Difference between revisions of "Automated Multiplayer Updates/2022 October"

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<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#CD00CD"></span><span style="color:#330033">I </span><span style="color:#00CDCD"></span><span style="color:#660033">C</span><span style="color:#CD00CD"></span><span style="color:#990033">o</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"></span><span style="color:#CC0033">d</span><span style="color:#CD00CD"></span><span style="color:#FF0033">e</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"></span><span style="color:#330000">, </span>Inutt says, &quot;<span style="color:#00CDCD">Heat</span> and <span style="color:#00CDCD">sex toy</span> messages are now included in the messages toggled by <span style="color:#FFFF00">editplayer</span> setting <span style="color:#00CDCD">74</span>.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#CD00CD"></span><span style="color:#330033">I </span><span style="color:#00CDCD"></span><span style="color:#660033">C</span><span style="color:#CD00CD"></span><span style="color:#990033">o</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"></span><span style="color:#CC0033">d</span><span style="color:#CD00CD"></span><span style="color:#FF0033">e</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"></span><span style="color:#330000">, </span>Inutt says, &quot;<span style="color:#00CDCD">Heat</span> and <span style="color:#00CDCD">sex toy</span> messages are now included in the messages toggled by <span style="color:#FFFF00">editplayer</span> setting <span style="color:#00CDCD">74</span>.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#CD00CD"></span><span style="color:#330033">I </span><span style="color:#00CDCD"></span><span style="color:#660033">C</span><span style="color:#CD00CD"></span><span style="color:#990033">o</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"></span><span style="color:#CC0033">d</span><span style="color:#CD00CD"></span><span style="color:#FF0033">e</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"></span><span style="color:#330000">, </span>Inutt says, &quot;For those that prefer existing in the conventional number of physical dimensions, it should now be almost impossible to end up with a negative number of any body part.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#FF0000">F</span><span style="color:#FF3300">u</span><span style="color:#FF0000">n </span><span style="color:#FF3300">P</span><span style="color:#FF0000">o</span><span style="color:#FF3300">l</span><span style="color:#FF0000">i</span><span style="color:#FF3300">c</span><span style="color:#FF0000">e </span>X-ray beep boops, &quot;Restored the functionality of the <span style="color:#FFFF00">Muzzle</span> item.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#CD00CD"></span><span style="color:#330033">I </span><span style="color:#00CDCD"></span><span style="color:#660033">C</span><span style="color:#CD00CD"></span><span style="color:#990033">o</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"></span><span style="color:#CC0033">d</span><span style="color:#CD00CD"></span><span style="color:#FF0033">e</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"></span><span style="color:#330000">, </span>Inutt says, &quot;The <span style="color:#FFFF00">+wardrobe</span> command for <span style="color:#00CDCD">garment bags</span> has received an upgrade to show full item names in the content listing. It now also allows you to remove items by their number (shown in the contents listing), and see the descriptions with or without stringparsing.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#CD00CD"></span><span style="color:#330033">I </span><span style="color:#00CDCD"></span><span style="color:#660033">C</span><span style="color:#CD00CD"></span><span style="color:#990033">o</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"></span><span style="color:#CC0033">d</span><span style="color:#CD00CD"></span><span style="color:#FF0033">e</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"></span><span style="color:#330000">, </span>Inutt says, &quot;Integer overflow error fixed in <span style="color:#FFFF00">+fluids</span> command - large &#39;filled&#39; statuses should now count as completely full instead of having massively negative contents.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#CD00CD"></span><span style="color:#330033">I </span><span style="color:#00CDCD"></span><span style="color:#660033">C</span><span style="color:#CD00CD"></span><span style="color:#990033">o</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"></span><span style="color:#CC0033">d</span><span style="color:#CD00CD"></span><span style="color:#FF0033">e</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"></span><span style="color:#330000">, </span>Inutt says, &quot;(some) Dribbling messages are now condensed into a single message per player instead of a separate message per body part, reducing message spam in busy areas. Feedback appreciated :-)&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#CD00CD"></span><span style="color:#330033">I </span><span style="color:#00CDCD"></span><span style="color:#660033">C</span><span style="color:#CD00CD"></span><span style="color:#990033">o</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"></span><span style="color:#CC0033">d</span><span style="color:#CD00CD"></span><span style="color:#FF0033">e</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"></span><span style="color:#330000">, </span>Inutt says, &quot;Various fixes to the combined dribbling messages have been made, including balls no longer directly oozing cum out of your pores, mouths/lips are no longer furry (or whatever your skin description is), and body parts hidden by underwear or similar won&#39;t be noticibly dribbly.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#CD00CD"></span><span style="color:#330033">I </span><span style="color:#00CDCD"></span><span style="color:#660033">C</span><span style="color:#CD00CD"></span><span style="color:#990033">o</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"></span><span style="color:#CC0033">d</span><span style="color:#CD00CD"></span><span style="color:#FF0033">e</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"></span><span style="color:#330000">, </span>Inutt says, &quot;The <span style="color:#00CDCD">Ballsy</span> perk should now actually provide the promised balls when growing a penis, rather than just not actually doing anything.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#CD00CD"></span><span style="color:#330033">I </span><span style="color:#00CDCD"></span><span style="color:#660033">C</span><span style="color:#CD00CD"></span><span style="color:#990033">o</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"></span><span style="color:#CC0033">d</span><span style="color:#CD00CD"></span><span style="color:#FF0033">e</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"></span><span style="color:#330000">, </span>Inutt says, &quot;Dribbling messages now account for combining filled statuses with filled stats properly, and the thresholds for the various levels of dribblyness have been adjusted. The patchwork level message also has more gramattical properness, unlike this update message.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#CD00CD"></span><span style="color:#330033">I </span><span style="color:#00CDCD"></span><span style="color:#660033">C</span><span style="color:#CD00CD"></span><span style="color:#990033">o</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"></span><span style="color:#CC0033">d</span><span style="color:#CD00CD"></span><span style="color:#FF0033">e</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"></span><span style="color:#330000">, </span>Inutt says, &quot;Dribbly messages stage #2: Messages shown about your own plugs preventing dribbling have been reworked. Please report any instances of them not making sense or showing the wrong combination of plugged parts.&quot;

Latest revision as of 02:04, 1 November 2022

I Code, Inutt says, "Tied up a loose end in the comm system - If you have a channel enabled on the website chat but not in-muck, you will no longer be able to send messages to it in-muck until you enable it there too."

I Code, Inutt says, "Spoke too soon. Change rolled back - it broke the web chat. I'm clearly out of practice :-("

I Code, Inutt says, "The previous comm system update has been reapplied, this time without breaking the web chat in the process. (Hopefully)"

I Code, Inutt says, "Minor +nisd bugfix - #search can now locate your collection of M1A1H vials, and any other vials of forms that have a number in their name."

I Code, Inutt says, "Following complaints from residents, the water pressure has been increased to all showers, baths, and other related plumbing facilities so that they can actually clean a person of bodily fluids instead of just making them a bit wet."

I Code, Inutt says, "Nipples, how do they work? Who knows. Anyway, sucking on them should no longer say that their owner isn't very milky if they are in fact producing a lot of milk."

I Code, Inutt says, "Fixed an edge case in the trust system - it is now assumed that you always trust yourself and you can no longer trust.block or trust.deny yourself. If for some reason you had already done this, you may wish to do trust.clear me to ensure you don't experience weird side effects."

I Code, Inutt says, "Typo in last trust system update fixed so it no longer refuses to let you trust anybody that isn't you. Whoops :-S"

I Code, Inutt says, "A typo and missing unit conversion have been corrected, hopefully it possible for breasts to be covered in an amount of cum between 'none' and 'lots' instead of being only being one or the other. Please continue to report odd descriptions of such things."

I Code, Inutt says, "Updated help text for the NISD to improve formatting and clarify the options that require a Portable Nanite Intensity Shrinker. Item description for the PNIS also updated to match."

I Code, Inutt says, "+mutations now shows any bonus powers you have as a result of having multiple body parts with the same infection, if applicable."

I Code, Inutt says, "+adept shift has gained support for actually giving you the powers you should have with your form! Sorry it took so long to add that :-S Unfortunately it's temporarily lost the template support it had in the process, but don't worry - that'll be back when it's not 4am."

I Code, Inutt says, "+adept slot [save|load] form has (re-)gained template support, and now also updates your powers too! This includes the previous fixes by @Glitch combined with a few new ones, and a newer, more streamlined, way to store templated forms."

I Code, Inutt says, "+coyote has joined +adept in actually assigning you the powers you should have after transformation, and both commands also now show the transformation messages!"

I Code, Inutt says, "Due to increased interest in the Clairmont radio station despite the lack of actual programming (yet), a notice has been added to aid those seeking pilots."

Nuku churrs, "Lock on farm removed, yay!"

Silk Song says, "Alex the zebra waitress now has a new anal ride scene. This content is courtesy of Deidre as part of the Writing Bounty program."

I Code, Inutt says, "New dribbly message code implemented. There shouldn't be much in the way of noticable changes, but it's substantially updated under the hood."

I Code, Inutt says, "New option added to editplayer to enable/disable hiding of dribbling messages (option 74). Note that this does not affect all dribbling messages yet, but will once they're updated."

I Code, Inutt says, "Heat and sex toy messages are now included in the messages toggled by editplayer setting 74."

I Code, Inutt says, "For those that prefer existing in the conventional number of physical dimensions, it should now be almost impossible to end up with a negative number of any body part."

Fun Police X-ray beep boops, "Restored the functionality of the Muzzle item."

I Code, Inutt says, "The +wardrobe command for garment bags has received an upgrade to show full item names in the content listing. It now also allows you to remove items by their number (shown in the contents listing), and see the descriptions with or without stringparsing."

I Code, Inutt says, "Integer overflow error fixed in +fluids command - large 'filled' statuses should now count as completely full instead of having massively negative contents."

I Code, Inutt says, "(some) Dribbling messages are now condensed into a single message per player instead of a separate message per body part, reducing message spam in busy areas. Feedback appreciated :-)"

I Code, Inutt says, "Various fixes to the combined dribbling messages have been made, including balls no longer directly oozing cum out of your pores, mouths/lips are no longer furry (or whatever your skin description is), and body parts hidden by underwear or similar won't be noticibly dribbly."

I Code, Inutt says, "The Ballsy perk should now actually provide the promised balls when growing a penis, rather than just not actually doing anything."

I Code, Inutt says, "Dribbling messages now account for combining filled statuses with filled stats properly, and the thresholds for the various levels of dribblyness have been adjusted. The patchwork level message also has more gramattical properness, unlike this update message."

I Code, Inutt says, "Dribbly messages stage #2: Messages shown about your own plugs preventing dribbling have been reworked. Please report any instances of them not making sense or showing the wrong combination of plugged parts."