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The new hermaphrodite German Shepard's breasts press up against Valorie's embrace, much to hir surprise. "T-this is.. uh... oh my," shi says in a much higher pitched voice, nipples stiffening and a mixture of feminine and male arousal swimming about them. Almost unconsciously, a slender finger slips down to hir new female equipment, testing and probing it, eventually brushing against the clit and causing a heavy shiver and a muffled moan.  
The new hermaphrodite German Shepard's breasts press up against Valorie's embrace, much to hir surprise. "T-this is.. uh... oh my," shi says in a much higher pitched voice, nipples stiffening and a mixture of feminine and male arousal swimming about them. Almost unconsciously, a slender finger slips down to hir new female equipment, testing and probing it, eventually brushing against the clit and causing a heavy shiver and a muffled moan.  
"No need to feel that way! I welcome any and all questions. And what a great question to start out with." The wolf reaches over and unlatches the case, revealing none other than an English translated version of the Kama Sutra. "We are a new sect of the Promethians, but any and all are welcome to join. We've been trying to get the word out. We take the ideas of 'Kama' to heart. Some people think that this book is only about sex, but that isn't quite true at all! Family, love, happiness... Togetherness, and how we can obtain such. There are many ways to express love, and sensual sex certainly helps! Missionary position... how boring. I'm here to preach about family and love, relationships, and some sex tips to really help seal that bond between your loved ones. Anyone is free to join or leave at any point and are never asked to do something they don't want to do."<br> <br>Valorie chuckles at the wolf<br> <br>Kana allows the Lion to see hir out following him to the door, before turning and giving him a gentle kiss as shi leaves. Heading back to where shi stashed hir gear shi starts muttering to hirself again "Of course I'm not ready, what the hell was I thinking?" before digging hir clothes out quickly redressing and bolting into the night.<br> <br>Obsidian nods abit as he listens to the wolf speak.  Well seems pretty good so far. "Hmm, and would you welcome non Prometheans as well?" Its an honest enough question, plus he's not exactly affiliated with the Prommies. The sounds pretty good. Maybe its just his slightly paranoid nature but he can't help but feel on his guard. The group does seem a bit too good to be true.<br> <br>Valorie chuckles at the wolf and nods, agreeing with his words. Shi then turns to the herm Shephard. "So.... James.... well we really can't call you that anymore.... Jamie? How's that for a name?" Shi suggests. Jamie was a fairly neutral name, and would fit the herm. Val pulls the herm into a closer nuzzle, pressing hir breasts against theirs.<br> <br>Fenris nods, just as he suspected. And if these were Prometheans, why hadn't he heard about it? Well, he was here now. It probably couldn't hurt to sit and listen. And Obsidian was as comfortable a backrest as a moderately mutated tiger-man could ask for.<br> <br>"Indeed they are," the wolf claims, pointing towards Obsidian. "If anyone, regardless of faction, is willing to listen to the words of family, friends, and togetherness, they are more than welcome in any of our meetings. We are very new and this is our first meeting, so we're doing our best to get the word out."  
"No need to feel that way! I welcome any and all questions. And what a great question to start out with." The wolf reaches over and unlatches the case, revealing none other than an English translated version of the Kama Sutra. "We are a new sect of the Promethians, but any and all are welcome to join. We've been trying to get the word out. We take the ideas of 'Kama' to heart. Some people think that this book is only about sex, but that isn't quite true at all! Family, love, happiness... Togetherness, and how we can obtain such. There are many ways to express love, and sensual sex certainly helps! Missionary position... how boring. I'm here to preach about family and love, relationships, and some sex tips to really help seal that bond between your loved ones. Anyone is free to join or leave at any point and are never asked to do something they don't want to do."<br> <br>Kana allows the Lion to see hir out following him to the door, before turning and giving him a gentle kiss as shi leaves. Heading back to where shi stashed hir gear shi starts muttering to hirself again "Of course I'm not ready, what the hell was I thinking?" before digging hir clothes out quickly redressing and bolting into the night.<br> <br>Obsidian nods abit as he listens to the wolf speak.  Well seems pretty good so far. "Hmm, and would you welcome non Prometheans as well?" Its an honest enough question, plus he's not exactly affiliated with the Prommies. The sounds pretty good. Maybe its just his slightly paranoid nature but he can't help but feel on his guard. The group does seem a bit too good to be true.<br> <br>Valorie chuckles at the wolf and nods, agreeing with his words. Shi then turns to the herm Shephard. "So.... James.... well we really can't call you that anymore.... Jamie? How's that for a name?" Shi suggests. Jamie was a fairly neutral name, and would fit the herm. Val pulls the herm into a closer nuzzle, pressing hir breasts against theirs.<br> <br>Fenris nods, just as he suspected. And if these were Prometheans, why hadn't he heard about it? Well, he was here now. It probably couldn't hurt to sit and listen. And Obsidian was as comfortable a backrest as a moderately mutated tiger-man could ask for.<br> <br>"Indeed they are," the wolf claims, pointing towards Obsidian. "If anyone, regardless of faction, is willing to listen to the words of family, friends, and togetherness, they are more than welcome in any of our meetings. We are very new and this is our first meeting, so we're doing our best to get the word out."  
To clear his throat, the wolf coughs and settles the book in front of him, allowing everyone to see the title. "The Promethean ideals aren't so different, and we still are proud Promethians. However, you could say we're just a different flavor of sorts and under the same umbrella. A fleding group with stories, tips, and helpful messages to preach. And of course, teaching people many different sexual positions and styles is a help for everyone. Public service if you will," he says with a chuckle and a wink.  
To clear his throat, the wolf coughs and settles the book in front of him, allowing everyone to see the title. "The Promethean ideals aren't so different, and we still are proud Promethians. However, you could say we're just a different flavor of sorts and under the same umbrella. A fleding group with stories, tips, and helpful messages to preach. And of course, teaching people many different sexual positions and styles is a help for everyone. Public service if you will," he says with a chuckle and a wink.  
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Mixed in with other moans and grunts is a loud, orgasm charged scream from the new hermaphrodite Shepard. Hir eyes roll back in hir head as hot seed fills hir fertile womb, perhaps making hir pregnant on hir very first time! With waves of pleasure pulsing across hir body, shi flops down on Valorie and breathes a happy sigh. "M... maybe I can stay just for a bit longer. Try out those techniques..." shi says with a pant.  
Mixed in with other moans and grunts is a loud, orgasm charged scream from the new hermaphrodite Shepard. Hir eyes roll back in hir head as hot seed fills hir fertile womb, perhaps making hir pregnant on hir very first time! With waves of pleasure pulsing across hir body, shi flops down on Valorie and breathes a happy sigh. "M... maybe I can stay just for a bit longer. Try out those techniques..." shi says with a pant.  
"Thank you, ma'am," the preacher waves towards the departing Spade. "We hope to see you around again soon. After the meeting is over, please escort me to the KS building so we can get this book scanned." The wolf clears his throat and turns to another page. "Now then! Let's continue..."<br> <br>Obsidian nods and stand up careful not to jostle Fenris too much. "Whenever you're ready, Sir." He winks down at Fenris. "Hmm, you just may be right...nahhh." Obsidian waits paitiently for the meeting to end so he might escort the preacher to the K&S building.<br> <br>Valorie grins and hugs Jamie. "Have fun with your new life, Jamie..." Shi says, standing and leaving the canine to hir own devices. Shi walks over to the wolf. "Hey, I'd love to help you get that book copied. Me and my order seek to gain knowledge, so it would make sense to help you." Shi says, following Obsidian's lead and waiting to help in any way Shi could.<br> <br>Fenris rolls his eyes at the big wolftaur and heads out to find his coat.
"Thank you, ma'am," the preacher waves towards the departing Spade. "We hope to see you around again soon. After the meeting is over, please escort me to the KS building so we can get this book scanned." The wolf clears his throat and turns to another page. "Now then! Let's continue..."<br> <br>Obsidian nods and stand up careful not to jostle Fenris too much. "Whenever you're ready, Sir." He winks down at Fenris. "Hmm, you just may be right...nahhh." Obsidian waits paitiently for the meeting to end so he might escort the preacher to the K&S building.<br> <br>Valorie grins and hugs Jamie. "Have fun with your new life, Jamie..." Shi says, standing and leaving the canine to hir own devices. Shi walks over to the wolf. "Hey, I'd love to help you get that book copied. Me and my order seek to gain knowledge, so it would make sense to help you." Shi says, following Obsidian's lead and waiting to help in any way Shi could.<br> <br>Fenris rolls his eyes at the big wolftaur and heads out to find his coat.[[Category:RPLogs]]

Latest revision as of 06:30, 4 March 2014





After the call for assistance by K&S, any interested agent is fed the mission coordinates via their communicator. It's not too far south of Zephyr, only a twenty minute walk or so should they take a leisurely pace. The location in question is a commonplace motel one would stay in for a rather cheap price, and probably isn't a large corporate chain due to its relatively smaller size and one single floor. The building appears run down, entire chunks taken out of the walls and even the roof, but the structure still stands and is habitable in a way if one can ignore the musky scents.

Obsidian gets the call for assistance. Naturally he's happy to help his group out if he can. He heads off to described meeting place. He sniffs at the air warily as his paws step heavily against the ground trying to spot if anybody has arrived yet.

Spade has heard that K&S solutions has put out a call for aid, and, rather sentimental she obliges. The spider skitters along in a rather ragged cloth, making her way towards the coordinates provided, a rather witty sidekick following her around, most likely because everyone else isn't at all worth it's time.

Kana wonders up to the meeting place, nervously looking round as shi arrives. Spotting a couple of figures shi strolls up to them with a friendly "Hi"

Valorie walks up towards the location specified by hir communicator. Not knowing what to expect, shi has come fully prepared, which isn't much though shi does have her regulation laser pistol. Shi slowly clops toward those assembled, waiting for one of them to notice hir rather than introduce hirself explicitly.

Fenris drops in from the sky with one last flap from his great, feathery wings. He adjusts his coat fastidiously as he folds his wings tightly against his back and looks around at the gathered agents. "Is this the place?" he asks, glancing over the little motel, "Doesn't look likean especially Arcane gathering place." The tiger has little interest in the miriad of cults that had sprung up since p-day, but the book-in-a-jar had intrigued him.

Minutes after the agents arive, the estimated time for the cult meeting ticked past. Suddenly, a scent flows from the east, easy to detect for those with sensitive noses of any sort. Upon further inspection, they seem quite normal as far as normal goes these days. A pair of naked wolf beast hermaphrodites walking hand in hand, occasionally swapping kissing in their path, sexual bits jumping and bouncing with each step. Quite clearly their heading straight for the motel, giving the west most door a knock should they go unprovoked.

Obsidian flicks his ears a bit as the other agents approach. "Hello. This does seem to be the place." He adresses the group of agents. He regards Fenris a few moments. "Hmmm, don't know much about arcane..." He trails off and sniffs at the air his ears lay flat against his skull. He tenses up briefly as the scent of two wolf beasts approaches. He relaxes somewhat once its clear they aren't hostile. He cocks his head to the side trying to listen to the knock.

Spade says absolutely nothing to any of those present, instead taking a look around the building to see about an alternative way inside to observe the going ons.

Kana shrugs to Obsidian to acknowledge hir lack of knowlege either, before flattening hirslef back agaist the wall in an attempt not to be spotted by the approaching figures. Sliding hir pistol from hir pack, shi drops to a crouch before whispering up "Anyone got a plan?"

Valorie doesnt quite notice the pair until they draw close enough for hir to hear them. Shi dives for the nearest cover, in this case a pile of rubble. Although shi rather fails and ends up sprawled out in an outstretched position, but shi manages to scramble into the shadow of the pile, narrowly avoiding tearing hir strained shirt on some rebar. Shi watches them wairly, also observing the actions of the other agents.

Fenris quirks an eyebrow as the couple happily walks up to the door and knocks. Not a complicated, secret knock even. Just a knock. He does not bother to hide himself, as the wolves hardly seem interested in the gathered operatives. He glances around at his jumpy companions, then shrugs. "Let's watch a moment," he suggests, "Maybe we can just knock and join in."

After a brief period of time, the door unlocks and opens up, revealing a common blue gryphon in the doorway. Happiness practically radiates off hir also naked body, and soon the gryphon and the wolves exchange cute cheek kisses and some tight hugs. Various scents of different kinds flow from the doorway as well, making it a bit difficult to determine what is what. There's certainly more than sexual musks mixed in. After pleasantries are exchanged, the wolves are admitted inside and the door shuts tight.

Obsidian watches the exchange and scrunches up his muzzle a bit at the sugary sweetness of the whole display. "Well they don't seem horribly inimical." He stresses seem, making the word come out almost like growl. "Perhaps we could just try knocking on the door." He crosses his arms and taps a claw against his bicep as he waits on input from the others.

Spade scales the building and makes her way to safe footing to peer inside the house, watching the others briefly to see if they're going to do something to make the cultists more guarded. She does, with one of her hands make a shooshing gesture.

Kana frowns slightly before whispering to Obsidian "Now I'm no expert on this agent stuff" shi begins slightly nervously, "But based on the sexual nature of what we've seen so far, I'd be tempted to wait a little to see if anyone else shows." hir frown turns to a slightly disarming smile "I'd hate the group of us to go up to the door and spook them because the dress code is naked and the password is to turn up in pairs."

Valorie takes a deep breath and sighs, standing from hir hiding place now that the occupants aren't hostile. "I think we should look into what's going on inside as well." Shi says, intrigued by the occupants. Shi starts walking towards the door, trying to determine what was going on inside.

Fenris shrugs. "Well," he says, starting to carefully remove his clothing and tuck it away into his bag, "When in Rome." He tucks his things away, carefully hidden under some rubble. "Anyone care to join me?" the tiger asks, sauntering off toward the door. "Something in there smelled. . . familiar, I think," he says.

Thanks to nanite decay, holes and such have been ripped in the building, including that of the roof. As Spade climbs hir way upwards, shi notices that several of the holes have been hastily boarded up, leaving plenty of holes between planks to peer through with extremely limited field of view.

As the agents predicted, more people indeed do come. However, this one isn't in a pair. A lone German Shepard, naked of course. He seems a bit shy about his situation and walks towards the motel, noticing the agents that have left their original position. Quickly turning his head away, he covers his groin with little effect and heads for the door.

Obsidian shrugs a bit since he's already naked and completely devoid of anything other than his communicator in terms of equipment. "Sure why not. Hmmm, I'm Obsidian by the way. I figure if we're about to head into sexytimes it would be nice to at least introduce myself proper like." He chuckles a bit and moves to join Fenris. "Perhaps we can let the shy shephard go first though?"

Spade peers through a hole and notes what she sees, opting to move to a better position to see if she can make out anything else. Her companion does make a good job of calling everyone else in the group a bunch of biters however.

Kana sighs "Well not exactly what I meant." and hiding hir cloths and pistol in hir helmet and copying Fenris's move of covering them in debris, shi looks up to realise shi's the last one left. "Perfect" shi mutters, before following the others.

Valorie follows suit, stowing hir things (As well as hir shirt, but not hir hoof-boots) in a discreet location and walking over to the shephard, falling in step behind him. "Hey there, stud. You look lonely, mind if I join you?" Shi asks, trying to converse with him.

"Fenris," the tiger introduces himself to Obsidian. He himself is a little uncomfortable roaming around in the buff, but he quashes that shyness for the sake of the mission. Besides, now he really is curious about what is going on in there. Seeing the two agents heading to intercept the shy canine, he opts to go straight for the door. He knocks gently three times, not leaving it to chance that there was no special knock, then waits for the door to open. "Excuse me," he says, playing up his unease at being nude, "Is this where the meeting is?"

Upon seeing Valorie approach his position, the Shepard stops like a deer in headlight and freezes up. "I... I- uh...." He stammers, doing his best to not look at Valorie's chest but failing miserably. "Y-you... Would want to come with me? I mean, you're so... well.." Much to his embarrassment, it seems his member has begun reacting, stiffening just slightly as he desperately attempts to push it back down. "S.. sure, if you want. I'm pretty boring, but... yeah..."

It didn't take long for someone to answer Fenris' call. With a few clicks, the door unlocks, the person opening it revealed to be the same gryphon as before. "Hello there! Of course it is! I assume you're here to learn? Come on in," shi says, leaning in for a kiss and a hug should Fenris not avoid it. Within the room, the sounds and smells of sex are obvious, mats, pillows, incents, and tables filling the room along with a myriad of beings having a 'good time'.

Spade appears to be losing her temper. She moves to a location she feels would be easiest to assail and attempts pry the wood off, hopefully quietly but she doesn't seem inclined to care at this point. As she does she tries to decide what she could do with the piece of wood, thinking of design ideas.

Fenris accepts the gryphon's affectionate hug and gives the bird-lion a peck on either cheek before allowing himself to be led inside, paying close attention to the room's occupants. "What should I do?" he quietly asks the gryphon host.

Obsidian smiles beside Fenris giving the gryphon a kiss and hug. He follows Fenris in taking the sights and sounds of the place. His tail wags behind him a bit as he pants. "Sorry, its just, kind of a first time for us, with something quite like this." I flash a bright toothy smile at the gryphon.

Valorie chuckles, hir breasts bouncing, and asks "You got a name, stud? Or should I just call you 'Shephard' or 'Stud"?" as shi takes his hand and makes to continue on the way to the door. Shi saw Fenris get warmly accepted and was sure that they could all get inside without a problem. When they got close enough, shi knocked on the door and waited for the inevitable answer.

Kana mutters to hirself as shi see's the Shepard fall for Valories charms "Shit, guess I gotta get in on my own." taking a deep breath shi realises hir nervousness isn't going to get hir in "Think sexy thoughts, think sexy..." hir eyes drift over the firm naked figure of Obsidian ahead of hir "sexy Wolfy thoughts" shi starts to smile and by the time shi knocks on the door is fully erect and blushing slightly.

The boards easily rip up from the hole with Spade's efforts, but it was about as subtle as a revved chain saw within a box of mirrors and glass. A good amount of the occupants cease their carnal activites, looking up at the widened hole and tilting their heads. "You know," the gryphon by the door proclaims, "There is a door here. No need to be so shy. If you really want to know what's going on, why not join us?" The gryphon chuckles and allows both Fenris and Obsidian inside, exchanging the same pleasnetires with Obsidian as well. "It should be your first time! It's the first meeting after all. Please, find somewhere comfortable. Do you have any questions?"

If he could, the German Shepard would've melted like butter. "N-name..." Is all he manages to stutter out before he finds himself being led to the door. "Name is, uh.... James, yes...." As time goes on, it seems he simply couldn't contain his 'excitement', member growing stiffer and stiffer by the second.

After the series of knocks, the door swings open with a familiar face. "Even more people! This is turning out better than I hoped! Please, join us. And your friend over there too," shi says, pointing towards Kana and exchanging kisses and hugs if allowed.

Within the room, various mutants of different strains and sexual bits are having sex in a large array of interesting sexual positions. Fucking on tables! Beds! Mats! All kinds of positions that certainly deviate from the vanilla. It also seems that they've broken down the walls within, allowing a continuously stretched out room blocked with curtains and beads.

Obsidian looks around licking at his snout a bit. His own member easing out of its sheath to full attention. He takes a deep breath making his small breasts heave and jiggle. A faint wisp fo feminine arousal also wafts from him. "Ohh, silly me, of course." He chuckles a bit and moves beside Fen. "Well Fenny, shall we find someplace to mmm, wait?"

Spade blinks at the offer, looking at the board and walking off with it. She opts to merely listen, why the whole group is in there is beyond her, but that spells bad things to her. She looks to her scornful companion and chitters lowly "Well, if they need help I'll be here." It doesn't respond, it just glares at her.

Kana smiles at the gryphon, returning the hugs and kisses as shi's waved inside. Inside shi feels even more alone and spotting a relatively empty spot shi takes a seat near, but seperate from Obsidian and Fenris.

Valorie accepts the gryphon's warm greeting and leads the nervous James in the door, eyeing his throbing cock lustily. Shi gazes in awe at the various sexual acts being preformed in the long room. Shi then ponders what shi should do now that shi was inside. "Well, when in Rome, do as the Romans do.... Come on, James!" Shi says enthusiastically, pulling the shephard into the midst of the mutants to find something to do.

Fenris let's himself be drawn along by obsidian. Something sparks a glimmer of recognition and the tiger recognizes certain aspects of various Hindu sects in the trappings scattered around the room. "Of course, darling," he says absently to Obsidian, guiding the big Wolftaur to a good observation spot and cuddling into his tauric half so he can observe the rest of the room.

Overall, everyone seems to be having a grand old time, fucking the afternoon away in positions unheard of by the average feral. They don't even seems to care that much with the spider looking down on them.

"There are plenty of spots available! We should be ready to begin soon. Does anyone have any questions," the gryphon shouts in an excited tone, locking the door and finding another lovely blue grpyhon that has probably been waiting and waiting just for hir.

James bites his lip heavily, unsure of how to handle such direct advances. "I-I... Are you sure? I mean.... the reason I'm here is because... well," he stammers, rubbing the back of his head, "Is because people usually laugh at me at sexual stuff. I just get so... nervous." A frown appears on his muzzle, the Shepard looking away in embaressement. Strangely enough, a husky walks by with a common nanite hypo, giving it to the Shepard. "Maybe you should try walking on the other side, see how girls really feel," she says with a wink. "Perhaps try it out if you want."

As Kana finds a nice spot, a large and bulky lion beast heads up to hir with a smile and a wave. "Good afternoon to ya," he says with a small laugh, holding out his hand. "You seem like you could use someone to talk to! Why don't we have a little fun. That is, only if you want to. I'd understand."

Obsidian carefully sits down tucking his legs underneath him, if only to make it easier to cuddle with the tiger. "Hmmm, I think this could turn out to be rather interesting indeed." He smiles a bit snuggle up against the tiger placing his arm around them. Well assuming this isn't some sort of horrible brainwashing cult, this could turn into a damn fine day.

Spade starts to work using the wood, moving slightly away so she can't be seen anymore as she keeps her long ears in gear. The work comes out quite nicely, a nice start, but she'll need something to put onto it. She quickly scans her surroundings for something worthy of this plack.

Kana looks up at the Lion beast sort of flustered "I guess I could use someone to talk to, I mean I don't even know what I'm doing here." shi looks at him slightly desperate "I barely know what here is, never mind why I thought this was a good idea." shi pouts at the Lion "You seem nice enough, I don't suppose you could show me out? Maybe we'll meet again somewhere less overwhelming and have that fun some other time?" as a couple of tears start to run down hir cheek.

Valorie chuckles and smiles at the husky. "Listen to her. Its actually pretty amazing." Shi says to James, eyeing the hypo. "Come on, how bad could it be?" Shi shrugs, looking around and perking hir ears when the gryphon speaks.

Fenris groans inwardly, finally realizing what was happening here as all of the little details start to sink in. The Hindu overtones, the wierd orgy, the incense. This wasn't a dangerous cult! This was a bunch of mutants who had stumbled across a copy of the Kama Sutra! "It looks like. . ." the tiger starts, only to fall silent as Obsidian wraps his arms around Fenris and draws him close. Oh boy. This is why getting naked was almost ALWAYS a bad idea in this city.

"Hey now..." the lion beast says with concern, reaching out a large finger to wipe away a tear off Kana's cheek. "There's no reason to be upset. We're all family here. No one's going to hurt anyone or do anything without permission. We're here to learn more about ourselves, love, and family. I don't really mind, but are you sure you wouldn't mind staying? We could learn some things you know."

With the hypo in hand, the Shepard looks nervously between it and Valorie, looking quite flustered from such a concept. "W...well, if you say so.. I guess. But please, let's take things slow." With a shaky hand, he lowers the needle to his groin area and injects the infection within. In a few moments, his shape begins to shift and change, hips widening and shoulder narrowing. A brief feminine moan escapes his lips as two perky mounds rise from his chest and a small slit forms just beneath his somewhat shrunken male equipment.

From behind a curtain, a wolf pops out with a glass case in hand, smile beaming on his face. "Greetings my brothers and sisters," he bellows, setting the case down on a podium. "Thank you for coming here. Today, I wish to discuss a variety of subject matters. But first, we answer questions. Anybody?"

Obsidian smiles a bit and winks at Fenris. Of course he wouldn't do anything...well maybe if Fenris asked real nice-like. For now though he contents himself with watching the interesting postions taking note of them. His ears twitch a bit when the wolf comes out and starts talking. So far this gathering is pretty chill, we'll see what the wolf has to say. He doesn't have any pressing questions at the moment and so remains silent.

Spade grabs a couple of small items, colorful bits of trash and mashes them flat as best she can, before she uses her webbing to stick them where they belong. With her task complete she looks back to see what's going on with the others, they all walked right in and surely are in trouble by now. She examines the going ons and tries to make what she can of it.

Kana looks up at the Lion again, shifting slightly to display hir pregnancy and lip quivering as shi continues "I don't know if it's the hormones, or the scents or just so many strangers but I need to be somewhere else." shi gives him a soft smile "Please at least just some fresh air?"

Valorie puts an arm around the now herm Shephard, "There.... that isn't so bad, is it?" Shi coos into his ear before looking and listening to the wolf on the stage.

Fenris looks around at the rapt mutants watching the wolf, and tentatively raises his hand. "I-I don't want to be a wet blanket here," he says, affecting a timidness he barely felt, "But what should we expect here?" The feeling of the large wolftaur's, ahem, bits pressing against the tiger's back was only moderately distracting.

The lion beast thinks for a few moments and looks back into the room, rubbing a hand under his chin. "I see..." he whispers under his breath, smile soon returning as he places a gentle hand on Kana's head. "Very well, I understand. And they will too. It's part of the teachings after all. Please, come with me." The lion goads Kana towards the door and opens it up for hir to go through should she follow along.

The new hermaphrodite German Shepard's breasts press up against Valorie's embrace, much to hir surprise. "T-this is.. uh... oh my," shi says in a much higher pitched voice, nipples stiffening and a mixture of feminine and male arousal swimming about them. Almost unconsciously, a slender finger slips down to hir new female equipment, testing and probing it, eventually brushing against the clit and causing a heavy shiver and a muffled moan.

"No need to feel that way! I welcome any and all questions. And what a great question to start out with." The wolf reaches over and unlatches the case, revealing none other than an English translated version of the Kama Sutra. "We are a new sect of the Promethians, but any and all are welcome to join. We've been trying to get the word out. We take the ideas of 'Kama' to heart. Some people think that this book is only about sex, but that isn't quite true at all! Family, love, happiness... Togetherness, and how we can obtain such. There are many ways to express love, and sensual sex certainly helps! Missionary position... how boring. I'm here to preach about family and love, relationships, and some sex tips to really help seal that bond between your loved ones. Anyone is free to join or leave at any point and are never asked to do something they don't want to do."

Kana allows the Lion to see hir out following him to the door, before turning and giving him a gentle kiss as shi leaves. Heading back to where shi stashed hir gear shi starts muttering to hirself again "Of course I'm not ready, what the hell was I thinking?" before digging hir clothes out quickly redressing and bolting into the night.

Obsidian nods abit as he listens to the wolf speak. Well seems pretty good so far. "Hmm, and would you welcome non Prometheans as well?" Its an honest enough question, plus he's not exactly affiliated with the Prommies. The sounds pretty good. Maybe its just his slightly paranoid nature but he can't help but feel on his guard. The group does seem a bit too good to be true.

Valorie chuckles at the wolf and nods, agreeing with his words. Shi then turns to the herm Shephard. "So.... James.... well we really can't call you that anymore.... Jamie? How's that for a name?" Shi suggests. Jamie was a fairly neutral name, and would fit the herm. Val pulls the herm into a closer nuzzle, pressing hir breasts against theirs.

Fenris nods, just as he suspected. And if these were Prometheans, why hadn't he heard about it? Well, he was here now. It probably couldn't hurt to sit and listen. And Obsidian was as comfortable a backrest as a moderately mutated tiger-man could ask for.

"Indeed they are," the wolf claims, pointing towards Obsidian. "If anyone, regardless of faction, is willing to listen to the words of family, friends, and togetherness, they are more than welcome in any of our meetings. We are very new and this is our first meeting, so we're doing our best to get the word out."

To clear his throat, the wolf coughs and settles the book in front of him, allowing everyone to see the title. "The Promethean ideals aren't so different, and we still are proud Promethians. However, you could say we're just a different flavor of sorts and under the same umbrella. A fleding group with stories, tips, and helpful messages to preach. And of course, teaching people many different sexual positions and styles is a help for everyone. Public service if you will," he says with a chuckle and a wink.

Still feeling quite nervous, the German Shepard reaches around and hugs Valorie in return, both their breasts squeezing together to make the new herms situation that much more real to hir. "J..Jamie? Well I suppose that makes sense.. But just for a little while and then it's right back!"

"Now then my brothers and sisters," the wolf preaches, "Do any of you have ideas as to how we can best spread the word of this book? They're so hard to come across these days and we have to take special measures to make sure the nanites don't take it away from us. It's a book filled with helpful knowledge and it must be preserved by any means."

Obsidian ponders for a few moments. "Hmmm, well there is a project to digitize books that can be found. If you or somebody could make a copy of the book for that purpose. I think it would be worthwhile looking into. And perhaps reaching out to other groups that might be interested in furthering sexual knowledge."

Spade sits and listens to the faction she'd at one point considered joining, their silly book of ideals and sexual activity aren't making this lot very appealing. The spider listens for more information to report back, but she seems more taken with her companions harsh words than the activities below.

Valorie chuckles and says "Ok whatever you say, Jamie. Now.... why don't we test your new endowments out..." Shi says, hir erection sliding free of its sheath. "Who knows, you might actually grow to like it...." When the wolf starts talking about knowledge and the spreading of it shi perks up. "You could convert it to a digital format. Or find some way to duplicate it with nanites..." Shi says, loudly so that the wolf could hear hir, then returned hir attention to the herm. Shi shifts position so that the canine herm was straddling hir, with hir equine shaft's underside grinding against Jamie's new cunt.

Sex Promethians. Now Fenris had seen it all. He had been rescued by the Prometeans, slowly nurtured back to sanity and given a new life. He had no memory of himself before that, and now, seeing this strange new twist on the Promethean ideals, he wasn't sure what to think. He waits quietly to hear more.

The preaching wolf listens to the advice given to him, claws tapping upon the book and thinking it over. "Digitized..." he whispers under his breath, mind thinking towards the communicators and how people might be able to read such with them. "And you say there's a project for this? Preserving media like books and the like with computers?" A smile creeps across the edges of his muzzle. "That sounds like a great step! Unfortunately, I don't think a lot of us know much about book scanning, and neither do I. Do you perhaps know where we could take this book? And I'll be joining you in this location if you don't mind to observe. I'd hate to sound untrusting, but this may be the last copy of the Kama Sutra left on this world. I have no clue."

"T-test? Now?!" With hir new endowments, something else new came about. The distinct smell of feminine heat, signaling hir fertility and readiness. The sensation brought an excited dampness to hir feminine sex, male member at full erection and begging for attention. Arousal and alien feelings swam around in hir mind, the desire to give it a go increasing by the second. Now finding hirself on top of the other herm, the Shepard decided shi couldn't take it much longer. Slowly, shi sinks hirself down on Valorie's hardened rod, lips pressing apart until shi finds hirself fully hilt with a loud moan.

"And perhaps reaching out to other groups is a great idea as well. Sex is crazy and untamed these days. Everyone could stand to learn a bit more technique," the wolf chuckles, flipping open the book and going through the pages. "Perhaps some fliers and such would help as well. I must ask, what do you think of our philosophy, new visitors?"

Obsidian smiles and nods feeling more at ease now. Their intentions feel honest at the very least. "Hmmm, ahh, well, actually the K&S building is the place to go. And I'm sure they wouldn't mind you observing the process. He ponders a bit more. "Hmmm, I'm not really familiar with many groups I know there are at least a few that would be interested. Personally I think it sounds great. There will naturally be less sexually liberated folks that might not agree."

Spade enters the building carrying her art, approaching the leader. She chitters "I think we'd be more than happy to help you, although it would be a bit of labor on our part." she says suggestively, looking to him with a smile. "But if it means saving such an important document I'm sure we can work something out." she adds.

Valorie moans and grabs ahold of Jamie's hips, pulling back and beginning to rock hir hips, hard horsecock sliding in and out of hir folds. "Ngh.... Mmm.... I hope your enjoying this..... as much as I am!" Shi moans, thoroughly fucking the herm canine.

Fenris glances over to see Valorie's. . . progress with her new friend, then back to the leader of this group. "I am. . . hesitant to prescribe tantric sex as a panacea for the ills of the world we have found ourselves in," he says. Then the tiger shrugs, "But who am I to pass judgement."

The preacher wolf thinks and mulls it over, trying to recall the KS building. "That name rings a bell..." he claims idly, still flipping through the pages to find what he's looking for. "Ah! I think I've seen it before. Somewhere northwest of the city. I wasn't too sure what they did to be honest." As Spade approaches him, he smiles largely and warmly upon seeing the piece of art. "Did you make that while you were up there? It's very impressive. Well then, I'd be more than happy to accept your help! Thank you so very much. What you've done for our group means quite a lot to us. But first... We still have a meeting to attend to."

In the background, it's quite clear that Jamie is enjoying hir walk on the other side of the fence. Hir tongue lies outside hir muzzle, breasts bouncing in tune of her own bucking motions to help slide Valorie's member in and out of hir needy folds. Hir moans become more and more frequent, a finger up to her muzzle to silence hir lewd sounds with little results. "I-I feel s-something coming," shi moans out, slick walls clamping down heavily upon the member inside hir.

"It seems some people are more excited than others. As for you sir," the preacher says, pointing towards Fenris, "I understand that not everyone will agree with us. That's the beauty of freewill, is it not? What works for one person might not work for the other. While we believe sex is important to enhancing a relationship, there is much more to it as you can imagine. We also preach about the importance of family and friends, always sticking together through the tough times. And boy do we need a load of both these days. Now then, here's an interesting position..." The wolf peers into the book and smiles, facing towards the crowd. "The Ascent to Desire. The man stands up while the woman wraps her legs around him and settles her feet on a bed while she moves up and down for further penetration. Why not try it?" And in the background, a few pairs nod and get to work setting up the position, some faster than others and showing impressive results considering all the lustful moans in the air!

Obsidian nods rather happy that things seem to have worked out for the best. He chuckles a bit. "I would love to, but it doesn't seem terribly tauric friendly. Hmmm, guess I'll just have find somebody to write a companion book for Taurs and Serpentines." He chuckles a bit more. "Ahh, well it seems you successfully survived, Fenris!" He flashes a toothy grin and pokes Fenris softly in the side in a genial manner.

Spade nods to the art. "Yes I did. Thank you, I'm sure we all look foward to doing business with you." she chitters and nods. "Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to be along my way." She then skitters towards the locked door, not at all subtle about trying to open it, and if she can't, attempting to open it by force.

Valorie moans as Jamie reached orgasm, hir own cock clenching and shi orgasmed as well, spurting hot ropy jets of horse spunk into the canine's virgin womb. Shi then pants in orgasmic bliss, pulling out of Jamie, a torrent of horse cum spilling out behind it. "So.... do you *really* want to change back? After finding out how amazing it is?" Shi says, drawing the Shepherd into a tight embrace.

Fenris grunts at Obsidian's poke, then laughs a little at his genial gibe. "Only because you can't figure out how to do that pose, I imagine," he says, returning the grin. The tiger looks around at the copulating couples, not sure how he feels. "I suppose, if it works for them," he says, "then I can't really disapprove."

"Oh! Taurs!" The wolven preacher slap his forehead and laughs at himself. "I can't believe I didn't think of that. You are quite correct. We'll need to develop entirely new techniques for our four legged friends! Oh the possibilities with the arms up there and hmmm.. Yes, we'll see what we can do."

Mixed in with other moans and grunts is a loud, orgasm charged scream from the new hermaphrodite Shepard. Hir eyes roll back in hir head as hot seed fills hir fertile womb, perhaps making hir pregnant on hir very first time! With waves of pleasure pulsing across hir body, shi flops down on Valorie and breathes a happy sigh. "M... maybe I can stay just for a bit longer. Try out those techniques..." shi says with a pant.

"Thank you, ma'am," the preacher waves towards the departing Spade. "We hope to see you around again soon. After the meeting is over, please escort me to the KS building so we can get this book scanned." The wolf clears his throat and turns to another page. "Now then! Let's continue..."

Obsidian nods and stand up careful not to jostle Fenris too much. "Whenever you're ready, Sir." He winks down at Fenris. "Hmm, you just may be right...nahhh." Obsidian waits paitiently for the meeting to end so he might escort the preacher to the K&S building.

Valorie grins and hugs Jamie. "Have fun with your new life, Jamie..." Shi says, standing and leaving the canine to hir own devices. Shi walks over to the wolf. "Hey, I'd love to help you get that book copied. Me and my order seek to gain knowledge, so it would make sense to help you." Shi says, following Obsidian's lead and waiting to help in any way Shi could.

Fenris rolls his eyes at the big wolftaur and heads out to find his coat.