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Monday September 16, 2019=Log=
Monday September 16, 2019=Log=
<div></div><div title="Arris"><p>Twilight gives way to the dark of night as four riders set out to storm Old Red&#39;s hideout, their fifth staying back to escort their informant back to her home in New Hope. Leading the small group, Riley steers their horses through the darkness, their two-hour-long ride spent mostly travelling uphill, passing through the edge of Utting and approaching Harcuvar Peak. There, the insect morph would go offroad and slow down, continuing to climb as they all began to near their destination. </p>
<p>&quot;Well, there it is.&quot; Going prone over the side of the peak, only Riley&#39;s antennae can be spotted through the sparse foliage of the desert bush he was hiding behind. A pair of binoculars are passed to the nearest agent as the ant man eyes the house for a bit more. &quot;Well, I&#39;ve done my part now. You three don&#39;t get yourselves killed while staking out the gang, eh?&quot; With that, he parts away from the side of the peak he was looking over and prepares to mount his horse once more.</p></div><div title="Magnus"><p>The fox turns a sideways eye towards the ant, then casts it towards his team. &quot;You just gonna let him run off? Suit yersevlves.&quot; the fox shakes his head, muttering something about how they had the perfect mole or hostage right here for them to use and letting it go... His attention turns towards the house. &quot;I&#39;d wager I could collapse that thing whole and have this all done in a snap if I had some dynamite. All I got is... nothing. Hard way it is then. If we had some gasoline we could douse the whole place and set it on fire to smoke the scumbags out, but we came by horseback. No fuel either...&quot; </p>
<p>The fennec squints his eyes and snags the binoculars from whoever had them last, then peers at the structure. &quot;Windows... could have tossed incendiary or cryogenic grenades in there if anyone had those, but...&quot; he&#39;d hand the binoculars and sighs. &quot;Again, nothing. This is the kinda thing I&#39;d do in the city... god damn it. They got a hawk on the roof. Good thing we went at night. If only I had a silenced weapon...&quot; The fennec grumbles &quot;If I can just make my way over there and climb the wall... I&#39;d be able to take him out up-close and personal...&quot;</p></div><div title="Nena"><p>&quot;Don&#39;t look at me. Explosives and bombs and firearms aren&#39;t my style.&quot; Nena watches the building like, well, a tiger stalking prey. &quot;I prefer to be close, myself. We could try to go around and get the drop on him, but I&#39;m not sure what other eyes they might have. I only see the one right now, but there could be more. I&#39;ve got smoke bombs, but that would be pretty obvious. Might be useful later though.&quot;</p></div><div title="Zen"><p>      Having followed Riley and the rest to the point overlooking the house where Old Red was supposedly held up, Zen crawls over to get a better look.  &quot;Hey, Riley, you what sort of terms were you on with the gang?  I heard you say you wanted to get out... but you didn&#39;t burn any bridges with them, right?&quot; He says softly with a glance towards the ant-man.  With the others discussing their angle of approach, Zen takes the binocs but doesn&#39;t have quite as much luck with scoping out the target. &quot;Well, I can&#39;t quite out too much from here... so getting closer seems like something we will need to do eventually. &quot;If that hawk you saw up top is their watchman, perhaps we can use something of a diversion to get someone close?&quot;  He muses while giving another glance to Riley, &quot;You know, as far as everyone back at the settlement is concerned, you still aided these guys in getting what they wanted.  Think you could try and get their focus on you so someone from our team could get up close?&quot;</p></div><div title="Arris"><p>&quot;Hell, if there were any bridges to burn, they&#39;d be made out of sawdust and dirt.&quot; As he&#39;s addressed, Riley turns away from his horses and back to Zen. &quot;I&#39;m surprised at myself by how long I stuck around the crew. I was never anybody but the new meat to them, and nobody ever came along to bump me up further on the hierarchical totem pole.&quot; He&#39;s about to continue on to the horses when Zen&#39;s request catches him again. &quot;...damn, alright, I might as well. Zophah told me what&#39;s what, and I suppose I owe it to Rosa and all the other folks back at the settlement.&quot; </p>
<p>With that, the ant man fetches a flashlight, sits by the ridge for a moment, and then flashes a signal with timed switches of the beam before climbing over the edge of the rock face, starting to approach the cabin.</p></div><div title="Arris"><p>As he departs from the group to approach, all three others can hear him muttering under his breath; &quot;Fucking hell, it&#39;s Simon.&quot; The figure on the rooftop spreads his wings and glides down to land on the ground, just in front of the cabin&#39;s porch.</p></div><div title="Magnus"><p>&quot;Perfect. I&#39;m going around the back. If you hear gunfire, it means they&#39;ve spotted me. I&#39;ll have made a distraction for you, use that however you want.&quot; the fox nods and rubs his hands together before running off, following the cover the local hills provided. It was the long way around, but he was fast, very fast. Here in the wide open desert-like terrain, Magnus was most at home, his form suggested as much and so did his out of bubble experience. He&#39;d reached a hiding spot behind the house in no time, and peeked over his cover for a moment, scanning for the presence of anyone or anything that might spot him and become a problem. Oh, how he wished he had his comm unit to relay details to his team right now. Unfortunately... the presence of his armor made things a little less... easy than he was used to. As he ducks for cover under one of the bushes there, he startles a raven, the bird fluttering off from its hidey hole... god damn it. He readies his pistol in one hand, and a blade in the other. Whoever wants some will have to come get it.</p></div><div title="Nena"><p>Nena watches Magnus take off, raising her brow. She&#39;s in no hurry to follow, nor can she tell of his distress. She stretches out and adjusts her glasses, the city girl tiger not quite as in her element as the fennec, but she would be ready. Ears flick as the raven flies, and she narrows her eyes waiting for a sign. Either the unguarded flank of an investigator or gunfire. Either or.</p></div><div title="Zen"><p>      Zen gives a nod to Riley and says, &quot;Don&#39;t fret.  Consider this a way of redeeming yourself.  Would you rather go back as someone who turned tail and ran away... or someone that realized their mistakes and tried to set them right?  If I were you... I&#39;d be doing every little thing I could do to get back on the good side of the settlement you&#39;d be going back to.&quot;  Watching the signal go out, the kitsune takes a moment to commit it to memory.  Who knows when that signal might come in use.  When the ant started to make his move towards the cabin, Zen looks to Nena and Magnus.  Seemed Magnus was going to go on a wide flank and was off before he knew it. &quot;Well... getting multiple angles on the place sounds like a good start.  Perhaps I&#39;ll try and work my way along the south ridge.  If Riley looks like he is in trouble, and you can&#39;t seem to get him out of it... Well, we might have to go loud.&quot;</p></div>

Revision as of 05:28, 16 September 2019



Monday September 16, 2019=Log=

Twilight gives way to the dark of night as four riders set out to storm Old Red's hideout, their fifth staying back to escort their informant back to her home in New Hope. Leading the small group, Riley steers their horses through the darkness, their two-hour-long ride spent mostly travelling uphill, passing through the edge of Utting and approaching Harcuvar Peak. There, the insect morph would go offroad and slow down, continuing to climb as they all began to near their destination.

"Well, there it is." Going prone over the side of the peak, only Riley's antennae can be spotted through the sparse foliage of the desert bush he was hiding behind. A pair of binoculars are passed to the nearest agent as the ant man eyes the house for a bit more. "Well, I've done my part now. You three don't get yourselves killed while staking out the gang, eh?" With that, he parts away from the side of the peak he was looking over and prepares to mount his horse once more.

The fox turns a sideways eye towards the ant, then casts it towards his team. "You just gonna let him run off? Suit yersevlves." the fox shakes his head, muttering something about how they had the perfect mole or hostage right here for them to use and letting it go... His attention turns towards the house. "I'd wager I could collapse that thing whole and have this all done in a snap if I had some dynamite. All I got is... nothing. Hard way it is then. If we had some gasoline we could douse the whole place and set it on fire to smoke the scumbags out, but we came by horseback. No fuel either..."

The fennec squints his eyes and snags the binoculars from whoever had them last, then peers at the structure. "Windows... could have tossed incendiary or cryogenic grenades in there if anyone had those, but..." he'd hand the binoculars and sighs. "Again, nothing. This is the kinda thing I'd do in the city... god damn it. They got a hawk on the roof. Good thing we went at night. If only I had a silenced weapon..." The fennec grumbles "If I can just make my way over there and climb the wall... I'd be able to take him out up-close and personal..."

"Don't look at me. Explosives and bombs and firearms aren't my style." Nena watches the building like, well, a tiger stalking prey. "I prefer to be close, myself. We could try to go around and get the drop on him, but I'm not sure what other eyes they might have. I only see the one right now, but there could be more. I've got smoke bombs, but that would be pretty obvious. Might be useful later though."

Having followed Riley and the rest to the point overlooking the house where Old Red was supposedly held up, Zen crawls over to get a better look. "Hey, Riley, you what sort of terms were you on with the gang? I heard you say you wanted to get out... but you didn't burn any bridges with them, right?" He says softly with a glance towards the ant-man. With the others discussing their angle of approach, Zen takes the binocs but doesn't have quite as much luck with scoping out the target. "Well, I can't quite out too much from here... so getting closer seems like something we will need to do eventually. "If that hawk you saw up top is their watchman, perhaps we can use something of a diversion to get someone close?" He muses while giving another glance to Riley, "You know, as far as everyone back at the settlement is concerned, you still aided these guys in getting what they wanted. Think you could try and get their focus on you so someone from our team could get up close?"

"Hell, if there were any bridges to burn, they'd be made out of sawdust and dirt." As he's addressed, Riley turns away from his horses and back to Zen. "I'm surprised at myself by how long I stuck around the crew. I was never anybody but the new meat to them, and nobody ever came along to bump me up further on the hierarchical totem pole." He's about to continue on to the horses when Zen's request catches him again. "...damn, alright, I might as well. Zophah told me what's what, and I suppose I owe it to Rosa and all the other folks back at the settlement."

With that, the ant man fetches a flashlight, sits by the ridge for a moment, and then flashes a signal with timed switches of the beam before climbing over the edge of the rock face, starting to approach the cabin.

As he departs from the group to approach, all three others can hear him muttering under his breath; "Fucking hell, it's Simon." The figure on the rooftop spreads his wings and glides down to land on the ground, just in front of the cabin's porch.

"Perfect. I'm going around the back. If you hear gunfire, it means they've spotted me. I'll have made a distraction for you, use that however you want." the fox nods and rubs his hands together before running off, following the cover the local hills provided. It was the long way around, but he was fast, very fast. Here in the wide open desert-like terrain, Magnus was most at home, his form suggested as much and so did his out of bubble experience. He'd reached a hiding spot behind the house in no time, and peeked over his cover for a moment, scanning for the presence of anyone or anything that might spot him and become a problem. Oh, how he wished he had his comm unit to relay details to his team right now. Unfortunately... the presence of his armor made things a little less... easy than he was used to. As he ducks for cover under one of the bushes there, he startles a raven, the bird fluttering off from its hidey hole... god damn it. He readies his pistol in one hand, and a blade in the other. Whoever wants some will have to come get it.

Nena watches Magnus take off, raising her brow. She's in no hurry to follow, nor can she tell of his distress. She stretches out and adjusts her glasses, the city girl tiger not quite as in her element as the fennec, but she would be ready. Ears flick as the raven flies, and she narrows her eyes waiting for a sign. Either the unguarded flank of an investigator or gunfire. Either or.

Zen gives a nod to Riley and says, "Don't fret. Consider this a way of redeeming yourself. Would you rather go back as someone who turned tail and ran away... or someone that realized their mistakes and tried to set them right? If I were you... I'd be doing every little thing I could do to get back on the good side of the settlement you'd be going back to." Watching the signal go out, the kitsune takes a moment to commit it to memory. Who knows when that signal might come in use. When the ant started to make his move towards the cabin, Zen looks to Nena and Magnus. Seemed Magnus was going to go on a wide flank and was off before he knew it. "Well... getting multiple angles on the place sounds like a good start. Perhaps I'll try and work my way along the south ridge. If Riley looks like he is in trouble, and you can't seem to get him out of it... Well, we might have to go loud."