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This is a page wherein all coded statuses are listed for reference.  
The following list is composed of statuses that have mechanical effects. Other statuses, like '''Bimbo''' or '''Sadistic''', exist only for roleplay reasons, as they do nothing.
Remember that just about every status can be reversed with 'Debuff' added to the end. For instance, DamageResistDebuff would cause additional damage to be taken.<br>
== Statuses ==
{| width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" align="left"  
This is a page wherein all coded statuses are listed for reference.
Remember that just about every status can be reversed with 'Debuff' added to the end. For instance, DamageResistDebuff would cause additional damage to be taken.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" style="max-width: 1000px;"
|+ Statuses
! scope="col" | Name
! scope="col" | Effect
| Accuracy || Increases accuracy by Magnitude, proportional to the power's base Accuracy after being compared against Defense. Has diminishing returns, gradually leveling off before reaching 50% along the following equation: 50*(Mag)/(Mag+100).
| Aggro || Increases automated NPC hate by Magnitude percentage.
| AoEMod || Grants +1 target to all not-NoAoE powers.
| AreaBlock || Decreases AOE damage on allies and increases it on you by mag percent. Only works when you are targeted directly with the AOE.
! align="left" scope="col" | Status Name
| Attack || Increases damage of all powers by magnitude. Cannot increase the damage of a power by more than 1/3rd its normal level.
! align="left" scope="col" | Status Effect
! align="left" scope="row" | Accuracy
| Cascading || Cascading is a (mag)% damage increase for repeat attacks (does not affect the initial, direct hit). It soft caps by / 2 at 10, 20, 25, and 35. It hardcaps at 40.
! align="left" | Increases accuracy by Magnitude
! align="left" scope="row" | Taunt
| Confused || Has magnitude chance of causing AoEs to strike a random friendly target, and increases the final deflection percent (after reduction from combat skills) on AoEs by its magnitude to a maximum final deflection of 50% (unless they rolled a 75%, in which case that is used instead).
! align="left" | Causes the victim to target the caster while active.&nbsp;Latest taunt overrides all others.
! align="left" scope="row" | Aggro
| Charge || Increases the rate at which powers charge by Magnitude percent. Has diminishing returns, gradually leveling off before reaching 150% along the following equation: 150*(Mag)/(Mag+75). When negative, use 25*(Mag)/(Mag+10) instead.
! align="left" | Increases automated NPC hate by Magnitude percentage.
! align="left" scope="row" | AoEMod
| Cover || Take magnitude percent of damage meant for the target. Resistances still apply. Capped in effectiveness by the attacker's Concentrated skill level, at 90/80/70% of incoming damage.
! align="left" | Increases the number of targets hit by all powers by Magnitude. Very powerful, and generally not seen outside of bosses.
! align="left" scope="row" | AreaBlock
| CredBonus || Increases credits earned by Magnitude percent.
! align="left" | Decreases AOE damage on allies and increases it on you by mag percent. Only works when you are targeted directly with the AOE.
! align="left" scope="row" | Attack
| Critical Damage || Ignores everything except Juggernaut-style DamageResist. Typed EnergyDamageResist and PhysicalDamageResist do not guard against it.
! align="left" | Increases damage of all powers by magnitude. Cannot increase the damage of a power by more than 1/3rd its normal level.
! align="left" scope="row" | Charge
| (X)Damage || Causes damage over time. Inflicts magnitude damage of (x) element every round, minimum 1 damage per round.
! align="left" | Deprecated status. Currently does the same as Haste, and is being gradually phased out.
! align="left" scope="row" | (X)Damage  
| Stacked(Y)(X)Damage || Causes (x) element damage over time as above, but can stack up to y times, causing more damage if a victim is struck multiple times. Duration is renewed with each stack. Stacks from different players are kept separate.
! align="left" | Causes damage over time. Inflicts magnitude damage of (x) element every round, minimum 1 damage per round.
! align="left" scope="row" | Stacked(Y)(X)Damage
| DamageBuff || Increases damage by Magnitude percent when attacking. Has diminishing returns, gradually leveling off before reaching 100 along the following equation: 100*(Mag+5)/(Mag+100). If negative, it instead follows -33*(Mag)/(Mag+5).
! align="left" | Causes damage over time as above, but can stack up to y times, causing more damage if a victim is struck multiple times. Duration is renewed with each stack.
! align="left" scope="row" | DamageBuff
| (X)DamageImmunity || Reduces X damage taken by magnitude percent, up to 100% (completely immune). If no specified type, resists all damage. These are a % of damage outright negated after resistances are calculated. So if you were taking 500 damage post resist, and you have 20 DamageImmunity, you will only take 400 damage.
! align="left" | Increases damage by Magnitude percent when attacking.
! align="left" scope="row" | Healing
| DamageResist || Cause all damage received to be reduced by magnitude, up to a maximum of 40% of all damage resisted.
! align="left" | Increases damage by Magnitude percent when healing.
! align="left" scope="row" | DamageResist  
| (X)DamageResist || Causes damage of specified type(FireDamageResist, IceDamageResist, Etc) to be reduced by magnitude, up to a maximum of 40%(X)resisted. Stacks with damageresist for a maximum of 80% damage resisted.
! align="left" | Cause all damage received to be reduced by magnitude, to a minimum of 1.
! align="left" scope="row" | Cover
| DebuffClear || Destroys negative statuses, magnitude against magnitude. If it can't destroy, it will weaken. Does not persist, has immediate effect then fades.
! align="left" | Take magnitude percent of damage meant for the target. Resistances still apply.
! align="left" scope="row" | (X)DamageResist
| DebuffResist || Reduces incoming debuffs(Anything with 'debuff' at the end, as well as certain other statuses such as Confused) by Magnitude percent. Has diminishing returns, gradually leveling off before reaching 100% along the following equation: 100*(Mag)/(Mag+100). When negative, use 25*(Mag)/(Mag+25) instead.
! align="left" | Causes damage of specified type(FireDamageResist, IceDamageResist, Etc) to be reduced by magnitude, to a minimum of 1.
! align="left" scope="row" | DebuffClear
| Defense || Increases the odds of partially deflecting an attack by Magnitude, directly opposing the attacker's Accuracy. Has diminishing returns, following the equation listed under Accuracy.
! align="left" | Destroys negative statuses, magnitude against magnitude. If it can't destroy, it will weaken. Does not persist, has immediate effect then fades.
! align="left" scope="row" | DebuffResist
| Delay || Resists the magnitude of Delaydebuff point per point. 1 Delay + 1 Delaydebuff = No debuff. 1 Delay + 2 Delaydebuff = 1 Delaydebuff
! align="left" | Reduces incoming debuffs(Anything with 'debuff' at the end, DoT, Repeatattacks, etc) by Magnitude percent.
! align="left" scope="row" | Defense
| Delaydebuff || Increases the base 1000 ATB turn delay by +25 atb per point.
! align="left" | Increases the chance that an incoming attack will be partially deflected, and opposes attacker's accuracy. Opponent makes three checks, at -25% accuracy, 0 accuracy, and +25% accuracy. If the first hits, 0% is deflected; the second, 25% is deflected; the third, 50%; if all three miss, 75% is deflected.
! align="left" scope="row" | EnergyDamageReturn
| EnergyBreak || Causes all powers to cost Magnitude percent less energy. Maximum amount is 50(half off). Negative energy break caps at 25.
! align="left" | Returns Magnitude percent of damage taken, as above, but as energy damage.
! align="left" scope="row" | EnergyMod
| EnergyDamageReturn || Returns Magnitude percent of damage taken as energy damage.
! align="left" | As per Regen, for Energy. Cures 1/5th its magnitude in energy every 1/5th a round.
! align="left" scope="row" | EnergyBreak
| EnergyMod || Gives mag energy at the start of each round for duration rounds.
! align="left" | Causes all powers to cost Magnitude percent less energy. Maximum amount is 50(half off).
! align="left" scope="row" | FleeRate
| Fertile || Increases chances of successful breeding.
! align="left" | Increases chance to flee by magnitude.
! align="left" scope="row" | Haste
| FleeRate || Increases chance to flee by Magnitude percent.
! align="left" | Increases the rate at which powers charge by Magnitude percent.
! align="left" scope="row" | HealEnergyResist
| Haste || Deprecated status! Do not use and file a request if you see it as a status anywhere. Currently does the same as Charge, and was phased out.
! align="left" | Hampers powers that restore energy by 1 per magnitude, to a minimum of 1.
! align="left" scope="row" | HealResist
| Healing || Increases healing done by Magnitude percent. Has diminishing returns, gradually leveling off before reaching 100 along the following equation: 100*(Mag+5)/(Mag+100). If negative, it instead follows -33*(Mag)/(Mag+5).
! align="left" | Causes healing effects to be diminished by magnitude, to a minimum of 1.
! align="left" scope="row" | HPBuffer
| HealEnergyResist || Hampers powers that restore energy by 1 per magnitude, to a minimum of 1.
! align="left" | Prevents standard damage in combat. Each point of magnitude is a kind of temporary hit point. Does not work in talk script&nbsp; damage, or damage over time.
! align="left" scope="row" | Knockdown
| HealGain || Causes healing effects that are incoming to be increased by magnitude, with soft caps at 25% and 50% more healing, hard cap at 75%.
! align="left" | Reduces your ATB(delaying when you can next take an action) by 100 per magnitude, directly resisted with KnockdownResist
! align="left" scope="row" | KnockdownResist
| HealResist || Causes healing effects that are incoming to be diminished by magnitude, to a minimum of 1.
! align="left" | Lowers the magnitude of Knockdown by its own magnitude.
! align="left" scope="row" | Menace
| HeatResist || Reduces the effect from a heat environment. If your HeatResist is at or above the environments heat effect, then you receive no penalty.
! align="left" | Increases OVERALL automated NPC hate by Magnitude Percentage(As opposed to increasing per event hate)
! align="left" scope="row" | (&nbsp;Aggro Note)  
| HornyAsHell || Does nothing, but looks cool.
! align="left" |  
At time of hate gain, Aggro will increase/reduce the amount given. Once given, this hate is permanent. Menace applies to the total accrued when aggro is checked, but its effect fades entirely when the status goes away.  
| HPBuffer || Prevents standard damage in combat. Each point of magnitude is a kind of temporary hit point. Does not work in talk script  damage. Normal and repeatattacks only hit your largest HPbuffer and any damage over your largest buffer destroys the buffer, dealing the remaining damage to you as normal. The combat skills Damage, Accuracy and Penetration can allow you to pierce HPbuffer up to a maximum of 70%.
| InHeat || Causes the player to appear to be in heat, whether or not they actually are fertile.
| InstantCooldown || Causes the power with the longest remaining cooldown to lose cooldown in a ratio of 1 mag per 1000 atb. Mag is expended in this, has effect once and goes away. Includes non-mastered powers.
| InstantCooldownDebuff || Causes the power with the longest remaining cooldown to gain cooldown in a ratio of 1 mag per 1000 atb. Mag is expended in this, has effect once and goes away.
| Knockdown || Reduces your ATB(delaying when you can next take an action) by 100 per magnitude, directly resisted with KnockdownResist.
| KnockdownResist || Lowers the magnitude of Knockdown by its own magnitude.
| MaxHP || Increases maximum health by magnitude percent. Has diminishing returns, gradually leveling off before reaching 50% along the following equation: 50*(Mag)/(Mag+25). When negative, use 25*(Mag)/(Mag+10) instead.
| Meek || Decreases overall automated NPC hate by Magnitude percentage (opposed to increasing per event hate)
| Menace || Increases overall automated NPC hate by Magnitude percentage (opposed to increasing per event hate)
| (X)Penetration || Causes all attacks to penetrate X type of damage resistance. 10 points of status is the same as one point of Penetration combat skill. Soft caps are at 40, 60 and 80. If no damage type is specified, will apply to all damage types. Penetration status will work on energy/physical/critical damage (and dots) where any other damage types (poison, skunk, etc) will need a specific penetration eg: PoisonPenetration
| (Aggro Note) || At time of hate gain, Aggro will increase/reduce the amount given. Once given, this hate is permanent. Menace applies to the total accrued when aggro is checked, but its effect fades entirely when the status goes away.
| Overkill || Each mag functions as 1/10th a point in the Overkill combat skill, and stacks with it.
| PhysicalDamageReturn || Returns Magnitude percent of all damage taken(Does not work on damage over time, does work on repeating attacks) as physical damage.
| PowerArmor || Having this status means you can use the power Activated Armor, which increases health by 10%, accuracy and status resists by 5% and consumes 1 chemical and 1 energy salvage per combat round, or less, with a higher armor skill.
| PowerAmp(damage type) || It modifies damage of that type by 100% + ((mag)/20+(mag)) * 25) If the mag is negative, it will take away that amount from 100 instead of adding to it.
| Recharge || Increases the speed at which all powers recharge by Magnitude percent. Soft caps at 50, 100, 150, etc, doubling the amount needed to gain one effective point per soft cap and hard caps at 200 effective value.
| Regen || Regenerate health every 200 ATB based on the formula: Mag/(Mag + 10 - RegenSkill) * ((15 + RegenSkill)/100) * MaxHP/5. (Multiply end result by 5 for health regenerated per round.) Obeys HealResist and Healing at 1/5th value each tick.
| RepeatAttack || Causes the attack to repeat itself Magnitude times over Duration span of time. The secondary attacks deal half damage, calculated after applying resistance. Note: No statuses are refreshed by repeats.
| Rut || Adjusts the player Rut level by the magnitude.
| Salvage || Increases or Decreases your odds of salvaging all types of salvage.
| (X)Salvage || Increases or Decreases your odds of salvaging (X) type salvage.
| Scout || Each point of Scout make random fights less likely, but improve the effectiveness of the search command.
| Size || Increases or Decreases your bodysize by the magnitude. Minimum size is 1, maximum size is uncapped.
| StatusBoost || Increases magnitude of active power statuses by magnitude percent. Has diminishing returns, gradually leveling off before reaching 35% along the following equation: 35*(Mag)/(Mag+10) for positive values, or approaching -25 at 25*(Mag)/(Mag+10) for negative values or debuffed. Does not work in instantcooldown or itself. Will not work on Passives or Toggles are not effected. Does effect negative aspects of a friendly power and positive aspects of a hostile power (E.g. Howl)
| Subtelty || Decreases automated NPC hate by Magnitude percentage.
| Taunt || Causes the victim to target the caster while active. Latest taunt overrides all others.
| Technical || Every point gives +0.5% damage and +0.25% status mag for equipped items.
| Vampiric || Causes all attacks to cause a regenerative effect of MAG % of damage dealt. works in conjunction with the combat skill and item/power property of the same name. All combined sources of Vampiric are soft capped at 25 and effective 50 mag, with a hard cap at effective 75 mag, meaning over 25 divide by 2, over 50, divide by 4, and no attack can give more than 75% of hp back from damage.
| WaterAdaption || Provides resistance to the penalties from Aquatic areas. If your WaterAdaption is lower than an area's AQ rating on +haz, you will suffer severe penalties.
| Wound || Each Mag of wound reduces Max HP, and goes away over time (1 per minute), faster if you are in a triage/healing area.
| XPBonus || Increases xp gained by Magnitude percent.
== Binary Statuses ==
Certain statuses may also create an additional Binary status on its target. This extra status has a flat effect unaffected by magnitude enhancers, debuffClear, rankmods, etc. If a Binary status has an Inverse counterpart, then both effects will be suppressed for so long as both statuses remain on the target. Binary statuses have a fixed duration based on the duration of the source status: Under 3: 0 rounds 3-4.9: 1 round  5-9.9: 2 rounds. 10-19.9: 3 rounds 20+: 4 rounds
Lingering Kindness/Enduring Malice (as relevant) increases this by +0.5 rounds per point.
{| class="wikitable" border="1" style="max-width: 800px;"
|+ Binary Statuses
! scope="col" | Name
! scope="col" | Source
! scope="col" | Effect
| LockedOn || Accuracy || Gives a 20% chance of ignoring all dodge (0% deflection) for every target of every hostile effect.
| Shaken || AccuracyDebuff || Gives a 20% chance of completely missing (100% deflection) for every target of every hostile effect.
| Fierce || Attack || +10% outgoing damage.
| Cowaradly || AttackDebuff || -10% outgoing damage.
| Energetic || Charge ||  Increases the amount of power charge gained per tick by 20%.
| Lethargic || ChargeDebuff ||  Decreases the amount of power charge gained per tick by 20%.
| Smashing || DamageBuff || +10% to the base damage of all powers.
| Impotent || DamageBuffDebuff || -10% to the base damage of all powers.
| Impactful || Statusboost ||  Allows you to fire complimentary statuses even without the proper combat skill. Those with the proper combat skill will be protected from the debuff.
| Diminished || StatusboostDebuff ||  Binary statuses inflicted by the affected are reduced in duration.
! align="left" scope="row" | PhysicalDamageReturn
| Evasive || Defense ||  -20% chance of being hit, canceled out if the attacker has LockedOn.
! align="left" | Returns Magnitude percent of damage taken(Does not work on damage over time, does work on repeating attacks) as physical damage.
! align="left" scope="row" | Recharge
| Exposed || DefenseDebuff ||  +20% chance of being hit, 50% if the attacker has LockedOn.
! align="left" | Increases the speed at which all powers recharge by Magnitude percent.
! align="left" scope="row" | Regen
| Bulked || MaxHP ||  Reduced hpbuffer penetration on hit.
! align="left" | Cure 1/5th its magnitude every 1/5th round, obeys HealResist at 1/5th value each tick.
! align="left" scope="row" | RepeatAttack
| Hollow || MaxHPDebuff ||  Increased hpbuffer penetration on hit.
! align="left" | Causes the attack to repeat itself Magnitude times over Duration span of time. The secondary attacks deal half damage, calculated after applying resistance. Note:&nbsp;The RepeatAttack status does not get used during repeats, but all other statuses are!
! align="left" scope="row" | Salvage
| Manic || Recharge || Gives 30 charge points towards cooling powers per 100 tick.
! align="left" | Increases your odds of salvaging all types of salvage.
! align="left" scope="row" | (X)Salvage
| Depressed || RechargeDebuff || Takes 30 charge points towards cooling powers per 100 tick.
! align="left" | Increases your odds of salvaging (X) type salvage.
! align="left" scope="row" | WaterAdaption
| Growing || Regen || 25% Bonus to regeneration, 50% if Healthy is present.
! align="left" | Provides resistance to the penalties from Aquatic areas. If your WaterAdaption is lower than an area's AQ rating on +haz, you will suffer severe penalties.
| Wilting || RegenDebuff || 20% decrease to regeneration, -34% if Sick is present.
| Healthy || Healgain || 25% Bonus to healing, 50% if Growing is present.
| Sick || HealgainDebuff || 20% decrease to healing, -34% if Wilting is present.
[[Category:Guides]] [[Category:Code]]
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Latest revision as of 11:50, 17 January 2022

The following list is composed of statuses that have mechanical effects. Other statuses, like Bimbo or Sadistic, exist only for roleplay reasons, as they do nothing.


This is a page wherein all coded statuses are listed for reference.

Remember that just about every status can be reversed with 'Debuff' added to the end. For instance, DamageResistDebuff would cause additional damage to be taken.

Name Effect
Accuracy Increases accuracy by Magnitude, proportional to the power's base Accuracy after being compared against Defense. Has diminishing returns, gradually leveling off before reaching 50% along the following equation: 50*(Mag)/(Mag+100).
Aggro Increases automated NPC hate by Magnitude percentage.
AoEMod Grants +1 target to all not-NoAoE powers.
AreaBlock Decreases AOE damage on allies and increases it on you by mag percent. Only works when you are targeted directly with the AOE.
Attack Increases damage of all powers by magnitude. Cannot increase the damage of a power by more than 1/3rd its normal level.
Cascading Cascading is a (mag)% damage increase for repeat attacks (does not affect the initial, direct hit). It soft caps by / 2 at 10, 20, 25, and 35. It hardcaps at 40.
Confused Has magnitude chance of causing AoEs to strike a random friendly target, and increases the final deflection percent (after reduction from combat skills) on AoEs by its magnitude to a maximum final deflection of 50% (unless they rolled a 75%, in which case that is used instead).
Charge Increases the rate at which powers charge by Magnitude percent. Has diminishing returns, gradually leveling off before reaching 150% along the following equation: 150*(Mag)/(Mag+75). When negative, use 25*(Mag)/(Mag+10) instead.
Cover Take magnitude percent of damage meant for the target. Resistances still apply. Capped in effectiveness by the attacker's Concentrated skill level, at 90/80/70% of incoming damage.
CredBonus Increases credits earned by Magnitude percent.
Critical Damage Ignores everything except Juggernaut-style DamageResist. Typed EnergyDamageResist and PhysicalDamageResist do not guard against it.
(X)Damage Causes damage over time. Inflicts magnitude damage of (x) element every round, minimum 1 damage per round.
Stacked(Y)(X)Damage Causes (x) element damage over time as above, but can stack up to y times, causing more damage if a victim is struck multiple times. Duration is renewed with each stack. Stacks from different players are kept separate.
DamageBuff Increases damage by Magnitude percent when attacking. Has diminishing returns, gradually leveling off before reaching 100 along the following equation: 100*(Mag+5)/(Mag+100). If negative, it instead follows -33*(Mag)/(Mag+5).
(X)DamageImmunity Reduces X damage taken by magnitude percent, up to 100% (completely immune). If no specified type, resists all damage. These are a % of damage outright negated after resistances are calculated. So if you were taking 500 damage post resist, and you have 20 DamageImmunity, you will only take 400 damage.
DamageResist Cause all damage received to be reduced by magnitude, up to a maximum of 40% of all damage resisted.
(X)DamageResist Causes damage of specified type(FireDamageResist, IceDamageResist, Etc) to be reduced by magnitude, up to a maximum of 40%(X)resisted. Stacks with damageresist for a maximum of 80% damage resisted.
DebuffClear Destroys negative statuses, magnitude against magnitude. If it can't destroy, it will weaken. Does not persist, has immediate effect then fades.
DebuffResist Reduces incoming debuffs(Anything with 'debuff' at the end, as well as certain other statuses such as Confused) by Magnitude percent. Has diminishing returns, gradually leveling off before reaching 100% along the following equation: 100*(Mag)/(Mag+100). When negative, use 25*(Mag)/(Mag+25) instead.
Defense Increases the odds of partially deflecting an attack by Magnitude, directly opposing the attacker's Accuracy. Has diminishing returns, following the equation listed under Accuracy.
Delay Resists the magnitude of Delaydebuff point per point. 1 Delay + 1 Delaydebuff = No debuff. 1 Delay + 2 Delaydebuff = 1 Delaydebuff
Delaydebuff Increases the base 1000 ATB turn delay by +25 atb per point.
EnergyBreak Causes all powers to cost Magnitude percent less energy. Maximum amount is 50(half off). Negative energy break caps at 25.
EnergyDamageReturn Returns Magnitude percent of damage taken as energy damage.
EnergyMod Gives mag energy at the start of each round for duration rounds.
Fertile Increases chances of successful breeding.
FleeRate Increases chance to flee by Magnitude percent.
Haste Deprecated status! Do not use and file a request if you see it as a status anywhere. Currently does the same as Charge, and was phased out.
Healing Increases healing done by Magnitude percent. Has diminishing returns, gradually leveling off before reaching 100 along the following equation: 100*(Mag+5)/(Mag+100). If negative, it instead follows -33*(Mag)/(Mag+5).
HealEnergyResist Hampers powers that restore energy by 1 per magnitude, to a minimum of 1.
HealGain Causes healing effects that are incoming to be increased by magnitude, with soft caps at 25% and 50% more healing, hard cap at 75%.
HealResist Causes healing effects that are incoming to be diminished by magnitude, to a minimum of 1.
HeatResist Reduces the effect from a heat environment. If your HeatResist is at or above the environments heat effect, then you receive no penalty.
HornyAsHell Does nothing, but looks cool.
HPBuffer Prevents standard damage in combat. Each point of magnitude is a kind of temporary hit point. Does not work in talk script damage. Normal and repeatattacks only hit your largest HPbuffer and any damage over your largest buffer destroys the buffer, dealing the remaining damage to you as normal. The combat skills Damage, Accuracy and Penetration can allow you to pierce HPbuffer up to a maximum of 70%.
InHeat Causes the player to appear to be in heat, whether or not they actually are fertile.
InstantCooldown Causes the power with the longest remaining cooldown to lose cooldown in a ratio of 1 mag per 1000 atb. Mag is expended in this, has effect once and goes away. Includes non-mastered powers.
InstantCooldownDebuff Causes the power with the longest remaining cooldown to gain cooldown in a ratio of 1 mag per 1000 atb. Mag is expended in this, has effect once and goes away.
Knockdown Reduces your ATB(delaying when you can next take an action) by 100 per magnitude, directly resisted with KnockdownResist.
KnockdownResist Lowers the magnitude of Knockdown by its own magnitude.
MaxHP Increases maximum health by magnitude percent. Has diminishing returns, gradually leveling off before reaching 50% along the following equation: 50*(Mag)/(Mag+25). When negative, use 25*(Mag)/(Mag+10) instead.
Meek Decreases overall automated NPC hate by Magnitude percentage (opposed to increasing per event hate)
Menace Increases overall automated NPC hate by Magnitude percentage (opposed to increasing per event hate)
(X)Penetration Causes all attacks to penetrate X type of damage resistance. 10 points of status is the same as one point of Penetration combat skill. Soft caps are at 40, 60 and 80. If no damage type is specified, will apply to all damage types. Penetration status will work on energy/physical/critical damage (and dots) where any other damage types (poison, skunk, etc) will need a specific penetration eg: PoisonPenetration
(Aggro Note) At time of hate gain, Aggro will increase/reduce the amount given. Once given, this hate is permanent. Menace applies to the total accrued when aggro is checked, but its effect fades entirely when the status goes away.
Overkill Each mag functions as 1/10th a point in the Overkill combat skill, and stacks with it.
PhysicalDamageReturn Returns Magnitude percent of all damage taken(Does not work on damage over time, does work on repeating attacks) as physical damage.
PowerArmor Having this status means you can use the power Activated Armor, which increases health by 10%, accuracy and status resists by 5% and consumes 1 chemical and 1 energy salvage per combat round, or less, with a higher armor skill.
PowerAmp(damage type) It modifies damage of that type by 100% + ((mag)/20+(mag)) * 25) If the mag is negative, it will take away that amount from 100 instead of adding to it.
Recharge Increases the speed at which all powers recharge by Magnitude percent. Soft caps at 50, 100, 150, etc, doubling the amount needed to gain one effective point per soft cap and hard caps at 200 effective value.
Regen Regenerate health every 200 ATB based on the formula: Mag/(Mag + 10 - RegenSkill) * ((15 + RegenSkill)/100) * MaxHP/5. (Multiply end result by 5 for health regenerated per round.) Obeys HealResist and Healing at 1/5th value each tick.
RepeatAttack Causes the attack to repeat itself Magnitude times over Duration span of time. The secondary attacks deal half damage, calculated after applying resistance. Note: No statuses are refreshed by repeats.
Rut Adjusts the player Rut level by the magnitude.
Salvage Increases or Decreases your odds of salvaging all types of salvage.
(X)Salvage Increases or Decreases your odds of salvaging (X) type salvage.
Scout Each point of Scout make random fights less likely, but improve the effectiveness of the search command.
Size Increases or Decreases your bodysize by the magnitude. Minimum size is 1, maximum size is uncapped.
StatusBoost Increases magnitude of active power statuses by magnitude percent. Has diminishing returns, gradually leveling off before reaching 35% along the following equation: 35*(Mag)/(Mag+10) for positive values, or approaching -25 at 25*(Mag)/(Mag+10) for negative values or debuffed. Does not work in instantcooldown or itself. Will not work on Passives or Toggles are not effected. Does effect negative aspects of a friendly power and positive aspects of a hostile power (E.g. Howl)
Subtelty Decreases automated NPC hate by Magnitude percentage.
Taunt Causes the victim to target the caster while active. Latest taunt overrides all others.
Technical Every point gives +0.5% damage and +0.25% status mag for equipped items.
Vampiric Causes all attacks to cause a regenerative effect of MAG % of damage dealt. works in conjunction with the combat skill and item/power property of the same name. All combined sources of Vampiric are soft capped at 25 and effective 50 mag, with a hard cap at effective 75 mag, meaning over 25 divide by 2, over 50, divide by 4, and no attack can give more than 75% of hp back from damage.
WaterAdaption Provides resistance to the penalties from Aquatic areas. If your WaterAdaption is lower than an area's AQ rating on +haz, you will suffer severe penalties.
Wound Each Mag of wound reduces Max HP, and goes away over time (1 per minute), faster if you are in a triage/healing area.
XPBonus Increases xp gained by Magnitude percent.

Binary Statuses

Certain statuses may also create an additional Binary status on its target. This extra status has a flat effect unaffected by magnitude enhancers, debuffClear, rankmods, etc. If a Binary status has an Inverse counterpart, then both effects will be suppressed for so long as both statuses remain on the target. Binary statuses have a fixed duration based on the duration of the source status: Under 3: 0 rounds 3-4.9: 1 round 5-9.9: 2 rounds. 10-19.9: 3 rounds 20+: 4 rounds Lingering Kindness/Enduring Malice (as relevant) increases this by +0.5 rounds per point.

Binary Statuses
Name Source Effect
LockedOn Accuracy Gives a 20% chance of ignoring all dodge (0% deflection) for every target of every hostile effect.
Shaken AccuracyDebuff Gives a 20% chance of completely missing (100% deflection) for every target of every hostile effect.
Fierce Attack +10% outgoing damage.
Cowaradly AttackDebuff -10% outgoing damage.
Energetic Charge Increases the amount of power charge gained per tick by 20%.
Lethargic ChargeDebuff Decreases the amount of power charge gained per tick by 20%.
Smashing DamageBuff +10% to the base damage of all powers.
Impotent DamageBuffDebuff -10% to the base damage of all powers.
Impactful Statusboost Allows you to fire complimentary statuses even without the proper combat skill. Those with the proper combat skill will be protected from the debuff.
Diminished StatusboostDebuff Binary statuses inflicted by the affected are reduced in duration.
Evasive Defense -20% chance of being hit, canceled out if the attacker has LockedOn.
Exposed DefenseDebuff +20% chance of being hit, 50% if the attacker has LockedOn.
Bulked MaxHP Reduced hpbuffer penetration on hit.
Hollow MaxHPDebuff Increased hpbuffer penetration on hit.
Manic Recharge Gives 30 charge points towards cooling powers per 100 tick.
Depressed RechargeDebuff Takes 30 charge points towards cooling powers per 100 tick.
Growing Regen 25% Bonus to regeneration, 50% if Healthy is present.
Wilting RegenDebuff 20% decrease to regeneration, -34% if Sick is present.
Healthy Healgain 25% Bonus to healing, 50% if Growing is present.
Sick HealgainDebuff 20% decrease to healing, -34% if Wilting is present.