get you killed."<br> <br>Meniatz nods in agreement with Anti. "There are times when reading can save your life." Shi pauses for a bit and, realizing that shi does not want to frighten the young fox, Meniatz then adds, "There's also lots of fun things you can read, too, once you learn how."<br> <br>Melanie tries to remember the things Meniatz is telling hir, and says "If you say so..." to the mention of loving it. Lucy comes out with a tray, four glasses of juice, and the tray of cookies, setting them down on a table near the couch. She also confirms Anti's mention of danger, to which Melanie begrudgingly accepts. Lucy warns Mel not to drink hir juice while holding the book, use two hands. Melanie says "Mom, I think I can hold two things at once." Lucy gives hir a skeptical look while eating a cookie.<br> <br>Antiman chuckle purs, "Its not that Mel. Its taking the proper care of books. Its harder to get any particular book these days. If you spill your drink you run the risk of ruining your book, and squandering the generosity that Natake showed by giving you that book."<br> <br>Meniatz grins, "Melanie's a big girl, Lucy. Shi can handle a cup and a book. Now, would you like to sit down with us?" Shi grabs a cookie and bites into it. "You should be careful with that book, though. I don't think they are being printed anymore...not for a long while, at least."<br> <br>Antiman accepts hir drink from Lucy and dips hir beak in to take a sip, "Mmm, citrus and apple like. You make a very tasty juce, love."<br> <br>Meniatz sips some of hir juice. "Thanks, love. The secret is that I am often...fertilized by some of the most beautiful and caring people I've ever known." Shi mewls happily to Anti and gives hir a kiss.<br> <br>Melanie looks to the book and says "Oh...okay, yeah that makes sense I guess." Despite Meniatz sticking up for hir, sie set the book aside a moment to take a drink of the juice. "Mmm~ Yeah!" sie agrees with Anti. Sie reaches to take a cookie, and Lucy warns "You can have three of those." "What? Why?" "Because I'm gonna make dinner later, and I want you to save room for it in your belly." Mel blows a raspberry lined with cookie crumbs. "And what if I don't want your dinner?" "You don't even know what it is." "What is it?" "Meatloaf." "don't want it." "You've never had it!" "Don't like the sound of it." Lucy fumes a bit.<br> <br>Antiman chuckle purs at Mel's refusal to eat meatloaf. Sie doesn't say anything about it though. Truth be told when its make right its great when its bad its horrible. Sie doesn't want to unwittingly lie about how good something is when sie doesn't really know how it will be.<br> <br>Meniatz licks hir lips and purrs. "I love meatloaf! It's like bread, but MADE OF MEAT!"<br> <br>Lucy kneels down and says "I'll have you know I make very good meatloaf. It's fantastic. Here's what'll happen. If you don't like it, you can have breastmilk and cookies instead. I figure the milk will give you nutrients. But you'd better not lie just to get cookies, 'cause I'll know, and then you won't get your free order tonight, got it?" Mel mumbles "fiiine." and gets back to the book.<br> <br>Meniatz nuzzles up against Anti and whispers to hir. "I bet you remember when you were like that. You were probably as cute then as you are beautiful now." Shi gives hir mate a kiss. "So, Mel when you string words together like this, they form a sentence." Shi traces along the page with hir finger as shi explains words and their spellings to the fox.<br> <br>Antiman rembers small pieces of hir childhood. Something about a home made smoke bomb and setting it off in the house accendently. Sie turns hir attention back to teaching Mel, "A sentence is a complete thought or statement."<br> <br>Melanie follows the words with hir eyes, understanding sinking in. "Okay. Like um..." sie points to one on the page. "This hole thing here" sie moves hir finger along the sentence "Is one? Like...is what I'm saying one?" Sie was picking things up pretty fast.<br> <br>Meniatz mewls with delight, "That's right! You're a quick learner, Mel. I'm really proud of you." Shi kisses Mell on the cheek and grins, "So, do you think you can read some of it?"<br> <br>Antiman nods and open beak smiles, "Very good!" Sie gives a one armed hug to Mel.<br> <br>Melanie smiles at the praise others give, then works out with hir mother what the other letters mean. Soon sie's got the first two simple sentences down. Lucy cries "Wooo!" and then applauds. Mel smiles wider.<br> <br>Meniatz strokes Melanies hair and sneaks hir an extra cookie. "That's very good, Mel. Pretty soon, you'll be able to read longer books, too."<br> <br>They all work together, and soon enough Melanie has worked hir way through the whole starter book. Celebrations were being had as Lucy left to work in the kitchen. While she was there, Melanie ate hir extra cookie.<br> <br>Antiman pulles out a well used seven inch tablet from one of hir pouches. Its been modified with what appears to be a high output solar cell and a homemade battery pack, "When you're ready for longer books. I have several books on this that you can read. I think you'll realy like "Harry Potter" and "The Guardians of Ga'Hoole""<br> <br>Meniatz goes to hir room and returns with two slightly worn, but well-loved books. "You can read these, too." Shi holds up copies of /Huckleberry Finn/ and /The Hobbit/. "They're two of my favorite books. I hope you'll enjoy them as much as I have."<br> <br>Melanie says "The first one sounds stupid. What's the second one?" Lucy calls out "Kid, you have no idea what you just called stupid. A few million rabid fangirls and boys are turning in their graves." Mel ignores her and looks at the two new books. "Okay, cool."<br> <br>Meniatz kisses Melanie, "/Harry Potter/ is a series of books about a boy who learns that he is a wizard and goes to a magical school of witchcraft and wizardry. It's actually very well-written."<br> <br>Antiman chirp laughs, "Its considerd a classic of the moderen era. I thought the books were wasted on children when I firset read them."<br> <br>Mel says "Oh...I guess that sounds neat. It's kinda big though." Lucy calls "They get bigger~" Eventually, Lucy calls that she just finished with the food, and to get ready. She starts working on seperating things up.<br> <br>Meniatz sets the table and sits down on a cushion next to hir mate. "It sure smells tasty, Zero."<br> <br>Antiman continues to open beak smile, "Though it must be said that some of the creatures described in those books were considered mythical then. Like fluffy." Sie walks over to the table and sits down, "It smells like what my grandma use to make." Sie folds hir ears down in thought, "I think."<br> <br>Zeroone sets things across the table, the meatloaf already sliced, and three sides to choose from. She stands there looking proud, and then starts dolling out portions. Once everyone had a plate, she sat down in front of her own and motioned for Melanie to try the loaf. She cuts, takes a bite, and says "Alright, fine, it's good." hir mother smiles and starts on her own.<br> <br>Meniatz shifts to hir cerberus form and takes a seat on an actual chair. "Fluffy was cute." <br> <br>Meniatz uses each of hir three heads to enjoy Lucy's delicious meal.<br> <br>Antiman preys to the Maternal Beast first before taking a slice out of hir piece of meatloaf and takes a bite, "You did very good Lucy." Sie then chirp laughs as Meni changes into hir cerbrerus form, "I don't think that the trick that they used in the book will work on you love."<br> <br>Zeroone and her daughter work on their respective meals, lucy pointing out things sie should try. Sie decides sie does not like the steamed carrots. Lucy insists sie at least eat half of what's on hir plate.<br> <br>Meniatz smiles, "If you do, I'll let you have some fresh honey as a treat." Shi transforms into a bee-girl and rubs two of hir hands on Mel's back. Meni had already finished hir meal in hir cerberus form, and was now grooming hir mate. "I love your cooking, Zero. You should make us dinner more often."<br> <br>Antiman finishes hir meal and stacks hir plate on top of Meni's. Sie chirp purs at Meni's grooming, "I always thought bees were cute looking insects. You love make them cuter." Sie preens Meni's bee fur.<br> <br>Meniatz buzzes and kisses Anti on the beak. "Thank you, love. I like it when my forms are pleasing to you."<br> <br>Zeroone smirks and says "Is that a request or an order? Please be an order." meanwhile, Mel is forcing the carrots down, gagging halfway through hir tast. Seemed it was a legitimate gag.<br> <br>Meniatz flutters over to Zero and gives hir a hug. "Of course it's an order. I'm like your queen bee, after all."<br> <br>Antiman flattens hir ears in consern at Mel's gagging, "You need to chew them better Mel. You'll risk choking otherwise."<br> <br>Zeroone grins and says "You certainly are, your highness." hugging hir back. Melanie swallows and says "It was the taste."<br> <br>Antiman open beak smiles, "I understand," Sie has a far off look then returns to the present, "I did the same thing with celery. There was no way you could dress it up and not get me to gag on it."<br> <br>Meniatz puts hir hands up to hir breasts. "Would you like something to wash that down with, Mel?" Shi gives Lucy a kiss on the lips and tickles hir with hir antennae. "I certainly am. You're such a good servant. You know your place, and your love and obedience is unfaltering.<br> <br>Melanie nods quickly, and moves off hir chair to Meniatz. Lucy grins after the kiss, chuckling once at the antenna. She shrugs at her daughter's actions and moves to pick up the plates, regretfully having to move away from Meni to do it.<br> <br>Antiman walks up next to Meni and gives hir a one armed hug and folds a wing around hir and nuzzels hir.<br> <br>Meniatz produces fresh honey for Melanie. Shi forms it into a sticky ball in hir hands, and offers to let Mel, Anti, and Lucy to each lick one clean if they so desire.<br> <br>Zeroone comes back to find Melanie already licking the ball. She didn't really feel like it, so she passed.<br> <br>A frantic knocking comes from the door, a muffled whine can be heard between each one. Without even waiting, a large female fairy lets herself in. "Meeeennniiiii..." she whines, running in and sniffling into her sleeve. She pauses for a moment when she notices it wasn't just Meni here, blushing faintly as she back away. "S-sorry to disturb you! ... I'll come back another time!"<br> <br>Meniatz smiles as shi sees hir daughter. "It's alright, Cupcake. Would you like some of my honey? It might make you feel better." Shi holds out a hand holding a sticky orb of honey towards Cup as Melanie continues to lick one of them clean.<br> <br>Antiman licks the ball in Meni's hand. Sie chirp purs from the taste. Sie looks up as Cup walks in, "Hi cup. Is everything alright?"<br> <br>Zeroone steps around the others to look at the distressed fairy. It was entirely likely that Cupcake was completely missing her human state in her distress. Melanie by now had turned around to look. "Hmm?" Sie sniffs a bit. "Oh hey it's...um..." sie hears meniatz say the name. "Cupcake? Wasn't it something different?"<br> <br>Antiman chuckle purs at Mel's question, "Its a nickname. Her real name is Cupnoodle." Sie looks at Cup in consern at her state.<br> <br>Cupcake sniffles a little, nodding as she approaches her mother. She laps at the orb of sweet goo, trying to let her trouble fade away now that she was surrounded by people she cared for. She breaks away from the honey for now to look around, her eyes widening as she notices something new about Zero. Walking up, she examines the robot to discover she wasn't a robot anymore! "Oh my gosh! Zero, you're a human again!" she squeals, hugging her tightly as seemingly all of her negativity had melted away.<br> <br>Meniatz smiles and tickles Mel with hir antennae, "Hir new name is Cupcake because shi has cute little lady parts now, making hir my beloved fae daughter."<br> <br>Meniatz gives Cupcake a kiss and offers hir some more honey, "Yes. We helped her become human and learn to come to terms with her love of serving others. Her name is Lucy now, by the way." Shi gives Cup a warm smile as shi tastes some of hir own honey. "Mmm! Tasty~"<br> <br>Antiman returns hir attention to licking the rest of the ball of honey in Meni's hand. Sie feels a warm conforting feeling after consuming it. "It was a case of her fighting herself." Sie grooms Meni's antene with hir beak.<br> <br>Zeroone grins and places her hand on her back in a pseudo return of the hug. "Yes, it's wonderful isn't it? I'll tell you the whole story later. Right now, I'm wondering what got you so upset. Is there anything I can do to help?" Meanwhile, Melanie was musing on the size of the girl, and how exactly you could have sex like that being so small.<br> <br>Meniatz grins at Melanie, "I could become a wyvern and show you firsthand, hon~"<br> <br>The fairy nods, letting go of her friend and flying back to the honey. Even though she was covered in the stuff, she still idly licked at the orb as she spoke. "Well... I hunted down the fairies to see if I could get my original form back... though it seems they take things a little... literally. I yelled 'give me my penis back' at them... and... yeah." Her eyes trail off to the side, blushing somewhat as she tugs the hem of her shirt down over her groin.<br> <br>Meniatz places a hand on Cup's skirt and strokes it. "It's okay, Cupcake. Look at it this way: you're more like your mother now, and there's no shame in that." Shi tickles hir with hir antennae. "Besides, I think it's cute."<br> <br>Zeroone says "Oh...ah." in understanding, while melanie starts chuckling. "So you got it back then? Good fer you! Hey, mine's bigger than yours." Zero wondered where shi learned *that* from. Maybe she wasn't watching hir well enough. Zero continues "Well...it seems like they're jerks. Did you go back and tell them what you wanted specifically?"<br> <br>Antiman coulden help but to chirp laugh, "That is so typical of the fae." Sie then stops laughing and gives hir a hug, "It'll be more fun like this." Sie then preens Cup's hair.<br> <br>Meniatz smiles at Melanie, "Well, Mel, mine are quite large, too. Feel free to play with them whenever you'd like. I don't mind."<br> <br>Cupcake nods slightly, hir blush still apparent, though a smile does form. "True... I'm a little more like you guys now... though they seem to have pitied me just a bit, since they gave me an extra..." Hearing the fox, she can't help but chuckle. "I'm sure it's larger than I am too, but hey... more for me to feel if you behave." She winks slightly before blushing deeply... where did THAT come from?<br> <br>Antiman starts to massage Cup's shoulders, "Gave you an extra?" Sie asks. <br> <br>Melanie says "Uh...heh, no thanks..." and to Cupcake's pass, sie raises hir brow. "Oooh...but...how would that work, you're so damn small. One would kill you, and I've got two." Lucy steps in and says "Who said you could get sexual privileges again?" Mel looks irritated. "Oh come on, I've been good for like, two week straight or whatever. Isn't that long enough?" She looks thoughtful and says "Let me ask your father." Mel growls a little, but shuts up.<br> <br>Meniatz kisses Cup on hir small breasts. "I'm sure Melanie would love to have a cute little fairy rubbing up and down hir shafts." Shi grins at Lucy and puts a hand on Mel's shoulder. "If your mother says it's okay, Cupcake and I could show you~."<br> <br>Cupcake nods to Anti, chuckling a bit. "To put it simply... there's a little more of me to love." shi says, turning to Mel and giving her a cute little smile. "And you'd be surprised how durable a fairy is. We aren't brittle like the gingerbread foxes, despite sharing their size." The little fairy shivers slightly at Meni's kisses, smiling hopefully at Lucy. "Come ooonnn... I wanna see if she can be a good girl... after that terrible act she pulled the LAST time I saw her." shi growls with a little furrow of the brows.<br> <br>Melanie shrugs. "Okay, I don't really get how but..." then Cupcake starts speaking. Lucy shakes her head. "Sorry, but Dusk would have my head. He has plans and stuff, and he doesn't seem to like things being done without his say so. He was pretty annoyed that I didn't come to him about when Melanie was acting up."<br> <br>Meniatz pets cup with one of hir sticky, honey-covered hands. "Not quite as much to love as I do, I'd bet. But that's okay--you're loveable enough as you are, my little Cupcake~" Shi licks some of the honey off of hir daughter and grins.<br> <br>Antiman rubs Cup's back lower untill sie reaches hir small of hir back were sie rubs in a circular motion, "That's a shame. Mel's gotten much better since then."<br> <br>Melanie mumbles "I was just really angry, jeez."<br> <br>Meniatz:washes hir hands before shifting to a more huggable form and embracing Melanie. "Mel's a good girl now."<br> <br>Cupcake pouts somewhat before smiling a bit, shrugging off the disappointment. "Oh well, there's always another day... you are safe from my fairy tricks for now little foxie." The little thing teases, giving her a wink before letting out a shuddering moan. "Oh my... that feels nice An-" she is cut off by Meni's tongue thumping against her entire body, chuckling a bit before finishing with a '-ti'.<br> <br>Antiman chuckle purs. The situation causing hir to become aroused hir slit moistening and hir cock peeking out of hir sheath. Sie uses hir tounge to lick Cup's back while sie continues to rub the small of hir back.<br> <br>Meniatz sees Anti's cock present itself and takes it as an invitation to please hir mate. Shi pads up to the gryphon and licks Cup's face and front while one of hir cocks slips its way into anti's slit as hir hand strokes the gryphon's shaft.<br> <br>Cupcake giggles a bit as Meni licks hir again, blinking a few times as shi hears a wet little slipping noise below hir. Looking down, shi blushes briefly before smiling. "Oh my... you two have gotten quite excited haven't you?" It was apparent the sight was turning hir on as well though, as a bulge was making itself known in the front of the fairy's pants. Shi quickly flutters below, looking for something shi could grapple or slip into.

Revision as of 02:45, 2 February 2013





Meniatz gives Anti a kiss, the taste of their recent brunch still fresh in hir mouth. "It looks like you two have gotten much more comfortable with Zero's new life."

Melanie grumbles a little at the unwanted kiss, and when sie can manage to sie shows off a children's book for teaching reading and says "Mom's gonna teach me to read!" Lucy adds "We got the book from Natake. Very helpful, she is." Melanie immediately sits down on the couch and opens it to the first page, finding production information. "What." Sie mumbles before turning another page finding the titlepage.

Antiman returns the kiss that Meni gives the taste of grape jelly still in hir mouth, "Thats very thoughtful of her," Sie says to Lucy. Sie walks over to Mel and sits next to hir to get a look at the title.

Meniatz pets Melanie and offers hir a seat on hir lap. "That's great, Mel! Reading can spur on your imagination and take you to all manner of wonderous places. You can learn alot by reading, too--that's how Anti, your mother, and I got to be so smart." Shi smiles and puts hir arm around Mel's shoulder so shi can read with hir.

Melanie says "Oh yeah? Then maybe I shouldn't read, I don't wanna get dumber." Sie grins, the little brat. Lucy gives hir a light bop to the head, nothing actually even painful, just an "Oh, you" sorta thing. Sie turns the page and starts looking at the pictures. "Okay...so what's this?" It was a see spot run book. Wow, surprising those managed to survive.

Antiman nods enthusasticly, "Thats right. It can teach many things. It also helps you to think more criticaly." Sie chuckle purs at Little Mel's comment.

Meniatz nips affectionately at Mel's ear. "This is a storybook, hon." Shi rubs hir cheek up against Mel's. "Would you like me to help you read it?"

Mel jerks a little at the nip, being unexpected, and then looks back to the book. "Uh...yeah, 'cause I don't get what these things are." she points to the letters. Lucy comments "So we're starting from square one."

Antiman gives a gentle open beak smile, "Those are letters, dear. Their used to describe the sounds we make speeking." Sie points to the letter 'S' in See, "That is the letter S it has the Sss sound like a snake."

Meniatz smiles and guides Mel's hand. "And these two loopy ones are 'e's. When they are arranged like this they make an 'ee' sound, like in the word eel. When you put them in front of an 's,' they make the word 'see.' See?" Shi chuckles.

Melanie says "Okay...kinda looks like one too I guess." Sie copies the noise for practice. When meniatz points out the e, Sie says "Well that doesn't look like an eel at all." then sie tries out the new word. "Well...Why's it got two of the e's? Why not just one?" Figuring the other two have things under control, Lucy walks away. "Anyone want anything? I'm heading to the kitchen." Melanie cries "Juice!" to which lucy says "Hon, that juice was kinda a one time thing. People don't really have the things to make juice easily anymore."

Meniatz smiles and pats Melanie on the head. "Actually, I have some juice in the refrigerator. I have a plant-based form that sometimes grows these big, sweet fruit every now and then. Oh! Leave the seeds, though. I want to plant them later." Shi then responds to Mel, "Well, little one, if you only use one 'e,' it makes the 'eh' sound, like in 'pet.'" Shi pets the fox girl for emphasis.

Meniatz strokes Mel's hair. "And I meant that the double 'e' sound sounds like the word 'eel.'

Antiman flicks an ear and adds, "Their are also words that sound the same but mean diffrent things. Such as see S-E-E or sea S-E-A which is the ocean."

Melanie mumbles "Oh...this is hard." to what Meniatz says. Meanwhile, Lucy is calling back "Okay~" and getting some juice together. "Anyone else want something?" When Anti gives hir bit of info, Mel makes a face and says "I dunno if I wanna read anymore." Lucy shouts "Oh shush you, you bugged me all day about it!"

Meniatz purrs and holds Anti closer to hir. "The letter 'e' is a special kind of letter called a vowel. The letter 'a' is also a vowel. Vowels make a different sound depending on whether they are in front of another vowel or not." Shi calls over to Zero, "I made some cookies the other night. They're in the pantry, stored in a clear plastic container. Could you bring them out so we have something to munch on during story time?" Meniatz rubs hir chin against Melanie's shoulder and purrs, "We'll take it slow, sweetie. You'll love reading once you get the hang of it."

Antiman calls out to Lucy, "I'll have some juce as well." Sie then smiles at what Mel says, "There are important things that are written on signs conserning saftey conditions. If you can't read them you would be unaware of the danger. Being unaware of a danger can get you killed."

Meniatz nods in agreement with Anti. "There are times when reading can save your life." Shi pauses for a bit and, realizing that shi does not want to frighten the young fox, Meniatz then adds, "There's also lots of fun things you can read, too, once you learn how."

Melanie tries to remember the things Meniatz is telling hir, and says "If you say so..." to the mention of loving it. Lucy comes out with a tray, four glasses of juice, and the tray of cookies, setting them down on a table near the couch. She also confirms Anti's mention of danger, to which Melanie begrudgingly accepts. Lucy warns Mel not to drink hir juice while holding the book, use two hands. Melanie says "Mom, I think I can hold two things at once." Lucy gives hir a skeptical look while eating a cookie.

Antiman chuckle purs, "Its not that Mel. Its taking the proper care of books. Its harder to get any particular book these days. If you spill your drink you run the risk of ruining your book, and squandering the generosity that Natake showed by giving you that book."

Meniatz grins, "Melanie's a big girl, Lucy. Shi can handle a cup and a book. Now, would you like to sit down with us?" Shi grabs a cookie and bites into it. "You should be careful with that book, though. I don't think they are being printed anymore...not for a long while, at least."

Antiman accepts hir drink from Lucy and dips hir beak in to take a sip, "Mmm, citrus and apple like. You make a very tasty juce, love."

Meniatz sips some of hir juice. "Thanks, love. The secret is that I am often...fertilized by some of the most beautiful and caring people I've ever known." Shi mewls happily to Anti and gives hir a kiss.

Melanie looks to the book and says "Oh...okay, yeah that makes sense I guess." Despite Meniatz sticking up for hir, sie set the book aside a moment to take a drink of the juice. "Mmm~ Yeah!" sie agrees with Anti. Sie reaches to take a cookie, and Lucy warns "You can have three of those." "What? Why?" "Because I'm gonna make dinner later, and I want you to save room for it in your belly." Mel blows a raspberry lined with cookie crumbs. "And what if I don't want your dinner?" "You don't even know what it is." "What is it?" "Meatloaf." "don't want it." "You've never had it!" "Don't like the sound of it." Lucy fumes a bit.

Antiman chuckle purs at Mel's refusal to eat meatloaf. Sie doesn't say anything about it though. Truth be told when its make right its great when its bad its horrible. Sie doesn't want to unwittingly lie about how good something is when sie doesn't really know how it will be.

Meniatz licks hir lips and purrs. "I love meatloaf! It's like bread, but MADE OF MEAT!"

Lucy kneels down and says "I'll have you know I make very good meatloaf. It's fantastic. Here's what'll happen. If you don't like it, you can have breastmilk and cookies instead. I figure the milk will give you nutrients. But you'd better not lie just to get cookies, 'cause I'll know, and then you won't get your free order tonight, got it?" Mel mumbles "fiiine." and gets back to the book.

Meniatz nuzzles up against Anti and whispers to hir. "I bet you remember when you were like that. You were probably as cute then as you are beautiful now." Shi gives hir mate a kiss. "So, Mel when you string words together like this, they form a sentence." Shi traces along the page with hir finger as shi explains words and their spellings to the fox.

Antiman rembers small pieces of hir childhood. Something about a home made smoke bomb and setting it off in the house accendently. Sie turns hir attention back to teaching Mel, "A sentence is a complete thought or statement."

Melanie follows the words with hir eyes, understanding sinking in. "Okay. Like um..." sie points to one on the page. "This hole thing here" sie moves hir finger along the sentence "Is one? Like...is what I'm saying one?" Sie was picking things up pretty fast.

Meniatz mewls with delight, "That's right! You're a quick learner, Mel. I'm really proud of you." Shi kisses Mell on the cheek and grins, "So, do you think you can read some of it?"

Antiman nods and open beak smiles, "Very good!" Sie gives a one armed hug to Mel.

Melanie smiles at the praise others give, then works out with hir mother what the other letters mean. Soon sie's got the first two simple sentences down. Lucy cries "Wooo!" and then applauds. Mel smiles wider.

Meniatz strokes Melanies hair and sneaks hir an extra cookie. "That's very good, Mel. Pretty soon, you'll be able to read longer books, too."

They all work together, and soon enough Melanie has worked hir way through the whole starter book. Celebrations were being had as Lucy left to work in the kitchen. While she was there, Melanie ate hir extra cookie.

Antiman pulles out a well used seven inch tablet from one of hir pouches. Its been modified with what appears to be a high output solar cell and a homemade battery pack, "When you're ready for longer books. I have several books on this that you can read. I think you'll realy like "Harry Potter" and "The Guardians of Ga'Hoole""

Meniatz goes to hir room and returns with two slightly worn, but well-loved books. "You can read these, too." Shi holds up copies of /Huckleberry Finn/ and /The Hobbit/. "They're two of my favorite books. I hope you'll enjoy them as much as I have."

Melanie says "The first one sounds stupid. What's the second one?" Lucy calls out "Kid, you have no idea what you just called stupid. A few million rabid fangirls and boys are turning in their graves." Mel ignores her and looks at the two new books. "Okay, cool."

Meniatz kisses Melanie, "/Harry Potter/ is a series of books about a boy who learns that he is a wizard and goes to a magical school of witchcraft and wizardry. It's actually very well-written."

Antiman chirp laughs, "Its considerd a classic of the moderen era. I thought the books were wasted on children when I firset read them."

Mel says "Oh...I guess that sounds neat. It's kinda big though." Lucy calls "They get bigger~" Eventually, Lucy calls that she just finished with the food, and to get ready. She starts working on seperating things up.

Meniatz sets the table and sits down on a cushion next to hir mate. "It sure smells tasty, Zero."

Antiman continues to open beak smile, "Though it must be said that some of the creatures described in those books were considered mythical then. Like fluffy." Sie walks over to the table and sits down, "It smells like what my grandma use to make." Sie folds hir ears down in thought, "I think."

Zeroone sets things across the table, the meatloaf already sliced, and three sides to choose from. She stands there looking proud, and then starts dolling out portions. Once everyone had a plate, she sat down in front of her own and motioned for Melanie to try the loaf. She cuts, takes a bite, and says "Alright, fine, it's good." hir mother smiles and starts on her own.

Meniatz shifts to hir cerberus form and takes a seat on an actual chair. "Fluffy was cute."

Meniatz uses each of hir three heads to enjoy Lucy's delicious meal.

Antiman preys to the Maternal Beast first before taking a slice out of hir piece of meatloaf and takes a bite, "You did very good Lucy." Sie then chirp laughs as Meni changes into hir cerbrerus form, "I don't think that the trick that they used in the book will work on you love."

Zeroone and her daughter work on their respective meals, lucy pointing out things sie should try. Sie decides sie does not like the steamed carrots. Lucy insists sie at least eat half of what's on hir plate.

Meniatz smiles, "If you do, I'll let you have some fresh honey as a treat." Shi transforms into a bee-girl and rubs two of hir hands on Mel's back. Meni had already finished hir meal in hir cerberus form, and was now grooming hir mate. "I love your cooking, Zero. You should make us dinner more often."

Antiman finishes hir meal and stacks hir plate on top of Meni's. Sie chirp purs at Meni's grooming, "I always thought bees were cute looking insects. You love make them cuter." Sie preens Meni's bee fur.

Meniatz buzzes and kisses Anti on the beak. "Thank you, love. I like it when my forms are pleasing to you."

Zeroone smirks and says "Is that a request or an order? Please be an order." meanwhile, Mel is forcing the carrots down, gagging halfway through hir tast. Seemed it was a legitimate gag.

Meniatz flutters over to Zero and gives hir a hug. "Of course it's an order. I'm like your queen bee, after all."

Antiman flattens hir ears in consern at Mel's gagging, "You need to chew them better Mel. You'll risk choking otherwise."

Zeroone grins and says "You certainly are, your highness." hugging hir back. Melanie swallows and says "It was the taste."

Antiman open beak smiles, "I understand," Sie has a far off look then returns to the present, "I did the same thing with celery. There was no way you could dress it up and not get me to gag on it."

Meniatz puts hir hands up to hir breasts. "Would you like something to wash that down with, Mel?" Shi gives Lucy a kiss on the lips and tickles hir with hir antennae. "I certainly am. You're such a good servant. You know your place, and your love and obedience is unfaltering.

Melanie nods quickly, and moves off hir chair to Meniatz. Lucy grins after the kiss, chuckling once at the antenna. She shrugs at her daughter's actions and moves to pick up the plates, regretfully having to move away from Meni to do it.

Antiman walks up next to Meni and gives hir a one armed hug and folds a wing around hir and nuzzels hir.

Meniatz produces fresh honey for Melanie. Shi forms it into a sticky ball in hir hands, and offers to let Mel, Anti, and Lucy to each lick one clean if they so desire.

Zeroone comes back to find Melanie already licking the ball. She didn't really feel like it, so she passed.

A frantic knocking comes from the door, a muffled whine can be heard between each one. Without even waiting, a large female fairy lets herself in. "Meeeennniiiii..." she whines, running in and sniffling into her sleeve. She pauses for a moment when she notices it wasn't just Meni here, blushing faintly as she back away. "S-sorry to disturb you! ... I'll come back another time!"

Meniatz smiles as shi sees hir daughter. "It's alright, Cupcake. Would you like some of my honey? It might make you feel better." Shi holds out a hand holding a sticky orb of honey towards Cup as Melanie continues to lick one of them clean.

Antiman licks the ball in Meni's hand. Sie chirp purs from the taste. Sie looks up as Cup walks in, "Hi cup. Is everything alright?"

Zeroone steps around the others to look at the distressed fairy. It was entirely likely that Cupcake was completely missing her human state in her distress. Melanie by now had turned around to look. "Hmm?" Sie sniffs a bit. "Oh hey it's...um..." sie hears meniatz say the name. "Cupcake? Wasn't it something different?"

Antiman chuckle purs at Mel's question, "Its a nickname. Her real name is Cupnoodle." Sie looks at Cup in consern at her state.

Cupcake sniffles a little, nodding as she approaches her mother. She laps at the orb of sweet goo, trying to let her trouble fade away now that she was surrounded by people she cared for. She breaks away from the honey for now to look around, her eyes widening as she notices something new about Zero. Walking up, she examines the robot to discover she wasn't a robot anymore! "Oh my gosh! Zero, you're a human again!" she squeals, hugging her tightly as seemingly all of her negativity had melted away.

Meniatz smiles and tickles Mel with hir antennae, "Hir new name is Cupcake because shi has cute little lady parts now, making hir my beloved fae daughter."

Meniatz gives Cupcake a kiss and offers hir some more honey, "Yes. We helped her become human and learn to come to terms with her love of serving others. Her name is Lucy now, by the way." Shi gives Cup a warm smile as shi tastes some of hir own honey. "Mmm! Tasty~"

Antiman returns hir attention to licking the rest of the ball of honey in Meni's hand. Sie feels a warm conforting feeling after consuming it. "It was a case of her fighting herself." Sie grooms Meni's antene with hir beak.

Zeroone grins and places her hand on her back in a pseudo return of the hug. "Yes, it's wonderful isn't it? I'll tell you the whole story later. Right now, I'm wondering what got you so upset. Is there anything I can do to help?" Meanwhile, Melanie was musing on the size of the girl, and how exactly you could have sex like that being so small.

Meniatz grins at Melanie, "I could become a wyvern and show you firsthand, hon~"

The fairy nods, letting go of her friend and flying back to the honey. Even though she was covered in the stuff, she still idly licked at the orb as she spoke. "Well... I hunted down the fairies to see if I could get my original form back... though it seems they take things a little... literally. I yelled 'give me my penis back' at them... and... yeah." Her eyes trail off to the side, blushing somewhat as she tugs the hem of her shirt down over her groin.

Meniatz places a hand on Cup's skirt and strokes it. "It's okay, Cupcake. Look at it this way: you're more like your mother now, and there's no shame in that." Shi tickles hir with hir antennae. "Besides, I think it's cute."

Zeroone says "Oh...ah." in understanding, while melanie starts chuckling. "So you got it back then? Good fer you! Hey, mine's bigger than yours." Zero wondered where shi learned *that* from. Maybe she wasn't watching hir well enough. Zero continues "Well...it seems like they're jerks. Did you go back and tell them what you wanted specifically?"

Antiman coulden help but to chirp laugh, "That is so typical of the fae." Sie then stops laughing and gives hir a hug, "It'll be more fun like this." Sie then preens Cup's hair.

Meniatz smiles at Melanie, "Well, Mel, mine are quite large, too. Feel free to play with them whenever you'd like. I don't mind."

Cupcake nods slightly, hir blush still apparent, though a smile does form. "True... I'm a little more like you guys now... though they seem to have pitied me just a bit, since they gave me an extra..." Hearing the fox, she can't help but chuckle. "I'm sure it's larger than I am too, but hey... more for me to feel if you behave." She winks slightly before blushing deeply... where did THAT come from?

Antiman starts to massage Cup's shoulders, "Gave you an extra?" Sie asks.

Melanie says "Uh...heh, no thanks..." and to Cupcake's pass, sie raises hir brow. "Oooh...but...how would that work, you're so damn small. One would kill you, and I've got two." Lucy steps in and says "Who said you could get sexual privileges again?" Mel looks irritated. "Oh come on, I've been good for like, two week straight or whatever. Isn't that long enough?" She looks thoughtful and says "Let me ask your father." Mel growls a little, but shuts up.

Meniatz kisses Cup on hir small breasts. "I'm sure Melanie would love to have a cute little fairy rubbing up and down hir shafts." Shi grins at Lucy and puts a hand on Mel's shoulder. "If your mother says it's okay, Cupcake and I could show you~."

Cupcake nods to Anti, chuckling a bit. "To put it simply... there's a little more of me to love." shi says, turning to Mel and giving her a cute little smile. "And you'd be surprised how durable a fairy is. We aren't brittle like the gingerbread foxes, despite sharing their size." The little fairy shivers slightly at Meni's kisses, smiling hopefully at Lucy. "Come ooonnn... I wanna see if she can be a good girl... after that terrible act she pulled the LAST time I saw her." shi growls with a little furrow of the brows.

Melanie shrugs. "Okay, I don't really get how but..." then Cupcake starts speaking. Lucy shakes her head. "Sorry, but Dusk would have my head. He has plans and stuff, and he doesn't seem to like things being done without his say so. He was pretty annoyed that I didn't come to him about when Melanie was acting up."

Meniatz pets cup with one of hir sticky, honey-covered hands. "Not quite as much to love as I do, I'd bet. But that's okay--you're loveable enough as you are, my little Cupcake~" Shi licks some of the honey off of hir daughter and grins.

Antiman rubs Cup's back lower untill sie reaches hir small of hir back were sie rubs in a circular motion, "That's a shame. Mel's gotten much better since then."

Melanie mumbles "I was just really angry, jeez."

Meniatz:washes hir hands before shifting to a more huggable form and embracing Melanie. "Mel's a good girl now."

Cupcake pouts somewhat before smiling a bit, shrugging off the disappointment. "Oh well, there's always another day... you are safe from my fairy tricks for now little foxie." The little thing teases, giving her a wink before letting out a shuddering moan. "Oh my... that feels nice An-" she is cut off by Meni's tongue thumping against her entire body, chuckling a bit before finishing with a '-ti'.

Antiman chuckle purs. The situation causing hir to become aroused hir slit moistening and hir cock peeking out of hir sheath. Sie uses hir tounge to lick Cup's back while sie continues to rub the small of hir back.

Meniatz sees Anti's cock present itself and takes it as an invitation to please hir mate. Shi pads up to the gryphon and licks Cup's face and front while one of hir cocks slips its way into anti's slit as hir hand strokes the gryphon's shaft.

Cupcake giggles a bit as Meni licks hir again, blinking a few times as shi hears a wet little slipping noise below hir. Looking down, shi blushes briefly before smiling. "Oh my... you two have gotten quite excited haven't you?" It was apparent the sight was turning hir on as well though, as a bulge was making itself known in the front of the fairy's pants. Shi quickly flutters below, looking for something shi could grapple or slip into.