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* [[Miranai]]
* [[Miranai]]
* [[Selyra]]
* [[Selyra]]
* [[Sakura]]
<div></div><br> <br>Cyrr feels somewhat bad about being disruptive somewhat but so soon after Mira had filled hir good shi still felt the effects of what lead up to it. The vixen is starting to drape several tails along the canine&#39;s shaft playfully before Selyra&#39;s sharp words roll across them, Cyrr giving a little yip and standing up straighter. &quot;Uh... Sorry Selyra that&#39;s actually my bad, my tails are... Well I&#39;m feeling rather frisky still. It&#39;s okay.&quot; Shi looks over hir shoulder at the canine. &quot;Just... Wait a bit longer maybe?&quot;<br> <br>The mutants look over to Selyra as Sakura smiles and gives a yawn, soon falling back to sleep hugging on her massive belly! The commanding way she speaks despite the words chosen gets them to listen to her, the canine even backing away from Cyrr whimpering and whining the whole time. Shi shakes, shivering there, but the bird morph comes over, &quot;Hush Vicky, hush... come on.. they said there were beds...&quot; Shi says to hir WAY over stimulated companion as shi leads hir away. The lizard coughs and tries to continue, &quot;Yes... we can help with farm work, and a fair few of us do have knowledge of things we can share. I was a chemistry lab assistant before the plague happened.&quot; Shi says, giving hirself a few strokes despite hirself, &quot;But please... we are... tired, hungry, and well... needful... some time to rest before we discuss these things?&quot; Shi asks.<br> <br>Selyra smiles when the canine backs away from Cyrr, nodding. &quot;You can have some fun if Cyrr is okay with it. But yes, a little later would be preferred.&quot; she says to the two of them, then looking back at the rest. &quot;Oh, of course! Follow your friends to th common room, and Cyrr will record the beds you&#39;re claiming before making you some nameplates.&quot; she explains, her grin widening at the prospect of having new helpers.<br> <br>Cyrr curls hir tails about hir legs slowly as the avian ushers Vicky off, whispering a quiet apology as they go, then turning back to the conversation at large. &quot;Excellent! The farm is where we needed some help is it not Selyra?&quot; Grinning the vixen turns to the remaining two. &quot;I&#39;ll get you all some food from my own reserve for today as well. My way of apology for getting a bit needy myself during the first meeting. Give me all your names and I&#39;ll grab my supplies and get the food ready.&quot;[[Category:RPLogs]]
<div></div>A fairly typical day in the SB headquarters. Selyra still grounded in the lobby for now, belly far too large for her to even see around let alone move. And Miranai working with Susan to get hir latest bunch of children learning the basics of surviving in the world as well as figuring out what talents they liked and enjoyed that would lead to their productive involvment in the growing society. For the moment though, Miranai tends to Selyra, working in the kitchen to make up a simple salad with some 'special' dressing, dripping and dribbling from just about everywhere as shi does, per hir usual. Shi shouts back, "Mother? Do you think I should try and use something to keep all of my.... well... stuff contained?" Shi asks as shi works.<br> <br>Selyra lays in a large pile of pillows on the floor constructed with the help of the productive taur, as to not take up all the space on the couch with her immobilizing belly. Hearing Mira's transmission in her head, she blushes a little, stroking over what she can reach of her massive dome. Using her comm device, she responds to Mira, saying 'Well, my sweetie, the short answer is yes. At least most of the time, and when we're doing work or business. There is honestly a lot of mess. I know the nanites take care of it in the end, but I think you make it faster! When you're having your fun, or it's a little better contained, I don't see why you would need to.' she sends the long message, relaxing back on the pillows and awaiting her no doubt delicious salad.<br> <br>Sakura was also in the lounge, somewhere relatively close to Selyra, snoozing softly. Her own belly was huge and larger than she ever remembred having it.<br> <br>A red furred head pokes its way through the doorway, grinning as shi sees the two big bellied females 'reclining'. "Good afternoon!" The salamander turned vixen sweeps into the room with a flurry of tails behind hir, giving Selyra a hug and pausing when shi notices the sleeping Sakura. "So hows my favorite collie hmm?" The bushel of tails wagging eagerly. The red furred vixen's belly bumps against Selyra's, nowhere near as huge as the collie's but definetely starting to show already.<br> <br>Giving a whine Mira sighs softly, using hir nanomagics to give hirself covers over hir cock and hir breasts. It would hold back things for now, collected in pads similar to what maternity bras, and a latex condom upon hir massive cock. Shi finishes up and waddle walks hir way back to Selyra and Sakura, seeing Cyrr there as well, blushing a bit. "Here you two go... there is plenty for both, and for you too Cyrr if you want." It is indeed a massive bowl filled with a simple salad, though anyone with a nose could tell what the dressing was. Shi shifts on hir paws a bit, "Mommy... I've been thinking... you know, about... how much I love to be... well.. stuffed and stuffing others.." Shi says, looking about the room. Shi'd filled Selyra to the point shi couldn't move, as will as Sakura. And judging by Cyrr, shi was on hir way to not being able to lift and move hir belly on hir own as well. "And... well... I really want to do that... more." Shi admits, awaiting and expecting hir mother's rebuke.<br> <br>Selyra knew that Mira wouldn't be happy with that response, but she figured she could talk about it in a little more detail with Mira in person. Having been immobilized in the lounge for weeks now, she's not blind to the changes that the salamander had gone through. With a smile, she waves back at Cyrr, but puts a finger to her muzzle. "Make sure to talk soft, Sakura's napping at the moment." she says almonst in a whisper, murring from the hug to her huge belly. "I'm doing fairly well today, how about yourself?" she asks, cheeks turning a bit red from hir complement. When Mira returns, Selyra gladly takes the bowl, housing it in her cleavage so she can eat out of it with a fork. "Mmm... Thank you very much, sweetie." she says gratefully, nearly wolfing it down. Mira's special dressing adds quite a bit of flavor, which she savors with each bite. Hearing Mira's comment, her eyes widen. "M-more? Well, I'm sorry to say, my dear, but I don't know that I'd be a willing volunteer in that pursuit. It's up to everyone else if they want to do that, but honey... How is anyone going to get anything done around here if they can't even move? I've been getting... Extremely restless, to be honest. I want to be out getting all kinds of things done. Don't get me wrong, though! This feels wonderful, but I want a healthy balance. That's just my stance on it, but as I said, everyone can make their own decisions on that." she says to Mira, using a sweet tone the whole way so that she doesn't sound mean.<br> <br>Sakura stirrs a bit in her sleep when Cyrr enters and starts talking, but doesn't quite wake up. However when Mira returns and starts talking with Selyra she lets out a long yawn and opens her eyes sleepily, stretching a bit and attempts to stand up, only to yip when she nearly rolls from her spot as a result of her action. She quickly glances around and spots Selyra and Mira and smiles at them "Err.. me keep forgetting me can't stand up.." she giggles and turns to look at Cyrr. "Umm.. hello." she greets the fox. She didn't seem to catch the entire dialogue between Mira and Selyra. "Hm? More what?" she asks looking from Selyra to Mira.<br> <br>"Quite well myself... These tails are just to much fun." Grinning Cyrr wiggles hir tails over the collie's belly. The vixen's body and especially tails radiating a pleasant heat. When Mira arrives Cyrr gives a wave, waiting for the taur to put the salad bowl down then moving over to her. Giving the taur a big hug including draping hir tails over her lower half. She considers Mira's wish for several moments while Selyra talks. "I... Don't mind it. Normally I can get around okay though this time is feeling a bit different." Shi rubs a hand over hir distending belly. "But... I do agree with Selyra about needing to get things done around here." Cyrr drums hir fingers for a moment, tails wiggling at Sakura in greeting. "Perhaps a rotation of people?"<br> <br>Miranai give a whine, "But... mother, I... I just want to share this joy with everyone..." Shi says, leaning back over hirself and patting on hir empty belly, "I need to get Nyo to fill me up again soon..." Shi says, turning a bit so hir massive fat pussy, running with its honey is shown to everyone, "I'll go make some more food for everyone, ok? Then... go get myself taken care of..." Shi says. Though Sakura's words and Cyrr's input gives hir pause. "Well... maybe... I mean, I can work though a lot of a pregnancy! I'm sure... everyone could work it out... maybe..." Shi says, "And more kits my little dear, so... many more kits..." Shi says, waddle walking hir way back toward the kitchen, the musky and tangy scent of hir lingering for a while as shi goes.<br> <br>Selyra giggles when she hears Sakura wake, looking over to hir. "Well good morning, sweetie!" she greets the herm fox, giving hir a small wave. Feeling Cyrr's tails tickling at her huge belly, she can't help but giggle some more, her belly more sensitive from all the stretching. Listening to the other herm fox's input, she tilts her head. "A rotation? I don't really think we need..." she trails off, hearing Mira's whine. Looking over at the taur, she gives a soft, apologetic sigh. "Mira, sweetie..." she starts, voice soothing and sweet, almost a coo. "I know you want to share the joy, and that's a very generous thing to do. However, we need to progress with the city, don't we? You want to see it flourish big and great? People need to do work, and not everyone can work through such a pregnancy the same way you can. I..." she cuts her next sentence short, eyebrows furrowing and eyes looking a bit distant for a moment, as if something had clicked in her mind. "Oh dear... Cyrr, I'm going to need your help. The foxes have spotted five mutants approaching the gates, and we'll need to receive them when they arrive. Please keep me informed." she says openly, sending a quick message to her herm daughter Riley.<br> <br>Sakura smiles to Selyra and waves back. She then listens to Cyrr, Mira and Selyra blushing a bit as Mira shows her pussy to them and blinks a bit at Mira "More?" she asks surprised and glances down at her own belly. "Me don't think there can be more..." she says and watches after Mira as shi leaves. "Can there be even more than this?" she asks Selyra and Cyrr after Mira leaves, looking from one to the other. "Huh? What's goin on?" she asks looking confused at Selyra.<br> <br>Cyrr tilts hir head as Mira shuffles her way out. Tails slipping off her flank and drooping towards the floor as shi ponders. Shi shrugs however not quite able to place what it is shi's feeling and goes over to give Sakura a hug. At the mention of arrivals the vixen's ears perk. "Now? We weren't expecting anyone given your tone... I'll grab my gear and go meet Riley." Bustling out of the room the red vixen heads to hir quarters to retrieve hir helmet and vest, deciding to leave the sniper rifle. A touch to threatening and unwieldy at this point. Trying to fit the helmet however proved to be not happening however, Cyrr hadn't altered it to fit hir new head yet! Grumbling shi leaves that as well and moves to meet with Riley and head towards the gates.<br> <br>The child of Selyra, Riley and the heavily gravid Cyrr venture out to meet the mutants. A dog of some kind, as well as a bird, a deer, some kind of lizard, and a mouse. The talks don't go very well, but they at least seem friendly enough. As per normal, they are lead back to the SB building itself, where the five of them look over Selyra and Sakura. It is easy to tell their mixed feelings of envy and delight. Something about all five of them was VERY evident though. They had anywhere between two and six down right massive balls. Each of them sported a cock or sheath that looked like, if erect, would be as long as their forearm or their whole arm! Breasts going from head sized all they way down to their waists! They are each just huge! "Hello." Says the deer, "We come seeking refuage. We heard from some passing deer about this place..." Though watching them it is also fairly easy to tell that some of them are barely holding their own 'needs' back...<br> <br>Selyra laughs softly from Sakura's comment, smiling to hir. "Oh, trust me, sweetie... There can always be more." she replies, and gives a nod to Cyrr before shi leaves. She waits in suspense for Cyrr to keep her up to date on the situation, Riley contributing to that as well. And soon enough, the mutants are brought back to the lounge. "W-welcome! You haven't caught me at my best, but we're glad to have you!" she says to them, hoping to appear more hospitible to them, even though the initial greetings weren't too smooth. When they mention passing deer, the collie swallows audibly, memories flashing in her head. But she nods and comes back to the present, chuckling nervously. "Y-yes, of course... We do our best to provide the best living situations. Right now, we have a common room that can house many people, right through that door. Find a bed with no nameplate, allow us to make one for you, and you're welcome to sleep there. We've got a kitchen, a dining hall, a milking machine, and a clinic... Though if you would like a room of your own, we're currently building a hotel of sorts in this very compound." she explains to them, trying to build a case for their group.<br> <br>Sakura looks at Selyra "Really?" she asks and looks after Cyrr as she leaves. She squirms a bit in her place, trying to get in a more comfortable position and eeps surprised when 5 mutants enter to room, looking from one to the other. "Hello." she says shyly and blushing, trying to hide herself behind her belly.<br> <br>Cyrr was glad shi hadn't taken hir rifle, upon reflection as they group walks back. Their 'assets' however makes for a very bemused salamander. Seemed like they had quite the interesting crew that Mira would probably take well to. "Yes... I should see if I can step that construction up a bit more before I become immobile." Tails wiggling behind the vixen, sometimes brushing near the five as if curious. "And I'd like to hear more in detail as to why you need to move but perhaps later if you wish not go into it now."<br> <br>The canine of the group looks to be having the most diffaculty at the moment, red cock out, hard, and throbbing, knot slightly swollen in... and a cock that was up to hir forehead, sticking out between hir waist bumping breasts. The bird is the next to speak up though, "You'd welcome us so... easily? And share supplies?" Shi asks. It was easy to tell each of them was either a herm or a shemale just from looking at them... even it one couldn't see, the smell of them would give all the information needed about them. They were indeed fairly like Mira or other hypers from Fairhaven!, though one looks Cyrr in particular, the deer, "You are... so tiny... are you immune to growth?" Shi asks, another looks to Sakura, walking around her massive belly, "This one is... smaller..." Shi says! Each of them did look pregnant, though at varying stages, and probably not with too many each.<br> <br>Selyra smiles to the mutants after their question, shaking her head a bit. "I think you misunderstand, at least a little bit. It isn't supplies I'm offering. It's a safe place to sleep, but it's not private. And if you want to use the kitchen, you catch or gather your own supplies." she clarifies, hoping to eliminate all confusion. However, when they mention how small people are, and them asking if they're immune to the growth, she tilts her head, thinking back. "Oh, I'm sorry! You must have recently left your old home. If I'm corrent in assuming the kind of thing you're referring to, this nanite bubble doesn't have it. Cyrr and Sakura aren't really small, at least not around here." she explains to them, hoping to explain any any additional confusion. "Now, my guests... I believe you were asked why you moved from your original home." she says softly with a smile.<br> <br>Sakura glances at the group with curiousity and blinks as she's called small, and looks up at the mutant above her, her eyes lingering at hir cock for a time and squirms a bit in place, but shakes her head. "Me not small.. me normal sized." she pouts and nods. "You meantion supplies, do you have any with you?" she asks curious.<br> <br>Cyrr shifts in place as they all chat. Tails starting to brush more brazenly against the newcomer's balls and shafts as hir slit moistens. The comments about their 'sizes' making the vixen giggle. "Not immune no. I suspect that the bubble you came from focused on certain aspects of yours when you changed even though that seems normal for you. This is likewise normal for us. However sizes like yours are not... Unknown to us suffice to say. We're quite used to it. If I have the time I wouldn't mind assisting you here and there until you can establish yourself properly... Speaking of which what skills might you have?"<br> <br>Sakura's cute demenor gets a bit of a collective 'aww' from the newcomers, looking a bit softer and less guarded after... and Cyrr's attentions to their bits gets more than a few wiggling in need... that canine looking a good bit worse off for it.. Shi whines looking Cyrr over, panting. The lizard however, continues, "Yes, we can scavange well enough, but... perhaps we could do work instead? It is... hard to get around sometimes, and speed isn't our strongest suits..." Shi says, though the canine was already moving around behind Cyrr, a half pleading, half insistant look to hir, "Got.. got to fuck... need fuck..." Shi moans, gripping to Cyrr's backside, rubbing over it through that robe, though shi'd have to back up quite a bit to actually do what shi was needing! The bird coughs a bit, and tries to continue, "Umm, well yes, we do.. have some things to offer in exchange for living here." Shi says shurgging of hir pack and digging through it. Various odds and ends, old electronics, broken parts of gears, slightly worn batteries and other such things. "We left because... well... not everyone in our city is as... clear headed as we are.." Though with Cyrr's actions their clear headedness seems to be fading quickly...<br> <br>Watching and listening to these mutants, she nods along, but keeps an eye on the canine mutant when she notices hir eying up Cyrr. And one shi grabs hir ass, Selyra gasps. "My word... Please, don't push yourself on someone else here." she says in a firmer tone than she's used so far. "We ask first here, so keep that in mind while you stay." she tells the canine, as well as the rest of them. "We have a farm that needs working, we could always use more help with the construction, and we need teachers." she tells them,<br> <br>Cyrr feels somewhat bad about being disruptive somewhat but so soon after Mira had filled hir good shi still felt the effects of what lead up to it. The vixen is starting to drape several tails along the canine&#39;s shaft playfully before Selyra&#39;s sharp words roll across them, Cyrr giving a little yip and standing up straighter. &quot;Uh... Sorry Selyra that&#39;s actually my bad, my tails are... Well I&#39;m feeling rather frisky still. It&#39;s okay.&quot; Shi looks over hir shoulder at the canine. &quot;Just... Wait a bit longer maybe?&quot;<br> <br>The mutants look over to Selyra as Sakura smiles and gives a yawn, soon falling back to sleep hugging on her massive belly! The commanding way she speaks despite the words chosen gets them to listen to her, the canine even backing away from Cyrr whimpering and whining the whole time. Shi shakes, shivering there, but the bird morph comes over, &quot;Hush Vicky, hush... come on.. they said there were beds...&quot; Shi says to hir WAY over stimulated companion as shi leads hir away. The lizard coughs and tries to continue, &quot;Yes... we can help with farm work, and a fair few of us do have knowledge of things we can share. I was a chemistry lab assistant before the plague happened.&quot; Shi says, giving hirself a few strokes despite hirself, &quot;But please... we are... tired, hungry, and well... needful... some time to rest before we discuss these things?&quot; Shi asks.<br> <br>Selyra smiles when the canine backs away from Cyrr, nodding. &quot;You can have some fun if Cyrr is okay with it. But yes, a little later would be preferred.&quot; she says to the two of them, then looking back at the rest. &quot;Oh, of course! Follow your friends to th common room, and Cyrr will record the beds you&#39;re claiming before making you some nameplates.&quot; she explains, her grin widening at the prospect of having new helpers.<br> <br>Cyrr curls hir tails about hir legs slowly as the avian ushers Vicky off, whispering a quiet apology as they go, then turning back to the conversation at large. &quot;Excellent! The farm is where we needed some help is it not Selyra?&quot; Grinning the vixen turns to the remaining two. &quot;I&#39;ll get you all some food from my own reserve for today as well. My way of apology for getting a bit needy myself during the first meeting. Give me all your names and I&#39;ll grab my supplies and get the food ready.&quot;[[Category:RPLogs]]

Latest revision as of 04:41, 24 February 2016





A fairly typical day in the SB headquarters. Selyra still grounded in the lobby for now, belly far too large for her to even see around let alone move. And Miranai working with Susan to get hir latest bunch of children learning the basics of surviving in the world as well as figuring out what talents they liked and enjoyed that would lead to their productive involvment in the growing society. For the moment though, Miranai tends to Selyra, working in the kitchen to make up a simple salad with some 'special' dressing, dripping and dribbling from just about everywhere as shi does, per hir usual. Shi shouts back, "Mother? Do you think I should try and use something to keep all of my.... well... stuff contained?" Shi asks as shi works.

Selyra lays in a large pile of pillows on the floor constructed with the help of the productive taur, as to not take up all the space on the couch with her immobilizing belly. Hearing Mira's transmission in her head, she blushes a little, stroking over what she can reach of her massive dome. Using her comm device, she responds to Mira, saying 'Well, my sweetie, the short answer is yes. At least most of the time, and when we're doing work or business. There is honestly a lot of mess. I know the nanites take care of it in the end, but I think you make it faster! When you're having your fun, or it's a little better contained, I don't see why you would need to.' she sends the long message, relaxing back on the pillows and awaiting her no doubt delicious salad.

Sakura was also in the lounge, somewhere relatively close to Selyra, snoozing softly. Her own belly was huge and larger than she ever remembred having it.

A red furred head pokes its way through the doorway, grinning as shi sees the two big bellied females 'reclining'. "Good afternoon!" The salamander turned vixen sweeps into the room with a flurry of tails behind hir, giving Selyra a hug and pausing when shi notices the sleeping Sakura. "So hows my favorite collie hmm?" The bushel of tails wagging eagerly. The red furred vixen's belly bumps against Selyra's, nowhere near as huge as the collie's but definetely starting to show already.

Giving a whine Mira sighs softly, using hir nanomagics to give hirself covers over hir cock and hir breasts. It would hold back things for now, collected in pads similar to what maternity bras, and a latex condom upon hir massive cock. Shi finishes up and waddle walks hir way back to Selyra and Sakura, seeing Cyrr there as well, blushing a bit. "Here you two go... there is plenty for both, and for you too Cyrr if you want." It is indeed a massive bowl filled with a simple salad, though anyone with a nose could tell what the dressing was. Shi shifts on hir paws a bit, "Mommy... I've been thinking... you know, about... how much I love to be... well.. stuffed and stuffing others.." Shi says, looking about the room. Shi'd filled Selyra to the point shi couldn't move, as will as Sakura. And judging by Cyrr, shi was on hir way to not being able to lift and move hir belly on hir own as well. "And... well... I really want to do that... more." Shi admits, awaiting and expecting hir mother's rebuke.

Selyra knew that Mira wouldn't be happy with that response, but she figured she could talk about it in a little more detail with Mira in person. Having been immobilized in the lounge for weeks now, she's not blind to the changes that the salamander had gone through. With a smile, she waves back at Cyrr, but puts a finger to her muzzle. "Make sure to talk soft, Sakura's napping at the moment." she says almonst in a whisper, murring from the hug to her huge belly. "I'm doing fairly well today, how about yourself?" she asks, cheeks turning a bit red from hir complement. When Mira returns, Selyra gladly takes the bowl, housing it in her cleavage so she can eat out of it with a fork. "Mmm... Thank you very much, sweetie." she says gratefully, nearly wolfing it down. Mira's special dressing adds quite a bit of flavor, which she savors with each bite. Hearing Mira's comment, her eyes widen. "M-more? Well, I'm sorry to say, my dear, but I don't know that I'd be a willing volunteer in that pursuit. It's up to everyone else if they want to do that, but honey... How is anyone going to get anything done around here if they can't even move? I've been getting... Extremely restless, to be honest. I want to be out getting all kinds of things done. Don't get me wrong, though! This feels wonderful, but I want a healthy balance. That's just my stance on it, but as I said, everyone can make their own decisions on that." she says to Mira, using a sweet tone the whole way so that she doesn't sound mean.

Sakura stirrs a bit in her sleep when Cyrr enters and starts talking, but doesn't quite wake up. However when Mira returns and starts talking with Selyra she lets out a long yawn and opens her eyes sleepily, stretching a bit and attempts to stand up, only to yip when she nearly rolls from her spot as a result of her action. She quickly glances around and spots Selyra and Mira and smiles at them "Err.. me keep forgetting me can't stand up.." she giggles and turns to look at Cyrr. "Umm.. hello." she greets the fox. She didn't seem to catch the entire dialogue between Mira and Selyra. "Hm? More what?" she asks looking from Selyra to Mira.

"Quite well myself... These tails are just to much fun." Grinning Cyrr wiggles hir tails over the collie's belly. The vixen's body and especially tails radiating a pleasant heat. When Mira arrives Cyrr gives a wave, waiting for the taur to put the salad bowl down then moving over to her. Giving the taur a big hug including draping hir tails over her lower half. She considers Mira's wish for several moments while Selyra talks. "I... Don't mind it. Normally I can get around okay though this time is feeling a bit different." Shi rubs a hand over hir distending belly. "But... I do agree with Selyra about needing to get things done around here." Cyrr drums hir fingers for a moment, tails wiggling at Sakura in greeting. "Perhaps a rotation of people?"

Miranai give a whine, "But... mother, I... I just want to share this joy with everyone..." Shi says, leaning back over hirself and patting on hir empty belly, "I need to get Nyo to fill me up again soon..." Shi says, turning a bit so hir massive fat pussy, running with its honey is shown to everyone, "I'll go make some more food for everyone, ok? Then... go get myself taken care of..." Shi says. Though Sakura's words and Cyrr's input gives hir pause. "Well... maybe... I mean, I can work though a lot of a pregnancy! I'm sure... everyone could work it out... maybe..." Shi says, "And more kits my little dear, so... many more kits..." Shi says, waddle walking hir way back toward the kitchen, the musky and tangy scent of hir lingering for a while as shi goes.

Selyra giggles when she hears Sakura wake, looking over to hir. "Well good morning, sweetie!" she greets the herm fox, giving hir a small wave. Feeling Cyrr's tails tickling at her huge belly, she can't help but giggle some more, her belly more sensitive from all the stretching. Listening to the other herm fox's input, she tilts her head. "A rotation? I don't really think we need..." she trails off, hearing Mira's whine. Looking over at the taur, she gives a soft, apologetic sigh. "Mira, sweetie..." she starts, voice soothing and sweet, almost a coo. "I know you want to share the joy, and that's a very generous thing to do. However, we need to progress with the city, don't we? You want to see it flourish big and great? People need to do work, and not everyone can work through such a pregnancy the same way you can. I..." she cuts her next sentence short, eyebrows furrowing and eyes looking a bit distant for a moment, as if something had clicked in her mind. "Oh dear... Cyrr, I'm going to need your help. The foxes have spotted five mutants approaching the gates, and we'll need to receive them when they arrive. Please keep me informed." she says openly, sending a quick message to her herm daughter Riley.

Sakura smiles to Selyra and waves back. She then listens to Cyrr, Mira and Selyra blushing a bit as Mira shows her pussy to them and blinks a bit at Mira "More?" she asks surprised and glances down at her own belly. "Me don't think there can be more..." she says and watches after Mira as shi leaves. "Can there be even more than this?" she asks Selyra and Cyrr after Mira leaves, looking from one to the other. "Huh? What's goin on?" she asks looking confused at Selyra.

Cyrr tilts hir head as Mira shuffles her way out. Tails slipping off her flank and drooping towards the floor as shi ponders. Shi shrugs however not quite able to place what it is shi's feeling and goes over to give Sakura a hug. At the mention of arrivals the vixen's ears perk. "Now? We weren't expecting anyone given your tone... I'll grab my gear and go meet Riley." Bustling out of the room the red vixen heads to hir quarters to retrieve hir helmet and vest, deciding to leave the sniper rifle. A touch to threatening and unwieldy at this point. Trying to fit the helmet however proved to be not happening however, Cyrr hadn't altered it to fit hir new head yet! Grumbling shi leaves that as well and moves to meet with Riley and head towards the gates.

The child of Selyra, Riley and the heavily gravid Cyrr venture out to meet the mutants. A dog of some kind, as well as a bird, a deer, some kind of lizard, and a mouse. The talks don't go very well, but they at least seem friendly enough. As per normal, they are lead back to the SB building itself, where the five of them look over Selyra and Sakura. It is easy to tell their mixed feelings of envy and delight. Something about all five of them was VERY evident though. They had anywhere between two and six down right massive balls. Each of them sported a cock or sheath that looked like, if erect, would be as long as their forearm or their whole arm! Breasts going from head sized all they way down to their waists! They are each just huge! "Hello." Says the deer, "We come seeking refuage. We heard from some passing deer about this place..." Though watching them it is also fairly easy to tell that some of them are barely holding their own 'needs' back...

Selyra laughs softly from Sakura's comment, smiling to hir. "Oh, trust me, sweetie... There can always be more." she replies, and gives a nod to Cyrr before shi leaves. She waits in suspense for Cyrr to keep her up to date on the situation, Riley contributing to that as well. And soon enough, the mutants are brought back to the lounge. "W-welcome! You haven't caught me at my best, but we're glad to have you!" she says to them, hoping to appear more hospitible to them, even though the initial greetings weren't too smooth. When they mention passing deer, the collie swallows audibly, memories flashing in her head. But she nods and comes back to the present, chuckling nervously. "Y-yes, of course... We do our best to provide the best living situations. Right now, we have a common room that can house many people, right through that door. Find a bed with no nameplate, allow us to make one for you, and you're welcome to sleep there. We've got a kitchen, a dining hall, a milking machine, and a clinic... Though if you would like a room of your own, we're currently building a hotel of sorts in this very compound." she explains to them, trying to build a case for their group.

Sakura looks at Selyra "Really?" she asks and looks after Cyrr as she leaves. She squirms a bit in her place, trying to get in a more comfortable position and eeps surprised when 5 mutants enter to room, looking from one to the other. "Hello." she says shyly and blushing, trying to hide herself behind her belly.

Cyrr was glad shi hadn't taken hir rifle, upon reflection as they group walks back. Their 'assets' however makes for a very bemused salamander. Seemed like they had quite the interesting crew that Mira would probably take well to. "Yes... I should see if I can step that construction up a bit more before I become immobile." Tails wiggling behind the vixen, sometimes brushing near the five as if curious. "And I'd like to hear more in detail as to why you need to move but perhaps later if you wish not go into it now."

The canine of the group looks to be having the most diffaculty at the moment, red cock out, hard, and throbbing, knot slightly swollen in... and a cock that was up to hir forehead, sticking out between hir waist bumping breasts. The bird is the next to speak up though, "You'd welcome us so... easily? And share supplies?" Shi asks. It was easy to tell each of them was either a herm or a shemale just from looking at them... even it one couldn't see, the smell of them would give all the information needed about them. They were indeed fairly like Mira or other hypers from Fairhaven!, though one looks Cyrr in particular, the deer, "You are... so tiny... are you immune to growth?" Shi asks, another looks to Sakura, walking around her massive belly, "This one is... smaller..." Shi says! Each of them did look pregnant, though at varying stages, and probably not with too many each.

Selyra smiles to the mutants after their question, shaking her head a bit. "I think you misunderstand, at least a little bit. It isn't supplies I'm offering. It's a safe place to sleep, but it's not private. And if you want to use the kitchen, you catch or gather your own supplies." she clarifies, hoping to eliminate all confusion. However, when they mention how small people are, and them asking if they're immune to the growth, she tilts her head, thinking back. "Oh, I'm sorry! You must have recently left your old home. If I'm corrent in assuming the kind of thing you're referring to, this nanite bubble doesn't have it. Cyrr and Sakura aren't really small, at least not around here." she explains to them, hoping to explain any any additional confusion. "Now, my guests... I believe you were asked why you moved from your original home." she says softly with a smile.

Sakura glances at the group with curiousity and blinks as she's called small, and looks up at the mutant above her, her eyes lingering at hir cock for a time and squirms a bit in place, but shakes her head. "Me not small.. me normal sized." she pouts and nods. "You meantion supplies, do you have any with you?" she asks curious.

Cyrr shifts in place as they all chat. Tails starting to brush more brazenly against the newcomer's balls and shafts as hir slit moistens. The comments about their 'sizes' making the vixen giggle. "Not immune no. I suspect that the bubble you came from focused on certain aspects of yours when you changed even though that seems normal for you. This is likewise normal for us. However sizes like yours are not... Unknown to us suffice to say. We're quite used to it. If I have the time I wouldn't mind assisting you here and there until you can establish yourself properly... Speaking of which what skills might you have?"

Sakura's cute demenor gets a bit of a collective 'aww' from the newcomers, looking a bit softer and less guarded after... and Cyrr's attentions to their bits gets more than a few wiggling in need... that canine looking a good bit worse off for it.. Shi whines looking Cyrr over, panting. The lizard however, continues, "Yes, we can scavange well enough, but... perhaps we could do work instead? It is... hard to get around sometimes, and speed isn't our strongest suits..." Shi says, though the canine was already moving around behind Cyrr, a half pleading, half insistant look to hir, "Got.. got to fuck... need fuck..." Shi moans, gripping to Cyrr's backside, rubbing over it through that robe, though shi'd have to back up quite a bit to actually do what shi was needing! The bird coughs a bit, and tries to continue, "Umm, well yes, we do.. have some things to offer in exchange for living here." Shi says shurgging of hir pack and digging through it. Various odds and ends, old electronics, broken parts of gears, slightly worn batteries and other such things. "We left because... well... not everyone in our city is as... clear headed as we are.." Though with Cyrr's actions their clear headedness seems to be fading quickly...

Watching and listening to these mutants, she nods along, but keeps an eye on the canine mutant when she notices hir eying up Cyrr. And one shi grabs hir ass, Selyra gasps. "My word... Please, don't push yourself on someone else here." she says in a firmer tone than she's used so far. "We ask first here, so keep that in mind while you stay." she tells the canine, as well as the rest of them. "We have a farm that needs working, we could always use more help with the construction, and we need teachers." she tells them,

Cyrr feels somewhat bad about being disruptive somewhat but so soon after Mira had filled hir good shi still felt the effects of what lead up to it. The vixen is starting to drape several tails along the canine's shaft playfully before Selyra's sharp words roll across them, Cyrr giving a little yip and standing up straighter. "Uh... Sorry Selyra that's actually my bad, my tails are... Well I'm feeling rather frisky still. It's okay." Shi looks over hir shoulder at the canine. "Just... Wait a bit longer maybe?"

The mutants look over to Selyra as Sakura smiles and gives a yawn, soon falling back to sleep hugging on her massive belly! The commanding way she speaks despite the words chosen gets them to listen to her, the canine even backing away from Cyrr whimpering and whining the whole time. Shi shakes, shivering there, but the bird morph comes over, "Hush Vicky, hush... come on.. they said there were beds..." Shi says to hir WAY over stimulated companion as shi leads hir away. The lizard coughs and tries to continue, "Yes... we can help with farm work, and a fair few of us do have knowledge of things we can share. I was a chemistry lab assistant before the plague happened." Shi says, giving hirself a few strokes despite hirself, "But please... we are... tired, hungry, and well... needful... some time to rest before we discuss these things?" Shi asks.

Selyra smiles when the canine backs away from Cyrr, nodding. "You can have some fun if Cyrr is okay with it. But yes, a little later would be preferred." she says to the two of them, then looking back at the rest. "Oh, of course! Follow your friends to th common room, and Cyrr will record the beds you're claiming before making you some nameplates." she explains, her grin widening at the prospect of having new helpers.

Cyrr curls hir tails about hir legs slowly as the avian ushers Vicky off, whispering a quiet apology as they go, then turning back to the conversation at large. "Excellent! The farm is where we needed some help is it not Selyra?" Grinning the vixen turns to the remaining two. "I'll get you all some food from my own reserve for today as well. My way of apology for getting a bit needy myself during the first meeting. Give me all your names and I'll grab my supplies and get the food ready."