Difference between revisions of "Category:Pet Shop of Cuteness"

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#REDIRECT [[Category:Pet Shop]]
A larger sign hangs over this area. On it is written "Pet Spa", and a simple depiction of a
bubble bath in a small tub and a comb flank the typeface. There are several shelves with a variety
of shampoos and other, similar cleaning supplies. Several pampering beds for dogs and cats alike lie
in stacks framing the spa area, and there are tubs and tables prepared with harnesses to give pets
the full treatment. The air is rich with the smell of dog shampoos and the scent of blow-dried fur.
====List of Monsters found in the Pet Shop of Cuteness====

Latest revision as of 15:37, 20 May 2020

Redirect to:

Pages in category "Pet Shop of Cuteness"

This category contains only the following page.