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<div></div><br> <br>The streets are dirty, dark and ring hollow with the sounds of skittering feet just out of sight. Glowing eyes flash at you from the abandoned buildings on every side and small mad laughs and shrieks of passion hit you from here and there. The co-ordinates uploaded into your comm said to meet a field agent here, with a briefing to follow. Heck, Zephyr was paying well for this but something about how the comm officer has sounded was...off. She&#39;d been clear though, if you accepted and and couldn&#39;t deliver the goods unharmed, you&#39;d lose your bonus on this one and they promised a pretty hefty gain for results. Upon arrival, you find the agent already waiting for you, a dark black shadow leaning against an open doorway, tossing a large black axe up in the air and catching it one handed as she surveys the streets. Nodding to each of you as you arrive, she stands up, reaching down to her side and securing the blade in a kevlar carry before coming forward, the Shadow Dragoness nodding as her ears twitch &quot;So, they did send some worthwhile people at least, welcome.&quot; Loveblade glances around the group &quot;Let&#39;s get started then, I&#39;m Loveblade and I know some of you, but not all, though if you&#39;re here it&#39;s because you were called. Call me Love.&quot; she glances around and turns back &quot;So, let&#39;s make the introductions quick, the clock is ticking and we need to get focused here. Names?&quot; she says with a thrum, her voice taking on a pleasant purr.<br> <br>Thelergramor approaches that there Loveblade, whistling idly to his foxy self with all his crazy weapon son his vest, binocular-goggles worn on his head and such. &quot;My name&#39;s John. Yep. John. One hundred percent John.&quot; He chuckles. &quot;Not at all, really. I&#39;m Thelergramor, and this is my boomstick.&quot; Tips his head towards the shotgun mounted on his back. &quot;Plus... if anyone lies like I just did... check your comm unit. Probably tell you who we are.&quot; The fox sits, peers around unconcerned. &quot;So, what&#39;s all this then?&quot;<br> <br>Valorie gave a polite nod to Loveblade as he approached, spinning a hefty pistol as she walked. &quot;I think you might remember me, <br> <br>Meanwhile a certain pony is following after Thele though he probably doesn&#39;t notice she&#39;s tagging along since she&#39;s not gone and boobhatted him. Then again Nekura is rather distracted by her rut right now so thinking clearly is a bit challenging at best. Nnng, they better find someone she can stick her hard-on in and soon!<br> <br>Valorie gave a polite nod to Loveblade as she approached, spinning a hefty pistol as she walked. &quot;I think you might remember me, Love.&quot; She chuckles, holstering the pistol with a quick flourish. &quot;Whats the situation?&quot;<br> <br>Arimia makes her way toward those already gathered, though she remains a short distance away from the others. Possibly out of politeness, as she has a cigarette held between her lips, smoke curling from the tip. Unlike the others, it seems, she&#39;s content to not show off her weapons, the swords hanging from her hips hidden under her coat. In her usual emotionless monotone she replies, &quot;I&#39;m Arimia.&quot;<br> <br>The form of a large 13 foot dragon&#39;s grand gleaming wing flap quick slowing hir descent as shi comes in for a landing, covered in glowing mirror like scales on hir large frame cast a faint light about hir, as shi readies hir gear removing several large medical tools from hir nano packs, shi hook them to hir heavy to a harness upon hir heavy combat armor along with hir stun baton, Seguro turns to Loveblade hissing hir reply. &quot;Hmm I am agent Segruo of Zypher, I am afraid you already know much about me Love.&quot;<br> <br>Loveblade looks to each of you as you speak, her eyes bright golden slits the dark street with occasional flashes of deep blue, specialized armor covers her from neck to foot, twelve tails swaying and writhing among one another with long slow strokes. She glances up to check the moon and waves everyone in close, crouching down to the street and pulling out a flashlight from her pocket before she gets to work &quot;Okay, heres&#39; the situation,&quot; she starts, curling a massive wing over her work to cover the light &quot;We have an agent who was taken and captured by feral elves, and converted. Their mind didn&#39;t make it and our comm reports have them scampering madly from spot to spot. Last time I checked, she was&quot; she pauses here for emphasis, one obsidian claw scratching out a map into the tarmac, quickly and efficiently marking street names around rough building shapes. &quot;here. A building about a block away, and surrounded by other elves. What we&#39;re after, or rather what you&#39;re going to be going after isn&#39;t anything you can cary, it&#39;s that agent herself, whole and with her head undamaged. This is important. If she suffers damage to her skull, you may lose the bonus. If she dies, the mission is called and a note will be filed with your record.&quot; Love makes sure to meet all of your eyes at this last statement, her voice taking on a deeper tone &quot;I can&#39;t stress this enough, you need to get to her, alive and unharmed. Once you get to her, use this device, it will allow you to access the Data port she has behind her ear and download a file from her NICE unit. Zephyr wants it, bad. The scientists who got the last status report from her comm were practically frothing at the mouth, or so I&#39;m told.&quot;
Handing over a small black box with a sliding usb dongle on the side and a catch that opens to reveal a toggle, Love looks up &quot;Fairly easy, subdue, insert USB, press toggle, hold for ten seconds. An orange light will show when the file is transferred.&quot; she stops and looks up &quot;At no time should you allow her head to come to harm, and the agent herself should be returned to Zephyr with the file. Are there any questions?&quot; Loves eyes flash in the night, her jaw tight and look very, very serious. <br> <br>Thelergramor shakes his head, having no questions. &quot;Nope. Simple enough. I do have a lack of hands though... Let them have that box and all. So, any rules of engagement here? Are we free to gun them down, burn them blow &#39;em to dust or... Basically, do we -need- to leave the elves breathing?&quot; He had a question, apparently...<br> <br>Valorie nods, understanding the situation. &quot;Alright. I&#39;m game. Wound but do not kill? Got it. I am an expert at blowing out kneecaps and incapitation.&quot; She says, the oversized rifle on her back seeming to back her statement up.<br> <br>A ringing noise from Nekura&#39;s cellphone causes her to say, &quot;Oops, looks like I don&#39;t have time for this. Tata!&quot; before going back the way she came.<br> <br>Arimia tilts her head slightly to one side, one vulpine ear twitching as she listens. She moves her shoulders in a small shrug and asks, &quot;What of damage to the agent after extraction of the data? If it has gone feral, then I do not imagine it will just come along quietly. Knocking it unconscious, depending on how it were done, could damage the skull, so that would be out. But sliced tendons would heal, but leave it unable to escape, and without risking the skull.&quot; Plucking the cigarette from her lips and tossing it to one side she glances toward Valorie and says, &quot;She said unharmed. Personally I find having my kneecaps shot harming. Tendons sliced as well, but that is why I asked about it.&quot;<br> <br>Seguro continues to hir rummaging, the dragon digging through hir packs organizing gear, counting out limited medical supplies shi would need if worst of horrors of the post nanite would pay a visit to the squad tonight, as shi awaits for agent love to finish hir briefing. Seguro smiles at Loves briefing, Seguro&#39;s sun hued eyes look directly into Loves. &quot;Hmm seems we are on the clock, so let us not waste any time, what was the name of the agent we are looking for? So that we can identify them by their transponder should the agents form have changed?&quot; A thick haze of protective nanites begin to from around the dragons body before flying out to hir fellow agents, the ablative layers would protect the squad from the sharp teeth and claws they may face, a rare nanite power often call Lion Within.<br> <br>Natalie rushes up, scrabbling a bit on the street surface, before rounding the corner to meet the group, heavily pregnant. &quot;Sorry I&#39;m late. I don&#39;t move as fast as I used- mommy? What are you doing here?&quot;<br> <br>Looking up at the question, Love stops and stares as Natalie comes rushing forward, and stops right with the group. Looking her heavily pregnant daughter over with a tight glance, a small narrowing of her eyes shadows her features and quickly passes. When she speaks next, it&#39;s not without a small growl &quot;Welcome Nat. The briefing is in progress, come join.&quot; turning off her light, she unfurls her wing for a moment, to let her daughter come in, ear flicking as she joins, Love taking a deep and appreciative whuff of air. Glancing about she nods to everyone &quot;Please fill her in en-route. Lethal force is authorized, but take care not to use area effects unless the package is well out of the blast radius. She&#39;s fast, flighty and will run at any sign of threat, and out here there are things that would beg like puppies to get her ass, and then beg to be the first to knock her out before fighting over whatever was left.&quot;
Rumbling softly, Love reaches into her side pouch and hands over a strip to Nat, a row of 6 grenades dotting the length, along with the black box &quot;Nat, I think that you would be the best one to carry these, and while you&#39;re there, take this with you. I showed you how to use it before, and it will help both the group and minimize damage to the aquisition.&quot; unclipping an ARK unit from her belt, she hands that, the black box and the strip of grenades over. There&#39;s something different about this ARK, it&#39;s covered in strange symbols and the grenades have a rune at the top of each that seems to fade if you don&#39;t look at it directly. &quot;And just in case...&quot; she growls, handing over one more item. &quot;For your own sake, please.&quot; A personal SUCK is given as well. Looking closely to her daughter, Love nods, pointing down to the map, and writing down a comm code in the tarmac for everyone to see, not saying it aloud. That done, she looks to get confirming nods, before clawing the map and information out of existence. &quot;I won&#39;t be joining you on this, I am needed elsewhere. I&#39;ve scouted the area, the rest is up to you. Happy hunting ladies, gentlemen and others.&quot;<br> <br>Thelergramor immediately forgets where he was supposed to go when the map is wiped away! Then remembers, after thinking for a moment. Yep. Memoryfox! &quot;Hey, Natalie. Short version: Grab the elf. And not the other elves.&quot; He sniffs. &quot;Alright, this way. I think...&quot; He starts walking towards where he thinks he was supposed to go... All quadruped and cute. And armed to the teeth. With sharp ass teeth. Begins whistling, not at all concerned that his quarry might here him coming...<br> <br>Standing as the group moves off, Love lays a hand on her daughters shoulder and kisses tenderly at her cheek, squeezing firmly at the hard muscles she feels there with a proud smile &quot;Good luck honey,&quot; she thrums, her purr warm &quot;Come home safely.&quot; So saying, she rushes off, running before unfurling her wings and taking to they sky. A moment later, and she&#39;s gone.<br> <br>Valorie nods, tapping the code into her comm unit before digging into her backpack. &quot;I might have some nonlethal rounds in here.... Or some rope or something...&quot; She says, pulling out a magazine marked with yellow tape. &quot;Shit, only one mag.... I&#39;ll see about finding a rooftop nearby the group... get some height advantage.&quot; She says, unholstering her pistol and shouldering her bag and rifle.<br> <br>Arimia starts to move in the direction Loveblade indicated the building was in, only pausing long enough to rap Thelergramor on the head when the fox starts whistling. &quot;Be silent. Unless you want to drive the prey off before we even get there.&quot; Tilting her head slightly as she continues walking she adds, still in that same monotone, &quot;Unless you want to go ahead while we hide. Act as bait. Let them all fall on you and tear at you while we pick them off. That would also be viable.&quot;<br> <br>Seguro from beings to shimmer and shift, a russet brown fur grows along hir skin, a pair of tauric legs erupt from hir quarters, as the dragon becomes a margay, Seguro&#39;s from begins to shimmer becoming faint till it is nothing more than a distortion of light, the camouflage power had served hir well in the past when a more quite approach was in order. Without further word the margay makes ready move with hir squad when they move out.<br> <br>Natalie watches her mother leave with some concern at how worried she looked. She looks around, only recognizing Thel, and sticks close to him as she settles her borrowed gear into place. &quot;What is the plan exactly?&quot; she asks. &quot;You&#39;re talking about non-lethal--isn&#39;t that pretty much everything with the nanites?&quot;<br> <br>The streets are quiet as you move the building Love mentioned comes quickly into sight, being just around the corner and down the street a ways. Broken glass litters the side-walk around it, and the tang of blood comes from somewhere nearby, the remains of a recent fight not yet cleaned up by nanites. It&#39;s a large three story thing, with a long row of windows at the top of it and a couple holes in the wall.
Laying on the ground outside is a bit of blood and what looks like a giant toe, without the foot it belongs to.
Overcast night makes it hard to see, the moon peeking down only rarel as it plays hide and go seek with the shadows.<br> <br>Coming closer, the building looks like it&#39;s seen constant use, the ground outside is swept and the front door is barricaded by simple wooden doors with indows on top. A sweet scent comes form inside, it&#39;s definitely got something cooking.<br> <br>Thelergramor can see fine with his keen-ass vision! The fox is all bopped on the head, making him chuckle as he continues to walk. He sniffs a bit, peers at the building and the holes in it. Answers Natalie&#39;s question: &quot;Very hard to kill. Need to go out of your way to do so, usually... We&#39;ll see what happens.&quot; The fox nods, ignores the &#39;stay quiet&#39; advice. Kind of. Ponders... &quot;Who wants to go first? I do have a shotgun and flame thrower, so...&quot; Smells someone cooking... &quot;Probably not ferals. Cooking.&quot;<br> <br>Valorie nods, scanning the area like a professional, her gun tracking with her gaze. She noted good positions on the rooftops. And she also kept an eye on her companions<br> <br>Arimia reaches under her coat to draw one of her swords out, this one a finely crafted, thin straight-sword, with what looks like a shamrock encased in glass dangling off a ribbon tied to the pommel. &quot;If it is desired, once we are in I can raise up a wall outside this door. Leave one less possible escape route for the target. But then we would be in there until finding another exit, or until I could lower the wall.&quot;<br> <br>Natalie sniffs the air, agreeing with Thelergramor&#39;s assesment. Her attention is caught by the toe on the ground, however. She kneels carefully and picks it up, trying to identify what it would have come from.<br> <br>Seguro kicks some of the glass with hir four paw, as shi whispers little hir form hidden under hir power. &quot;I wonder could the mutant be feeding here? The severed toe does not bode well if the agent has become violent. I wonder.&quot; Seguro paws over to take a reading from the severed toe, touching the severed limb, perhaps hir biomontering nano magic could take a reading of what killed the mutant. At the very least shi could use hir background of a Xeno biology to provide a clue. Seuro squeaks it would help to know what you&#39;re dealing with, given how vague the briefing is perhaps they are hiding something?&quot;<br> <br>Thelergramor wiggles out of Natalie&#39;s grasp, dropping to the roof. He peers over at the boning goblins, foxshrugs, and looks over at that there open door. &quot;Right... CAn&#39;t we use the comm unit to id the agent? Since... he&#39;s an agent?&quot; And starts towards the door...<br> <br>Natalie decides against bothering the 69ing elves, simply staying out of reach of their limbs and/or liquids while she digs her hand around in her cleavage. After a few moments she finds it: her COMM, fasioned like an amulet, dull black in color and almost perfectly blending into her scales. &quot;That&#39;s actually exactly my idea,&quot; she says while fiddling with it. It takes a bit to get it to do what she wants, but after some quiet cursing she smiles and uses it as a kind of radar for the target feral&#39;s COMM. &quot;This way.&quot;<br> <br>Seguro shrugs as shi remembering the com address given by Loveblade, Seg sets the goggles back on hir belt, then with a quiet whisper, Seguro begins runs an trace on the com, with luck shi can using the same system that Zyphers medical nano mages use to find injured agents. Working quietly as shi sets to work hoping shi will get the chance before hir fellow agents do something rash. Seguro looks up from hir work, the maygay taur lets out a depressed sigh, speaking to hir shelf with a mewl &quot;Why am I the decoy? Well when in rome,&quot; Trying to grab the elf&#39;s attentions seguro removes hir armor to strut hir stuff in front window in the buff,  giving all inside a brief peep show.<br> <br>Ducking inside, Nat takes Thelfox with her to find the missing agent.<br> <br>The stairs are clean and don&#39;t even creak as Nat takes Thel with her down into the factory, Seguro doing a naked dance to keep those inside occupied as he checks his comm, getting a clear reading on the location of the woman inside, at the North East corner of the building. Natalies own comm shows her where to go, down and seems to be pointing just to the base of the steps themselves, which abute at the North East corner. Coming down far enough to see a form sleeping by the open door, covered in fluid with dripping cream flowing over her wet thighs. Noticing her body is that of an elf, but her skin is covered in a thick slurry that even from up the steps smells insanely sweet, Natalie and thell notice that she&#39;s more or less been used and left there.
At the front door, Seguro works hard, and with careful observation, realizes he can see that the elves in the building show a lot of Slurry Girl traits, sugary skin there, a Bob for hair here.<br> <br>Thelergramor peers over at that there used elf-slurry tf-ing thing. &quot;Huh. That&#39;s probably them, yeah?&quot; Checks his unit... &quot;Uh... looks right. So, now we just... plug in the USB and drag &#39;em home?&quot; Walks over to the elf-slurry thing. &quot;I can&#39;t do the USb obviously.&quot;<br> <br>Natalie carefully checks the... elf?... for the data port, having something close enough to hands to use the device. Assuming she finds it she plugs everything together and holds the button, just like she was told. She quietly asks Thelfox to keep an eye out for trouble while the download happens.<br> <br>Seguro rises hir tauric rump toward the office window exposing hir 7 ebony cunts to hir onlookers, lifting hir tail, Seguro blasts a coating of nectar in the elfs direction. Seguro mewls, hir face looking away cringing at the thought. &quot;I know you little knife ears are there, perhaps a few of you would like to play in a big kitty cat?&quot;<br> <br>The slurry elves scramble, one jumping out the broken window, the rest running down the steps, moving with lots of noise and attracting other mutants from within the factory, including a rush of local slurry girls. The mob grows, staff joining in chasing after the incompletely transformed elves until there are over a 100 on their way after Seguro, a small stamped leading into a trampling MOB. Upstairs, the device was inserted and switch pressed. After ten seconds the orange light brightens on the device, and everyone in the party hears a beep on their comm, telling them to return to base with the package properly secured. Freecred has been transferred to your accounts. Just as this happens, the girls eyes start to flutter, opening slightly to see Thelfox nearby. Licking her lips, she reaches out and fondles his floofy tail, licking softly along the underside to get closer to his heated sex.<br> <br>As Natalie looks about, she sees the coated floor covered with small pieces of glass, fresh panes waiting to be installed. The shattered line of windows along the far wall is the same one that you saw coming in, open to the air and easily used to exit if need, but obviously was in the process of being repaired before this rescue began.<br> <br>Thelergramor has a slurry elf thing licking near his ass! Doesn&#39;t have time for that! Is doing a job! Snarls at the elf-thing! &quot;Goddamn ferals!&quot; Pulls away, levelling his shotgun at it. &quot;You can fly, yeah? Think you can take it and run back to the roof and take off? I&#39;ll get out on my own.&quot; Badassfox can do so, of course...<br> <br>Natalie looks around quickly for nearby exits, spying the bank of windows half repaired along one wall. She replies to Thel, &quot;I&#39;m sure I can, but I like this idea better,&quot; scoops up /both/ Thelfox and the feral, and charges out through the windows into the open air. She spreads her wings and struggles to gain height with all her &#39;cargo&#39; but still tries to get as far from the building as she can towards home.<br> <br>Seguro just laughs at the ferals, giggling to hir self &quot;Seems they liked the show&quot; hir form shifts back to hir draconic form and takes flight landing on the roof of a nearby building, she begins aiming for the center of the pack, in the buff shi charges hir nova meteor.<br> <br>Thelergramor meeps as he&#39;s picked up and flown off with! Struggles to remain out of reach of the elf-slurry. Peers around... &quot;Foxes are not meant for flying!&quot;<br> <br>The window doesn&#39;t take much, and not even a scratch hits her as Natalie takes off with her two charges clasped to her chest in four strong arms, the slurry/elf feral agent grinding softly along Thel&#39;s side as they take flight into the night sky, the beacon of RSX tower visible close-by with their ride home waiting and ready. Comms chirp, telling eveyrone that creds were transferred to their accounts as the precious cargo, both the mutated agent and the nanite data were secured and en-route home.<br> <br>Amilie, the others disappeared into the night, but were soon in contact via comm once the reward money came through. Plans were made for them to rendezvous with transport as they left the area, the slurry girls and other factory denizens going back inside to continue their work.<br> <br>The group mills, however, giving time for parting farewells.<br> <br>Natalie nods respectfully to Seg, pats Thel on the head, and heads home rubbing her bellyfull of eggs.<br> <br>Thelergramor is all patted on the head, peers around again. Happy the flight is over... Nods at the people and heads home.<br> <br>Seguro just stops, there was no point, shi would leave the lost to their own devices, shi had the ferals. In an eye Segro vanishes in less than an eye blink, enveloped within light shi travels back hir own way to Skygazer peek.<br> <br>Once everyone arrives at Zephyr, Amilie and the others having small adventures of their own on the way while Seg, Thel, Nat and their packages are being debriefed, management hands over a folder to each with forms to sign, non-disclosure and full-disclosure respectively. Once their blood samples were placed onto the slides and put away as signatures, they get down to brass tacks &quot;We need more like you. We need some who can think, don&#39;t react as if power will do the job, like using a shotgun to kill a fly does anyone any good. Redecorates some though&quot; the large Alpha Husky growls softly in canine laughter, tongue hanging out past his immaculately starched lapels &quot;However! WE are grateful, and you have done more good tonight than you can know right now. Both samples were pristine, and the changes to the program...well. I won&#39;t go into details. This information is being run through the filters so fast, I&#39;m going to have to forget I know it by next week. You on the other hand, will be tested. We have more work on these lines, things that need to be done and require a certain...flair. That is, if you&#39;re interested.&quot; her barks at that, eyes flashing under his beret &quot;Be careful how you answer when you&#39;re asked. And believe me,&quot; he growls leaning forward and swelling up as your nanites seem to freeze &quot;We will ask. Here.&quot; he hands out three small glass cylinders, laser etched on the interior in a very convoluted way &quot;Take those proofs down to requisitions, and collect your reward. We are gratful, for the service you&#39;ve done here.&quot; Looking you over with a proud smile, the Alpha salutes you all in crisp military fashion, relaxing enough to give a wry grin. &quot;See you, next time.&quot;[[Category:RPLogs]]

Latest revision as of 10:35, 11 December 2014





The streets are dirty, dark and ring hollow with the sounds of skittering feet just out of sight. Glowing eyes flash at you from the abandoned buildings on every side and small mad laughs and shrieks of passion hit you from here and there. The co-ordinates uploaded into your comm said to meet a field agent here, with a briefing to follow. Heck, Zephyr was paying well for this but something about how the comm officer has sounded was...off. She'd been clear though, if you accepted and and couldn't deliver the goods unharmed, you'd lose your bonus on this one and they promised a pretty hefty gain for results. Upon arrival, you find the agent already waiting for you, a dark black shadow leaning against an open doorway, tossing a large black axe up in the air and catching it one handed as she surveys the streets. Nodding to each of you as you arrive, she stands up, reaching down to her side and securing the blade in a kevlar carry before coming forward, the Shadow Dragoness nodding as her ears twitch "So, they did send some worthwhile people at least, welcome." Loveblade glances around the group "Let's get started then, I'm Loveblade and I know some of you, but not all, though if you're here it's because you were called. Call me Love." she glances around and turns back "So, let's make the introductions quick, the clock is ticking and we need to get focused here. Names?" she says with a thrum, her voice taking on a pleasant purr.

Thelergramor approaches that there Loveblade, whistling idly to his foxy self with all his crazy weapon son his vest, binocular-goggles worn on his head and such. "My name's John. Yep. John. One hundred percent John." He chuckles. "Not at all, really. I'm Thelergramor, and this is my boomstick." Tips his head towards the shotgun mounted on his back. "Plus... if anyone lies like I just did... check your comm unit. Probably tell you who we are." The fox sits, peers around unconcerned. "So, what's all this then?"

Valorie gave a polite nod to Loveblade as he approached, spinning a hefty pistol as she walked. "I think you might remember me,

Meanwhile a certain pony is following after Thele though he probably doesn't notice she's tagging along since she's not gone and boobhatted him. Then again Nekura is rather distracted by her rut right now so thinking clearly is a bit challenging at best. Nnng, they better find someone she can stick her hard-on in and soon!

Valorie gave a polite nod to Loveblade as she approached, spinning a hefty pistol as she walked. "I think you might remember me, Love." She chuckles, holstering the pistol with a quick flourish. "Whats the situation?"

Arimia makes her way toward those already gathered, though she remains a short distance away from the others. Possibly out of politeness, as she has a cigarette held between her lips, smoke curling from the tip. Unlike the others, it seems, she's content to not show off her weapons, the swords hanging from her hips hidden under her coat. In her usual emotionless monotone she replies, "I'm Arimia."

The form of a large 13 foot dragon's grand gleaming wing flap quick slowing hir descent as shi comes in for a landing, covered in glowing mirror like scales on hir large frame cast a faint light about hir, as shi readies hir gear removing several large medical tools from hir nano packs, shi hook them to hir heavy to a harness upon hir heavy combat armor along with hir stun baton, Seguro turns to Loveblade hissing hir reply. "Hmm I am agent Segruo of Zypher, I am afraid you already know much about me Love."

Loveblade looks to each of you as you speak, her eyes bright golden slits the dark street with occasional flashes of deep blue, specialized armor covers her from neck to foot, twelve tails swaying and writhing among one another with long slow strokes. She glances up to check the moon and waves everyone in close, crouching down to the street and pulling out a flashlight from her pocket before she gets to work "Okay, heres' the situation," she starts, curling a massive wing over her work to cover the light "We have an agent who was taken and captured by feral elves, and converted. Their mind didn't make it and our comm reports have them scampering madly from spot to spot. Last time I checked, she was" she pauses here for emphasis, one obsidian claw scratching out a map into the tarmac, quickly and efficiently marking street names around rough building shapes. "here. A building about a block away, and surrounded by other elves. What we're after, or rather what you're going to be going after isn't anything you can cary, it's that agent herself, whole and with her head undamaged. This is important. If she suffers damage to her skull, you may lose the bonus. If she dies, the mission is called and a note will be filed with your record." Love makes sure to meet all of your eyes at this last statement, her voice taking on a deeper tone "I can't stress this enough, you need to get to her, alive and unharmed. Once you get to her, use this device, it will allow you to access the Data port she has behind her ear and download a file from her NICE unit. Zephyr wants it, bad. The scientists who got the last status report from her comm were practically frothing at the mouth, or so I'm told."

Handing over a small black box with a sliding usb dongle on the side and a catch that opens to reveal a toggle, Love looks up "Fairly easy, subdue, insert USB, press toggle, hold for ten seconds. An orange light will show when the file is transferred." she stops and looks up "At no time should you allow her head to come to harm, and the agent herself should be returned to Zephyr with the file. Are there any questions?" Loves eyes flash in the night, her jaw tight and look very, very serious.

Thelergramor shakes his head, having no questions. "Nope. Simple enough. I do have a lack of hands though... Let them have that box and all. So, any rules of engagement here? Are we free to gun them down, burn them blow 'em to dust or... Basically, do we -need- to leave the elves breathing?" He had a question, apparently...

Valorie nods, understanding the situation. "Alright. I'm game. Wound but do not kill? Got it. I am an expert at blowing out kneecaps and incapitation." She says, the oversized rifle on her back seeming to back her statement up.

A ringing noise from Nekura's cellphone causes her to say, "Oops, looks like I don't have time for this. Tata!" before going back the way she came.

Arimia tilts her head slightly to one side, one vulpine ear twitching as she listens. She moves her shoulders in a small shrug and asks, "What of damage to the agent after extraction of the data? If it has gone feral, then I do not imagine it will just come along quietly. Knocking it unconscious, depending on how it were done, could damage the skull, so that would be out. But sliced tendons would heal, but leave it unable to escape, and without risking the skull." Plucking the cigarette from her lips and tossing it to one side she glances toward Valorie and says, "She said unharmed. Personally I find having my kneecaps shot harming. Tendons sliced as well, but that is why I asked about it."

Seguro continues to hir rummaging, the dragon digging through hir packs organizing gear, counting out limited medical supplies shi would need if worst of horrors of the post nanite would pay a visit to the squad tonight, as shi awaits for agent love to finish hir briefing. Seguro smiles at Loves briefing, Seguro's sun hued eyes look directly into Loves. "Hmm seems we are on the clock, so let us not waste any time, what was the name of the agent we are looking for? So that we can identify them by their transponder should the agents form have changed?" A thick haze of protective nanites begin to from around the dragons body before flying out to hir fellow agents, the ablative layers would protect the squad from the sharp teeth and claws they may face, a rare nanite power often call Lion Within.

Natalie rushes up, scrabbling a bit on the street surface, before rounding the corner to meet the group, heavily pregnant. "Sorry I'm late. I don't move as fast as I used- mommy? What are you doing here?"

Looking up at the question, Love stops and stares as Natalie comes rushing forward, and stops right with the group. Looking her heavily pregnant daughter over with a tight glance, a small narrowing of her eyes shadows her features and quickly passes. When she speaks next, it's not without a small growl "Welcome Nat. The briefing is in progress, come join." turning off her light, she unfurls her wing for a moment, to let her daughter come in, ear flicking as she joins, Love taking a deep and appreciative whuff of air. Glancing about she nods to everyone "Please fill her in en-route. Lethal force is authorized, but take care not to use area effects unless the package is well out of the blast radius. She's fast, flighty and will run at any sign of threat, and out here there are things that would beg like puppies to get her ass, and then beg to be the first to knock her out before fighting over whatever was left."

Rumbling softly, Love reaches into her side pouch and hands over a strip to Nat, a row of 6 grenades dotting the length, along with the black box "Nat, I think that you would be the best one to carry these, and while you're there, take this with you. I showed you how to use it before, and it will help both the group and minimize damage to the aquisition." unclipping an ARK unit from her belt, she hands that, the black box and the strip of grenades over. There's something different about this ARK, it's covered in strange symbols and the grenades have a rune at the top of each that seems to fade if you don't look at it directly. "And just in case..." she growls, handing over one more item. "For your own sake, please." A personal SUCK is given as well. Looking closely to her daughter, Love nods, pointing down to the map, and writing down a comm code in the tarmac for everyone to see, not saying it aloud. That done, she looks to get confirming nods, before clawing the map and information out of existence. "I won't be joining you on this, I am needed elsewhere. I've scouted the area, the rest is up to you. Happy hunting ladies, gentlemen and others."

Thelergramor immediately forgets where he was supposed to go when the map is wiped away! Then remembers, after thinking for a moment. Yep. Memoryfox! "Hey, Natalie. Short version: Grab the elf. And not the other elves." He sniffs. "Alright, this way. I think..." He starts walking towards where he thinks he was supposed to go... All quadruped and cute. And armed to the teeth. With sharp ass teeth. Begins whistling, not at all concerned that his quarry might here him coming...

Standing as the group moves off, Love lays a hand on her daughters shoulder and kisses tenderly at her cheek, squeezing firmly at the hard muscles she feels there with a proud smile "Good luck honey," she thrums, her purr warm "Come home safely." So saying, she rushes off, running before unfurling her wings and taking to they sky. A moment later, and she's gone.

Valorie nods, tapping the code into her comm unit before digging into her backpack. "I might have some nonlethal rounds in here.... Or some rope or something..." She says, pulling out a magazine marked with yellow tape. "Shit, only one mag.... I'll see about finding a rooftop nearby the group... get some height advantage." She says, unholstering her pistol and shouldering her bag and rifle.

Arimia starts to move in the direction Loveblade indicated the building was in, only pausing long enough to rap Thelergramor on the head when the fox starts whistling. "Be silent. Unless you want to drive the prey off before we even get there." Tilting her head slightly as she continues walking she adds, still in that same monotone, "Unless you want to go ahead while we hide. Act as bait. Let them all fall on you and tear at you while we pick them off. That would also be viable."

Seguro from beings to shimmer and shift, a russet brown fur grows along hir skin, a pair of tauric legs erupt from hir quarters, as the dragon becomes a margay, Seguro's from begins to shimmer becoming faint till it is nothing more than a distortion of light, the camouflage power had served hir well in the past when a more quite approach was in order. Without further word the margay makes ready move with hir squad when they move out.

Natalie watches her mother leave with some concern at how worried she looked. She looks around, only recognizing Thel, and sticks close to him as she settles her borrowed gear into place. "What is the plan exactly?" she asks. "You're talking about non-lethal--isn't that pretty much everything with the nanites?"

The streets are quiet as you move the building Love mentioned comes quickly into sight, being just around the corner and down the street a ways. Broken glass litters the side-walk around it, and the tang of blood comes from somewhere nearby, the remains of a recent fight not yet cleaned up by nanites. It's a large three story thing, with a long row of windows at the top of it and a couple holes in the wall.

Laying on the ground outside is a bit of blood and what looks like a giant toe, without the foot it belongs to.

Overcast night makes it hard to see, the moon peeking down only rarel as it plays hide and go seek with the shadows.

Coming closer, the building looks like it's seen constant use, the ground outside is swept and the front door is barricaded by simple wooden doors with indows on top. A sweet scent comes form inside, it's definitely got something cooking.

Thelergramor can see fine with his keen-ass vision! The fox is all bopped on the head, making him chuckle as he continues to walk. He sniffs a bit, peers at the building and the holes in it. Answers Natalie's question: "Very hard to kill. Need to go out of your way to do so, usually... We'll see what happens." The fox nods, ignores the 'stay quiet' advice. Kind of. Ponders... "Who wants to go first? I do have a shotgun and flame thrower, so..." Smells someone cooking... "Probably not ferals. Cooking."

Valorie nods, scanning the area like a professional, her gun tracking with her gaze. She noted good positions on the rooftops. And she also kept an eye on her companions

Arimia reaches under her coat to draw one of her swords out, this one a finely crafted, thin straight-sword, with what looks like a shamrock encased in glass dangling off a ribbon tied to the pommel. "If it is desired, once we are in I can raise up a wall outside this door. Leave one less possible escape route for the target. But then we would be in there until finding another exit, or until I could lower the wall."

Natalie sniffs the air, agreeing with Thelergramor's assesment. Her attention is caught by the toe on the ground, however. She kneels carefully and picks it up, trying to identify what it would have come from.

Seguro kicks some of the glass with hir four paw, as shi whispers little hir form hidden under hir power. "I wonder could the mutant be feeding here? The severed toe does not bode well if the agent has become violent. I wonder." Seguro paws over to take a reading from the severed toe, touching the severed limb, perhaps hir biomontering nano magic could take a reading of what killed the mutant. At the very least shi could use hir background of a Xeno biology to provide a clue. Seuro squeaks it would help to know what you're dealing with, given how vague the briefing is perhaps they are hiding something?"

Thelergramor wiggles out of Natalie's grasp, dropping to the roof. He peers over at the boning goblins, foxshrugs, and looks over at that there open door. "Right... CAn't we use the comm unit to id the agent? Since... he's an agent?" And starts towards the door...

Natalie decides against bothering the 69ing elves, simply staying out of reach of their limbs and/or liquids while she digs her hand around in her cleavage. After a few moments she finds it: her COMM, fasioned like an amulet, dull black in color and almost perfectly blending into her scales. "That's actually exactly my idea," she says while fiddling with it. It takes a bit to get it to do what she wants, but after some quiet cursing she smiles and uses it as a kind of radar for the target feral's COMM. "This way."

Seguro shrugs as shi remembering the com address given by Loveblade, Seg sets the goggles back on hir belt, then with a quiet whisper, Seguro begins runs an trace on the com, with luck shi can using the same system that Zyphers medical nano mages use to find injured agents. Working quietly as shi sets to work hoping shi will get the chance before hir fellow agents do something rash. Seguro looks up from hir work, the maygay taur lets out a depressed sigh, speaking to hir shelf with a mewl "Why am I the decoy? Well when in rome," Trying to grab the elf's attentions seguro removes hir armor to strut hir stuff in front window in the buff, giving all inside a brief peep show.

Ducking inside, Nat takes Thelfox with her to find the missing agent.

The stairs are clean and don't even creak as Nat takes Thel with her down into the factory, Seguro doing a naked dance to keep those inside occupied as he checks his comm, getting a clear reading on the location of the woman inside, at the North East corner of the building. Natalies own comm shows her where to go, down and seems to be pointing just to the base of the steps themselves, which abute at the North East corner. Coming down far enough to see a form sleeping by the open door, covered in fluid with dripping cream flowing over her wet thighs. Noticing her body is that of an elf, but her skin is covered in a thick slurry that even from up the steps smells insanely sweet, Natalie and thell notice that she's more or less been used and left there.

At the front door, Seguro works hard, and with careful observation, realizes he can see that the elves in the building show a lot of Slurry Girl traits, sugary skin there, a Bob for hair here.

Thelergramor peers over at that there used elf-slurry tf-ing thing. "Huh. That's probably them, yeah?" Checks his unit... "Uh... looks right. So, now we just... plug in the USB and drag 'em home?" Walks over to the elf-slurry thing. "I can't do the USb obviously."

Natalie carefully checks the... elf?... for the data port, having something close enough to hands to use the device. Assuming she finds it she plugs everything together and holds the button, just like she was told. She quietly asks Thelfox to keep an eye out for trouble while the download happens.

Seguro rises hir tauric rump toward the office window exposing hir 7 ebony cunts to hir onlookers, lifting hir tail, Seguro blasts a coating of nectar in the elfs direction. Seguro mewls, hir face looking away cringing at the thought. "I know you little knife ears are there, perhaps a few of you would like to play in a big kitty cat?"

The slurry elves scramble, one jumping out the broken window, the rest running down the steps, moving with lots of noise and attracting other mutants from within the factory, including a rush of local slurry girls. The mob grows, staff joining in chasing after the incompletely transformed elves until there are over a 100 on their way after Seguro, a small stamped leading into a trampling MOB. Upstairs, the device was inserted and switch pressed. After ten seconds the orange light brightens on the device, and everyone in the party hears a beep on their comm, telling them to return to base with the package properly secured. Freecred has been transferred to your accounts. Just as this happens, the girls eyes start to flutter, opening slightly to see Thelfox nearby. Licking her lips, she reaches out and fondles his floofy tail, licking softly along the underside to get closer to his heated sex.

As Natalie looks about, she sees the coated floor covered with small pieces of glass, fresh panes waiting to be installed. The shattered line of windows along the far wall is the same one that you saw coming in, open to the air and easily used to exit if need, but obviously was in the process of being repaired before this rescue began.

Thelergramor has a slurry elf thing licking near his ass! Doesn't have time for that! Is doing a job! Snarls at the elf-thing! "Goddamn ferals!" Pulls away, levelling his shotgun at it. "You can fly, yeah? Think you can take it and run back to the roof and take off? I'll get out on my own." Badassfox can do so, of course...

Natalie looks around quickly for nearby exits, spying the bank of windows half repaired along one wall. She replies to Thel, "I'm sure I can, but I like this idea better," scoops up /both/ Thelfox and the feral, and charges out through the windows into the open air. She spreads her wings and struggles to gain height with all her 'cargo' but still tries to get as far from the building as she can towards home.

Seguro just laughs at the ferals, giggling to hir self "Seems they liked the show" hir form shifts back to hir draconic form and takes flight landing on the roof of a nearby building, she begins aiming for the center of the pack, in the buff shi charges hir nova meteor.

Thelergramor meeps as he's picked up and flown off with! Struggles to remain out of reach of the elf-slurry. Peers around... "Foxes are not meant for flying!"

The window doesn't take much, and not even a scratch hits her as Natalie takes off with her two charges clasped to her chest in four strong arms, the slurry/elf feral agent grinding softly along Thel's side as they take flight into the night sky, the beacon of RSX tower visible close-by with their ride home waiting and ready. Comms chirp, telling eveyrone that creds were transferred to their accounts as the precious cargo, both the mutated agent and the nanite data were secured and en-route home.

Amilie, the others disappeared into the night, but were soon in contact via comm once the reward money came through. Plans were made for them to rendezvous with transport as they left the area, the slurry girls and other factory denizens going back inside to continue their work.

The group mills, however, giving time for parting farewells.

Natalie nods respectfully to Seg, pats Thel on the head, and heads home rubbing her bellyfull of eggs.

Thelergramor is all patted on the head, peers around again. Happy the flight is over... Nods at the people and heads home.

Seguro just stops, there was no point, shi would leave the lost to their own devices, shi had the ferals. In an eye Segro vanishes in less than an eye blink, enveloped within light shi travels back hir own way to Skygazer peek.

Once everyone arrives at Zephyr, Amilie and the others having small adventures of their own on the way while Seg, Thel, Nat and their packages are being debriefed, management hands over a folder to each with forms to sign, non-disclosure and full-disclosure respectively. Once their blood samples were placed onto the slides and put away as signatures, they get down to brass tacks "We need more like you. We need some who can think, don't react as if power will do the job, like using a shotgun to kill a fly does anyone any good. Redecorates some though" the large Alpha Husky growls softly in canine laughter, tongue hanging out past his immaculately starched lapels "However! WE are grateful, and you have done more good tonight than you can know right now. Both samples were pristine, and the changes to the program...well. I won't go into details. This information is being run through the filters so fast, I'm going to have to forget I know it by next week. You on the other hand, will be tested. We have more work on these lines, things that need to be done and require a certain...flair. That is, if you're interested." her barks at that, eyes flashing under his beret "Be careful how you answer when you're asked. And believe me," he growls leaning forward and swelling up as your nanites seem to freeze "We will ask. Here." he hands out three small glass cylinders, laser etched on the interior in a very convoluted way "Take those proofs down to requisitions, and collect your reward. We are gratful, for the service you've done here." Looking you over with a proud smile, the Alpha salutes you all in crisp military fashion, relaxing enough to give a wry grin. "See you, next time."