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<div></div><br> <br>Into the absolute darkness of the sewers did Meni's mind controlled pet led the group. However, with the echo and the absence of any felt trash or debris at the bottom it was quite evident that this was either a secondary or tertiary storm control network; a massive reinforced concrete channel that could fill with a torrent water at a moment's notice. Every step, motion, and word seemed to echo forever in the dark and if anything lived down here, it would probably hear the intruders. "It's ahead. 130 meters."<br> <br>Antiman carting the explosives and other related items from topside with hir looks around, "Charming. Alright I want to make two locations for collapse charges for the tunnel. That way if there's a failure in one charge the other will do the job." Sie unpacks the truly monumental and frigtening amount of C-4 and starts making a row if it in the tunnel roof.<br> <br>Meniatz held onto Syraei's leash and followed the cerberus herm into the dark subterranean abyss. The talakai murred softly as sie put hir arm around Anti. "We're almost there, love. We could probably blast our way in, but I'm a bit worried that if we set up the explosives in the wrong place, we could flood the entire tunnel. I don't need to breathe, so I'll be fine, but...I'm not sure how the rest of you would fare. I suppose I could turn into a hydra and keep you in my mouths if it came to that, but I'm not sure how well that would work." Sie gives the gryphon a kiss. "I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to any of you."<br> <br>Tau ponders "Are we gonna have to hide behind something to avoid shrapnel from the blast?" Sie starts looking around for any means of cover. "Uh Meniatz, I don't think that would work very well. I think there'd be water in your mouths too."<br> <br>With the hatch finally open, Dio hops in and follows after everyone inside the underground complex. "Awfully dark but..." The lion takes a good look at the explosives and smiles. "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited about all those bits of C4." Dio chuckles and continues walking forward. "I'm sure things will work out just fine. With luck, we'll be gone before any serious flooding occurs."<br> <br>Antiman gives Meni and Tau a somewhat exasperated look, "These are the charges for the tunnel collapse. These won't be detonated until we leve to prevent the enemy from following us out the tunnel." Sie looks to their new pet with a smile, "Besides I think Syraei'll help us with where we should put our breaching charge." Finishing with placing one row of explosives sie places blasting caps in the blocks of C-4. *Glad they had extra caps. I underestimated the shear amount of boom booms they had in the boom boom room.* Sie wires the caps and connects them to a wireless detonator. Sie ten stars working on the second collapse charge.<br> <br>Syraei stops and looks down at hir changed leg structure in the dark as shi reached out to touch a section of cold concrete. "I'm afraid my pace count may be inaccurate, Mistress, but this should be it. I do advise caution as this laboratory deals in biohazardous materials." Syr droned emotionlessly. "I've lead you to the approximate location of the decontamination chamber before the actual lab as best as I am able. The lab itself should be approximately 3 meters further ahead."<br> <br>Meniatz pets Syraei and gives hir a kiss on each of hir muzzles. "Thank you, Syraei. You've been a big help so far." Syrai felt a rush of pleasure at being thanked--a side-effect of hir new nanites. Meni then helps hir sister-mate set up the charges. "Are we almost ready to go, love? We should really hurry so RSX doesn't have time to move Kesai somewhere else." Sie then looks over to the docile cerberus who followed hir mistress obediently as sie held hir leash. "I think she will like the new playmate we found for her. Sie's so cute and calm."<br> <br>Dio continues following behind Meni and the others. "I sure hope this is the right spot. Regardless, it should be fun despite what we explode into." Dio bends down and gives Syraei a little scratch on the head. "I still think we should let 'er go after this, but there's plenty of time to discuss this later." The lion takes a moment to smooth out his clothing and stretches a little. "Let's plant those explosives, nab our vixen, and get back home. Shall we?"<br> <br>Tau adds "Only calm because of the very things that screwed with Kesai. not sure if she would appreciate it." After dio speaks, sie also adds "And hopefully not get killed in either blast or tunnel collapse.<br> <br>Antiman finishes with Meni's help the second collapse charge and hooks the blasting caps on it to another wireless detonator with the same code as the first collapse charge, "Just need to get this breaching charge set up, love." Sie sets the C-4 with three blocks spaced wide enoug for a door with the pattern repeated up eight times. Sie places hir blasting caps in these charges and crimps det cord on them. Sie ties the whole bundle of det cord to one line of it on a spool. Sie starts to run it back, "Alright I don't want any one in this tunnel when this gets set off. Get out of here now." Sie looks to meni, "I'm running the cord to top side. I'll attach a wire to it so you don't have an explosive cord going off in your hand. I love your hands and don't want em explosivly cut off."<br> <br>Syraei leans into the petting and kisses, hir tail wagging on it's own as shi basks in the attention, even if shi's unable to express it. The new cerberus herm casts one last look at the explosives and above, imagining the operatives that will be above, before moving towards the tunnel exit. "We won't have much time once these detonate." <br> <br>Meniatz nuzzles Tau and gives hir a half a treat. "That's a good point, loves. We'll give hir back hir mind once we get home. Then sie can decide whether or not sie wants to stay with us on hir own." Sie tosses Dio the other half of the treat. "Though I'm not sure why anyone would want to leave people as wonderful as you two~" Sie says with a grin as sie pads over to Anti and gently rubs hir breasts. "And my hands love you, too, sister-mate. They want to spend as much time pleasuring your beautiful body as possible. But, of course, that can wait until after we've rescued Kesai." Meni pets Syraei and gives the cerberus herm a lick on the cheek once they reach the exit. "Would you be willing to attack your former RSX comrades to protect your new family and rescue Kesai? I don't want you getting hurt if you hesitate."<br> <br>Dio catches the treat in his hands and eats it all in one dexterous movement. "Thank you, ma'am. Wonderful as always." The lion gives the Cerberus one last scratch. "I agree, we'll let Syraei here decide of her own free will when we get back." Dio then nods to Anti and starts to move out as directed. "Everyone ready?"<br> <br>Tau ponders why sie only gets half a treat but accepts it graciously anyway. Omnom.<br> <br>Antiman chirp moans softly as Meni rubs hir breasts which reminds hir to close hir armor back up around them. Sie open beak grins mischievously, "Promise, love?" Sie runs the line of det cord to top side and attaces a long wire to it. Sie then hands a wireless detonator transmitter to each member of the group minus Syraei, "These detonators will trigger the colapse charges, don't use them unless I've been taken out and only if the surviving group is out of the tunnel." Sie then takes three improvised granades for each from hir explosives pouch and hands them to each of the group. They are little more than pipe bombs with a frag granade pattern ground in the sides with a length of fuse comming out of them, "These should be just as powerful as any world war two era granade." *Mostly because they're filled with the same kind of nitro starch. I hope Meni doesn't ask where all the corn starch whent. Sie then takes a zippo lighter and what appears to be incense sticks and lights them and hands them to each member, "These slow matches have no scent to give them away and will be useful to light the granades when needed." Sie then hands Meni the line to the breaching charge, "If you'll do the honors love?"<br> <br>Syraei frowns faintly, even as she's licked and petted. "I have friends and family in that building. RSX also houses and feeds my family. They are already in jeopardy but I would not like to see them die during the assault or when you release the biohazardous materials." Syraei took one last look down the tunnel as detonators and grenades were passed around like so much candy. Then, the cerberus herm ducked her head and waited for the blast.<br> <br>Meniatz gives Anti a kiss on the beak and preens hir feathers. "I promise." Meni hears Syraei talk about hir family and gives hir a hug. "I'm sorry to put you in this position, Syraei. I promise I'll do whatever I can to make sure your friends and family are safe. Just let us know who we should go easy on, okay, sweetie." Meni gives hir a scratch behind the ears before picking up the line. "I'd be delighted, love." Sie sends an electrical charge throught the wire, which runs down to the blasting cap of the charge.<br> <br>Tau takes the grenade and is impressed by Anti's explosive knowledge. "Wow, you know your stuff." Then the cerberus speaks up and sie looks concerned. "Uh...folks, I'm starting to rethink some things here. No matter what bad these people've done, they still have lives and families. Can we at least attempt to keep the casualties to a minimum? If you lived their lives, you'd have done the same thing they're doing." After Meni speaks, sie says "Hey, how about we go easy on everyone? Imagine if I'd been deployed here instead of fairhaven. You'd be coming after me, probably."<br> <br>Dio takes the detonator and stuffs it inside his pocket for safe keeping. He also takes the improvised grenades and holds them up to examine them. "Interesting work, ma'am. Very impressive. I might have to learn how to make this explosives for those certain situations." Dio puts the grenades away and starts to listen to Tau. After he finishes, a large grin grows on his muzzle that exposes his teeth. "They should've thought of their families before stealing our friend. If they didn't then, I sure hope they think about them in the next few minutes," Dio says in a somewhat worrying tone. Noticing that Meni has activated the charge, the lion covers his ears to protect his ear drums.<br> <br>Antiman Nods hir head confirming Meni's promise, "As will I dear." Sie looks to Tau, "Thank you, love. Only use the granades if you have to. I only passed them out because of the capability it gave everyone. I don't really want the hallways to run red with blood, but they'll be doing their best to kill us. Don't forget that so do the same if you meet them." Sie nods at Dio, "Thank you, love." Sie says again, "It's amazing what you can find in the library." Sie folds hir ears back and turns hir head away from the tunnel entrance as Meni pulses an electrical chargee down hir line, the current causing the det cord to flash in a chain explosion to the blasting caps of the breaching charge setting off the explosives with a loud boom.<br> <br>The instant voltage was applied, the detcord exploded and flashed away from the group at over 7 times the speed of a rifle bullet. There wasn't even enough time to flinch away from the exploding detcord before the ground beneath all of them trembles as the breaching charge detonates and it's blast races up the tunnel in both directions. Choking plumes of dust rise from every storm drain as well as the shaft they'd used to enter the city's drainage systems. Almost immediately, alarms begin to sound from the RSX building a block north of them. Above them, the helicopters that had been at 6000 meters dropped lower until the sounds of their rotor blades slashing through the air could just barely heard over the alarms when they flew past. They've just kicked the hornets nest and the clock was ticking.
<div></div><br> <br>Into the absolute darkness of the sewers did Meni's mind controlled pet led the group. However, with the echo and the absence of any felt trash or debris at the bottom it was quite evident that this was either a secondary or tertiary storm control network; a massive reinforced concrete channel that could fill with a torrent water at a moment's notice. Every step, motion, and word seemed to echo forever in the dark and if anything lived down here, it would probably hear the intruders. "It's ahead. 130 meters."<br> <br>Antiman carting the explosives and other related items from topside with hir looks around, "Charming. Alright I want to make two locations for collapse charges for the tunnel. That way if there's a failure in one charge the other will do the job." Sie unpacks the truly monumental and frigtening amount of C-4 and starts making a row if it in the tunnel roof.<br> <br>Meniatz held onto Syraei's leash and followed the cerberus herm into the dark subterranean abyss. The talakai murred softly as sie put hir arm around Anti. "We're almost there, love. We could probably blast our way in, but I'm a bit worried that if we set up the explosives in the wrong place, we could flood the entire tunnel. I don't need to breathe, so I'll be fine, but...I'm not sure how the rest of you would fare. I suppose I could turn into a hydra and keep you in my mouths if it came to that, but I'm not sure how well that would work." Sie gives the gryphon a kiss. "I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to any of you."<br> <br>Tau ponders "Are we gonna have to hide behind something to avoid shrapnel from the blast?" Sie starts looking around for any means of cover. "Uh Meniatz, I don't think that would work very well. I think there'd be water in your mouths too."<br> <br>With the hatch finally open, Dio hops in and follows after everyone inside the underground complex. "Awfully dark but..." The lion takes a good look at the explosives and smiles. "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited about all those bits of C4." Dio chuckles and continues walking forward. "I'm sure things will work out just fine. With luck, we'll be gone before any serious flooding occurs."<br> <br>Antiman gives Meni and Tau a somewhat exasperated look, "These are the charges for the tunnel collapse. These won't be detonated until we leve to prevent the enemy from following us out the tunnel." Sie looks to their new pet with a smile, "Besides I think Syraei'll help us with where we should put our breaching charge." Finishing with placing one row of explosives sie places blasting caps in the blocks of C-4. *Glad they had extra caps. I underestimated the shear amount of boom booms they had in the boom boom room.* Sie wires the caps and connects them to a wireless detonator. Sie ten stars working on the second collapse charge.<br> <br>Syraei stops and looks down at hir changed leg structure in the dark as shi reached out to touch a section of cold concrete. "I'm afraid my pace count may be inaccurate, Mistress, but this should be it. I do advise caution as this laboratory deals in biohazardous materials." Syr droned emotionlessly. "I've lead you to the approximate location of the decontamination chamber before the actual lab as best as I am able. The lab itself should be approximately 3 meters further ahead."<br> <br>Meniatz pets Syraei and gives hir a kiss on each of hir muzzles. "Thank you, Syraei. You've been a big help so far." Syrai felt a rush of pleasure at being thanked--a side-effect of hir new nanites. Meni then helps hir sister-mate set up the charges. "Are we almost ready to go, love? We should really hurry so RSX doesn't have time to move Kesai somewhere else." Sie then looks over to the docile cerberus who followed hir mistress obediently as sie held hir leash. "I think she will like the new playmate we found for her. Sie's so cute and calm."<br> <br>Dio continues following behind Meni and the others. "I sure hope this is the right spot. Regardless, it should be fun despite what we explode into." Dio bends down and gives Syraei a little scratch on the head. "I still think we should let 'er go after this, but there's plenty of time to discuss this later." The lion takes a moment to smooth out his clothing and stretches a little. "Let's plant those explosives, nab our vixen, and get back home. Shall we?"<br> <br>Tau adds "Only calm because of the very things that screwed with Kesai. not sure if she would appreciate it." After dio speaks, sie also adds "And hopefully not get killed in either blast or tunnel collapse.<br> <br>Antiman finishes with Meni's help the second collapse charge and hooks the blasting caps on it to another wireless detonator with the same code as the first collapse charge, "Just need to get this breaching charge set up, love." Sie sets the C-4 with three blocks spaced wide enoug for a door with the pattern repeated up eight times. Sie places hir blasting caps in these charges and crimps det cord on them. Sie ties the whole bundle of det cord to one line of it on a spool. Sie starts to run it back, "Alright I don't want any one in this tunnel when this gets set off. Get out of here now." Sie looks to meni, "I'm running the cord to top side. I'll attach a wire to it so you don't have an explosive cord going off in your hand. I love your hands and don't want em explosivly cut off."<br> <br>Syraei leans into the petting and kisses, hir tail wagging on it's own as shi basks in the attention, even if shi's unable to express it. The new cerberus herm casts one last look at the explosives and above, imagining the operatives that will be above, before moving towards the tunnel exit. "We won't have much time once these detonate." <br> <br>Meniatz nuzzles Tau and gives hir a half a treat. "That's a good point, loves. We'll give hir back hir mind once we get home. Then sie can decide whether or not sie wants to stay with us on hir own." Sie tosses Dio the other half of the treat. "Though I'm not sure why anyone would want to leave people as wonderful as you two~" Sie says with a grin as sie pads over to Anti and gently rubs hir breasts. "And my hands love you, too, sister-mate. They want to spend as much time pleasuring your beautiful body as possible. But, of course, that can wait until after we've rescued Kesai." Meni pets Syraei and gives the cerberus herm a lick on the cheek once they reach the exit. "Would you be willing to attack your former RSX comrades to protect your new family and rescue Kesai? I don't want you getting hurt if you hesitate."<br> <br>Dio catches the treat in his hands and eats it all in one dexterous movement. "Thank you, ma'am. Wonderful as always." The lion gives the Cerberus one last scratch. "I agree, we'll let Syraei here decide of her own free will when we get back." Dio then nods to Anti and starts to move out as directed. "Everyone ready?"<br> <br>Tau ponders why sie only gets half a treat but accepts it graciously anyway. Omnom.<br> <br>Antiman chirp moans softly as Meni rubs hir breasts which reminds hir to close hir armor back up around them. Sie open beak grins mischievously, "Promise, love?" Sie runs the line of det cord to top side and attaces a long wire to it. Sie then hands a wireless detonator transmitter to each member of the group minus Syraei, "These detonators will trigger the colapse charges, don't use them unless I've been taken out and only if the surviving group is out of the tunnel." Sie then takes three improvised granades for each from hir explosives pouch and hands them to each of the group. They are little more than pipe bombs with a frag granade pattern ground in the sides with a length of fuse comming out of them, "These should be just as powerful as any world war two era granade." *Mostly because they're filled with the same kind of nitro starch. I hope Meni doesn't ask where all the corn starch whent. Sie then takes a zippo lighter and what appears to be incense sticks and lights them and hands them to each member, "These slow matches have no scent to give them away and will be useful to light the granades when needed." Sie then hands Meni the line to the breaching charge, "If you'll do the honors love?"<br> <br>Syraei frowns faintly, even as she's licked and petted. "I have friends and family in that building. RSX also houses and feeds my family. They are already in jeopardy but I would not like to see them die during the assault or when you release the biohazardous materials." Syraei took one last look down the tunnel as detonators and grenades were passed around like so much candy. Then, the cerberus herm ducked her head and waited for the blast.<br> <br>Meniatz gives Anti a kiss on the beak and preens hir feathers. "I promise." Meni hears Syraei talk about hir family and gives hir a hug. "I'm sorry to put you in this position, Syraei. I promise I'll do whatever I can to make sure your friends and family are safe. Just let us know who we should go easy on, okay, sweetie." Meni gives hir a scratch behind the ears before picking up the line. "I'd be delighted, love." Sie sends an electrical charge throught the wire, which runs down to the blasting cap of the charge.<br> <br>Tau takes the grenade and is impressed by Anti's explosive knowledge. "Wow, you know your stuff." Then the cerberus speaks up and sie looks concerned. "Uh...folks, I'm starting to rethink some things here. No matter what bad these people've done, they still have lives and families. Can we at least attempt to keep the casualties to a minimum? If you lived their lives, you'd have done the same thing they're doing." After Meni speaks, sie says "Hey, how about we go easy on everyone? Imagine if I'd been deployed here instead of fairhaven. You'd be coming after me, probably."<br> <br>Dio takes the detonator and stuffs it inside his pocket for safe keeping. He also takes the improvised grenades and holds them up to examine them. "Interesting work, ma'am. Very impressive. I might have to learn how to make this explosives for those certain situations." Dio puts the grenades away and starts to listen to Tau. After he finishes, a large grin grows on his muzzle that exposes his teeth. "They should've thought of their families before stealing our friend. If they didn't then, I sure hope they think about them in the next few minutes," Dio says in a somewhat worrying tone. Noticing that Meni has activated the charge, the lion covers his ears to protect his ear drums.<br> <br>Antiman Nods hir head confirming Meni's promise, "As will I dear." Sie looks to Tau, "Thank you, love. Only use the granades if you have to. I only passed them out because of the capability it gave everyone. I don't really want the hallways to run red with blood, but they'll be doing their best to kill us. Don't forget that so do the same if you meet them." Sie nods at Dio, "Thank you, love." Sie says again, "It's amazing what you can find in the library." Sie folds hir ears back and turns hir head away from the tunnel entrance as Meni pulses an electrical chargee down hir line, the current causing the det cord to flash in a chain explosion to the blasting caps of the breaching charge setting off the explosives with a loud boom.<br> <br>The instant voltage was applied, the detcord exploded and flashed away from the group at over 7 times the speed of a rifle bullet. There wasn't even enough time to flinch away from the exploding detcord before the ground beneath all of them trembles as the breaching charge detonates and it's blast races up the tunnel in both directions. Choking plumes of dust rise from every storm drain as well as the shaft they'd used to enter the city's drainage systems. Almost immediately, alarms begin to sound from the RSX building a block north of them. Above them, the helicopters that had been at 6000 meters dropped lower until the sounds of their rotor blades slashing through the air could just barely heard over the alarms when they flew past. They've just kicked the hornets nest and the clock was ticking.
Syraei whimpered softly, closing her eyes but unable to cover all of her ears from the brain rattling overpressure wave. They'd be facing the special operations operatives. All of them would be her friends and brothers and sisters in arms. "We'll be facing my unit. They are all my friends." She mumbled over the ringing in four of her six ears.<br> <br>Meniatz nods to Tau. "I don't want this to turn into a bloodbath any more than our sister-mate does. I'll try to leave people alive when I can." Sie can hear Syraei as sie mentions hir unit. "I'm sorry, Syraei, but we might have to hurt them. We'll try not to cause any permanent damage though, okay, sweetie?" Sie draws Skyfang and electricity crackles around it as it's blades whir and hum.<br> <br>Tau sighs at what Dio says. "Look, if you'd lived their lives, experienced everything they did, been fed whatever possible lies they've been told, You'd be the same as them. Maybe they didn't have a choice but to comply? This is a nature versus nurture thing that I'm not gonna get into, but anyway..." Sie sighs. "Just...whatever. Do what you want. I'm gonna avoid killing anyone. I've got enough on my concience already." Sie leaves the tunnel with the others and gets to safety, putting away the explosive in a pack similar to Antimans and readying hir gun. Nonlethal shots. Arms and legs. KaBOOM went the bombs and even when sie covered hir ears the advanced hearing made it hurt like a sonovabitch. Sie whined and uncovered, then looked to the others before heading in.<br> <br>"Whoa!" Dio certainly expected a big result from the explosives, but it was still quite large and loud thing to behold. He takes a moment to recover and shifts through his pockets to pull out a regular looking ball of stone no bigger than Dio's paw. In relation to Tau's statements, Dio replies with the same smile. "I don't have time to think about stuff like that. When someone tries to kill me, I return the favor with pleasure." Dio chuckles a bit to himself and sprints off to enter the lab.<br> <br>As soon as the blast disapated sie drew hir bolo and filled hir other hand with a granade, "Just don't let it get you killed love. I don't want to mourn you." Sie jumps down into the tunnel and quickly runs towards the breach flattening hirself aganist the side of the breach and using the tip of hir blade to see into the lab.
Syraei whimpered softly, closing her eyes but unable to cover all of her ears from the brain rattling overpressure wave. They'd be facing the special operations operatives. All of them would be her friends and brothers and sisters in arms. "We'll be facing my unit. They are all my friends." She mumbled over the ringing in four of her six ears.<br> <br>Meniatz nods to Tau. "I don't want this to turn into a bloodbath any more than our sister-mate does. I'll try to leave people alive when I can." Sie can hear Syraei as sie mentions hir unit. "I'm sorry, Syraei, but we might have to hurt them. We'll try not to cause any permanent damage though, okay, sweetie?" Sie draws Skyfang and electricity crackles around it as it's blades whir and hum.<br> <br>Tau sighs at what Dio says. "Look, if you'd lived their lives, experienced everything they did, been fed whatever possible lies they've been told, You'd be the same as them. Maybe they didn't have a choice but to comply? This is a nature versus nurture thing that I'm not gonna get into, but anyway..." Sie sighs. "Just...whatever. Do what you want. I'm gonna avoid killing anyone. I've got enough on my concience already." Sie leaves the tunnel with the others and gets to safety, putting away the explosive in a pack similar to Antimans and readying hir gun. Nonlethal shots. Arms and legs. KaBOOM went the bombs and even when sie covered hir ears the advanced hearing made it hurt like a sonovabitch. Sie whined and uncovered, then looked to the others before heading in.<br> <br>"Whoa!" Dio certainly expected a big result from the explosives, but it was still quite large and loud thing to behold. He takes a moment to recover and shifts through his pockets to pull out a regular looking ball of stone no bigger than Dio's paw. In relation to Tau's statements, Dio replies with the same smile. "I don't have time to think about stuff like that. When someone tries to kill me, I return the favor with pleasure." Dio chuckles a bit to himself and sprints off to enter the lab.<br> <br>As soon as the blast disapated sie drew hir bolo and filled hir other hand with a granade, "Just don't let it get you killed love. I don't want to mourn you." Sie jumps down into the tunnel and quickly runs towards the breach flattening hirself aganist the side of the breach and using the tip of hir blade to see into the lab.<br> <br>The tunnel was choked with dust from both the pulverized wall and the blast knocking dust from everything else... accompanying it in places was the smell of leaking natural gas from the mains that Syraei had mentioned. Through the dust spilled the flickering lights of the laboratory, clearly marking the entrance. From inside the breach came the howl of alarms but also the howls of the frightened and wounded.
Just inside lay the first casualty of the raid, the armed guard that had been posted had been sitting almost on the other side of the breach and had become bits and pieces of a human limbs and flesh against the far wall. The plexiglass separating lab from airlock had cracked and the overpressure system was desperately trying to fill the decontamination chamber and airlock as well as the entirety of the cities drainage system now. It was failing. The lab technicians and scientists inside the lab proper, or those that hadn't been knocked unconcious or catatonic, were screaming into the intercom system for rescue. All of them were wearing biohazard suits. Unfortunately, some of them had failed amidst crushed and knocked over glass wear and were undergoing random, mixed mutations at a rapid rate.
In the center of this maelstrom of panic was Kesai, suspended in a tank of liquid hooked to life support and monitors. A stainless steel and reinforced glass liquid prison that was surrounded by incinerator systems and powerful microwave emitters. It was obvious that they were draining the vixen of blood as it flowed out from her arm, through a tube, and into a collection system on the other side of her prison to be used in whatever experiments they were conducting.<br> <br>Meniatz heads into the tunnel and sees Kesai in a tube. Sie sees the scientists scurrying about like insects and grabs the most important-looking one. "You! If you want to leave here, tell me how to safely free Kesai."<br> <br>Tau cringes when sie spots the dead guard and the changing scientists. Nothing to be done for them now. "Alright everybody!" sie shouts at the personell still standing around while pointing hir weapon. "cooperate and no one will be hurt, got it!?" Then sie spots the tank and notices something. "Folks, I think nanites are getting pumped into Kesai's tank there." sie says while pointing to a cylinder connected to the tank. Sie was tempted to shoot it, but didn't know what it did, or even if it were really nanites. The swirling swarming grey shit certainly LOOKED like nanites though. Sie guessed. Never saw them, but sie imagined a bunch of them together would look like that.<br> <br>Dio steps through the tunnel and heads up into the lab. "Those explosives did quite a number," Dio murmurs to himself. Figuring shi's got the right idea, Dio stomps his way over towards hir and stands over the person shi grabbed. Before he begins talking in an aggressive fashion, Dio roars rather loudly and stares down the scientist. The lion brings a claw to the scientist's throat and says, "Indeed. Better do with the lady tells ya or I assure you things will get much worse for you and your friends here."<br> <br>Antiman New what the effects of the explosion would be and wasn't too shocked at the carnage. Sie feels rage at what sie sees and panic as sie sees a leaking cylinder of what appears to be the infamous Vegas Gray Goo. Sie quickly asseses the situation, *Alright I need to turn off that damn think thats sucking the blood out of her." As sie approaches the machine sie uses hir bolo to cause breaches in the biohazard suits of the scientists that sie passes by. Sie takes a closer look at the apperatus sucking the blood out of Kesai, *Damn it looks like what you would find at a funeral home.* which made it easier to turn off. Sie flips the off switch to the blood sucker. Sie turns hir head to Tau, "It's the fucking Grey Goo from Vegas. The whole place turned to goo on P-day. We got to stop it before Kesai gets consumed by it." Sie grabs a scentist whose containment suit sie hasn't breached, "Tell me how the containment system works and I won't infect you with nanites. I need to know how to fry the Goo."<br> <br>The scientist is near out of his mind with panic. He doesn't even seem to register that he's being addressed or even that he's being grabbed. Though spittle landed on his face and features. Though the  lion's roar ruffled his hair and knocked his glass askew. Though he was changing gender and species. Nothing seemed to register. Instead, he looked on at the tube Kesai is being held within in abject, pants wetting, bowel loosening terror as he gibbered nonsensically. Syraei herself stood right outside the breached wall, all six eyes staring at the scene before her in similarly overwhelming fear. Especially one corner where a suit slowly started to sag to the ground.
The technician Anti grabbed was marginally more sane as she screamed at the top of her lungs that it was too late. "We're going to die! You killed us all! The whole city! You freaks blew up the power bus to the sterilizing systems!" She motioned to the microwave and incinerator arrays pointed at the tube and it's occupants.<br> <br>Meniatz emits a calming aura and approaches the more sane-sounding scientist. "If you really don't want to die, then help us free Kesai--the fox you have in the tube--and we will ensure your safe passage out of this facility. Understood?" Sie says as sie moves over to a computer. "Now, I'm going to try to re-power the incinirators, and you're going to make sure that they don't harm our friend, or I swear to the Maternal Beast, I'll turn you into a cow."<br> <br>Tau says "Crap, seriously? Why the hell would they do that to someone?" Sie watches Meni, dio, and Anti, and realizes they were doing a better job of convincing someone to talk than sie was. Sie didn't have the technical knowhow to help with the machine, really. Sie felt...kinda uneeded right now. So instead, sie brandished hir rifle threateningly at anyone nearby who looked like they were going to try something. When sie overhears Antiman's captive shouting, sie listens in and looks scared. "W-wait, does that mean those things are gonna eat us like vegas?" Then Meni starts taking control of the situation, and sie felt much better as the calm hit hir.<br> <br>"That vegas goop? Oh my, that's a big issue." Noticing that Meni has put out some sort of aura, he concentrates and resists as to not distract his train of thought. He does however, decide to back off from the scared scientist in order to give him or her a break from his intimidation tactics. Now free, Dio beings looking around for a terminal that could provide any sort of information he could get. Eventually, the lion spots an unbroken one and starts searching through with high urgancy.<br> <br>Antiman feels calmer as Meni influences the whole room to calm down. Sie looks at the scientist that sie's holding, "How do I empty the tank? And is where it empties to secure against the Goo." Sie knows that sie's racing the clock with those nanites in there with Kesai.<br> <br>Everyone calms... even the soldiers running down the stairs and taking up covered positions just outside the lab. They calmly and smoothly take up positions and begin setting up equipment -- a portable bubble generator to establish their own nanite environment. They were preparing a careful breach.
As the calm washed over everyone, even Kesai twitched in her tube, apparently coming upon a pleasant dream. The scientists in Anti and Meni's hands calmed as well, their gibbering and frightened screams becoming calmer words, calm enough to realize they were going to die. "The lion there. He's sitting at the controls. But without power, it's hopeless to tune the microwaves before you let her out."<br> <br>Meniatz lets go of the scientist and smiles as hir fur crackles with electrical energy. "Thank you, miss. Once we free our friend You and your colleagues will be free to go." Sie sends a powerful, continuous stream of energy into the microwaves. "Now, Dio, while the tube is being sterilized, you'll need to free Kesai." Meni looks over to the scientist. "If there's anything more we need to know in order to save our friend, please let us know."<br> <br>Meniatz looks over to Tau. "Tau, could you get all these scientists organized in a nice single-file line so we can get them out of here more easily?"<br> <br>Tau nods and starts calling for the scientists to line up, pointing, shouting, gesturing, and things were moving pretty smoothly while everyone was calm. Easier to stay organized.<br> <br>Dio clicks and clack away at the terminal after finding a nice security card from an incapacitated scientist. He breezes through the various files and sees some very interesting information. He'll have to explain everything to everyone later once he gets the chance. The lion looks back at Meni fixing the microwave and smiles. "I'm on it. Well done with the power, my lady." Dio begins the procedures to free Kesai along with adjusting the microwave levels. "While we're waiting for all this, did you know that our Kesai here isn't effected by the gray goop stuff the same way as others? There are some interesting theories in here..."<br> <br>Antiman lets go of the scientist as well, "Thank you." Sie has a bad feeling about how long it's taking and the response time of a quick raction force, "Tau I need-." Sie's cut off by Meni, "Their reaction force should be here any minute." Sie runs to the door and sets up hir own directional mine pointing at the door with a trip wire on the door and across the entry for them to trip over and get blown to hell.[[Category:RPLogs]]

Latest revision as of 07:03, 27 March 2013





Into the absolute darkness of the sewers did Meni's mind controlled pet led the group. However, with the echo and the absence of any felt trash or debris at the bottom it was quite evident that this was either a secondary or tertiary storm control network; a massive reinforced concrete channel that could fill with a torrent water at a moment's notice. Every step, motion, and word seemed to echo forever in the dark and if anything lived down here, it would probably hear the intruders. "It's ahead. 130 meters."

Antiman carting the explosives and other related items from topside with hir looks around, "Charming. Alright I want to make two locations for collapse charges for the tunnel. That way if there's a failure in one charge the other will do the job." Sie unpacks the truly monumental and frigtening amount of C-4 and starts making a row if it in the tunnel roof.

Meniatz held onto Syraei's leash and followed the cerberus herm into the dark subterranean abyss. The talakai murred softly as sie put hir arm around Anti. "We're almost there, love. We could probably blast our way in, but I'm a bit worried that if we set up the explosives in the wrong place, we could flood the entire tunnel. I don't need to breathe, so I'll be fine, but...I'm not sure how the rest of you would fare. I suppose I could turn into a hydra and keep you in my mouths if it came to that, but I'm not sure how well that would work." Sie gives the gryphon a kiss. "I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to any of you."

Tau ponders "Are we gonna have to hide behind something to avoid shrapnel from the blast?" Sie starts looking around for any means of cover. "Uh Meniatz, I don't think that would work very well. I think there'd be water in your mouths too."

With the hatch finally open, Dio hops in and follows after everyone inside the underground complex. "Awfully dark but..." The lion takes a good look at the explosives and smiles. "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited about all those bits of C4." Dio chuckles and continues walking forward. "I'm sure things will work out just fine. With luck, we'll be gone before any serious flooding occurs."

Antiman gives Meni and Tau a somewhat exasperated look, "These are the charges for the tunnel collapse. These won't be detonated until we leve to prevent the enemy from following us out the tunnel." Sie looks to their new pet with a smile, "Besides I think Syraei'll help us with where we should put our breaching charge." Finishing with placing one row of explosives sie places blasting caps in the blocks of C-4. *Glad they had extra caps. I underestimated the shear amount of boom booms they had in the boom boom room.* Sie wires the caps and connects them to a wireless detonator. Sie ten stars working on the second collapse charge.

Syraei stops and looks down at hir changed leg structure in the dark as shi reached out to touch a section of cold concrete. "I'm afraid my pace count may be inaccurate, Mistress, but this should be it. I do advise caution as this laboratory deals in biohazardous materials." Syr droned emotionlessly. "I've lead you to the approximate location of the decontamination chamber before the actual lab as best as I am able. The lab itself should be approximately 3 meters further ahead."

Meniatz pets Syraei and gives hir a kiss on each of hir muzzles. "Thank you, Syraei. You've been a big help so far." Syrai felt a rush of pleasure at being thanked--a side-effect of hir new nanites. Meni then helps hir sister-mate set up the charges. "Are we almost ready to go, love? We should really hurry so RSX doesn't have time to move Kesai somewhere else." Sie then looks over to the docile cerberus who followed hir mistress obediently as sie held hir leash. "I think she will like the new playmate we found for her. Sie's so cute and calm."

Dio continues following behind Meni and the others. "I sure hope this is the right spot. Regardless, it should be fun despite what we explode into." Dio bends down and gives Syraei a little scratch on the head. "I still think we should let 'er go after this, but there's plenty of time to discuss this later." The lion takes a moment to smooth out his clothing and stretches a little. "Let's plant those explosives, nab our vixen, and get back home. Shall we?"

Tau adds "Only calm because of the very things that screwed with Kesai. not sure if she would appreciate it." After dio speaks, sie also adds "And hopefully not get killed in either blast or tunnel collapse.

Antiman finishes with Meni's help the second collapse charge and hooks the blasting caps on it to another wireless detonator with the same code as the first collapse charge, "Just need to get this breaching charge set up, love." Sie sets the C-4 with three blocks spaced wide enoug for a door with the pattern repeated up eight times. Sie places hir blasting caps in these charges and crimps det cord on them. Sie ties the whole bundle of det cord to one line of it on a spool. Sie starts to run it back, "Alright I don't want any one in this tunnel when this gets set off. Get out of here now." Sie looks to meni, "I'm running the cord to top side. I'll attach a wire to it so you don't have an explosive cord going off in your hand. I love your hands and don't want em explosivly cut off."

Syraei leans into the petting and kisses, hir tail wagging on it's own as shi basks in the attention, even if shi's unable to express it. The new cerberus herm casts one last look at the explosives and above, imagining the operatives that will be above, before moving towards the tunnel exit. "We won't have much time once these detonate."

Meniatz nuzzles Tau and gives hir a half a treat. "That's a good point, loves. We'll give hir back hir mind once we get home. Then sie can decide whether or not sie wants to stay with us on hir own." Sie tosses Dio the other half of the treat. "Though I'm not sure why anyone would want to leave people as wonderful as you two~" Sie says with a grin as sie pads over to Anti and gently rubs hir breasts. "And my hands love you, too, sister-mate. They want to spend as much time pleasuring your beautiful body as possible. But, of course, that can wait until after we've rescued Kesai." Meni pets Syraei and gives the cerberus herm a lick on the cheek once they reach the exit. "Would you be willing to attack your former RSX comrades to protect your new family and rescue Kesai? I don't want you getting hurt if you hesitate."

Dio catches the treat in his hands and eats it all in one dexterous movement. "Thank you, ma'am. Wonderful as always." The lion gives the Cerberus one last scratch. "I agree, we'll let Syraei here decide of her own free will when we get back." Dio then nods to Anti and starts to move out as directed. "Everyone ready?"

Tau ponders why sie only gets half a treat but accepts it graciously anyway. Omnom.

Antiman chirp moans softly as Meni rubs hir breasts which reminds hir to close hir armor back up around them. Sie open beak grins mischievously, "Promise, love?" Sie runs the line of det cord to top side and attaces a long wire to it. Sie then hands a wireless detonator transmitter to each member of the group minus Syraei, "These detonators will trigger the colapse charges, don't use them unless I've been taken out and only if the surviving group is out of the tunnel." Sie then takes three improvised granades for each from hir explosives pouch and hands them to each of the group. They are little more than pipe bombs with a frag granade pattern ground in the sides with a length of fuse comming out of them, "These should be just as powerful as any world war two era granade." *Mostly because they're filled with the same kind of nitro starch. I hope Meni doesn't ask where all the corn starch whent. Sie then takes a zippo lighter and what appears to be incense sticks and lights them and hands them to each member, "These slow matches have no scent to give them away and will be useful to light the granades when needed." Sie then hands Meni the line to the breaching charge, "If you'll do the honors love?"

Syraei frowns faintly, even as she's licked and petted. "I have friends and family in that building. RSX also houses and feeds my family. They are already in jeopardy but I would not like to see them die during the assault or when you release the biohazardous materials." Syraei took one last look down the tunnel as detonators and grenades were passed around like so much candy. Then, the cerberus herm ducked her head and waited for the blast.

Meniatz gives Anti a kiss on the beak and preens hir feathers. "I promise." Meni hears Syraei talk about hir family and gives hir a hug. "I'm sorry to put you in this position, Syraei. I promise I'll do whatever I can to make sure your friends and family are safe. Just let us know who we should go easy on, okay, sweetie." Meni gives hir a scratch behind the ears before picking up the line. "I'd be delighted, love." Sie sends an electrical charge throught the wire, which runs down to the blasting cap of the charge.

Tau takes the grenade and is impressed by Anti's explosive knowledge. "Wow, you know your stuff." Then the cerberus speaks up and sie looks concerned. "Uh...folks, I'm starting to rethink some things here. No matter what bad these people've done, they still have lives and families. Can we at least attempt to keep the casualties to a minimum? If you lived their lives, you'd have done the same thing they're doing." After Meni speaks, sie says "Hey, how about we go easy on everyone? Imagine if I'd been deployed here instead of fairhaven. You'd be coming after me, probably."

Dio takes the detonator and stuffs it inside his pocket for safe keeping. He also takes the improvised grenades and holds them up to examine them. "Interesting work, ma'am. Very impressive. I might have to learn how to make this explosives for those certain situations." Dio puts the grenades away and starts to listen to Tau. After he finishes, a large grin grows on his muzzle that exposes his teeth. "They should've thought of their families before stealing our friend. If they didn't then, I sure hope they think about them in the next few minutes," Dio says in a somewhat worrying tone. Noticing that Meni has activated the charge, the lion covers his ears to protect his ear drums.

Antiman Nods hir head confirming Meni's promise, "As will I dear." Sie looks to Tau, "Thank you, love. Only use the granades if you have to. I only passed them out because of the capability it gave everyone. I don't really want the hallways to run red with blood, but they'll be doing their best to kill us. Don't forget that so do the same if you meet them." Sie nods at Dio, "Thank you, love." Sie says again, "It's amazing what you can find in the library." Sie folds hir ears back and turns hir head away from the tunnel entrance as Meni pulses an electrical chargee down hir line, the current causing the det cord to flash in a chain explosion to the blasting caps of the breaching charge setting off the explosives with a loud boom.

The instant voltage was applied, the detcord exploded and flashed away from the group at over 7 times the speed of a rifle bullet. There wasn't even enough time to flinch away from the exploding detcord before the ground beneath all of them trembles as the breaching charge detonates and it's blast races up the tunnel in both directions. Choking plumes of dust rise from every storm drain as well as the shaft they'd used to enter the city's drainage systems. Almost immediately, alarms begin to sound from the RSX building a block north of them. Above them, the helicopters that had been at 6000 meters dropped lower until the sounds of their rotor blades slashing through the air could just barely heard over the alarms when they flew past. They've just kicked the hornets nest and the clock was ticking.

Syraei whimpered softly, closing her eyes but unable to cover all of her ears from the brain rattling overpressure wave. They'd be facing the special operations operatives. All of them would be her friends and brothers and sisters in arms. "We'll be facing my unit. They are all my friends." She mumbled over the ringing in four of her six ears.

Meniatz nods to Tau. "I don't want this to turn into a bloodbath any more than our sister-mate does. I'll try to leave people alive when I can." Sie can hear Syraei as sie mentions hir unit. "I'm sorry, Syraei, but we might have to hurt them. We'll try not to cause any permanent damage though, okay, sweetie?" Sie draws Skyfang and electricity crackles around it as it's blades whir and hum.

Tau sighs at what Dio says. "Look, if you'd lived their lives, experienced everything they did, been fed whatever possible lies they've been told, You'd be the same as them. Maybe they didn't have a choice but to comply? This is a nature versus nurture thing that I'm not gonna get into, but anyway..." Sie sighs. "Just...whatever. Do what you want. I'm gonna avoid killing anyone. I've got enough on my concience already." Sie leaves the tunnel with the others and gets to safety, putting away the explosive in a pack similar to Antimans and readying hir gun. Nonlethal shots. Arms and legs. KaBOOM went the bombs and even when sie covered hir ears the advanced hearing made it hurt like a sonovabitch. Sie whined and uncovered, then looked to the others before heading in.

"Whoa!" Dio certainly expected a big result from the explosives, but it was still quite large and loud thing to behold. He takes a moment to recover and shifts through his pockets to pull out a regular looking ball of stone no bigger than Dio's paw. In relation to Tau's statements, Dio replies with the same smile. "I don't have time to think about stuff like that. When someone tries to kill me, I return the favor with pleasure." Dio chuckles a bit to himself and sprints off to enter the lab.

As soon as the blast disapated sie drew hir bolo and filled hir other hand with a granade, "Just don't let it get you killed love. I don't want to mourn you." Sie jumps down into the tunnel and quickly runs towards the breach flattening hirself aganist the side of the breach and using the tip of hir blade to see into the lab.

The tunnel was choked with dust from both the pulverized wall and the blast knocking dust from everything else... accompanying it in places was the smell of leaking natural gas from the mains that Syraei had mentioned. Through the dust spilled the flickering lights of the laboratory, clearly marking the entrance. From inside the breach came the howl of alarms but also the howls of the frightened and wounded.

Just inside lay the first casualty of the raid, the armed guard that had been posted had been sitting almost on the other side of the breach and had become bits and pieces of a human limbs and flesh against the far wall. The plexiglass separating lab from airlock had cracked and the overpressure system was desperately trying to fill the decontamination chamber and airlock as well as the entirety of the cities drainage system now. It was failing. The lab technicians and scientists inside the lab proper, or those that hadn't been knocked unconcious or catatonic, were screaming into the intercom system for rescue. All of them were wearing biohazard suits. Unfortunately, some of them had failed amidst crushed and knocked over glass wear and were undergoing random, mixed mutations at a rapid rate.

In the center of this maelstrom of panic was Kesai, suspended in a tank of liquid hooked to life support and monitors. A stainless steel and reinforced glass liquid prison that was surrounded by incinerator systems and powerful microwave emitters. It was obvious that they were draining the vixen of blood as it flowed out from her arm, through a tube, and into a collection system on the other side of her prison to be used in whatever experiments they were conducting.

Meniatz heads into the tunnel and sees Kesai in a tube. Sie sees the scientists scurrying about like insects and grabs the most important-looking one. "You! If you want to leave here, tell me how to safely free Kesai."

Tau cringes when sie spots the dead guard and the changing scientists. Nothing to be done for them now. "Alright everybody!" sie shouts at the personell still standing around while pointing hir weapon. "cooperate and no one will be hurt, got it!?" Then sie spots the tank and notices something. "Folks, I think nanites are getting pumped into Kesai's tank there." sie says while pointing to a cylinder connected to the tank. Sie was tempted to shoot it, but didn't know what it did, or even if it were really nanites. The swirling swarming grey shit certainly LOOKED like nanites though. Sie guessed. Never saw them, but sie imagined a bunch of them together would look like that.

Dio steps through the tunnel and heads up into the lab. "Those explosives did quite a number," Dio murmurs to himself. Figuring shi's got the right idea, Dio stomps his way over towards hir and stands over the person shi grabbed. Before he begins talking in an aggressive fashion, Dio roars rather loudly and stares down the scientist. The lion brings a claw to the scientist's throat and says, "Indeed. Better do with the lady tells ya or I assure you things will get much worse for you and your friends here."

Antiman New what the effects of the explosion would be and wasn't too shocked at the carnage. Sie feels rage at what sie sees and panic as sie sees a leaking cylinder of what appears to be the infamous Vegas Gray Goo. Sie quickly asseses the situation, *Alright I need to turn off that damn think thats sucking the blood out of her." As sie approaches the machine sie uses hir bolo to cause breaches in the biohazard suits of the scientists that sie passes by. Sie takes a closer look at the apperatus sucking the blood out of Kesai, *Damn it looks like what you would find at a funeral home.* which made it easier to turn off. Sie flips the off switch to the blood sucker. Sie turns hir head to Tau, "It's the fucking Grey Goo from Vegas. The whole place turned to goo on P-day. We got to stop it before Kesai gets consumed by it." Sie grabs a scentist whose containment suit sie hasn't breached, "Tell me how the containment system works and I won't infect you with nanites. I need to know how to fry the Goo."

The scientist is near out of his mind with panic. He doesn't even seem to register that he's being addressed or even that he's being grabbed. Though spittle landed on his face and features. Though the lion's roar ruffled his hair and knocked his glass askew. Though he was changing gender and species. Nothing seemed to register. Instead, he looked on at the tube Kesai is being held within in abject, pants wetting, bowel loosening terror as he gibbered nonsensically. Syraei herself stood right outside the breached wall, all six eyes staring at the scene before her in similarly overwhelming fear. Especially one corner where a suit slowly started to sag to the ground.

The technician Anti grabbed was marginally more sane as she screamed at the top of her lungs that it was too late. "We're going to die! You killed us all! The whole city! You freaks blew up the power bus to the sterilizing systems!" She motioned to the microwave and incinerator arrays pointed at the tube and it's occupants.

Meniatz emits a calming aura and approaches the more sane-sounding scientist. "If you really don't want to die, then help us free Kesai--the fox you have in the tube--and we will ensure your safe passage out of this facility. Understood?" Sie says as sie moves over to a computer. "Now, I'm going to try to re-power the incinirators, and you're going to make sure that they don't harm our friend, or I swear to the Maternal Beast, I'll turn you into a cow."

Tau says "Crap, seriously? Why the hell would they do that to someone?" Sie watches Meni, dio, and Anti, and realizes they were doing a better job of convincing someone to talk than sie was. Sie didn't have the technical knowhow to help with the machine, really. Sie felt...kinda uneeded right now. So instead, sie brandished hir rifle threateningly at anyone nearby who looked like they were going to try something. When sie overhears Antiman's captive shouting, sie listens in and looks scared. "W-wait, does that mean those things are gonna eat us like vegas?" Then Meni starts taking control of the situation, and sie felt much better as the calm hit hir.

"That vegas goop? Oh my, that's a big issue." Noticing that Meni has put out some sort of aura, he concentrates and resists as to not distract his train of thought. He does however, decide to back off from the scared scientist in order to give him or her a break from his intimidation tactics. Now free, Dio beings looking around for a terminal that could provide any sort of information he could get. Eventually, the lion spots an unbroken one and starts searching through with high urgancy.

Antiman feels calmer as Meni influences the whole room to calm down. Sie looks at the scientist that sie's holding, "How do I empty the tank? And is where it empties to secure against the Goo." Sie knows that sie's racing the clock with those nanites in there with Kesai.

Everyone calms... even the soldiers running down the stairs and taking up covered positions just outside the lab. They calmly and smoothly take up positions and begin setting up equipment -- a portable bubble generator to establish their own nanite environment. They were preparing a careful breach.

As the calm washed over everyone, even Kesai twitched in her tube, apparently coming upon a pleasant dream. The scientists in Anti and Meni's hands calmed as well, their gibbering and frightened screams becoming calmer words, calm enough to realize they were going to die. "The lion there. He's sitting at the controls. But without power, it's hopeless to tune the microwaves before you let her out."

Meniatz lets go of the scientist and smiles as hir fur crackles with electrical energy. "Thank you, miss. Once we free our friend You and your colleagues will be free to go." Sie sends a powerful, continuous stream of energy into the microwaves. "Now, Dio, while the tube is being sterilized, you'll need to free Kesai." Meni looks over to the scientist. "If there's anything more we need to know in order to save our friend, please let us know."

Meniatz looks over to Tau. "Tau, could you get all these scientists organized in a nice single-file line so we can get them out of here more easily?"

Tau nods and starts calling for the scientists to line up, pointing, shouting, gesturing, and things were moving pretty smoothly while everyone was calm. Easier to stay organized.

Dio clicks and clack away at the terminal after finding a nice security card from an incapacitated scientist. He breezes through the various files and sees some very interesting information. He'll have to explain everything to everyone later once he gets the chance. The lion looks back at Meni fixing the microwave and smiles. "I'm on it. Well done with the power, my lady." Dio begins the procedures to free Kesai along with adjusting the microwave levels. "While we're waiting for all this, did you know that our Kesai here isn't effected by the gray goop stuff the same way as others? There are some interesting theories in here..."

Antiman lets go of the scientist as well, "Thank you." Sie has a bad feeling about how long it's taking and the response time of a quick raction force, "Tau I need-." Sie's cut off by Meni, "Their reaction force should be here any minute." Sie runs to the door and sets up hir own directional mine pointing at the door with a trip wire on the door and across the entry for them to trip over and get blown to hell.