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<div></div><br> <br>It a wonderful evening as the trees sway in the breeze. There is a unstelling quiet as a large strange lioness is currently holding a large Canine in her maw as others mutants stand around screaming in fear and trying to get the lioness to drop her new toy. The lioness is thumping around playing a game of chase with the assorted mutants outside of a area. "Hey put her down you monster!!" There is much screaming and the labrador in her mouth whimpers fearfully.<br> <br>Although things were quiet and rather peaceful, Tyl still wore at least his underarmor when he wandered about outside the Community Hall, picking up garbage and cleaning up surrounding shops, making his entire little holding a little more pretty to come home to. Flickering his ears, Tyl picked up on the sounds of yelling and screaming in the wind, quite nearby. After a small listen, the cat would head inside to gather his SMG and to notify one of the TAF soldiers at the bar that he was about to investigate some chaos, and would love a tad bit of company should they like to get out of the quiet, smoky room they sat in.<br> <br>Tau didn't really do too much travelling, but today sie'd decided to and it seemed it was fated. Sie ended up hearing the commotion and approaching. Damn...sie didn't like doing harm to people, and had given up hir gun. The obvious exception, sie could see now, was when someone needed saving. Now what could sie do? Sie decided to just...hang back. Sie was a small creature, and wouldn't be able to convince the lioness to stop if those other mutants couldn't. Sie certainly couldn't do it physically.<br> <br>Sulua was wandering along the Highway, taking a break from her sweeper duties in the city when she heard the screaming. She starts running toward the sound, drawing her laser rifle... She skids around the corner and just stops, staring up at the giant, starry creature in the area. "Aw, you gotta be kidding me..." The jellyfish decides to avoid trying to take a shot... for the moment.<br> <br>The lioness give a purr noticing Tyl and drops the labrador where a the other group begins pad around sniffing and keeping her body between Tyl and the other people. A nurse mutant walks into front of the group with a wicked looking chainsword. "Hey Call off your monster, We don't want a fight!" She says in panic as the chainsword revs up and sparks before sputtering out. "Dammit..." The nurse just drops the weapon and sighs, "Please we are medical professionals, we aren't here to hurt anyone we just got attacked. Can we talk without that...thing... Mauling any more of us?" The group looks like they have been through a blender with broken weapons, there are skunk girls, fox boys, nurses, a big labrador and a limping Amazon clutching a broken blade. "Please...?"<br> <br>Tyl jogged up to the area where he saw Fel fighting the massive group, and sighed as he watched her drop the labrador. "Thank you, Fel. You don't need to attack them." he'd say to her with a smile, knowing she was just doing her job and attempting to defend the hall from attack. "I must apologize on behalf of my friend, here." he'd first say to the labrador who stepped forwards. "She's responsible for our defence, and must've mixed your group up with a war party. You're safe to come in." he'd greet them, pointing to the building just down the onramp. "All of you." he'd then add in a louder voice, in case anyone was hiding.<br> <br>Sulua lets out a massive sigh of relief. "That's one HELL of a defense system, dude!<br> <br>Tau wasn't exactly hiding, just keeping hir distance. Sie approaches and asks "So what's going on?" Seemed there was all kinds of stuff going on nowadays. Everyone seemed to have a problem needing fixing. Sie was never anywhere near people who needed help when their distress calls went out, and today was just the day sie happened to be in the same area. Sie never gave proper thought however, to how well sie'd be able to help someone.<br> <br>Sulua audibly sighs in relief as she hears Tyl call off the giant star lion. "Wasn't looking foward to playing cat-toy..." she mutters, stowing her laser rifle behind her shoulder. She still walks up, keeping a wary eye on the big mutant. "So, what's up with this place?" she drawls, her lazy california surfer accent a start contrast to her stiffened pose, armor, and heavy medkit.<br> <br>The Lioness is off again as the group enters the Flag shop. The labrador give a few barks to the Amazon who frowns. "We are a Mothers of Medicine, most of use were nurses who decide to group together to help those who live on the outskirts of the bubble and we were on our way to the mountains to trade good with Hare Town and do a little bit of helping out. The busicut breath here is a Doctor and before this mutation hit her she was human but not innoculated. I'm the head nurse, Yula. We were attacked by Fox-tuars in a vicious ambush, they took her medical supplies and one of our friends..." The amazon muscles bulged in anger.<br> <br>"A bunch of traveling doctors huh?" Sulua's stretchy grin looks like it should have split her face. "Me too! I know I don't look the part-" Sulua's freindly grin falls off her face as Yula reveals that one of their members was taken by ferals. Her eyes narrow and her head tentacles shiver in unison. "Which way did they go?" She asks simply, her good humor vanishing just as quickly as it had appeared.<br> <br>Tau looks at the labrador. This was a doctor? What a waste. "The doctor...is she still sane? I know she wasn't innoculated, but..." Sie hoped she was okay. Someone smart enough to be a doctor, it'd be a waste of a good mind for it to be eaten by nanites. <br> <br>The labrador barks at Tau then barks at a skunk girl which hands her a board and a dry earse maker. She beings using her mouth to write every doctorate that she has and grinned while adding a note at the bottom. 'Healing tits doesn't hurt either. Before this I was a male." The Mother of Mercy chuckle at that, Before the amazon continues, "I'm not sure but I know they have dens around the fengrove, we would look but we aren't real fighters and I'm the strong enough to know when we are severely outclassed. I'm a Zephyr lasion when I'm not working here so I already know what to look out for but we didn't expect them to come out and just overrun us like this." She points to her slowly regrowing fingers.<br> <br>Tyl finished dipping into the alcohol reserves, bringing out a small wooden keg of homebrewed ale he had traded a bit of tobacco for, since nobody was really smoking it here. "Make yourselves comfortable, sit down, and I'll pour some drinks if anyone wants any." he'd purr out, double checking to make sure that all the glasses just under the bar were completely clean. Eyes would continue to scan over what was going on and his ears constantly listened as well, so he would definately spot the amazon's missing fingers. Shuddering, he'd accidently knock one of the glasses up against the bar countertop a bit. "Sorry about that, everyone."<br> <br>Tau can only give a "Huh." At the dog writing. Well...she couldn't speak, but...still heal. Too bad she didn't have hands anymore. Surprising how well she could write with her mouth though. Sie shakes hir head to the drink offer and then takes a seat.<br> <br>Sulua tries to grin at the Labrador's note. It's funny: he was a guy, and now he's a girl. Despite how common this transformation is in this day and age, Sulua usually finds this sort of thing Hilarious. Unfortunately, she saw the Amazon's missing fingers a second later. One of Sulua's long head tentacles Lashes out behind her involuntarily with a whiplike snap. "Dammit. Guess we'll have to track them down or capture one and beat it out of them." Sulua's burbly voice gurgles harshly... the sound could be mistaken for humorous gastromic trouble, but Sulua looks too ready to dish out direct violence to make such a comment safe. "You got any good trackers here?" she asks Tyl Tersely.<br> <br>The whip causes the whole group to jump, The labrador cowers for a second before realizing that they werent under attack as Yula speaks again. "The best tracker we have is the Doctor, She normally sniffs out injured and hurt folks and keep us away from skunk beasts or.... leading up to particularly receptive male when we aren't at work." She blushed, "We wouldn't have been abushed if we weren't down wind." The canine rubs a paw over the board and writes again, 'if you can keep the rest of my girls safe, I would track her for you. I want to leave soon as we can because our companion is small and frail, I don't think the Fox taurs will be very gentle with her.' The dog barks and points at the writing.<br> <br>Tyl was finishing wiping up the last of the glasses he was setting out on the bar top. "Uh... I don't know many of the soldiers personally. I could go upstairs and ask around for a tracker, if you'd like." he'd reply at first, before Yula once again spoke up. "Is she okay to do that kind of job, though? We don't want you in any more danger." he'd reply, before watching as the labrador's words went up on the whiteboard. "Well, in that case, yes. I think the two of us, plus ONE OF THE FORCE, can come along to keep you safe." he'd assure them, raising his voice so that a certain lazy male rabbit that had been seated on a bar stool half the time Tyl saw him would know he was about to do some actual work. "If that's alright with you." he'd then add, smiling at Sulua, unaware Tau wasn't part of their group.<br> <br>Tau gave thought to it and realized they'd likely have to protect the dogdoc while she tracked for them. "Uh...I can help. Right? I mean, I'm small and all but...do you think I can help?" Sie was the size of a child, really. Small form, plus being small in general, meant really small form.<br> <br>"Any help is good when it comes down to ferals." The jellyfish glances down at the small succubus, and puts on a smile. "Size ain't everything, Short stuff! I'm a jellyfish, and I've spent some time taking down Wyverns! If anything, being small means you get to pull off some nasty surprises on anyone who underestimates you." Sulua has never even seen a fox-taur before, let alone fought a pack of them. They sound vicious and clever. She doesn't care. Just as she's about suggest the move out immediately, a thought strikes her. It's not a kind thought. "Does 'One Of The Force' include Catzilla out there?" She asks, jerking her thumb at the doorway they left Felicia behind. "Seems like she'd leave a real... /lasting/ impression on the local fox population." Jellyfish don't have fangs, but Sulua manages the impression of looming danger quite well.<br> <br>The moment the groups leaves there is a Fox tuar hidden in the woods and Fel is no where to be seen. The fox taur growls looking at the overwhelming amount of foes and begins to run away as the group pursues him it doesn't take long before the group loses him near fengrove. There is a cave near that is blocked by a few sleeping King Cobra. The tracks lead into the cave as the doctor sniffs around quietly and points where the cave is but looks nervous at the sleeping ferals.<br> <br>Tyl recruits the rabbit boy from the bar, forcing him to head upstairs and grab his SMG. Tyl would arm himself as well, equipping himself in his full suit of armor, slinging his SMG over his shoulder, and attaching his hooked wrist blade to his left guard. Perfect, he thought to himself, before joining the rest of the group downstairs, ready to go. "Let's rock." he'd say to the entire group before they headed off, the cat following the nursing group's lead. Upon the sight of the King Cobra, Tyl really wished Fel was here, despite knowing how she'd deal with them. Seeing the cave the doctor pointed to, Tyl crouched down and moved as quietly as possible, weapon at the ready, towards it.<br> <br>Tau follows along with everyone else, having to walk a bit faster to keep up. When they land at the cave, sie also looks nervously at the ferals. At least until sie remembered sie was perfectly fine. According to zephyr, sie had a very high level of competancy. Sie could handle hirself. Hir earlier reservations about not having hir gun were thrown away. Sie begins creeping forward too. No reason to get themselves into a fight if it could be avoided.<br> <br>Sulua wishes badly the big lion would have come with them, but she knows better than to force a cat's attention, especially one that big. She glares at the sleeping King Cobra, another problem. When she see's the other two begin to sneak close, The Jellyfish scowls and tries to sneak closer as well... she doesn't expect good things to come of this. Fighting ferals is, in her experience... is noisy and painful. But there isn't much choice with a hostage... she only hopes the ferals aren't smart enough to use that against them.<br> <br>The group manages to sneak past the snakes with little difficulty they are in a cave, there is a soft sound that might be crying in the distance. The doctor looks a little afraid and stomps a paw softly about five times. He doesn't move further but the sound of crying turns from soft sobs to loud screaming as the sound gets fainter and fainter. Even deeper there is a small torn apart clothing, A seductive voice can be heard very closely, "Sister.. it seems we have guests..." "Yes it seems we do..." "The don't look like much." "No.. No they don't." The cave makes it hard to tell where the voice is coming from, "Should we kill them?" "No dear sister we can wait till they are closer... little flies in the spider web." The voices bounce off the wall softly keeping the source hidden.<br> <br>Tyl motions for the rest of the group so they also know where they are, pointing up above them and then again, directly in front of them. He'd then take a few steps back, preparing himself for the ambush that these two were clearly planning. Silently as he could possibly be, he'd raise his SMG, aiming at the rough location where he guessed the one on top would come from.<br> <br>Tau hears the voice and nearly rolls hir eyes at the cliche nature of "oooh, I'm a villian, walk into my traaaap~". Who did these clowns think they were? Sie shifted forms to something much better at hearing to try and locate them, but tyl had already done so. Oh well, the new form offered a stinger tail she could use to paralyze if need be.<br> <br>Sulua grumbles "so much for stealth," under her breath and unslings her sawn off shotgun. She raises her eyebrows as Tau changes forms again, but not knowing what this new form could do, she merely places herself between the direction Tyl pointed ahead and the rest of the group, watching that front closely. "I can try to bring spiderman down early..." She whispers softly to Tyl. "You'll have to brace yourself..."<br> <br>Sulua decides haste is the better part of valor and SLAMS her foot down, intending on shaking the cave and hopefully thier enemies out of hiding and off balance.<br> <br>The foot some echos hard as the creature on the cieling slips and manage to fall infront of the groups with a light crunch. "Shit!" She screams, "Sister help." The creature now upclose and personal reaveal herself to be a Dark Elf Female as  second one steps out the shadows and shoots tosses rocks with the speed and fury of a baseball player but misses so hard that it just bounces against the side of the cave. "ATTACK." Unfortunately the nose startled more Dark elves as a war cry goes out and more seem to want a peace of the group. The doctor dog is having little problem defending herself and the old hare as she fires power lances of pressurized milk at the foes. The group has to handle themselves as the horde approaches.<br> <br>It doesn't take long for the group to beat the living day light out of there would be attackers. Even the ambushers are currently riding the beaten into a coma train as the doctor walks around them checking for fatal injures and giving milk to one partly battered female. Thier is laughter before a larger and more grizzled looking Female approaches, "Grrrrrr." She doesn't bother with any tatics as she charges.<br> <br>It wouldn't be long after the battle started that Tyl would vanish into the shadows, attacking his opponents from behind the scenes. Of course, it would mean his attacks would strike a little later, but when they did they came hard and fast, from flanking positions. He'd finish off the first with his SMG, the second with his hooked blade from around the neck, and the third with his own bare claws. Unfortunately, his confidence in the shadows left his guard down for the attack from their larger opponent, the Cave Mistress. She'd knock him down good, but he sprang back up with a vengeance and started striking her from the front, putting as much force as he could behind his attacks. Near the end of their combat, her claws struck his armored side and scratched some of the plates, injuring him quite a bit, but not enough for him to leap up and hit her right in the eye with his hooked blade. "FUCK. YOU. NOW. I. HAVE. TO. REPAINT!" he'd scream, stabbing at her repeatedly. Boy, he must've looked badass.<br> <br>Sulua can't help but grin as a mass of dark elves charge her. She charges right back at them, shotgun blasting with abandon and kicks and tentacles flying everywhere. She seems to revel in being outnumbered, even as she takes many blows and cuts. One poor dark elf is dragged kicking and screaming into a mess of tentacles that seem to have reached out of the jellyfish mutant's pussy... with a loud, *Shlurp!* and an orgasmic moan, is dragged into Sulua's pussy, the elastic thing stretching easily around the wriggling body. Sulua finishes kicking around and blasting the rest of her attackers. She moans again, and the elf splurts back out of her, completely exhausted and trembling. Sulua gives her a wicked grin, then knocks her out with a blow to the back of the skull. She looks around at the mass of bodies in various degrees of dead or uncounsious pain, and nods in satisfaction. "Whelp! That went well."<br> <br>Tau pretty much resorted to skittering around all over the place and throwing out her stinger to hit whenever she could. She also used a lot of attacks that required some force behind them, but with her small body they were weakened a bit. Sie watched as Sulua sucked a elf into her pussy and blushed furiously at the very concept. Where...did the thing go? Did she spit it out later? oh...oh there it is. She looked...scared. Was there some sort of horror inside Sulua's body? In any case, she tried to keep her own in the battle. Thankfully, her days with a rifle gave her good aim with her stinger. In the end, the creatures were brought down, and she felt as if she hadn't really helped.<br> <br>The Mistress drops down on one knee in submission, She looks at the group expecting to be at the mercy of them as her weapons clatter to the floor. The dark elf female doesn't move an inch as her numerous wounds drip to on the cave floor. She doesn't look as fearful as the living member of her group, she is far more seasoned to the life of a feral. Deep in the cave the crying has gotten to much more faint and deeper in the cave.<br> <br>Tyl looked at the dark elf in a mixture of disgust and fascination. He had always found Dark Elves to be an incredibly beautiful people, it was a shame that their minds had not remained as beautiful as their bodies. "Let's move on, everyone." he'd say, once again picking up the sound of crying. Ears would flicker in the direction the sobbing was coming from, and the cat would begin sneaking down further into the cave.<br> <br>Tau could hear the crying much better now than she could before. She starts moving in the direction of it, the soundwaves creating ripples in her "vision". <br> <br>SUlua's good mood evaporates when she hears the faint crying in the cave. She scowls and reloads her shotgun... not much point in stealth now, after all that racket. She breifly considers just shooting the Mistress or leaving her... but they need every advantage they can get. SHe grabs the mistress by the hair and begins dragging her along as she follows the group. "So, questions: Where's the girl, and what else is in here?" she asks casually. "No snark, I have a shotgun, very little time and even littler reason not to blow your kneecaps off and leave you. Answer good, no pain. Answer stupid, lots of pain."<br> <br>The elf grunst in pain and attempts to nod, "Stupid Fox kidnapped a new plaything. We can't tell them what to do without war. Deeper in the cave is males, weak and stupid. Foxes and other beast. Male won't fight you since weaker than females, beasts are deeper and scared of foxes. Stupid foxes take up biggest area keep going then turn. They smell you, they rape you." She can't think of anything else to say but.. "Let go hair, I'm not fighting..I'm weak." She whimpers as she is dragged. The rest of the females trail loosely along as the group reaches a large area with many paths, "That way is foxes. This way is female, don't want to fight foxes, I would be happier if all of them dead. very dead. More room for sisters and sex-males." She smiles as a devoius grins crosses her face. "Kill all foxes and I have a nice thing to give."<br> <br>Tyl continued to stealthily move throughout the caves, one ear focused on the Dark Elf behind him while his other was listening to the sounds of crying up ahead. Thank goodness he could multi-task in that manner. Once the Dark Elf offered the party a reward, he couldn't help but grin. Although, then again, the mission was now to kill a bunch of Fox Taurs. Apparently very tough beasts, and the cat remembered being warned of them by Jamal. Could the party do it, though? Kill the foul creatures? ALL of them, at that? Tyl was unsure if he wanted to find out.<br> <br>Tau questions the validity of the offer. "So...she tries to kill us...and now she's offering gifts? I'd say look this gift horse in the mouth." Sie wondered...they'd had to fight hard to beat her, and apparently she and others had a problem with the fox taurs. How much of a problem would THEY be to fight?<br> <br>Sulua couldn't help but be tempted. She was, if anything, rather pragmatic when it came to ferals and rewards, and because of... recent events, had VERY little pity toward any feral that attacked and kidnapped people. On the other hand... this was supposed to be a rescue mission. The Dark Elf didn't seem much better than the Fox-taurs... was any reward really worth dirtying her hands for these people? Well... these fox-taurs probably wouldn't be holding back anything anyway... and perhaps the dark elf could be... pursuaded. "We'll kill as many as we want to and need to... but fine. We'll take whatever you give us to leave you alone." The Jellyfish stops, then grips the dark elf by the throat and slams her into the wall nearest the entrance to thier cave. "But you better /damn well remember this/. Remember what happened here, what we're going to do to them... because we could have done the same to /you/. ALL of you. If you ever try what these foxes did..." Sulau leans forward and glares right into the Mistresses eyes as she whispers, "/I'll Come Back./" Her voice is quiet, but full of fury and the promise of final judgement, "And when I do, NOTHING will EVER live in these caves again." She holds the stare for a long moment, then drops the Elf. "don't go far." she turns and follows the group, wordlessly.<br> <br>The dark elf is slammed hard and give a grunt in pain before speaking again. "We have males, we have food. We aren't stupid, bullets hurt. We won't move away" A few more submissive females help the larger elf to another cave. It doesn't take long before the group is standing outside of the den. There is tortured crying now and the sound of yips and thumps as many creature move around in there a careful glance reveals two fox taurs walking around as their large canine dong drip with female fluids and semen. They seems to be enjoying themselves yipping excitly and point to where the screams are coming from while making all kinds of lewd gustures.<br> <br>Tyl stopped, and gestured to the rest of his group as soon as he saw the Fox Taurs standing there. Shit, were they ever disgusting. Tyl slowly rose his SMG up to shoot at them, aiming at the back of the head of the taur closest to where he stood. With a deep breath, and a steady exhale, Tyl would pull the trigger, hoping to take them out of comission with just one attack. Oh, how satisfying it was when the bullets tore through the back of the skull and blood splattered across the stone in as they ripped out through the front. That was one Fox Taur that would never rape again.<br> <br>Tau cringed during the threatening scene, and avoided the cliche of reminding herself not to upset the jellyfish. "Yeah. Okay. So let's kill them." she mutters when she sees what the fox taurs were doing. Had she had her rifle, she would have done much the same as Tyl. She had 5 years of firing at ferals under her belt, she bet she could have taken them all down lickity split.<br> <br>Sulua growled as she saw the two foxtaurs yipping about, and winced when she saw only ONE of them go down. Knowing that the other would raise the alarm, she attemped to charge the remaining foxtaur, tentacles flashing around him to keep him distracted... long enough for the Jellyfish to shove the shotgun into his mouth and pull the trigger. (I'll roll for it... should I add any bonuses to it?)<br> <br>The first fox goes down but the other fox screams in fear as its companion is behead by a vicious spray of bullets she reaches down at hir companion in just enough time to take shot gun blast to the mouth ending hir existance in a spray of blood in gore, The loud event doesn't stir up a single guard as they seem preoccupid with their newest toy from where Sulua is standing she notices one very large fox taur with a crying fennec knotted to hir large endowment as overmasturbate, upon turning to see the Jellyfish many of the fox taurs decides to rush the group in hopes of a new plaything.<br> <br>The ferals are growling as more of them start toward the group the biggest one seem concern as weaker looking ones attempt to defend the biggest one that is currently fucking the now crying female that can do little more than scream loudly in pain as she is fuck. From the postion you can tell the fox tuars efforts won't result in procreation of any sort. The weakers ones try to stay back in fear waiting on the group to make the first move but trying to intimidate by growling and gnashing teeth.<br> <br>Tyl growls, as he was seriously injured during the fighting of just those two lesser fox taurs. So he had gotten lucky with the first one he killed. Element of surprise. Breathing heavily, the cat debated the worth of fighting this next group. It looked like they'd be taken out to pasture at this rate, and Tyl wanted to flee. He'd slowly begin to back away from the Taurs, but he didn't turn tail just yet.<br> <br>Sulua is clawed and only manages to fire her shotgun a few times, her tentacles flashing about to keep the fox=taurs away from the wounded members of her team... long enough for her to bandage thier wounds at least. As much as she'd like to push the offensive, keeping her team alive takes priority, though her wolf-like howls occasionally send shivers down the spines of the foxes and light fires in the hearts of her allies. "COME ON YOU PUNKS!" she roars. "SEE WHAT iT'S LIKE WITH SOMETHING THAT CAN FIGHT BACK!" She charges the Lead fox-taur, meaning fully to free the fennic from her abuse, and punish her captors.<br> <br>There is a low growl coming from behind the group as the doctor walks infront of the party  and stands on her hind legs and give a tearful howl of rage as all six nipples fires a blast of milk that causes the large canine to rocket back but the water cuts four of the ferals down peppering them with whole but the doctor seems too weak to draw another attack. The weaker ones decide that they will die if they wait any longer and mob the party. These seem even weaker than the first group.<br> <br>The ferals are not even close to the strength of the group as they all cower away when they are beaten back, many of them are still alive and cowering as their leader give a satisifed grunt as the poor fennec slides off of hir shriking knot with a whimper and a nasty pop. The leader looks at the group while growling at hir beaten, The lead fox tuar give a grin and chuckles, "AROOOOO!" Shi howls and smiles, "Grrrrr." Hir muscles begin to buldge massively.<br> <br>Hands quickly moved about as they reloaded his weapon with hollowpoint rounds, cranked his hook blade back into place, and focused on regaining his energy, accepting any quick healing the nurses in the group could provide him. Breathing heavily, the agile feline wiped the sweat from his brow and shook some from his massive ears. "Damnit." he'd cuss to himself afterwards, wondering how to best fight this massive enemy. "Anyone have any ideas?" he'd call to the group around him, backing up a few steps.<br> <br>Tau finds a fox during the fight and sneaks up on it. Then? She punches it up the ass. Up. The ass. Then she drains it from the inside before it collapses dead. "Next?!" Sie calls and goes about after another one. She just sort of brushes by the foxes as she goes, draining here or landing a sting there. "Uh...shit, I dunno! Just keep killing til they stop?" It always worked for her in the past.<br> <br>Sulua's tentacles lash about behind her like streamers caught in a windy gust as she se's the fennec fall to the ground. The Jellyfish's voice is a gurgle so low and rumbling that it's as angry a growl as anything with fangs could make. "No. Fisrt we get the girl out of there.Then? Keep wearing it down, then /blow it's bloody head off/. we can chase the rest of them out, but this one? It DIES." It's strange to see such a pretty etheral body act so brutishly.
<div></div><br> <br>It a wonderful evening as the trees sway in the breeze. There is a unstelling quiet as a large strange lioness is currently holding a large Canine in her maw as others mutants stand around screaming in fear and trying to get the lioness to drop her new toy. The lioness is thumping around playing a game of chase with the assorted mutants outside of a area. "Hey put her down you monster!!" There is much screaming and the labrador in her mouth whimpers fearfully.<br> <br>Although things were quiet and rather peaceful, Tyl still wore at least his underarmor when he wandered about outside the Community Hall, picking up garbage and cleaning up surrounding shops, making his entire little holding a little more pretty to come home to. Flickering his ears, Tyl picked up on the sounds of yelling and screaming in the wind, quite nearby. After a small listen, the cat would head inside to gather his SMG and to notify one of the TAF soldiers at the bar that he was about to investigate some chaos, and would love a tad bit of company should they like to get out of the quiet, smoky room they sat in.<br> <br>Tau didn't really do too much travelling, but today sie'd decided to and it seemed it was fated. Sie ended up hearing the commotion and approaching. Damn...sie didn't like doing harm to people, and had given up hir gun. The obvious exception, sie could see now, was when someone needed saving. Now what could sie do? Sie decided to just...hang back. Sie was a small creature, and wouldn't be able to convince the lioness to stop if those other mutants couldn't. Sie certainly couldn't do it physically.<br> <br>Sulua was wandering along the Highway, taking a break from her sweeper duties in the city when she heard the screaming. She starts running toward the sound, drawing her laser rifle... She skids around the corner and just stops, staring up at the giant, starry creature in the area. "Aw, you gotta be kidding me..." The jellyfish decides to avoid trying to take a shot... for the moment.<br> <br>The lioness give a purr noticing Tyl and drops the labrador where a the other group begins pad around sniffing and keeping her body between Tyl and the other people. A nurse mutant walks into front of the group with a wicked looking chainsword. "Hey Call off your monster, We don't want a fight!" She says in panic as the chainsword revs up and sparks before sputtering out. "Dammit..." The nurse just drops the weapon and sighs, "Please we are medical professionals, we aren't here to hurt anyone we just got attacked. Can we talk without that...thing... Mauling any more of us?" The group looks like they have been through a blender with broken weapons, there are skunk girls, fox boys, nurses, a big labrador and a limping Amazon clutching a broken blade. "Please...?"<br> <br>Tyl jogged up to the area where he saw Fel fighting the massive group, and sighed as he watched her drop the labrador. "Thank you, Fel. You don't need to attack them." he'd say to her with a smile, knowing she was just doing her job and attempting to defend the hall from attack. "I must apologize on behalf of my friend, here." he'd first say to the labrador who stepped forwards. "She's responsible for our defence, and must've mixed your group up with a war party. You're safe to come in." he'd greet them, pointing to the building just down the onramp. "All of you." he'd then add in a louder voice, in case anyone was hiding.<br> <br>Sulua lets out a massive sigh of relief. "That's one HELL of a defense system, dude!<br> <br>Tau wasn't exactly hiding, just keeping hir distance. Sie approaches and asks "So what's going on?" Seemed there was all kinds of stuff going on nowadays. Everyone seemed to have a problem needing fixing. Sie was never anywhere near people who needed help when their distress calls went out, and today was just the day sie happened to be in the same area. Sie never gave proper thought however, to how well sie'd be able to help someone.<br> <br>Sulua audibly sighs in relief as she hears Tyl call off the giant star lion. "Wasn't looking foward to playing cat-toy..." she mutters, stowing her laser rifle behind her shoulder. She still walks up, keeping a wary eye on the big mutant. "So, what's up with this place?" she drawls, her lazy california surfer accent a start contrast to her stiffened pose, armor, and heavy medkit.<br> <br>The Lioness is off again as the group enters the Flag shop. The labrador give a few barks to the Amazon who frowns. "We are a Mothers of Medicine, most of use were nurses who decide to group together to help those who live on the outskirts of the bubble and we were on our way to the mountains to trade good with Hare Town and do a little bit of helping out. The busicut breath here is a Doctor and before this mutation hit her she was human but not innoculated. I'm the head nurse, Yula. We were attacked by Fox-tuars in a vicious ambush, they took her medical supplies and one of our friends..." The amazon muscles bulged in anger.<br> <br>"A bunch of traveling doctors huh?" Sulua's stretchy grin looks like it should have split her face. "Me too! I know I don't look the part-" Sulua's freindly grin falls off her face as Yula reveals that one of their members was taken by ferals. Her eyes narrow and her head tentacles shiver in unison. "Which way did they go?" She asks simply, her good humor vanishing just as quickly as it had appeared.<br> <br>Tau looks at the labrador. This was a doctor? What a waste. "The doctor...is she still sane? I know she wasn't innoculated, but..." Sie hoped she was okay. Someone smart enough to be a doctor, it'd be a waste of a good mind for it to be eaten by nanites. <br> <br>The labrador barks at Tau then barks at a skunk girl which hands her a board and a dry earse maker. She beings using her mouth to write every doctorate that she has and grinned while adding a note at the bottom. 'Healing tits doesn't hurt either. Before this I was a male." The Mother of Mercy chuckle at that, Before the amazon continues, "I'm not sure but I know they have dens around the fengrove, we would look but we aren't real fighters and I'm the strong enough to know when we are severely outclassed. I'm a Zephyr lasion when I'm not working here so I already know what to look out for but we didn't expect them to come out and just overrun us like this." She points to her slowly regrowing fingers.<br> <br>Tyl finished dipping into the alcohol reserves, bringing out a small wooden keg of homebrewed ale he had traded a bit of tobacco for, since nobody was really smoking it here. "Make yourselves comfortable, sit down, and I'll pour some drinks if anyone wants any." he'd purr out, double checking to make sure that all the glasses just under the bar were completely clean. Eyes would continue to scan over what was going on and his ears constantly listened as well, so he would definately spot the amazon's missing fingers. Shuddering, he'd accidently knock one of the glasses up against the bar countertop a bit. "Sorry about that, everyone."<br> <br>Tau can only give a "Huh." At the dog writing. Well...she couldn't speak, but...still heal. Too bad she didn't have hands anymore. Surprising how well she could write with her mouth though. Sie shakes hir head to the drink offer and then takes a seat.<br> <br>Sulua tries to grin at the Labrador's note. It's funny: he was a guy, and now he's a girl. Despite how common this transformation is in this day and age, Sulua usually finds this sort of thing Hilarious. Unfortunately, she saw the Amazon's missing fingers a second later. One of Sulua's long head tentacles Lashes out behind her involuntarily with a whiplike snap. "Dammit. Guess we'll have to track them down or capture one and beat it out of them." Sulua's burbly voice gurgles harshly... the sound could be mistaken for humorous gastromic trouble, but Sulua looks too ready to dish out direct violence to make such a comment safe. "You got any good trackers here?" she asks Tyl Tersely.<br> <br>The whip causes the whole group to jump, The labrador cowers for a second before realizing that they werent under attack as Yula speaks again. "The best tracker we have is the Doctor, She normally sniffs out injured and hurt folks and keep us away from skunk beasts or.... leading up to particularly receptive male when we aren't at work." She blushed, "We wouldn't have been abushed if we weren't down wind." The canine rubs a paw over the board and writes again, 'if you can keep the rest of my girls safe, I would track her for you. I want to leave soon as we can because our companion is small and frail, I don't think the Fox taurs will be very gentle with her.' The dog barks and points at the writing.<br> <br>Tyl was finishing wiping up the last of the glasses he was setting out on the bar top. "Uh... I don't know many of the soldiers personally. I could go upstairs and ask around for a tracker, if you'd like." he'd reply at first, before Yula once again spoke up. "Is she okay to do that kind of job, though? We don't want you in any more danger." he'd reply, before watching as the labrador's words went up on the whiteboard. "Well, in that case, yes. I think the two of us, plus ONE OF THE FORCE, can come along to keep you safe." he'd assure them, raising his voice so that a certain lazy male rabbit that had been seated on a bar stool half the time Tyl saw him would know he was about to do some actual work. "If that's alright with you." he'd then add, smiling at Sulua, unaware Tau wasn't part of their group.<br> <br>Tau gave thought to it and realized they'd likely have to protect the dogdoc while she tracked for them. "Uh...I can help. Right? I mean, I'm small and all but...do you think I can help?" Sie was the size of a child, really. Small form, plus being small in general, meant really small form.<br> <br>"Any help is good when it comes down to ferals." The jellyfish glances down at the small succubus, and puts on a smile. "Size ain't everything, Short stuff! I'm a jellyfish, and I've spent some time taking down Wyverns! If anything, being small means you get to pull off some nasty surprises on anyone who underestimates you." Sulua has never even seen a fox-taur before, let alone fought a pack of them. They sound vicious and clever. She doesn't care. Just as she's about suggest the move out immediately, a thought strikes her. It's not a kind thought. "Does 'One Of The Force' include Catzilla out there?" She asks, jerking her thumb at the doorway they left Felicia behind. "Seems like she'd leave a real... /lasting/ impression on the local fox population." Jellyfish don't have fangs, but Sulua manages the impression of looming danger quite well.<br> <br>The moment the groups leaves there is a Fox tuar hidden in the woods and Fel is no where to be seen. The fox taur growls looking at the overwhelming amount of foes and begins to run away as the group pursues him it doesn't take long before the group loses him near fengrove. There is a cave near that is blocked by a few sleeping King Cobra. The tracks lead into the cave as the doctor sniffs around quietly and points where the cave is but looks nervous at the sleeping ferals.<br> <br>Tyl recruits the rabbit boy from the bar, forcing him to head upstairs and grab his SMG. Tyl would arm himself as well, equipping himself in his full suit of armor, slinging his SMG over his shoulder, and attaching his hooked wrist blade to his left guard. Perfect, he thought to himself, before joining the rest of the group downstairs, ready to go. "Let's rock." he'd say to the entire group before they headed off, the cat following the nursing group's lead. Upon the sight of the King Cobra, Tyl really wished Fel was here, despite knowing how she'd deal with them. Seeing the cave the doctor pointed to, Tyl crouched down and moved as quietly as possible, weapon at the ready, towards it.<br> <br>Tau follows along with everyone else, having to walk a bit faster to keep up. When they land at the cave, sie also looks nervously at the ferals. At least until sie remembered sie was perfectly fine. According to zephyr, sie had a very high level of competancy. Sie could handle hirself. Hir earlier reservations about not having hir gun were thrown away. Sie begins creeping forward too. No reason to get themselves into a fight if it could be avoided.<br> <br>Sulua wishes badly the big lion would have come with them, but she knows better than to force a cat's attention, especially one that big. She glares at the sleeping King Cobra, another problem. When she see's the other two begin to sneak close, The Jellyfish scowls and tries to sneak closer as well... she doesn't expect good things to come of this. Fighting ferals is, in her experience... is noisy and painful. But there isn't much choice with a hostage... she only hopes the ferals aren't smart enough to use that against them.<br> <br>The group manages to sneak past the snakes with little difficulty they are in a cave, there is a soft sound that might be crying in the distance. The doctor looks a little afraid and stomps a paw softly about five times. He doesn't move further but the sound of crying turns from soft sobs to loud screaming as the sound gets fainter and fainter. Even deeper there is a small torn apart clothing, A seductive voice can be heard very closely, "Sister.. it seems we have guests..." "Yes it seems we do..." "The don't look like much." "No.. No they don't." The cave makes it hard to tell where the voice is coming from, "Should we kill them?" "No dear sister we can wait till they are closer... little flies in the spider web." The voices bounce off the wall softly keeping the source hidden.<br> <br>Tyl motions for the rest of the group so they also know where they are, pointing up above them and then again, directly in front of them. He'd then take a few steps back, preparing himself for the ambush that these two were clearly planning. Silently as he could possibly be, he'd raise his SMG, aiming at the rough location where he guessed the one on top would come from.<br> <br>Tau hears the voice and nearly rolls hir eyes at the cliche nature of "oooh, I'm a villian, walk into my traaaap~". Who did these clowns think they were? Sie shifted forms to something much better at hearing to try and locate them, but tyl had already done so. Oh well, the new form offered a stinger tail she could use to paralyze if need be.<br> <br>Sulua grumbles "so much for stealth," under her breath and unslings her sawn off shotgun. She raises her eyebrows as Tau changes forms again, but not knowing what this new form could do, she merely places herself between the direction Tyl pointed ahead and the rest of the group, watching that front closely. "I can try to bring spiderman down early..." She whispers softly to Tyl. "You'll have to brace yourself..."<br> <br>Sulua decides haste is the better part of valor and SLAMS her foot down, intending on shaking the cave and hopefully thier enemies out of hiding and off balance.<br> <br>The foot some echos hard as the creature on the cieling slips and manage to fall infront of the groups with a light crunch. "Shit!" She screams, "Sister help." The creature now upclose and personal reaveal herself to be a Dark Elf Female as  second one steps out the shadows and shoots tosses rocks with the speed and fury of a baseball player but misses so hard that it just bounces against the side of the cave. "ATTACK." Unfortunately the nose startled more Dark elves as a war cry goes out and more seem to want a peace of the group. The doctor dog is having little problem defending herself and the old hare as she fires power lances of pressurized milk at the foes. The group has to handle themselves as the horde approaches.<br> <br>It doesn't take long for the group to beat the living day light out of there would be attackers. Even the ambushers are currently riding the beaten into a coma train as the doctor walks around them checking for fatal injures and giving milk to one partly battered female. Thier is laughter before a larger and more grizzled looking Female approaches, "Grrrrrr." She doesn't bother with any tatics as she charges.<br> <br>It wouldn't be long after the battle started that Tyl would vanish into the shadows, attacking his opponents from behind the scenes. Of course, it would mean his attacks would strike a little later, but when they did they came hard and fast, from flanking positions. He'd finish off the first with his SMG, the second with his hooked blade from around the neck, and the third with his own bare claws. Unfortunately, his confidence in the shadows left his guard down for the attack from their larger opponent, the Cave Mistress. She'd knock him down good, but he sprang back up with a vengeance and started striking her from the front, putting as much force as he could behind his attacks. Near the end of their combat, her claws struck his armored side and scratched some of the plates, injuring him quite a bit, but not enough for him to leap up and hit her right in the eye with his hooked blade. "FUCK. YOU. NOW. I. HAVE. TO. REPAINT!" he'd scream, stabbing at her repeatedly. Boy, he must've looked badass.<br> <br>Sulua can't help but grin as a mass of dark elves charge her. She charges right back at them, shotgun blasting with abandon and kicks and tentacles flying everywhere. She seems to revel in being outnumbered, even as she takes many blows and cuts. One poor dark elf is dragged kicking and screaming into a mess of tentacles that seem to have reached out of the jellyfish mutant's pussy... with a loud, *Shlurp!* and an orgasmic moan, is dragged into Sulua's pussy, the elastic thing stretching easily around the wriggling body. Sulua finishes kicking around and blasting the rest of her attackers. She moans again, and the elf splurts back out of her, completely exhausted and trembling. Sulua gives her a wicked grin, then knocks her out with a blow to the back of the skull. She looks around at the mass of bodies in various degrees of dead or uncounsious pain, and nods in satisfaction. "Whelp! That went well."<br> <br>Tau pretty much resorted to skittering around all over the place and throwing out her stinger to hit whenever she could. She also used a lot of attacks that required some force behind them, but with her small body they were weakened a bit. Sie watched as Sulua sucked a elf into her pussy and blushed furiously at the very concept. Where...did the thing go? Did she spit it out later? oh...oh there it is. She looked...scared. Was there some sort of horror inside Sulua's body? In any case, she tried to keep her own in the battle. Thankfully, her days with a rifle gave her good aim with her stinger. In the end, the creatures were brought down, and she felt as if she hadn't really helped.<br> <br>The Mistress drops down on one knee in submission, She looks at the group expecting to be at the mercy of them as her weapons clatter to the floor. The dark elf female doesn't move an inch as her numerous wounds drip to on the cave floor. She doesn't look as fearful as the living member of her group, she is far more seasoned to the life of a feral. Deep in the cave the crying has gotten to much more faint and deeper in the cave.<br> <br>Tyl looked at the dark elf in a mixture of disgust and fascination. He had always found Dark Elves to be an incredibly beautiful people, it was a shame that their minds had not remained as beautiful as their bodies. "Let's move on, everyone." he'd say, once again picking up the sound of crying. Ears would flicker in the direction the sobbing was coming from, and the cat would begin sneaking down further into the cave.<br> <br>Tau could hear the crying much better now than she could before. She starts moving in the direction of it, the soundwaves creating ripples in her "vision". <br> <br>SUlua's good mood evaporates when she hears the faint crying in the cave. She scowls and reloads her shotgun... not much point in stealth now, after all that racket. She breifly considers just shooting the Mistress or leaving her... but they need every advantage they can get. SHe grabs the mistress by the hair and begins dragging her along as she follows the group. "So, questions: Where's the girl, and what else is in here?" she asks casually. "No snark, I have a shotgun, very little time and even littler reason not to blow your kneecaps off and leave you. Answer good, no pain. Answer stupid, lots of pain."<br> <br>The elf grunst in pain and attempts to nod, "Stupid Fox kidnapped a new plaything. We can't tell them what to do without war. Deeper in the cave is males, weak and stupid. Foxes and other beast. Male won't fight you since weaker than females, beasts are deeper and scared of foxes. Stupid foxes take up biggest area keep going then turn. They smell you, they rape you." She can't think of anything else to say but.. "Let go hair, I'm not fighting..I'm weak." She whimpers as she is dragged. The rest of the females trail loosely along as the group reaches a large area with many paths, "That way is foxes. This way is female, don't want to fight foxes, I would be happier if all of them dead. very dead. More room for sisters and sex-males." She smiles as a devoius grins crosses her face. "Kill all foxes and I have a nice thing to give."<br> <br>Tyl continued to stealthily move throughout the caves, one ear focused on the Dark Elf behind him while his other was listening to the sounds of crying up ahead. Thank goodness he could multi-task in that manner. Once the Dark Elf offered the party a reward, he couldn't help but grin. Although, then again, the mission was now to kill a bunch of Fox Taurs. Apparently very tough beasts, and the cat remembered being warned of them by Jamal. Could the party do it, though? Kill the foul creatures? ALL of them, at that? Tyl was unsure if he wanted to find out.<br> <br>Tau questions the validity of the offer. "So...she tries to kill us...and now she's offering gifts? I'd say look this gift horse in the mouth." Sie wondered...they'd had to fight hard to beat her, and apparently she and others had a problem with the fox taurs. How much of a problem would THEY be to fight?<br> <br>Sulua couldn't help but be tempted. She was, if anything, rather pragmatic when it came to ferals and rewards, and because of... recent events, had VERY little pity toward any feral that attacked and kidnapped people. On the other hand... this was supposed to be a rescue mission. The Dark Elf didn't seem much better than the Fox-taurs... was any reward really worth dirtying her hands for these people? Well... these fox-taurs probably wouldn't be holding back anything anyway... and perhaps the dark elf could be... pursuaded. "We'll kill as many as we want to and need to... but fine. We'll take whatever you give us to leave you alone." The Jellyfish stops, then grips the dark elf by the throat and slams her into the wall nearest the entrance to thier cave. "But you better /damn well remember this/. Remember what happened here, what we're going to do to them... because we could have done the same to /you/. ALL of you. If you ever try what these foxes did..." Sulau leans forward and glares right into the Mistresses eyes as she whispers, "/I'll Come Back./" Her voice is quiet, but full of fury and the promise of final judgement, "And when I do, NOTHING will EVER live in these caves again." She holds the stare for a long moment, then drops the Elf. "don't go far." she turns and follows the group, wordlessly.<br> <br>The dark elf is slammed hard and give a grunt in pain before speaking again. "We have males, we have food. We aren't stupid, bullets hurt. We won't move away" A few more submissive females help the larger elf to another cave. It doesn't take long before the group is standing outside of the den. There is tortured crying now and the sound of yips and thumps as many creature move around in there a careful glance reveals two fox taurs walking around as their large canine dong drip with female fluids and semen. They seems to be enjoying themselves yipping excitly and point to where the screams are coming from while making all kinds of lewd gustures.<br> <br>Tyl stopped, and gestured to the rest of his group as soon as he saw the Fox Taurs standing there. Shit, were they ever disgusting. Tyl slowly rose his SMG up to shoot at them, aiming at the back of the head of the taur closest to where he stood. With a deep breath, and a steady exhale, Tyl would pull the trigger, hoping to take them out of comission with just one attack. Oh, how satisfying it was when the bullets tore through the back of the skull and blood splattered across the stone in as they ripped out through the front. That was one Fox Taur that would never rape again.<br> <br>Tau cringed during the threatening scene, and avoided the cliche of reminding herself not to upset the jellyfish. "Yeah. Okay. So let's kill them." she mutters when she sees what the fox taurs were doing. Had she had her rifle, she would have done much the same as Tyl. She had 5 years of firing at ferals under her belt, she bet she could have taken them all down lickity split.<br> <br>Sulua growled as she saw the two foxtaurs yipping about, and winced when she saw only ONE of them go down. Knowing that the other would raise the alarm, she attemped to charge the remaining foxtaur, tentacles flashing around him to keep him distracted... long enough for the Jellyfish to shove the shotgun into his mouth and pull the trigger. (I'll roll for it... should I add any bonuses to it?)<br> <br>The first fox goes down but the other fox screams in fear as its companion is behead by a vicious spray of bullets she reaches down at hir companion in just enough time to take shot gun blast to the mouth ending hir existance in a spray of blood in gore, The loud event doesn't stir up a single guard as they seem preoccupid with their newest toy from where Sulua is standing she notices one very large fox taur with a crying fennec knotted to hir large endowment as overmasturbate, upon turning to see the Jellyfish many of the fox taurs decides to rush the group in hopes of a new plaything.<br> <br>The ferals are growling as more of them start toward the group the biggest one seem concern as weaker looking ones attempt to defend the biggest one that is currently fucking the now crying female that can do little more than scream loudly in pain as she is fuck. From the postion you can tell the fox tuars efforts won't result in procreation of any sort. The weakers ones try to stay back in fear waiting on the group to make the first move but trying to intimidate by growling and gnashing teeth.<br> <br>Tyl growls, as he was seriously injured during the fighting of just those two lesser fox taurs. So he had gotten lucky with the first one he killed. Element of surprise. Breathing heavily, the cat debated the worth of fighting this next group. It looked like they'd be taken out to pasture at this rate, and Tyl wanted to flee. He'd slowly begin to back away from the Taurs, but he didn't turn tail just yet.<br> <br>Sulua is clawed and only manages to fire her shotgun a few times, her tentacles flashing about to keep the fox=taurs away from the wounded members of her team... long enough for her to bandage thier wounds at least. As much as she'd like to push the offensive, keeping her team alive takes priority, though her wolf-like howls occasionally send shivers down the spines of the foxes and light fires in the hearts of her allies. "COME ON YOU PUNKS!" she roars. "SEE WHAT iT'S LIKE WITH SOMETHING THAT CAN FIGHT BACK!" She charges the Lead fox-taur, meaning fully to free the fennic from her abuse, and punish her captors.<br> <br>There is a low growl coming from behind the group as the doctor walks infront of the party  and stands on her hind legs and give a tearful howl of rage as all six nipples fires a blast of milk that causes the large canine to rocket back but the water cuts four of the ferals down peppering them with whole but the doctor seems too weak to draw another attack. The weaker ones decide that they will die if they wait any longer and mob the party. These seem even weaker than the first group.<br> <br>The ferals are not even close to the strength of the group as they all cower away when they are beaten back, many of them are still alive and cowering as their leader give a satisifed grunt as the poor fennec slides off of hir shriking knot with a whimper and a nasty pop. The leader looks at the group while growling at hir beaten, The lead fox tuar give a grin and chuckles, "AROOOOO!" Shi howls and smiles, "Grrrrr." Hir muscles begin to buldge massively.<br> <br>Hands quickly moved about as they reloaded his weapon with hollowpoint rounds, cranked his hook blade back into place, and focused on regaining his energy, accepting any quick healing the nurses in the group could provide him. Breathing heavily, the agile feline wiped the sweat from his brow and shook some from his massive ears. "Damnit." he'd cuss to himself afterwards, wondering how to best fight this massive enemy. "Anyone have any ideas?" he'd call to the group around him, backing up a few steps.<br> <br>Tau finds a fox during the fight and sneaks up on it. Then? She punches it up the ass. Up. The ass. Then she drains it from the inside before it collapses dead. "Next?!" Sie calls and goes about after another one. She just sort of brushes by the foxes as she goes, draining here or landing a sting there. "Uh...shit, I dunno! Just keep killing til they stop?" It always worked for her in the past.<br> <br>Sulua's tentacles lash about behind her like streamers caught in a windy gust as she se's the fennec fall to the ground. The Jellyfish's voice is a gurgle so low and rumbling that it's as angry a growl as anything with fangs could make. "No. Fisrt we get the girl out of there.Then? Keep wearing it down, then /blow it's bloody head off/. we can chase the rest of them out, but this one? It DIES." It's strange to see such a pretty etheral body act so brutishly.<br> <br>The Fox Taur charges and kicks aside hir own kin and pack members as shi reaches the group on of her body is nearly rippling with rage and power as shi attacks violently.<br> <br>The Packleader fox taur leader goes down, during the vicious brawl the Doctor is manage to get around and give what little aid she could to the curled up and sobbing fennec. The fennec is picked up by the older hare as the fox taurs give them space. The leader looks very wounder as they nanites cause their muscles to shrink there is a total of eight still living fox taurs huddled up in a corner. The leader is still concious but whimping in pain weakly, There is little threat but Tyl takes no chances as they gun down the rest of the fox taur. The group notices the Elf walking behind them with a big smile and drops a bunch of burlaps sacks down full of scavagened loot that rolls to the ground. The salvage is quckly pickup by the group as they take the weakened fennec to the flag shop and the nurses begin to her wounds using various mutant powers. The fennec is crying but the Amazon picks her up and begins to cradle her as the rest of the Mother of medicine begin to than the rest of the hero that saved their friend.[[Category:RPLogs]]

Latest revision as of 08:14, 24 April 2013





It a wonderful evening as the trees sway in the breeze. There is a unstelling quiet as a large strange lioness is currently holding a large Canine in her maw as others mutants stand around screaming in fear and trying to get the lioness to drop her new toy. The lioness is thumping around playing a game of chase with the assorted mutants outside of a area. "Hey put her down you monster!!" There is much screaming and the labrador in her mouth whimpers fearfully.

Although things were quiet and rather peaceful, Tyl still wore at least his underarmor when he wandered about outside the Community Hall, picking up garbage and cleaning up surrounding shops, making his entire little holding a little more pretty to come home to. Flickering his ears, Tyl picked up on the sounds of yelling and screaming in the wind, quite nearby. After a small listen, the cat would head inside to gather his SMG and to notify one of the TAF soldiers at the bar that he was about to investigate some chaos, and would love a tad bit of company should they like to get out of the quiet, smoky room they sat in.

Tau didn't really do too much travelling, but today sie'd decided to and it seemed it was fated. Sie ended up hearing the commotion and approaching. Damn...sie didn't like doing harm to people, and had given up hir gun. The obvious exception, sie could see now, was when someone needed saving. Now what could sie do? Sie decided to just...hang back. Sie was a small creature, and wouldn't be able to convince the lioness to stop if those other mutants couldn't. Sie certainly couldn't do it physically.

Sulua was wandering along the Highway, taking a break from her sweeper duties in the city when she heard the screaming. She starts running toward the sound, drawing her laser rifle... She skids around the corner and just stops, staring up at the giant, starry creature in the area. "Aw, you gotta be kidding me..." The jellyfish decides to avoid trying to take a shot... for the moment.

The lioness give a purr noticing Tyl and drops the labrador where a the other group begins pad around sniffing and keeping her body between Tyl and the other people. A nurse mutant walks into front of the group with a wicked looking chainsword. "Hey Call off your monster, We don't want a fight!" She says in panic as the chainsword revs up and sparks before sputtering out. "Dammit..." The nurse just drops the weapon and sighs, "Please we are medical professionals, we aren't here to hurt anyone we just got attacked. Can we talk without that...thing... Mauling any more of us?" The group looks like they have been through a blender with broken weapons, there are skunk girls, fox boys, nurses, a big labrador and a limping Amazon clutching a broken blade. "Please...?"

Tyl jogged up to the area where he saw Fel fighting the massive group, and sighed as he watched her drop the labrador. "Thank you, Fel. You don't need to attack them." he'd say to her with a smile, knowing she was just doing her job and attempting to defend the hall from attack. "I must apologize on behalf of my friend, here." he'd first say to the labrador who stepped forwards. "She's responsible for our defence, and must've mixed your group up with a war party. You're safe to come in." he'd greet them, pointing to the building just down the onramp. "All of you." he'd then add in a louder voice, in case anyone was hiding.

Sulua lets out a massive sigh of relief. "That's one HELL of a defense system, dude!

Tau wasn't exactly hiding, just keeping hir distance. Sie approaches and asks "So what's going on?" Seemed there was all kinds of stuff going on nowadays. Everyone seemed to have a problem needing fixing. Sie was never anywhere near people who needed help when their distress calls went out, and today was just the day sie happened to be in the same area. Sie never gave proper thought however, to how well sie'd be able to help someone.

Sulua audibly sighs in relief as she hears Tyl call off the giant star lion. "Wasn't looking foward to playing cat-toy..." she mutters, stowing her laser rifle behind her shoulder. She still walks up, keeping a wary eye on the big mutant. "So, what's up with this place?" she drawls, her lazy california surfer accent a start contrast to her stiffened pose, armor, and heavy medkit.

The Lioness is off again as the group enters the Flag shop. The labrador give a few barks to the Amazon who frowns. "We are a Mothers of Medicine, most of use were nurses who decide to group together to help those who live on the outskirts of the bubble and we were on our way to the mountains to trade good with Hare Town and do a little bit of helping out. The busicut breath here is a Doctor and before this mutation hit her she was human but not innoculated. I'm the head nurse, Yula. We were attacked by Fox-tuars in a vicious ambush, they took her medical supplies and one of our friends..." The amazon muscles bulged in anger.

"A bunch of traveling doctors huh?" Sulua's stretchy grin looks like it should have split her face. "Me too! I know I don't look the part-" Sulua's freindly grin falls off her face as Yula reveals that one of their members was taken by ferals. Her eyes narrow and her head tentacles shiver in unison. "Which way did they go?" She asks simply, her good humor vanishing just as quickly as it had appeared.

Tau looks at the labrador. This was a doctor? What a waste. "The doctor...is she still sane? I know she wasn't innoculated, but..." Sie hoped she was okay. Someone smart enough to be a doctor, it'd be a waste of a good mind for it to be eaten by nanites.

The labrador barks at Tau then barks at a skunk girl which hands her a board and a dry earse maker. She beings using her mouth to write every doctorate that she has and grinned while adding a note at the bottom. 'Healing tits doesn't hurt either. Before this I was a male." The Mother of Mercy chuckle at that, Before the amazon continues, "I'm not sure but I know they have dens around the fengrove, we would look but we aren't real fighters and I'm the strong enough to know when we are severely outclassed. I'm a Zephyr lasion when I'm not working here so I already know what to look out for but we didn't expect them to come out and just overrun us like this." She points to her slowly regrowing fingers.

Tyl finished dipping into the alcohol reserves, bringing out a small wooden keg of homebrewed ale he had traded a bit of tobacco for, since nobody was really smoking it here. "Make yourselves comfortable, sit down, and I'll pour some drinks if anyone wants any." he'd purr out, double checking to make sure that all the glasses just under the bar were completely clean. Eyes would continue to scan over what was going on and his ears constantly listened as well, so he would definately spot the amazon's missing fingers. Shuddering, he'd accidently knock one of the glasses up against the bar countertop a bit. "Sorry about that, everyone."

Tau can only give a "Huh." At the dog writing. Well...she couldn't speak, but...still heal. Too bad she didn't have hands anymore. Surprising how well she could write with her mouth though. Sie shakes hir head to the drink offer and then takes a seat.

Sulua tries to grin at the Labrador's note. It's funny: he was a guy, and now he's a girl. Despite how common this transformation is in this day and age, Sulua usually finds this sort of thing Hilarious. Unfortunately, she saw the Amazon's missing fingers a second later. One of Sulua's long head tentacles Lashes out behind her involuntarily with a whiplike snap. "Dammit. Guess we'll have to track them down or capture one and beat it out of them." Sulua's burbly voice gurgles harshly... the sound could be mistaken for humorous gastromic trouble, but Sulua looks too ready to dish out direct violence to make such a comment safe. "You got any good trackers here?" she asks Tyl Tersely.

The whip causes the whole group to jump, The labrador cowers for a second before realizing that they werent under attack as Yula speaks again. "The best tracker we have is the Doctor, She normally sniffs out injured and hurt folks and keep us away from skunk beasts or.... leading up to particularly receptive male when we aren't at work." She blushed, "We wouldn't have been abushed if we weren't down wind." The canine rubs a paw over the board and writes again, 'if you can keep the rest of my girls safe, I would track her for you. I want to leave soon as we can because our companion is small and frail, I don't think the Fox taurs will be very gentle with her.' The dog barks and points at the writing.

Tyl was finishing wiping up the last of the glasses he was setting out on the bar top. "Uh... I don't know many of the soldiers personally. I could go upstairs and ask around for a tracker, if you'd like." he'd reply at first, before Yula once again spoke up. "Is she okay to do that kind of job, though? We don't want you in any more danger." he'd reply, before watching as the labrador's words went up on the whiteboard. "Well, in that case, yes. I think the two of us, plus ONE OF THE FORCE, can come along to keep you safe." he'd assure them, raising his voice so that a certain lazy male rabbit that had been seated on a bar stool half the time Tyl saw him would know he was about to do some actual work. "If that's alright with you." he'd then add, smiling at Sulua, unaware Tau wasn't part of their group.

Tau gave thought to it and realized they'd likely have to protect the dogdoc while she tracked for them. "Uh...I can help. Right? I mean, I'm small and all but...do you think I can help?" Sie was the size of a child, really. Small form, plus being small in general, meant really small form.

"Any help is good when it comes down to ferals." The jellyfish glances down at the small succubus, and puts on a smile. "Size ain't everything, Short stuff! I'm a jellyfish, and I've spent some time taking down Wyverns! If anything, being small means you get to pull off some nasty surprises on anyone who underestimates you." Sulua has never even seen a fox-taur before, let alone fought a pack of them. They sound vicious and clever. She doesn't care. Just as she's about suggest the move out immediately, a thought strikes her. It's not a kind thought. "Does 'One Of The Force' include Catzilla out there?" She asks, jerking her thumb at the doorway they left Felicia behind. "Seems like she'd leave a real... /lasting/ impression on the local fox population." Jellyfish don't have fangs, but Sulua manages the impression of looming danger quite well.

The moment the groups leaves there is a Fox tuar hidden in the woods and Fel is no where to be seen. The fox taur growls looking at the overwhelming amount of foes and begins to run away as the group pursues him it doesn't take long before the group loses him near fengrove. There is a cave near that is blocked by a few sleeping King Cobra. The tracks lead into the cave as the doctor sniffs around quietly and points where the cave is but looks nervous at the sleeping ferals.

Tyl recruits the rabbit boy from the bar, forcing him to head upstairs and grab his SMG. Tyl would arm himself as well, equipping himself in his full suit of armor, slinging his SMG over his shoulder, and attaching his hooked wrist blade to his left guard. Perfect, he thought to himself, before joining the rest of the group downstairs, ready to go. "Let's rock." he'd say to the entire group before they headed off, the cat following the nursing group's lead. Upon the sight of the King Cobra, Tyl really wished Fel was here, despite knowing how she'd deal with them. Seeing the cave the doctor pointed to, Tyl crouched down and moved as quietly as possible, weapon at the ready, towards it.

Tau follows along with everyone else, having to walk a bit faster to keep up. When they land at the cave, sie also looks nervously at the ferals. At least until sie remembered sie was perfectly fine. According to zephyr, sie had a very high level of competancy. Sie could handle hirself. Hir earlier reservations about not having hir gun were thrown away. Sie begins creeping forward too. No reason to get themselves into a fight if it could be avoided.

Sulua wishes badly the big lion would have come with them, but she knows better than to force a cat's attention, especially one that big. She glares at the sleeping King Cobra, another problem. When she see's the other two begin to sneak close, The Jellyfish scowls and tries to sneak closer as well... she doesn't expect good things to come of this. Fighting ferals is, in her experience... is noisy and painful. But there isn't much choice with a hostage... she only hopes the ferals aren't smart enough to use that against them.

The group manages to sneak past the snakes with little difficulty they are in a cave, there is a soft sound that might be crying in the distance. The doctor looks a little afraid and stomps a paw softly about five times. He doesn't move further but the sound of crying turns from soft sobs to loud screaming as the sound gets fainter and fainter. Even deeper there is a small torn apart clothing, A seductive voice can be heard very closely, "Sister.. it seems we have guests..." "Yes it seems we do..." "The don't look like much." "No.. No they don't." The cave makes it hard to tell where the voice is coming from, "Should we kill them?" "No dear sister we can wait till they are closer... little flies in the spider web." The voices bounce off the wall softly keeping the source hidden.

Tyl motions for the rest of the group so they also know where they are, pointing up above them and then again, directly in front of them. He'd then take a few steps back, preparing himself for the ambush that these two were clearly planning. Silently as he could possibly be, he'd raise his SMG, aiming at the rough location where he guessed the one on top would come from.

Tau hears the voice and nearly rolls hir eyes at the cliche nature of "oooh, I'm a villian, walk into my traaaap~". Who did these clowns think they were? Sie shifted forms to something much better at hearing to try and locate them, but tyl had already done so. Oh well, the new form offered a stinger tail she could use to paralyze if need be.

Sulua grumbles "so much for stealth," under her breath and unslings her sawn off shotgun. She raises her eyebrows as Tau changes forms again, but not knowing what this new form could do, she merely places herself between the direction Tyl pointed ahead and the rest of the group, watching that front closely. "I can try to bring spiderman down early..." She whispers softly to Tyl. "You'll have to brace yourself..."

Sulua decides haste is the better part of valor and SLAMS her foot down, intending on shaking the cave and hopefully thier enemies out of hiding and off balance.

The foot some echos hard as the creature on the cieling slips and manage to fall infront of the groups with a light crunch. "Shit!" She screams, "Sister help." The creature now upclose and personal reaveal herself to be a Dark Elf Female as second one steps out the shadows and shoots tosses rocks with the speed and fury of a baseball player but misses so hard that it just bounces against the side of the cave. "ATTACK." Unfortunately the nose startled more Dark elves as a war cry goes out and more seem to want a peace of the group. The doctor dog is having little problem defending herself and the old hare as she fires power lances of pressurized milk at the foes. The group has to handle themselves as the horde approaches.

It doesn't take long for the group to beat the living day light out of there would be attackers. Even the ambushers are currently riding the beaten into a coma train as the doctor walks around them checking for fatal injures and giving milk to one partly battered female. Thier is laughter before a larger and more grizzled looking Female approaches, "Grrrrrr." She doesn't bother with any tatics as she charges.

It wouldn't be long after the battle started that Tyl would vanish into the shadows, attacking his opponents from behind the scenes. Of course, it would mean his attacks would strike a little later, but when they did they came hard and fast, from flanking positions. He'd finish off the first with his SMG, the second with his hooked blade from around the neck, and the third with his own bare claws. Unfortunately, his confidence in the shadows left his guard down for the attack from their larger opponent, the Cave Mistress. She'd knock him down good, but he sprang back up with a vengeance and started striking her from the front, putting as much force as he could behind his attacks. Near the end of their combat, her claws struck his armored side and scratched some of the plates, injuring him quite a bit, but not enough for him to leap up and hit her right in the eye with his hooked blade. "FUCK. YOU. NOW. I. HAVE. TO. REPAINT!" he'd scream, stabbing at her repeatedly. Boy, he must've looked badass.

Sulua can't help but grin as a mass of dark elves charge her. She charges right back at them, shotgun blasting with abandon and kicks and tentacles flying everywhere. She seems to revel in being outnumbered, even as she takes many blows and cuts. One poor dark elf is dragged kicking and screaming into a mess of tentacles that seem to have reached out of the jellyfish mutant's pussy... with a loud, *Shlurp!* and an orgasmic moan, is dragged into Sulua's pussy, the elastic thing stretching easily around the wriggling body. Sulua finishes kicking around and blasting the rest of her attackers. She moans again, and the elf splurts back out of her, completely exhausted and trembling. Sulua gives her a wicked grin, then knocks her out with a blow to the back of the skull. She looks around at the mass of bodies in various degrees of dead or uncounsious pain, and nods in satisfaction. "Whelp! That went well."

Tau pretty much resorted to skittering around all over the place and throwing out her stinger to hit whenever she could. She also used a lot of attacks that required some force behind them, but with her small body they were weakened a bit. Sie watched as Sulua sucked a elf into her pussy and blushed furiously at the very concept. Where...did the thing go? Did she spit it out later? oh...oh there it is. She looked...scared. Was there some sort of horror inside Sulua's body? In any case, she tried to keep her own in the battle. Thankfully, her days with a rifle gave her good aim with her stinger. In the end, the creatures were brought down, and she felt as if she hadn't really helped.

The Mistress drops down on one knee in submission, She looks at the group expecting to be at the mercy of them as her weapons clatter to the floor. The dark elf female doesn't move an inch as her numerous wounds drip to on the cave floor. She doesn't look as fearful as the living member of her group, she is far more seasoned to the life of a feral. Deep in the cave the crying has gotten to much more faint and deeper in the cave.

Tyl looked at the dark elf in a mixture of disgust and fascination. He had always found Dark Elves to be an incredibly beautiful people, it was a shame that their minds had not remained as beautiful as their bodies. "Let's move on, everyone." he'd say, once again picking up the sound of crying. Ears would flicker in the direction the sobbing was coming from, and the cat would begin sneaking down further into the cave.

Tau could hear the crying much better now than she could before. She starts moving in the direction of it, the soundwaves creating ripples in her "vision".

SUlua's good mood evaporates when she hears the faint crying in the cave. She scowls and reloads her shotgun... not much point in stealth now, after all that racket. She breifly considers just shooting the Mistress or leaving her... but they need every advantage they can get. SHe grabs the mistress by the hair and begins dragging her along as she follows the group. "So, questions: Where's the girl, and what else is in here?" she asks casually. "No snark, I have a shotgun, very little time and even littler reason not to blow your kneecaps off and leave you. Answer good, no pain. Answer stupid, lots of pain."

The elf grunst in pain and attempts to nod, "Stupid Fox kidnapped a new plaything. We can't tell them what to do without war. Deeper in the cave is males, weak and stupid. Foxes and other beast. Male won't fight you since weaker than females, beasts are deeper and scared of foxes. Stupid foxes take up biggest area keep going then turn. They smell you, they rape you." She can't think of anything else to say but.. "Let go hair, I'm not fighting..I'm weak." She whimpers as she is dragged. The rest of the females trail loosely along as the group reaches a large area with many paths, "That way is foxes. This way is female, don't want to fight foxes, I would be happier if all of them dead. very dead. More room for sisters and sex-males." She smiles as a devoius grins crosses her face. "Kill all foxes and I have a nice thing to give."

Tyl continued to stealthily move throughout the caves, one ear focused on the Dark Elf behind him while his other was listening to the sounds of crying up ahead. Thank goodness he could multi-task in that manner. Once the Dark Elf offered the party a reward, he couldn't help but grin. Although, then again, the mission was now to kill a bunch of Fox Taurs. Apparently very tough beasts, and the cat remembered being warned of them by Jamal. Could the party do it, though? Kill the foul creatures? ALL of them, at that? Tyl was unsure if he wanted to find out.

Tau questions the validity of the offer. "So...she tries to kill us...and now she's offering gifts? I'd say look this gift horse in the mouth." Sie wondered...they'd had to fight hard to beat her, and apparently she and others had a problem with the fox taurs. How much of a problem would THEY be to fight?

Sulua couldn't help but be tempted. She was, if anything, rather pragmatic when it came to ferals and rewards, and because of... recent events, had VERY little pity toward any feral that attacked and kidnapped people. On the other hand... this was supposed to be a rescue mission. The Dark Elf didn't seem much better than the Fox-taurs... was any reward really worth dirtying her hands for these people? Well... these fox-taurs probably wouldn't be holding back anything anyway... and perhaps the dark elf could be... pursuaded. "We'll kill as many as we want to and need to... but fine. We'll take whatever you give us to leave you alone." The Jellyfish stops, then grips the dark elf by the throat and slams her into the wall nearest the entrance to thier cave. "But you better /damn well remember this/. Remember what happened here, what we're going to do to them... because we could have done the same to /you/. ALL of you. If you ever try what these foxes did..." Sulau leans forward and glares right into the Mistresses eyes as she whispers, "/I'll Come Back./" Her voice is quiet, but full of fury and the promise of final judgement, "And when I do, NOTHING will EVER live in these caves again." She holds the stare for a long moment, then drops the Elf. "don't go far." she turns and follows the group, wordlessly.

The dark elf is slammed hard and give a grunt in pain before speaking again. "We have males, we have food. We aren't stupid, bullets hurt. We won't move away" A few more submissive females help the larger elf to another cave. It doesn't take long before the group is standing outside of the den. There is tortured crying now and the sound of yips and thumps as many creature move around in there a careful glance reveals two fox taurs walking around as their large canine dong drip with female fluids and semen. They seems to be enjoying themselves yipping excitly and point to where the screams are coming from while making all kinds of lewd gustures.

Tyl stopped, and gestured to the rest of his group as soon as he saw the Fox Taurs standing there. Shit, were they ever disgusting. Tyl slowly rose his SMG up to shoot at them, aiming at the back of the head of the taur closest to where he stood. With a deep breath, and a steady exhale, Tyl would pull the trigger, hoping to take them out of comission with just one attack. Oh, how satisfying it was when the bullets tore through the back of the skull and blood splattered across the stone in as they ripped out through the front. That was one Fox Taur that would never rape again.

Tau cringed during the threatening scene, and avoided the cliche of reminding herself not to upset the jellyfish. "Yeah. Okay. So let's kill them." she mutters when she sees what the fox taurs were doing. Had she had her rifle, she would have done much the same as Tyl. She had 5 years of firing at ferals under her belt, she bet she could have taken them all down lickity split.

Sulua growled as she saw the two foxtaurs yipping about, and winced when she saw only ONE of them go down. Knowing that the other would raise the alarm, she attemped to charge the remaining foxtaur, tentacles flashing around him to keep him distracted... long enough for the Jellyfish to shove the shotgun into his mouth and pull the trigger. (I'll roll for it... should I add any bonuses to it?)

The first fox goes down but the other fox screams in fear as its companion is behead by a vicious spray of bullets she reaches down at hir companion in just enough time to take shot gun blast to the mouth ending hir existance in a spray of blood in gore, The loud event doesn't stir up a single guard as they seem preoccupid with their newest toy from where Sulua is standing she notices one very large fox taur with a crying fennec knotted to hir large endowment as overmasturbate, upon turning to see the Jellyfish many of the fox taurs decides to rush the group in hopes of a new plaything.

The ferals are growling as more of them start toward the group the biggest one seem concern as weaker looking ones attempt to defend the biggest one that is currently fucking the now crying female that can do little more than scream loudly in pain as she is fuck. From the postion you can tell the fox tuars efforts won't result in procreation of any sort. The weakers ones try to stay back in fear waiting on the group to make the first move but trying to intimidate by growling and gnashing teeth.

Tyl growls, as he was seriously injured during the fighting of just those two lesser fox taurs. So he had gotten lucky with the first one he killed. Element of surprise. Breathing heavily, the cat debated the worth of fighting this next group. It looked like they'd be taken out to pasture at this rate, and Tyl wanted to flee. He'd slowly begin to back away from the Taurs, but he didn't turn tail just yet.

Sulua is clawed and only manages to fire her shotgun a few times, her tentacles flashing about to keep the fox=taurs away from the wounded members of her team... long enough for her to bandage thier wounds at least. As much as she'd like to push the offensive, keeping her team alive takes priority, though her wolf-like howls occasionally send shivers down the spines of the foxes and light fires in the hearts of her allies. "COME ON YOU PUNKS!" she roars. "SEE WHAT iT'S LIKE WITH SOMETHING THAT CAN FIGHT BACK!" She charges the Lead fox-taur, meaning fully to free the fennic from her abuse, and punish her captors.

There is a low growl coming from behind the group as the doctor walks infront of the party and stands on her hind legs and give a tearful howl of rage as all six nipples fires a blast of milk that causes the large canine to rocket back but the water cuts four of the ferals down peppering them with whole but the doctor seems too weak to draw another attack. The weaker ones decide that they will die if they wait any longer and mob the party. These seem even weaker than the first group.

The ferals are not even close to the strength of the group as they all cower away when they are beaten back, many of them are still alive and cowering as their leader give a satisifed grunt as the poor fennec slides off of hir shriking knot with a whimper and a nasty pop. The leader looks at the group while growling at hir beaten, The lead fox tuar give a grin and chuckles, "AROOOOO!" Shi howls and smiles, "Grrrrr." Hir muscles begin to buldge massively.

Hands quickly moved about as they reloaded his weapon with hollowpoint rounds, cranked his hook blade back into place, and focused on regaining his energy, accepting any quick healing the nurses in the group could provide him. Breathing heavily, the agile feline wiped the sweat from his brow and shook some from his massive ears. "Damnit." he'd cuss to himself afterwards, wondering how to best fight this massive enemy. "Anyone have any ideas?" he'd call to the group around him, backing up a few steps.

Tau finds a fox during the fight and sneaks up on it. Then? She punches it up the ass. Up. The ass. Then she drains it from the inside before it collapses dead. "Next?!" Sie calls and goes about after another one. She just sort of brushes by the foxes as she goes, draining here or landing a sting there. "Uh...shit, I dunno! Just keep killing til they stop?" It always worked for her in the past.

Sulua's tentacles lash about behind her like streamers caught in a windy gust as she se's the fennec fall to the ground. The Jellyfish's voice is a gurgle so low and rumbling that it's as angry a growl as anything with fangs could make. "No. Fisrt we get the girl out of there.Then? Keep wearing it down, then /blow it's bloody head off/. we can chase the rest of them out, but this one? It DIES." It's strange to see such a pretty etheral body act so brutishly.

The Fox Taur charges and kicks aside hir own kin and pack members as shi reaches the group on of her body is nearly rippling with rage and power as shi attacks violently.

The Packleader fox taur leader goes down, during the vicious brawl the Doctor is manage to get around and give what little aid she could to the curled up and sobbing fennec. The fennec is picked up by the older hare as the fox taurs give them space. The leader looks very wounder as they nanites cause their muscles to shrink there is a total of eight still living fox taurs huddled up in a corner. The leader is still concious but whimping in pain weakly, There is little threat but Tyl takes no chances as they gun down the rest of the fox taur. The group notices the Elf walking behind them with a big smile and drops a bunch of burlaps sacks down full of scavagened loot that rolls to the ground. The salvage is quckly pickup by the group as they take the weakened fennec to the flag shop and the nurses begin to her wounds using various mutant powers. The fennec is crying but the Amazon picks her up and begins to cradle her as the rest of the Mother of medicine begin to than the rest of the hero that saved their friend.