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<div></div><br> <br>You all got a request to join Venice into the requisition room of RSX. Only a part of the agents is here, but since the communication wasn't a secret, this is just one of the biefrings. Of course, everyone has clothes on them.. not surprising for RSX agents. The room seems to be reserved, away from the usual chaos of the angets busy with their daily missions.<br> <br>Caeli chooses to occupy a corner of the room immediately upon arrival, privately wary of any situation that would prompt RSX to have her along - she hasn't been on the best terms with them recently, after all. This must be important. But for now, she keeps her concerns safely tucked away behind a characteristic lack of expression, observing the rest of the small space with a keen azure stare.<br> <br>Having received the call to work from RSX, a tired and rather worn looking dragoness; Sara pads through the entryway door, a half-finished cigarette hanging loosely in between her scaled lips.  A few steps into the briefing room the ex-soldier plucks the cigarette from her its earlier perch and flicks it to the ground, making sure to crush it on her way to one of the seats which she haphazardly sprawls out on, resting back so the chair lifts onto only the hind two legs.  Her own legs then folding themselves atop the table in front.  It's only then that the hidden golden gaze looks around the room, nodding a silent greeting to any recognizable faces amongst the gathered agents.<br> <br>Zarwae arrives in her 'normal' outfit wearing a long black cloak on an old armor. She carries her usual blades in her back. It has been a long time since the last time she came here on the RSX briefing room. She nods politely at the few people around, not sure to know any of them.<br> <br>Rihko makes her way into the briefing room as well, turning her head from side to side as she surveys the collection.  Caeli gets a faint frown, but then the kitsune spots Sara and pulls a paw from the pocket of her zipped up jacket to wave.  She follows over and takes a seat next to Sara, sitting quietly, spear leaned against her shoulder.<br> <br>Chara is seen in the hallway walking right past the door into the briefing room. After a quick about-face, she lingers to one side of the door for about five seconds and adjusts the lapels of her lab coat. After that, she finally walks in, giving a slight up-nod to anyone that she recognizes, which is pretty much just Rihko, as she finds a seat.<br> <br>Venice smiles as she sees everyone finally gathered here. Giving the sign to sit down after everyone got inside the smaller room, the goo girl takes a deep breath, before starting to talk. "First of all, thank you for having answered this special call. I didn't summoned you here for the usual daily task.. but to seek your collaboration for a more important mission." The goo girl starts to explain, smiling as her usual, "For who doesn’t know me, I'm Venice, the one in charge of the requisition area of Woodfield. And for today, I have a big mission to offer.. especially for those seeking new challanges. Truth is, some of the Prometheans are not happy for the so-called freedom Zephyr offers to Fairhaven, calling them decadent and a risk for their children's future. We can't but agree on this part, but most of the New Dawn's leaders know they need Zephyr to survive... and we know how much Zephyr is useful for us as well. We are not new to their attempts to seek for a new place to move in.. they tried it with Bozeman, but they weren't prepared for the dire situation of that city, not really appealing at all. Still, those stubborns didn't gave up and kept sending out their children to seek new bubbles and cities. And in the end, it seems that they finally did it.. they found this city, Clairmont, which seems a suitable site to rebuild. Any question so far?"<br> <br>After sending a small wave of greeting Sara's way and treating Rihko to a smile, Caeli's attention remains mostly fixed upon the goo girl; aside from the occasional blink, she is rather still, but gives a shake of her head when prompted. "No questions," she says quietly, though she likely speaks only for herself. And is probably lying, at that.<br> <br>Noticing Rihko sit next to her, Sara offers the familiar kitsune a sidelong glance.  Recognizing the face well she breaks her once unemotional state and cracks a grin, "Rihko." she mentions before growing silent to look towards Venice offering a wave in return to Caeli right before she turns her gaze.  As she listens, the dragoness mumbles to herself, keeping relatively quiet as to not disturb Venice.  Those in earshot however only hear what could be described as her talking-- no, scolding some unseen person.  Once the call for questions is asked Sara speaks up, "Yeah.." the dragoness mentions as she raises a hand slightly, "I've got a question.  Where do we fit in? You want us to encroach on Zephyr's find or something? Figure out what they found--.. Actually make that two questions, if we do go do we have any idea on if we will encounter hostile's? And if so, what."<br> <br>Rihko nods back at Chara, with a murmured 'doctor'.  She shifts her weight and returns her attention to Venice, waiting for a moment to ask her question; "Which Clairmont?  Down by L.A.?  Or is this in another state?"  Her ear flicks and she glances over at Sara, then lets her gaze move on to Caeli, smiling at the winged girl.  She settles back into her seat, then, and listens.<br> <br>During the explanation, Chara quietly quips, "Shit, I wouldn't like Fairhaven either. Good on them." After the prompt, she straightens her posture in her chair and asks, "Yeah.. For those of us not up on our geography, where, exactly IS Clairmont?" The woman glances over at Sara as she asks her questions and nods, "Yeah, I second those questions: What's the situation with the locals like, and what's in it for RSX? I imagine we're not doing this pro bono, after all."<br> <br>Venice waits for all of you to do the first round of question, giving an slighter longer look at Caeli and then Zarwae, "The city is east, south-east from here, a decent and long trip with our helicopters to the near state: a small town, fresh water, mines and fertile lands. We are quite agreeing with their conclusion, even if further investigation is needed. But the place seems suitable to support an economy and a settlement.. ". The goo girl takes out a small glass filled with sweet water and sips a bit from it, before she keeps going, "Most of this needs further investigation, we just made a first exam. The place seems safe, rich of resources and the bubble is stable. The only thing we found out is a sensitive weaker influence of the nanites... people moving there seemed to experience less sexual hunger, so to speak. And the Prometheans don't have a real headstart.. right now they are recruiting people. After another pause, Venice resumes, "Still, the situation is quite dire. While the place is fit for sustaining itself, they don't have the technology to fix the factories and make them running. Then they surprised us.. by seeking our help. As you all know, while we have an advanced technological knowledge, we are at shortage of munitions. While I don't know names, it seems that a craft fox girl managed to bargain with our leaders, knowledge in exchange of a portion of the local production. Breaking from Zephyr's egemony isn't a bad thing, actually.. so they accepted. Sadly, it didn't worked out as expected, since Zephyr found this out and... forced their help on us. Not that we could really deny them. So, it would a place with Promethean's rules, like no public sex and wearing clothes, our knowledge to work the factories and control over the market for Zephyr"
<div></div><br> <br>You all got a request to join Venice into the requisition room of RSX. Only a part of the agents is here, but since the communication wasn't a secret, this is just one of the biefrings. Of course, everyone has clothes on them.. not surprising for RSX agents. The room seems to be reserved, away from the usual chaos of the angets busy with their daily missions.<br> <br>Caeli chooses to occupy a corner of the room immediately upon arrival, privately wary of any situation that would prompt RSX to have her along - she hasn't been on the best terms with them recently, after all. This must be important. But for now, she keeps her concerns safely tucked away behind a characteristic lack of expression, observing the rest of the small space with a keen azure stare.<br> <br>Having received the call to work from RSX, a tired and rather worn looking dragoness; Sara pads through the entryway door, a half-finished cigarette hanging loosely in between her scaled lips.  A few steps into the briefing room the ex-soldier plucks the cigarette from her its earlier perch and flicks it to the ground, making sure to crush it on her way to one of the seats which she haphazardly sprawls out on, resting back so the chair lifts onto only the hind two legs.  Her own legs then folding themselves atop the table in front.  It's only then that the hidden golden gaze looks around the room, nodding a silent greeting to any recognizable faces amongst the gathered agents.<br> <br>Zarwae arrives in her 'normal' outfit wearing a long black cloak on an old armor. She carries her usual blades in her back. It has been a long time since the last time she came here on the RSX briefing room. She nods politely at the few people around, not sure to know any of them.<br> <br>Rihko makes her way into the briefing room as well, turning her head from side to side as she surveys the collection.  Caeli gets a faint frown, but then the kitsune spots Sara and pulls a paw from the pocket of her zipped up jacket to wave.  She follows over and takes a seat next to Sara, sitting quietly, spear leaned against her shoulder.<br> <br>Chara is seen in the hallway walking right past the door into the briefing room. After a quick about-face, she lingers to one side of the door for about five seconds and adjusts the lapels of her lab coat. After that, she finally walks in, giving a slight up-nod to anyone that she recognizes, which is pretty much just Rihko, as she finds a seat.<br> <br>Venice smiles as she sees everyone finally gathered here. Giving the sign to sit down after everyone got inside the smaller room, the goo girl takes a deep breath, before starting to talk. "First of all, thank you for having answered this special call. I didn't summoned you here for the usual daily task.. but to seek your collaboration for a more important mission." The goo girl starts to explain, smiling as her usual, "For who doesn’t know me, I'm Venice, the one in charge of the requisition area of Woodfield. And for today, I have a big mission to offer.. especially for those seeking new challanges. Truth is, some of the Prometheans are not happy for the so-called freedom Zephyr offers to Fairhaven, calling them decadent and a risk for their children's future. We can't but agree on this part, but most of the New Dawn's leaders know they need Zephyr to survive... and we know how much Zephyr is useful for us as well. We are not new to their attempts to seek for a new place to move in.. they tried it with Bozeman, but they weren't prepared for the dire situation of that city, not really appealing at all. Still, those stubborns didn't gave up and kept sending out their children to seek new bubbles and cities. And in the end, it seems that they finally did it.. they found this city, Clairmont, which seems a suitable site to rebuild. Any question so far?"<br> <br>After sending a small wave of greeting Sara's way and treating Rihko to a smile, Caeli's attention remains mostly fixed upon the goo girl; aside from the occasional blink, she is rather still, but gives a shake of her head when prompted. "No questions," she says quietly, though she likely speaks only for herself. And is probably lying, at that.<br> <br>Noticing Rihko sit next to her, Sara offers the familiar kitsune a sidelong glance.  Recognizing the face well she breaks her once unemotional state and cracks a grin, "Rihko." she mentions before growing silent to look towards Venice offering a wave in return to Caeli right before she turns her gaze.  As she listens, the dragoness mumbles to herself, keeping relatively quiet as to not disturb Venice.  Those in earshot however only hear what could be described as her talking-- no, scolding some unseen person.  Once the call for questions is asked Sara speaks up, "Yeah.." the dragoness mentions as she raises a hand slightly, "I've got a question.  Where do we fit in? You want us to encroach on Zephyr's find or something? Figure out what they found--.. Actually make that two questions, if we do go do we have any idea on if we will encounter hostile's? And if so, what."<br> <br>Rihko nods back at Chara, with a murmured 'doctor'.  She shifts her weight and returns her attention to Venice, waiting for a moment to ask her question; "Which Clairmont?  Down by L.A.?  Or is this in another state?"  Her ear flicks and she glances over at Sara, then lets her gaze move on to Caeli, smiling at the winged girl.  She settles back into her seat, then, and listens.<br> <br>During the explanation, Chara quietly quips, "Shit, I wouldn't like Fairhaven either. Good on them." After the prompt, she straightens her posture in her chair and asks, "Yeah.. For those of us not up on our geography, where, exactly IS Clairmont?" The woman glances over at Sara as she asks her questions and nods, "Yeah, I second those questions: What's the situation with the locals like, and what's in it for RSX? I imagine we're not doing this pro bono, after all."<br> <br>Venice waits for all of you to do the first round of question, giving an slighter longer look at Caeli and then Zarwae, "The city is east, south-east from here, a decent and long trip with our helicopters to the near state: a small town, fresh water, mines and fertile lands. We are quite agreeing with their conclusion, even if further investigation is needed. But the place seems suitable to support an economy and a settlement.. ". The goo girl takes out a small glass filled with sweet water and sips a bit from it, before she keeps going, "Most of this needs further investigation, we just made a first exam. The place seems safe, rich of resources and the bubble is stable. The only thing we found out is a sensitive weaker influence of the nanites... people moving there seemed to experience less sexual hunger, so to speak. And the Prometheans don't have a real headstart.. right now they are recruiting people. After another pause, Venice resumes, "Still, the situation is quite dire. While the place is fit for sustaining itself, they don't have the technology to fix the factories and make them running. Then they surprised us.. by seeking our help. As you all know, while we have an advanced technological knowledge, we are at shortage of munitions. While I don't know names, it seems that a craft fox girl managed to bargain with our leaders, knowledge in exchange of a portion of the local production. Breaking from Zephyr's egemony isn't a bad thing, actually.. so they accepted. Sadly, it didn't worked out as expected, since Zephyr found this out and... forced their help on us. Not that we could really deny them. So, it would a place with Promethean's rules, like no public sex and wearing clothes, our knowledge to work the factories and control over the market for Zephyr"<br> <br>Caeli suddenly seems ready to lower her guard a bit, pushing herself away from the wall to take a step out of her corner as she listens intently to the goo's words; if anyone was paying close attention they might have noticed that the change in demeanor happened to coincide with the word 'fix'. Only then do the implications of an entirely new city seem to fully dawn on her. "Excuse me. I would like clarification. Is our assignment purely reconnaissance, or are there additional objectives for this individual operation?" 'Please say fix stuff' goes unsaid.<br> <br>"Huh.. sounds like the perfect utopia then." Sara mentions as she rests both her hands behind her head and leans even further back, threatening the already teetering chair to fall back.  Though still the dragoness keeps her balance on the seat and responds to Venice's long response with a short nod.  "Mm.. at least for non-ferals that is." dropping the chair back forward and onto four legs, the dragoness finishes, "Well, I'm not the best with fixing machines but hey, I'll do what I can." she then shrugs and rises from her seat, "When're we leaving then?" already ready for the mission.<br> <br>Rihko quietly nods her head as she files away the information, mentally building a picture already.  Her tails flick, and curl, but she has no more questions for the time being.<br> <br>The dark elf slowly nods seeming lost in her thought, she keeps sideglancing at the people around, noticing features but still remaining silent.<br> <br>Chara taps the armrest of her chair a few times before saying, "Well, that's good to know about the nanites. Do they have any other unpleasant surprises, or have we not been surprised by them yet? And that doesn't answer the question about the native humans and former-humans. What's their status? Dead, alive, murderous? Basically, how much do we think that they're going to push back when we come barreling onto their t...real estate?"<br> <br>Venice takes a long pause before answering, "The truth is that right now, we decided to use our agents to restart the factories and the power plant. To an extend, it would also means to help the other pioneers in their activities to run the city. Collecting food, gathering resources, fixing machineries... everything is needed. Even hunting or keeping under control the ferals of the area.". The goo girl takes a break before looking at Chara, "Until recent times, maybe a couple of months, the place was inhabited. Then, they disappeared... maybe they tried to leave a place they couldn't run anymore, or maybe.. something else. We are not sure, and we haven't investigated the area. And we know almost nothing about the ferals of the area, they looked quite smart to not get in the way of armed people. We don't consider it an utopia, just a suitable site for our interests. Honestly, not having naked people going around screwing in public is just an additional bonus. "<br> <br>Caeli nods once, apparently satisfied with the explanation. "Understood. I would like to fix machineries. When will this operation commence?" A brief pause, and then, quietly, "Oh. I should contact Foehammer. Someone will need to feed Mako if my return is delayed." With that she settles back into her corner to resume her patient waiting, apparently delaying the aforementioned communication until things get underway.<br> <br>"Ehn.. s'not like we havent been attacked, and furthermore attacked ferals in kind.  I'm quite certain that if push comes to shove we'd be able to hold whatever comes our way back, and keep them away.  With.. or without Zephyr, or the Prometheans." Sara mentions before making her way behind Rihko and into the aisle where she pads up to the door, "Now.. If you folks need me I'll be by the helicopter.  Speaking of which, how longs the ride? You weren't very descriptive when you told us how long it'd take the first time.. what're we looking at, hours-wise?" it doesn't take long before she passes the doors though and leaves the briefing room behind, quite possibly leaving her question unanswered for now.<br> <br>Zarwae nods softly "I can scout before the muscle strike." she mutters softly, giving a soft smile. "But don't ask me for repairing anything." She bows softly front of the 3 others peoples.<br> <br>Rihko smiles.  "Nice.  I like the sound of this.  And we have a good team."  She glances around at the others again.  "I'm ready to go, then," the kitsune declares.<br> <br>Chara nods sharply and pensively glances about to everybody else, and then back to Venice, silent for the moment.<br> <br>Zarwae smiles at Rihko and moves to the helicopter too. "See you on the pad so."<br> <br>Venice looks a bit puzzled by Sara, about to reply before she leaves the briefing room. "The operation will commence when we'll have gathered all the available agents and the resources to start the project, even if I admit that I approve of your entusiasm: Food, money and basic resources are what we need first. Our ETA is less than two weeks now, plus a couple of days of variability.". the good girls explains, "The ride itself will be eight hours... since the long track, we have to keep the vehicles in energy-saving mode. Finally, once again... We are not asking you to take any unnecessary risk. If you feel confident with scouting, you are welcomed... Work with them, cover their back. As you know, we can't split our forces since we have to keep safe Woodfield, so you are really precious for us. Make that city work, fix those machinery and protect the load of munitions on the RSX helicopter. But if things go bad, jump on the RSX's vehicle and leave that place."<br> <br>Rihko nods her head again and gets up out of her chair.  <br> <br>Caeli gives another nod from her corner, though the way she bites her lip hints at some inner agitation - all those poor machines, abandoned and without help for another two weeks! But that /does/ give her time to prepare. "Understood," she says again, not moving to leave just yet. "Safety of the deployed personel will be the top priority, followed by repairs." No wonder the company wants to have her along on such a mission - as far as drains on resources goes, she's essentially a freebie, and every bit counts at a time like this.<br> <br>Rihko nods her head and gets up out of her chair.  "Alright, that sounds good to me.  I'll be ready, and I'll do what I can to secure some supplies for ourselves."  She turns and glances around, noting the people that have already departed.  "Caeli.  I am glad to be working with you again.  It's been too long."<br> <br>Caeli sends another tiny smile (hey, it's huge by her standards!) Rihkoward, and nods several times in agreement. "Yes, I apologize. I have been engaged in other tasks, primarily here in Woodfield." She tilts her head as a thought occurs, and decides, "I should visit your home again before we depart. It has been a very long time since I last encountered Miss Balina and the others I met there. I miss them." She turns back to Venice to politely add, "Oh. Thank you for not attempting to dismantle me." Not that the goo is likely to have ANY idea what she's talking about.<br> <br>Chara stands and walks around her chair, leaning on it heavily. Recognizing a word in there, Chara perks up slightly and says, "Oh. You're Caeli. I've heard good things about you. I'm Chara." She pauses for a moment, perhaps realizing the sage words 'a time and a place,' saying to Venice, "Understood. We'll ship off in two weeks. No further questions from me."<br> <br>Rihko returns Caeli's smile with one of her own, then nods at Venice.  "Anything else I need before we go?" she asks, not wanting to leave if there was more to hear.

Revision as of 00:11, 28 January 2013





You all got a request to join Venice into the requisition room of RSX. Only a part of the agents is here, but since the communication wasn't a secret, this is just one of the biefrings. Of course, everyone has clothes on them.. not surprising for RSX agents. The room seems to be reserved, away from the usual chaos of the angets busy with their daily missions.

Caeli chooses to occupy a corner of the room immediately upon arrival, privately wary of any situation that would prompt RSX to have her along - she hasn't been on the best terms with them recently, after all. This must be important. But for now, she keeps her concerns safely tucked away behind a characteristic lack of expression, observing the rest of the small space with a keen azure stare.

Having received the call to work from RSX, a tired and rather worn looking dragoness; Sara pads through the entryway door, a half-finished cigarette hanging loosely in between her scaled lips. A few steps into the briefing room the ex-soldier plucks the cigarette from her its earlier perch and flicks it to the ground, making sure to crush it on her way to one of the seats which she haphazardly sprawls out on, resting back so the chair lifts onto only the hind two legs. Her own legs then folding themselves atop the table in front. It's only then that the hidden golden gaze looks around the room, nodding a silent greeting to any recognizable faces amongst the gathered agents.

Zarwae arrives in her 'normal' outfit wearing a long black cloak on an old armor. She carries her usual blades in her back. It has been a long time since the last time she came here on the RSX briefing room. She nods politely at the few people around, not sure to know any of them.

Rihko makes her way into the briefing room as well, turning her head from side to side as she surveys the collection. Caeli gets a faint frown, but then the kitsune spots Sara and pulls a paw from the pocket of her zipped up jacket to wave. She follows over and takes a seat next to Sara, sitting quietly, spear leaned against her shoulder.

Chara is seen in the hallway walking right past the door into the briefing room. After a quick about-face, she lingers to one side of the door for about five seconds and adjusts the lapels of her lab coat. After that, she finally walks in, giving a slight up-nod to anyone that she recognizes, which is pretty much just Rihko, as she finds a seat.

Venice smiles as she sees everyone finally gathered here. Giving the sign to sit down after everyone got inside the smaller room, the goo girl takes a deep breath, before starting to talk. "First of all, thank you for having answered this special call. I didn't summoned you here for the usual daily task.. but to seek your collaboration for a more important mission." The goo girl starts to explain, smiling as her usual, "For who doesn’t know me, I'm Venice, the one in charge of the requisition area of Woodfield. And for today, I have a big mission to offer.. especially for those seeking new challanges. Truth is, some of the Prometheans are not happy for the so-called freedom Zephyr offers to Fairhaven, calling them decadent and a risk for their children's future. We can't but agree on this part, but most of the New Dawn's leaders know they need Zephyr to survive... and we know how much Zephyr is useful for us as well. We are not new to their attempts to seek for a new place to move in.. they tried it with Bozeman, but they weren't prepared for the dire situation of that city, not really appealing at all. Still, those stubborns didn't gave up and kept sending out their children to seek new bubbles and cities. And in the end, it seems that they finally did it.. they found this city, Clairmont, which seems a suitable site to rebuild. Any question so far?"

After sending a small wave of greeting Sara's way and treating Rihko to a smile, Caeli's attention remains mostly fixed upon the goo girl; aside from the occasional blink, she is rather still, but gives a shake of her head when prompted. "No questions," she says quietly, though she likely speaks only for herself. And is probably lying, at that.

Noticing Rihko sit next to her, Sara offers the familiar kitsune a sidelong glance. Recognizing the face well she breaks her once unemotional state and cracks a grin, "Rihko." she mentions before growing silent to look towards Venice offering a wave in return to Caeli right before she turns her gaze. As she listens, the dragoness mumbles to herself, keeping relatively quiet as to not disturb Venice. Those in earshot however only hear what could be described as her talking-- no, scolding some unseen person. Once the call for questions is asked Sara speaks up, "Yeah.." the dragoness mentions as she raises a hand slightly, "I've got a question. Where do we fit in? You want us to encroach on Zephyr's find or something? Figure out what they found--.. Actually make that two questions, if we do go do we have any idea on if we will encounter hostile's? And if so, what."

Rihko nods back at Chara, with a murmured 'doctor'. She shifts her weight and returns her attention to Venice, waiting for a moment to ask her question; "Which Clairmont? Down by L.A.? Or is this in another state?" Her ear flicks and she glances over at Sara, then lets her gaze move on to Caeli, smiling at the winged girl. She settles back into her seat, then, and listens.

During the explanation, Chara quietly quips, "Shit, I wouldn't like Fairhaven either. Good on them." After the prompt, she straightens her posture in her chair and asks, "Yeah.. For those of us not up on our geography, where, exactly IS Clairmont?" The woman glances over at Sara as she asks her questions and nods, "Yeah, I second those questions: What's the situation with the locals like, and what's in it for RSX? I imagine we're not doing this pro bono, after all."

Venice waits for all of you to do the first round of question, giving an slighter longer look at Caeli and then Zarwae, "The city is east, south-east from here, a decent and long trip with our helicopters to the near state: a small town, fresh water, mines and fertile lands. We are quite agreeing with their conclusion, even if further investigation is needed. But the place seems suitable to support an economy and a settlement.. ". The goo girl takes out a small glass filled with sweet water and sips a bit from it, before she keeps going, "Most of this needs further investigation, we just made a first exam. The place seems safe, rich of resources and the bubble is stable. The only thing we found out is a sensitive weaker influence of the nanites... people moving there seemed to experience less sexual hunger, so to speak. And the Prometheans don't have a real headstart.. right now they are recruiting people. After another pause, Venice resumes, "Still, the situation is quite dire. While the place is fit for sustaining itself, they don't have the technology to fix the factories and make them running. Then they surprised us.. by seeking our help. As you all know, while we have an advanced technological knowledge, we are at shortage of munitions. While I don't know names, it seems that a craft fox girl managed to bargain with our leaders, knowledge in exchange of a portion of the local production. Breaking from Zephyr's egemony isn't a bad thing, actually.. so they accepted. Sadly, it didn't worked out as expected, since Zephyr found this out and... forced their help on us. Not that we could really deny them. So, it would a place with Promethean's rules, like no public sex and wearing clothes, our knowledge to work the factories and control over the market for Zephyr"

Caeli suddenly seems ready to lower her guard a bit, pushing herself away from the wall to take a step out of her corner as she listens intently to the goo's words; if anyone was paying close attention they might have noticed that the change in demeanor happened to coincide with the word 'fix'. Only then do the implications of an entirely new city seem to fully dawn on her. "Excuse me. I would like clarification. Is our assignment purely reconnaissance, or are there additional objectives for this individual operation?" 'Please say fix stuff' goes unsaid.

"Huh.. sounds like the perfect utopia then." Sara mentions as she rests both her hands behind her head and leans even further back, threatening the already teetering chair to fall back. Though still the dragoness keeps her balance on the seat and responds to Venice's long response with a short nod. "Mm.. at least for non-ferals that is." dropping the chair back forward and onto four legs, the dragoness finishes, "Well, I'm not the best with fixing machines but hey, I'll do what I can." she then shrugs and rises from her seat, "When're we leaving then?" already ready for the mission.

Rihko quietly nods her head as she files away the information, mentally building a picture already. Her tails flick, and curl, but she has no more questions for the time being.

The dark elf slowly nods seeming lost in her thought, she keeps sideglancing at the people around, noticing features but still remaining silent.

Chara taps the armrest of her chair a few times before saying, "Well, that's good to know about the nanites. Do they have any other unpleasant surprises, or have we not been surprised by them yet? And that doesn't answer the question about the native humans and former-humans. What's their status? Dead, alive, murderous? Basically, how much do we think that they're going to push back when we come barreling onto their t...real estate?"

Venice takes a long pause before answering, "The truth is that right now, we decided to use our agents to restart the factories and the power plant. To an extend, it would also means to help the other pioneers in their activities to run the city. Collecting food, gathering resources, fixing machineries... everything is needed. Even hunting or keeping under control the ferals of the area.". The goo girl takes a break before looking at Chara, "Until recent times, maybe a couple of months, the place was inhabited. Then, they disappeared... maybe they tried to leave a place they couldn't run anymore, or maybe.. something else. We are not sure, and we haven't investigated the area. And we know almost nothing about the ferals of the area, they looked quite smart to not get in the way of armed people. We don't consider it an utopia, just a suitable site for our interests. Honestly, not having naked people going around screwing in public is just an additional bonus. "

Caeli nods once, apparently satisfied with the explanation. "Understood. I would like to fix machineries. When will this operation commence?" A brief pause, and then, quietly, "Oh. I should contact Foehammer. Someone will need to feed Mako if my return is delayed." With that she settles back into her corner to resume her patient waiting, apparently delaying the aforementioned communication until things get underway.

"Ehn.. s'not like we havent been attacked, and furthermore attacked ferals in kind. I'm quite certain that if push comes to shove we'd be able to hold whatever comes our way back, and keep them away. With.. or without Zephyr, or the Prometheans." Sara mentions before making her way behind Rihko and into the aisle where she pads up to the door, "Now.. If you folks need me I'll be by the helicopter. Speaking of which, how longs the ride? You weren't very descriptive when you told us how long it'd take the first time.. what're we looking at, hours-wise?" it doesn't take long before she passes the doors though and leaves the briefing room behind, quite possibly leaving her question unanswered for now.

Zarwae nods softly "I can scout before the muscle strike." she mutters softly, giving a soft smile. "But don't ask me for repairing anything." She bows softly front of the 3 others peoples.

Rihko smiles. "Nice. I like the sound of this. And we have a good team." She glances around at the others again. "I'm ready to go, then," the kitsune declares.

Chara nods sharply and pensively glances about to everybody else, and then back to Venice, silent for the moment.

Zarwae smiles at Rihko and moves to the helicopter too. "See you on the pad so."

Venice looks a bit puzzled by Sara, about to reply before she leaves the briefing room. "The operation will commence when we'll have gathered all the available agents and the resources to start the project, even if I admit that I approve of your entusiasm: Food, money and basic resources are what we need first. Our ETA is less than two weeks now, plus a couple of days of variability.". the good girls explains, "The ride itself will be eight hours... since the long track, we have to keep the vehicles in energy-saving mode. Finally, once again... We are not asking you to take any unnecessary risk. If you feel confident with scouting, you are welcomed... Work with them, cover their back. As you know, we can't split our forces since we have to keep safe Woodfield, so you are really precious for us. Make that city work, fix those machinery and protect the load of munitions on the RSX helicopter. But if things go bad, jump on the RSX's vehicle and leave that place."

Rihko nods her head again and gets up out of her chair.

Caeli gives another nod from her corner, though the way she bites her lip hints at some inner agitation - all those poor machines, abandoned and without help for another two weeks! But that /does/ give her time to prepare. "Understood," she says again, not moving to leave just yet. "Safety of the deployed personel will be the top priority, followed by repairs." No wonder the company wants to have her along on such a mission - as far as drains on resources goes, she's essentially a freebie, and every bit counts at a time like this.

Rihko nods her head and gets up out of her chair. "Alright, that sounds good to me. I'll be ready, and I'll do what I can to secure some supplies for ourselves." She turns and glances around, noting the people that have already departed. "Caeli. I am glad to be working with you again. It's been too long."

Caeli sends another tiny smile (hey, it's huge by her standards!) Rihkoward, and nods several times in agreement. "Yes, I apologize. I have been engaged in other tasks, primarily here in Woodfield." She tilts her head as a thought occurs, and decides, "I should visit your home again before we depart. It has been a very long time since I last encountered Miss Balina and the others I met there. I miss them." She turns back to Venice to politely add, "Oh. Thank you for not attempting to dismantle me." Not that the goo is likely to have ANY idea what she's talking about.

Chara stands and walks around her chair, leaning on it heavily. Recognizing a word in there, Chara perks up slightly and says, "Oh. You're Caeli. I've heard good things about you. I'm Chara." She pauses for a moment, perhaps realizing the sage words 'a time and a place,' saying to Venice, "Understood. We'll ship off in two weeks. No further questions from me."

Rihko returns Caeli's smile with one of her own, then nods at Venice. "Anything else I need before we go?" she asks, not wanting to leave if there was more to hear.