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The human passes the door, and attempts to put out the fire. With the extinguisher.<br> <br>Moving out of the human-turned-fox-turned-human&#39;s way, Redd opens the door of an adjoining room and pulls blankets, sheets and whatever else off the bed(s). &quot;If there&#39;s more than one fire, we&#39;ll need something to smother them with. That fire extinguisher can&#39;t last forever.&quot;<br> <br>Cookies frowns and tilts her head, leaning to peek into the room. &quot;Ghosts did this,&quot; she immediately declares. &quot;Spooky ghosts like the bedsheet lookin&#39; kind that go WooOOOOoo.&quot; She leans back away and peers at Edel, then grins toothily. &quot;Hey, it&#39;s not too late to find some quiet place to maybe rough eachother up a bit, make out angrily, not get blown up by oildrums, you know?&quot;<br> <br>Rokarion moves closer towards the group, but still standing a good distance away from the two suicidal agents. &quot;I agree with Miss Edel here. I don&#39;t think we can in good conscious leave those two here.&quot; The poodle said in that professional and polite tone of his. One of Rokarion&#39;s poodle ears gets raised fully as a sudden chill run down their spine before they look back at the fire, &quot;There is more to this than random vandalism. We need to find those two survivors.&quot; They say nonchalantly. Rokarion only provides Cookies with a raised eyebrow at her strange attempt at flirting with Edel, their own ear lowering itself slowly.<br> <br>The large RihkoBeast patiently waits for Thel to finishes his work, then shoulders her way past the other agents and into the room. Her low growl intensifies as she begins searching over the room, sniffing around and giving special attention to where the fire was; her hackles remain up and stiff, and she makes a small, disgusted huff when she finishes, looking back up at Edel.<br> <br>Edel peers at Cookies for a moment before snorting. &quot;Never knew you thought of me that way. Well, worst comes to worst, we can always just high-tail it out of here,&quot; she says before taking up a spot next to Rihko. &quot;Well, we shouldn&#39;t just wait around for it, I&#39;d imagine. The sooner we find any and all fires and get rid of them... The better. And -then- those survivors.&quot;<br> <br>The fire is quickly dealt with. Thelergramor seemingly confident handling a large hose. Once again, all is quiet except for some sniffing sounds from various agents. It&#39;s difficult to place where smells are coming from on this ship. There are vents a bit here and there and there&#39;s a definite underlying miasma of decay.<br> <br>Thelergramor disapproves of this ship. Not one for the interiors of ships. Nope. Checks the gauges on the extinguisher again, scratches his beard. &quot;Glad it works... So, we go find fires, put them out, then look for survivors? Shouldn&#39;t be hard.&quot; Looks back at Edel and Cookies. &quot;Hey, I&#39;m probably not doing anything later. Just... throwing that out there...&quot; Leaves the room. &quot;So, where next?&quot;<br> <br>&quot;Let&#39;s check the rest of these cabins, just in case there&#39;s any more of these lanterns about, don&#39;t want fires popping up while we&#39;re on the far side of the boat.&quot; The coyote drops the collected makeshift fireblankets and starts opening the remaining cabin doors.<br> <br>Cookies just smiiiles at Edel and carries on, turning her head just to huff disdainfully at Thelergramor before moving to help Redd investigate the rest of the cabins. She squints at the coyote and shakes her head. &quot;Do NONE of you know how to test handles? I swear, we&#39;re all going to burn up because one of us opens the wrong door.&quot;<br> <br>Rokarion follows Rihko inside the room when Thelergramor finishes, glancing around, while their drones scan the room, before they get out and shrug, &quot;Wellfr guess it is either the survivors are doing this to scare us away, or as unlikely as it is, there is a 0.0001% chance that they might be actual ghosts, but as it stands, the survivors should be found and all fires should be put out.&quot; The poodle says idly as they get out, &quot;How about we keep the banter to a minimum? You can always get hooked up after we finish our work here.&quot; Rokarion adds, glancing Cookies and Thelergramor.<br> <br>Rihko snorts at Rokarion&#39;s odds, her head shaking to toss the mane of thicker fur along the top of her head and back for a moment. Her ears flick, and she slinks out of the room, stopping to watch Redd trying the doors. She watches him trying the first few, then begins shambling her way down the hallway, looking for a way deeper into the ship.<br> <br>Edel shakes her head and heaves another sigh. &quot;I&#39;m not hooking up with anyone, I&#39;m afraid! Not looking for much in the way of new partners.&quot; She lapses into silence then as she closes her eyes, sniffing at the air as if trying to find more smoke. Or perhaps even a trace of the survivors?<br> <br>A cursory examination of the other cabins reveal simple sleeping quarters. There isn&#39;t much in the way of things inside. A few lamps of the electric variety, maybe some luggage under the bunks that one could go through. The corridor doesn&#39;t seem to lead anywhere. There is, however, a stair by the kitchen leading further down into the hold of the ship, one would assume. Actually, while poking about, some little detail seems to be screaming at you for it to noticed. Everything looks normal, doesn&#39;t it? There&#39;s the cabins, empty. There&#39;s the fire you put out. There&#39;s the 5 corpses in the freezer.. wait..<br> <br>Thelergramor rubs the back of his neck, shrugging. &quot;Yep, Edel&#39;s not looking for noone. I am, if it matters. And what fun is a job without banter, yeah?&quot; He smirks, then thinks for a moment... Realizes the things, but doesn&#39;t get what&#39;s wrong... &quot;So, we had five crew dead in the freezer and... I wasn&#39;t paying attention, how many crew a ship this size?&quot; Follows Rihko after asking his question.<br> <br>&quot;The ship&#39;s logs said they departed with 10, and picked up chemists somewhere... So at least 3 dead men are missing...&quot; The coyote sniffs the air again. &quot;Did somebody leave that kitchen and freezer open? I can smell that meat again.&quot;<br> <br>Cookies shoots Rokarion a dirty look. &quot;Hwuhabowhwekehthuhbannuhtuhauhminimuhhhhh,&quot; she blurts out, then sticks out her tongue and goes &#39;pbbbththhh&#39;. She also takes another glance at Edel. &quot;And for the record, I totally meant a one-night stand. I mean, come on, don&#39;t be silly. Keeping us together for too long would probably result in a homicide.&quot; She takes a moment to think about it, nodding firmly in approval. &quot;A sexy, sexy homicide.&quot; With all that said and done, she gets back to her investigation of the quarters. Once she comes upon luggage, she&#39;s all too happy to start rooting through it. &quot;Booyeah, loot!&quot;<br> <br>Rokarion nods their head when Redd talks, &quot;Indeed, we are missing three dead people in here, and two other survivors.&quot; Rokarion then looks at Rihko and shrugs, &quot;Growl all you want madam. The chance of the supernatural happening outside a bubble is low and I will not believe it unless I get a perfect explanation of it.&quot;  The poodle remains stone-faced as he looks at Cookies immaturity, but that expression did seem quite unamused for the idle onlooker, but offers no further comment.<br> <br>Rihko turns her head as Rokarion addresses her, giving the poodle a flat, unimpressed stare. She holds it for a while, then her ear flicks and she turns back towards the kitchen, crouched and slipping her way towards the freezer - and into it, should nothing untoward happen.<br> <br>Edel laughs softly at that, peering at Cookies. &quot;I don&#39;t dislike you, you know! I&#39;m sure I&#39;d not try to kill you. Unfortunately, I&#39;m more the sappy romantic type. Never was one for one-night stands,&quot; she says with a grin. Watching Rihko move towards the freezer. &quot;Supernatural things do work quite effectively outside of the bubble.&quot;<br> <br>The Mayor of all things Cat doesn&#39;t find much of interest in the suitcase. Old clothes. Smelly old human clothes she no doubt thinks to herself, suddenly interrupted as her hand closes around something familiar. Hard and fits right in her hand..  
The human passes the door, and attempts to put out the fire. With the extinguisher.<br> <br>Moving out of the human-turned-fox-turned-human&#39;s way, Redd opens the door of an adjoining room and pulls blankets, sheets and whatever else off the bed(s). &quot;If there&#39;s more than one fire, we&#39;ll need something to smother them with. That fire extinguisher can&#39;t last forever.&quot;<br> <br>Cookies frowns and tilts her head, leaning to peek into the room. &quot;Ghosts did this,&quot; she immediately declares. &quot;Spooky ghosts like the bedsheet lookin&#39; kind that go WooOOOOoo.&quot; She leans back away and peers at Edel, then grins toothily. &quot;Hey, it&#39;s not too late to find some quiet place to maybe rough eachother up a bit, make out angrily, not get blown up by oildrums, you know?&quot;<br> <br>Rokarion moves closer towards the group, but still standing a good distance away from the two suicidal agents. &quot;I agree with Miss Edel here. I don&#39;t think we can in good conscious leave those two here.&quot; The poodle said in that professional and polite tone of his. One of Rokarion&#39;s poodle ears gets raised fully as a sudden chill run down their spine before they look back at the fire, &quot;There is more to this than random vandalism. We need to find those two survivors.&quot; They say nonchalantly. Rokarion only provides Cookies with a raised eyebrow at her strange attempt at flirting with Edel, their own ear lowering itself slowly.<br> <br>The large RihkoBeast patiently waits for Thel to finishes his work, then shoulders her way past the other agents and into the room. Her low growl intensifies as she begins searching over the room, sniffing around and giving special attention to where the fire was; her hackles remain up and stiff, and she makes a small, disgusted huff when she finishes, looking back up at Edel.<br> <br>Edel peers at Cookies for a moment before snorting. &quot;Never knew you thought of me that way. Well, worst comes to worst, we can always just high-tail it out of here,&quot; she says before taking up a spot next to Rihko. &quot;Well, we shouldn&#39;t just wait around for it, I&#39;d imagine. The sooner we find any and all fires and get rid of them... The better. And -then- those survivors.&quot;<br> <br>The fire is quickly dealt with. Thelergramor seemingly confident handling a large hose. Once again, all is quiet except for some sniffing sounds from various agents. It&#39;s difficult to place where smells are coming from on this ship. There are vents a bit here and there and there&#39;s a definite underlying miasma of decay.<br> <br>Thelergramor disapproves of this ship. Not one for the interiors of ships. Nope. Checks the gauges on the extinguisher again, scratches his beard. &quot;Glad it works... So, we go find fires, put them out, then look for survivors? Shouldn&#39;t be hard.&quot; Looks back at Edel and Cookies. &quot;Hey, I&#39;m probably not doing anything later. Just... throwing that out there...&quot; Leaves the room. &quot;So, where next?&quot;<br> <br>&quot;Let&#39;s check the rest of these cabins, just in case there&#39;s any more of these lanterns about, don&#39;t want fires popping up while we&#39;re on the far side of the boat.&quot; The coyote drops the collected makeshift fireblankets and starts opening the remaining cabin doors.<br> <br>Cookies just smiiiles at Edel and carries on, turning her head just to huff disdainfully at Thelergramor before moving to help Redd investigate the rest of the cabins. She squints at the coyote and shakes her head. &quot;Do NONE of you know how to test handles? I swear, we&#39;re all going to burn up because one of us opens the wrong door.&quot;<br> <br>Rokarion follows Rihko inside the room when Thelergramor finishes, glancing around, while their drones scan the room, before they get out and shrug, &quot;Wellfr guess it is either the survivors are doing this to scare us away, or as unlikely as it is, there is a 0.0001% chance that they might be actual ghosts, but as it stands, the survivors should be found and all fires should be put out.&quot; The poodle says idly as they get out, &quot;How about we keep the banter to a minimum? You can always get hooked up after we finish our work here.&quot; Rokarion adds, glancing Cookies and Thelergramor.<br> <br>Rihko snorts at Rokarion&#39;s odds, her head shaking to toss the mane of thicker fur along the top of her head and back for a moment. Her ears flick, and she slinks out of the room, stopping to watch Redd trying the doors. She watches him trying the first few, then begins shambling her way down the hallway, looking for a way deeper into the ship.<br> <br>Edel shakes her head and heaves another sigh. &quot;I&#39;m not hooking up with anyone, I&#39;m afraid! Not looking for much in the way of new partners.&quot; She lapses into silence then as she closes her eyes, sniffing at the air as if trying to find more smoke. Or perhaps even a trace of the survivors?<br> <br>A cursory examination of the other cabins reveal simple sleeping quarters. There isn&#39;t much in the way of things inside. A few lamps of the electric variety, maybe some luggage under the bunks that one could go through. The corridor doesn&#39;t seem to lead anywhere. There is, however, a stair by the kitchen leading further down into the hold of the ship, one would assume. Actually, while poking about, some little detail seems to be screaming at you for it to noticed. Everything looks normal, doesn&#39;t it? There&#39;s the cabins, empty. There&#39;s the fire you put out. There&#39;s the 5 corpses in the freezer.. wait..<br> <br>Thelergramor rubs the back of his neck, shrugging. &quot;Yep, Edel&#39;s not looking for noone. I am, if it matters. And what fun is a job without banter, yeah?&quot; He smirks, then thinks for a moment... Realizes the things, but doesn&#39;t get what&#39;s wrong... &quot;So, we had five crew dead in the freezer and... I wasn&#39;t paying attention, how many crew a ship this size?&quot; Follows Rihko after asking his question.<br> <br>&quot;The ship&#39;s logs said they departed with 10, and picked up chemists somewhere... So at least 3 dead men are missing...&quot; The coyote sniffs the air again. &quot;Did somebody leave that kitchen and freezer open? I can smell that meat again.&quot;<br> <br>Cookies shoots Rokarion a dirty look. &quot;Hwuhabowhwekehthuhbannuhtuhauhminimuhhhhh,&quot; she blurts out, then sticks out her tongue and goes &#39;pbbbththhh&#39;. She also takes another glance at Edel. &quot;And for the record, I totally meant a one-night stand. I mean, come on, don&#39;t be silly. Keeping us together for too long would probably result in a homicide.&quot; She takes a moment to think about it, nodding firmly in approval. &quot;A sexy, sexy homicide.&quot; With all that said and done, she gets back to her investigation of the quarters. Once she comes upon luggage, she&#39;s all too happy to start rooting through it. &quot;Booyeah, loot!&quot;<br> <br>Rokarion nods their head when Redd talks, &quot;Indeed, we are missing three dead people in here, and two other survivors.&quot; Rokarion then looks at Rihko and shrugs, &quot;Growl all you want madam. The chance of the supernatural happening outside a bubble is low and I will not believe it unless I get a perfect explanation of it.&quot;  The poodle remains stone-faced as he looks at Cookies immaturity, but that expression did seem quite unamused for the idle onlooker, but offers no further comment.<br> <br>Rihko turns her head as Rokarion addresses her, giving the poodle a flat, unimpressed stare. She holds it for a while, then her ear flicks and she turns back towards the kitchen, crouched and slipping her way towards the freezer - and into it, should nothing untoward happen.<br> <br>Edel laughs softly at that, peering at Cookies. &quot;I don&#39;t dislike you, you know! I&#39;m sure I&#39;d not try to kill you. Unfortunately, I&#39;m more the sappy romantic type. Never was one for one-night stands,&quot; she says with a grin. Watching Rihko move towards the freezer. &quot;Supernatural things do work quite effectively outside of the bubble.&quot;<br> <br>The Mayor of all things Cat doesn&#39;t find much of interest in the suitcase. Old clothes. Smelly old human clothes she no doubt thinks to herself, suddenly interrupted as her hand closes around something familiar. Hard and fits right in her hand..  
Meanwhile, the rest mill around the freezer. There are indeed a few bodies missing. The tarp is lying a bit to the side, but perhaps it was left that way? It&#39;s hard to tell.<br> <br>Thelergramor lets his shotgun hang from its sling, holding the extinguisher in one hand. Runs a hand through his hair, rubs the back of his head... Yawns. Has no idea what Cookies was going on about with that noise. &quot;What Edel said. I got tired of the one night stuff. Doesn&#39;t mean I won&#39;t do it... GEtting the feeling you&#39;re not interested, though.&quot; Returns to the task at hand... &quot;Right, we had 3 missing, then. So, that tarp. It wasn&#39;t always like that, was it? I&#39;m thinking... Something&#39;s off, yeah?&quot; Spoke to Rihko, primarily. Since... he&#39;s with her.<br> <br>The coyote sniffs at the kitchen door again, before moving towards the nearby stairway leading deeper into the hull of the ship. &quot;Something not human, and definately not nanite-based is aboard with us, I think. Regardless of whatever Mr Poodlehead might want to believe.&quot;<br> <br>Cookies quirks a brow at Edel, still rifling through the luggage. &quot;Aaah, you wish for me to sweep you off your feet, no? A big strong cat-woman to show you the world, yes! Take you out to a nice candle-lit dinner in a fancy building what ain&#39;t half-ruined,&quot; she gets about that far before she bursts into uncontrollable laughter. &quot;Aaah, yeah, but no, I&#39;m gonna shoot you back one day. It&#39;ll be great. Romantic, even.&quot; Once she finds the something-familiar, she brings it up to take a better look. &quot;Hey, look at that.&quot; She promptly points a small pistol at Edel and shouts, &quot;BANG!&quot; She then stashes the gun. &quot;Not today, though. Mine.&quot;<br> <br>Rokarion shakes his head as he looks around the fridge, drones scanning the bodies as he does so, &quot;I never claimed to the contrary Miss Edel. My point was quite clear; supernaturals tend not to work outside the bubbles for some reason. So, any one of them being responsible for this mess is unlikely, and as much as you two try to claim otherwise. I did indeed say that there is a chance something supernatural is happening except that it is a low chance.&quot; Rokarion says as he glances the stairs leading down, &quot;For example, we have got wet footprints of exactly three people here leading downstairs, and we only got five bodies here. Anyone wants to guess what is waiting for us downstairs?&quot; the poodle says with a cold snicker, &quot;I do hope that at least we get to meet some proper ancient evil rather than just a couple of shambling corpses. It would make things more interesting.&quot; <br> <br>The Rihko slips into the freezer, her hackles up and ears pinned back; however, her quick check of the bodies doesn&#39;t yield anything to snag her attention, and instead she quickly exits the freezer again, moving on all fours with her nose close to the deck. She pauses a moment to look up at the others and makes sure they&#39;ve noticed - as if they might not see the hunting &#39;sune - then quickly follows the trail of the footprints towards the stairs and down further into the ship.
Meanwhile, the rest mill around the freezer. There are indeed a few bodies missing. The tarp is lying a bit to the side, but perhaps it was left that way? It&#39;s hard to tell.<br> <br>Thelergramor lets his shotgun hang from its sling, holding the extinguisher in one hand. Runs a hand through his hair, rubs the back of his head... Yawns. Has no idea what Cookies was going on about with that noise. &quot;What Edel said. I got tired of the one night stuff. Doesn&#39;t mean I won&#39;t do it... GEtting the feeling you&#39;re not interested, though.&quot; Returns to the task at hand... &quot;Right, we had 3 missing, then. So, that tarp. It wasn&#39;t always like that, was it? I&#39;m thinking... Something&#39;s off, yeah?&quot; Spoke to Rihko, primarily. Since... he&#39;s with her.<br> <br>The coyote sniffs at the kitchen door again, before moving towards the nearby stairway leading deeper into the hull of the ship. &quot;Something not human, and definately not nanite-based is aboard with us, I think. Regardless of whatever Mr Poodlehead might want to believe.&quot;<br> <br>Cookies quirks a brow at Edel, still rifling through the luggage. &quot;Aaah, you wish for me to sweep you off your feet, no? A big strong cat-woman to show you the world, yes! Take you out to a nice candle-lit dinner in a fancy building what ain&#39;t half-ruined,&quot; she gets about that far before she bursts into uncontrollable laughter. &quot;Aaah, yeah, but no, I&#39;m gonna shoot you back one day. It&#39;ll be great. Romantic, even.&quot; Once she finds the something-familiar, she brings it up to take a better look. &quot;Hey, look at that.&quot; She promptly points a small pistol at Edel and shouts, &quot;BANG!&quot; She then stashes the gun. &quot;Not today, though. Mine.&quot;<br> <br>Rokarion shakes his head as he looks around the fridge, drones scanning the bodies as he does so, &quot;I never claimed to the contrary Miss Edel. My point was quite clear; supernaturals tend not to work outside the bubbles for some reason. So, any one of them being responsible for this mess is unlikely, and as much as you two try to claim otherwise. I did indeed say that there is a chance something supernatural is happening except that it is a low chance.&quot; Rokarion says as he glances the stairs leading down, &quot;For example, we have got wet footprints of exactly three people here leading downstairs, and we only got five bodies here. Anyone wants to guess what is waiting for us downstairs?&quot; the poodle says with a cold snicker, &quot;I do hope that at least we get to meet some proper ancient evil rather than just a couple of shambling corpses. It would make things more interesting.&quot; <br> <br>The Rihko slips into the freezer, her hackles up and ears pinned back; however, her quick check of the bodies doesn&#39;t yield anything to snag her attention, and instead she quickly exits the freezer again, moving on all fours with her nose close to the deck. She pauses a moment to look up at the others and makes sure they&#39;ve noticed - as if they might not see the hunting &#39;sune - then quickly follows the trail of the footprints towards the stairs and down further into the ship.<br> <br>&quot;And I never said that supernaturals -were- involved,&quot; Edel says with a furrow of her brow. &quot;I&#39;m just arguing the fact that it could be possible, that is all.&quot; She stare bluntly at Cookies for a moment before snorting. &quot;You still remember that, hm? I&#39;d almost forgotten. It was simply business, at the time. And besides, I&#39;ve been shot before. And stepped on landmines. Bullets? Pah. Been there, done that.&quot; She turns, then, adjusting her hat and setting down below deck with Rihko.<br> <br>The agents descend down the stairs into the darkness below. The emergency light barely seems to be working down here, although there&#39;s enough to atleast see where you&#39;re going. You can&#39;t help but think that the stairs are surpisingly long as you carefully step deeper into the bowels of the ship. It&#39;s getting decidedly warmer down here. The air feels stale and.. oily? Halfway down, you start hearing a faint, rythmic drumming sound.<br> <br>Thel&#39;s first response upon hearing Cookies&#39;s proposition to Edel is: &quot;I wouldn&#39;t mind a candlelit dinner, no. Again, you&#39;re not talking to me, though. We can fix that, though.&quot; He says as he descends the stairs behind Rihko. &quot;Hmm. Drumming. Fun.&quot; Doesn&#39;t spend any time deliberating, just heads in the direction of the drumming. Or, tries to, anyway...<br> <br>Redd allows Rihko to pass him down the stairs, slipping back between her and Thel in the descent down the staircase. &quot;This really isn&#39;t the sort of boat that should be carrying oil, I couldn&#39;t tell from the deck, but this just feels wrong.&quot; The coyote shudders slightly.<br> <br>Cookies listens to the drumming and starts to hum along to it. She stops briefly to stare at Thelergramor. &quot;I will carry you to the top of these stairs just so I can throw you all the way down, I swear to god,&quot; she hisses, then continues downwards, humming along the way. &quot;What is that noise, anyway...?&quot;<br> <br>Rokarion nods at Edel and moves after Rihko, Redd, and Thelergramor, &quot;Indeed, that is also what I said.&quot; The poodle says as politely as ever as he walks down the stairs, the drones hovering around him still moving quite close to him. As the sounds of drumming began hearable, Rokarion lets out a soft sigh, &quot;Now this sounds quite interesting.&quot; He says as a faint, slightly playful smirk appears on his face, &quot;Wellfuzzyeeing as how this is getting a bit clichMuscularlet me try something. Hastur! Hastur! Hastur!&quot; the poodle says in yet the same monotonous tone before shrugging and following the group, &quot;Let us just hope that the King in Yellow is not actually here.&quot;<br> <br>Rihko pauses at the bottom of the stairs, turning her head to give Rokarion another level, impassive stare. Her lip curls back from her teeth on one side, in what is either a sneer or something that might loosely be called a grin, and her ear flicks. She waits for Thel to take the lead, then moves along behind him, a flickering wisp of blue fox-fire gathering above her to provide some additional light.<br> <br>Edel shoots at look at Thel and frowns. &quot;It&#39;s probably not happening. Ever. Sorry. You&#39;re not really my type.&quot; She lets the others mostly file in ahead of her. They would be her distraction, and she&#39;d cover the rear. And if something -did- try to get behind them, well... She could use the fun.<br> <br>It&#39;s dark and it&#39;s starting to get opressively hot down here. There&#39;s no real way to tell where the heat is coming from though. And definetly doesn&#39;t add up with the frost-bitten corpses upstairs either. The drumming is irratic, maybe it always was. Or maybe there&#39;s a pattern to it, if one would listen long enough. The deeper into the holds you get, the more things start acting strangely. Those among the agents with fur feel it start to up, as if the air was full of static electricity.<br> <br>&quot;Yeah, I know, Edel. Was talking to Cookies.&quot; Yes, Thelergramor knows her name. From the lobby. Wherein, she was not very happy with him. And his murderous tendencies towards ferals. &quot;Hot down here. Dammit...&quot; Really doesn&#39;t like it in here. Stays up front, with his shotgun held in one hand, fire extinguisher in the other. Has no idea what Rokarion is talking about. Doesn&#39;t know nothing about oil and ships. Just keeps moving.<br> <br>The path branches to the left and right here. The drumming is coming from the right. To the left, the stairs seem to continue further downwards.<br> <br>Thelergramor would be heading to the right. For the drumming!<br> <br>The coyote returns to a two legged stance, and pulls something out of his bag. Explosives. Probably not the best for the job, but hey, it ought to blow big enough holes in the ship to send it to the bottom. &quot;Alright, I think we just oughta sink this boat, hell with the survivors, if we haven&#39;t found them upstairs, they sure as hell won&#39;t be &#39;alive&#39; down here now.&quot; Redd stares at each of the others in the group. &quot;Anybody want to help set these up?&quot;<br> <br>Cookies turns to the right, towards the drumming. She simply had to know what was making the noise. She lets her fuzzy clothes hang open a bit in the increasingly oppresive heat. &quot;Christ, remind me to never stick myself with just warm clothing when I go out of bubble.&quot; She stops to stare at Redd, though. &quot;... Nooo. Don&#39;t do that. Why would we do that? That&#39;s stupid. That is extra, EXTRA stupid.&quot; She squints hard at the coyote and frowns deeply. &quot;A whole boat full of who knows what stuff, not counting the very stuff it&#39;s MADE of that could be stripped. Stop doing this thing. It is a bad thing. Baaad thinnng.&quot;<br> <br>Rokarion points at the right, &quot;Well might as well go and find out the place where the drumming is coming from.&quot; Rokarion says idly before sparing a glance to Redd and raising one of their ears again, &quot;Really now? Blow up the whole oil tanker? I would say no.&quot; the poodle says briefly before continuing his movement towards the right.<br> <br>Rihko doesn&#39;t appear to have noticed Redd&#39;s suggestion, as she continues lurking along behind Thel. Her bobbing witch-light casts strange, long, flickering shadows up and down the hallay, and her ears perk and twitch along with the rythym of the drumming.<br> <br>&quot;I don&#39;t think we should be destroying it yet,&quot; Edel says with a frown. &quot;Like Cookies said, survivors or not, there are a lot of potential things to get here. Potential -important- things. That and I still think we should look for survivors. IF, for whatever reason, we deem it appropriate to scuttle this thing, I can, perhaps, help.&quot;<br> <br>The right doorway seems to lead into the actual cargo hold of the ship. And this room seems to have seen some extensive remodeling. Three separate, large vats take up the majority of it. It would seem they had lids on them, or you atleast assume they must have had in order for the black sludge that they contain not to spill all over the room. Yet, there they are. It certainly looks like crude oil. As soon as the flickering wisp gets closer, the drumming noise stops. The emergency lights are present but dim here. And strangely off-red in colour. A quick glance shows that they&#39;ve been smeared with something.

Revision as of 05:05, 3 January 2015





By now, the angents on board are fairly sure there's an actual fire in one of the crew cabins down the end of the hallway. Now, most of you would know that the holding tanks on a boat are generally in the lower part of the boat so there wouldn't be an extreme risk of everything going up in flames juuust yet. Though, the fire extinguisher that Thelergramor had nabbed from the command deck might just come in handy.

Thelergramor would simply just follow Redd wherever he chose to go... Having found nothing of significant import among the dead, which he decides isn't an issue... Checks the fire extinguisher's pressure gauge. Easiest way to know if it's gonna be usable!

The needle seems to point to half full.

Edel rubs her chin in thought before shrugging. She didn't want to be caught on a burning boat, but she wasn't about to leave the others. She was nothing, if not fairly loyal. So! She follows on after the others, adjusting her glasses with a soft sigh.

Redd continues running down the hallway until passing a door slightly ajar with smoke billowing out of the opening. He pushes it open, probably not a good idea, letting fresh oxygen into the burning room.

Cookies stops herself when she realizes she's the only one heading out. "Am I really the only one not suicidal?" She peers back down the hallway and lets out a plaintive sigh. "Sure, great. Whatever. Let's play firefighter. I've got nothing better to do with my life anyway," she mumbles, rolling her eyes as she makes her way down to investigate with the rest.

Rokarion raises an eyebrow as they see the group move around. Noticing the fire, Rokarion decides to follow the rest to detect its source, not like they could leave the group and stop the operation. The poodle's drones kept on following them, the small size of the corridors making them cluster around their ward.

Rihko lets out a quiet, rumbling growl, but she lets Redd and Thel take the lead on the charge into the fire. Her tails flick, and she remains near the back, keeping an eye on the crew quarters' hallways in case anything else unexpected decides to happen suddenly.

The fire doesn't seem all that big just yet. It's caught on some papers causing some degree of smoke to form but all it is, sofar, is an old lantern of the glass kind that's been knocked over, somehow. It should be easy enough to manage.

Edel tilts her head and shrugs. "Honestly? No, Cookies, you aren't. I'd have preferred to not walk into a possibly burning oil-carrying vessel, but I don't fancy leaving friends, either." She offers a soft smile before coming upon the fire. "Ahhh... Anyone got anything to put that out with?" She'd prefer not to have to try to smother it with her robe.

Thelergramor walks up behind Redd, glad that the added oxygen didn't cause an explosion all up in his 'yoteface. "Uh, right. Y'know that wasn't a good idea, yeah? But... who the fuck knocked over the lantern?" Turns back to Edel, flashes her the fire extinguisher. Not his dick. As amusing as that'd be...

The human passes the door, and attempts to put out the fire. With the extinguisher.

Moving out of the human-turned-fox-turned-human's way, Redd opens the door of an adjoining room and pulls blankets, sheets and whatever else off the bed(s). "If there's more than one fire, we'll need something to smother them with. That fire extinguisher can't last forever."

Cookies frowns and tilts her head, leaning to peek into the room. "Ghosts did this," she immediately declares. "Spooky ghosts like the bedsheet lookin' kind that go WooOOOOoo." She leans back away and peers at Edel, then grins toothily. "Hey, it's not too late to find some quiet place to maybe rough eachother up a bit, make out angrily, not get blown up by oildrums, you know?"

Rokarion moves closer towards the group, but still standing a good distance away from the two suicidal agents. "I agree with Miss Edel here. I don't think we can in good conscious leave those two here." The poodle said in that professional and polite tone of his. One of Rokarion's poodle ears gets raised fully as a sudden chill run down their spine before they look back at the fire, "There is more to this than random vandalism. We need to find those two survivors." They say nonchalantly. Rokarion only provides Cookies with a raised eyebrow at her strange attempt at flirting with Edel, their own ear lowering itself slowly.

The large RihkoBeast patiently waits for Thel to finishes his work, then shoulders her way past the other agents and into the room. Her low growl intensifies as she begins searching over the room, sniffing around and giving special attention to where the fire was; her hackles remain up and stiff, and she makes a small, disgusted huff when she finishes, looking back up at Edel.

Edel peers at Cookies for a moment before snorting. "Never knew you thought of me that way. Well, worst comes to worst, we can always just high-tail it out of here," she says before taking up a spot next to Rihko. "Well, we shouldn't just wait around for it, I'd imagine. The sooner we find any and all fires and get rid of them... The better. And -then- those survivors."

The fire is quickly dealt with. Thelergramor seemingly confident handling a large hose. Once again, all is quiet except for some sniffing sounds from various agents. It's difficult to place where smells are coming from on this ship. There are vents a bit here and there and there's a definite underlying miasma of decay.

Thelergramor disapproves of this ship. Not one for the interiors of ships. Nope. Checks the gauges on the extinguisher again, scratches his beard. "Glad it works... So, we go find fires, put them out, then look for survivors? Shouldn't be hard." Looks back at Edel and Cookies. "Hey, I'm probably not doing anything later. Just... throwing that out there..." Leaves the room. "So, where next?"

"Let's check the rest of these cabins, just in case there's any more of these lanterns about, don't want fires popping up while we're on the far side of the boat." The coyote drops the collected makeshift fireblankets and starts opening the remaining cabin doors.

Cookies just smiiiles at Edel and carries on, turning her head just to huff disdainfully at Thelergramor before moving to help Redd investigate the rest of the cabins. She squints at the coyote and shakes her head. "Do NONE of you know how to test handles? I swear, we're all going to burn up because one of us opens the wrong door."

Rokarion follows Rihko inside the room when Thelergramor finishes, glancing around, while their drones scan the room, before they get out and shrug, "Wellfr guess it is either the survivors are doing this to scare us away, or as unlikely as it is, there is a 0.0001% chance that they might be actual ghosts, but as it stands, the survivors should be found and all fires should be put out." The poodle says idly as they get out, "How about we keep the banter to a minimum? You can always get hooked up after we finish our work here." Rokarion adds, glancing Cookies and Thelergramor.

Rihko snorts at Rokarion's odds, her head shaking to toss the mane of thicker fur along the top of her head and back for a moment. Her ears flick, and she slinks out of the room, stopping to watch Redd trying the doors. She watches him trying the first few, then begins shambling her way down the hallway, looking for a way deeper into the ship.

Edel shakes her head and heaves another sigh. "I'm not hooking up with anyone, I'm afraid! Not looking for much in the way of new partners." She lapses into silence then as she closes her eyes, sniffing at the air as if trying to find more smoke. Or perhaps even a trace of the survivors?

A cursory examination of the other cabins reveal simple sleeping quarters. There isn't much in the way of things inside. A few lamps of the electric variety, maybe some luggage under the bunks that one could go through. The corridor doesn't seem to lead anywhere. There is, however, a stair by the kitchen leading further down into the hold of the ship, one would assume. Actually, while poking about, some little detail seems to be screaming at you for it to noticed. Everything looks normal, doesn't it? There's the cabins, empty. There's the fire you put out. There's the 5 corpses in the freezer.. wait..

Thelergramor rubs the back of his neck, shrugging. "Yep, Edel's not looking for noone. I am, if it matters. And what fun is a job without banter, yeah?" He smirks, then thinks for a moment... Realizes the things, but doesn't get what's wrong... "So, we had five crew dead in the freezer and... I wasn't paying attention, how many crew a ship this size?" Follows Rihko after asking his question.

"The ship's logs said they departed with 10, and picked up chemists somewhere... So at least 3 dead men are missing..." The coyote sniffs the air again. "Did somebody leave that kitchen and freezer open? I can smell that meat again."

Cookies shoots Rokarion a dirty look. "Hwuhabowhwekehthuhbannuhtuhauhminimuhhhhh," she blurts out, then sticks out her tongue and goes 'pbbbththhh'. She also takes another glance at Edel. "And for the record, I totally meant a one-night stand. I mean, come on, don't be silly. Keeping us together for too long would probably result in a homicide." She takes a moment to think about it, nodding firmly in approval. "A sexy, sexy homicide." With all that said and done, she gets back to her investigation of the quarters. Once she comes upon luggage, she's all too happy to start rooting through it. "Booyeah, loot!"

Rokarion nods their head when Redd talks, "Indeed, we are missing three dead people in here, and two other survivors." Rokarion then looks at Rihko and shrugs, "Growl all you want madam. The chance of the supernatural happening outside a bubble is low and I will not believe it unless I get a perfect explanation of it." The poodle remains stone-faced as he looks at Cookies immaturity, but that expression did seem quite unamused for the idle onlooker, but offers no further comment.

Rihko turns her head as Rokarion addresses her, giving the poodle a flat, unimpressed stare. She holds it for a while, then her ear flicks and she turns back towards the kitchen, crouched and slipping her way towards the freezer - and into it, should nothing untoward happen.

Edel laughs softly at that, peering at Cookies. "I don't dislike you, you know! I'm sure I'd not try to kill you. Unfortunately, I'm more the sappy romantic type. Never was one for one-night stands," she says with a grin. Watching Rihko move towards the freezer. "Supernatural things do work quite effectively outside of the bubble."

The Mayor of all things Cat doesn't find much of interest in the suitcase. Old clothes. Smelly old human clothes she no doubt thinks to herself, suddenly interrupted as her hand closes around something familiar. Hard and fits right in her hand..

Meanwhile, the rest mill around the freezer. There are indeed a few bodies missing. The tarp is lying a bit to the side, but perhaps it was left that way? It's hard to tell.

Thelergramor lets his shotgun hang from its sling, holding the extinguisher in one hand. Runs a hand through his hair, rubs the back of his head... Yawns. Has no idea what Cookies was going on about with that noise. "What Edel said. I got tired of the one night stuff. Doesn't mean I won't do it... GEtting the feeling you're not interested, though." Returns to the task at hand... "Right, we had 3 missing, then. So, that tarp. It wasn't always like that, was it? I'm thinking... Something's off, yeah?" Spoke to Rihko, primarily. Since... he's with her.

The coyote sniffs at the kitchen door again, before moving towards the nearby stairway leading deeper into the hull of the ship. "Something not human, and definately not nanite-based is aboard with us, I think. Regardless of whatever Mr Poodlehead might want to believe."

Cookies quirks a brow at Edel, still rifling through the luggage. "Aaah, you wish for me to sweep you off your feet, no? A big strong cat-woman to show you the world, yes! Take you out to a nice candle-lit dinner in a fancy building what ain't half-ruined," she gets about that far before she bursts into uncontrollable laughter. "Aaah, yeah, but no, I'm gonna shoot you back one day. It'll be great. Romantic, even." Once she finds the something-familiar, she brings it up to take a better look. "Hey, look at that." She promptly points a small pistol at Edel and shouts, "BANG!" She then stashes the gun. "Not today, though. Mine."

Rokarion shakes his head as he looks around the fridge, drones scanning the bodies as he does so, "I never claimed to the contrary Miss Edel. My point was quite clear; supernaturals tend not to work outside the bubbles for some reason. So, any one of them being responsible for this mess is unlikely, and as much as you two try to claim otherwise. I did indeed say that there is a chance something supernatural is happening except that it is a low chance." Rokarion says as he glances the stairs leading down, "For example, we have got wet footprints of exactly three people here leading downstairs, and we only got five bodies here. Anyone wants to guess what is waiting for us downstairs?" the poodle says with a cold snicker, "I do hope that at least we get to meet some proper ancient evil rather than just a couple of shambling corpses. It would make things more interesting."

The Rihko slips into the freezer, her hackles up and ears pinned back; however, her quick check of the bodies doesn't yield anything to snag her attention, and instead she quickly exits the freezer again, moving on all fours with her nose close to the deck. She pauses a moment to look up at the others and makes sure they've noticed - as if they might not see the hunting 'sune - then quickly follows the trail of the footprints towards the stairs and down further into the ship.

"And I never said that supernaturals -were- involved," Edel says with a furrow of her brow. "I'm just arguing the fact that it could be possible, that is all." She stare bluntly at Cookies for a moment before snorting. "You still remember that, hm? I'd almost forgotten. It was simply business, at the time. And besides, I've been shot before. And stepped on landmines. Bullets? Pah. Been there, done that." She turns, then, adjusting her hat and setting down below deck with Rihko.

The agents descend down the stairs into the darkness below. The emergency light barely seems to be working down here, although there's enough to atleast see where you're going. You can't help but think that the stairs are surpisingly long as you carefully step deeper into the bowels of the ship. It's getting decidedly warmer down here. The air feels stale and.. oily? Halfway down, you start hearing a faint, rythmic drumming sound.

Thel's first response upon hearing Cookies's proposition to Edel is: "I wouldn't mind a candlelit dinner, no. Again, you're not talking to me, though. We can fix that, though." He says as he descends the stairs behind Rihko. "Hmm. Drumming. Fun." Doesn't spend any time deliberating, just heads in the direction of the drumming. Or, tries to, anyway...

Redd allows Rihko to pass him down the stairs, slipping back between her and Thel in the descent down the staircase. "This really isn't the sort of boat that should be carrying oil, I couldn't tell from the deck, but this just feels wrong." The coyote shudders slightly.

Cookies listens to the drumming and starts to hum along to it. She stops briefly to stare at Thelergramor. "I will carry you to the top of these stairs just so I can throw you all the way down, I swear to god," she hisses, then continues downwards, humming along the way. "What is that noise, anyway...?"

Rokarion nods at Edel and moves after Rihko, Redd, and Thelergramor, "Indeed, that is also what I said." The poodle says as politely as ever as he walks down the stairs, the drones hovering around him still moving quite close to him. As the sounds of drumming began hearable, Rokarion lets out a soft sigh, "Now this sounds quite interesting." He says as a faint, slightly playful smirk appears on his face, "Wellfuzzyeeing as how this is getting a bit clichMuscularlet me try something. Hastur! Hastur! Hastur!" the poodle says in yet the same monotonous tone before shrugging and following the group, "Let us just hope that the King in Yellow is not actually here."

Rihko pauses at the bottom of the stairs, turning her head to give Rokarion another level, impassive stare. Her lip curls back from her teeth on one side, in what is either a sneer or something that might loosely be called a grin, and her ear flicks. She waits for Thel to take the lead, then moves along behind him, a flickering wisp of blue fox-fire gathering above her to provide some additional light.

Edel shoots at look at Thel and frowns. "It's probably not happening. Ever. Sorry. You're not really my type." She lets the others mostly file in ahead of her. They would be her distraction, and she'd cover the rear. And if something -did- try to get behind them, well... She could use the fun.

It's dark and it's starting to get opressively hot down here. There's no real way to tell where the heat is coming from though. And definetly doesn't add up with the frost-bitten corpses upstairs either. The drumming is irratic, maybe it always was. Or maybe there's a pattern to it, if one would listen long enough. The deeper into the holds you get, the more things start acting strangely. Those among the agents with fur feel it start to up, as if the air was full of static electricity.

"Yeah, I know, Edel. Was talking to Cookies." Yes, Thelergramor knows her name. From the lobby. Wherein, she was not very happy with him. And his murderous tendencies towards ferals. "Hot down here. Dammit..." Really doesn't like it in here. Stays up front, with his shotgun held in one hand, fire extinguisher in the other. Has no idea what Rokarion is talking about. Doesn't know nothing about oil and ships. Just keeps moving.

The path branches to the left and right here. The drumming is coming from the right. To the left, the stairs seem to continue further downwards.

Thelergramor would be heading to the right. For the drumming!

The coyote returns to a two legged stance, and pulls something out of his bag. Explosives. Probably not the best for the job, but hey, it ought to blow big enough holes in the ship to send it to the bottom. "Alright, I think we just oughta sink this boat, hell with the survivors, if we haven't found them upstairs, they sure as hell won't be 'alive' down here now." Redd stares at each of the others in the group. "Anybody want to help set these up?"

Cookies turns to the right, towards the drumming. She simply had to know what was making the noise. She lets her fuzzy clothes hang open a bit in the increasingly oppresive heat. "Christ, remind me to never stick myself with just warm clothing when I go out of bubble." She stops to stare at Redd, though. "... Nooo. Don't do that. Why would we do that? That's stupid. That is extra, EXTRA stupid." She squints hard at the coyote and frowns deeply. "A whole boat full of who knows what stuff, not counting the very stuff it's MADE of that could be stripped. Stop doing this thing. It is a bad thing. Baaad thinnng."

Rokarion points at the right, "Well might as well go and find out the place where the drumming is coming from." Rokarion says idly before sparing a glance to Redd and raising one of their ears again, "Really now? Blow up the whole oil tanker? I would say no." the poodle says briefly before continuing his movement towards the right.

Rihko doesn't appear to have noticed Redd's suggestion, as she continues lurking along behind Thel. Her bobbing witch-light casts strange, long, flickering shadows up and down the hallay, and her ears perk and twitch along with the rythym of the drumming.

"I don't think we should be destroying it yet," Edel says with a frown. "Like Cookies said, survivors or not, there are a lot of potential things to get here. Potential -important- things. That and I still think we should look for survivors. IF, for whatever reason, we deem it appropriate to scuttle this thing, I can, perhaps, help."

The right doorway seems to lead into the actual cargo hold of the ship. And this room seems to have seen some extensive remodeling. Three separate, large vats take up the majority of it. It would seem they had lids on them, or you atleast assume they must have had in order for the black sludge that they contain not to spill all over the room. Yet, there they are. It certainly looks like crude oil. As soon as the flickering wisp gets closer, the drumming noise stops. The emergency lights are present but dim here. And strangely off-red in colour. A quick glance shows that they've been smeared with something.