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<div></div><br> <br>The RSX Forward operating base was a simple tent outside of the Customer Show room. Vehicles were parked in a protective circle leading to the tent, Humans armed to the teeth were sitting around everywhere, upon seeing any nonhuman they each gripped thier guns tighter. A short man with a large scar on his face waiting outside the tent for the various inhuman mutan- loving volunteers to come to aid of RSX in their time of need.<br> <br>Dal is flying through the sky as usual. &quot;Okay, how the heck did I manage to get slightly lost. I should be able to spot a large gathering of people from up here like that  one ove-...Oh.&quot; The dragoness begins to dive down closer to the base, but stops upon seeing the guns. &quot;Okay, I better be careful about this.&quot; She lands a good distance away from them and slowly walks over to the tent with her hands in the air. She calls out to them, &quot;Please don&#39;t shoot! I&#39;m only here to help out.&quot;<br> <br>Klynor strust up nonchantly , looking down at a piece of paper in his hands then up at the tent. &quot;This must be the place&quot; he mutters. Looking at the heavily armed guard he turns his attention to the largest on he can and see calling out &quot;Relax big fella, I&#39;m only here to help out.&quot; He then takes notice of the Solar dragon and gives he a small nod of acknowdlgment and awaits . For something to happen.<br> <br>Cerris comes onto the scene at a run, for all intents and purposes he was human...as long as you ignored the inhumanly huge muscles that bulged rippled and otherwise made him out to be a giant chocolate Atlas award winning hero in a sweat suit? 
It should be mentioned that he has a pretty little peacock held over one shoulder,  their lengthy train of feathers hanging over one shoulder as he used a single palm like a seat belt to keep them sitting primly next to his head. 
Guns meant little to him, but for his companion he slows down when he sees the others being held at bay. 
&quot;Colonel Cerris Voss, USMC Hard Corps and local prison warden, what seems to be the problem here?&quot;<br> <br>Fe&#39;ath arrived with Cerris - if one could actually call being carried upon a shoulder as arriving &#39;with&#39; someone. To first impressions it might look like Cerris was carrying a feral, although a second closer look would soon dispel the notion: the bird had arms and hands, one of which was holding onto his head, the other clinging to his ear, the long plume of tailfeathers flowing behind the racing hurculean like a fluttery irridescent cloak. Nervous but alert eyes dart from the armed soldiers that Cerris was approaching, to the others that had also halted nearby. &quot;Well, looks like we&#39;re not the only ones here to help, at least,&quot; the peacock murmurs, largely to Cerris ear but loud enough for others to hear still.<br> <br>Aether skids into the compound, short on breath as they come to a sliding halt by the gathering of people.  Their scent wafted after them, a slight sweet smell like sugar, barely noticable in the air.  They pant for breath, holding up a finger to dissuade questions for a second or two so they could regain their composture.  Still a little short for breath, they speak up.  &quot;This...this is the meeting place, right?  For that thing I heard about over the radio?  I didn&#39;t miss it, did I?&quot;<br> <br>The RSX soldier lowered their guns upon seeing that Dal was capable of speech, he was one of the mutant they were supposed to be civil too. They weren&#39;t sure what to make of the golden dragon but it&#39;s wasn&#39;t firing at them or... heaven forbid spewing unsavory liquids at them. The second abomination was a host of confusing mutation, Klynor had arrived and a few soldier looked at their leader with a wish in their hearts that this one was a creature they could shoot guilty free but they groaned once he spoke, another freak to the party. The leader gave an annoyed tsk seeing the next creature that ran into the area, a familar and not very liked creature but well known from his usual reporting statment. Another Soldier near the back looked at Cerris with a nod as he readied the vehicle. The soldier don&#39;t feel as nervous when the final sweet smelling aid comes to the group, once they are all assembled the leader speaks. &quot;As you all know from the call of aid, there has been a massive amount of salvage and food stolen from our caravans comming from woodfield. We have grown weary of trying to fight them off and they have proven to have a high level of coordination not normally seen in the local mutants. We only have accounts of a shadow dragon and several white and black mutations which could only be skunk girls. There may be a stronger mutant among them one capable of tearing open a van quickly enough that our reenforcments could not arrive quickly enough. Instead of trying to pacify them by searching this city we have decided to form an ambush using a decoy van with all of you in it, we will have an operative driving the van. At the moment of attack elminate or subdue the attacker. We need the roads clear to continue aiding folk out here and getting this shithole in a better state. Any questions?&quot; He pauses waiting  on questions. &quot;You will be riding in this convey with Operative Jamal. We appreicate you assistance in this troubling time.&quot; He said before opening up the nearly truck size vans.<br> <br>Dal sighs for a moment, &quot;Honestly, I would have preferred to fly for this one since I came here via flight and it might be easier to just attack from the sky for me, but I&#39;ll go along with your plans since they will most likely see me first.&quot; The golden scaled dragoness steps into the van with a small smile on her face. &quot;I&#39;ll have to be careful this time though.&quot;
The oversized dragon turns to face the strange looking alien. &quot;So, are you going to ride with me for this one?&quot;<br> <br>Klynor ccoly, &quot;Flying sounds like a good idea. But I didnt think Rod would send me out here to do a freebie.&quot; He turns attentions to the soldier &quot;Any kind of loot or cut on this one? I&#39;ve got gambling debts and a five headed water hydra at home to feed&quot; He says putting on his best doe eyes.<br> <br>Cerris nods slowly as he takes in the mission briefing.  Sure, he&#39;d had his share of run ins with the more trigger happy newbies, but he&#39;d worked with the corp before so he knew how they operated. 
&quot;Got it, classic ambush and cleansing.  We got this then, Good to be with you Jamal!&quot; 
A hand gives his shoulder rider a less than appropriate pat on the rump as warning before his digits close around their waist and lift them up and over to sit in the crook of his elbows as he moves to hunch into the transport and eventually lower the bird to his lap. 
&quot;Just sit tight, stay behind me when the fighting starts and keep the small fry from riding me like my name was Blaster.&quot;<br> <br>Fe&#39;ath looks with some distaste at the van. Space was going to be at a premium, as perhaps was fresh air when the doors were closed. &quot;The plan&#39;s sound I suppose. We all have to make sacrifices it seems.&quot; For the peacock that involved being literally manhandled, one or two more indignant noises coming from the bird&#39;s throat before settling down in the lap, with the large train of tailfeathers bunched up to one side so as to not get in the way overmuch. &quot;Hey, I&#39;m here to help too, and I&#39;m not scared of getting my claws a little dirty you know? Let&#39;s just see what we&#39;re up against? And do you know the others?&quot;

Revision as of 04:54, 8 April 2015





The RSX Forward operating base was a simple tent outside of the Customer Show room. Vehicles were parked in a protective circle leading to the tent, Humans armed to the teeth were sitting around everywhere, upon seeing any nonhuman they each gripped thier guns tighter. A short man with a large scar on his face waiting outside the tent for the various inhuman mutan- loving volunteers to come to aid of RSX in their time of need.

Dal is flying through the sky as usual. "Okay, how the heck did I manage to get slightly lost. I should be able to spot a large gathering of people from up here like that one ove-...Oh." The dragoness begins to dive down closer to the base, but stops upon seeing the guns. "Okay, I better be careful about this." She lands a good distance away from them and slowly walks over to the tent with her hands in the air. She calls out to them, "Please don't shoot! I'm only here to help out."

Klynor strust up nonchantly , looking down at a piece of paper in his hands then up at the tent. "This must be the place" he mutters. Looking at the heavily armed guard he turns his attention to the largest on he can and see calling out "Relax big fella, I'm only here to help out." He then takes notice of the Solar dragon and gives he a small nod of acknowdlgment and awaits . For something to happen.

Cerris comes onto the scene at a run, for all intents and purposes he was human...as long as you ignored the inhumanly huge muscles that bulged rippled and otherwise made him out to be a giant chocolate Atlas award winning hero in a sweat suit?

It should be mentioned that he has a pretty little peacock held over one shoulder, their lengthy train of feathers hanging over one shoulder as he used a single palm like a seat belt to keep them sitting primly next to his head.

Guns meant little to him, but for his companion he slows down when he sees the others being held at bay.

"Colonel Cerris Voss, USMC Hard Corps and local prison warden, what seems to be the problem here?"

Fe'ath arrived with Cerris - if one could actually call being carried upon a shoulder as arriving 'with' someone. To first impressions it might look like Cerris was carrying a feral, although a second closer look would soon dispel the notion: the bird had arms and hands, one of which was holding onto his head, the other clinging to his ear, the long plume of tailfeathers flowing behind the racing hurculean like a fluttery irridescent cloak. Nervous but alert eyes dart from the armed soldiers that Cerris was approaching, to the others that had also halted nearby. "Well, looks like we're not the only ones here to help, at least," the peacock murmurs, largely to Cerris ear but loud enough for others to hear still.

Aether skids into the compound, short on breath as they come to a sliding halt by the gathering of people. Their scent wafted after them, a slight sweet smell like sugar, barely noticable in the air. They pant for breath, holding up a finger to dissuade questions for a second or two so they could regain their composture. Still a little short for breath, they speak up. "This...this is the meeting place, right? For that thing I heard about over the radio? I didn't miss it, did I?"

The RSX soldier lowered their guns upon seeing that Dal was capable of speech, he was one of the mutant they were supposed to be civil too. They weren't sure what to make of the golden dragon but it's wasn't firing at them or... heaven forbid spewing unsavory liquids at them. The second abomination was a host of confusing mutation, Klynor had arrived and a few soldier looked at their leader with a wish in their hearts that this one was a creature they could shoot guilty free but they groaned once he spoke, another freak to the party. The leader gave an annoyed tsk seeing the next creature that ran into the area, a familar and not very liked creature but well known from his usual reporting statment. Another Soldier near the back looked at Cerris with a nod as he readied the vehicle. The soldier don't feel as nervous when the final sweet smelling aid comes to the group, once they are all assembled the leader speaks. "As you all know from the call of aid, there has been a massive amount of salvage and food stolen from our caravans comming from woodfield. We have grown weary of trying to fight them off and they have proven to have a high level of coordination not normally seen in the local mutants. We only have accounts of a shadow dragon and several white and black mutations which could only be skunk girls. There may be a stronger mutant among them one capable of tearing open a van quickly enough that our reenforcments could not arrive quickly enough. Instead of trying to pacify them by searching this city we have decided to form an ambush using a decoy van with all of you in it, we will have an operative driving the van. At the moment of attack elminate or subdue the attacker. We need the roads clear to continue aiding folk out here and getting this shithole in a better state. Any questions?" He pauses waiting on questions. "You will be riding in this convey with Operative Jamal. We appreicate you assistance in this troubling time." He said before opening up the nearly truck size vans.

Dal sighs for a moment, "Honestly, I would have preferred to fly for this one since I came here via flight and it might be easier to just attack from the sky for me, but I'll go along with your plans since they will most likely see me first." The golden scaled dragoness steps into the van with a small smile on her face. "I'll have to be careful this time though."

The oversized dragon turns to face the strange looking alien. "So, are you going to ride with me for this one?"

Klynor ccoly, "Flying sounds like a good idea. But I didnt think Rod would send me out here to do a freebie." He turns attentions to the soldier "Any kind of loot or cut on this one? I've got gambling debts and a five headed water hydra at home to feed" He says putting on his best doe eyes.

Cerris nods slowly as he takes in the mission briefing. Sure, he'd had his share of run ins with the more trigger happy newbies, but he'd worked with the corp before so he knew how they operated.

"Got it, classic ambush and cleansing. We got this then, Good to be with you Jamal!"

A hand gives his shoulder rider a less than appropriate pat on the rump as warning before his digits close around their waist and lift them up and over to sit in the crook of his elbows as he moves to hunch into the transport and eventually lower the bird to his lap.

"Just sit tight, stay behind me when the fighting starts and keep the small fry from riding me like my name was Blaster."

Fe'ath looks with some distaste at the van. Space was going to be at a premium, as perhaps was fresh air when the doors were closed. "The plan's sound I suppose. We all have to make sacrifices it seems." For the peacock that involved being literally manhandled, one or two more indignant noises coming from the bird's throat before settling down in the lap, with the large train of tailfeathers bunched up to one side so as to not get in the way overmuch. "Hey, I'm here to help too, and I'm not scared of getting my claws a little dirty you know? Let's just see what we're up against? And do you know the others?"