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* [[Arris]]
* [[Arris]]
* [[Calistan]]
* [[Calistan]]
* [[Cattiston]]
* [[Ebreus]]
* [[Ebreus]]
* [[Firecracker]]
* [[Firecracker]]
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* [[Saline]]
* [[Saline]]
* [[Zophah]]
* [[Zophah]]
<div></div><br> <br>Zophah stands at a podium set up at the side of the Promethian training grounds, Waiting for everyone to arrive. The podium has a yellow tarp hanging from the front, painted with the words &#39;Non-Lethal Training Camp&#39; in blue letters. Sitting next to her on the ground is a small crate, blue grenade-like devices laying inside it. Zophah yells to the arriving agents: &quot;Welcome to the non-lethal training session. I have been granted permission by the rest of the Promethians to host the training here, where there should be enough room for everyone to practive what I teach. Please settle in and introduce yourselves, I will begin in a few minutes.&quot;<br> <br>Arris enters the training grounds, giving Zophah a wave once sie sees her before walking up to the podium and sitting down on the grass near the podium. &quot;Been up to anything recently, Zophah? Well, besides this, I mean.&quot; Sie picks up a chocolate bar from hir pocket, unwrapping it and taking a bite from it as sie watches people file in.<br> <br>&quot;So this is where the prommies learn to kick tail, huh?&quot; Otto mutters to himself as he looks around, not sure of what to make of the place. It was... nice! Yes, quite so, excellent powers of observation there. There... wasn&#39;t much else to see besides the various other trainees. Honestly, Otto was very curious about the Prometheans, such was his reason for being here. Perhaps he would pick up a trick or two, you never know with those dodgy buggers, what sort of shenanigans they have up their sleeves, no you don&#39;t! &quot;Heya Zop.&quot; Otto greets their instructor of the day. &quot;You&#39;re looking as radiant as ever!&quot; he exclaims happily with a playful yip, clearly in good spirits today. &quot;SO!&quot; he clasps his paws and rubs them excitedly &quot;Can&#39;t wait to see what you have in store for us! Uhh, where do I?&quot; Otto looks around, and notes the absence of chairs. He shrugs and after a little bit of Earth nanomagic, he had a moderately cozy looking stool made of solid earth to plant his fuzzy rump upon. Turning around, he looks about the crowd and exclaims &quot;Hello, hello, hello, hello, hello!&quot; to each and every one of them.<br> <br>He&#39;d look back across the horizon of the area to take in the different creatures before waving back to Firecracker in surprise before hefting up the plushie in tow to let her knwo him as a friendly before he&#39;d look back across the variety of participants that he recognized.  A second wave was given to Ebreus, remembering him from passing by his place with his mate.  Though Upon seeing Otto, he&#39;d crack a huge smile, dipping his chin in appreciation of his restorative underlay provider to wait a moment and soak in the other people he didn&#39;t recognize. &quot;Well I am happy to be able to find a place to learn today....Been kinda running by experience here but I have had good friends to help me learn. I look forward to the experience.  I&#39;m Calistan... working to become a better mix of figher and healer on the battlefield.  I&#39;m out to be a combat medic but find a way to dish a bit more damage out on the battlefield as well.  Good to meet you all.&quot;<br> <br>Rather than filing in, Firecracker flies in!  Spotting the chocolate bar in Arris&#39;s hand, she finds the perfect person to perch upon for the lesson!  Dropping down quickly from the air, she lands atop the math teacher&#39;s head, plopping her rump down and folding her tiny pink wings to her sides as she happily chirps out, &quot;Hiya peoples!  I&#39;m Firecracker, what&#39;re your names?!  And where&#39;dya get the chocolate?&quot;  Seeing Calistan and the tiny plushie of herself, her eyes sparkle, literally, with delight as she hops off Arris to land on Calistan&#39;s head instead.  &quot;Hiya bestest best friend!&quot; she says as she lands in her new spot, waving to Otto and the others around with a foreleg in greeting as well.<br> <br>Looking throught the group for any friendly or familiar faces Ebreus makes his way to a part of the grouping where he will be near both people he does and does not know and seats himself on a grassy patch. &quot;Hello Otto.&quot; he says as Otto creates a stool for himself nearby. As the remaining trainees come in Ebreus clears his throught, &quot;Hello. I&#39;m Ebreus, Promethean agent and orator. I preffer to talk my way out out needing to fight but when that can&#39;t be done I&#39;d preffer no accidental deaths.&quot; he states loudly enough to be speaking to the group.<br> <br>Being the punctual lady that she is, Parthenia came a little earlier. She have snatched herself a spot on the very right side of the field, cause, she is always right! She actually never planned on taking part in all of this, and was mostly here just to watch. Still She stood close enough to be considered part of the training group. Some eyes were eventually on her, waiting for her intro. Desludging a hand from where it was, crossed on her chest, she waved. &quot;Parthenia Kairis. Just... A human trying to survive through this hard times.&quot; She lied idly. &quot;Any way to protect myself is a valuable knowledge I can&#39;t pass up.&quot; Saying that she shiver lightly and hugged herself, the weather could have been better. But she figured it was all part of the &#39;training.&#39; Fight the elements and all.<br> <br>With everyone introduced, Zophah begins. &quot;Given the missions handed to us from our prospective factions, frequently we are met with ferals and other opponents that wish us harm. Quite often however, enemies will have to be subdued or incapacitated as a limitation or as a goal. It is my hope that with this training you can win without any lasting damage to them or your surroundings.&quot; She reaches down to pick up one of the blue genades and holds it out for everyone to see. &quot;These are reusable stun-gas genades that I&#39;ll be handing out at the end to those who show they have learned what I am teaching. Any questions?&quot;<br> <br>Arris watches as Firecracker jumps from hir hair, flying over to land on Calistan&#39;s, before directing hir attention back up at Zophah. &quot;&#39;To those who show they have learned what you are teaching&#39;. So we&#39;re going to be put through a test at the end, then?&quot; Sie brushes a lock of hair away from hir face, putting away the chocolate bar.<br> <br>As the rain cascaded upon them, Otto found that his tunic was getting all soggy. This wouldn&#39;t do! The coyote whistles a tune that sounded suspiciously like the melodious tone of Mr. Trololo... whoever the heavens that was. Surely someone in an alternate universe probably recognizes the Russian singer and the piece by which he became a viral internet success, but I digress. Digging into his backpack, Otto retrieves a few bits and bobs of ruined or outdated equipment he carried around for the heck of it. A handle out of a bit of this, support struts out of... a bit of that, and a lightweight fabric-like mesh to serve as the parasol itself out of some spare fabric and voila! It&#39;s amazing what you can do with some plastic and a bit of spare cloth! It all came together into a primitive but effective umbrella for Otto to shield himself against the rain. He came here to learn, not smell like wet dog. &quot;Oh hey.&quot; he greets Ebreus, then nods at Calistan and flashes a smile. &quot;Hey buddo, glad it&#39;s workin&#39; for yah!&quot; the coyote chimes and fingerguns at the combat medic. His gaze is instantly drawn by Firecracker, a giggle forcing its way out of Otto&#39;s maw as he observes her antics. She was always fun to have around, the wee goofball. Lastly, but definitely not least, there was Parthenia. Ah, they&#39;d met once, and had an... interesting exchange. She looked rather chilly, and not in the spicy food sense either. Getting up from his stool, the coyote collapses it back into the ground, moves over to the human and sits down next to her, extending the cover of his parasol to her as well. &quot;Heya Parth. Long time no see. You&#39;re looking well, for a human.&quot; he winks, knowing that might get under her skin a little. His ears perk up once Zophah speaks. Non-lethal violence?! That&#39;s no fun! Actually, it was great fun sometimes, though one could wonder what that stun gas was. Otto recalls that time his bestie cracked wind so bad it stunned the entire pub. Maybe that&#39;s what was in those? Who knew, who cared... he shrugs his shoulders and nods approvingly. &quot;Stun Nades, gotcha.&quot;<br> <br>&quot;Oh yeah!  I got one!&quot; Firecracker says, lifting a foreleg up above her head as she sits up on her haunches atop Calistan&#39;s shadowy head, continuing instantly while nobody else was talking, &quot;Do we get snacks?&quot;  As the fingers run over her back, her wings shift a bit at her sides as she presses into them, then her hips wiggle side-to-side as they continue down her flanks.<br> <br>Sitting quietly as he watches the other trainees arrive his ears swiveling to hear them before his eyes can settle on them Ebreus then shifts his attention entirely to Zophah as she begins to speak. Putting up his hood as the rain comes down and she asks after questions Ebreus thinks for a few moments as he watches the rain slowly melt Ottos stool. &quot;Will those who earn stun-gernades be told where they may get more?&quot; he asks.<br> <br>Parthenia didn&#39;t have any question. Even if she did she&#39;d probably keep it to herself. Attracting more attention to herself wasn&#39;t something she wanted to do. Some parts of Zophah&#39;s speech did put a little grin on her face. Namely when she mentioned the collateral damage. Her brow raised when the luxurious dog with a chair walks over towards and sets up something nice for her. A cover from rain! Her thick wet brow raises and she brushes moist hair from her forehead. &quot;Thank you.&quot; She said obviously grateful for what little cover she got, much less so about the poke at her humanity. Still, she said nothing about it. Only her lips pouted a bit more and her brows moved closer together. &quot;We will catch up after if you don&#39;t mind. I would like to listen.&quot;<br> <br>Running too fast for her own good. Saline tries her best to make it as fast as she can. &quot;I&#39;m so late, oh why I&#39;m so late&quot; She starts to run out of breath and pant in between her own snarky remarks to herself. &quot;How did this even happen?&quot; she says as she almosts trips over her own boots. &quot;Almost *pant* there *pant*&quot; Seeing the group ahead she slows down letting her legs flop on the ground before ending at a stop crouched over and hands on her knees. &quot;Oh god *pant* it hurts to breathe&quot; Sweaty and taking wheezy breaths she tries to make her way in the back unnoticed. Thankfully the wet stains on her shirt are mostly rain.<br> <br>Zophah chuckles a bit at Firecracker&#39;s question. &quot;You only get what snacks you bring. As for Arris&#39;s question, there will be a bit of time to test what you know.<br> <br>Zophah quietly yips, &quot;Ok, given that everyone here is probably used to things going wrong, I&#39;ll cover how to end a fight nonlethally instead of how to avoid combat all together. Your first choice should be ways to deter an attacker: even lethal weapons can be used for suppressive fire in this instance. Anyone here with questions or ideas on how to accomplish this?&quot;<br> <br>Arris raises hir hand. &quot;With a lethal weapon, you can deter attackers by shooting at less-necessary bodyparts, like the feet or hands. It&#39;ll cripple them or help prevent them from attacking you, but probably won&#39;t kill them.&quot;<br> <br>Otto raises his hand and goes &quot;OH OH OH!&quot;, then once he has drawn the instructor&#39;s attention, he draws the magnum pistol at his side and spins it around a few times on one hand, tosses it and catches it with the other, then aims right at Zophah and asks &quot;Feeling lucky, punk?!&quot; *click* he pulled the trigger, seems the weapon was sans ammunitions! Putting it away with another neat spin, he raises his voice again and states, &quot;Bare your fangs, ofcourse. If the enemy sees you&#39;re packin&#39; heat, they won&#39;t want to fuck with you, and are more likely to just back the fuck off and calm the fuck down, pardon my french. MY POINT is that a good scare can make that grumpy mutant just put those claws away and rethink attacking you, BUT a good round or two in the air to cause some noise and show you mean business, or two rounds in the kneecaps if they STILL want a piece of you and there you have it. Technically it&#39;s non-lethal and you&#39;ve disabled your opponent, so the most they can try and do is hobble at you and bleed on you.&quot; Otto states, then ponders for a moment &quot;Or you can force them behind cover by &quot;accidentally&quot; firing rounds NEAR them, not AT them... ya know. Spook em good!&quot;<br> <br>The nanite mage made his way back over to the fallen skunk.  Though the moisture that covered her shirt was distinctly clarifying. He&#39;d lay his gaze back across her frame to extend a palm and took in her wheezing frame.  &quot;You didn&#39;t miss much.. Hope that you are alright with a little moisture.  I think you just get used to that in combat.  Calistan Enivid and Firecracker, Nice to meet you.&quot;  He&#39;d point up to the majestic winged pony atop his head for clarity to the second name before looking back over as the question was raised.  He&#39;d raise his left pristinely white hand in the air, hoping to get called upon.  Though both of his answers were clarified previously, he&#39;d follow up.  &quot;Other times you could subdue them with your own mutations, claws, body, fluids, to help work them out of their state of mania.  It makes a difference whether it&#39;s a conscious attack versus something out of a manic rush.  As it was said, focusing on non-lethal parts of the body and preventing them from attacking by hitting major limbs and working on nerves or sating the instincts can restore their state of mind.&quot;<br> <br>Firecracker waves a foreleg at the mostly-skunk as Calistan helps her up.  What&#39;s your name?&quot; she asks with a friendly smile after he finishes introducing them to the new girl.  She then looks back over to Zophah and the rest of the group to speak up.  &quot;Oh yeah, I like the not hurting people part,&quot; Firecracker says, rapidly nodding her head.  &quot;And I could probably just talk to em or fly up too high for em to reach!  That&#39;s a good way to stop fighting!&quot; she finishes with a giggle, extending her wings and giving them a few little flaps to show them off before folding them back to her sides.<br> <br>Ears swiveled back to listen to the arrival of the late trainee Ebreus keeps his eyes on the instructor until the new arrival trips. At that point he turns his head to see if she is alright. Once she gets up and appears to be fine he returns his attention to the lesson. Once the question is asked he considers his options for achieving such a task for a moment. He raises a hand and waits for a break in suggestions &quot;If the goal is only to prevent combat between oneself and their wouldbe attacker altering the turrain between the two can be a good deterant. In areas unlikely to turn into an inferno fire can make an effective non-lethal barrier.&quot; he suggests.<br> <br>Parthenia is surprised that so many mutants actually get right to the point of shooting their guns. Actual guns. With how sex crazed everything is around this parts, grabbing your weapons isn&#39;t always a necessity. Scearing or crippling things isn&#39;t always the only way around. The most flexible of survivals never really use the most flexible ways. She just rolled her eyes at the display Otto puts on. So many unnecessary movements, pointing the gun at others even with an empty clip was a no-no in her books. &quot;Considering the current state of the world, anything and anyone can be a lethal weapon. That includes dicks and tits. I&#39;ve seen a few agents turned into bloody goop by primes smashing their breasts against them. Again, those same lythal breasts can be wiggled enticingly to convince a horny beast that there is no reason to fight. I&#39;ve seen some use what they call,&quot; She raises her hands making a quote signs with her fingers. &quot;Love box, to pretty much disarm ferals by trapping their limbs inside the cunt.&quot; She shrugged looking away. &quot;Hell I&#39;ve seen some fuck ferals in to submission too.&quot; Who would have imagine that a human would propose the most perverted solutions?!<br> <br>Still breathing heavily she reacts to the mage&#39;s touch on her &quot;Yeah I&#39;m fine just ran too fast. I&#39;m Saline uh...&quot; She looks at both of them and gives a small smile. &quot;Thanks though it&#39;s good to know I&#39;m not terribly late.&quot; Saline turns around and tries to bring as much attention as she can muster to the speaker at the podium although her breathing disallowed her to hear her last sentence. Spotting some of the trainees raise their hands for questions she thinks that she should as well but realizes she doesn&#39;t want to bring attention to herself for being late and tries her best to shrink in the back of the crowd<br> <br>Zophah ducks behind the podium the moment Otto raises his magnum at her, yelling &quot;Never point a gun at anything you aren&#39;t willing to shoot! That&#39;s basically rule number one in gun handling! I don&#39;t care if it&#39;s unloaded or not!&quot; Once Otto puts away his gun she returns to her replies. &quot;Firecracker, while avoiding combat with flying will help you, what about allies who can&#39;t fly? And what if the enemy can fly too? As for Ebreus, putting a barrier, physical or damaging, between you and them can work. Calistan&#39;s and Parthenia&#39;s ideas work too. Wearing them down physically or sexually can keep an attacker from their assault. Lastly, if threatening your opponent&#39;s attack isn&#39;t an option, you will have to rely on stuning, slowing, and other debilitating effects to reduce or even eliminate their ability to fight. Counterattacks that assault the mind, such as illusions or hypnosis, also work. Anyone here with other powers or weapons for this purpose?&quot;<br> <br>Arris thinks for a moment, running through the mutant powers sie has mastered in hir mind. &quot;Well, I could use my fish tail to hit them. That&#39;ll probably knock &#39;em over for... at least a brief moment. Oh, and I can also use my tentacle nanomagic to grab enemies and hold them in place. If I can wrap them up tight enough, they won&#39;t be able to move or attack me.&quot;<br> <br>&quot;Jeez, spoilsport. This thing doesn&#39;t even leave holes that big.&quot; Otto mutters and shakes his head, then raises his hand, this time holding a short blade in it. &quot;I fashioned this thing to inflict pain rather than wounds. Its purpose is to debilitate the opponent and cripple them such so they can not really... you know, eat my face?&quot; he shrugs, puts it away and thinks for a moment. &quot;I mean you COULD jam a whole lotta calming tonics into an aerosol and spray the ever loving hell out of the ferals, assuming they&#39;re after you cause they&#39;re horny, or some aphrodisiacs to play their own game and make them so lost to their lust that they drop down or start to rut one another... heck, the Aerosol is good stuff, there are chemicals that can make the damn ferals fall asleep, err... but it doesn&#39;t work that well, in my experience. They still try to nibble my knees, so...&quot; he shrugs, then snaps his fingers and has that lightbulb moment! &quot;Electricity! Grab a tazer charge, unleash the current, watch em spazz out while you make a run for it! They won&#39;t die, but it hurts like hell.&quot; he recalls when he himself was tased once.<br> <br>He couldn&#39;t help but smile as Parenthia gave her suggestion.  The acute clarity of imagining a beast that was pinned down by having each of it&#39;s limbs embedded in the love box of a different creature and them milking each one into submission until they all climaxed and were broken into ecstasy or rode through their heights of climax left him fighting the urge to snicker.  Though almost as quick as the smile cut across his lips, it vanished in the memory of the more mechanistic beasts that were made for that purpose and had fully entrapping and literally devouring devices that were situated right in the areas that were naturally meant for pleasure.  He&#39;d run his left fingertips along the bridge of Firecracker&#39;s back to  sweep along her flanks a moment and keep a smooth stroke from the shoulder of her forehooves to the base of her flanks while he listened on.  He&#39;d keep a furtive glance to Parenthia before his mind drifted to envisioning being fully immersed by a matching situation between suckers and possible appendages of full consumption before blinking thrice and resuming his gaze back to the foreground.  &quot;The ability to project emotions can confuse and disorient enemies.  That is one thing I&#39;ve learned. Depending on my form you could use things like pheremones to help dissuade or distract opponents.&quot;<br> <br>&quot;Sorry!  I never fight people, so I&#39;m just guessin&#39;!&quot;  Firecracker says with a smile.  &quot;But uuummmmm, I can do this!&quot;  She stands up on her hindlegs, winding up a foreleg as if she were holding something, then bringing it in a quick arc downward towards Calistan&#39;s head as if she was throwing it.  When the something or nothing is tossed, a large cloud of obscuring pink smoke bursts forth, immediately consuming a good deal of area.  While the smoke cloud is up Firecracker is camouflaged and disappears from sight and attackability!  She also takes the opportunity to dash along through the obscuring smoke and land atop the instructor&#39;s head.  &quot;Tag!&quot; she happily giggles.<br> <br>Smiling as the instructor accepts his deterant method Ebreus then goes over what he can do in his head. Working on how best to non-lethally counter an attack he thinks for a moment. He watches Otto in some level of surprize at his suggestions before looking back to the instructor, hand raised, and saying. &quot;I could bowl over a group with Scythe Sweep and them bind them to the ground with Ensnaring Webs. Failing that I could knock them over and burn them a bit with Crash and Burn.&quot; As the rain begins to come down harder he tilts his head up and spits a blue fireball into the air above him along with a small field of yellow and red fire that flash-steems the rain in the air above him for a few moments as he hurries to Otto. &quot;May I join you in shelter from the rain?&quot; he asks.<br> <br>Parthenia returns her arms to her chest crossing them and looking away from the instructor with a soft &quot;Humpf.&quot; She didn&#39;t have no such things and found the use of particular powers to be dirty. But, anything goes in a real fight, not being able to use something or fight against it was the problem of those unable. Again the dog who provided her with a roof was making her roll her eyes and look down at him flailing his knife around with an annoyed look. She only gets more annoyed when the pink cloud spreads about. At least it was raining hard now, the water and the wind will beat it down fast. Lucky for her, her dog and their shelter they were to the side, and the pink cloud wan&#39;t going to consume them any time soon. Still, that color was so... Hot! She couldn&#39;t help but to pant softly. Her eyes lock on Ebreus and she frowns looking him over. &quot;Hardly enough space here as is.&quot;<br> <br>&quot;Nonlethal huh?&quot; Saline put her chin in her hand &quot;I wonder if my spray could be used like a smokebomb&quot; she quickly shook the idea out of her head it just seemed a little too ridiculous. But aphrodisiacs the thought of just spraying aerosol at a feral and just having them go crazy made her crotch tingle. As the rain started picking she noticed her shirt started to get soaked and showed off her hard nipples. Saline started to cross her arms to cover her assets. Knowing she would get soaked out in the rain she stays out just so she won&#39;t get called out and try to look nonchalant. Looking over she sees Erebus get turned away from the tent &quot;Guess everyone gets the rainy treatment.&quot; Starting to get soaking wet Saline starts to shiver slightly.<br> <br>Zophah reaches under the podium, and in a few seconds she snaps together a few parts of an umbrella with nanomagic, much like otto did earlier. The rain was really coming down hard now, quickly dispersing the smoke that Firecracker created. She picked up firecracker off her head and set Firecracker on the podium. &quot;I know the rain will make this a lot harder, but now is the chance to demonstrate what you have talked about.&quot; She motions to a set of hay-filled sacks set up like scarecrows. They are all different sizes and body types, at least two of which are large taurs and a humanoid one is the size of a fairy. &quot;Taking turns, use what you know on the dummies. If the dummy is no longer intact after your turn, then you haven&#39;t been paying attention.&quot;<br> <br>Arris attempts to protect hirself from the rain, holding a textbook above hir head as sie gets up and approaches the to the target dummies, getting within arm&#39;s length.. &quot;Alright, let&#39;s see here...&quot; Sie removes hir windbreaker and button-up shirt, putting the textbook down on the ground and hir clothes on top of it. Tentacles extend from hir now-barren waist, darting out and tightly wrapping around the nearest one. Attempting to pull it from the ground, sie fails and hir tentacles instead slip off the surface of the dummy. &quot;Whoops.&quot;<br> <br>Raising one paw to collect some of the rapidly falling water, the coyote opens his maw, &quot;Fuck this weather.&quot; Otto huffs and hands Ebreus the parasol, steps out into the rain and cracks his knuckles. It takes a little know-how, but BY THE POWER OF GRAYSKULL... or rather some nanomagic, he would literally raise a sizable earthen slab above them, piece by piece to construct a basic shelter, supported by strategically placed stone pillars and archways. The structure ascended above the heads of the many, shielding them from the cascade of water. &quot;Ow, ow, ow, ow...&quot; Otto repeated, feeling that particular cramp-like ache in his head that extended use of nanomagic left behind. He breathes a sigh of relief once the shelter was complete, and dusts his paws off. Well, at least they had somewhere to hide now. Walking over towards Ebreus, he retrieves the parasol from him, folds it up, shakes some of the water off and puts it away.
Once their orders were given, he looks over at the dummy near him, then cracks his knuckles, one into the other. &quot;Alright then.&quot; he grins, then reaches onto his back and draws his electrified chainsaw. The weapon whirrs with energy, primed and ready to jolt and rend anyone and everyone unlucky enough to get sliced up by the menacing thing. He assumes a semi-crouching stance, sword in one hand and his other placed ready to draw his missing combat knife. It was currently in Parthenia&#39;s hands, as she&#39;d asked for it privately moments prior without anyone noticing. With that, he focuses on a group of three just before himself, makes a rapid charge right at them and swings his weapon moments before making contact! A loud crackling sound is heard and in a flash, the three dummies fall flat on the ground, the supports at their base rendered asunder, the equivalent of practically chopping someone&#39;s feet off. Otto re-sheathes his weapon and dusts himself off, then looks around. &quot;They&#39;ll live.&quot; he shrugs &quot;Err... probably?&quot;<br> <br>He was disappointed at the change of positioning but as he smelled the sweet cloud coat his body he&#39;d look back across the foreground, using the nanites to distill the rain and channel it in funnels across his frame, wielding two tentacles into a wider spread across the top of his frame leaving them as visible extensions overtop his body.  Though when he was presented with the various creatures before he group his mind began reeling in strategies to await the possible variances that were possible. He&#39;d look back to the instructor a moment and raised his hand, prepping his question.  &quot;Are these chemically responsive?&quot;  He narrowed his amber gaze and kept that in mind as he listened, shifting his eyes back over to Saline to soak in the difference just before her arms covered her back, before cutting over to Ebreus and Otto in tandem, only happening to get a full view of Parthenia in between.  The battering wind still stuck in his mind.  The water, even more so.  Though he&#39;d look between the group and waited back a second to find his place for his turn.  He&#39;d follow suit in his approach with the shroud making sure he was within arm&#39;s length of the tauric one to attempt to snap across its body and bind it with the tentacle work.  The precision used was one of astute clarity.  He&#39;d take a different twist on the takate kote harness of shibari weaving it down across the sides of the frame, locking the abdomen in the same grip to seal across the groin and leave a single strand that was smoothly weaving counter strokes across where the groin would lie.  The second set would take the other taur in tandem, wrapping it with a coiling seal around the groin to emulate a full matching cock bondage with a balancing suspension where the struggling would leave counter pulls across the body at different points.  Thankfully, these targets wouldn&#39;t have the fight to squirm.  Yet upon completing his suspension, he&#39;d display it to the instructor before slipping them back down to brace them for the next participant.<br> <br>As Otto starts to work on building the shelter with his nanomagic, he would find it to be a bit easier than he might expect, thanks to Firecracker adding her Nanite Manufacturing Nanomagic to the mix!  Once that is done, the puny pale pink pegasus pony returns to wiggling a bit on the podium as she watches a the others take their turns before her, getting especially worked up as Calistan gets to work with his binding tentacles.  Her wings extend fully at her sides while a light blush comes to her face while she watches, heat making itself known.  When the shadowy man finishes, she takes a few moments to inspect his work as she rubs against the pedestal before realizing it&#39;s her turn.  &quot;Oh me next!&quot; she says a bit flustered, giggling at the mistake as she hops off the stand to glide to her miniature dummy target.  Once there, she trots forward, stands up on her hindlegs, wraps its chest with her forelegs, and squeezes, giving it a nice warm hug.  At the same time, she gives the dummy a long, wet lick up its cheek, not that the added saliva does much following the thorough soaking caused by the heavy downpour.  Once the hug is complete, she comes off the dummy, turns around, drops her head into her forehooves, and raises her ass and tail to the dummy, presenting her winking heat to the &quot;enemy&quot;.  &quot;Oh I liked the idea Parthy came up with!  The boobie wigglin&#39; one!&quot; she giggles while she wiggles her teats and rear end.
  At the same time, the whole area warms considerably, pushing away the chill brought on by the wet and cold after the sun has set.  The increased temperature will serve to warm and dry the wet people in the area as the rain continues to fall outside their new shelter, in theory anyway.<br> <br>Looking to the indicated dummies then to his companions Ebreus begins to change form as he waits for Otto to try before he does. His clothes loose deffinition and become staticy as he changes. His body bulks out becoming impressively muscular as his fur sheds off revealing shark hide. His hind legs reshape to those of a tigers and his forelegs atrophy and dissapear into his torso. Large blades grow from his wrists to the length of his forearms as his tail turns into a natual mace of spikes and feathers. Resettling supporting himself on his legs and hands his clothing now taking a form resembling a police dog vest he plots his attack as he waits his turn.
He smiles as Otto does, effectively, the same thing he is about to then stretches a moment. He bolts forward toward the larget two dummies and leaps through the air the last thrid of the way toward them. With a sweep of his arms and a flick of the blade-like apendages attatched to his arms he severs the bases of the two largest dummies and as his spiky tail wags over them it coats them in sticky, incompasitating webbing. He then rises to stand on his hind legs as he turns around. &quot;On the ground and tied up. Not much more &#39;incompasitated&#39; that they can get.&quot; he says with a grin on his face.
His vest then becomes staticy and losses deffinition and the blades on his arms shrink to nothing, his torso expands as it looses some muscle deffinition and another pair of legs grows. The Shark hide molts off to be replaced by red fluffy fox fur, entirely dry as it hadn&#39;t been rained on, as his tail looses its feathers and quills to become a proper fox tail. His clothes becoming the outfit they were before as they settle back on him. He looks to the podium and the instructor as he grins, &quot;So, how&#39;d I do?&quot; he asks as he walks back to the group.<br> <br>As Zophah puts up an umberalla Saline gives a sigh of relief and starts to shake a bit of the water out of her fur. After this the feeling of relief immediately drains out of her body. &quot;Oh no I haven&#39;t really been listening oh crap, oh crap&quot; Thinking on her feet Saline takes off her belt and prepares it in her right hand
When it&#39;s finally Saline&#39;s turn she prepares herself in front of the dummies before charging into the human sized one. Immediately after going halfway the distance before slipping on patch of mud falling ass first onto the ground. Stunned by the extremely hasty change in altitude Saline lies on the ground for about 10 seconds before trying to stand up. However, when she fell her cargo pants slid partially off and made her slip again falling face first into the mud. Ass up and pants slightly down tail and bottoms coated in rain and mud, all the Emotional strength Saline has only lets her scream into the ground. She gets up and tries to pull her pants up as much as possible embarrassed that everyone watching saw that and hoping that she wont&#39; have to try again. Body soaked in water and mud she struggles to stand and asks to sit it out for a bit and slightly limps out of the way of the dummies. &quot;I&#39;m fine just hurt myself I&#39;m gonna sit it out for a bit&quot;<br> <br>Parthenia waits for her turn and when it finally cum... Errr... Comes! She really has to get her mind out of the gutter... And for that she should probably get herself out of her silly dress... Why in the nine hells did she wear it to come here anyways?! She could have sworn she put on something a little more... Practical oh well. The demo was at hand! She had to get to it! Maybe being in the rain will help her relax a bit. With a sigh she asked Otto if she may borrow the knife and when it was handed to her she stepped out of her cover and moved to one of them dummies that was still in tact. Seems like a few took her advice about friendly approach to the situation, while some were still rather violent. Well, she didncockpit  have her gear here and what she did have was only good for... &quot;Oh~,&quot; She sighs coyly, her thick thighs rubbing against one another, hips wiggling, lower back arching pushing out the shapely rump that she was so proud of. Her dress hardly doing anything at all to cover her up and the crowd gets a nice view on those ass cheek and what lays beneath them. Even her panties were visible from how much she was pushing her ass out behind her. Panties that shifted slightly after he squirming, and were digging into her labia on one side, half exposing it to the cool air as the rain drop was lickin aling it&#39;s shape. &quot;P-please, don&#39;t hurt me...&quot; She panted softly, her arms hugging around her ribcage, pushing up her breasts enough they were almost popping free from the red dress. &quot;O-oh? Th-this?&quot; She stuttered sounding worried, maybe even a little scared. &quot;A~ah~, okay...&quot; She nodded, one of her hands moving to rest over the curve of her breast, squeezing it it, pulling it free from it&#39;s confines and she stepped closed to the dummy who was way to dumb to use the opportunity to grope and molest the offered tit! She wrapped her arms around it, pressed her body to the object, grinding into it with a lewd moans... Her arms must have been working on the supports, cutting them with the borrowed knife as she soon had the dummy separated from wooden post and rolled on the ground with it. After a brief few moments of wrestling and rolling around, she was covered by dirt and grass, both her breasts swaying free as she positions herself on top of the dummy with a loud moan. &quot;U~uhmphrihande~e~ed!&quot;<br> <br>Zophah shakes her head as otto uses an electrified chainsword for his attack. She does nod her head in satisfaction at Ebreus though. When Saline falls she runs to help the skunk girl up off the mud, offering her umbrella for her. &quot;Just take a rest for now. I&#39;ll patch you up in a few minutes.&quot; Once Parthenia went, Zophah had to clear her throat and hold her tail down, getting aroused from the display. &quot;T-that works.&quot; She quickly heads back to the podium where she goes to get the crate of stun grenades, handing them out. &quot;To those who did well, both in suggestions and attempts, here you go.&quot; SHe then hands them out to Calistan, Firecracker, Ebreus, and Parthenia.<br> <br>Arris watches Zophah hand the grenades to the others, picking up hir clothes from the ground again and letting hir tentacles retract back into hir body. &quot;Ah well. Can&#39;t say I didn&#39;t try.&quot; Sie wrings out hir clothes still wet from before the roof was fromed by Otto. &quot;Well, glad to have been here. Got to learn a few more tricks for when I may need them.&quot; <br> <br>Otto shrugs his shoulders and stretches out. Who needs to be non-lethal when you can just massacre your way through anything that stands in your path, right? That&#39;s what the coyote believed anyway. Despite his training with master Diya, he still kept the mentality of an RSX agent to heart, quickly rending enemies asunder before they can so much as lay a finger on him, get the job done, no wishy washy dilly dally questions asked, prisoners taken or empathy experienced towards the mindless beasts of the wilds. He was out of his element in an exercise like this, and he&#39;d leave having learned basically nothing other than that sometimes the Prometheans were wusses. &quot;Well that was... interesting.&quot; he says, purely to be polite. He had respect for Zophah after all. Yawning widely, the coyote checks his comm unit, looking for something or someone to do. With most of the names marked idle or not available for communication, the coyote shakes his head, then stands his ground, waiting for everyone to leave. He wanted a word with Zophah.<br> <br>Taking the gernade, with all care due when handling weapons of any type, Ebreus smiles, &quot;Thank you, for this and the lesson.&quot; he says. He walks to the edge of the structure sticks a paw out and imediently retracts it as it is hit by raindrops. As he notices Otto sticking around he asks, &quot;Waiting for the rain to die down?&quot; He then aproaches the female skunk morph, Saline, and maintaining his grin he says, &quot;Hello. I&#39;m Ebreus. I didn&#39;t catch your name.&quot; as he extends a hand to shake.<br> <br>Being completely immersed in the displays before him, he&#39;d take notes of the scythe work of Ebreus, doubled at the display from Arris&#39;s tentacle assault, doubling up to Otto&#39;s chainsword electrocution with the added buff of the rain working through the fray.  Though catching Firecracker&#39;s work along the podium at the shibari bondage work in two, his mind went back to a very specific memory of a party he had one time before a broad smile cut across his lips.  He&#39;d look back after her attack before watching the full presentation of crotch titties, pussy and ass to the enemy totally disarm them, only to see Parthenia follow up in her outright display of each and every asset she had visually only to see the end of the dummy work into the broken speech that left his multiple shafts curling back to the shroud of shadow to match Zophah&#39;s recoil at the display.  Though as he calmed a bit,the instant his personal toy went to work he&#39;d feel a surge in his bloodstream double over at the rush of heat that left his sensitized nose draining the pheromones into a full on drunk state of rut at the intoxication of each one.  With Arris&#39;s passing in hir current form, he&#39;d nod his head absent-mindedly, barely hearing Zophah&#39;s words as he understood before waggling his brows to the cute skunkette and heading his way back to Firecracker from her former attack.  He&#39;d hoist her up to rest her on his head, hoping she&#39;d be up for helping his current..State.  &quot;Fire, I might have overdone it.  Know any good places to just clear your head.  The pheromones in here are making me absolutely crazy.&quot;<br> <br>Firecracker bites her lip, mushing her heat up against the dummy for a few minutes while the others perform all sorts of lewd acts.  Once picked up and placed on Calistan&#39;s head, she simply continues to rub against his head.  &quot;Uh, right here?!&quot; she suggests.  &quot;Right here sounds good to me!  I really wanna do some sexy stuff with like everyone here!&quot; she says looking around to the others sticking around.[[Category:RPLogs]]

Latest revision as of 02:07, 19 March 2017





Zophah stands at a podium set up at the side of the Promethian training grounds, Waiting for everyone to arrive. The podium has a yellow tarp hanging from the front, painted with the words 'Non-Lethal Training Camp' in blue letters. Sitting next to her on the ground is a small crate, blue grenade-like devices laying inside it. Zophah yells to the arriving agents: "Welcome to the non-lethal training session. I have been granted permission by the rest of the Promethians to host the training here, where there should be enough room for everyone to practive what I teach. Please settle in and introduce yourselves, I will begin in a few minutes."

Arris enters the training grounds, giving Zophah a wave once sie sees her before walking up to the podium and sitting down on the grass near the podium. "Been up to anything recently, Zophah? Well, besides this, I mean." Sie picks up a chocolate bar from hir pocket, unwrapping it and taking a bite from it as sie watches people file in.

"So this is where the prommies learn to kick tail, huh?" Otto mutters to himself as he looks around, not sure of what to make of the place. It was... nice! Yes, quite so, excellent powers of observation there. There... wasn't much else to see besides the various other trainees. Honestly, Otto was very curious about the Prometheans, such was his reason for being here. Perhaps he would pick up a trick or two, you never know with those dodgy buggers, what sort of shenanigans they have up their sleeves, no you don't! "Heya Zop." Otto greets their instructor of the day. "You're looking as radiant as ever!" he exclaims happily with a playful yip, clearly in good spirits today. "SO!" he clasps his paws and rubs them excitedly "Can't wait to see what you have in store for us! Uhh, where do I?" Otto looks around, and notes the absence of chairs. He shrugs and after a little bit of Earth nanomagic, he had a moderately cozy looking stool made of solid earth to plant his fuzzy rump upon. Turning around, he looks about the crowd and exclaims "Hello, hello, hello, hello, hello!" to each and every one of them.

He'd look back across the horizon of the area to take in the different creatures before waving back to Firecracker in surprise before hefting up the plushie in tow to let her knwo him as a friendly before he'd look back across the variety of participants that he recognized. A second wave was given to Ebreus, remembering him from passing by his place with his mate. Though Upon seeing Otto, he'd crack a huge smile, dipping his chin in appreciation of his restorative underlay provider to wait a moment and soak in the other people he didn't recognize. "Well I am happy to be able to find a place to learn today....Been kinda running by experience here but I have had good friends to help me learn. I look forward to the experience. I'm Calistan... working to become a better mix of figher and healer on the battlefield. I'm out to be a combat medic but find a way to dish a bit more damage out on the battlefield as well. Good to meet you all."

Rather than filing in, Firecracker flies in! Spotting the chocolate bar in Arris's hand, she finds the perfect person to perch upon for the lesson! Dropping down quickly from the air, she lands atop the math teacher's head, plopping her rump down and folding her tiny pink wings to her sides as she happily chirps out, "Hiya peoples! I'm Firecracker, what're your names?! And where'dya get the chocolate?" Seeing Calistan and the tiny plushie of herself, her eyes sparkle, literally, with delight as she hops off Arris to land on Calistan's head instead. "Hiya bestest best friend!" she says as she lands in her new spot, waving to Otto and the others around with a foreleg in greeting as well.

Looking throught the group for any friendly or familiar faces Ebreus makes his way to a part of the grouping where he will be near both people he does and does not know and seats himself on a grassy patch. "Hello Otto." he says as Otto creates a stool for himself nearby. As the remaining trainees come in Ebreus clears his throught, "Hello. I'm Ebreus, Promethean agent and orator. I preffer to talk my way out out needing to fight but when that can't be done I'd preffer no accidental deaths." he states loudly enough to be speaking to the group.

Being the punctual lady that she is, Parthenia came a little earlier. She have snatched herself a spot on the very right side of the field, cause, she is always right! She actually never planned on taking part in all of this, and was mostly here just to watch. Still She stood close enough to be considered part of the training group. Some eyes were eventually on her, waiting for her intro. Desludging a hand from where it was, crossed on her chest, she waved. "Parthenia Kairis. Just... A human trying to survive through this hard times." She lied idly. "Any way to protect myself is a valuable knowledge I can't pass up." Saying that she shiver lightly and hugged herself, the weather could have been better. But she figured it was all part of the 'training.' Fight the elements and all.

With everyone introduced, Zophah begins. "Given the missions handed to us from our prospective factions, frequently we are met with ferals and other opponents that wish us harm. Quite often however, enemies will have to be subdued or incapacitated as a limitation or as a goal. It is my hope that with this training you can win without any lasting damage to them or your surroundings." She reaches down to pick up one of the blue genades and holds it out for everyone to see. "These are reusable stun-gas genades that I'll be handing out at the end to those who show they have learned what I am teaching. Any questions?"

Arris watches as Firecracker jumps from hir hair, flying over to land on Calistan's, before directing hir attention back up at Zophah. "'To those who show they have learned what you are teaching'. So we're going to be put through a test at the end, then?" Sie brushes a lock of hair away from hir face, putting away the chocolate bar.

As the rain cascaded upon them, Otto found that his tunic was getting all soggy. This wouldn't do! The coyote whistles a tune that sounded suspiciously like the melodious tone of Mr. Trololo... whoever the heavens that was. Surely someone in an alternate universe probably recognizes the Russian singer and the piece by which he became a viral internet success, but I digress. Digging into his backpack, Otto retrieves a few bits and bobs of ruined or outdated equipment he carried around for the heck of it. A handle out of a bit of this, support struts out of... a bit of that, and a lightweight fabric-like mesh to serve as the parasol itself out of some spare fabric and voila! It's amazing what you can do with some plastic and a bit of spare cloth! It all came together into a primitive but effective umbrella for Otto to shield himself against the rain. He came here to learn, not smell like wet dog. "Oh hey." he greets Ebreus, then nods at Calistan and flashes a smile. "Hey buddo, glad it's workin' for yah!" the coyote chimes and fingerguns at the combat medic. His gaze is instantly drawn by Firecracker, a giggle forcing its way out of Otto's maw as he observes her antics. She was always fun to have around, the wee goofball. Lastly, but definitely not least, there was Parthenia. Ah, they'd met once, and had an... interesting exchange. She looked rather chilly, and not in the spicy food sense either. Getting up from his stool, the coyote collapses it back into the ground, moves over to the human and sits down next to her, extending the cover of his parasol to her as well. "Heya Parth. Long time no see. You're looking well, for a human." he winks, knowing that might get under her skin a little. His ears perk up once Zophah speaks. Non-lethal violence?! That's no fun! Actually, it was great fun sometimes, though one could wonder what that stun gas was. Otto recalls that time his bestie cracked wind so bad it stunned the entire pub. Maybe that's what was in those? Who knew, who cared... he shrugs his shoulders and nods approvingly. "Stun Nades, gotcha."

"Oh yeah! I got one!" Firecracker says, lifting a foreleg up above her head as she sits up on her haunches atop Calistan's shadowy head, continuing instantly while nobody else was talking, "Do we get snacks?" As the fingers run over her back, her wings shift a bit at her sides as she presses into them, then her hips wiggle side-to-side as they continue down her flanks.

Sitting quietly as he watches the other trainees arrive his ears swiveling to hear them before his eyes can settle on them Ebreus then shifts his attention entirely to Zophah as she begins to speak. Putting up his hood as the rain comes down and she asks after questions Ebreus thinks for a few moments as he watches the rain slowly melt Ottos stool. "Will those who earn stun-gernades be told where they may get more?" he asks.

Parthenia didn't have any question. Even if she did she'd probably keep it to herself. Attracting more attention to herself wasn't something she wanted to do. Some parts of Zophah's speech did put a little grin on her face. Namely when she mentioned the collateral damage. Her brow raised when the luxurious dog with a chair walks over towards and sets up something nice for her. A cover from rain! Her thick wet brow raises and she brushes moist hair from her forehead. "Thank you." She said obviously grateful for what little cover she got, much less so about the poke at her humanity. Still, she said nothing about it. Only her lips pouted a bit more and her brows moved closer together. "We will catch up after if you don't mind. I would like to listen."

Running too fast for her own good. Saline tries her best to make it as fast as she can. "I'm so late, oh why I'm so late" She starts to run out of breath and pant in between her own snarky remarks to herself. "How did this even happen?" she says as she almosts trips over her own boots. "Almost *pant* there *pant*" Seeing the group ahead she slows down letting her legs flop on the ground before ending at a stop crouched over and hands on her knees. "Oh god *pant* it hurts to breathe" Sweaty and taking wheezy breaths she tries to make her way in the back unnoticed. Thankfully the wet stains on her shirt are mostly rain.

Zophah chuckles a bit at Firecracker's question. "You only get what snacks you bring. As for Arris's question, there will be a bit of time to test what you know.

Zophah quietly yips, "Ok, given that everyone here is probably used to things going wrong, I'll cover how to end a fight nonlethally instead of how to avoid combat all together. Your first choice should be ways to deter an attacker: even lethal weapons can be used for suppressive fire in this instance. Anyone here with questions or ideas on how to accomplish this?"

Arris raises hir hand. "With a lethal weapon, you can deter attackers by shooting at less-necessary bodyparts, like the feet or hands. It'll cripple them or help prevent them from attacking you, but probably won't kill them."

Otto raises his hand and goes "OH OH OH!", then once he has drawn the instructor's attention, he draws the magnum pistol at his side and spins it around a few times on one hand, tosses it and catches it with the other, then aims right at Zophah and asks "Feeling lucky, punk?!" *click* he pulled the trigger, seems the weapon was sans ammunitions! Putting it away with another neat spin, he raises his voice again and states, "Bare your fangs, ofcourse. If the enemy sees you're packin' heat, they won't want to fuck with you, and are more likely to just back the fuck off and calm the fuck down, pardon my french. MY POINT is that a good scare can make that grumpy mutant just put those claws away and rethink attacking you, BUT a good round or two in the air to cause some noise and show you mean business, or two rounds in the kneecaps if they STILL want a piece of you and there you have it. Technically it's non-lethal and you've disabled your opponent, so the most they can try and do is hobble at you and bleed on you." Otto states, then ponders for a moment "Or you can force them behind cover by "accidentally" firing rounds NEAR them, not AT them... ya know. Spook em good!"

The nanite mage made his way back over to the fallen skunk. Though the moisture that covered her shirt was distinctly clarifying. He'd lay his gaze back across her frame to extend a palm and took in her wheezing frame. "You didn't miss much.. Hope that you are alright with a little moisture. I think you just get used to that in combat. Calistan Enivid and Firecracker, Nice to meet you." He'd point up to the majestic winged pony atop his head for clarity to the second name before looking back over as the question was raised. He'd raise his left pristinely white hand in the air, hoping to get called upon. Though both of his answers were clarified previously, he'd follow up. "Other times you could subdue them with your own mutations, claws, body, fluids, to help work them out of their state of mania. It makes a difference whether it's a conscious attack versus something out of a manic rush. As it was said, focusing on non-lethal parts of the body and preventing them from attacking by hitting major limbs and working on nerves or sating the instincts can restore their state of mind."

Firecracker waves a foreleg at the mostly-skunk as Calistan helps her up. What's your name?" she asks with a friendly smile after he finishes introducing them to the new girl. She then looks back over to Zophah and the rest of the group to speak up. "Oh yeah, I like the not hurting people part," Firecracker says, rapidly nodding her head. "And I could probably just talk to em or fly up too high for em to reach! That's a good way to stop fighting!" she finishes with a giggle, extending her wings and giving them a few little flaps to show them off before folding them back to her sides.

Ears swiveled back to listen to the arrival of the late trainee Ebreus keeps his eyes on the instructor until the new arrival trips. At that point he turns his head to see if she is alright. Once she gets up and appears to be fine he returns his attention to the lesson. Once the question is asked he considers his options for achieving such a task for a moment. He raises a hand and waits for a break in suggestions "If the goal is only to prevent combat between oneself and their wouldbe attacker altering the turrain between the two can be a good deterant. In areas unlikely to turn into an inferno fire can make an effective non-lethal barrier." he suggests.

Parthenia is surprised that so many mutants actually get right to the point of shooting their guns. Actual guns. With how sex crazed everything is around this parts, grabbing your weapons isn't always a necessity. Scearing or crippling things isn't always the only way around. The most flexible of survivals never really use the most flexible ways. She just rolled her eyes at the display Otto puts on. So many unnecessary movements, pointing the gun at others even with an empty clip was a no-no in her books. "Considering the current state of the world, anything and anyone can be a lethal weapon. That includes dicks and tits. I've seen a few agents turned into bloody goop by primes smashing their breasts against them. Again, those same lythal breasts can be wiggled enticingly to convince a horny beast that there is no reason to fight. I've seen some use what they call," She raises her hands making a quote signs with her fingers. "Love box, to pretty much disarm ferals by trapping their limbs inside the cunt." She shrugged looking away. "Hell I've seen some fuck ferals in to submission too." Who would have imagine that a human would propose the most perverted solutions?!

Still breathing heavily she reacts to the mage's touch on her "Yeah I'm fine just ran too fast. I'm Saline uh..." She looks at both of them and gives a small smile. "Thanks though it's good to know I'm not terribly late." Saline turns around and tries to bring as much attention as she can muster to the speaker at the podium although her breathing disallowed her to hear her last sentence. Spotting some of the trainees raise their hands for questions she thinks that she should as well but realizes she doesn't want to bring attention to herself for being late and tries her best to shrink in the back of the crowd

Zophah ducks behind the podium the moment Otto raises his magnum at her, yelling "Never point a gun at anything you aren't willing to shoot! That's basically rule number one in gun handling! I don't care if it's unloaded or not!" Once Otto puts away his gun she returns to her replies. "Firecracker, while avoiding combat with flying will help you, what about allies who can't fly? And what if the enemy can fly too? As for Ebreus, putting a barrier, physical or damaging, between you and them can work. Calistan's and Parthenia's ideas work too. Wearing them down physically or sexually can keep an attacker from their assault. Lastly, if threatening your opponent's attack isn't an option, you will have to rely on stuning, slowing, and other debilitating effects to reduce or even eliminate their ability to fight. Counterattacks that assault the mind, such as illusions or hypnosis, also work. Anyone here with other powers or weapons for this purpose?"

Arris thinks for a moment, running through the mutant powers sie has mastered in hir mind. "Well, I could use my fish tail to hit them. That'll probably knock 'em over for... at least a brief moment. Oh, and I can also use my tentacle nanomagic to grab enemies and hold them in place. If I can wrap them up tight enough, they won't be able to move or attack me."

"Jeez, spoilsport. This thing doesn't even leave holes that big." Otto mutters and shakes his head, then raises his hand, this time holding a short blade in it. "I fashioned this thing to inflict pain rather than wounds. Its purpose is to debilitate the opponent and cripple them such so they can not really... you know, eat my face?" he shrugs, puts it away and thinks for a moment. "I mean you COULD jam a whole lotta calming tonics into an aerosol and spray the ever loving hell out of the ferals, assuming they're after you cause they're horny, or some aphrodisiacs to play their own game and make them so lost to their lust that they drop down or start to rut one another... heck, the Aerosol is good stuff, there are chemicals that can make the damn ferals fall asleep, err... but it doesn't work that well, in my experience. They still try to nibble my knees, so..." he shrugs, then snaps his fingers and has that lightbulb moment! "Electricity! Grab a tazer charge, unleash the current, watch em spazz out while you make a run for it! They won't die, but it hurts like hell." he recalls when he himself was tased once.

He couldn't help but smile as Parenthia gave her suggestion. The acute clarity of imagining a beast that was pinned down by having each of it's limbs embedded in the love box of a different creature and them milking each one into submission until they all climaxed and were broken into ecstasy or rode through their heights of climax left him fighting the urge to snicker. Though almost as quick as the smile cut across his lips, it vanished in the memory of the more mechanistic beasts that were made for that purpose and had fully entrapping and literally devouring devices that were situated right in the areas that were naturally meant for pleasure. He'd run his left fingertips along the bridge of Firecracker's back to sweep along her flanks a moment and keep a smooth stroke from the shoulder of her forehooves to the base of her flanks while he listened on. He'd keep a furtive glance to Parenthia before his mind drifted to envisioning being fully immersed by a matching situation between suckers and possible appendages of full consumption before blinking thrice and resuming his gaze back to the foreground. "The ability to project emotions can confuse and disorient enemies. That is one thing I've learned. Depending on my form you could use things like pheremones to help dissuade or distract opponents."

"Sorry! I never fight people, so I'm just guessin'!" Firecracker says with a smile. "But uuummmmm, I can do this!" She stands up on her hindlegs, winding up a foreleg as if she were holding something, then bringing it in a quick arc downward towards Calistan's head as if she was throwing it. When the something or nothing is tossed, a large cloud of obscuring pink smoke bursts forth, immediately consuming a good deal of area. While the smoke cloud is up Firecracker is camouflaged and disappears from sight and attackability! She also takes the opportunity to dash along through the obscuring smoke and land atop the instructor's head. "Tag!" she happily giggles.

Smiling as the instructor accepts his deterant method Ebreus then goes over what he can do in his head. Working on how best to non-lethally counter an attack he thinks for a moment. He watches Otto in some level of surprize at his suggestions before looking back to the instructor, hand raised, and saying. "I could bowl over a group with Scythe Sweep and them bind them to the ground with Ensnaring Webs. Failing that I could knock them over and burn them a bit with Crash and Burn." As the rain begins to come down harder he tilts his head up and spits a blue fireball into the air above him along with a small field of yellow and red fire that flash-steems the rain in the air above him for a few moments as he hurries to Otto. "May I join you in shelter from the rain?" he asks.

Parthenia returns her arms to her chest crossing them and looking away from the instructor with a soft "Humpf." She didn't have no such things and found the use of particular powers to be dirty. But, anything goes in a real fight, not being able to use something or fight against it was the problem of those unable. Again the dog who provided her with a roof was making her roll her eyes and look down at him flailing his knife around with an annoyed look. She only gets more annoyed when the pink cloud spreads about. At least it was raining hard now, the water and the wind will beat it down fast. Lucky for her, her dog and their shelter they were to the side, and the pink cloud wan't going to consume them any time soon. Still, that color was so... Hot! She couldn't help but to pant softly. Her eyes lock on Ebreus and she frowns looking him over. "Hardly enough space here as is."

"Nonlethal huh?" Saline put her chin in her hand "I wonder if my spray could be used like a smokebomb" she quickly shook the idea out of her head it just seemed a little too ridiculous. But aphrodisiacs the thought of just spraying aerosol at a feral and just having them go crazy made her crotch tingle. As the rain started picking she noticed her shirt started to get soaked and showed off her hard nipples. Saline started to cross her arms to cover her assets. Knowing she would get soaked out in the rain she stays out just so she won't get called out and try to look nonchalant. Looking over she sees Erebus get turned away from the tent "Guess everyone gets the rainy treatment." Starting to get soaking wet Saline starts to shiver slightly.

Zophah reaches under the podium, and in a few seconds she snaps together a few parts of an umbrella with nanomagic, much like otto did earlier. The rain was really coming down hard now, quickly dispersing the smoke that Firecracker created. She picked up firecracker off her head and set Firecracker on the podium. "I know the rain will make this a lot harder, but now is the chance to demonstrate what you have talked about." She motions to a set of hay-filled sacks set up like scarecrows. They are all different sizes and body types, at least two of which are large taurs and a humanoid one is the size of a fairy. "Taking turns, use what you know on the dummies. If the dummy is no longer intact after your turn, then you haven't been paying attention."

Arris attempts to protect hirself from the rain, holding a textbook above hir head as sie gets up and approaches the to the target dummies, getting within arm's length.. "Alright, let's see here..." Sie removes hir windbreaker and button-up shirt, putting the textbook down on the ground and hir clothes on top of it. Tentacles extend from hir now-barren waist, darting out and tightly wrapping around the nearest one. Attempting to pull it from the ground, sie fails and hir tentacles instead slip off the surface of the dummy. "Whoops."

Raising one paw to collect some of the rapidly falling water, the coyote opens his maw, "Fuck this weather." Otto huffs and hands Ebreus the parasol, steps out into the rain and cracks his knuckles. It takes a little know-how, but BY THE POWER OF GRAYSKULL... or rather some nanomagic, he would literally raise a sizable earthen slab above them, piece by piece to construct a basic shelter, supported by strategically placed stone pillars and archways. The structure ascended above the heads of the many, shielding them from the cascade of water. "Ow, ow, ow, ow..." Otto repeated, feeling that particular cramp-like ache in his head that extended use of nanomagic left behind. He breathes a sigh of relief once the shelter was complete, and dusts his paws off. Well, at least they had somewhere to hide now. Walking over towards Ebreus, he retrieves the parasol from him, folds it up, shakes some of the water off and puts it away.

Once their orders were given, he looks over at the dummy near him, then cracks his knuckles, one into the other. "Alright then." he grins, then reaches onto his back and draws his electrified chainsaw. The weapon whirrs with energy, primed and ready to jolt and rend anyone and everyone unlucky enough to get sliced up by the menacing thing. He assumes a semi-crouching stance, sword in one hand and his other placed ready to draw his missing combat knife. It was currently in Parthenia's hands, as she'd asked for it privately moments prior without anyone noticing. With that, he focuses on a group of three just before himself, makes a rapid charge right at them and swings his weapon moments before making contact! A loud crackling sound is heard and in a flash, the three dummies fall flat on the ground, the supports at their base rendered asunder, the equivalent of practically chopping someone's feet off. Otto re-sheathes his weapon and dusts himself off, then looks around. "They'll live." he shrugs "Err... probably?"

He was disappointed at the change of positioning but as he smelled the sweet cloud coat his body he'd look back across the foreground, using the nanites to distill the rain and channel it in funnels across his frame, wielding two tentacles into a wider spread across the top of his frame leaving them as visible extensions overtop his body. Though when he was presented with the various creatures before he group his mind began reeling in strategies to await the possible variances that were possible. He'd look back to the instructor a moment and raised his hand, prepping his question. "Are these chemically responsive?" He narrowed his amber gaze and kept that in mind as he listened, shifting his eyes back over to Saline to soak in the difference just before her arms covered her back, before cutting over to Ebreus and Otto in tandem, only happening to get a full view of Parthenia in between. The battering wind still stuck in his mind. The water, even more so. Though he'd look between the group and waited back a second to find his place for his turn. He'd follow suit in his approach with the shroud making sure he was within arm's length of the tauric one to attempt to snap across its body and bind it with the tentacle work. The precision used was one of astute clarity. He'd take a different twist on the takate kote harness of shibari weaving it down across the sides of the frame, locking the abdomen in the same grip to seal across the groin and leave a single strand that was smoothly weaving counter strokes across where the groin would lie. The second set would take the other taur in tandem, wrapping it with a coiling seal around the groin to emulate a full matching cock bondage with a balancing suspension where the struggling would leave counter pulls across the body at different points. Thankfully, these targets wouldn't have the fight to squirm. Yet upon completing his suspension, he'd display it to the instructor before slipping them back down to brace them for the next participant.

As Otto starts to work on building the shelter with his nanomagic, he would find it to be a bit easier than he might expect, thanks to Firecracker adding her Nanite Manufacturing Nanomagic to the mix! Once that is done, the puny pale pink pegasus pony returns to wiggling a bit on the podium as she watches a the others take their turns before her, getting especially worked up as Calistan gets to work with his binding tentacles. Her wings extend fully at her sides while a light blush comes to her face while she watches, heat making itself known. When the shadowy man finishes, she takes a few moments to inspect his work as she rubs against the pedestal before realizing it's her turn. "Oh me next!" she says a bit flustered, giggling at the mistake as she hops off the stand to glide to her miniature dummy target. Once there, she trots forward, stands up on her hindlegs, wraps its chest with her forelegs, and squeezes, giving it a nice warm hug. At the same time, she gives the dummy a long, wet lick up its cheek, not that the added saliva does much following the thorough soaking caused by the heavy downpour. Once the hug is complete, she comes off the dummy, turns around, drops her head into her forehooves, and raises her ass and tail to the dummy, presenting her winking heat to the "enemy". "Oh I liked the idea Parthy came up with! The boobie wigglin' one!" she giggles while she wiggles her teats and rear end.

  At the same time, the whole area warms considerably, pushing away the chill brought on by the wet and cold after the sun has set.  The increased temperature will serve to warm and dry the wet people in the area as the rain continues to fall outside their new shelter, in theory anyway.

Looking to the indicated dummies then to his companions Ebreus begins to change form as he waits for Otto to try before he does. His clothes loose deffinition and become staticy as he changes. His body bulks out becoming impressively muscular as his fur sheds off revealing shark hide. His hind legs reshape to those of a tigers and his forelegs atrophy and dissapear into his torso. Large blades grow from his wrists to the length of his forearms as his tail turns into a natual mace of spikes and feathers. Resettling supporting himself on his legs and hands his clothing now taking a form resembling a police dog vest he plots his attack as he waits his turn.

He smiles as Otto does, effectively, the same thing he is about to then stretches a moment. He bolts forward toward the larget two dummies and leaps through the air the last thrid of the way toward them. With a sweep of his arms and a flick of the blade-like apendages attatched to his arms he severs the bases of the two largest dummies and as his spiky tail wags over them it coats them in sticky, incompasitating webbing. He then rises to stand on his hind legs as he turns around. "On the ground and tied up. Not much more 'incompasitated' that they can get." he says with a grin on his face.

His vest then becomes staticy and losses deffinition and the blades on his arms shrink to nothing, his torso expands as it looses some muscle deffinition and another pair of legs grows. The Shark hide molts off to be replaced by red fluffy fox fur, entirely dry as it hadn't been rained on, as his tail looses its feathers and quills to become a proper fox tail. His clothes becoming the outfit they were before as they settle back on him. He looks to the podium and the instructor as he grins, "So, how'd I do?" he asks as he walks back to the group.

As Zophah puts up an umberalla Saline gives a sigh of relief and starts to shake a bit of the water out of her fur. After this the feeling of relief immediately drains out of her body. "Oh no I haven't really been listening oh crap, oh crap" Thinking on her feet Saline takes off her belt and prepares it in her right hand

When it's finally Saline's turn she prepares herself in front of the dummies before charging into the human sized one. Immediately after going halfway the distance before slipping on patch of mud falling ass first onto the ground. Stunned by the extremely hasty change in altitude Saline lies on the ground for about 10 seconds before trying to stand up. However, when she fell her cargo pants slid partially off and made her slip again falling face first into the mud. Ass up and pants slightly down tail and bottoms coated in rain and mud, all the Emotional strength Saline has only lets her scream into the ground. She gets up and tries to pull her pants up as much as possible embarrassed that everyone watching saw that and hoping that she wont' have to try again. Body soaked in water and mud she struggles to stand and asks to sit it out for a bit and slightly limps out of the way of the dummies. "I'm fine just hurt myself I'm gonna sit it out for a bit"

Parthenia waits for her turn and when it finally cum... Errr... Comes! She really has to get her mind out of the gutter... And for that she should probably get herself out of her silly dress... Why in the nine hells did she wear it to come here anyways?! She could have sworn she put on something a little more... Practical oh well. The demo was at hand! She had to get to it! Maybe being in the rain will help her relax a bit. With a sigh she asked Otto if she may borrow the knife and when it was handed to her she stepped out of her cover and moved to one of them dummies that was still in tact. Seems like a few took her advice about friendly approach to the situation, while some were still rather violent. Well, she didncockpit have her gear here and what she did have was only good for... "Oh~," She sighs coyly, her thick thighs rubbing against one another, hips wiggling, lower back arching pushing out the shapely rump that she was so proud of. Her dress hardly doing anything at all to cover her up and the crowd gets a nice view on those ass cheek and what lays beneath them. Even her panties were visible from how much she was pushing her ass out behind her. Panties that shifted slightly after he squirming, and were digging into her labia on one side, half exposing it to the cool air as the rain drop was lickin aling it's shape. "P-please, don't hurt me..." She panted softly, her arms hugging around her ribcage, pushing up her breasts enough they were almost popping free from the red dress. "O-oh? Th-this?" She stuttered sounding worried, maybe even a little scared. "A~ah~, okay..." She nodded, one of her hands moving to rest over the curve of her breast, squeezing it it, pulling it free from it's confines and she stepped closed to the dummy who was way to dumb to use the opportunity to grope and molest the offered tit! She wrapped her arms around it, pressed her body to the object, grinding into it with a lewd moans... Her arms must have been working on the supports, cutting them with the borrowed knife as she soon had the dummy separated from wooden post and rolled on the ground with it. After a brief few moments of wrestling and rolling around, she was covered by dirt and grass, both her breasts swaying free as she positions herself on top of the dummy with a loud moan. "U~uhmphrihande~e~ed!"

Zophah shakes her head as otto uses an electrified chainsword for his attack. She does nod her head in satisfaction at Ebreus though. When Saline falls she runs to help the skunk girl up off the mud, offering her umbrella for her. "Just take a rest for now. I'll patch you up in a few minutes." Once Parthenia went, Zophah had to clear her throat and hold her tail down, getting aroused from the display. "T-that works." She quickly heads back to the podium where she goes to get the crate of stun grenades, handing them out. "To those who did well, both in suggestions and attempts, here you go." SHe then hands them out to Calistan, Firecracker, Ebreus, and Parthenia.

Arris watches Zophah hand the grenades to the others, picking up hir clothes from the ground again and letting hir tentacles retract back into hir body. "Ah well. Can't say I didn't try." Sie wrings out hir clothes still wet from before the roof was fromed by Otto. "Well, glad to have been here. Got to learn a few more tricks for when I may need them."

Otto shrugs his shoulders and stretches out. Who needs to be non-lethal when you can just massacre your way through anything that stands in your path, right? That's what the coyote believed anyway. Despite his training with master Diya, he still kept the mentality of an RSX agent to heart, quickly rending enemies asunder before they can so much as lay a finger on him, get the job done, no wishy washy dilly dally questions asked, prisoners taken or empathy experienced towards the mindless beasts of the wilds. He was out of his element in an exercise like this, and he'd leave having learned basically nothing other than that sometimes the Prometheans were wusses. "Well that was... interesting." he says, purely to be polite. He had respect for Zophah after all. Yawning widely, the coyote checks his comm unit, looking for something or someone to do. With most of the names marked idle or not available for communication, the coyote shakes his head, then stands his ground, waiting for everyone to leave. He wanted a word with Zophah.

Taking the gernade, with all care due when handling weapons of any type, Ebreus smiles, "Thank you, for this and the lesson." he says. He walks to the edge of the structure sticks a paw out and imediently retracts it as it is hit by raindrops. As he notices Otto sticking around he asks, "Waiting for the rain to die down?" He then aproaches the female skunk morph, Saline, and maintaining his grin he says, "Hello. I'm Ebreus. I didn't catch your name." as he extends a hand to shake.

Being completely immersed in the displays before him, he'd take notes of the scythe work of Ebreus, doubled at the display from Arris's tentacle assault, doubling up to Otto's chainsword electrocution with the added buff of the rain working through the fray. Though catching Firecracker's work along the podium at the shibari bondage work in two, his mind went back to a very specific memory of a party he had one time before a broad smile cut across his lips. He'd look back after her attack before watching the full presentation of crotch titties, pussy and ass to the enemy totally disarm them, only to see Parthenia follow up in her outright display of each and every asset she had visually only to see the end of the dummy work into the broken speech that left his multiple shafts curling back to the shroud of shadow to match Zophah's recoil at the display. Though as he calmed a bit,the instant his personal toy went to work he'd feel a surge in his bloodstream double over at the rush of heat that left his sensitized nose draining the pheromones into a full on drunk state of rut at the intoxication of each one. With Arris's passing in hir current form, he'd nod his head absent-mindedly, barely hearing Zophah's words as he understood before waggling his brows to the cute skunkette and heading his way back to Firecracker from her former attack. He'd hoist her up to rest her on his head, hoping she'd be up for helping his current..State. "Fire, I might have overdone it. Know any good places to just clear your head. The pheromones in here are making me absolutely crazy."

Firecracker bites her lip, mushing her heat up against the dummy for a few minutes while the others perform all sorts of lewd acts. Once picked up and placed on Calistan's head, she simply continues to rub against his head. "Uh, right here?!" she suggests. "Right here sounds good to me! I really wanna do some sexy stuff with like everyone here!" she says looking around to the others sticking around.