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<div></div><br> <br>The radiant sun shines down on what seems to be a wonderful and glorious spring afternoon. Suddenly, the lobby doors swing to life letting in the warm outside air into the lobby. However, that's not the only thing that flew in. It would appear that a rather naked and innocent looking ashen breeder has found hir way into the lobby. Hir gray fur show signs of attempted grooming, yet random patches still flair out here and there on various parts of hir body. As shi walks through the lobby, she seems to be playing and inspecting a small spherical object, even giving it a good bite. Eventually, shi approaches a couch and looks at it for a few moments. The ashen then springs into the air and slams hir body into it, snuggling into the lovely cushions. "Soft" shi murmurs under hir breath.<br> <br>Tyl Thanks.<br> <br>Bite looks up from her coiled seat at the rough slamming bounce she is given, her soda splashes at her mid drink as she stretches out and looks over the Ashen Breeder. It's not everyday you see one of these. "Hello there sssweetie, how are you today?" she calls out, feeling that she needs a break from her comic book which she sets down. She looks over their appearance and the sphere curiously, but never lets her attention stray too far from the being next to her.<br> <br>Sitting on another couch across from the the ashens is a large Kangaroo females currently reading a pamplet entitled, 'The infection and you!' She drop the pamplet and watched the Ashen with a strange gaze, The roo feels her matron duty to take care of the strange creature to show it.... love... She walks over to the Ashen, "Hello. I'm Westly, please to meet ya." She says moments after Bite speaks, "Hello to you as well, Miss...?" She offers politely.<br> <br>Tyl was planning on going out into the city with a six pack of root beer, a six pack of real beer, and his trusty submachine gun to see if he could get into some enjoyable trouble. As a beam of light strikes Tyl in the eye after entering the lobby, the cat would quickly wince and turn his gaze elsewhere. So it was then he noticed both Bite and the strange... thing next to her. While he was vaguely aware of what lamias were, he became instantly more curious about the other, and decided to take a quick step backwards and watch from a distance, his massive feline ears easily honing in on their conversation. Another quick glance would be shot towards the Kangaroo, a stupid glance that cost him another moments blindness by the sunlight, taking note of the third party before he continued to spy.<br> <br>What a lucky day! Two lovely females coming right for hir! The matriarch will surely be happy with a find like this. While hir face was directly in a comfy cushion, shi slowly raises hir head to view the closest individual. Shi gives the lamia a curious look before turning over and exposing hir rather large chest assets with lustful intentions. However, shi winces and lets out a soft cry before getting up from the couch and crossing hir furry arms around hir chest at what would seem is a silly attempt at modesty. The spherical object gets safely tucked away under hir folded arms, but if one gets close enough, they may have an idea of just what the object is. "May...tree...arc..." shi stammers in a shy voice and looking at the ground. Hearing a new person enter the lobby, shi briefly turns around and gives him a friendly and inviting smile.<br> <br>Bite smiles and giggles to herself, exposing her unclothed body a bit as she stretches. She actively appreciates the breeders assets, giving a smile to Westly in the process. "I"m Bite sssweetheart. What's wrong?" she says turning to the breeder as they cover up, trying to identify the orb. "Oh? I've met her sssweetie shes a lovely being, what are you doing up here though?" she quips, looking to Westly. She starts to sway a bit, seemingly preparing to do something.<br> <br>"You lovely girl, you remind me of one of my original girls." Westly walks closer as her fur causes a small pink mist nearly invisible to the naked eye to drift toward the breeder. "You are with friends, I'm westly and I am your friend, can you tell me what your name is and what you have in your hands?" She smiles and pulls out of her torn suit a small gumdrop candy. "Have a bite." She says smoothly almost as if she was speaking her children, "Tell your friend all about why you decided to come here." She says while the mist does its work.<br> <br>Tyl cursed at himself as he was spotted, and immediately began going about pretending to search for something on his person, acting as if he was missing something, and then turning around to hide in the stairwell. He'd hope that the others wouldn't see him, and that the mysterious feral girl didn't figure out his trick. Slowly leaning forwards, he'd set his submachine gun down on an angle, to act as a mirror. Clinking of the bottles he carried would possibly be heard, so he set those down as well, on the stair just below. Ears flickered as they adjusted to the new location of the conversation, so he could listen as clearly as possible to every word, taking notes on how to interact with these beings.<br> <br>The ashen was beginning to look a little nervous as the small crowd gathered around hir. Shi seemed to shrink in hir stance while hir tiny and cute ears folded back against hir head. The lamia had mentioned that she had met hir matriarch, which cause the ashen to cock hir head slightly, but was shi was still a bit too nervous to respond. Shi might've taken the opportunity to turn around and walk out, but suddenly, shi felt... calm and much more relaxed. Something about the kangaroo before hir was just so friendly and charming. A smile instantly crosses hir face as shi holds out both hands to grab at the offered treat. This however, exposes the mysterious object shi had been hiding. Dangling on hir right paw by the pin is a scratched up and old looking grenade. With hir left paw, shi eagerly takes up the gumdrop and tosses it into hir mouth. "Sweet!" shi says in joy. After swallowing, the breeder reaches over and wraps both arms around Westly and nuzzles into hir chest. "Sandy... Matriarch sent me..."<br> <br>Tyl couldn't quite make out what the small, green, and round object that dangled from the Ashen's finger was, but he thought he had a pretty good idea. 'Thank goodness for social awkwardness and paranoia,' he thought to himself. While it was within his first instincts to pack up and simply walk back to his dorm at this point, he remained, and watched, hoping the situation wouldn't go off with a bang. It wouldn't sit well on his mind if he left these three to die.<br> <br>The Roo's eyes widen at the gernade and she smiles at the ashen nervously before giving the group around her a fearful look. "This ashen has a gernade." Westly sighs at the nuzzles her motherly instincts on overdrive to protect this feral from herself. "Sandy, Its very dangerous, If that little stick comes out we will all die. Boom." Westly says calming the pink mist getting a little strong as she attempt to keep the creature clam and not get everyone killed. "Give it to me." she says while panting fearfully.<br> <br>Bite smiles sweetly, looking the grenade over carefully before she pushes up on her tail, grabbing her comic book and smiling as she plants a kiss on the breeder, her hand working the grenade and pin free before she runs a hand over their body and waves. She takes the grenade and her comic, and form with her and makes towards the exit.<br> <br>The ashen looked curiously at the kangaroo. There was something wrong with the toy shi had in hir hand? "Grenade? Danger?" The ashen cocks hir head slightly once more and begins to jingle the grenade on a digit. The result could've been quite disastrous , but suddenly the "toy" was taken from hir fingers and probably never seen again. Sandy whines softly and continues to embrace the kangaroo. "S-sorry..."
<div></div><br> <br>The radiant sun shines down on what seems to be a wonderful and glorious spring afternoon. Suddenly, the lobby doors swing to life letting in the warm outside air into the lobby. However, that's not the only thing that flew in. It would appear that a rather naked and innocent looking ashen breeder has found hir way into the lobby. Hir gray fur show signs of attempted grooming, yet random patches still flair out here and there on various parts of hir body. As shi walks through the lobby, she seems to be playing and inspecting a small spherical object, even giving it a good bite. Eventually, shi approaches a couch and looks at it for a few moments. The ashen then springs into the air and slams hir body into it, snuggling into the lovely cushions. "Soft" shi murmurs under hir breath.<br> <br>Tyl Thanks.<br> <br>Bite looks up from her coiled seat at the rough slamming bounce she is given, her soda splashes at her mid drink as she stretches out and looks over the Ashen Breeder. It's not everyday you see one of these. "Hello there sssweetie, how are you today?" she calls out, feeling that she needs a break from her comic book which she sets down. She looks over their appearance and the sphere curiously, but never lets her attention stray too far from the being next to her.<br> <br>Sitting on another couch across from the the ashens is a large Kangaroo females currently reading a pamplet entitled, 'The infection and you!' She drop the pamplet and watched the Ashen with a strange gaze, The roo feels her matron duty to take care of the strange creature to show it.... love... She walks over to the Ashen, "Hello. I'm Westly, please to meet ya." She says moments after Bite speaks, "Hello to you as well, Miss...?" She offers politely.<br> <br>Tyl was planning on going out into the city with a six pack of root beer, a six pack of real beer, and his trusty submachine gun to see if he could get into some enjoyable trouble. As a beam of light strikes Tyl in the eye after entering the lobby, the cat would quickly wince and turn his gaze elsewhere. So it was then he noticed both Bite and the strange... thing next to her. While he was vaguely aware of what lamias were, he became instantly more curious about the other, and decided to take a quick step backwards and watch from a distance, his massive feline ears easily honing in on their conversation. Another quick glance would be shot towards the Kangaroo, a stupid glance that cost him another moments blindness by the sunlight, taking note of the third party before he continued to spy.<br> <br>What a lucky day! Two lovely females coming right for hir! The matriarch will surely be happy with a find like this. While hir face was directly in a comfy cushion, shi slowly raises hir head to view the closest individual. Shi gives the lamia a curious look before turning over and exposing hir rather large chest assets with lustful intentions. However, shi winces and lets out a soft cry before getting up from the couch and crossing hir furry arms around hir chest at what would seem is a silly attempt at modesty. The spherical object gets safely tucked away under hir folded arms, but if one gets close enough, they may have an idea of just what the object is. "May...tree...arc..." shi stammers in a shy voice and looking at the ground. Hearing a new person enter the lobby, shi briefly turns around and gives him a friendly and inviting smile.<br> <br>Bite smiles and giggles to herself, exposing her unclothed body a bit as she stretches. She actively appreciates the breeders assets, giving a smile to Westly in the process. "I"m Bite sssweetheart. What's wrong?" she says turning to the breeder as they cover up, trying to identify the orb. "Oh? I've met her sssweetie shes a lovely being, what are you doing up here though?" she quips, looking to Westly. She starts to sway a bit, seemingly preparing to do something.<br> <br>"You lovely girl, you remind me of one of my original girls." Westly walks closer as her fur causes a small pink mist nearly invisible to the naked eye to drift toward the breeder. "You are with friends, I'm westly and I am your friend, can you tell me what your name is and what you have in your hands?" She smiles and pulls out of her torn suit a small gumdrop candy. "Have a bite." She says smoothly almost as if she was speaking her children, "Tell your friend all about why you decided to come here." She says while the mist does its work.<br> <br>Tyl cursed at himself as he was spotted, and immediately began going about pretending to search for something on his person, acting as if he was missing something, and then turning around to hide in the stairwell. He'd hope that the others wouldn't see him, and that the mysterious feral girl didn't figure out his trick. Slowly leaning forwards, he'd set his submachine gun down on an angle, to act as a mirror. Clinking of the bottles he carried would possibly be heard, so he set those down as well, on the stair just below. Ears flickered as they adjusted to the new location of the conversation, so he could listen as clearly as possible to every word, taking notes on how to interact with these beings.<br> <br>The ashen was beginning to look a little nervous as the small crowd gathered around hir. Shi seemed to shrink in hir stance while hir tiny and cute ears folded back against hir head. The lamia had mentioned that she had met hir matriarch, which cause the ashen to cock hir head slightly, but was shi was still a bit too nervous to respond. Shi might've taken the opportunity to turn around and walk out, but suddenly, shi felt... calm and much more relaxed. Something about the kangaroo before hir was just so friendly and charming. A smile instantly crosses hir face as shi holds out both hands to grab at the offered treat. This however, exposes the mysterious object shi had been hiding. Dangling on hir right paw by the pin is a scratched up and old looking grenade. With hir left paw, shi eagerly takes up the gumdrop and tosses it into hir mouth. "Sweet!" shi says in joy. After swallowing, the breeder reaches over and wraps both arms around Westly and nuzzles into hir chest. "Sandy... Matriarch sent me..."<br> <br>Tyl couldn't quite make out what the small, green, and round object that dangled from the Ashen's finger was, but he thought he had a pretty good idea. 'Thank goodness for social awkwardness and paranoia,' he thought to himself. While it was within his first instincts to pack up and simply walk back to his dorm at this point, he remained, and watched, hoping the situation wouldn't go off with a bang. It wouldn't sit well on his mind if he left these three to die.<br> <br>The Roo's eyes widen at the gernade and she smiles at the ashen nervously before giving the group around her a fearful look. "This ashen has a gernade." Westly sighs at the nuzzles her motherly instincts on overdrive to protect this feral from herself. "Sandy, Its very dangerous, If that little stick comes out we will all die. Boom." Westly says calming the pink mist getting a little strong as she attempt to keep the creature clam and not get everyone killed. "Give it to me." she says while panting fearfully.<br> <br>Bite smiles sweetly, looking the grenade over carefully before she pushes up on her tail, grabbing her comic book and smiling as she plants a kiss on the breeder, her hand working the grenade and pin free before she runs a hand over their body and waves. She takes the grenade and her comic, and form with her and makes towards the exit.<br> <br>The ashen looked curiously at the kangaroo. There was something wrong with the toy shi had in hir hand? "Grenade? Danger?" The ashen cocks hir head slightly once more and begins to jingle the grenade on a digit. The result could've been quite disastrous , but suddenly the "toy" was taken from hir fingers and probably never seen again. Sandy whines softly and continues to embrace the kangaroo. "S-sorry..."<br> <br>Westly sigh at the whining canine and gives her another hug, "Calm down please. I'll get you another toy." SHe reaches into a bage that is on the couch and pulls out a large and shiny scale cut in the shape of little dog. "I think you would like this." SHe passes the carved drake scale to the ashen, "Now why did you get sent here Sandy." She kisses the ashens on the head and breaks off the hug.<br> <br>Tyl relaxed immediately, letting out a satisfied sigh as the grenade is taken by Bite and taken out the door, and then reaches over to snatch his weapon up, and then down to the right to pick up his two drink cases in one paw, both selections of bottles resting against one another at an angle. He'd come back up from the staircase he was hiding in and walk into the lobby with a smile, nodding to the two there in greeting. "Good afternoon." he'd wish them in monotone.<br> <br>Another toy? Sandy instantly brightens up and steps back a bit, eager to receive a present. Hir tail wags about rapidly and shi almost begins to pant in hir excited condition. "Oooo." Sandy takes the the scale figure and holds it up to the light where it shines and sparkles with brilliant radiance. "Pretty!" For a few moments, the ashen continues to wave the scale here and there, admiring the pretty colors and effects before eventually tucking it beneath hir armpit. "Matriarch sent. Wanted me to learn about surface..." Sandy twists hir head to look at the elevators on the other side of the room, eying them with a curious gaze. Hearing the feline coming in to greet them, shi turns hir head and smiles once more. "What that?" Shi says as shi points to Tyl's weapon.<br> <br>Westly gives Tyl a relax smiles and a bow, "Greeting Sir. I am Westly, This here is Sandy." She blushes looking over the male appearciatively but sighing. "That is a beautiful male specimum." Westly taps a finger on her head, "No harm in helping the poor herm. Hey Mr. feline-stud. Could you help my new friend out and telll them in small words." Westly maternal intinct is very high as she begins protectively looking over the Ashen checking for any scars, brusing or odd mutations.<br> <br>Tyl glanced to his weapon as the ashen girl pointed to it, already knowing what he was going to say in response. "This? My case." he'd reply, having taken the time to figure out just how simply he could explain it. "What's going on?" he'd then inquire in a more friendly tone. Although he already had heard the entirety of the conversation so far, he really didn't want to seem like some sort of eavesdropper in new company. Curious, not rude, was the reasoning he used on himself.<br> <br>Sandy watches the kangaroo and her mannerisms with interest. She pays special attention to the bow and decides that shi should imitate the act, whatever it meant. Sandy turns around to view the human and dips hir upper body down as far as shi can go, almost touching hir head to hir knees! Quite flexible this one is. After a giggle, Sandy retracts from hir bow and then looks around the room. Shi points a finger at the coffee machine and looks towards the two with a curious look.<br> <br>"Heh. Well since you asked.... My little kitty.." Westly places a finger under his chin leaning down to the much smaller feline. "This ashen is acting quiet odd, nothing like the ones I have charmed in that she isn't hostle and she isn't trying to screw the sofa or anyone else. So I believe what the hell, lets be civil with her because the mother in me wants to just press her against my busom and tell her every thing she asks." Westly smiles at Tyl and whispers quite loudly, "You also suck at sneaking, less clothing makes less sound unless your made of metal or goo. I couldn't smell you because this lobby smell like cum and cleaner but I can pick up everyone in here easily." She boast before moving to Sandy, "This is a coffee maker. It makes drinks for us, very hot." Westly makes a point of touching the pot and pouring a glass. "Nasty drink very bitter." Not wanting the Ashen to drink coffee anyway the Roo gives her a glass after blowing it out and adding no sugar or creamer.<br> <br>Tyl looked up at her in disgust and takes a step back before her finger could touch him. A short pause would be taken as he absorbed the entirety of her words, and then hissed sharply the following: "Fuck you, too!" before going around her and heading for the door, planning on going on with the rest of his day. Screw social graces, at that point. Nobody talks down to him... unless he lets them!<br> <br>How can something like that be hot? There's no fire or anything around it, so this kangaroo must be pulling hir leg! Sandy reaches out a hand to touch the hot pot and instantly pulls back with a sharp whine. Shi was about to take some of the coffee to see how it tastes, but the sudden outburst had caught the ashen's interest. With impressive speed, Sandy runs up to the feline and snatches his "case"! After all, shi's been eying it for quite awhile. Shi holds it by the top and dangles it in hir hands, not quite sure what the object is. Bringing it closer to hir muzzle, shi gives it a few sniffs and begins looking over it in more detail. Still without a clue of the function of the device, the ashen continues to hold it, but this time by the base not so far away from the trigger and accidentally points the barrel towards the feline.<br> <br>How can something like that be hot? There's no fire or anything around it, so this kangaroo must be pulling hir leg! Sandy reaches out a hand to touch the hot pot and instantly pulls back with a sharp whine. Shi was about to take some of the coffee to see how it tastes, but the sudden outburst had caught the ashen's interest. With impressive speed, Sandy runs up to the feline and snatches his "case"! After all, shi's been eying it for quite awhile. Shi holds it by the top and dangles it in hir hands, not quite sure what the object is. Bringing it closer to hir muzzle, shi gives it a few sniffs and begins looking over it in more detail. Still without a clue of the function of the device, shi jiggles it around in hir paws and puts an ear to it.<br> <br>"No!" Westly says frimly and sternly, "Bad girl!" Westly shows suprising skill using her long feet to stomp the ground and knock the ashen off of her feet and grabbing her before she really falls and hurts herself. She uses her free hand to catch the case and place it on the ground. "Sorry.." She says to the Feline. "Now Sandy, You don't take things without asking. Thats not nice, Now say your sorry." Westly doesn't wait before putting the ashen on the counch and pinning her their with a strong hand and an angry gaze.<br> <br>Tyl would appear shocked and angry as he turned around to face whoever just snatched his submachine gun from around his arm. Of course, as soon as he realized which one of the pair had done it, he adjusted himself to appear friendly, carefree. It was not on the top of his list to get on top of this feral's shit list, at the moment. "Oh, curious?" he'd question with a laugh, masking his now heavy worrying. "No, no, it's fine. But thank you." he'd then mew to the kangaroo as he went to retrieve his weapon, glad she put the safety of the Ashen before any hard feelings she might now have for him. <br> <br>Sandy continued to analyze the strange object, but without previous knowledge it was quite hard to discern just what exactly it is. Hearing a firm voice behind hir, the ashen tries to turn around but soon finds hirself falling to the ground before getting caught up in the kangaroo's arms. In hir mind, shi didn't think shi was doing any wrong and felt like shi was being attacked! The ashen flailed and squirmed under Westly's grip, but it was clear there was no breaking out of hir hold. "S-sorry..." shi murmurs with a meek voice, obviously frightened by the stronger creature above hir.<br> <br>The roo smiles, "Good girl do it again and I'll give you a spanking...." Westly pauses before smacking herself in the muzzles. "I've got an idea..." She begins to push more of the pink mist out of her body and around Sandy. "Now follow me, we are going down stares to meet some nice new friends. If your a good girl I'll give you another sweet treat." She pulls out another candy and give her one. "Want more come along and don't touch anything without asking something first."<br> <br>Tyl chuckles without turning around, listening to the conversation between the two. He found it... bizarre, but he hadn't seen anyone else act any differently to any other ferals. He supposed it was socially acceptable to keep the friendlier ones as pets? Personally, he found that rather disturbing, knowing what they were before, but on the other hand, he was about to go out and put nastier ones down. "Have fun, you two." he'd call to them both as he backed through the doorway, tipping his head and ears as a way of saying goodbye.<br> <br>Sandy was scared out of hir mind under the grip of the motherly kangaroo. Shi whimpered and wiggled until suddenly, shi felt that strange yet relaxing calm wash over hir. With the promise of treats, Sandy slowly grew back hir cute smile and happily consumed the candy given to hir.  Shi wasn't sure what was downstairs, but hopefully there will be much more candy to come.[[Category:RPLogs]]

Latest revision as of 04:53, 12 April 2013





The radiant sun shines down on what seems to be a wonderful and glorious spring afternoon. Suddenly, the lobby doors swing to life letting in the warm outside air into the lobby. However, that's not the only thing that flew in. It would appear that a rather naked and innocent looking ashen breeder has found hir way into the lobby. Hir gray fur show signs of attempted grooming, yet random patches still flair out here and there on various parts of hir body. As shi walks through the lobby, she seems to be playing and inspecting a small spherical object, even giving it a good bite. Eventually, shi approaches a couch and looks at it for a few moments. The ashen then springs into the air and slams hir body into it, snuggling into the lovely cushions. "Soft" shi murmurs under hir breath.

Tyl Thanks.

Bite looks up from her coiled seat at the rough slamming bounce she is given, her soda splashes at her mid drink as she stretches out and looks over the Ashen Breeder. It's not everyday you see one of these. "Hello there sssweetie, how are you today?" she calls out, feeling that she needs a break from her comic book which she sets down. She looks over their appearance and the sphere curiously, but never lets her attention stray too far from the being next to her.

Sitting on another couch across from the the ashens is a large Kangaroo females currently reading a pamplet entitled, 'The infection and you!' She drop the pamplet and watched the Ashen with a strange gaze, The roo feels her matron duty to take care of the strange creature to show it.... love... She walks over to the Ashen, "Hello. I'm Westly, please to meet ya." She says moments after Bite speaks, "Hello to you as well, Miss...?" She offers politely.

Tyl was planning on going out into the city with a six pack of root beer, a six pack of real beer, and his trusty submachine gun to see if he could get into some enjoyable trouble. As a beam of light strikes Tyl in the eye after entering the lobby, the cat would quickly wince and turn his gaze elsewhere. So it was then he noticed both Bite and the strange... thing next to her. While he was vaguely aware of what lamias were, he became instantly more curious about the other, and decided to take a quick step backwards and watch from a distance, his massive feline ears easily honing in on their conversation. Another quick glance would be shot towards the Kangaroo, a stupid glance that cost him another moments blindness by the sunlight, taking note of the third party before he continued to spy.

What a lucky day! Two lovely females coming right for hir! The matriarch will surely be happy with a find like this. While hir face was directly in a comfy cushion, shi slowly raises hir head to view the closest individual. Shi gives the lamia a curious look before turning over and exposing hir rather large chest assets with lustful intentions. However, shi winces and lets out a soft cry before getting up from the couch and crossing hir furry arms around hir chest at what would seem is a silly attempt at modesty. The spherical object gets safely tucked away under hir folded arms, but if one gets close enough, they may have an idea of just what the object is. "May...tree...arc..." shi stammers in a shy voice and looking at the ground. Hearing a new person enter the lobby, shi briefly turns around and gives him a friendly and inviting smile.

Bite smiles and giggles to herself, exposing her unclothed body a bit as she stretches. She actively appreciates the breeders assets, giving a smile to Westly in the process. "I"m Bite sssweetheart. What's wrong?" she says turning to the breeder as they cover up, trying to identify the orb. "Oh? I've met her sssweetie shes a lovely being, what are you doing up here though?" she quips, looking to Westly. She starts to sway a bit, seemingly preparing to do something.

"You lovely girl, you remind me of one of my original girls." Westly walks closer as her fur causes a small pink mist nearly invisible to the naked eye to drift toward the breeder. "You are with friends, I'm westly and I am your friend, can you tell me what your name is and what you have in your hands?" She smiles and pulls out of her torn suit a small gumdrop candy. "Have a bite." She says smoothly almost as if she was speaking her children, "Tell your friend all about why you decided to come here." She says while the mist does its work.

Tyl cursed at himself as he was spotted, and immediately began going about pretending to search for something on his person, acting as if he was missing something, and then turning around to hide in the stairwell. He'd hope that the others wouldn't see him, and that the mysterious feral girl didn't figure out his trick. Slowly leaning forwards, he'd set his submachine gun down on an angle, to act as a mirror. Clinking of the bottles he carried would possibly be heard, so he set those down as well, on the stair just below. Ears flickered as they adjusted to the new location of the conversation, so he could listen as clearly as possible to every word, taking notes on how to interact with these beings.

The ashen was beginning to look a little nervous as the small crowd gathered around hir. Shi seemed to shrink in hir stance while hir tiny and cute ears folded back against hir head. The lamia had mentioned that she had met hir matriarch, which cause the ashen to cock hir head slightly, but was shi was still a bit too nervous to respond. Shi might've taken the opportunity to turn around and walk out, but suddenly, shi felt... calm and much more relaxed. Something about the kangaroo before hir was just so friendly and charming. A smile instantly crosses hir face as shi holds out both hands to grab at the offered treat. This however, exposes the mysterious object shi had been hiding. Dangling on hir right paw by the pin is a scratched up and old looking grenade. With hir left paw, shi eagerly takes up the gumdrop and tosses it into hir mouth. "Sweet!" shi says in joy. After swallowing, the breeder reaches over and wraps both arms around Westly and nuzzles into hir chest. "Sandy... Matriarch sent me..."

Tyl couldn't quite make out what the small, green, and round object that dangled from the Ashen's finger was, but he thought he had a pretty good idea. 'Thank goodness for social awkwardness and paranoia,' he thought to himself. While it was within his first instincts to pack up and simply walk back to his dorm at this point, he remained, and watched, hoping the situation wouldn't go off with a bang. It wouldn't sit well on his mind if he left these three to die.

The Roo's eyes widen at the gernade and she smiles at the ashen nervously before giving the group around her a fearful look. "This ashen has a gernade." Westly sighs at the nuzzles her motherly instincts on overdrive to protect this feral from herself. "Sandy, Its very dangerous, If that little stick comes out we will all die. Boom." Westly says calming the pink mist getting a little strong as she attempt to keep the creature clam and not get everyone killed. "Give it to me." she says while panting fearfully.

Bite smiles sweetly, looking the grenade over carefully before she pushes up on her tail, grabbing her comic book and smiling as she plants a kiss on the breeder, her hand working the grenade and pin free before she runs a hand over their body and waves. She takes the grenade and her comic, and form with her and makes towards the exit.

The ashen looked curiously at the kangaroo. There was something wrong with the toy shi had in hir hand? "Grenade? Danger?" The ashen cocks hir head slightly once more and begins to jingle the grenade on a digit. The result could've been quite disastrous , but suddenly the "toy" was taken from hir fingers and probably never seen again. Sandy whines softly and continues to embrace the kangaroo. "S-sorry..."

Westly sigh at the whining canine and gives her another hug, "Calm down please. I'll get you another toy." SHe reaches into a bage that is on the couch and pulls out a large and shiny scale cut in the shape of little dog. "I think you would like this." SHe passes the carved drake scale to the ashen, "Now why did you get sent here Sandy." She kisses the ashens on the head and breaks off the hug.

Tyl relaxed immediately, letting out a satisfied sigh as the grenade is taken by Bite and taken out the door, and then reaches over to snatch his weapon up, and then down to the right to pick up his two drink cases in one paw, both selections of bottles resting against one another at an angle. He'd come back up from the staircase he was hiding in and walk into the lobby with a smile, nodding to the two there in greeting. "Good afternoon." he'd wish them in monotone.

Another toy? Sandy instantly brightens up and steps back a bit, eager to receive a present. Hir tail wags about rapidly and shi almost begins to pant in hir excited condition. "Oooo." Sandy takes the the scale figure and holds it up to the light where it shines and sparkles with brilliant radiance. "Pretty!" For a few moments, the ashen continues to wave the scale here and there, admiring the pretty colors and effects before eventually tucking it beneath hir armpit. "Matriarch sent. Wanted me to learn about surface..." Sandy twists hir head to look at the elevators on the other side of the room, eying them with a curious gaze. Hearing the feline coming in to greet them, shi turns hir head and smiles once more. "What that?" Shi says as shi points to Tyl's weapon.

Westly gives Tyl a relax smiles and a bow, "Greeting Sir. I am Westly, This here is Sandy." She blushes looking over the male appearciatively but sighing. "That is a beautiful male specimum." Westly taps a finger on her head, "No harm in helping the poor herm. Hey Mr. feline-stud. Could you help my new friend out and telll them in small words." Westly maternal intinct is very high as she begins protectively looking over the Ashen checking for any scars, brusing or odd mutations.

Tyl glanced to his weapon as the ashen girl pointed to it, already knowing what he was going to say in response. "This? My case." he'd reply, having taken the time to figure out just how simply he could explain it. "What's going on?" he'd then inquire in a more friendly tone. Although he already had heard the entirety of the conversation so far, he really didn't want to seem like some sort of eavesdropper in new company. Curious, not rude, was the reasoning he used on himself.

Sandy watches the kangaroo and her mannerisms with interest. She pays special attention to the bow and decides that shi should imitate the act, whatever it meant. Sandy turns around to view the human and dips hir upper body down as far as shi can go, almost touching hir head to hir knees! Quite flexible this one is. After a giggle, Sandy retracts from hir bow and then looks around the room. Shi points a finger at the coffee machine and looks towards the two with a curious look.

"Heh. Well since you asked.... My little kitty.." Westly places a finger under his chin leaning down to the much smaller feline. "This ashen is acting quiet odd, nothing like the ones I have charmed in that she isn't hostle and she isn't trying to screw the sofa or anyone else. So I believe what the hell, lets be civil with her because the mother in me wants to just press her against my busom and tell her every thing she asks." Westly smiles at Tyl and whispers quite loudly, "You also suck at sneaking, less clothing makes less sound unless your made of metal or goo. I couldn't smell you because this lobby smell like cum and cleaner but I can pick up everyone in here easily." She boast before moving to Sandy, "This is a coffee maker. It makes drinks for us, very hot." Westly makes a point of touching the pot and pouring a glass. "Nasty drink very bitter." Not wanting the Ashen to drink coffee anyway the Roo gives her a glass after blowing it out and adding no sugar or creamer.

Tyl looked up at her in disgust and takes a step back before her finger could touch him. A short pause would be taken as he absorbed the entirety of her words, and then hissed sharply the following: "Fuck you, too!" before going around her and heading for the door, planning on going on with the rest of his day. Screw social graces, at that point. Nobody talks down to him... unless he lets them!

How can something like that be hot? There's no fire or anything around it, so this kangaroo must be pulling hir leg! Sandy reaches out a hand to touch the hot pot and instantly pulls back with a sharp whine. Shi was about to take some of the coffee to see how it tastes, but the sudden outburst had caught the ashen's interest. With impressive speed, Sandy runs up to the feline and snatches his "case"! After all, shi's been eying it for quite awhile. Shi holds it by the top and dangles it in hir hands, not quite sure what the object is. Bringing it closer to hir muzzle, shi gives it a few sniffs and begins looking over it in more detail. Still without a clue of the function of the device, the ashen continues to hold it, but this time by the base not so far away from the trigger and accidentally points the barrel towards the feline.

How can something like that be hot? There's no fire or anything around it, so this kangaroo must be pulling hir leg! Sandy reaches out a hand to touch the hot pot and instantly pulls back with a sharp whine. Shi was about to take some of the coffee to see how it tastes, but the sudden outburst had caught the ashen's interest. With impressive speed, Sandy runs up to the feline and snatches his "case"! After all, shi's been eying it for quite awhile. Shi holds it by the top and dangles it in hir hands, not quite sure what the object is. Bringing it closer to hir muzzle, shi gives it a few sniffs and begins looking over it in more detail. Still without a clue of the function of the device, shi jiggles it around in hir paws and puts an ear to it.

"No!" Westly says frimly and sternly, "Bad girl!" Westly shows suprising skill using her long feet to stomp the ground and knock the ashen off of her feet and grabbing her before she really falls and hurts herself. She uses her free hand to catch the case and place it on the ground. "Sorry.." She says to the Feline. "Now Sandy, You don't take things without asking. Thats not nice, Now say your sorry." Westly doesn't wait before putting the ashen on the counch and pinning her their with a strong hand and an angry gaze.

Tyl would appear shocked and angry as he turned around to face whoever just snatched his submachine gun from around his arm. Of course, as soon as he realized which one of the pair had done it, he adjusted himself to appear friendly, carefree. It was not on the top of his list to get on top of this feral's shit list, at the moment. "Oh, curious?" he'd question with a laugh, masking his now heavy worrying. "No, no, it's fine. But thank you." he'd then mew to the kangaroo as he went to retrieve his weapon, glad she put the safety of the Ashen before any hard feelings she might now have for him.

Sandy continued to analyze the strange object, but without previous knowledge it was quite hard to discern just what exactly it is. Hearing a firm voice behind hir, the ashen tries to turn around but soon finds hirself falling to the ground before getting caught up in the kangaroo's arms. In hir mind, shi didn't think shi was doing any wrong and felt like shi was being attacked! The ashen flailed and squirmed under Westly's grip, but it was clear there was no breaking out of hir hold. "S-sorry..." shi murmurs with a meek voice, obviously frightened by the stronger creature above hir.

The roo smiles, "Good girl do it again and I'll give you a spanking...." Westly pauses before smacking herself in the muzzles. "I've got an idea..." She begins to push more of the pink mist out of her body and around Sandy. "Now follow me, we are going down stares to meet some nice new friends. If your a good girl I'll give you another sweet treat." She pulls out another candy and give her one. "Want more come along and don't touch anything without asking something first."

Tyl chuckles without turning around, listening to the conversation between the two. He found it... bizarre, but he hadn't seen anyone else act any differently to any other ferals. He supposed it was socially acceptable to keep the friendlier ones as pets? Personally, he found that rather disturbing, knowing what they were before, but on the other hand, he was about to go out and put nastier ones down. "Have fun, you two." he'd call to them both as he backed through the doorway, tipping his head and ears as a way of saying goodbye.

Sandy was scared out of hir mind under the grip of the motherly kangaroo. Shi whimpered and wiggled until suddenly, shi felt that strange yet relaxing calm wash over hir. With the promise of treats, Sandy slowly grew back hir cute smile and happily consumed the candy given to hir. Shi wasn't sure what was downstairs, but hopefully there will be much more candy to come.