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* [[Antiman]]
* [[Jill]]
* [[Meniatz]]
* [[Talia]]
<div></div><br> <br>Zellnessa: I set down three plates of diced chicken breast and egg noodles in the kitchen. The aroma of the seasoned chicken and cream sauce filled the air as I approached the washroom. Purring loudly, I entered the bubbling warm water, allowing myself to relax. &quot;So, Aurora, I see you&#39;ve been enjoying my lotions and oils. Are there any other transformations you would like to try?&quot; I asked before wrapping an arm around Clarise. &quot;Or perhaps you would like to take some home to share with your friends?&quot; I chuckled softly as my cock began to stiffen in the warm water as I gazed upon your beautiful bodies. &quot;I&#39;m certain they would be quite popular.&quot;<br> <br>Jill Clarise: I nod as you speak before sensually saying &quot;Yes everything is sorted and now I just need to wait for the materials to be ready so I should be able to start upon your armor tomorrow morning.&quot;  I then chuckle causing my immense and luscious breasts to jiggle deliciously before settling down in the hot tub next to you my incredibly soft breasts pressing against yours getting just a small touch of the aphrodisiac that coats my scales upon you before I smile down at youo and say &quot;Well Aurora I feel obliged to respect your desires as I know full well what I am and how you must naturally be at least mildly cautious when it comes to me.&quot;  I then smile at you and reach around and gently grope your breasts before I place my plush lips against your ears and sensually nibble you just barely brushing my viscous fangs against you as I sultry say &quot;Well I am quite prepared to take as many liberties with you as you desire my dear...&quot;  Even as I speak the tips of my twin draconic lengths begin to push forth from my sheaths as my super rich cream begins to leave streams within the hot tub as my immense luscious breasts gently sway with the current.  I then smile as Zell joins us and as shi mentions sharing them I can&#39;t help but jiggle rubbing my luscious tits against both of you wonderfully.<br> <br>Aurora: I reached up to touch your lips with my left hand as I reached behind to fish out the heated scales oil that I had purposely set aside to sate my curiosity. I held it up for you to see. &quot;Does this truly work? Would it cause a scaleless human to grow scales by chance if she were to touch it?&quot; I had a hint of amusement in my voice as I waited to hear your answer so that I knew what to expect. I wondered how potent it was and you were quite obviously the scaliest amongst us. I then looked to Zell with a pleasant enough smile. &quot;Oh? Why would you make such an offer if I might enquire? Did I not state that my cooperation hinged upon your behavior. Hmmmnn I wonder what I should do with such passionate demons barely containing themselves in my presence sweet presence.&quot; I was teasing both of you by putting on a rather over-the-top mock tone. I then leaned closer to Zell before I gestured with a finger for you to lean in as well. Our faces would nearly be touching at this point if you obliged me. &quot;How dire is your desire to use those beasts on me?&quot; I motioned to your cocks before I leaned back and swept the hot waters over my impressive (for a human) bust. &quot;I just a little as you are undoubtably aware. Although I would question what could come of such play. Would I spout horns and a spaded tail? I could imagine worse fates I suppose. &quot;I would strongly advise you to show some modest restraint though with your efforts to recruit others. It might lend for misunderstandings otherwise.&quot; I then tapped the tips of my ears and pointed my index fingers upwards from them before I burst into a fit of chuckles.<br> <br>Zellnessa: I purred loudly, coiling my tail around Clarise&#39;s as I nibbled gently at hir neck. reaching one hand down to stroke one of hir cocks. Turning to Aurora, I nodded as she picked up the oil. &quot;It can do that. It&#39;s an excellent way of allowing humans and other scaleless creatures to try out some of the features of a different body without having to commit to it. The effects are permanent in large doses, but reversable with a different mixture or through other transformative magics.&quot; Leaning in towards Aurora, I rubbed noses with her. &quot;We are sensual creatures and would greatly enjoy an opportunity to share our bodies with you.&quot; Giving the human a pat on the head, I chuckled softly. I could provide you with such transformations if you would like, but what you become need not be similar in form to myself or the one who couples with you. For example, I could turn you into a bipedal wolf-woman. A strong, proud form such as that would suit you well, I think. As for recruiting others, I&#39;ve been fairly cautious and I *strongly* prefer willing converts--though certain particularly abominable individuals... deserve whatever fate we mete out for them.&quot;<br> <br>Zellnessa: I purred loudly, coiling my tail around Clarise&#39;s as I nibbled gently at hir neck. reaching one hand down to stroke one of hir cocks. Leaning in towards Aurora, I rubbed noses with her. &quot;We are sensual creatures and would greatly enjoy an opportunity to share our bodies with you.&quot; Giving the human a pat on the head, I chuckled softly. I could provide you with such transformations if you would like, but what you become need not be similar in form to myself or the one who couples with you. For example, I could turn you into a bipedal wolf-woman. A strong, proud form such as that would suit you well, I think. As for recruiting others, I&#39;ve been fairly cautious and I *strongly* prefer willing converts--though certain particularly abominable individuals... deserve whatever fate we mete out for them.&quot;<br> <br>Jill Clarise: I raise an eyebrow Aurora before chuckling jiggling my luscious tits against both of you before sensually saying &quot;Well I hate to say it but Heated Scales is just a name brand aphrodisiac.&quot;  I shrug again before nodding to the others one as I say &quot;The dragon themed stuff just comes from the adult shop downtown.  When I bought them they were just name brands that struck my fancy as I&#39;ve always been more than a bit of a fan of dragons.  They all do what they say but their effects don&#39;t last very long at all to be honest which isn&#39;t that surprising as last I checked they&#39;re just your run of the mill adult concoctions.&quot;  I nod then towards the more clearly demonic ones &quot;Those are the ones that have an actual permanent affect but much to my shagrin they didn&#39;t do anything for me which was why I wanted them.&quot;  After you pull us close I smile as I feel a much more notable bit of draconic cocks poke forth from my sheaths and I lean over and press my luscious lips near your cheek as I sultry say &quot;Oh my sweet Aurora I do desire to give you the fucking of your life my dear and I promise I&#39;ll only change you in ways you desire Aurora...&quot;<br> <br>Aurora: I had to smirk a bit as I carfully held the container of heated scales in my hand. So it would not be far-fetched to say that you must greatly desire my command of knights and the common soldiers at the Dawn Fortress? I will permit you to be a little bit more sensual in my presence. However, I would hope you can avoid doing anything that would cause excessive changes to my person at this time. Small changes are readily explained away as a hazard of our line of work. Larger changes bring question of collusion. &quot;As amusing as the prospects of becoming a literal bitch might be. I would have to pass on the wet dog smell.&quot; I smirked a bit before opened the container  and sniffed at the contents. &quot;Will this make one highly aroused if they touch it? What if I were to rub it all over our lovely dragon here? I poured some into the palm of my left hand and then quickly leaned over to rub it against Clairise&#39;s neck and cheeks as shi rubbed against me. &quot;Mmmmm~ my very own horns and spaded tail?&quot; I took a tone as if I were tempted by your offer. &quot;Just the sort of thing that a Knight Captain of the Dawn Riders would need to dry the stares and ire of her subbordinates.&quot; I gave you a pat on the cheek as I slowly shook my head. &quot;I am willing to permit only a very minor change as a token of peace between us. No more nor less. Nothing too drastic as I have cause to maintain my... natural appearance&quot; I made a gesture to my ears and then once again made little horn signs over my head. &quot;Nothing longer than my shortest finger.&quot; I then smiled like I was a cat that caught the canary. &quot;But~!&quot; I motioned to both of you. &quot;That is only if such is unavoidable from your rather active libidos.&quot; I then softly laughed which set my chest to jiggling rather notibly.<br> <br>Zellnessa: I extended my long, tendril-like tongue down to lick Clarise&#39;s breasts, enjoying a taste of hir milk. &quot;Perhaps I should pay a visit to that shop. I&#39;m sure I could greatly improve their business with some more... transformative products.&quot; I nuzzled up against Aurora, caressing her sides as I examined hir body. Running my fingers through her hair, I smiled. &quot;Yes, I do think you would benefit from having a few demonic traits. Something to--if you&#39;ll excuse the irony of the term--humanize you to your peers and subordinates.&quot; I licked hir cheek as my own front pair of horns shifted, cracking and bending until they pointed forward to resembled those of a bull moreso than a ram. &quot;The horns are always a crowd-pleaser and you&#39;d certainly look cute with a small set poking out from your forehead.&quot; Drifting my hand down towards the human&#39;s groin, I swished my tail contemplatively. &quot;I don&#39;t suppose you would want a little something extra dangling between your legs? Something to help keep the recruits in line?&quot; I chuckled before planting a kiss on her cheek. &quot;Hmm... Perhaps something in back, rather than in front then...&quot; I whispered to Clarise, giggling softly. &quot;And no larger than your shortest finger~&quot; I cooed playfully as my fangs grew larger and hung down from my muzzle, giving my visage an appearance resembling a sabertoothed cat.<br> <br>Jill Clarise: I smile down at you as I run my hands sensually along your curves before gently massaging your weakly lactating breasts as I brush my plush lips against your cheek as both of my cocks poke fully out of my sheath and gently press against you as I sultry say &quot;Or maybe your like me and want to partake in the strength and sensuality of a dragoness...&quot;  My hands trail along your slightly plumper curves as my breasts squish wonderfully against yours as I continue in a deeply sensual tone of voice &quot;You do seem to have a particular taste in the draconic after all and us dragoness truly do get the best of both worlds.&quot;  I nuzzle against you before sensually continuing &quot;I bet a sexy amazonian dragon herm would be the perfect fit to lead the knights...  Regal and more than merely able to please hir followers and there&#39;s precious few who questions a dragoness you know my dear...&quot;  I smile as my breasts mold against yours as I sensually say &quot;And I bet you&#39;ll get a bust to rival my own Aurora...&quot;  I smile at you through hooded eyes before sultry saying &quot;And I can give you a hands on demonstration of just what a dragoness could offer...&quot;  <br> <br>Aurora: I smirked a bit. &quot;That depends on what you were speaking of for my backside. As for the horns. If you truly must leave your mark of friendship. But do not take this as a sign of subordination. I will consider your ilk to be on friendly terms with the Dawn Riders. I will even perform joint exercises with your people to remove the threats posed by the other factions of demons. What I want most is the safety and security of this land.&quot; I then smirked and shook my finger at Zellnessa. &quot;As for endowing me with the male anatomy. What? Do you fancy me a boy?&quot; I chuckled at you now as I leaned back against the wall of the hot tub. &quot;When it comes to gifts from lust demons you will forgive me for being just a touch insistent upon knowing precisely what you have in mind before I say one way or another.&quot; I then cupped my right breast and gave my nipple a little squeeze to watch the droplets of white come out. &quot;Banish the thoughts of cloaking me in fur. I do not care for the smell of wet fur in general. Especially if it were my own and I was performing my duties.&quot; I then paused to allow Clairise&#39;s words to soak into me. I offered a warm smile as I brought both hands up to softly clap twice. &quot;I think that you both need to decide amongst yourselves which one of you will get the honors of leaving a token gesture to mark our informal alliance. Keep this small so that I may easily contain whatever it is under a mostly human visage.&quot; I looked between the both of you now as I made a flourish of my hands before tapping my ears and then making the short horns with my fingers again. &quot;I will think about it.&quot; I said with a slightly sultry huff. &quot;Are you truly that aroused that you cannot bear to bathe with me lest you try to put those beasts inside me?&quot;<br> <br>Zellnessa: I rubbed Clarise&#39;s shoulders from behind. &quot;Or what two dragonesses could offer~&quot; I cooed softly, wrapping my wings around hir. With a pleasant smile, I released the dragoness, giving hir a playful nip on the cheek. &lt;You can sculpt this one&#39;s body. It will give you a chance to test out your new magic. As one of my pets, I have made you a smith of flesh as well as metal.&gt; After sharing my will with Clarise, I sat down beside Aurora, rubbing hir shoulders. &quot;While shi gives you a physical parting gift, I would like to leave a mark of my own. Something to let us communicate with each other, even while separated~&quot;<br> <br>Jill Clarise: I smile at you as I trail one of my hands along your hips towards your pussy as I sensually say &quot;Oh my dear I assure you I fancy you nothing of the sort but I can promise you that being a herm with luscious breasts a juicy cock and a fertile pussy is among the best feelings in the world...  You&#39;ll truly have the best of both worlds and not only will you be able to give far more pleasure to others you can also take even more joy in your own bounty...&quot;  When Zell speaks to me I smile &lt;Thank you Zell I feel Aurora and I will get on splendidly in more ways than one...&gt;  I then smile down at you as I adjust myself to be in front of you giving you a full view of my immensely sexual figure and pressing my immense luscious milk gushing breasts against your own as I continue to gently press my very large draconic shafts against your legs and even with me toning it down the aphrodisiac that coats my wonderfully ridged and textured cock still rubs off on you before I sultry say &quot;Oh I would be happy to just bathe with you but I should take responsibility for relieving you considering how worked up I got you without even trying my dear...&quot;  Even as I speak I make sure you get a full chance to enjoy the sight of my before you as my breasts press and squish against yours as my hands sensually trace along your figure.<br> <br>Aurora: &quot;You speak as if we are not going to be seeing each other over the next few days. If your idea for something behind me is not too crude I might be inclined to accept. Provided I know what that small something is.&quot; Truth be told my little hints pointed to something almost feylike in appearance. Longer ears that were not furred but rather elven-like in nature. Except these ears could move rather freely like other animals often demonstrate. The horns were clearly the start of short succubi horns. If I wore my hair up in a high bun I could likely conceal all but the tips of my short horns. The tail was somewhat mundane. Perhaps the presence of lust demons had me thinking of succubi. Only my gaze drifting over Clairise&#39;s draconic tail caused me to envision a more draconic version of the same tail. These were the impressions that came from deeper within my mind. I naturally tilted my head to smirk at Zellnessa. &quot;To be strictly clear, I am not going to find myself all but unrecognizable after you two have left your respective marks am I? For the matter of the long distance communication I accept that. Although what mark would it entail precisely?&quot; I softly sighed as I was cornered in the tub now. My thighs starting to squeeze together to protect an important place from those monsterous cocks. &quot;Clairise, arroused or no, I would rather not experience the trials of a pregnancy in my line of work. Likewise I would prefer not to subject myself to such extensive changes that I am all but unrecognizable.&quot;<br> <br>Zellnessa: I allowed my body to become more draconic, growing larger as my fur hardened into dark violet scales, my mane of crimson hair becoming a mass of wriggling tendrils of the same coloration that coiled and uncoiled reflexively wherever they touched. As I brushed my scaly form against Clarise&#39;s, allowing our tails to intertwine--along with Aurora&#39;s decidedly less scaly body. I formed a faint spark of magic at the tip of one of my fingers and gently pressed it against Aurora&#39;s bosom. &quot;It is done.&quot; I said calmly, planting a soft kiss on Aurora&#39;s lips. &quot;By touching your soul, I have allowed us to share our thoughts with one another. Your soul will remain your own, of course--unless you would prefer that I hold onto it for safe keeping--and you will be free to come and go from my lands with the knowledge that my pets will recognize you as a friend.&quot; I traced a clawed digit around the base of the human&#39;s spine. &lt;Any other requests or concerns?&gt; I whispered into Aurora&#39;s mind, before addressing Clarise. &lt;You&#39;re right, pet, I&#39;m sure we will come to be the best of friends.&gt; I relayed the knight&#39;s desires to my fellow dragoness, leaning up against the human as I did so, allowing my head to rest on her shoulder and my cock to rest on her lap.<br> <br>Jill Clarise: I moan happily as I feel you thrust into my pussy and even as you do I can feel myself changing more as I feel innumerable tendrils form within my pussy and I pant in pleasure as I feel my pussy developing new muscles and it feels sssooooo good. And as you thrust against me I moan happily feeling my much larger breasts squish against yours and it feels so incredible to have such an amazingly well endowed body as my breasts squish against yours wonderfully. And as you thrust into me I start to work my tendrils over your cock as my own twin draconic cocks start to thrust between our tits and it feels amazing as I fuck my own breasts and I look down and wrap my plush lips around my cock head pulling it into my muzzle and the sensation is amazing as I taste my own potent cum as I feel our breasts jiggling wondrously around my rods and I work my pussy in ways I could never have dreamed of before but I somehow know intrinsically and I know full well just how wonderful it feels when I do it.<br> <br>Zellnessa: I gave one of Clarise&#39;s breasts a squeeze while shi milked my cock with hir tendrils. I purred loudly as shi rubbed hir shafts between our breasts, vibrating pleasantly around them. Thrusting deeper and faster into hir, I feld a familiar pressure build up as I clamaxed inside of hir, slowing down my movements slightly before slowly pullling out and resting on Clarise&#39;s torso. &lt;So, are you ready to join me in pleasuring Himeko, Clarise? I know she has been eager to have us inside of her and I think she deserves a treat~&gt;<br> <br>Jill Clarise: I&#39;m humming happily as I work on an entirely new set of armor and I can&#39;t help but smile as I use my lower pair of hands to caress and grope one of the main reasons I need to make this set as not only have I changed a great deal I also have new skills to practice and a notably larger risk of personal harm.  I let out a small happy sigh as I feel my rich cream course down my more than merely generous breasts knowing full well it&#39;s entirely worth it.  As I swing my hammer again I smile enjoying the feeling of my breasts jiggling lusciously before pouting slightly as I remember it still isn&#39;t the right time to show myself in all of my new glory.  As that is the case I look largely the same as I did previously but my body is notably more endowed.  Nothing major or significant.  Just enough that most are unlikely to comment and if needed there&#39;s a few cosmetic brews that I could pass it off as.  I shake my head again as I real in my musk just a bit.  My workshop looks somewhat similar to a blacksmith but the forge is notably different as the flame is sliver and gold in color and while there are objects that are similar to coals within the forge it&#39;s actually a flame of raw mana that I can manipulate to work with even the most difficult of materials.  My tools and anvils are also different and are some of most valuable possessions.  They are made of a light blue metal with streaks of almost glittery darker blue within them.  These tools are made of caliburn steel a material solely reserved for mage smiths for its many unique properties.  I don&#39;t lock them up as they simply cannot be stolen.  In addition to my forge, work bench and anvils I have various covered vats ready for a piece tobe quenched within them.  There are also other work benches and devices that glimmer with the telltale blueness of caliburn steel and their uses are known only to fellow mage smiths for finishing and creating immensely powerful or simple arcane objects.  At the entrance there&#39;s a smallish area that has a bench next to the entry way that has a counter around it and a simple looking gate.  On the counter there&#39;s a sign saying &#39;Please speak to me to conduct business&#39;  Next to it is a fairly simple looking metal sign that says &#39;It is safe to interrupt me&#39; if it wasn&#39;t the sign would say otherwise.<br> <br>Zellnessa: I knocked on the door to Clarise&#39;s shop, calling to the dragoness inside. I carried a sturdy wooden box half the height of my torso in my lower pair of arms while my top pair drummed lightly on the lid. &quot;Clarise! I&#39;ve brought the materials!&quot; I swished my tail happily behind me, noting that the door was unlocked before letting myself in. &quot;Is there anywhere you want this?&quot; I asked, setting the box down by the counter.<br> <br>Jill Clarise: I blink and look up at you as I raise an eyebrow at you as you found the materials far faster than I expected.  I shake my head quickly before nodding towards the safe &quot;Bring it over to my safe I&#39;ll need to sort and store it.  I&#39;m actually really impressed you managed to find all of the material so quickly but I will need to make sure the material is usable as some of them can be deceptive in their state.&quot;  With that said I reach into a pouch upon my belt and place several small...  You honestly can&#39;t make them out.  They&#39;re clearly caliburn steel but their shape is impossible to make out at all as if light itself was confused by their shape.  Once their in position a silvery blue shimmer seems to form around the emblem as if it is surrounded by an immense heat.  I nod as I see the telltale shimmer appear and after a moment I nod again and carefully pick up the emblem with a pair of heavily runed calibrun steel tongs and proceed to very carefully maneuver the emblem back to the device I took it from.  The device can merely best be described as being in a location where there was definitely nothing before and very painful to look at for some unkown reason and as the door closes it seems to implode or dissolve into thin air or something you can&#39;t rightly describe.  All in all it took about 5 minutes for me to finish before I come over and open the safe door and nod for you to follow me inside.<br> <br>Behind Zelnessa Seneca pads in in hir four legged form, hir shoulder at waist height to hir Mistress Zellnessa. Sie courously inspects the items for sale and other decorations of the shop, &quot;Mistress Zellnessa is a very capable Mistress and has very dedicated pets who enjoy serving hir.&quot;<br> <br>Zellnessa: I purred happily, carrying the crate to the safe. &quot;Well, I didn&#39;t collect them on my own. Seneca helped a great deal.&quot; I blushed as I followed Clarise into the safe. &quot;I care for my family a great deal and I want hir and Himeko to each have one, too, so I gathered as much as I could find.&quot; Swishing my tail happily behind me, I beckoned Seneca closer, nuzzing up against the dragoness affectionately. &quot;Clarise, this is Seneca.&quot; I said, still holding my mate close.<br> <br>Jill Clarise: I nod and smile as I give Seneca a scratch behind hir ears as I sensually say &quot;I&#39;m happy to meet you Seneca as Zell does speak very highly of you.&quot;  I nod again as I take the crate from you before I continue &quot;Both of you definitly did good work finding all of this.  I will need a couple of minutes to check everything to make sure it will work before storing it away.  Do feel free to enjoy each others company as this will take a notable bit of time.&quot;  With that I smile at the two of you before heading into my safe and placing the crate upon a substantial table within my vault before I open it up carefully.<br> <br>Seneca hiss purred and nuzzled and rubbed hir head against Zellnessa&#39;s belly, &quot;Mistress is too kind to Seneca.&quot; Sie half closed hir eyes from Jill&#39;s head rub and hiss purred louder. When Clarise moves to hir workspace Seneca rears up on two legs, but maintains hir quadraped form. Sie licks hir Mistress&#39;s muzzle, &quot;Seneca likes not pet Clarise. Sie wonders if Mistress has plans for making hir on of our beloved pets?&quot;<br> <br>Zellnessa didn&#39;t need an invitation to paw at Seneca, finding a nice place to pleasure hir sexy dragoness. Shi snickered softly, kissing Seneca on the mouth before giving hir an affectionate squeeze. &quot;It&#39;s difficult to tell because of all the wards in place, but Clarise is already one of our pets, and I think you will appreciate hir form as much as I do, my love~.&quot;<br> <br>Seneca concentrates on the magic around hir even as hir arousal makes itself known prodding hir Mistress&#39;s belly. Sie shakes hir head, &quot;Silly Seneca! Sie should have paid mor attention to the magic.&quot; Sie rubbed hir draconic member against hir mistress&#39;s belly scales. &quot;Seneca must have missed the name of this city on the list of conversion targets.&quot;<br> <br>Jill Clarise: I nod to myself as I open up the lid and see inside but as I do I notice the stasis magic you put on the box.  I immediately grab a calibrun steel quill from my belt and scratch out the runes as even an inactive stasis spell can render a few of the materials I need wholly inert and worthless.  With that done I carefully look through the crate before pulling out a shimmering steel blue crystal I spend a minute or two looking over it before gently running the quill over it and I let out a sigh as it remains intact.  I set that aside before pulling out a few other ones and I very notably relax as I finish examining a vial containing a liquid metal that seems to be goldish read in color and with all of those materials set in their proper storage I stick my head out of the safe before saying in a very serious tone &quot;Zell in the future make sure to check with me before placing a stasis spell on a container with materials I requested inside.  While stasis is widely believed to be perfectly safe it can ruin several of the materials on my list.  Luckily the alchemic adamantine mercury wasn&#39;t in there long as other wise there would have been an awful racket about an immense explosion!&quot;  I sigh and shake my head before continuing &quot;Sorry for snapping but some of what us mage smiths work with is very very potent and rare and requires certain safety precautions I should have told you before you headed out.  I&#39;ll only need a few more minutes to make sure the rest is usable but it should be.&quot;<br> <br>Zellnessa stroked Seneca&#39;s shaft as shi pressed hir body against hir pet&#39;s. &quot;I was going to wait a while before coming here, but our new daughter, Himeko told me about Clarise&#39;s skill, so we decided to move this city up on the list--or at least Clarise, specifically.&quot; Zellnessa grinned, rubbing hir muzzle against Seneca&#39;s and feeling hir own draconic cock twitch in its sheathe. &quot;I know you haven&#39;t met her yet, but I think you&#39;ll like her, too.&quot; Shi smiled as shi nuzzled with Seneca, &quot;My cute little moth-princess is such a good girl~&quot;<br> <br>Zellnessa called out to Clarise. &quot;I&#39;m very pleased to hear that!&quot;<br> <br>Seneca rubs hir muzzle agaisnt hir Mistress&#39;s adding playful licks with hir forked tongue, &quot;Moths are cute furry bugs. Seneca is intrested in meeting her, Mistress.&quot; Sie looks towards Clarise&#39;s work space frowing at the lack of propper respect in her speach. Sie turns back to hir mistress, &quot;Seneca doesn&#39;t object to the importance of what Mage Smith Pet Clarise has to say to Mistress, but sie wonders if she needs remedial behavior corection, Mistress. Perhaps a belly buldging clutch of eggs?&quot; Seneca flexes hir tail to rub hir Mistress&#39;s, hir nose detecting the faint wiff of arousal.<br> <br>Zellnessa licked back at Seneca, fondling one of hir breasts. &quot;I&#39;ve also added some elements of bees, wasps, and spiders to Himeko, but I think I&#39;m going to give hir the ability to re-adjust hir body configuration to one that is more manageable for hir line of work--and in the bedroom.&quot; Shi chuckled softly at Seneca&#39;s concern, rubbing hir shoulders. &quot;Shi has a dangerous line of work and the safety of hirself, hir mistress, and hir customers is of great concern to hir. If shi&#39;s short with us, it&#39;s only because shi loves us and doesn&#39;t want us to accidentally blow up hir shop.&quot;<br> <br>The thought of spiders made Seneca shudder, all those eyes and drinking their prey&#39;s blood. There was a reason sie enjoyed making vampires burst into flame. Sie hiss purred as hir Micked hir. Sie opened hir maw to take hir mistress&#39;s tongue into hir muzzle and entwined hir tongue with hir mistress&#39;s. As sie continued to give hir mistress an open muzzle french kiss sie sent, &lt;Seneca understands mistress. Sometimes one is short with those they love the most.&gt; Hir paws wrapped around hir mistress and rubbed down hir back in a hug.<br> <br>Jill Clarise: As I said it only took about another five minutes for me to finish sorting through the material to make sure it was all there.  Once I confirmed that I had what I needed it took another five or so minutes for me to store it all away before I nod and smile as I seal the locker I keep materials for Emblems in.  With all of the materials dealt with I take another minute or so to check over my store room and clean up the small mess I made while organizing and accessing the materials you brought me before I step out of the safe and secure the door behind me.  I then smile at you as I say &quot;Well turns out everything you got me is usable Zell.  At minimum I&#39;ll need to finish my current Maethic Emblem and do any repairs that might be needed to my equipment before I can start on yours.  The good news though is with how long you&#39;ve spent here combined with the adjustments I&#39;ve been able to make with my new abilities I wont have to wait for my mana reserves to top off before I start on yours.&quot;  I think for a moment before saying &quot;Assuming I stay as unbusy as I am right now I should have your armor ready within two or three weeks from now.  Your weapon though I should have finished by this time next week.&quot;<br> <br>Zellnessa Held Seneca in hir arms, purring happily as shi heard the good news from Clarise. &quot;That&#39;s wonderful! I&#39;m sure we&#39;ll look quite lovely in our new armor. More importantly, I&#39;m confident that your work will keep my family safe.&quot; Zellnessa beckoned Clarise to join hir and hir mate as shi rubbed beneath Seneca&#39;s chin. &lt;I&#39;m sure you&#39;ll love Himeko, pet. She&#39;s as devoted to me as our daughter as you are to me as my mate~&gt;<br> <br>Seneca pulled away from hir deep kiss of hir Mistress to turn hir head towards Clarise, &quot;Seneca is sorry sie thought your loving consern for our Mistress was lack of respect to hir. For this Seneca apologizes. Seneca still hopes that pet Clarise would allow Mistress Pet Seneca and Mistress Zellnessa to fill you wil many eggs.&quot; &lt;Seneca loves our adopted daughter, and is certian that sie will love Himeko as will Mistress.&gt;<br> <br>Aurora: &quot;You speak as if we are not going to be seeing each other over the next few days. If your idea for something behind me is not too crude I might be inclined to accept. Provided I know what that small something is.&quot; Truth be told my little hints pointed to something almost feylike in appearance. Longer ears that were not furred but rather elven-like in nature. Except these ears could move rather freely like other animals often demonstrate. The horns were clearly the start of short succubi horns. If I wore my hair up in a high bun I could likely conceal all but the tips of my short horns. The tail was somewhat mundane. Perhaps the presence of lust demons had me thinking of succubi. Only my gaze drifting over Clairise&#39;s draconic tail caused me to envision a more draconic version of the same tail. These were the impressions that came from deeper within my mind. I naturally tilted my head to smirk at Zellnessa. &quot;To be strictly clear, I am not going to find myself all but unrecognizable after you two have left your respective marks am I? For the matter of the long distance communication I accept that. Although what mark would it entail precisely?&quot; I softly sighed as I was cornered in the tub now. My thighs starting to squeeze together to protect an important place from those monsterous cocks. &quot;Clairise, arroused or no, I would rather not experience the trials of a pregnancy in my line of work. Likewise I would prefer not to subject myself to such extensive changes that I am all but unrecognizable.&quot;<br> <br>Jill Clarise: I smile as I get the sense of what you desire for right now.  My smile widens a little before I send Zell a mental image of how I suspect you&#39;ll end up and the way I sent it left a small small chance you might catch a hint of the idea.  That is another well endowed succubus dragon like me perhaps leaning a little more towards the demonic side of things.  I then nod as I settle myself a bit in front of you before sensually saying &quot;Of course my dear.  It wouldn&#39;t do to change you so much you&#39;ll frighten your fellow knights but I do look forward to what the future might hold in store for you my dear.&quot;  As you speak of not desiring a pregnancy at this time I nod again and as I speak I very gently press my twin draconic cocks against your legs &quot;Well my dear as I am a succubus I can assure you that as you do not desire children at this time I will not get you pregnant no matter how much intimate fun we have as that is one of our abilities but if you would rather not have sex I understand.&quot;  I then smile and lean my luscious breasts against your generous bust before sensually saying &quot;But I somehow suspect you do want some of what I have to offer.&quot;  I then lean in close and in a sultry whisper I say &quot;I have noticed just how much you&#39;ve been eying up me and all of my more...  Sexual assets my dear...&quot;<br> <br>Aurora: I looked directly at Zellnessa as I reiterated my earlier question out of curiosity. &quot;Care to explain what you meant by a little something behind if not in the front? I would prefer you use a certain blunt frankness my new friend. Otherwise we might come to a misunderstanding you know?&quot; I winked at you before I looked to Clairise with a smile. &quot;I think we might be nearing a point of no return if I were to indulge in your offer. &quot; I then cupped my own breasts with my hands as I leaned back against Zell&#39;s hand that was undoubtably still resting behind my back. &quot;I cannot be rushed into anything I am afraid. You will need to exercise a healthy dose of patience if you are to prove your friendship for the long-term. You would certainly stand to benefit from a military order no doubt. Prove yourselves to be honorable and I could in turn use that to justify your presence publicly even.&quot; I then held up my right hand to tick points off. &quot;First however, we would need to quell the tide of rising incursions from not only demons, but bandits and especialy the beasts driven on by the demons. The so-called demonic beasts which are not quite the same as common animals.
When Clairise pressed her seductive sale upon me I smiled at the draconic demoness and put a hand up to gently press hir upon the breasts. &quot;Patience lest you make me think you are a hair-trigger.&quot; I then chuckled softly before I stood up while lightly pushing against Clairise. &quot;Remain seated for the moment please.&quot; I took advantage of my not insignificant stature of 6&#39;2&quot; to at least look you in the eyes before I grinned and then stole a kiss from your right cheek. &quot;You would utterly devestate me if you used those on me. I shall abstain from such passionate joinings for now. Oh, I hope that I did not disappoint you by denying you your pleasure. &quot;That said, you could lick me until I cum if you pleased.&quot; I then sat up on the ledge of the hot tub and spread my legs while reaching down to part my petals for your viewing pleasure. &quot;Would that be acceptable at all? Afterall you have left me rather hot and bothered thanks to your aroma.&quot;<br> <br>Jill Clarise : I chuckle causing my breasts to jiggle wonderfully and at that feeling I smile happily before my smile turns into a full out grin as you advice patiences before I sensually say &quot;Oh that is fine by me my dear.&quot;  I pat my breast with one of my hands and smile as my tit jiggles and my hand sinks into my immensely soft breast before I say &quot;I waited long enough to get a body like this I&#39;m more than happy to wait longer as I take great pleasure from just enjoying what my new body has to offer my dear.&quot;  I then lean back as you adjust your self before sensually saying &quot;Oh you don&#39;t need to worry about getting ruined by me in any way other than making any future partner seem woefully insufficient in comparison as I would quite readily allow you to be flexible enough to enjoy my full girth if we were to couple.&quot;  My smile widens and I stick out just a bit of my very long and notably thick draconic tongue before pulling it back into my mouth and sultry saying &quot;Oh I would be quite happy to give you some oral you wont ever forget but aren&#39;t you concerned that&#39;ll ruin you as well...  I assure you it would be worth it though...&quot;<br> <br>Aurora: I laughed and leaned forward while rubbing my thighs with my wet hands. &quot;I hardly consider a tongue to be in the same league as those monsterous beasts you would call your &#39;cocks&#39;. I do not dare even think of spreading myself to take one of those.&quot; I then flashed a devious smile. &quot;Perhaps one could find a sufficient tool to provide a fitting grasp that you would likely enjoy immensely.&quot; I then glanced at Zellnessa while another bold idea strikes me. I slipped into the tub once again and now moved over to the both of you while holding my hands out as I said, &quot; Permit me to climb up so that I may find a seat that is most fitting for this manner of play.&quot; I naturally planned to climb Zell and then turn about to thrust that cleft between my thighs into Clairise&#39;s face. Unless one or both of you hindered such an action it would be the very course that I then proceeded upon.[[Category:RPLogs]]

Latest revision as of 23:34, 10 January 2018





Zellnessa: I set down three plates of diced chicken breast and egg noodles in the kitchen. The aroma of the seasoned chicken and cream sauce filled the air as I approached the washroom. Purring loudly, I entered the bubbling warm water, allowing myself to relax. "So, Aurora, I see you've been enjoying my lotions and oils. Are there any other transformations you would like to try?" I asked before wrapping an arm around Clarise. "Or perhaps you would like to take some home to share with your friends?" I chuckled softly as my cock began to stiffen in the warm water as I gazed upon your beautiful bodies. "I'm certain they would be quite popular."

Jill Clarise: I nod as you speak before sensually saying "Yes everything is sorted and now I just need to wait for the materials to be ready so I should be able to start upon your armor tomorrow morning." I then chuckle causing my immense and luscious breasts to jiggle deliciously before settling down in the hot tub next to you my incredibly soft breasts pressing against yours getting just a small touch of the aphrodisiac that coats my scales upon you before I smile down at youo and say "Well Aurora I feel obliged to respect your desires as I know full well what I am and how you must naturally be at least mildly cautious when it comes to me." I then smile at you and reach around and gently grope your breasts before I place my plush lips against your ears and sensually nibble you just barely brushing my viscous fangs against you as I sultry say "Well I am quite prepared to take as many liberties with you as you desire my dear..." Even as I speak the tips of my twin draconic lengths begin to push forth from my sheaths as my super rich cream begins to leave streams within the hot tub as my immense luscious breasts gently sway with the current. I then smile as Zell joins us and as shi mentions sharing them I can't help but jiggle rubbing my luscious tits against both of you wonderfully.

Aurora: I reached up to touch your lips with my left hand as I reached behind to fish out the heated scales oil that I had purposely set aside to sate my curiosity. I held it up for you to see. "Does this truly work? Would it cause a scaleless human to grow scales by chance if she were to touch it?" I had a hint of amusement in my voice as I waited to hear your answer so that I knew what to expect. I wondered how potent it was and you were quite obviously the scaliest amongst us. I then looked to Zell with a pleasant enough smile. "Oh? Why would you make such an offer if I might enquire? Did I not state that my cooperation hinged upon your behavior. Hmmmnn I wonder what I should do with such passionate demons barely containing themselves in my presence sweet presence." I was teasing both of you by putting on a rather over-the-top mock tone. I then leaned closer to Zell before I gestured with a finger for you to lean in as well. Our faces would nearly be touching at this point if you obliged me. "How dire is your desire to use those beasts on me?" I motioned to your cocks before I leaned back and swept the hot waters over my impressive (for a human) bust. "I just a little as you are undoubtably aware. Although I would question what could come of such play. Would I spout horns and a spaded tail? I could imagine worse fates I suppose. "I would strongly advise you to show some modest restraint though with your efforts to recruit others. It might lend for misunderstandings otherwise." I then tapped the tips of my ears and pointed my index fingers upwards from them before I burst into a fit of chuckles.

Zellnessa: I purred loudly, coiling my tail around Clarise's as I nibbled gently at hir neck. reaching one hand down to stroke one of hir cocks. Turning to Aurora, I nodded as she picked up the oil. "It can do that. It's an excellent way of allowing humans and other scaleless creatures to try out some of the features of a different body without having to commit to it. The effects are permanent in large doses, but reversable with a different mixture or through other transformative magics." Leaning in towards Aurora, I rubbed noses with her. "We are sensual creatures and would greatly enjoy an opportunity to share our bodies with you." Giving the human a pat on the head, I chuckled softly. I could provide you with such transformations if you would like, but what you become need not be similar in form to myself or the one who couples with you. For example, I could turn you into a bipedal wolf-woman. A strong, proud form such as that would suit you well, I think. As for recruiting others, I've been fairly cautious and I *strongly* prefer willing converts--though certain particularly abominable individuals... deserve whatever fate we mete out for them."

Zellnessa: I purred loudly, coiling my tail around Clarise's as I nibbled gently at hir neck. reaching one hand down to stroke one of hir cocks. Leaning in towards Aurora, I rubbed noses with her. "We are sensual creatures and would greatly enjoy an opportunity to share our bodies with you." Giving the human a pat on the head, I chuckled softly. I could provide you with such transformations if you would like, but what you become need not be similar in form to myself or the one who couples with you. For example, I could turn you into a bipedal wolf-woman. A strong, proud form such as that would suit you well, I think. As for recruiting others, I've been fairly cautious and I *strongly* prefer willing converts--though certain particularly abominable individuals... deserve whatever fate we mete out for them."

Jill Clarise: I raise an eyebrow Aurora before chuckling jiggling my luscious tits against both of you before sensually saying "Well I hate to say it but Heated Scales is just a name brand aphrodisiac." I shrug again before nodding to the others one as I say "The dragon themed stuff just comes from the adult shop downtown. When I bought them they were just name brands that struck my fancy as I've always been more than a bit of a fan of dragons. They all do what they say but their effects don't last very long at all to be honest which isn't that surprising as last I checked they're just your run of the mill adult concoctions." I nod then towards the more clearly demonic ones "Those are the ones that have an actual permanent affect but much to my shagrin they didn't do anything for me which was why I wanted them." After you pull us close I smile as I feel a much more notable bit of draconic cocks poke forth from my sheaths and I lean over and press my luscious lips near your cheek as I sultry say "Oh my sweet Aurora I do desire to give you the fucking of your life my dear and I promise I'll only change you in ways you desire Aurora..."

Aurora: I had to smirk a bit as I carfully held the container of heated scales in my hand. So it would not be far-fetched to say that you must greatly desire my command of knights and the common soldiers at the Dawn Fortress? I will permit you to be a little bit more sensual in my presence. However, I would hope you can avoid doing anything that would cause excessive changes to my person at this time. Small changes are readily explained away as a hazard of our line of work. Larger changes bring question of collusion. "As amusing as the prospects of becoming a literal bitch might be. I would have to pass on the wet dog smell." I smirked a bit before opened the container and sniffed at the contents. "Will this make one highly aroused if they touch it? What if I were to rub it all over our lovely dragon here? I poured some into the palm of my left hand and then quickly leaned over to rub it against Clairise's neck and cheeks as shi rubbed against me. "Mmmmm~ my very own horns and spaded tail?" I took a tone as if I were tempted by your offer. "Just the sort of thing that a Knight Captain of the Dawn Riders would need to dry the stares and ire of her subbordinates." I gave you a pat on the cheek as I slowly shook my head. "I am willing to permit only a very minor change as a token of peace between us. No more nor less. Nothing too drastic as I have cause to maintain my... natural appearance" I made a gesture to my ears and then once again made little horn signs over my head. "Nothing longer than my shortest finger." I then smiled like I was a cat that caught the canary. "But~!" I motioned to both of you. "That is only if such is unavoidable from your rather active libidos." I then softly laughed which set my chest to jiggling rather notibly.

Zellnessa: I extended my long, tendril-like tongue down to lick Clarise's breasts, enjoying a taste of hir milk. "Perhaps I should pay a visit to that shop. I'm sure I could greatly improve their business with some more... transformative products." I nuzzled up against Aurora, caressing her sides as I examined hir body. Running my fingers through her hair, I smiled. "Yes, I do think you would benefit from having a few demonic traits. Something to--if you'll excuse the irony of the term--humanize you to your peers and subordinates." I licked hir cheek as my own front pair of horns shifted, cracking and bending until they pointed forward to resembled those of a bull moreso than a ram. "The horns are always a crowd-pleaser and you'd certainly look cute with a small set poking out from your forehead." Drifting my hand down towards the human's groin, I swished my tail contemplatively. "I don't suppose you would want a little something extra dangling between your legs? Something to help keep the recruits in line?" I chuckled before planting a kiss on her cheek. "Hmm... Perhaps something in back, rather than in front then..." I whispered to Clarise, giggling softly. "And no larger than your shortest finger~" I cooed playfully as my fangs grew larger and hung down from my muzzle, giving my visage an appearance resembling a sabertoothed cat.

Jill Clarise: I smile down at you as I run my hands sensually along your curves before gently massaging your weakly lactating breasts as I brush my plush lips against your cheek as both of my cocks poke fully out of my sheath and gently press against you as I sultry say "Or maybe your like me and want to partake in the strength and sensuality of a dragoness..." My hands trail along your slightly plumper curves as my breasts squish wonderfully against yours as I continue in a deeply sensual tone of voice "You do seem to have a particular taste in the draconic after all and us dragoness truly do get the best of both worlds." I nuzzle against you before sensually continuing "I bet a sexy amazonian dragon herm would be the perfect fit to lead the knights... Regal and more than merely able to please hir followers and there's precious few who questions a dragoness you know my dear..." I smile as my breasts mold against yours as I sensually say "And I bet you'll get a bust to rival my own Aurora..." I smile at you through hooded eyes before sultry saying "And I can give you a hands on demonstration of just what a dragoness could offer..."

Aurora: I smirked a bit. "That depends on what you were speaking of for my backside. As for the horns. If you truly must leave your mark of friendship. But do not take this as a sign of subordination. I will consider your ilk to be on friendly terms with the Dawn Riders. I will even perform joint exercises with your people to remove the threats posed by the other factions of demons. What I want most is the safety and security of this land." I then smirked and shook my finger at Zellnessa. "As for endowing me with the male anatomy. What? Do you fancy me a boy?" I chuckled at you now as I leaned back against the wall of the hot tub. "When it comes to gifts from lust demons you will forgive me for being just a touch insistent upon knowing precisely what you have in mind before I say one way or another." I then cupped my right breast and gave my nipple a little squeeze to watch the droplets of white come out. "Banish the thoughts of cloaking me in fur. I do not care for the smell of wet fur in general. Especially if it were my own and I was performing my duties." I then paused to allow Clairise's words to soak into me. I offered a warm smile as I brought both hands up to softly clap twice. "I think that you both need to decide amongst yourselves which one of you will get the honors of leaving a token gesture to mark our informal alliance. Keep this small so that I may easily contain whatever it is under a mostly human visage." I looked between the both of you now as I made a flourish of my hands before tapping my ears and then making the short horns with my fingers again. "I will think about it." I said with a slightly sultry huff. "Are you truly that aroused that you cannot bear to bathe with me lest you try to put those beasts inside me?"

Zellnessa: I rubbed Clarise's shoulders from behind. "Or what two dragonesses could offer~" I cooed softly, wrapping my wings around hir. With a pleasant smile, I released the dragoness, giving hir a playful nip on the cheek. <You can sculpt this one's body. It will give you a chance to test out your new magic. As one of my pets, I have made you a smith of flesh as well as metal.> After sharing my will with Clarise, I sat down beside Aurora, rubbing hir shoulders. "While shi gives you a physical parting gift, I would like to leave a mark of my own. Something to let us communicate with each other, even while separated~"

Jill Clarise: I smile at you as I trail one of my hands along your hips towards your pussy as I sensually say "Oh my dear I assure you I fancy you nothing of the sort but I can promise you that being a herm with luscious breasts a juicy cock and a fertile pussy is among the best feelings in the world... You'll truly have the best of both worlds and not only will you be able to give far more pleasure to others you can also take even more joy in your own bounty..." When Zell speaks to me I smile <Thank you Zell I feel Aurora and I will get on splendidly in more ways than one...> I then smile down at you as I adjust myself to be in front of you giving you a full view of my immensely sexual figure and pressing my immense luscious milk gushing breasts against your own as I continue to gently press my very large draconic shafts against your legs and even with me toning it down the aphrodisiac that coats my wonderfully ridged and textured cock still rubs off on you before I sultry say "Oh I would be happy to just bathe with you but I should take responsibility for relieving you considering how worked up I got you without even trying my dear..." Even as I speak I make sure you get a full chance to enjoy the sight of my before you as my breasts press and squish against yours as my hands sensually trace along your figure.

Aurora: "You speak as if we are not going to be seeing each other over the next few days. If your idea for something behind me is not too crude I might be inclined to accept. Provided I know what that small something is." Truth be told my little hints pointed to something almost feylike in appearance. Longer ears that were not furred but rather elven-like in nature. Except these ears could move rather freely like other animals often demonstrate. The horns were clearly the start of short succubi horns. If I wore my hair up in a high bun I could likely conceal all but the tips of my short horns. The tail was somewhat mundane. Perhaps the presence of lust demons had me thinking of succubi. Only my gaze drifting over Clairise's draconic tail caused me to envision a more draconic version of the same tail. These were the impressions that came from deeper within my mind. I naturally tilted my head to smirk at Zellnessa. "To be strictly clear, I am not going to find myself all but unrecognizable after you two have left your respective marks am I? For the matter of the long distance communication I accept that. Although what mark would it entail precisely?" I softly sighed as I was cornered in the tub now. My thighs starting to squeeze together to protect an important place from those monsterous cocks. "Clairise, arroused or no, I would rather not experience the trials of a pregnancy in my line of work. Likewise I would prefer not to subject myself to such extensive changes that I am all but unrecognizable."

Zellnessa: I allowed my body to become more draconic, growing larger as my fur hardened into dark violet scales, my mane of crimson hair becoming a mass of wriggling tendrils of the same coloration that coiled and uncoiled reflexively wherever they touched. As I brushed my scaly form against Clarise's, allowing our tails to intertwine--along with Aurora's decidedly less scaly body. I formed a faint spark of magic at the tip of one of my fingers and gently pressed it against Aurora's bosom. "It is done." I said calmly, planting a soft kiss on Aurora's lips. "By touching your soul, I have allowed us to share our thoughts with one another. Your soul will remain your own, of course--unless you would prefer that I hold onto it for safe keeping--and you will be free to come and go from my lands with the knowledge that my pets will recognize you as a friend." I traced a clawed digit around the base of the human's spine. <Any other requests or concerns?> I whispered into Aurora's mind, before addressing Clarise. <You're right, pet, I'm sure we will come to be the best of friends.> I relayed the knight's desires to my fellow dragoness, leaning up against the human as I did so, allowing my head to rest on her shoulder and my cock to rest on her lap.

Jill Clarise: I moan happily as I feel you thrust into my pussy and even as you do I can feel myself changing more as I feel innumerable tendrils form within my pussy and I pant in pleasure as I feel my pussy developing new muscles and it feels sssooooo good. And as you thrust against me I moan happily feeling my much larger breasts squish against yours and it feels so incredible to have such an amazingly well endowed body as my breasts squish against yours wonderfully. And as you thrust into me I start to work my tendrils over your cock as my own twin draconic cocks start to thrust between our tits and it feels amazing as I fuck my own breasts and I look down and wrap my plush lips around my cock head pulling it into my muzzle and the sensation is amazing as I taste my own potent cum as I feel our breasts jiggling wondrously around my rods and I work my pussy in ways I could never have dreamed of before but I somehow know intrinsically and I know full well just how wonderful it feels when I do it.

Zellnessa: I gave one of Clarise's breasts a squeeze while shi milked my cock with hir tendrils. I purred loudly as shi rubbed hir shafts between our breasts, vibrating pleasantly around them. Thrusting deeper and faster into hir, I feld a familiar pressure build up as I clamaxed inside of hir, slowing down my movements slightly before slowly pullling out and resting on Clarise's torso. <So, are you ready to join me in pleasuring Himeko, Clarise? I know she has been eager to have us inside of her and I think she deserves a treat~>

Jill Clarise: I'm humming happily as I work on an entirely new set of armor and I can't help but smile as I use my lower pair of hands to caress and grope one of the main reasons I need to make this set as not only have I changed a great deal I also have new skills to practice and a notably larger risk of personal harm. I let out a small happy sigh as I feel my rich cream course down my more than merely generous breasts knowing full well it's entirely worth it. As I swing my hammer again I smile enjoying the feeling of my breasts jiggling lusciously before pouting slightly as I remember it still isn't the right time to show myself in all of my new glory. As that is the case I look largely the same as I did previously but my body is notably more endowed. Nothing major or significant. Just enough that most are unlikely to comment and if needed there's a few cosmetic brews that I could pass it off as. I shake my head again as I real in my musk just a bit. My workshop looks somewhat similar to a blacksmith but the forge is notably different as the flame is sliver and gold in color and while there are objects that are similar to coals within the forge it's actually a flame of raw mana that I can manipulate to work with even the most difficult of materials. My tools and anvils are also different and are some of most valuable possessions. They are made of a light blue metal with streaks of almost glittery darker blue within them. These tools are made of caliburn steel a material solely reserved for mage smiths for its many unique properties. I don't lock them up as they simply cannot be stolen. In addition to my forge, work bench and anvils I have various covered vats ready for a piece tobe quenched within them. There are also other work benches and devices that glimmer with the telltale blueness of caliburn steel and their uses are known only to fellow mage smiths for finishing and creating immensely powerful or simple arcane objects. At the entrance there's a smallish area that has a bench next to the entry way that has a counter around it and a simple looking gate. On the counter there's a sign saying 'Please speak to me to conduct business' Next to it is a fairly simple looking metal sign that says 'It is safe to interrupt me' if it wasn't the sign would say otherwise.

Zellnessa: I knocked on the door to Clarise's shop, calling to the dragoness inside. I carried a sturdy wooden box half the height of my torso in my lower pair of arms while my top pair drummed lightly on the lid. "Clarise! I've brought the materials!" I swished my tail happily behind me, noting that the door was unlocked before letting myself in. "Is there anywhere you want this?" I asked, setting the box down by the counter.

Jill Clarise: I blink and look up at you as I raise an eyebrow at you as you found the materials far faster than I expected. I shake my head quickly before nodding towards the safe "Bring it over to my safe I'll need to sort and store it. I'm actually really impressed you managed to find all of the material so quickly but I will need to make sure the material is usable as some of them can be deceptive in their state." With that said I reach into a pouch upon my belt and place several small... You honestly can't make them out. They're clearly caliburn steel but their shape is impossible to make out at all as if light itself was confused by their shape. Once their in position a silvery blue shimmer seems to form around the emblem as if it is surrounded by an immense heat. I nod as I see the telltale shimmer appear and after a moment I nod again and carefully pick up the emblem with a pair of heavily runed calibrun steel tongs and proceed to very carefully maneuver the emblem back to the device I took it from. The device can merely best be described as being in a location where there was definitely nothing before and very painful to look at for some unkown reason and as the door closes it seems to implode or dissolve into thin air or something you can't rightly describe. All in all it took about 5 minutes for me to finish before I come over and open the safe door and nod for you to follow me inside.

Behind Zelnessa Seneca pads in in hir four legged form, hir shoulder at waist height to hir Mistress Zellnessa. Sie courously inspects the items for sale and other decorations of the shop, "Mistress Zellnessa is a very capable Mistress and has very dedicated pets who enjoy serving hir."

Zellnessa: I purred happily, carrying the crate to the safe. "Well, I didn't collect them on my own. Seneca helped a great deal." I blushed as I followed Clarise into the safe. "I care for my family a great deal and I want hir and Himeko to each have one, too, so I gathered as much as I could find." Swishing my tail happily behind me, I beckoned Seneca closer, nuzzing up against the dragoness affectionately. "Clarise, this is Seneca." I said, still holding my mate close.

Jill Clarise: I nod and smile as I give Seneca a scratch behind hir ears as I sensually say "I'm happy to meet you Seneca as Zell does speak very highly of you." I nod again as I take the crate from you before I continue "Both of you definitly did good work finding all of this. I will need a couple of minutes to check everything to make sure it will work before storing it away. Do feel free to enjoy each others company as this will take a notable bit of time." With that I smile at the two of you before heading into my safe and placing the crate upon a substantial table within my vault before I open it up carefully.

Seneca hiss purred and nuzzled and rubbed hir head against Zellnessa's belly, "Mistress is too kind to Seneca." Sie half closed hir eyes from Jill's head rub and hiss purred louder. When Clarise moves to hir workspace Seneca rears up on two legs, but maintains hir quadraped form. Sie licks hir Mistress's muzzle, "Seneca likes not pet Clarise. Sie wonders if Mistress has plans for making hir on of our beloved pets?"

Zellnessa didn't need an invitation to paw at Seneca, finding a nice place to pleasure hir sexy dragoness. Shi snickered softly, kissing Seneca on the mouth before giving hir an affectionate squeeze. "It's difficult to tell because of all the wards in place, but Clarise is already one of our pets, and I think you will appreciate hir form as much as I do, my love~."

Seneca concentrates on the magic around hir even as hir arousal makes itself known prodding hir Mistress's belly. Sie shakes hir head, "Silly Seneca! Sie should have paid mor attention to the magic." Sie rubbed hir draconic member against hir mistress's belly scales. "Seneca must have missed the name of this city on the list of conversion targets."

Jill Clarise: I nod to myself as I open up the lid and see inside but as I do I notice the stasis magic you put on the box. I immediately grab a calibrun steel quill from my belt and scratch out the runes as even an inactive stasis spell can render a few of the materials I need wholly inert and worthless. With that done I carefully look through the crate before pulling out a shimmering steel blue crystal I spend a minute or two looking over it before gently running the quill over it and I let out a sigh as it remains intact. I set that aside before pulling out a few other ones and I very notably relax as I finish examining a vial containing a liquid metal that seems to be goldish read in color and with all of those materials set in their proper storage I stick my head out of the safe before saying in a very serious tone "Zell in the future make sure to check with me before placing a stasis spell on a container with materials I requested inside. While stasis is widely believed to be perfectly safe it can ruin several of the materials on my list. Luckily the alchemic adamantine mercury wasn't in there long as other wise there would have been an awful racket about an immense explosion!" I sigh and shake my head before continuing "Sorry for snapping but some of what us mage smiths work with is very very potent and rare and requires certain safety precautions I should have told you before you headed out. I'll only need a few more minutes to make sure the rest is usable but it should be."

Zellnessa stroked Seneca's shaft as shi pressed hir body against hir pet's. "I was going to wait a while before coming here, but our new daughter, Himeko told me about Clarise's skill, so we decided to move this city up on the list--or at least Clarise, specifically." Zellnessa grinned, rubbing hir muzzle against Seneca's and feeling hir own draconic cock twitch in its sheathe. "I know you haven't met her yet, but I think you'll like her, too." Shi smiled as shi nuzzled with Seneca, "My cute little moth-princess is such a good girl~"

Zellnessa called out to Clarise. "I'm very pleased to hear that!"

Seneca rubs hir muzzle agaisnt hir Mistress's adding playful licks with hir forked tongue, "Moths are cute furry bugs. Seneca is intrested in meeting her, Mistress." Sie looks towards Clarise's work space frowing at the lack of propper respect in her speach. Sie turns back to hir mistress, "Seneca doesn't object to the importance of what Mage Smith Pet Clarise has to say to Mistress, but sie wonders if she needs remedial behavior corection, Mistress. Perhaps a belly buldging clutch of eggs?" Seneca flexes hir tail to rub hir Mistress's, hir nose detecting the faint wiff of arousal.

Zellnessa licked back at Seneca, fondling one of hir breasts. "I've also added some elements of bees, wasps, and spiders to Himeko, but I think I'm going to give hir the ability to re-adjust hir body configuration to one that is more manageable for hir line of work--and in the bedroom." Shi chuckled softly at Seneca's concern, rubbing hir shoulders. "Shi has a dangerous line of work and the safety of hirself, hir mistress, and hir customers is of great concern to hir. If shi's short with us, it's only because shi loves us and doesn't want us to accidentally blow up hir shop."

The thought of spiders made Seneca shudder, all those eyes and drinking their prey's blood. There was a reason sie enjoyed making vampires burst into flame. Sie hiss purred as hir Micked hir. Sie opened hir maw to take hir mistress's tongue into hir muzzle and entwined hir tongue with hir mistress's. As sie continued to give hir mistress an open muzzle french kiss sie sent, <Seneca understands mistress. Sometimes one is short with those they love the most.> Hir paws wrapped around hir mistress and rubbed down hir back in a hug.

Jill Clarise: As I said it only took about another five minutes for me to finish sorting through the material to make sure it was all there. Once I confirmed that I had what I needed it took another five or so minutes for me to store it all away before I nod and smile as I seal the locker I keep materials for Emblems in. With all of the materials dealt with I take another minute or so to check over my store room and clean up the small mess I made while organizing and accessing the materials you brought me before I step out of the safe and secure the door behind me. I then smile at you as I say "Well turns out everything you got me is usable Zell. At minimum I'll need to finish my current Maethic Emblem and do any repairs that might be needed to my equipment before I can start on yours. The good news though is with how long you've spent here combined with the adjustments I've been able to make with my new abilities I wont have to wait for my mana reserves to top off before I start on yours." I think for a moment before saying "Assuming I stay as unbusy as I am right now I should have your armor ready within two or three weeks from now. Your weapon though I should have finished by this time next week."

Zellnessa Held Seneca in hir arms, purring happily as shi heard the good news from Clarise. "That's wonderful! I'm sure we'll look quite lovely in our new armor. More importantly, I'm confident that your work will keep my family safe." Zellnessa beckoned Clarise to join hir and hir mate as shi rubbed beneath Seneca's chin. <I'm sure you'll love Himeko, pet. She's as devoted to me as our daughter as you are to me as my mate~>

Seneca pulled away from hir deep kiss of hir Mistress to turn hir head towards Clarise, "Seneca is sorry sie thought your loving consern for our Mistress was lack of respect to hir. For this Seneca apologizes. Seneca still hopes that pet Clarise would allow Mistress Pet Seneca and Mistress Zellnessa to fill you wil many eggs." <Seneca loves our adopted daughter, and is certian that sie will love Himeko as will Mistress.>

Aurora: "You speak as if we are not going to be seeing each other over the next few days. If your idea for something behind me is not too crude I might be inclined to accept. Provided I know what that small something is." Truth be told my little hints pointed to something almost feylike in appearance. Longer ears that were not furred but rather elven-like in nature. Except these ears could move rather freely like other animals often demonstrate. The horns were clearly the start of short succubi horns. If I wore my hair up in a high bun I could likely conceal all but the tips of my short horns. The tail was somewhat mundane. Perhaps the presence of lust demons had me thinking of succubi. Only my gaze drifting over Clairise's draconic tail caused me to envision a more draconic version of the same tail. These were the impressions that came from deeper within my mind. I naturally tilted my head to smirk at Zellnessa. "To be strictly clear, I am not going to find myself all but unrecognizable after you two have left your respective marks am I? For the matter of the long distance communication I accept that. Although what mark would it entail precisely?" I softly sighed as I was cornered in the tub now. My thighs starting to squeeze together to protect an important place from those monsterous cocks. "Clairise, arroused or no, I would rather not experience the trials of a pregnancy in my line of work. Likewise I would prefer not to subject myself to such extensive changes that I am all but unrecognizable."

Jill Clarise: I smile as I get the sense of what you desire for right now. My smile widens a little before I send Zell a mental image of how I suspect you'll end up and the way I sent it left a small small chance you might catch a hint of the idea. That is another well endowed succubus dragon like me perhaps leaning a little more towards the demonic side of things. I then nod as I settle myself a bit in front of you before sensually saying "Of course my dear. It wouldn't do to change you so much you'll frighten your fellow knights but I do look forward to what the future might hold in store for you my dear." As you speak of not desiring a pregnancy at this time I nod again and as I speak I very gently press my twin draconic cocks against your legs "Well my dear as I am a succubus I can assure you that as you do not desire children at this time I will not get you pregnant no matter how much intimate fun we have as that is one of our abilities but if you would rather not have sex I understand." I then smile and lean my luscious breasts against your generous bust before sensually saying "But I somehow suspect you do want some of what I have to offer." I then lean in close and in a sultry whisper I say "I have noticed just how much you've been eying up me and all of my more... Sexual assets my dear..."

Aurora: I looked directly at Zellnessa as I reiterated my earlier question out of curiosity. "Care to explain what you meant by a little something behind if not in the front? I would prefer you use a certain blunt frankness my new friend. Otherwise we might come to a misunderstanding you know?" I winked at you before I looked to Clairise with a smile. "I think we might be nearing a point of no return if I were to indulge in your offer. " I then cupped my own breasts with my hands as I leaned back against Zell's hand that was undoubtably still resting behind my back. "I cannot be rushed into anything I am afraid. You will need to exercise a healthy dose of patience if you are to prove your friendship for the long-term. You would certainly stand to benefit from a military order no doubt. Prove yourselves to be honorable and I could in turn use that to justify your presence publicly even." I then held up my right hand to tick points off. "First however, we would need to quell the tide of rising incursions from not only demons, but bandits and especialy the beasts driven on by the demons. The so-called demonic beasts which are not quite the same as common animals.

When Clairise pressed her seductive sale upon me I smiled at the draconic demoness and put a hand up to gently press hir upon the breasts. "Patience lest you make me think you are a hair-trigger." I then chuckled softly before I stood up while lightly pushing against Clairise. "Remain seated for the moment please." I took advantage of my not insignificant stature of 6'2" to at least look you in the eyes before I grinned and then stole a kiss from your right cheek. "You would utterly devestate me if you used those on me. I shall abstain from such passionate joinings for now. Oh, I hope that I did not disappoint you by denying you your pleasure. "That said, you could lick me until I cum if you pleased." I then sat up on the ledge of the hot tub and spread my legs while reaching down to part my petals for your viewing pleasure. "Would that be acceptable at all? Afterall you have left me rather hot and bothered thanks to your aroma."

Jill Clarise : I chuckle causing my breasts to jiggle wonderfully and at that feeling I smile happily before my smile turns into a full out grin as you advice patiences before I sensually say "Oh that is fine by me my dear." I pat my breast with one of my hands and smile as my tit jiggles and my hand sinks into my immensely soft breast before I say "I waited long enough to get a body like this I'm more than happy to wait longer as I take great pleasure from just enjoying what my new body has to offer my dear." I then lean back as you adjust your self before sensually saying "Oh you don't need to worry about getting ruined by me in any way other than making any future partner seem woefully insufficient in comparison as I would quite readily allow you to be flexible enough to enjoy my full girth if we were to couple." My smile widens and I stick out just a bit of my very long and notably thick draconic tongue before pulling it back into my mouth and sultry saying "Oh I would be quite happy to give you some oral you wont ever forget but aren't you concerned that'll ruin you as well... I assure you it would be worth it though..."

Aurora: I laughed and leaned forward while rubbing my thighs with my wet hands. "I hardly consider a tongue to be in the same league as those monsterous beasts you would call your 'cocks'. I do not dare even think of spreading myself to take one of those." I then flashed a devious smile. "Perhaps one could find a sufficient tool to provide a fitting grasp that you would likely enjoy immensely." I then glanced at Zellnessa while another bold idea strikes me. I slipped into the tub once again and now moved over to the both of you while holding my hands out as I said, " Permit me to climb up so that I may find a seat that is most fitting for this manner of play." I naturally planned to climb Zell and then turn about to thrust that cleft between my thighs into Clairise's face. Unless one or both of you hindered such an action it would be the very course that I then proceeded upon.